O. R. & N. Dkpart TIME SCHKDDLES Arkivb fob from Heppner. from 9 M p. m. Salt Lake, Denver, 4:50 a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kaunas City, Bt. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Dulnth, Mil waukee, and tho East. 800 p.m. Ockan Steamships 4:00p.m. from Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For Ban Francisco ball Aug!ist2, 6,10, 14, IX, 22. 20, 30. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska-- 6:00 p.m. 1 August 8, 28. S-00 r. m. Columbia Rivbb 4:00 p.m. fi. Sunday HteamkRs. Ex. Sunday Saturday , 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 11:00 a. m. Willamettk Kivkr 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon, City, New lierg, Salem and V ay Landings. 7:00 a. m. Wim-amrttk and J1-30 PJ"-, Tues., Thur, Yamhill Kivkks. Mon., Wed. and Sat. n and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton St Way Land ings. :00 a. m. Willamette River 4:30 p.m. Tiles Thurs lues., inur. and Sat. ' Portland to Corval- and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. Lv. Riparla SNAKE Rivkb. Lv.Lewirton l-4ra in n:45ii. m. Moii., Wed. Rlparia toLcwiBton Sun.,Tues. and Friday andlnur. NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon lias re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable IMio Central. aledhay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call Bou him and have vour horses well eared lor. WOMEN OF THE CANARY ISLAND. They Are Deridedljr ONION PACIFIC THROUGH TICKETS TO THE Eat and Southeast I R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. ANTELOPE REVIVING. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE KECL1NINO CHAIR CA US. P.naenaera booked for all Foreign Countries. J. O. HART, Aent, Heppner. M. H. HURLBURT, Genoral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without Oniek Time. I n ion Depots. Peraonally Conducted Exournions. HagKHtte Checked to Destination. Low Rates. ...... , , . ii;.. lino ti Trnnn-iVTiRKinMinm and Inter. national F.xoosition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Writs iindersitmed for ratea, time tables and other information pertaining to Union Pacifio R R J. H. LOTHKOP. or J. C. HART Agti Oon. Airt... 135 3d St.. O. R. & N. Co , Portland, Or. neppner, ur. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- M UM ERST ? If bo, be Btire and iee that your ticket reads via tub wjnstem Hub ....THE.... CHIOAOO, BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY Trim m thk Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. TAUL, CIllCAQO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Tln.tr Msmdtlrciit Trm k, Peerless Vostlbulcd Dining and Sleeping Car Trains, and Mutto: Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist cars without change MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charje of experienced oouduotors and porters. MmJoiM T Kansas City, Chicago, BulTiilo and iiiuiiuuia, Boston wuiioutchange via sail ijtue, Missouri l'aciucauu unicugoauu aiuhi no. ... To Omaha. Chloairo. Bullalo am iiyf, Himtoii w it bout change via Halt Lake and Chicago, Rock Island it Paciilc Ry. To St. Josenh. Kansas City and Ht. Louis without change via Halt Lake and Burlington Route. To Kansas Cltv and Ht. Louis with it) S, out change via Halt Lake and Mis sonrl Paclllc railway. Not Beautiful Bat Masculine Looking. Now that Unole Sam is in (be annex iosr mood, wno Knows dui iobi me fabled Atiaotis of Plato, the Garden of Hesperidea and St. Brandon's Fairy Isle, all known to tbe modern geographers as the Canary islands, may not soon bo come a part cf the United States? Cer tainly no spot on earth offers a more curious illustration of primitive women. When tbe Canaries were conquered by Jean de Betheuoourt, a Norman baron, in 1402, iu tbe name of Jnau II, of Castile, tbey were people by two races wbicb bad emigrated from tbe main land. Each race bad different laws, habits and oustoms, and was possessed of motual hatred which engendered con stant warfare. , The inhabitants of the Western Ca nary isianas were smaii, mir, Buergetiu, brave and amiable; some of them even had blue eyes and red hair. In Fuer tAvnntnra and Lanzsrote tbey were taller, darker and more idolently, lazily beyiDg tbeir hereditary rules, whether the latttir were men or women, loe dark-skinned inhabitants are supposed1 to be of Arabic, or of Phoenician origin. They were oonquerea easily Decause they were even more indolent than tbe Spaniards, aod then tbe fairer raoe was subjngated. Today the common type, in the Ca a'ries,"'of both men and mendonsiats of tall frame, an elongated bead, a badly chiseled nose aud mouth, a large', heavy aoe, and blue eyes. This type is unl versal. but tbe dress of every island is slichtly different." Of course, the true Canary ouetomes are ' seen on these pennants, for the higher classes are en tirely Spanish and European. They have no native clothes, suoh as the Philippians have, bence the material for their clothing is imported from Europe, and the women make up tbe garments in thoir houses. However, bats and shoes are made in the Canaries. . Strange to say, the men, women and children are bocustomed to walk bare foot over the thorny plants, tbe plains filled with spiny oaoti, and tbe burning rooks of lava, which, in a few hours, will burn and wear out the stoutest shoes. Both men and women always wear their shoes in tbe town ; but if you meet tbem on tbe road, tbe men invariably are carrying their shoes at the end of a stick while the women carry theirs on tbeir bead. The women of Teneriffd wear a skirt and apron of cotton, a well-fitting bodioe ornamented wltb large sleeves, and Bohu wbiob ends in points both in front and behind. Tbe bead is covered with the greatest cure. A silk handkerohief is folded around the ohin and then a large woolen shawl is wrapped aroand A day stop-over arranged a Salt Lake and Denver. "ALWAYS ON TIME BnnlnfM Ilea of Onr Neighboring Town Knowing tbe Grit aod Enterprise. Antelope Herald. Our little city has been overtaken with dire oalamity, but nothing daunted the business men are going to work with a vim wbicb shows tbem to bo men of en terprise and puBh, and proves that Ante lope is a very important trading point for a large soope of country aroond. The nenr.lfl who were burned out were a set of the most philosophical men that could be imagined, taking tbeir loss, an act over which they bad no control, Bod assuring tbeir oustoraers that they would Boon again be doing business in better bouses and with better stocks ot everything. While tbe loss fell rather bard to tbe individuals, yet in tbe end it has been a means of bettering the town in a view of safety from again go ing through what has passed, and in plaoings of a much more substantial and comfortable form, in place of the old ones which, most of them had stood for years, and some ware ready to pull down. Nearly every business building now under contemplation of construct ion is to be two story, with brick flues and lathed and plastered. Thus we see tbat. tboush the individuals loss heavy and some are badly hurt financi ally, the men who oomprieeour business men are enterprising end that enterprise is manifest now in our new and improv ed growth and the town of Antelope, as a town, is to be a better town than be fore the fire laid waste to the heart of it. Dear Madam: Your grocer is authorized to pay you back your money if you don't like Schillings Best baking powder. No questions. asked. San Fraaci&ce A Schilling & Company 4 MMHMHHWeMMHHWIH8WWmWC A Beautiful Present In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat : IBJJ the manufacturers, J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in the form of A Change of Officers. At 9 o'clock this morning Register J F. Moore and Receiver W. H. Big s de livered over tbe United States land office to their suoceeeors, Register J. P. Lucas and Receiver Otis Patterson. For over four years Messrs. Moore and Biggs have served in tbe positions whioh they now relinquish, and two more com petent and obliging officials have never tilled pnblio places. Tbey have kept tbe work of the office well advanced, and have ever been courteous to all who bad business with tbe land department. Many regret tbat a change ot adminis tration should have caused their retire ment. However, their successors are competent and obliging gentlemen, and will administer tbe offioe as acceptably to tbe people as have Mr. Moore and Mr. Biggs. Dalles Mountaineer, Aug. 1st. Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. A Clever Trick. It cerlainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody oab try it who has lame back und weak kid neys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean be can cure himself right away by taking Eleolric Bitters. Tbis medicine tones np tbe whole system, acts as a stimulent to tbe liver and kidneys, 19 a blood purifier and nerve tonio. It cares constipation headache, fainting spells, slapDlessness and melancholy. ..It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, ana restores the system to its natural vigor. Trv Eleotric Bitters and be oonvinced tbat they are a miraole worker. &very bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents e bottle at Sloouin Drug Co's, E. J 81r oum, manager. iJ P"rOlllH NO COOKING ' MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF AKO MICE AS VWI HKl ULUijr 1 lun 0NC POUND OF THIS ITkPCH WILL GO Of ANY OTHER ITABCH. "M f HIIR1KGER BR0?C9 WuiUowJiwHwtN)CoMW,! m US Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake aud enterprising than E. J. Slocum, who spares no pains to seonre tbe best of everything in his line for his manv customers, tie cow bat) tbe valuable agenoy for Dr.- King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is pro.duoing such a furor all over the country by its maoy startling cures. It absolutely enres Asthma, bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of tbe ThroBt, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular size for 50 oents and 1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. These rare pictures, four in number, bv the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. ;iHB0i; Elastic Starch purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, ana is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a hpantiful nirtnre. ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT K3 SUBSTITUTE a IirkIvkii tlili fowl a national reputation. All i I ol imaauiiHn rarrliid on the veatlliilleil train without tr harit. Whip your trulxht ami travnl ovur thli laiuom lino. All aKunli have ilckuta. W.H.MKAI), FaBArVi(l,.l Ueii.AK.-ut Trav. F. 1'. Agt. OH Washington Ht 1'ortlainl, Or. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. CHICAGO mmm & si. Paul B'g This Railway Co. Operant its trains on the famous block yatnm Lights ila trains by laotriolty through out; l!a the cnlebratHil uleotrio berth read- iug lamp; Hnni spdily fiiuipped pMuigr train dav and tiivlit between Ht. l'aul and (Uuoago, and Omaha and Chicago; the Chicano. Ailwaukcc & St. Paul Almi iitwtNtH at.'Htu-hoatud voatilmlod train. Tarrying lh latmit private eornpaMinnt cars, library bufltit smok ing car, aud palncn drawing room lirpir. i'arlor oars, fro reclining chair oart. and iL very bt timing obair oar ervu-e. for lowixit rates to any point in lb United Htat.'i or Caua.la, apply to gent or ddroM C. J. KDDT, J. VY. OASET, Uaneral Agnt, For ratca and all all. Information, liiqulro ot O. K, & N. ami S. V. HKOiita, or addroaa, R, n. NICIIOI,, H. K. IIOOl-KR, Ut'iKTHl Agent, lien. ram. 1 ki. aki. 2M Whlngton Ht, Denver, Col. 1'ortlanil, Oregon. J. c. II akt, Loeal Agt., Heppner, Or. I IMIty Urit'KF.ST AND MOHT DlltF.trT UXK TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOU HI RIVER and all Point EAS1 and SOUTH IA)0K AT THK TIMK. NEW YORK. H day! CHICAGO, :' " ST. LOUIS, H " OMAHA, a SALT LAKE. 1 1 ' Traf. rata. Ageut. 1'ortUod, Or. , I Al l HO lii TUKOUUH CAU TO Tiek Hr. VWl. MINSK AlULIS K'l IU II Mlt 0 HIT I K III LENA la Un1 li nil (mint In tliet'oiled MUt n I I'Ktia l. gl'ICKUMETO. 1KITNKK TO Free IWclining ('hair Carl l ulidlalered Tmrit Hleepirg Car rlll)(,Di at Ilia lida. rullutaa l'alao Hleeping Can itflMlot, arv eontetit 1 For full )artictilart regarding rate, tiiu ol train, etc., rail on or addre J. C. IUHT, Agent tl. K. k N. Co., Hefner, Oregoo O. O. Tkhrv, W. E. 13oma, Trav. I'ae. Agt. (Uo'l Agt. U Third St., r.ittland, Or, Boy' CoinpoHltlou ou Heng. A boy's composition on hens reads as follows: "Hens is curious animals. Tbey don't have no nose, nor no teeth, nor no ears. Tbey swaller tbeir vittles whole, and chew it up in crop inside of 'em. The outside of hens is usually put into pillars and feather1 dusters. Tbe inside of a hen is some times filled up with marbles and shirt buttons and sicb. The ben is mucn smaller than some other animals, but they'll dig up more tomato plants than the entire head and falls down below the anything that ain't a ben. Hens is very waist behind. Above this is plaoed a useful to lay eggs for plum puduings. small straw bat. with low-orown, saucer- Bet yer life I like plum pudding. HRln- haped, on whioh the bundle, jar or ney Bates eat so much plum padding load of faeots is plaoed. Tbe string of once that it put him in the oollery. nnl nr leather around the neok must Hens baa got wings and oan Hy wUen not be foreotten for from it is suspend- they are toart. I out my Unole Wil ed an amulet, blensed by the priest and am't ben's neok off with the hatohet i.Mni, nrminrvea the wearer from all nnd it aoart ber to death, liens some Jnoser and unseen evil. times makes very fine spring ohiokens, Notwithstanding their feminine attire tbe wombn of Grand Canary are entirely jiau, uEiaVKKV kob KARMEK8. masculine In appearance. Their bair is i., h.o mmiHtanliA which ornament I An Einorlmeat tow Being Made Id Marion tliHirnnner lln is luxuriant , thoy wear Comity, - I a man' hat, and tbey are passionately Halom Hontlncl. levoted to smoking cigar. Tbe women portion of tbe conutry covered dur of lbs Orand CanBry are not sirens, ao- m(j the present week is situated within coiding to the Atneriiin ideas. Neithor UU9 Umlts of tbe Toroer free rural mail are they as polite a they are generous, delivery system. It is a safe conclusion r..r Blth.iiiL.h thv will uive a trauger in g that tK) ont ot every 100 of tbe drink of water, while he has lilted tbe farDJM served by the free delivery car jug to bis month, they will often throw ao unexpected shower over hi bead and shoulder, a a praotioal joke. Iu the island of l'alma the women go around almoat naked, jet occasionally tbey dreaa with their bead and neck covered with a kerchief aud surmounted hy a otiriou bat. The women' c!ume in conaieU of A abort, atriped cotton slnrt, leevca to the elbow, a bodice laced in front, and a white cape folJed aronnd the bead and boulders, iirniouoted by a straw bat often t'imtned wltb-Uower. They make the men's ololho. which are quite gay in tbi itlaoJ, ooneiating ol trnnaers to the fcnee, tied with rihbon or garter, ieovoie" juc., - lielting in the birt. and motera or cap, uenerallv of blue, embroidered with yel Both Speed and Comfort. Tbe business man oompelled to travel at tbis season of tbe year, as well as tbe tourist traveling for pleasure, demands oomfort as well as rapid transit. Tbe Rio Grande Western and its connections famish both. From tbe Pacifio North west, passengers are landed in Chicago in three days and a half, and in New York in less than five day. Farther- more, the passenger is given his" choice of three routes through Colorado, and four east thereof. Tickets are sold via Sioux City, OmahB; Kansas City, St. Lonis or Cbioago. From the time tbe passenger leaves Salt Lake City until be reaches Denver there is one evercbang- panorama of tbe beauties of nature, whether the Rockies are crossed via tbe Fennessee, Hagerman or Marshall passes. rhoee who desire it, are given, without extra oust, a day' stopover in Salt Lake City, affording an opportunity of seeing tbe beauties ot tbe Mormon OBpital, and also ensuring a daylight ride through Colorado, justly termed, beoauso of its scenery, "The Switzirland of Amerioa". Via tbe Rio Grande Western rates are always tbe lowest and accommodation the best. Through tourist and chair oars, ;s well as standard Pullmans, upon all trains. For descriptive pbamplet ot the fam ous mountain scenery, rate, reserva tions and other information, address, J, U. Manskibm), Gen. Agent, Rio Grande Western Railway, 142 Third St., Portland, Or. That 14-Year Old Stuff, "Kohn's Best," .... On Tap Down at The ... - Teleohone Saloon 1 . . . iy Ia RAHIS fiOODS New Stand, City Hotel Building, LOW TII.IyARDt Prop. 75 Cents 75 Cents 75 Cents THE CORDER CAMERA CHEAP DURABLE COMPLETE The moat perfect cmnera ever ollercil to the public. A child can operate it. Can bo carried iu the pocket. Maltca picture! 2X2. Camera, dry plate and complete outfit lor nuiklng 6 pictures by mail, 75 centa poatpaid. i'ull direction) lent with each lmtriiment Till: CORDER CO., 30 Park Plc, Naw York City. TWO SPLEP1D TUBUS DHILT TO THE EAST )mri MP M 1 IM1 iUMV lOLlM VIA PI nn r IIVU 1 u 1, rier are favorably impressed with the system. And tbey are all on the ragged edge of anxiety lest tbe aervioe be di. oontioued. Tbi experimeotal tystem wa put in operation in Marion oounty at tbe instance of Congressman Tongue, aod he i very anxioaa that it be given a lair aud thorough trial. He hopes to Lancarote I e9 no only made permanent but ex tended wherever practicable. Free mail lelivery baa proven a great convenience to tbe (armera io the vicinity of Turner aud tbey would very much dislike to have to give up th on thing tbat keep them in close tooob with the market and tbe world at large. Io Oreal Britain tbe free delivery ot letter wa began 50 year ago and tbe roral poet are aelt- npwrtiug. In 1W rural delivery wa ml Th American Institute ol Phrenology Opens its next session BtrTiMBCfTMLie9a. For further particular apply Fowltr Wall Co., 27 E. Jlt 8t.,Ntw York. Rocky Mountain Limited Ar. KT. LOt IS, (Wab. If) eatabliihed in France. (Jerrnany, Aa- ... i a I .... w ai ;... 1 low, green or red, and tIiplB)iiig anoi I tro-Huoary, lieiginm ana nwiiierianu Tbe native of ni, have fr roral mail delivery, reach ('illi'aiMi Saw Ya litrriui All other polnla la lb Kl and houtbentl (MH4 Mr. Ji tret Mr. loii'ia IhieroN SPOKANE FiLLS i NORTBERS NELSON i FORT SHKFPARD RF.DM01NT.UN RAILWAYS Tbe Only All-Hail lUiut Uilbont t'bange nf Car Iddweru HKikane, lUoalaed and Nr1o, AIo lleeo Nelaon an I lU1nJ, daily ticept Hunday ; Imio Arrlte ii A M d- k.im , II in A M . . II. .u.l . . IU A.W N..hi ... I'bM eonnarl'iai al Nl-n l(h ataimm ti4 Kaal.t. aii.l all K..-tnl lk ini. I ). i i.i ii f..'Kil lil.w I l'iriUr fe unnei-4 at M.rvui nk itam dwlt. I' . I'. i t'fttoa leiml tosnaotiotia at Hi. I''it. Minneapoli. Kanat'ity, tliuaha, HI. lioi aut other pn.aui Mtit (Hiibt . ... t' obt.ViJ tl.f. u.l. to l.t uali..b l til tlU. Tl,i.mb ikket ti Japan and C hina, la Taooma an I NortbeiD iViOe Hteatn. blp Cuuipaoy' line. ft full ltif.imlim,tim rard,tp. ItrlieU, eln pall t o wtit W.C. Atl4f, 4. 1 Cl4o, Airt V. Ur. 0-i.l.r Hfiii ltninolHC Southern Pacific Co IVa ,wl !.... i'"Tl a" .d.i. tart -1 t,ruJ Wrl H.t ef llui I . ! rt, l"ll.i lJlM Ultmym a. HaraM4 laaa vnonklMI l rtmm 0" !. f . WM. ' kl IWIWI Ml IHHIMIi itb very little They driok water and live oo gno, in Dative bar'ey breal, drirJ flh, pitaloe and Haibary fig. Many of tbe inLalillaot ot tb Ciaoar dill live In grottoa. Io the tirmi Canary, for example, there la an entire .,11. a of Iroulolitea-LaTalava. In nrdioary huroi i of "n with a ler raeed roi f rendered impervioua to water ri,. r, rilliire i very in)pl. A bed llh it traw mattreea, i th ehief ob lr.lln lb loom, an J ID real fooaiai of a rhrat In bold th ololblog, nut no Ibetl x.r, a jug of waler, adieb lor tb grain, a little bant lutll. a ktud ol elagere to bull "uie highly prisni plate of prrllti ornameiiteil with gaudy ller-f"r decoration an J out iie-and a few wtwdea ebair. At rnpaltlm the entir family il on tbe mat around a lrg wnodi O bowl, or eartbruwat plaller. and all uip their fiifr ami uU po"U an-l fotk In it t plraaor. Tha f.o,l i groerally goOa, i l,u..l lUh. Rira. lc- a in tba .lUef lalaud ilia lre l, r,n,S """, ' alt eal la lara jnaallllea a kind of lt.tia wbleti b llower lag a artielx ke t r la Ihe Mutvei.al U..I... rie M.'. .lll.'t log even the moat oatlytog barolet. Tn lore fiinllnlle roreter. T.k.t i...ri.t t aiHlv t athariic lrer II C C. C. lull to rur, Uruiih.KM rvfunU Ofii.y. HElTNtR rRANSFER CO.'S Helled eprn I eorning. Dow deliver work on uliiirt order, IU rent and up ward. 1 lit. wanoii I No. 4, ami leave your order with It, or at "Central" tele phone ottiee. Wc Move Anything! loavwDKNVP.lt, - : a. in. rout. Hl'lll.ViS . . - Arrive I.I N . OI.N . . 11 p. in. OMAHA . 11 a. m. ' DKM MOINKH . . R:3S a. m. " DAVKM'OKl' . . w a m. " tlllCAUO 2:1 5 p. in. Neil Day Through Hliiera and t'liair l am Cnlonulii i to I hit'iurn. Wnie VMiinuie inruuiinouu jus nnmt train la th Who. These are New Trains in addition to our former service. k. .HlmiLra and folilur arivintf tint of theae tralna write W.M.riNTH. C. C. M'LCOD. 0..n. At., UKNVKR. A. t. Colorado Flyer Lenvi DKNVKIt " l(I,o. HI'ltlNGU Arrive TOI'KK A ' KANSAS CITY 2: p. m. '2 A!i p. ni. 7:;) a. m. 0 :1.1 a. m. 6:15 p. m. Arrive HT JOHKPH . KhlO a. m. I.1SCII1..N ( P.i Hun) A:'2a. m. OMAHA (KiHoii) . XSUu.m. TlironKh Hleeper Colorado Hpriug to Bt- Loui via WabMh U. JNO SEBASTIAN, U. P. A., t 'If ll Ai.O. Aak your Druggist fur a " IO CEMT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH i .,.4iia no it- i j r vj, m. WieaNin C(TMk Link n.iif r-r aey cdltft pr S f JS,, II r GENERAL rASSKNQKK DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 18'J7. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Line in pausing through n ,.rt .. r-v vv --t- e;v chtcaco mnv ronnire otae bibi !t ni S4l I (!' II. SKA 1 -t0 . iMItl.! t.ifl alii I r .i.-i" (! IC t of d l "II- r" e.MK. i Tr.il rl i r VI I i u i.m-riie.. , C NV ra et't, Krw Tot. I E. .G Noble & Co., ) Successors to oblc A Co., c ( Are in tt.l. ftld at the old taml with llarnr. ! Ilea. Wht(. epora. aod an endlrw C C ll ever. thin In their line. It. tl. l.l and r. . SMe e..mre (he nt arm mhu elll all l.tll ol the old Brw a well a rollr.1 what la oe. J n. o. :voiTviv ? co. i f Arc out to do business and plenty ot It. Don't s S overlook this. Ilepalr work a specialty. ( CULD'laKSlAU "ee in the w7 of tatlng their hand baggagn taken iortn or to train antl carriage or tma, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in tbis re spect in the service of the Usht-rs at the (Iran J Central PaaseDcer Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to aaeisl pas sengers, and it is boied that oar patrous will rully avail tbiiiisi lves of this additional rrovieion for thir comfort. J AH. c. rosi, Oen'l Par. Act Ui.. I .!.!. t ... v. tt ... j ' A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY U that of ptAin antl drrorAtnl riuilAW.Mf A OlHHUSWAH' At 6illian Bisbees AM f th Wf t ) ten 'a rIS .. t th ill ut taiJea. a-4 1lear COIVHCIIE YOU CAN f.lT IMIAT YOU WANT. Ilic Regulator Line" r k rft!iii t i-vii N.ip'.i ft sTTAWxne i4it tin" -tvw "mctmifs MEN! bo curcd If yrm HifffT ft'rtil arr of lh f p.ialia on tl l'ol'C Loatt, DR. JORDAN k CO.. .1051 Market L Cit a 1862. Yonns men ami nlld!e , aared uirai who a.uHrntif bwn lb ttT'citu! vmihfil iiHtirtior.urcx- i r m ffuim-r vf. N-t.., "d l'hf tl inllii..iiit'i . .n.n.s; rermfitnrriir a. frnifrrfcrtft, 4J.rrli.r4, llel. t rff mt I rlNMiH(, nr. jvv a !. IVtt Iwu tn annLCj ! tr-ir"K ' ll4 ii til iv4 on It aff.U itm..!.!? rii-f bul ImlUMnl run. 1 Ha l 1.4 ti nit c! im tn ' I-r' win ftnr It, hl U -l..U"n - l f..; anl iqiun ri.vK-;n afrf r 'i-.M;irt ' In hi .t..,hr- iinranei of at. Bl.tlln lh..P .ul IV M III. .1.1 fl...li till . ni "tif'"i"-i"a Mrrrurt. I Ii NT HS aii.1.1. 1 1 1 en i'iIr.. C ' n o'.r 't.r .'Ibi.. 1 f.l h rm.-' .1, 1 ti l(, ita'i.'.'.i ri I I. ti liKf f t Cli -rf tat ' l.'i , or in ttit One hB-an4 lollnrn. ( ...i..,n nttr M uA. .... 1 IIA1-.UIA Vl'h t' HtlS-tSAt IK I i- V f tmeiini of Ain.;''n v A U't- M.-tr ma tn I i -! Ill'l ti d k.m It n nmt .prd.'ty n- 1 t -The -Mln,.Hv nf ilrr.rr (A V far -k t 4 r. I r.rfttt M H. f.na wl I, ww. 1 wn ti tl n a n nmt .pi. if. 1 k ."-': h-w , 1. .tt arl .1 - " t mc- . At .(.,( ; r, 1 .!,. If't 'tilfr.nt 4 ff,!, .fl ) - J ! tlitll I tret. ..ilr tin , tit, ana t'U 4"'. " . v ir anil. If it. I l - I ' ' ,Hr kl,l4 OK' li.iW I HI l' I t .ihirtir nt I'1 tntr l l' r '!li..i. . .., I it i I I tl.n nn. 1 tr Vr-i It nwsnn t.-r i I rt4 ar. it. atv tl1 ni-t 1'. .fcii 1 tn1 f -! O n i ri ;n I rit. (.fitn iMin' lri I : 1 eieatn' i f H1 IletrnUtnr l-lne oil! I' l'tirtlanj at l "Mt a, tn al 1t Dalle alJa.ta. Uha t-m so Ui rtilar.l, i"p rff at ft. tn.ll flRUNGTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE It. t:tn 1 ., , tftt IHOM AMIINUION IO lm iw u.ui tin rtoui.4 i.tf , w Mrl.i V! n:,a, t OO kouM f (jg 'mMu fti.ii.t m R.un4 trip n rioia .- miimi j.ai Kont.4 trip 1 tl ':, ''" l ' ... K. lt 4trtk 4 HntfeWa, Arlirl.n etrrt tuominj IU an.! tea trip .nn the i (woiir iere,) al (t o'eWi; la Haa IWoitibtn. "9 til "! U n! c. ' , W C. AU.AWAT. IttSMlt Aglet. at C'iit' a al 3 tt. tl at f p. m ('oBili'tiable rcta'fj f it.t a f;l, iif;..4 4"'ti. . an J artitr al tua. 1 ! i V! t v tr.a ift'