The Gazette. Fkiday, August 12, 1898. THE HISTORY OF HEPPNER. The History of Heppner and Morrow County, as issued from the Gazette office yesterday, has re ceived much favorable commeDt from the business men of this city. As the initial publication of the kbd ever issued in this city, it is not as complete in every detail as it might have been had there been reliable data at hand from which to compile it, but as an exponent of Morrow county and her wonder ful resources and possibilities, and as conveying an idea of the im portance of Ueppner as a commer cial center, it accomplishes the desired end. Typographically it is commendable, and the public opinion is that it is as neat a pub lication as ever emenated from the city of Heppner. We thank the business men for their assistance in making it a success, and we feel that they will reap benefit from being represented in it. SURREHDER DFTHE SLAYER OIlie Puyear, who Killed the Spanish Camp-Tender, Comes to Heppner and Surrenders. A MILD, BLUE-EYED AMERICAN BOY He in No Manner Displays the Characteristics of a Crimi nalKeenly DeDlores the Unfortunate Affair. touching Illustration of the devotion of Ameri cans to each other, In their hoar of need. The boy left on the evening train for the home of his sister, where he will remain until hell wanted when the term of court ii called, and there ! not a man to whom that dot extended nil hand in gratitude but what could read in the depths of hli honest eves, the promise that he would lay down his life before he would be tray their confidence by not returning at the appointed time. The Coroner's Inqneat. Coroner II unlock summoned a Jury at Ditch creek, composed of Art Minor, Dave McAtee, W. H. Robs, J. H. Richardson, O. Montgomery and Ed. Bartholomew, Wednesday, and going to the bead of Alder creek, about one mile south east of Black Butte, held an Inquest over the remains of the dead Spaniard, their verdict be ing that he came to his death from the effects of a gunshot wound, Inflicted by parties unknown to the jury, but supposed to be the self-confessed boy Oll'e Puyear. They found the remains in a bad state of decomposition, and after making a satisfactory examination entrusted the respon sibility of burial to men who were hired for that purpose. A colli n had been taken from here by Joe Hayes, and after the body had been secured in it a grave was prepared and the re mains interred on the spot. The news from General Miles continues good. More than half of Porto Rico is already in his pos session and he is steadily extend ing his lines, without fighting. Ah an additional proof that Americans alwajs keep near the head of the procession, whether they are engaged in fighting with deadly weapons or in the struggle for the almighty dollar, it may be mentioned that applications for authority to establish national banks in the following places have been filed at the treasury depart ment: Honolulu, Havana, Ban Juan, Porto Rico, and Manila. Puesident McKinley gave the two Cincinnati boys who started the idea of raising, by coutribu tious from school children, the mcney to buy the fiuettt battleship in the world, for presentation to the Uuited States, and to be named the "American I5oy", a letter en dorsiDR their project, and saying: " I am sure the boys and girls will deem it a priviloge to be numbered among the contributors to this patriotic undertaking." Master W. IUukin Good, of Cincinnati, president of the National American Boy Fund, and a companion, had a very pleasant interview with the Preeidont two interviews, in fact. The total amount of subucrip tious to the war bonds was$l,:i5 000,000, and would doubtlosB Lave been twice as large had not the certainty that they would not get any prevented tuauy large llncau cinl concerns from offering to take big blocks of the bonds. The moaning of thU offer of our own citi.oiiH to loau the government one billion, throe hundred and sixty-five million dollars, at three por cent intercut, will be moro appreciated in Europe than among ourselves we required no such proof of tlio patriotism of our people. 1'iesideut McKinley is much pleased to know that the enlire iuHUD of bond will go to in dividuals, not one of whom will get more tutu $."),000, and that utmost half of the t'JOO.000,000 will go out in lots of o00 or less. It ia a popular loau sure euougb. PRESIDENT McKlNLEV i RO COU Meat from the Murancot he has received that the HpanUh povern went will, at soon as it can with nfety to itself, formally accept our term of peace, that he is devoting conniderahlo time to deciding npon j tidt the right man to represent the I'uitel States upon the commi ion that will be charged with the impoitaot and delicate duty of ne gotiating thi treaty of peac bo- twiM-ii the Unili'd HUtot aud Spain. Notwitlmtniilmg hi coutideiiC, tliTH U a limit to tint time be is willing t give the Spanish gov i ruftient to iuaro itnelf with the ppoplt) of Spnm. A t'd the Trench aiuiKtaiti lr, win) is reprcprutitig Hpaio iu Washington, Las been lol J that uuli'M the tettus of nae ate accepted in a given time, they mil be withdraw u, and that if they at withdraw!! it is intondtsl by this g'vrruroiit to carry the war into ham at ouee, an J that no ucli tuaunauimous ttrut ill ba again ouYrel Hrir I IHm4 .. (1a I.'.-) limit) 1 lies aim No tut a il h..l H I mm ai.'a I n. I aili.l , ll.ll! ) I l.p-l ! ! it !", h sliiiiiil ii th lay tifi and ilriiti atl tin lutiti.a liotn lli I -! . iiM toil? to 1 n -h Inila, l lnti Iu.. I la. ,d 11 t se.y rol im fiupli r-T'eailM t a" ( -li,l t f. f l-n na All VX arvfr- f rtw ! ta. ; Jc, Yesterday morning, learning that the slayer of the Spanish sheep-camp tender had reached town the evening previous for the purpose of delivering himself up to the authorities, and that he was yet at liberty, the editor of the Qa zctte succeeding in locating him, and by re quest repaired to the editorial room of the office. In consideration of the request of the young man that we should not question him regarding the details of the tragedy, as he had not us yet advised with his lawyer, nor had been placed under arrest, we will give our readers our Impression of the youth and his history as recited by the mild-mannered, blue eyed boy. He at once impressed the writer as a boy, undecided as to what he should do, eeenr. lug to scarcely realize that he was to be arraigned for the serious crime of murder. In his face were the lines and character of a good, honest American boy, who is entitled to a better lot than that which falls to the average unam bitious sheep-herder. His quiet, demeanor and frank, intelligent face and conversation gave assurance that he has had the influence of a kind, Christian mother and home, and was one of the many boys, who realizing that the responsi bility of self-support devolved upon them, had come to the extreme West, with an ambition to follow the honorable road to success, treaiuring an ambition to return to his home and parents a successful aud honorable man. This misfor tune has overtaken him right at the threshold of an honorable career, as he is unquestionably a boy without bad habits. While he ex hibits no other feeling than that he has done what any other man would have, under the circumstances, the thoughts of the feeling of his mother, sisters and other members of the family seem to overcome hlra, and as he was questioned regarding them his emotions were plainly dlscernable. His name is Ollle Puyear, aud is 22 years of age. in company with his nrotner, wno is two years his senior, he left his home In Bates county, Missouri, where his father, mother seven brothers and a sister still live on the old farm, coming direct to Portland, where they arrived on the 20th dnyol March, and on the 'IM ho came to lone, where he has a inurrlcd sister living, his brother remaining in Port. land in qucnt of a job. Visiting her until about the 9th of April he was engaged by Emit and Nelse Johnson to herd their sheep In the vlciu lty of Black Butte. Later on this Spaniard, by name of Cavonlche, put in his appearance as crimp tender for throe supcrate camps, which position he held until the killing took place, as a result of an attack made by the Spaniard with an axe. He at once sunt word to his employer of what had occurred, and remained In charge ol the sheep from the tl mo, wh;:ii was about 12 o'clock Monday until the njxt morning at 10 o'clock, when Kmtl Johnson arrived, atulakiiln at Kind's request he stayed until a mill urrl v ed from Karusworth'i to tukc charge ol the camp. On Wednesday at sunrise ho started for Hupp. nur, tramping the distance of twenty miles arriving In town In the afternoon. After having and eating iuper. by advice, ho went to the oftlee of Uovcrnor He stating his caso and signifying his Intention to surrender to the slierlll'. Governor (tea went for Hlicrtlt' Mullock and shoitly returned. He Informed the sheriff thut he had shot a mail In self-defense and had come to give himself up and requested that, as he had never been In Jail, he might not I hi sunt tilers unless It was neces sary, The slierlll' replied that "As you do not Intend to run away, you can goto the hoUil." The preliminary hearing cama up In the afternoon ami was held In the county court room belnru Judge Bartholomew, Uoveruor Kea representing the defendant while Attorney Hed- field apieared for the slate. There being no witnesses present, the defendant was put under oath and Ills version of the trouble and shoot' lug was given In a straightforward manner satisfying the entire court room that the boy was telling the truth. Ills testimony was In effect was as follows: The Hpanlard had as camp tender ordered this buy to proceed to a certain point with the sheep when he said he would follow with pack animals and overtake him. I'pon overtaking him, he was dissatisfied with the progress made id dismounting began clubbing and abusing th sheep resulting In their being scattered The hoy then retired to a soring Mow In the ranyim. The Spaniard followed him with pack animal, in an ugly mood he removed the pack from the animals and cooked his dinner, refusing the boy anything to eat, all theehlle threatening to kill hhn. I'pon the hoy's taking a piece of bread th Hpanlard mail a rush at htm with an ascsaytug "I'll kill you." II (led ip th hill followed by th Fpanlard. and as he ran h tried to cork his revolver, hlrh he was tilth habit of carrying whllawtlli th sheep, This h was unable to do until be had traveled sum dlstanc, but Busily being successful h turned and fired missing th epanlard, a ho still advanced when lie fired again, After th second shot h ran to a clump of tree from which h trted, th fpanlard still In pursuit When, as they both reached th tlmtwr lis fell, and reentering th Hpaulard was also down and making an effort to rls. II then Bred th third shot, which passed completely through his head killing hlin Instantly. At th conclusion ol th boy' testimony, th prosecuting attorney submitted th ras In th Judg with the renisrk that ha had no argument to mak. and (loTsrnnr Ke simply said In th court that a th boy testimony was straight loroard. and Iher aa no testimony offered to teful It b felt that h would submit th con atderatlna of Mil rie'ena without further re mark to th Judgment ol th court. After a lew lulnul.-' th (nils decided that loamld any poMlhl mlararrlage of Jostle In felt that, although th boy was llhoul dinil.1 truthful, h heller bind him over In ap pear Iwlnr th grand jury at th session til i mirt on th htat Monday In Heptemher, plai tog his bonds at . After th KhMliigitl th trial and decision nl (lis Judge rendered, Iher sl manifoal dealr ml th part nl s'al to preiaut the young aisll Bold Bad Burglar. "The gay and festive burglar has been burg larlng around," the town. The last visit on record was paid the saloon owned by Lee Kii- burn and Chas. Matteson. Sometime during Tuesday night a window in the rear was pried open, and the burglars succeeded in opening the Bafe, extracting therefrom $57.50, making their exist through the backdoor and leaving it open. The "artist" doing the act seems to be someone who was familiar not only with the premises but the combination of the safe. Since then the combination has been changed, and the proprietors have some curiosity to know whether the "crackerjack" will find it easy or not. Proof of Prosperity, In just one week's time the Spaulding Manu facturing company, of Grlnnell, Iowa, have suc ceeded in disponing of 34 hacks and 6 buggies in the vicinity of Heppner through their agents, Gage, Stevens, Mason and Able. They came here from Walla Walla, and the Palouse coun try. In the former place they sold 100 vehicles in three weeks' time, which is conclusive evi dence of the farmers' faith in futures. INTKKKSTING IONB NEWS. Juntioe ot tbe Penoe W. M. Hague- wood nooompanied by E. J. Keller, of lone, paid us a visit Wednesday after noon. They report tbeir little town a lively berg, witb everyone in good spirits, anticipating a season of pros perity heretofore unknown to a majority ot tbe ranchers thereabout. As tbe season of harvesting is Bearing its olose tbe procession of grain-banlers are beginning to line tbe ooanty roads leading into tha town. Tbe business institutions of tbe town are alread) taxed to tbeir utmost. Tbe hotel of tbe town has opened np under th" new management ot Mr. M. M Hunter and wife of Portland. Mr. Quo ter has uutil recently oooapied tbe position at Trout dale as government in spector ot meats, and bag for years beet identified witb tbe most extensive bntcheri a coucerns of tbe metropolis, one is exceedingly fortunate in bavins- Mr. Hunter and family identified as resi dents, and from tbe personal koowledgf of the editor of tbe Ouzette Mr. LTuuterV worth aud recognized integrity as business man will not only win for bits the support ot bis immediate neighbor hood, but of tbe entire county. LMloodl's Cure sick headache, bad aw taste iu tbe mouth, coated YgJ I I 9 tongue, gas In the stomach, III 5 distress and Indigestion. Do m m m not weaken, but have tonic effect. 25 cents. The only PUIS to tak with Hood's SariwpariUa. State News. yOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT TBI Board of Equalization, of Morrow County, Oregon, will meet at the court house in Hepp ner, Monday, September 12th, 18;w. and continue in session one week. All persons wishing to make changes In their assessment must appear and show cause. A. C. PEl'TEYS, Assessor. Heppner, August 12, 1898. 74-7S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. A Clver Trick. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody cap try it who has lame back and weak kid neys, malaria or nertotis troubles. We mean beoan enre himself right sway by tuking Eleolnc Kilter. This medicine tones op the whole system, aots ss stiruulent to tbe liver and kidneys, us blood purifier and nerve tonic. It our oonstipatioo headache, fainting spells, sleeplessut and melancholy. It 1 purely vegetable, mild laxative, and rHttorea the system to its natural vigor. Try Kleolno '.liters aud be oonvioood that they are a miracle worker. Ever) bottle guarantee! Only 50 cent bottle at Moo tin Lrng (Jo's, E. J 81o- ouin, manager. J. B. Mumford, of Warren station, Umatilla county, states that he raised sacks of wheat from 315 acres on tbe B. F. Ogle place. That la an average of almost 44 bushels to the acre. Thomas Crawford, a miner, who lives near C'anyou City, lost his sight one night last week. When he went to bed his sight was good, aud in the morning he was stone blind. It is thought that blindness resulted from overwork during the hot weather. The Dalles Is going to have another fair this fall, and it will be an improvement on all former meetings. The fair grounds have been leased for another season, and the management will arrange for a splendid racing program, while there will be special Inducements for ag ricultural exhibits and pavilion displays. A meager report was brought to Eugene Au gust 10th by the stage driver of a fatal quarrel among Indians at Florence, Three Indians had been drinking heavily during thi day. At night they got into a quarrel, and knives were used freely, with the reBult that one, Bennett by name, was killed, and another was so badly cut that It is not thought he will live. The other Indian was arrested. A man named Williams, representing Con tractor Gardner, who has an elephant on his hands in the Arligton-Fossll mall route, was In town Sunday trlng to sublet the route, says the Fossil-Journal. While here he received one bid of $5,000 per annum, but as Gardner has it at (1,717 from the government, the Kossilite's bid was not accepted. H. D. Randall, of Olex, took the contract at (2,000. P. H. Stephenson, of Condon, who was ap pointed administrator of the estate of John Unn, murdered by Claud Branton, baa been at Eugene on business connected with the estate. Linn had 1130 acres In Gilliam county, 100 head of horses and a (3,000 policy in the Condon camp of Woodmen. The Woodmen insurance is payable to Linn's legal heirs. A story is cur rent in Gilliam county that Linn married Claude Branton's mother a short time before he started on the fatal trip, but the report has not been verified. With the exception of an item of about f 1,900, which Is in dispute, Multnomah county is now about square with the state of Oregon financi ally. The last of the money due the state from the county from tbe tax of 1397 was remitted to the state treasurer by County Treasurer Hoyt a few days ago, the total amount of this tax being about (153,000. The Item of (1,900 in dispute is the result of an increase made by the Btate board of equalization upon the valuation of Multnomah county's taxable property. This raise in the valuation was made after the levy had been made by the county assessor, and col lections had commenced The state, therefore, is endeavoring to collect from the county what the county has not collected. Telegram. Rev. Thomas Cochrane, father of Professor I . O. Cochrane, of Willamette university, died Wednesday evening at 9:4-"i. Deceased was born la Cambridge, Vt., April 19, 1820. He moved to Northern Ohio when a young man and took up the study and practice of medicine, which he followed for several years before entering the ministry. He was fur 40 years a member of the Rock River conference, 111., and lor 30 years active in the work of his calling. In 1SII, he was married to Susan Gurly, who, at the age of 32, survives him. He came to Salem three years ago from Fayette, la., and has since made his home with his son, Professor Cochrane. He leaves only one daughter, Mrs. R. A. Chase, wife of the pastor of the Methodist church at Canyon City, Colo. Ha was a member ot tha Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges. Fire started at 2 o'clock August loth In Ed ward Linsler's flehl.dour miles east of Pendle ton, between the Umatilla river and Wlldhors creek. It destroyed three settings ot wheat from 140 acres, being about 11,700 bushels. Des perate fighting by Mr. Mnsler, assisted by his meu, saved two otlivr settings, which had been given up for lost. The Hamcs spread and de stroyed RQ acres of barley, or 3,20(1 bushels, and macros of wheat, or 2,0ml bushels, belonging to Earhart Bros. Peter Tecalo lost H.OoJ bushels of wheat, which had been threshed and covered ready for hauling to Pendleton. Linsler's and Earhart's grain was beaded, but not threshed Linsler's wheat was not Insured. Fire destroyed heat fields between Alums and Athena, Names and amount are nut obtainable. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1' undersigned, administratrix of the estate W of E. 8. Saliug, deceased, has filed her final re port and will make final settlement of her ac counts with said estate as such administratrix, at the next term of the County Cuurt of Morrow county, to be hnlden at the court house at Heppner, in said county, on the 6th day of September, A. D. 1898, at 2 o'clock p. m. 71-78 ARTEMISIA 8 A LING. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned administrator of the estate of J.G.Young, deceased, has filed his final ac count and will make a settlement of the same as such administrator, at the next term of the County Court of Morrow county, State of Ore gon, on Tuesdav, the Uth day of September, 1898, at 11 o'clock a.m. H. C. GAY, 71-78 Administrator, Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGkanor, Oreoon, AugUBt 10, 1898. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the CountyClerk of Morrow County, Or egon, at Heppner, uregou, on tsepi ii, lays, viz: MICHAEL B. GALLOWAY, of Heppner, Or., Hd No 54:10, for the SV, NE!4 and 8EU Sec 17Twp2 8 R 27E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up and cultivation of saiu lanu, viz: J. r. Brown, joe itecior, M.J Uevin, and A. J. Stamp, all of Heppner, Or. E. W. Baktj.itt, 7445 Registor. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalj.ks, Oreoon, August i. 1898. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE j following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support oi nis claim, ana tnat saiu proot will be made before V. Crawford. County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, ou Saturday, September 17, leiio, viz: FRANKLIN WILLIS, of Lexington, Homestead application No. 4005 for the 8E!4 Sec 9. Td 2 8.R25EW M. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous resiaence upon una cultivation in omii lanu, viz.. .'iBcpii xa&ciaviii, tinmen A. Brown, Albert A. Willis and W. B. McAlister, all of Lexington, Oregon. J, P. LUCAS, 71-8H Register. ii viz viz vl ii vt ii ii ii ii ii (torn (0 The Leader Of Course! NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreoon, July 21. 1898. XTOTICE 18 HF.REBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on ruesaay, septemDer e, i8'J, viz: JAMES W. HILTON, of Hardman, Homestead Application No 4853 for the NW SW'4 Bee 22 aud BE Sec 21, Tp & 8, R SA iw si. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol sam lann, vu: neunen Allen, a. tl. Allen Emery Sperry and John Howell, all of Hard man, Oregon. J AS. F. MOORE, 08-80 . Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalles, Orkoon, July 21, 1898 XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 1 following-named settler has Hied notice ol his intention to mak final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, uregou, on lucsaay, septemoer o, ira vu: ALBERT HENRY ALLEN, of Hardman, Homestead Application No 4419 for the E' W and K BWU Hec 29, Tp 5 S, K 26 E W M He names the following witnen-es to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said lanu, vis: J. w. mitou, Dan Kice, Emery Rperry and John Howell, all of Hard man. Oregon. An. F. MOOKK Register, INTtKIOH NOTE. I'aila Kiposltloa. rreslilent McKinley bas a proper ap preciation of tbe irapulauc of having a good representation of the CuiteJ States proilngts at the Paris el position, and it in favor of expun.lin at least fl.OOO.OoO fur that purpose !a lb mi 1st of the Isorblng Julie forced tip m him by the war, be still muis tiros id moa anwr to business interest ot the oonlry at large, as hi attotition to this apparently remote details shows Philadelphia Ledger. FORTY HOHHKS kILI.EI). sad t'ortlaa Hsata OBWr Will lattl- gat Ik Mailer. Tuesday morning Iraloload of burses arrived at tbe Linton cannery over the U. R. k N . from wbiob was taken 40 dead animals. The Portland Telegram sajs: They wer all small hors and ponl, who lost their lives tHber through sullicalmu or crashing. This incident w.s reported to Ciicf of Folic Mol.auchlio , who will eausa Uomaos OITWr Caawall to iovesligala il. Iu lb veal bsean msk a faa again! Ibe lilppor or lh corporation, It will V pmsrcnUd in th court. Tli Linlon cannery And a marks! for tuna! ot lis prshlucl la Koropo, and II stands to r o tha! Us tnterrst lira In fanning Bulbing but pura meat. Ileuc lbs company will also find II advantag ons In ran lis dv slock to ba shippad in belter condition. Later in tba day Haman OftWr Cm Mr. Geo. Thornton bas Wn making a business trip through tbe Eight Mils, Deruoorat gtilob and liock creek oonotry. He reports an Immense orop being har vested, and from point of view along tba road ha noticed eleven headers at work within distanos of on mile. Th tanners are suffering a water famine, iieing compelled to baol water from thre to seven and eight mile. Mr. Ueorg Perry lis report being quite onwell also Mrs. Kd. Rood, of Eight Mile, la somewhat indisposed. At lb Earns- rorlb home, on Rhe creek, be found Mies Vera Uart visiting. Tom Davidson baa bis banda fall harvesting bis Mux) acre wheat field at tbe rat of 36 acre a day. W.W. Urannon is averaging about 30 acre a day, and will finish ap tbl week. E. D Htsaton will require about two weeks' lira to finish harvesting hi cmp. Oeorg Wright, living eomewber io th vicinity ot th Middl Fork of Rook creek, last a baby flv day old recently. The man that Leads people like to buy. stand aside for him. reason why so many added to the list at is the one from whom The slow, plodders all That suggests a good customers are being T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, Is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at T. R. IIOWAKD'8 Heppner, Oregon- m m m it 11 0 it) i) i vi it Hi vi Viz if) THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace V" -r-"CT-F-i.s ...Has been leased by... 1 . C, BORCIIERS As manager he will run it in first class shape in every department. Kates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C.BOROHER Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. B 00TS AND SHOES v, THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF AX. IICHXBNTHAIy CO. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Omi at Tin Dalles, ( July II. Ik-.ih. VrOTIfK IS IIEKKBY tilVEN THAT TH following-named suttler has flleil nut Ire of lir Inti'iitloii In make final proof In siip)iirt of her rlalm, anil that salil iriHif w ill he maile lie lor A. Mallnry, Ii. 0 Commissioner, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on 1 m-may. Almost , isyn, vu; MAKTIIA C. KM K V, formerly Martha ('. Hosklns, of llciipner Homestead ApplleHtlon o. .' for the B'j NWI, ami N't hn I, Tp tlM, K n K W M. Hhe names the fullowtna wltnesoo to provr her continuous reslil-Mice upon anil eultlx atlon ol said land, viz: Heiiiamln i'arker, Krsul Ward, Rohcrt Kiilxhteii and Kinry etwrry, all of Hardman, Urexoii. Uwti JA. F. MOOHE, ilvilster. They have anything liUhis line that you may desire and yon can depend on It you get a good article when they guarantee It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand. Main Street1 Repairing a Specialty NOTICE UF INTENTION. I.akd Oiru i at Tub Dall. Orkiiok, J u It il. IKK NOTICF. IH IIKRKHY f.lVK.N ill AT TIIK followlni rameit settler baa tiled notli ol his Intention to make final proof In suportol his rlalm, and that said prool will he mails he for V. Ciawfonl, Comity Clerk, at llrppnr, Oregon, on iniuniay, Miiemia-r iw., vis; EMILY UAl'NT.of Heppner, Homestead Appliratlon No 1V1 fur the K', KW and IV. hk. is-e JH, Tu I , tKWII He name the following wllnnases to prov his rontlmioii mldene iihiii and rnltlvatloii ol said land, vis: i:. W. Fuller, A llrl Matte son, John liaiint and llarhaon Hal, ail ol Heppner, (ireguo. JA. r. MMIRK. a so Keglsier. II lb slakyaril. Tbeseeeel I..,, rmltl. I- Jail Id def.i.U ol -;l Mr, Um .Uf ,lfll,B(. TtiJeal horse bal ooml of arl far; eorneiTnlils n at are. Kronj -(n of lliriu-small -it lli ei.lratls r tb iroln lmg. AmoBa tb lot be looeJ on l gitDg a f iiwixlie klek ainl tbai animal b put nul ufm.eir Mb a pistol sbot. in) itiimlt, .Ii J an J ali, wrt paokni in lb ear almost as oli.llf a arJiuee la a l ll.i lb teofJ In brealb cr Io o a lo injur oo ' i another I tbeiplu abl. Tbbii ir if tl m Wit H hor la T . i II aft'Cartb. bl Httctlnftoa. lo'or. Btalloa against him aa J a naal Ifkl arrawl krJ Ui 1 -I'leu-J I lUMngan nitlr sltanger In lh nmmuiitty It tnrmiBl out nl lb a,ialtia lof aim In rat th riitr4 amount sod as tbnw listening In III testimony had beu thoroughly ainnse.1 In Iheir sympathy la short order w.r out In hts livhall la nil Klmitaa a phrcsslnn vl lh profflln'nl kusln sa tia4r th iMdsnhtp I (ieuif IVnmi and Fienfe Ullllaia Slid iit Uon baM la IU r I a t, t ris-. r Bisnhmg la ngulatwa atiiiury m 1st te U tacu ol tb yimns Assartraa wbeia lhT r stisB4 bad art! la sf dln la klUHig lh Hlnlar4 Froej ataa I. tnaa ttiey vM a4 staling thslf ulsslo It bet a b atlnutae until th amounl aa iihrtlit. Ttirta (mi si no Km nAi whsr lb stitrif kM Ui boy f Ml..1y, tb fTllr l pr r Btyt out, end a b sniumiwwt rliwl b g a tall.lx Uiry dsranusi ration nl bis gratltad. Te a hit I a eauauy. aakanw to a sing! i mivn la bisfeotit ol lemil!.t ! Did You Talco Scott's Emulsion through ihc u inter? If so, uc re sure It quieted your cough, healed the rawness in your throat, Increased your weight, gave you more color, and made you feel better In every way. nut perhaps your cough has come hack again, or you are get ting i little thin and pale. Then, why not continue the same helpful remedy right through the summer? It will do you as much good as when the weather is cold. Its persistent use ill certainly give you t better appetite aaJ a stronger uigeMion. It mill cure your ai throat and kul our Inflamed lurgn. t ulll cure every cac of consumption, when vuiv it "ii'ic. 4-Wk Von t re pcnuiadcd to take something they say Is y$t s good. 'l f.t, , ... . .r . Notice of Mention. ItHD liFFICK AT 1.4 ORAKPK, ORRllOK, J J ii li il. lm. Nolle ts hereliT f Ivea that the lollowlng named aeltler ha flled notlraof his Intention to mak fins I proof In support ol his rlaun.and that aald prool will be mad Iwfor A. Mallory, I'. a. eomrnlsaloiier lor Hf- gou at Heppner, Mvon. ou August ti. Ism, vis VI I UK ull.lltHT. Heimner. or , HJ. o tor imwhrsi : NE'.alid KI ebKev. I lp K T F.. H name lh lollowlng wltne.- to prove his emit I mums realdeiie iitui and cultlisltoo said land, ill Lest unwheus. Mlyvealor w rturxin. William Hulh, I'eier Huntvallof Heppner.or. K. W, BARTI TT. Reglslr. SUMMONS. I TIIR flRtTIT rtit RT or Till UTATE 1 nl ireon lor Morrow eoiiuty. Jama tlauihvrty, I'lalliUf!, J. R P"tt , earab r S perry. , (' Ihnmiwiq. th lreon Hatlrnadand Kstisallnn I o., a eorporailon. and n sitrv. ttrfeodanla. lo J R ei-fr? and "arah C. rry, deleudaiite ,Ui named In th name nl th etui nf Ore on. ynn. and rai h nl t mi ara hereby riilr-t la appear and aoawer the eomplalot Stl a.lwt yoai a alHire eullileil si ll th Bti tfcilthal lrin ol the i. enlllle.1 e.,ur fllo In the e.plrallon nl lh lime pfeerrll. Ike nrdet ..f pi. I. In atom ol tills siinimon wblh Beat day wilt Mnty, tha BIN ) f Slrnbf ! and I oil and b ol yon w III lata el. that It " tall Ut an 'MS and aawaf l..f waul Ihemd i-lalnMIt ai.l apply In th eonrt l,.r the eallel .m.iiilMl In bta eotiplalnt t II P )ii'tmiit waii-al yen In th sum of IIT'aiiai kwaiiir won tutrei ihareaj Imw th , dat nl 0 iwr. ai I he raw. H to pet ml t annum li-t I he luMI ef sum nf l iai tofn, s 1 nil .ill lh. I'"" l''ci iH I rtai tniirl ' ffaae a.e uled aad diteee.t ty ym. In p'af litl si.miI th Ink day l l"J. to j wore th pai, went et eHt ar.owiaaof t I .'l.ll apa'T fc.ttm aia' a ."! I I i't l a Hi, laureel si Ik ria u w ear rax I j V ' par nH'im .t turd Said aaoil, ae rfere. 4 ! ti k j ,ntn P'eintig lf inat puifia II. foi.oa in r l'Jr " 'fiHn real i r. i-M. snuata.1 la lt ewanir rVgl j m t '. aia'a nl iirr,.n, w. wit I I an I Wfl j ?, and 1 t r C ol I ha wl a I 4 lol T Slid a. in t r , n . s .i liiln laihc il J Meppoer. Ilntenw enqMr, leaa?, 4 , ( "I darwai laitrtnf t ..ea ng yoq aald i i R rar ai Hm!i t . are aS and lrr , af ae't all right, tin e Iniaraa, la a In aald I fMil prf1, nd mil yrt lk.n4 Ihi m.tmm' -ns ta afa. ftp I, p;Mlftna Ihaar4 ntaa M HeiMt M,.hw a ! Ina.'l ludea M lh ,hn. enlit a-t r,a-1, w4 "I nala-t l I he-haa al Pawdiaana, I an i te-jnl. aj t ai "h. l. ABRAHAMSICK, IVierchant i ailoring! Mr. Abraliainsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. Kis work is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. CALL, AND 8EK ME. ON MAY STUKKT- C0NSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A conipkto stock of pure and fresh drujrs al ways in stock. Careful attention paid to filling of prescriptions. w OOL GROWERS If you have "good old that the us, your not vet realized times" are with blood is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awake to the fact that the Wool Growers' j Warehouse T In the place to ntnre your wool this m-hsoii. WhyT Hi caue we do a strictly warehouse business, and not being in tho field buying wool ourselveu, we encourage competition anion gut the buyers and secure you the highest price. at em" " " ,M, tmU" " lhl hea amd U sold, "end Ii your snltt pay th M(Hee f .h prW lof sheep all and Mdr. are aaaiita lor Lltll riln ai.d .la I..I T hi. I .. . .Ill on th, m.,..l ' "w-w "" "H,F n-"ai prep.,, pay lrtht to teamster alien requested In do an ht owners nl nn J a haf lull suppir nl a-l Harley and lie.l ain koilad Star ley for teamster lle.1 m,r tem.lert I lh U.r .ieh. He (uaraute ,u ,.,. dnal. R. F. HYND, AUnagcr. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by Production of.... the HOP GOTvD .hid now the rut ire uorUl A'nmrs this vtrfect firotltict . ts the Star Hmiw trr On draupht at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY CO.,