Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 12, 1898, Image 3

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    Poor aid Weak
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble -Had
no Appetite-Now Better In
Every Way-A Delicate Child.
"Some time since I took a sodden cold
and could not get rid of it. Being subject
to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feel like
work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. In a short time the cough disap
peared, I Blept well, had a good appetite
and I was better in every way. Last
spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap
petite and no strength. I resorted to
Hood's Sarsapurilla and soon felt more
like work. My little nephew was a deli
cate child and had a humor which trou
bled him so he could not rest at night.
He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar
saparilla and now he has a good appetite
and is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J.
FREEMAN, South Duxbury, Mass.
la the One True Wood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Hood's Pills
are the best after-dinner
pills, aid digestion. 25c.
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Glasses No. 1 and 'A at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
'The Spirit and the brida say. Come."
The pastor may be found at tbe nurooututa ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wvo may desire to oonsnlt hiin on
religious, social, civic, philosophic, educational,
or any other subjects.
J. W. FLE8HEK. Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class
meeting following morning service. '
Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves together."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to
Church. C. H. Howard,
Bervices each Sunday at 11 :00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. R. h. Shelly.
The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock
The Gazette is not heralding its com
ing with a brass band bat its circulation
can be determined at the Heppner post
offioe. Advertisers will please note this.
We sail away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not
And we'll leave behind the girls we love, cries
the Oregon volunteer.
With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old Glory in
the sky,
But ere we pass we'll drain a glass, of Sperry's
Llnwood rye.
Bold only at the Belvadere Baloou, E. O.
Sperry, proprietor. tf
Local Notes.
See M. Liclitenthal & Co. for shoes, a
What is Bop Gold? Best beer on
earth. Hoe ad. elsewhere.
Resideoce and lot (or sale. Inquire at
premises adjoiniog W. R. Ellis'.
2-9 J. A. PvmtKSoN.
Liohtentbal & Oo. for shoes. Eiolusive
hoe store. Handles tbe best. 83 tf
Guinnesse's famous old "Dublin
Htont," imported, at Chris Borohers'
Statements for the Famous Simple
Aooonnt File printed at the Gazette of
Receipts, notes, drafts, doe bills, etc,
Drioted sod neatly bound in books at
tbe Gazette office. x
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defeots ot tbe eye, will be here
every three months. 648-lyr
"Oo'd juioe" is all right but Low Til
lard baa a braod ot 11-year-old goods
that is bard to best. 603 -If
Painless remedy for extracting teeth.
If not as stated, no charges. Try Dr.
Vaugbso's new plan. 604- tf,
If you need something for your system
eall at tbe 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa
loon, City botel building, tt
Best eooommodation and oourteons
treatment el tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. 8te., Portland, Oregon.
Bring your bides, pelts and furs to
Ben. Mathews, at tbe Liberty Meat
Msrket. He pays highest market prioe.
E. 0. fcoble A Co. ere matters after
business. Tbe finest saddles and bar.
nees to be fonud In Heppner. See tbeir
new ad to this issue. tf.
Quite e breeze Is being stirred in cer
tain loealitiee, by tbe report that the
poilofDoe eight liable to change with
tbe new administration.
J.L. Ureenootl is expected here with
bisfsmlly this evening from the Joha
Day country, to remain ft fe daye tint
ing end baying enppliee.
Tbe infant child of Jsme limso, liv
ing at tbe bead of Hinto creek, died
yeaUrday, and was baried In tbe llrpp
eer cemetery this afternoon.
Be not deoeWed! A congh, boersows
or oronp are not to b trifled with. A
oVm Id time of rthilob'e Cure ill save
yon much trouble. Bold br Conser k
Tbe Portable Pantry Otupaoy arsoow
canvaMiog tbe oity tb kite bee eD
veoieoee yoo ennot afford to be i'b
oqL Eiamloe It eerefnlty, and you wall
surely order. 21
Core Ibat coafb Hb Hbilob'a Core.
Tbe bt tongb enre. Raliev eronp
promptly. One miltios bottles sold ial
TMr. v fr 1VU fi.M by 0n
t I Warren
Vjfl"l "btl'ib'i VllaJaf
luittjeJ.sl'ly ttliee Kur st'Mua. b, oora
isg op of Ixm) distreM. aoJ la tbe great
kUoey and Jlvef rwnsdy. &4d by G-s-r
A Weiree. '
Ladies, take tbe best. It yon are
troubled with constipation, sallow skin,
and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
Oocser A Warren. V
Tbe Gazette oarnea a full stock ot
mourning note, oorreepondenoe style,
with envelopes to match. Those desiring
suoh stationery can have tbeir wants
supplied at this offioe. tf.
Karl's Clover Boot Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates the bowels, purities
the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy
to make atid pleasant to take. 25 cts.
Sold by Couser A Warren. v
Lost; In Heppner, somewhere, a
razor. Has small crack near tbe beel of
tbe blade; was in a case when lost.
Finder will confer a great favor by leav
ing same at the Gazette office. 73 4 ,
Did you keep your eye on that space
in another column? Look at it uow aud
you will make twenty-five oeuts on each
dollar yon speud at Brown & Stewart's
in belpiDg them make room for what's
Minor & Co. are out with a new "ad''
in this issue. They offer the ladies
special inducements. New goods are
already here, and more ooming. The
daintiest patterns go first. Bead their
"ad" and call at ouce.
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of the "Red-
light," ever on tbe alert for something
new, oan furnish you the finest cock
tails in t)s land Manbatten, Jersey,
Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in
tbe business. Drop in aud take the
taste out of your mouth. tf
Oordray, tbe pioneer theatre man of
Portland in tbe line of "popular prices,"
has refitted tbe Washington St. theatre,
formerly known as the "New Park."
Cord ray always has something new, and
our people, when below, can spend a
pleasant evening at his place. ' tf
At tbe Heppner Candy Factory is the
place to get oool, refreebiug summer
drinks, Jns. Hart can tarnish you milk
shakes, sodo, ice cream soda, orange
wine, peaoh cider, etc Ice cream booths
nioely fitted up. Come and try tbe
Dewey flavor a new thing and very fine,
661 tf
Tbe family of Mr. Abe Wells returned
Wednesday from a visit in Pendleton,
aocompanied by Mrs. Wells' sister, Mrs-
John Bentley, who will speud some time
itb tbem. They all started for the
mountains this uiomiog, where I buy will
escape tbe heat aud dust for a few weeks
M.E. Miller, formerly publisher and
editor of the Antelope Herald, retired
with the last issue on the 12th, and is
succeeded by Fred N. Miller, who be-
oomes editor aud proprietor, having
purobnsed tbe plant. We weloome
neighbor Miller iu the field of journalism.
Not less than five dogs have euooumbed
to tbe deadly poison . Amonp those were
tbe large dogs of Wm. Gordon and Perry
Snyder. It is snpposed they got poison
whioh was pretty thoroughly distributed
on tbe bill baok of the school bouse, for
the purpose of ending tbe midnight obo-
rug cf howling coyotes.
Prrif. J, W. Sbippley, county superin
tendent, assisted by Miss Eva Brians
and J. W, Horner, ia holding teacher's
examination this week in tbe court
house. Those undergoing examination
are as follows: Mrs. Kate Steves, Miss
Ethel Walbridge, of Heppner and Miss
Margurite Gray of Douglas.
Messrs. Natter and Matteson report
500 o snipers at Teal springs, a majority
of tbcm good looking girls. Regularly
with the edyent ot twilight the band
strikes np tbe familiar air "There'll bo a
Warm Time at the Old Spring Tonight'
when danoicg begins, and they "all join
bands and citole lo the left".
While Portland will bs well represent
ed at the ooming Oregon Industrial Ex
position, tbe whole Northwest will be
more so. While tbe Omaha exposition
will benefit the Northwest, Ibe exposi
tion at Portland will be more beneficial,
and tbe month from September 22d to
October 221 will be t month or plesiure
and profit to all visitors end exhibitors.
The Maiquas Grand, oo Morrison
street in tbe Marquam bnilding, ia under
exoellent management end tbe pnblia
will be royally entertained tbie winter.
New companies and pew faoes will ftp-
peer from time to time at tbie popular,
first-class theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland our denizens should not fall
to take In some of the fine dramas (bat
will be presented. tt
Mrs. F. M. Conrter returned yeeterday
morning from Ploute City, where ebe
wae summoned two weeks ago, owing to
tbe serious illness of her eon's wife, and
ebe eucoeeded In reaching there Just at
tbe funeral boor, ber Jaogbter-io-lew
having died in the meantime. She wae
the wife ot William Conrter, end died
1 from the rff-cts ot Bright' disease of tbe
While en route to tbe borne of bia new
parents up tbe oreek, the day following
his wedding, Cbss. Matteson's horse fell
and unfortunately caught the rider, who
is still Buffering its effects. He has suf
ficiently reoovered, however, to bie away
to the mountains with his bride taking
sufficient of tbe necessities of life to
stand a tbree-week's siege ot tbe warm
O. F. Thompson came to town yester
day, bringing with him Rev. J. H. Gibbs,
presiding elder ot tbe M. E. church,
South, for this district, tbe extent ot
whioh necessitates great deal ot travel.
Rev. Gibbs will hold bis fourth quarterly
conference on Saturday and Sunday.
The presence of Rev. Gibbs, whose abil
ity us a preacher is well reoognized, ex
cites renewed religions devotion.
The impression prevails that Morrow
oounty is not a success in tbe growth of
wate melons, rue Gazette is anxious
that Ibis erroneous impression should
be nip ted; therefore, we make the pro
position of a prize offer of one year's
subscription to the Gazette for the
largest melon of good quality delivered
to this office during the season. Measure
ments, weights, the locality and growers
name be carefully preserved. Tbe press
throughout .the state are disposed to
vie with eaob other in regard to this
particular Oregon product.
Special Notice.
Next Saturday and Sunday, being tbe
occasion ot the fourth quarterlv meeting
of tbe M. E. church, South, Bev. G. H.
Gibbs, presiding elder, will hold quar
terly conference on' Saturday at 2 p. m.
Preaching Sunday morning at 11 o'clock,
followed by communion service.
Program for August.
The following is the program tor
union services in the evening during tbe
month of August:
August 14th, Christian ohorch, O. R.
August 21st, M. E. ohuroh, H. O.
Claud H erren gave us a call Tuesday.
Jim Fitch is again home (rem the springs.
Mr. Frank Borg returned from Teal springs
Chas. Royce, ot Hardman, was registered at
the Palace yesterday.
Dr. B. F. Taughan has gone to Urant couuty
on a professional tour.
Perry Snyder's family have returned from a
short stay at Gooseberry.
Linn Matteson and Frank Natter came in
from Teal springs Wednesday. .
H. A. Cupper, of Monument, came to Heppner
on a trading expedition this week.
The family of I. L. Winkle left Wednesday
night for Black mountain to avoid the heat for
a few weeks.
H. R. Dustln and sister, of Long Creek, passed
through Heppner yesterday, oa their return
home from a visit in Portland.
Attorney J. W. Brown is again among old
friends in Heppner. He has been seriously ill
for some time, but is mending very fast.
The many friends of W. L. Balling will regret
his serious ailment. Dr. Swinburne thinks he
ill have him again at his post within a few
Sterling Smith, an old-time Heppnerlte, is
spending a few days visiting his mother and
sister. It is reported they will return home
with him.
Mr. Keeuey, the Susanville merchant, was in
town yesterday, loading teams with goods for
his store. Business with him is developing
away beyond his anticipations.
The affable and courteous M. D. Clark has set
aside business cares and is now subjecting him
self to the invigorating influence of Ditch
creek's altitude. Business grants him a brief
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, in company with
Mr. and Mr. Harry Warren, left Wednesday for
an encampment in Watkin'i canyon. Their
outfit consisted of everything conducive to ele
gant ease and comfort.
George Wells left here Wednesday night en-
route for his friends don't know where. Port
laud and San Francisco are supposed to be his
destined cities. It may be possible that he will
launch out oil some "unknown sea of uncer
tainty". Should he survive the Journey we will
promise our readers an announcement of the
28th, Baptist church, B. L
Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10a If C. C. C. tail, druggists refund money.
flucklea's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cute,
Bruises, Sores, TJloers, Salt Rbeum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, nub all Skin Erup
tions, aud positively cures Files or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfeot satisfaction or money refunded
Prioe 26 cents per box. For sale by
Slooum Drug Co., E. J. Blooum, manager
Big Fries for a Broken Heart.
Not long slnoe ft Danville, III, jury or
dered tbe male defendant in breach ot
promise case to pay the competent eum
ot 854,333.32 to tbe afflicted fair one
Though it is pretty high estimate of
blighted affeotion, tbere is another esti
mate whioh, it not in dollars and cents
exactly as high, yet in general considera
tion ot exoelleooe reaohes as lofty an al
titnde. This is the estimate of Ibe pea
pie as to tbe efficacy of Hosteller's Stom
sob Bitters as remedy for constipation
Tbe notion ot this gentle but effective
laxative le never accompanied by tbe
griping so msrked in the operation
most calbartios. It ia so incomparable
remedy tor and preventative of malarial
rheumatic and kidney oomplaints, and
promoter of appetite and eleep.
Evervbody Bays ho.
Cnicarets Cand v Cathartic, the most won
derful medical Uiscoverv of the age, peas
ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently
and positively on k Id uevs, liver nnd bowels,
cleansing the entire system. disH-l colds,
euro headache, fever, habitual ronatlpation
i.iiiniini. lli ,i hiiv and trv a box
nf !. f :. (!. to lov: l. an. M cents. Hold and
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
Bow's This t
We offer one hundred dollars'reward
for any case of catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chinkt A Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Chenev for the last 15 -years, and be
lieve him perfeotly honorable in ell bus!
transactions and financially able to
oarry out any obligations made by tbeir
West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Welding, Kinnan A Marvin, wholesale
druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon tbe blood and
muoous surfaces of tbe system. Testi
monials eent tree. Prioe 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all druggists.
Banob, 320 aces, good land, 1 miles ot
Heppner, all fenced, plenty of water,
house and barn. 110 scree ot summer-
fallow, all ready for fall crop. Easy
terms. Call at tbe Gazette offioe.
Will be paid tor information leading
to the arrest and conviction ot any per
son stealing cattle branded "WH" con
nected on the left side. Waddle on the
nose. Percy Htjqhrs.
45 nov3
This coming season we will have the
largest stock of fall and winter
Dry GooaLs
A dura Thins; for Ton.
A transaction in which youcaunot lose Is a
aure tbius. Biliousness, sick headache, fur
red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other
His are caused oy constipation anasiuggisn
liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the won
derful new liver stimulant and intestinal
touio are by all druggists guaranteed to cure
or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure
thing. Try a box to-day; luc., Hoc., ouc.
Sumiile and booklet tree. Bee our big ad.
For Infant and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Thousands r Trying IU
hi order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the juost effective oure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY B?kOS., 55 Y.Vrcu tit., N. Y. City.
I suffered from catarrh of the wort kind
evor siuoe u buy, a:i-.l i necr hoped fo.
cure, but Ely's Oroatn lialm seems to di
even that. Many acquaintances have ukc'
it with exoellent results. Oscar Ostnun,
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111,
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any injurious drug. Price,
60 cents. At druggists or by mail.
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats
and Caps, Hardware, Crockery,
Cloaks, Jackets, Etc., Etc.,
Ever yet seen in Heppner. We have
ordered immense lines in every de
partment in fact we are puzzled to
know where to find room for all.
.V few arrivals of
Direct from New York are being
opened up and among them we find
a beautiful line of
Silks, etc., for
Ladies' Shirtwaists, etc.
There are just a few, but you ought
to see them. They are pronounced
by those who have seen them the
finest and daintiest things that ever
. happened.
From now on, every day will see something new and
fresh put into stock.
A. Sweeping Reduction
per cent
A little warm to talk about winter goods, but they
are here and we want you to see them.
Minor & Co.
On our lines of
For the next
Wo are making room for
Whicli are arriving daily.
Brown & Stewart.
New Departures
By the
New Management
It it&mls
Tbia it tbe sixteenth year of the Gazette's exUtwce.
in tbe front ranks of Oregon journalism.
Its seventeenth year promises to be tbe banner year for tbe
county. Our purpose is to visit every household in th county en
rolling every member who is interested in tbe county's welfare.
,J Sjm - ' T
kidney s, alter a liognrinf tllnMS. The
fuorral iMrnrrrd from the Christian
rborobat Id o'clotk Friday , Julr .TXb,
IUv. H W. ()-, paal'tr of ! Ilaflwil
eburcb, offlcUliog.
1'uftlao 1, Ida Bstrnpoti ot Ibe Norlb
-t, be a iImsoI place lo
frotu H-tabr 221 to Ootobor 7 dar-
iog Ibe eootinnaeee of Ibe Org o Iodne
trial Eiposttloo. It ome eod mli cao
bt card el very reasonable rates, aed
yoo eso s. tbe d'r sod ebj ij ridiat for
utUe oo tbe street ears fur 5 ceets.
ortlabd la a Ix euliful rilr sttd eo at'
tractive (ilaos to vitit. Tbe cable (tare
lake yon ia tbe HsigbU, bsre you ft!
a wet mgrtifloeot t of UiOMitsins,
!e and alley, sod lbre are boate oa
Ibe ilrer and otsey olhof ettracliona. j
The imlefful fighting of th. fleet!
lUiee iltte of July around Mattugfi ts '
dearrttxd by eif't riter io lb lie
of lUies f.ir Angal. !Ur Uil'
tti'oCbmrMll gi iu du.l ll clear et
aoeioal el t,tjliebl of tl deetrortioe ;
ol Orvert'o tiei. Tbe ebry m be Ulls .
II Mm i tie of the Rxxt Ibrilling cbt- i
i la ib butt- f r ol tt Aairi"o r ay. !
This Is f . t Mr, Jobs) A Cnr eh s
eerie of Ibe Un I i.etaU tbal
eaJed la tl-e eilttUtiio of tnlie.-
ini 17th. H-ts irUe art bnliuoiiy
lll'i'r'l 'rota lltwiwat's t "rLs
fkTi I ap livery efut r&t c,Miirg.
Children's Clothing
Youths' Suits
Wei liuvo received u eoiiHiixiiineiit ol
NOmMKtST Styles Kver Hi-ought
Our Slioe Department
T AlMpQ. If yoti want f nent. irlovo-fltt Inu: wlioo call for our fnvorlto
I he Coin
Is a light kid with heavy extension soles,
firms of the cities. Exceedingly Swell.
A leader with all leading shoo