Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 12, 1898, Image 1

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If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
the columns of the
The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic news
From the Seat of War.
NO. 674
Published every Ioesday and Friday
Editor uid Manau.
On Veer
Six Month
Three Month
- BO
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the roBtoBee at Heppner, Oregon,
at second-class matter.
THIS PAP1SB is kept on tile at K. C. Duke's
Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants
Eiohaugn, San Francisco, California, where oou
raota for advertising can be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchant!)' Exchange Build
ing, San Francisco, Is our authorized agent.
This papsr is kept on file at hie office.
0. R. & N.-L0CAL CARD.
and ar-
Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p. m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner J unotion 12:05
Leaves Heppner Junouon 8:30 a. m,
rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m.
Spokane Express No. i leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and Uma'illa 8:50 p. m.
Portland Express No. S, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6KJ0 a.m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
.m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 1:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a. m, and at
Portland 7 :2C a. in.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hurt,
Agent O. R A N., Heppnor, Ore.
, United State Officials.
President.,. William McKitiley
Vire President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State W. R. Kay
Secretary of Treasury Lyman J, Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War..., ..Russell K. Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Poituiaater-Ueneral Charles Emery Smith
Attoruey-Ueneral ..John W. Griggs
Soretary t Agrioulture James Wilson
. State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kincald
Treasurer , Phil. Hetsehan
Supt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
J G. W. MoBride
Supreme Judges.
fhos. H. Tongue
, K. Kins
.W. H. Leeds
, Wolverton
Sixth Jadielal District.
C.rcuit Judge Stephen .Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney H. J. bean
Morrow Count Officials.
JW. R.
( k. a. i
. i V. A.
( C. K. '
. J. W. Morrow
E. L. Freehold
.A. G. Bartholomew
J.U. Howard
,. .. Vawter Crawford
, K. L. MatlHtk
M. Lichterthal
J. F. Willi
, Julius Knithly
Jay W. Shipley
Dr. E. H. Hunlouk
npnu Town ovnocK.
Mayor Tho. Morgan
Coimi-ilmen K . J. rllocnm. M.
Liohtenthal, J. R. Himmis, J. J. Roberts, J. W.
Rasmns and C G. Sparry,
li W. A. Rlrhardson
Treasurer I w- Briiors
Uarshai Jhn Ileger
Precinct Offieere.
Justice of the Peace W. K. HichardsoD
Joint Senator... ...
Uepresentati ve.
County Judge .
' Commissioners
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk.
' ' Treasurer
" Assessor
' Surveyor.-
School Sup't
' Coroner
Lodging House
BEDS 25 and 50 Cents.
GEO. C. ROME, Prop.
Next door to Opera House.
t. 7. Moore...
A. 8. limits...,
United Steles Lend Officers.
TBI Daixsa, OB.
K. W. Bartlett..
J.H. Hobbina...
... Register
... Receiver
O. A. B.
Meet at Heppner, Or., the tliird Saturday ot
rh month. AU veterans are invuea w iiu.
Ml W Mmilk. G W. Hue
Adiuuuit. tf Commander.
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., nod 12 to
i p. m., at reeldenoe, W. A. Kirk's prop
rty. east of M. K chnrcb, Soolb. nod 10
to VI. ft. m . to 2 to o p. m.. si omoe 10
lbs rssr o( Borg'i jewelry store.
C. E. Redfield,
Attorney at Law,
OAS os Id Ibe First National
liirroiM, : Ohsuos.
Ellis & Phelps.
All bust nm attended te In promt end
Mii.iu'U.rt wanner. tiotartes I'ul.ite and
Col )c tore.
Office la Natter Betldles. rtppr. Or
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hy amis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that
has borne and does now bear on every
the fac-simile signature of wrapper.
This is the original "CASTO R I A" which has been used in
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
- LOOK CAREFULLY of the wrapper and see that it is,;
the hind you have always bought cn the
and has the signature of 0t$fM&w wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas.H. Fletcher is President.
March 24, 1898.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting,
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even i he does not know.
"The End You Have1 Always Bought"
nr m
0 VltLIt
President McKinley's Firm Stand Compels
Spain to Recede From Her Ear
1 lier Demands.
Spain Will Likely Instruct Cam-
bon to Sign the Peace Proto
col Today.
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
TMt ccntau eeaiMMV, tt MunaaT trt, nsw voea orrt.
Population Conditions In Hawaii
The Sandwiota Islands have been tb
borne of a considerable comber of Ameri-
oao families for a long time. The grand
children of tbe American missionaries
bo transformed the islands are no
mature men and 'women
Tonsorial Artist.
London, Aug. 11. Advioes received here throughout the day from
Tbe send Madrid show that the correspondents are certain that Cambon will re-
their children to an excellent American ceiVe authority thia afternoon to sign the protocol.
w.uega ev uuuuiuiu iDai oas ceen in
Hair Cutting,
Bhop, Matlock Corner,
16 Cents
28 "
Herpusr, Orofon.
exietence for many years, althoogh it is
tbe custom for young Hawaiian-Ameri
cans to obtain at least a part of their
educational training in this country
One rooe exhibits no sign of deterioation
in those ialanda. The men of tbe second
generation have sbowo great ability, and
H, W. Fall,
Of tlie Old Reliable
Gault House,
Ball blm k west of the Hnlon Ik-not ot C. B. A
U., C. M. A HU V., C. A ., r. Ft. W. A C..
and tbe C. 8t. L. 4 P. Railroads.
Cor. VT. Madison and Clinton BU.,
The Old Shop!
r t
It the place to go to get
your fine pork and lamb
chop, steaks and roasta.
fine anrar-mred hams and bacon.
Pure ImI lard. kMtle-randorvd, old
sijrl.. Highest caaa price twld tor
al stork.
fut vonr ntd bnuks and ivi(e In hit
hand nd S four mMw eit !
II, .m Makre a sjwvlaUjr of bard
Office in J. N. Urona I5uilding.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
erriCt af
cowmcu CMSSJStSS
Stage Line
B. f. MILLCR, Pre
rhMi4 end mnel dirw mill In John tiat
vlr, .BTun I Hr Bilullif dkstrtrt. Hums sou
aw inwnof txinia.
Sum leave Havener 111. anadaf es
at ai a. m. Arnve at t eaten ( n
In M boar.
Iev. ( snroo ( i!, st I p m . .rrl.l Hiff
Ball, and buy rmil et.le. rant hnwe. ffl
le.M. 4rae rMituli d will nm i
py e la bi. Hum. al runtiel S(rv, U
Mathews & Gentry,
www l.l
Sae tee df Sueib et (a.-ff.rx.
Gibson 8c Bergor,
Al Caes ienes OU .
Hhiivlnir. -
llikirCuttlnu. - 5 "
UathiliV. hVrvthins Strict
1 Yin t'hii.
rliTa 1n
IHIf I Nrl ,,
ink IX
Associated Vku Disjiatulics. .
AVasAington, Aug. 10. The ' preliminary negotiations lookinc
toward the confirmation of peace! advanced a long etep today when the
secretary of state and the French ambassador agreed upon the terms
upon whioh the future negotiations for a treaty are to be conducted,
and reduced these to the form of j a protocol. This protocol, it is true,
is yet to be signed, and is to be submitted to the Spanish government
before the formal signatures are affixed, but the administration's view
as to the progress made today was Bet out in Secretary Day's statement,
which follows:
" We have agreed upon a portocol, embracing the proposed terms
for the negotiation of a tieaty of peace, including the evacuation of
Cuba and Porto Rico, and it is xpected the protoool will be executed.
It can be stated that the terms are precisely those laid down by the
president in his original note' about week ago. It is believed that
nothing but a few formalities remain to be disposed of to secure the
signatures to the protocol."
Very 6ratlfviun Showing for the Last Fiscal
- Ysar.
Evening Telegram.
Nkw York, Aug. 6.-A; special to the
Tribune from Washington Bays :
While the United States' exportation
of Bnoulturai products daring tbe war
have been wonderful, surpassing in value
those of any preoedlng year in tbe his
tory of the oountry, and thus attracting
universal attention, the 'exportation of
manufactures is, when considered in de
tail, equally interesting in its bearing on
the general commerce and prosperity,
both present and future, of tbe natiou.
Tbe expottations of domeetio manufact
ures in the fieoal year 1898 is set down
by tbe records ot the bureau of statistics
for the treasury department a $288,871,
449, which - la nearly 812,000,000 greater
than in any preceding year in the history
of the country. This is especially inter
esting in view of the fact that the im
ports of manufactures during the year
were abnormally email.'' In addition to
this, it is reasonable to suppose that the
purohaaes of manufactures by the people
of this 'Country in 1 the prosperous year
Just ended were unusually large by rea
son of the increased earnings' and the
further faot tbat during several preced
ing years their purchases id these lines
and, baoause of the fioanoial depression,
beej light. ,
Tbe total exportation of manufactures
for the year,' as already Indicated, is
$288,871,44J, whioh is more than' doable
that ot a decade Bg i, almost three times
as macb aa tbat ot 1880, more than four
times as much as "in 1870, and seven
times as muoh as in 1800.
The largest articles or olasa of articles
Icoluded in tbe list ot exports of mna-
factures is manufactures ' ot iron' and
teel. The value of this single olass of
xportsla 1808 was $70,367,527, agaiust
$30,106,482 in 1893, and 817,763,031 lb
1888, thus showing an increase of 30 per
oetit in 10 years, while, curiously enongb,
this bas been tbe corresponding decrease
in the importations of manufactures in
iron and steel, which felt from $18,092,
757, In 1888, to $12,815,013, in 18'J8.
Absolutely Pure
Madrid, Aug. ll.The Spanish cabinet met during the morning,
the ministers idjourned-The full text of the dispatch of Oambon
Another session of the cabinet
at Washington has not been received.
is to be held this afternoon
' Madrid, Aug. II. It is believed in official circles that a ausrjen.
tbeyonng men of tbe third generation Bi0D 0f hostilities will be announced by both governments immediately
are worthy of their American soopstry. Lr,. r.1Y,u t, tk , .
It is true, of oonrse. tbat tbe native
Ilawaiians end tbe Chinese and
Japanese agricultural laborers constitute
tbe balk of tbe population. Bat tbe in
flaenoes that have sbsped institutions
New York, Aug. 11. The Herald has tho following from Uape
ban Jaan, l'orto Kico, under tne date of August 10th: "There was
two hours fight before daybreak yesterday. Eight hundred Spaniard
sod given type to the progress and oivili attempted to rutake the lighthouae, which was guarded by 40 of our
....... 01 ...ana. .v. iea ais- 8ailors, commanded by Lieutenant Atwater, Assist-nt Engineer Jen
.uv.w in L ; 1) 1 f o 1 .11 rri - u ; t
more people of negro blood then ...u.u,i, .u uuuuw t'smii. aub opaniarus were
while in 8omh Carolina ; bnt to say thai driven back by the shells from the Amphitrife, Cincinnati and Ley
Booth Carolina is not so Anslo-Paxon don. llefugees report 100 Spanlarde killed. William II. lioartman
eomoiaDity in tbe strictest sense ie to of the Amphitrite, of Lawrence, Mass., a second-class man in the uava!
play wnn mere verbal fallacies. Tbe a-ftdomw wee arim.lo nnnrla.l "
ii r.s
I II -
, a V
r. h
, )"l S i
' l4 S
Aelfare of all races in the Haodwiob
Islands reqalree tbat they should b
ondrr while control. It Is sheer noo
ense to talk of tbtalningthe consent of
the entire popoulation to annexation
if one means to include iLe great body
ot coolie, yellow-skioned Is borer who
are there not as domiciled families, bol
iudeolared visitors, workiog on tbe
fle- ear contract plan,' with tbe proe-
pect of either voluntary or involuntary
return to their ova bomet at tbe end of
the labor period. These laborers have
ea macb better i ff under Presides!
Dole's government !ba la tne4r own
eoaotries. It tbey have but been allowed
to ptillriphte in tbe administration of
Hawaii, here tbey are only inrnre,
tt le enough to reply that they dj not, in
faot, participate when at home lo tbe
governments ef Chine orjepeo. A to
tbe Hawaiian native, they are under
Iba preeent Hawaiian constitution ee-
enrded as macb pilltlr privilege ae
they are rapal.le of eireitog. Their
lights will be far UlUr aeeared ttnder
American oversight Ibaa tbey eoukl
poesilly be nndef tbe governmeet of
oorrapt end ba!f-bernsmo fonearatii of
tbeir nti ree, tssilf ea)l ty seb.es
Ing adventurers M .reover, tbe rsr
dyieg irT-r'r m "Tbe I'mgrvee i.f the
World," in the Aarir. M.mll.ly He
J vtw bf It vie we for Aaguei.
national tcxrAKsioN.
UfM ranaert Hh train al U'tpttf
rfe - H.tlns H.t II.U Una ellli a.e
rntsnd mt ii .d r'"-l I mm ameervd
w i. amt im M'K i" in. r"'""
First National Bank
or Hr nsr.ii
C. A.ftMCA, . rVeHe
T. A. UmIA. Vle rreieet
CIO. W. CONIC, Cetfcler
. W. CNCin, Aee'lCesHter
Tru4.Jj i Gciitrvi LUil.bi tviir
Oa i r. m la etid-
Bought and Sold.1
t St'erSV 4 all Hs
reaa )e Tr A
etrKs e4 ayresj fret
CuloraaV (i.v.raur Hee a Nw VUU Opa
lag to Asacrtcea View.
Loularlll Courier.
Aoiotig tbe governors of the states of
tbe Union, tbe Hon. Alva Adama of
Colorado, is one of the most tobolsrlf
and Ibonghlful. A democrat to tbe core,
be te neitbtr a reaotiooist nor a provin
cial, bat oa the ooatrery, a progressive
American. la a recent address be spoke
as follows a poo the new iae wblob tbe
war with Hpsia Is likely to call to the
I preeoli a new political gueMil a'
creed to which I am to pert a recent
convert. I believe that duty and destiny
demand thsrt the Ueiled Bietee retain
trui ot every island eaptnred from
Hpaln in the Weel ledie of In the
recifla. Car g iliotic Mend pruwlatms
ibet we are engaged in a war of homes-
Hy, rt of aoeqaret tbat we mnel give
op every acre we gala at tbe aoet of oar
treasure aed the rkb blood of "or iocs.
How fa we belter B4 tbe dstnand of
kna.ao.ty tbaa te place oar tlg ovr
laaj tbat bare bee. riven with revo
lution or d.beeed by lyreaay aed mis-
The war v Hb H(aie ntakee lbs
felted Hietee a werlJ power. Hhe ie ao
Wnger a eelf Metered r-iecial eoea-
try, bat aa imperiet betiuci, Oar flag
will de for the I'bihpvln and Ibe
ftdies.bat II ha do.e for Cekf reie,
T se -for every Hpseteti p ' a
teal kae Svbm to u. As.iael lhaee new
Ceelei .hi (.,e,,to.l1y f-I'l1 ; and Ltue.k-.M ut territory Ikefe fool the
in American ship., oarried under the
American (Jg to every forelgu ebore
Do we realize tbe possibility of tbe
Proifle? Half of the population of tbe
globe look out npoo ite waters. In 1402
Heward said of Ibe Pssitlo: 'Heooefoi tb
boropean comiuerce, polities, thought,
activity, will relativity sink I , import
aoce, while the i'eo'uj ooan, its aborts,
its is'ao Is and the vast regLu beyond
will become tbe chief theatre of events
in tbe world's great bereaftsr.'
'Thia propbeey is about to burst iuto
flower. Amerioau Ideas. American oivili
I istioa eso bring Iuto life the anmeeear
. p.sil.llitle that have been d .rmaol
onder the vampire rule ot Hpaln.
reciprocal eommsree eso be developed
that will carry kjpplue to every
TeniSe el.ore and IncreasiDg po.r and
greetaese lo Ibe American flag. Ha-
menity, eivtuatioa, dem.nd tbat the
a M .i a
sr .oa swipes enoaid never oouis
down when ooce planted oa Hpaolsb
wkal T.eieiy Bet4
t'nel John Well, what d titt m.ae
to U when pi get to be a man?
Utile I uesBsy (pvoa.pttf ) - A d ttut,
Ilk pa.
wbleb do f it4 it he, ae elloe.ta
or a t)Ttif ib T
UtUe Tewimy I 4o'l ksaw what
lbrs Sef el big word .., CaHe iaha
bnt that doe'l saek ii 4 rTeaee, 1
I e.e't g'He to be eliter of 'ess. I'm
Jt gou' t be a ' ly 1-Miav ' five
All toy pett.Dte llwl H.r.eftU.
'ee a,y save tht If be hi a 4 tae. I
k''b!-l ieavebal tf.f r.
spri'l e Ibe twtl fsat.iy webetee be
ever In tt bf.
Ie es R.4
What people ate eeyieg eUut Hood's
HarsapanllaT It Is earing Ibe worst
ewee l earofnle. dysprpeia, rbeamailera
nl all forme of blood disease, eroptlone
enrea imiiis ao'i p.mplee. II te sriviae
strengib Ui week anil tired women. Wbv
sboald yoo beeitete to take ii wbea II ie
d .Ing ee so'ieb for etberer
Hood's pilleere tli beet (emit est bar-
lie aol liver looio. (lentle, reliable,
T ( r. t '
.M.taH. I,ii
e rV
-i kl..Y4 I m My-
proteele thai ot itlnT wbea
be peieheeed Iyjollee la l0, agatMt
Ibe edletMi t4tt, egsloel tbe ad-
toe of T.iee, iot all M'lloea
eeeioM aed ag.lnal t eli fern le and
(Jr.soe's adalki. ee Cat, egatnet
Alaska le l-?. eu I yet tdy tbe Aaer.
te penfile I r k tbeee e4ditMe ae
the pr . leet inefs-e tA eateaaeLlp
"Oer feetonre aod ferwe rUska.4
tdr DisrkeU Lvery kbotef, avery
priKlaeer, will ge br e.w By 1 1
ibet tbe l'fV will on m vi
. Il.ie M a-rtilM of lb I till p-
ple t1 a 'eil ef l t
Dratruetloa of tbe Baker City . Iron
Evsnlng Kepul.llcan.
One ot the most' disastrous fires that
has occurred in Biker City tor a number
of years, broke oat the-evening of tb
3d, about 710 In the Baker City Iron
Work, located near the depot.
A i soon as lue alarm was sounded a
number ot tbe firemen and eitieens
promptly appeared on Ibe soene and did
everything in their power to subdus tbe
flames. Tbey were eerioualy bandi
oapped by the lack ot water, and tbe die
tanoa tbat bad lo be oovered by tbe
hose iu order to reach the flame. Every
body worked with a will, but their
efforte were futile, and shortly after tbe
alarm was sounded tbe building had
been reduced to a heap of asbes. Fortu
nateiy the enrroauuing property was
oninjared, although it looked for a
tune ae thoagb several residences would
saocomb to Ibe devouring element.
Speaking ot tbe fire, Mr. O. P. Ma
Lynn, one of the proprietor of tbe iron
work, said: "We hid remained at the
works ootil about 7 o'clock; Oar tire
bad been dropped and everything pat In
chape t r tbe night. 1 My belief is tbat a
park most have gotten in the enpelo,
and tbe woodwork being very dry from
tbe eiceeeive beet, it easily eeagbl Ore.
The boys rsndered kit tbe esiistsuoe in
tbtr power and did excellent work.
They were handicapped, however, by tbe
feet tbat tbe aekreef bydr.nl' wee two
blocks away, and tbe preesare after tbe
stream was turned on wee lueaffleient to
do macb good. Mr, Men.y Fos render
ed ne vela able sestet ene by shotting
off tbe ' watsr la aa adjoining bouse,
thereby giving Ot greater pressure.
Oor loea to a total on. Ilotb bnlld-
lag and omrteote are dsetroyed. Rat we
are not at all dUooareged. We bad
doiebed a boa! one ball of tb eoakraet
for Iboee lintele for Uaiow, and eball
eotaplete tbe baleoee by sending tbe
work to Fortland. Ae eunn aa oar lose
ie adjusted we eball inieaedialely beg Lb
Meesre French k Url.yeo crrled M,
OnO losuraooe dtelribaU.1 aeiettg aeveral
eotni.nle. Tbe work ef edjeswug tbe
loee le bwiag earrie.1 oa today aud will
probably tomorrow eveaing.
li. atgbt a Ire rfeeeoeMralee two
First, it it leeniiibent npeo tbe eity
enwejAil to lake lamedi.t) etepe looking
toward Ibe nrtwultatbm of a paid fir
department. It la worse than folly to
nlieae along the ptly pareimoalvae
polkny Ibet eeeeae Ut abereatarree their
eetKrae. It le tbeir duty to look efret
the aeade rf this city,' tbe nvt eryuig
oeeof wblob it aa Imme-liete eettleeaeol
f tb trfleerke) wilb Use ateTit die
beadet fire deperlmeat.
There la aaoUiar matter equally a lo
The saele ehuald be ei
Nt rH le U rlttss
Tbe taaperstore tbr'tngbool the Pe
lon e.aoUy during the peel tbre
11 bee been very high, thrnofletr
reeling lo 0irs blng: Mjnlsy, W7;
Men lay, IU); Taaedey, M. Keports
from Ibe Sort bare aad eeatere errtloat
of Ibe toaety are Ibet lave spring grain
will be Soosl l.rshly dinar . A grl i portaat.
dalof wheat tott.eeel'.f here baa beea ! 't4 ee) ae to protect tbe property la
damaged by rati flrain HIU in tb j rtr,y of laat feihr flr. aal II le
west aed eoetb are andante,!, aearlt i be hoped Ikst I bee Walter will be
all Ibe grain betog felly dv.Uri. aed ' tte4 toetaeee
raiiy w pt airely bae4 end I nbr Giy le a.nh-r till' af a
etkd J'M.pb Csnelt, fmra Foea .Wkeoo.li aatkmeut. Il is a liw, pr
rnrtlrittf rfwrbMir VieJiy (srmie ntr end tt to e.Ui'4 talk
tbU'rT4Pi.ier tfletid HSdrkrrJ eeene ad a Ww tmtf try ore
m rut r.r J it ,w ivffi rVt.tr. i PXef vT f-i ifcf STin,
The following is the bulletin sent oat
by B. S. Pagae, of the United States de
partment ot agrioulture, stationed at
Portland, for the week ending Aug. 8th:
"Tbe temperature was slightly lower
during this week than for the preceding
west of theCasoades, and slightly higher
eaat of them. The averaee maximum
temperature for tbe week in the Colum
bia river valley is 93 6 degrees. In the
northeastern portion of Umatilla county,
the highest temperature in tbe State, 106
deg., for the week. No raid fell during
the week.
Harvesting ie progressiug. Fall-
sown wneat is being rapidly oat and
threshed..' In tbe eastern portion of the
stale, beading is the general manner ot
gathering the wheat crop; while in the
western portion of the state, shocking
tbe grain is the usual manner ot hand
ling it; threshing then prooseda when
opportunity offars. Some threshing of
fall-sown wheat and oats hts been done.
In some oounties of Western Oregon,
there are oomplaints that tbe wheat is
not : turning out as well as ex pea ted.
while in other counties it is reported to
he np to expectations.- From all reports
received, it is evident that the wheat
crop, as a whole, will be as large or
larger, and as good or better in quality,
than the orop ot lust year. It always
oooars that in localities crops are batter
or poorer than in others, aad such is tbe
Oftse this year; again, the report that
crops are not np to expectations Is very
vague. Tbe season has bsen, on tbe
whole; very favorable, and some ot the
mora aangniue people have placed their .
expectations very high, muoh higher
than is ' reasonable. A correspondent
from Marion county writes ; 'A careful .v.
examination of the wbeatflelds two weeks
ago convinced me tbat farmers were go-
log to be diseppoiuted about the yield of
tbeir wbeat, and now threshing has com
menced end my impressioue are realmed.
Tbe grain ie not plump and the yield it
a disappointment ; all grain Is second in
quality and ' not an average yield.
Spring wbeat aud oat are in tbe earns
condition. All ripened too quickly.'
Another report from Marion county
reade: 'Oraia ie turning oat from five
to tea bnsbsls less tbsn was expeoled.'
Another from tbe earns county reads:
'Threshing is well uuder way here In tbe
Waldo Hills, and grain is yieldiog well.'
Another reads: 'Thrashing bas begun,
and Ibe yield promisee to be above the
average.' These quotations, all from one
ot the best oounties in the slsts, are
made to demonstste tbat the wbeat orop
is yet to be determined, and that de
creased yields ars not general. East ot
Ibe Cascade, lb reports quite thorough
ly agree in the etatemeot: 'The yield ie
excellent, fully np to expectations.'
Sprlog sown wbeat and oat are rapidly
maturing, ami tbey will be ready to bar
vest by or before the fill-sown orop Is
oat of tbe way.
"The sseond orop ol alfalfa aud olovnr
ie beiog put away. Cora is mtklag giod
growth. Tbe warm weathnr killed many
bop lice, Tbe bn .yards are in belter
condition at the pretuot time than is
usaal, and wall informed boprowers
report tbat tbe orop now promises lo bt
larger aad better Ibsa for the past tw i
yeera Early applet are ripe an 1 very
plentiful, reach plumi are yet h.ing
shipped la large qatatiliee. Praaetreee
are overloaded and baod-proaing le act
ively engaged in. Early Crawford
peeebea are ripoiug Pears ao I 1st
pplee pfTrmls to bi a very large orop.
rob aril are, ae a rite, la rn icn bitter
wndilioo than uml. Hugtr bete are
king mit satisfactory growth; ex
perts report Ibe orop la flae coalition.
Work oa the crop of II n f r 0 W It be
teg paihe.1. The United Htete depart-
enl of agriculture rrpjri , Oregon
irowo fll e folloes: Well prepared,
it would make a iip.ri .r flo.r, fkf .r
lioeo. Till lOreg io-growa) a mum
eeeresl I ) the (J mrtr i trw la app.ar
tace of any i nUl (root tb Uuitel
dtalee. la a rep trt ieaoel bf Ibe de
partment nearly twsnty y.. ,()
foe wee eepecially earn l mi m ret de
sirable sta'e for growing fl is II n,'
The mean Isutpeiaiare for Ws.t.re
Oregon fr In wk tvrgl 72 I .greet,
which I t dtrre twu tusef rlbe
praee-liag week ail tb u si a f r tb
rrpuolleg week of Ut year. The
ilgheel tra?rl'ire w U7 d'g'.ss, on
Frtlsytanl Ibe lowest w Si dtgree.
iBlbare lay. O.i lay m tratog high
fog prevail I an I a trace ot tntsl fell
ever toei aorwe.tera miiu.i.
Tbe tneaa temperature tut Livtara Or
goa ft tbe week atereged f$ degrees,
bleb t i dgr.e higher Ibaa the pre
eeding week ae I I degree birber Ibaa
tb rorre4pee.ing ek 4 I a I year,
tbe blgbt lereparelure was vl 4.
rreee. ee S-nndirl d the I it H tie.
-'t. ta Tamlf. KJiVy M idimjj