Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 09, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, August 9, 1898.
After one month's association
with the Gazette, carefully con-
sidering the business interests of
the paper, the new management
deems it advisable to reduce the
subscription price of the semi
weekly to one dollar and fifty
cents per year, beginning with this
issue, notwithstanding that in
other portions of the country
owing to the increased expense of
publication, due to the combina
tion of newspaper manufacturers
who have increased the price of
paper about GO per cent, a reduc
tion of expense, or an increase Of 1'nion Meat company.
subscription price has been re
sorted to. Not so with the
Gazette. In thus reducing the
price of subscription we expect to
place this paper within the reach
of every family in the county. No
effort or expense will be spared in
making it second to no semi-weekly
in existence in the northwest.
AVe have come here to stay and it
is our ambition not only to en
hance the business interests of
Ileppner merchants, but to zeal
iously guard the taxpayers of the
comity. Believing that we are at
W. J. Watenbnrger in town yesterday.
T. R. Howard'! family hare gone to the moun
tains. Mr. L. Blumcnthal went to the metropolis
last night on business.
Art Minor returned w ith hit family to Ditch
creek Sunday morning.
Dr. J. . Adkint, the well known dentist, ar
rived by this morning'a train.
Mrs. Judy Mitchell left on last night'a train
for a visit with her son Oscar, near lone.
Mrs. I. E. Barr went to Portland last night for
a month's visit with friends and relatives.
Joe Hays, who has been In Idaho selliug
blooded sheep, returned Saturday morning.
W. J. Walsh, of Ella, was In town Monday.
He reports everything prosperous In his sec
tion. H. P. Veruulye. land examiner for the N. P.
railway company, is in town, arriving this
Miss Ordrie Donahue duarted for Kay's sid
ing last evening, to visit a week or so with her
many friends there.
Cbas. Royce, of Hardman, staited for Port
State News.
The hottest day Portland has exerieiiced
this season the thermometer reached 97 degrees.
One man prostrated and 18 horses killed at
Pendleton and vicinity by the terrible heat on
Sunday, July 31st.
The salmon fishing season ends tomorrow.
Fish Commissioner McGuire will at once place
a patrol on the river.
John D. Henderson, of Hood River, swam the
Columbia at that point last week, the distance
being i'4 miles. The feat was never before
Professor William Wann, who resigned the
position as commercial teacher In the Ashland
college to go as s volunteer, is i; lug in a Manila
hospital of consumption.
Hugo Von Der Helen was thrown into a
threshing machine August 4th at Medford, Or.,
and had one of his legs torn off. The doctors
amputated the leg, but the patient died today.
Representative John W. McCullouch, of
Marlon county, is at work on the new road law.
He will propose a plan for using penitentiary
convicts. This may be good for Marlon county
but of little advantage to Morrow.
Judge Bollinger, ol the U. S. district court, on
land last night with a load of fat cows for the Agu Oth, appointed Lawrence T. Harris, of
Tom Mathews brought in I. F. Prater and
family yesterday, who have been visiting with
his family two weeks past.
Messrs. H. W. and H. E. Bartholomew have
gone to Sumpter to inspect their bands of sheep
and will remain about ten days.
W. E. Brock came In from Ditch creek Satur
day, returning the next morning. He reports
the camp experiencing all sorts of fun.
Misses Eva and Jennie Bartholomew returned
from Butter creek after a three weeks' visit.
They report having had a most enjoyable time.
Eugene, and John Burnett, of Corvallis,
referees In bankruptcy, and Fred N. Wallace, of
Antelope, and Geo. II. Cattanach, of Canyon
City, I'. 8. commissioners.
An opium crazed Chinaman at La Grande
Monday, in a dispute over a game of fan-tail,
shot two of his countrymen, killing one and per
haps fatally wounding the other. He is In jail.
and said, on being arrested, "One talkeo too
much and I shoot him in the mouth; one see
too much and I shoot him in the eye."
Wheat began selling August 5th at Pendleton
and it is probable a considerable amount will
Mud a market before many more days pass. F.
Mrs. C. A. Rhea and son Carl went to the W. Hendlcy, of the Western warehouse, bought
mountain camp with Mr. Brock Sunday morn- iiOO sacks from Gustav Volmer for 50 cents a
lng, expecting to remain until the majority bushel, and 1000 sacks from Hugh McArthur, of
break camp. Athena, the price of which is not known,
Mr. M. M. Morgan of Sand Hollow, made us a The John Day placers have been worked for
pleasant call Saturday. They have about finish- years, and still yield enormous amounts every
ed harvesting on his mother's place. The yield year. John Strong, an old prospector, asserts
has been very satisfactory. that there will be plenty of good diggings there
Miss Cora Hart accompanied J. W. Morrow on for 'he next 50 years. The Chinese take out
the threshold Of a Period Of prOS- ""'turn to the Ditch creek camp Saturday thousands of dollars monthly, which the mln
. ., . niht to remain until Tuesday, when she will lg world knows very little about. Some of
pority We must Unite in OUr ellOrtS return with Mr. W. E. Brock. 'he richest kind of float has been found, but
tr. r,lo,u tl,;a .nnnfn a fWinrr nti. ptr.nn ., r,nm Ti, nn. b no ledges of much promise have been located
, . . -f auUA T. ' 6 day morning, remaining over until MonaBV Several dredging firm, are preparing to conduct
tO Which it 18 entitled. The pay- . . . UD .,, inell(, .., w placer mining on an exten.ive scale.
" .
Are much in little"; always sasv
ready, efficient, satisfac- TLJJ I E ty
tory; prevent a cold or fever, IBB 2i
cure all lirer Ills, sick bead- w
ache, jaundice, constipation, etc Price 25 centa.
The only Pills to take with Hood's ttsrmiiartlla.
1' undersigned, administratrix of the estate
of E. H. Haling, deceased, has filed her final re
port and will make final settlement of her ac
counts wit li said estate as such administratrix,
at the next term of the Count7 Court of Morrow
county, to be holden at the court house at
Heppner. in said county, on the 6th day of
nepiemoer, a. u. iwra, at i o ciocx p. m.
Some Sixty-Kive or Seventy People at That
P .sort
1 1H linripraiirnpH a.hnlntaf rntnr nf the palate of
A friend of the Gazette's spent Saturday and J. G. Young, deceased, has filed his final ac-
Sundayup at the famous Ditch Creek summer count and will make a settlement of the same
icjii, .u u,,u .... l oiintv Court of Morrow county. State of OrR-
to give this paper a few items picked up while gon, on Tuesday, the Oth day of September. 1SD8,
there which we trust may prove of interest. at n o clock a. m. ti. t.tii,
A large number of Heppnerites are very com
fortably located at this old camping ground,
among whom we might mention the following:
Senator Morrow and family, Judge Dutton and
wife and Grandma Hallock, with whom are the
two daughters of H. H. Hallock, of Pendleton
and Master Willie Dutton, E. Minor and family,
Arthur Minor and family, Oscar Minor and
family and Miss Lena Behm, the families of Dr.
P. B. McSword's and H. W. Bartholomew, Mrs.
F. K Bartholomew and daughter, W. 1. Brock
and family, Mrs. C A. Rhea and family, Dr. E.
R. Hunlock and family, D. A. McAtee and
family, Mr. Lowey and family, J. H. Richardson
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
August2. 18!.
j following-named settler has riled notice
of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will
ne mane Dciore v. urawiora toiiniy uiem, ai
Heppner, Oregon, on haturday, September 17,
181B, viz:
FRANKLIN' WILLIS, of Lexington,
Homestead application No. 4005 for the SEJ4
Sec 9. Tn S. R 25 E VV M.
He names the followine witnesses to Drove
and wife and Ralph Swinbourne, the families his coiUinuourreaidence upon and cultivation
nr . I p Rh on.i n.nor fit,.hn ni othoi-a. of said land, viz: Joseph EskelBon, James A.
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
The Misses Julia and Cora Hart are camping
with the McSwords and Bartholomew crowd
while Masters Percey and Will Hughes and
Ralph Bishop are camped off by themselves and
doing the bachelor act to perfection.
Jay Shipley and family had been In the camp
for a couple of weeks or more, but were com
pelled to return home on Sunday evening
owing to the serious illness of Mrs. Shipley.
Mrs. Shipley was very sick while in camp but
was tenderly ministered to by the different
ladies and her every want was looked after In
the best manner possible
According to the fashion of the camp, and
all of Lexington, Oregon.
Land Office at Tub Dalles, Oregon,
Julv 21. 1898.
11 following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before V. Crawford. County Clerk, at Heppner,
uregon, on tuesuay, September t, 18'J8, viz:
JAMES W. HILTON, of Hardman,
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
f T .1 A nnl!n.,tlnM V" In-O U VI i r
i n . i ... li. i iiuiucBicau Avyiit:aLiuu ioo mr nits r y
lasuiouu everyining you anow, 010 overalls, SWi Kee 22 and EU SEU Sec Jl. Tn5 8. Rail
bloomers and short skirts for the girls, young E W M.
He names the following witnesses to nrove
Mb continuous residence upon and cultivation
roll of the Gazette now amounts to
$100 per month, the major portion
of which is expended with the
business men of this town. In
order to continue the scale upon
which the Gazette is issued we
realize the necessity of the patron
age of the business men of the
necessitate frequent trips for a while.
Mr. F, J. Allen, of lone vicinity, was in Hepp
ner yesterday. He has finished harvesting and
Is now cutting the second crop of alfalfa, which
he claims is the best he has known for years.
Miss Bertha Cate Is In temporary charge of
the icecream and confectionary department at
Jimmy Hart's, during the absejice of Clyde
Wills, who is enjoying a vacation at Bingham
D, H. Looney, president of the Oregon State
Board of Agriculture, started bis big 3G-56 inch
machine near Jefferson Wednesday. Last year
he began August 5th, and during a run of
thirty-five days shelled out 70,000 bushels of
grain. This year he expects to thresh at least
80,000 bushels, His crew consists of thirty-one
men and he carries a dining car, a palace hay
car from which the horses feed and the entire
train la drawn by the engine that runs the
machine but of this threshing outfit and
Miss Gertrude Crawford, having in charge others of Its kind, both great and Bmall, more
Community, to Whom We present ,m,r of the children of the county clerk, started anon as the harvest progresses.-Balem Sentinel
Will Blevins and Frank I'arr were arraigned
r.. ri...i. ...... i. ,ki. . it.. i I
,, , , . . tuia iituriuuK. 1 lie utile UUVB
the largOBt Subscription JlSt Of any UerewiM with deUxht In anticipation of join-
paper ID the COUnty, and by Our MK their mother in the mountulni
nr.fnnna fnfmnnf HnU tonus Btcwart iorved hit time at the Ditch
eri'olr fAtim rntiirnliii tn liiitnfna uisit An tnrHn v.
aim redUCtlOU Ct OUr BUDSCripUOn Josstellsa very Interesting tale of camp life,
We feel certain that he in no way over estimates
price we exppct duriug the fall to
increase our list one hundred fold.
the extent of his brief seusoii of enjoyment.
before Justice Joe H. Parkea yesterday after
noon on the charge of stealing two horses aud
two saddles. The horses belong to Indian Umo
wlt, an Indian policeman on the reservation
It Is claimed the horses and saddles were stolen
in Pendleton, and after.the men had arrived at
reservation the saddles were changed to two
TilE Oregon state fair will be
Lold at Salem from September 2'2d
to the UOtb, inclusive. The man
agement promise a big success.
Herbert lilakeway, who has been living here otll0r lloru" tt"d tne flr"t tw0 turne(1 IoOBe-thc
for sometime, will leave Haturday for his 0id "mer iwo oeiougiug 10 l mown, me preu...
h,iuin a.hn.u iin win tub,, i, i.o -i luary examination Is set for this morning at 10
ladies and "old" ladies are the prevailing cos
tumes and It seems to your reporter that the
costumes above mentioned are the proper thing
for mountain wear. He does not claim to be
an authority on "dressology" but this fashion
struck him as being just the thing for reasons
too numerous to mention.
Hunting and fishing has been quite good, so
say those who are interested in this kind of
sport. However, It is not for your reporter to
say just how much or what kinds of game is
being "bagged" the most. He never was any
hand at telling bear and fish stories anyway.
However, the most of the game seemed to come
of said land, viz: Reuben Allen, A. H. Allen,
fcmery hperry ana John Howell, all of Hard-
man, Oregon.
J A3. I . MUOKK.
68-80 Register.
Notice of Intention.
Land Officii at Thk Dalles, Orkoon,
July il.isim.
ii following-named settler has filed notice of I
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
from Dave Herrln's sheep camp which is near before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner,
at hand and furnishes many a fat mutton for ii,p...,".
the CRmtM.ru. Jnat hefor 1prv1i.it. vonr renorter "Dr nl ' nr.ru.uau.
r I tTm J A r.jnnlnn V,. A 41 a ... l, I
noticed some kind of a four footed animal hang- v w u and sw vi tee Tn 5. TwV
lng up between two trees near Minor villa. He names the following witnesses to prove
How it came there is hard to say, but Art Minor his continuous residence upon and cultivation
l bhiu miiu, via. ii. ii. iiuiMii, isnii liee,
Al.L along the 0. R. & N. Co.'a
line is an earnest discussion of a
daily train in and out of Ileppner
during the dnytimo. Agitation
will bring it. Lot's koep it up.
Omaha and will probably inako his future
home at Lincoln. He came In and left his name
for a year's subscription to the Gazette.
Mr. 8. 11. Smith, wile and boy arrived In
Heppner on last Friday to visit Conductor II
M. Bryant and family. Mrs Hinith is a sister of
Mrs. Bryant. The visitors come from Iowa's
best town, Sioux City, and are making a tour
of the coast. They will remain hero several
Tiiohe who have concluded that
advertising duos not pay, should
have had occasion to visit The Fair
tlio day of its oponiig. Tho pro
prietor, kuowiiig that he had the
gooj.-i an I prices to suit tho public,
Dimply made the announcement
through the columns of local pa.
pern, and in return for his buxitiess
Hi'. nt hud the satisfaction of reap
lng the reward to which he was
Frcnii lima lintnetnorUI bits tlieOrt'tfou
!)ii'nmu beeu lu peck of trouble or in
hut wat'T. Kivxri of liln iJ lisre bocu
lied" in tbit itikle, arisiun from Ills qaar
nil for iHnran with farmort uil
stookiut'ti. Tlie dliecipiuaii, lu bis own
liiatt, niupertly bi-hcvM lliul be bun
biHn titijiiHtly ilisoriiuitialeil iiunst, ml
lliKrofitra lie linn ilHsptirHliily fuugbl fur
bat bo ri gntiln.1 hit natural rwbl
Now anotlicr cliiergetioy litcsntilt Itself
Inch bixli'i no (H-HOcful teriiiinstioo
Tb ilirriris.r r oUmoriiisi (or tb
rutire (!momI fiwei valioo (or t sumuier
rsngf, "lse, tbii year, tba rutittou must
i'le tba nioiiutaliia earlier lliso nql
Tbrra'a no likelihood that Hit forestry
department will fsorbly view (bit Je
msn.l, ami In that efenl Ilia slirep will
tia drlyen to lucahtlra whara tbtjr anl
Ibelr owners will b turt with pow Jr
nil lea l. It Is Ilia srlfoatua story rrlolj.
It la m.h'nt, ju lk-itiit ftotn tba siloati m
on tba (' l rcsatva, that txfiira tba
autumn Usves avaiu twdrok lha yriini d
Ilia lifu'a 11 lid of sIiwmiiho may also
liav aalnrstoj lha ami of has Urn Ora
g'in, whrrw hunuoidea bava too lonst una
tiiipuiilsiiB I. It la trn, coma runa
ahuiild l di'Ti.rd fur tba safur prolna-
IlKII ol OrrKiiu's slirn p and Wool In.ltli-
Irlxa, lull in. I at tba aurnfie of human
lifa, 1 l.a luna la ft aroaoblntf whan
lila and t f.'t.i rly shall lis aasfia l'.nst
ara Ot. g o as they ra la Hit nii-lrnHi
of lb tRt. Tba ferlo.l fur aeltlinf
fi n l l.ftar. n shpr.iiii-n, slock and pl
llitalrra rihI tstirlirrs with a sholgtin
is Jrawu i In an a arly eloaa. It may In
a gfl iim iita il(i tba abaroinxn out
of OrrK'Hi. If s i. It will only ftura that
lb aud rslllf f lir la nf greater
twnrOt la na. l)r, i a sarsa. It will b
a raaa of tha anrvif at uf lbs (IIImI. Hut
at ail tsrnta, Otrgon baa alUlnad auch
faioa l'f law and of.r and rMprtaliil
in an tig Iba tialra of tin bailoo Ibat
o'clock. Andrew Lewis and Albert Paine were
summoned late yesterday evening as witnesses
r the defendants. Pendleton Tribune.
Another threshing machine exploded Thurs
day evening lu Stage gulch, says the Pendleton
Tribune. It was the property of W. Roberts.
The cause was the same as that of the Morrison
machine at Adams smut In the wheat. The
separator was not entirely consumed, but was
disabled. The tire was extinguished with two
tanks of w ater that happened to be near. The
County Clerk Crawford, accompanied by his wind stacker and feeder were saved. Thc loss
wife and baby, Mrs. Bartholomew and Will was about f.W, aud no insurance Is reported
Sailing, drove to Ditch creek Haturday. They What wheat was near the machine was pro
found a happy family In camp, and it was with vented from taking Are. W. H. Jones telO'
reluctance that the two genlleiuen bade them graphed to Portland for a new machine for Mr.
farewell Monday morning on their return to Huberts, which Is expected here this evening
this city.
Mrs. Kit. Minor left Krldny night for Portland.
expecting to tako the out going steamer, K, 1).
11 iiiiio, which touches at Eureka on Its south-
bound journey, hut from sumo unknown cause
of delay, she was coin telled to journey overliiud
to fun KrauclM'O, Hhe will tako the steamer
from there to Eureka, and theiwa to Arcada,
II 1 1 ii 1 1 .1 1 1 county, furs six weeks' visit with
her 1'iireuts,
can doubtless tell something about it when he
returns to town.
Mr. Irwin, of Minor & Co., spent the past
week at the camp with his wife and baby, re
turning home on Sunday. Jess Stewart was
there, too, for ten days, but had to return to
town and business cares, much as he regretted
to do so. He uudoubtedlyiad a splendid time,
and some of those he left behind have been
shedding scalding tears of regret and lonesoine-
ness by the tub full. Jess was a favorite and
very kindly treated while at Ditch Creek, so
say the campers.
Emery Sperry aud John Howell, all of Hard.
man, Oregon.
ftS-au AS. If. fldUKK,
The Palace
m jv i
...Has been leased by...
As manager he will run it in first class shape
in every department. Kates reasonable
Land Offk k at Thk Dai.i.bs, Orkuon,
July 11. lwm.
li following-named settler has filed notice of
her intention to make final proof In support of
her claim, and that said proof will he made be
fore A. Miillorv. U. S Commissioner, at Ileno-
vviisou Droca came uow n ui iowu oaiuruay uer, uregon, on inesnay, August 'ii, lays, viz:
mill returned on Kllluluv fnnrilllifr Rnenmiiuliied MAK1HA f.. KMUl,
' n - i, ....... -i .. un.,i,a ,i J ... i j . If
uy sin, v,. a. jwicb, who win remain in me Homestead Application No. for the BH
mountains for two or three weeks. S Wu and N HWU Hce I. Tu fi 8. R 2t E W M.
,, , , i Hhe names the following witnesses to prove
Uunlocks and McAtees have a nice ca"'P her continuous residence unon and cultivation
and are enjoying their outing Immensely. Dave of said land, viz: Benjamin I'arker, Frank
Is one of the "kids" and Is to be found every w"r1' Robert Kuighteu and Emry Bperry, all
evening playing drop the handkerchief and
Ill Orrgiui.
A writer in the New Voik Sun le
sorililnu the United Hlatoa licet in
(tnatitmiMnKt Bay aava : "A little furth
er up the buy Ilea the Oregon, the buttle'
ahip wonder of two hrm (sphere. It
niakea nne'a heart jump prnndly m nne
tbiuka of the record of her marvelous
vnyntftt (ruro the i'aoillo otmst, duriug all
of wbicb the aton t hop of ofllcera tod
orew waa that they tnijttit etiaiinnter
rather than, avol I Ilia Cape Verde fb-et,
It whs the Oregon which drought the
CriHtolml Colon to terms, and made the
Colnn'a captniti, alter he had aurrender
ed, aay, with Hpanisb ahrug and de-
apairing geatnre, "To he chased by a
baltleahipl' The Oregon it a monstrous
Hosting furl, huge button of guns and
armor, tba tnoat powerful lighting thip
alloat. Hhe waa not built for Iran
A Street-Corner ItUcusslon as Overheard by
the Ui porur.
A party ol coinm rclal travelers Were seauxl
n front of the I'aluce hotel a few evenings ago,
and In the course of conversation the city of
Ileppner was pretty well discussed from many
standpoints. "Ueutlemeu," said one nf the
number, as he knocked the ashes from a choice
Havana, "you have probably hiMrd the song of
tho graashopiH'r, as ho sat on the fence ol a
w heat field, watching the waving grain w hich
had nearly reached maturity:
' 'In this w heat, bye aud bye,
In this wheat, we shall eat, bye and bye,
I n this heat, bye and bye,
In this wheat, we shall eat, bye aud bye.
Well," continued the speaker, "that Is atxmt
the way Heppner Is looked upon by the outMde
world. Among eoimnerclal men It Is known as
one of the most prosperous cities of Itssleln
the rutire Northwest. The grauliopen' song
applies, of course, pspcclal'y to the large nuin
her of Insurance men, Imok and picture, aurl
cultural Implement, sewing mschlnr, and other
sgeuls too numerous to mention, who have
their eye on Ibis place for fall working. The
town, howeter, I am told, has lieen full of them
for tha past few mouths, aud they all claim tn
have done a gixl business. You ran depend
iiixoi It that when these parasites Invade a sec
tlon ol country, its much talked ol rorlty
Is Hot chimerical. Hut coming down to the
solid rotniiirrclal lls of the city, and there la
not a better known low n, or one rating higher
III the financial Males Ihatl this. Tsksthst
iceanio voyages, hut aha has already
made two, and la ready fur Iba new one luk ovsr there, lor Instance, and her III
which aba will make to Hnain. Hhe lias r "'" iores..lld Institution or one doing
not oust rent In repaira aiuce Iba war
began, and offloera and roeo bate almost
gone without fresh water to drink thai
they might not bava to All the ilup'a
liollera from tba aalt sea There la esprit
da corps I It is no wonder that Commo
dore Walaoti baa dedidad to transfer bii
flag hi her. Una also f rinetuWa In
passing that tba Oregon baa taken pari
a larger business or having larger deposits In a
similarly populated district- Think f a bsnk
In a town ol I.Msi people with deposits ol one
third ol a million dollars! Why, 1 was down In
Wyoming-, only a ihort lima ago, and even there
I heard the rtnl National Rank ol Ileppner
(errrd to as one of the mol solid and est nisn
Ke.1 bank ol anv In Ihe rouutry. And a hank
In an)i fomtmitillT Is a fair In.l. of liseominer
i'UI stall llu
"The only thing Hie tow n needs,'' reuiaike,!
m ilk.ititir initilir nf Ihe Mrtv. w hn Is annar
in four bombardinenta off Hatilisgn and I ,. ,rr ti.nd with anytiilng.-taa few
slielle. AMarea to prolecl tba lending of more suttantlal, hsndsoms t.rl. k hulMlnrs
(len. Hbaflei'a troops al hilxiney. For
olber at'bievemetila lliere are bolea in all
of lha lonr wreck of tVrvera'a Qua
otuiset t tell Iba Ula ol lha Oregon'a
aclifity and uefulr.e. They tay that
Ibe crew and oltler ara rolling la gold,
becatiaa tin ona baa btn alior for
month to spend Ida pay.
big. I'rlra fur a Urka llrart
Not l"ng ainoa I'anvilU, III, Jury or
derrd the llisl defendant III I'fesoh of
piomiae esse to pay tha romprlenl ftini
of I'.i.im ft In lha affl clad fair one
Though li la a pretty high estimate of
blighted affection, there la another esti
mate which, If not in dollar and rent
J . C. BOEOHERS, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Iilde-and-seck with the children who appear to
enjoy his company very much. Doc is the story
teller of thecaum and amuses tjie youngsters
nearly every evcaing with a good tale of travel
aud adventure taken from his own experience.
He is said to possess wonderful imaginary
powers, aud this, coupled with his great How
of language, makes him particularly adapted to
this line itf work. Doc is a good berry picker,
too, and catches some fish, and Is withal mighty
handy man about camp.
The little son of Hcnator Morrow is greatly
Improved in health, much to the Joy of his par
ents. and they are hopeful that the good water
aud mountain air will ultimately restore tilin
to perfect health, aud all those about camp
share with the in this w ish. Grandma Hallock
also, is enjoying better health than for years,
the light, pure air of the mountains being very
beneficial toher. flic rides horseback, plckes
berries, takes plenty of exercise, sleeps good
night and awakes In the morning feeling
greatly refreshed aud Invigorated. Mr. E.
Minor Is improved somewhat In health since
locating on the creek, and will doubtless return
to tow n greatly Invigorated, He has been able
most of the time to catch large numbers of trout
ol Hardman, Oregon.
Notice of Intention.
Land orricc at LaGhandk, Oiironw.
Juno IH. I"'.
following-named settler has tiled notice
of her Intention to itiHke final proof In support
of her claim, and that said Krixif will tie made
IxMore the County Clerk of Morrow County. Or
egon, at Heppner. Oregon, on July :to, v.w, vis:
1 1 1 r. . A I it.
Administratrix nf the estate nf Sarah A. Water
man. dccn"d, T. C. No. tM, for the se' sec. ,
in. in . r. '-'7 K.
Hhe names the following witnesses to prove
nor coiiunuoiis resilience uixiu sun cultivation
of Raid land, vU: Hubert H. Morgan, Kd K.
-xllnir, M.J. Devlti and A. II. Mamp, all ol
ileppner, tircgou.
E. W. Babti.ftt,
fiu-7l Kcgisier.
ai. iviciixrrcornviv - co.
They have anything In this line that you may desire and yon can depend on It you got a
Old SUnd, Main Street' R.nnlrlna Sneoialtv
Merchant Tailoring!
Mr. Aliraluimsic-k is the pioneer tailor of Hepjr
ner. Kiswork is always first class and natisfac-
1T n tsTkwl
(.411 lUlllVV'ti
I.ani orrtt a at thb uallb, iisr...( x.
July al. ik
following I aineil s-ttlrr has tile. I notice ol
and Is perhaps entitled at this lime to wear the Ids intention to make Dual proof In support of I
champlonshlD belt tor this Dracllcnl sixirt. " "". '" ,".,t !"""' 'o"'1"
In rat i . I laajriiiril I iiinifv i inrkr mt Maititikat' I
Mrs. Dr. McSwords was feeling very much "". eiur.iay, ipiemir (,i. vis:
eJwtiHlaud csstdown In snlrtt. Iiemoanlui r.Jiu.i iai .i I, oi neppner,
the loss ol her ...se hair, which .. ..Id h.d id W-C erVTpTa' hVewV
oe-n oaswiin a nucm. iH-rry pieaml Devoured (. names ihe lollnwlng witnesses M prove
y Ihe hungry crowd which surrounds her I "Is eontlnuoin residence omiii and cultivation I
UblealHinlll.r.H.ll.n.,l.v Tl.l. I. I...I .1... ol srn.l land, vn: v. n. rimer, Allien Matte
..II ...I I. . .... . t " " ail nil
" ii" ivrnnm iiiiosi iiriiviwi w lien ll 1 I Iil,till4r . t IrrCoD.
was noticed how vigorous seeimxl to tie tha
s x'tiles ol the aforvMld crowd. It was some
tiling terrible to behold, sud the y grubdls-
spx-ars at that camp Is a caution, and It Is not
to tie wondered at that Mrs. Mi dwords aa'cuiea 1
them ol devouring her false hair, thus depriving
her of the extreme pleasure of "filing" up
when company comee, Hhe would not Iwl so
had alxiut It, but she says Mrs. If. W. lUrtliolo-
mew hasn't euotigh l divbl tip lib her, and
further more Is not cllxied to do so. However,
"with all their 'lalse' we love em still. '
Withal, therein per al Ditch Ch-ek are hsilng
a litis old time and making the most of their
outing, and th Osteite hope tu make further
good report from that locality.
i o
J A, r.
A complete stock of pure and fresh drup al
ways in stock. Careful attention paid to lilling
of prescriptions.
etat'ttf a blgb.tet in iiiral unal lefa-
l 04 I nner ill loUfalelhsSellleroeol j o of c Hellene reeodee a Mly an l-
... c, 1Ui,,., rc gin o, ,Uv. I hi i the estimate ol Ilia l e u
ia a lawl-a matiuef. Telegtaut. i .e aa l Ibe rffl a-'r ol U.lUir'p)loB,
anb llillr aa retn,ty lot roestipatioo.
Tba aMoa of Ihia gntl )ul f?etie
t mitst-lj 'is a
t m .i . I. I .n 1r I'a1 l.ilL' II. 111. Al nS.
i- i.,..i, o t .nrii I toe a.-', p rs laislif I Haver aisniropauieJ tif Ibe
.t a ,1 t. l.hon I., ihe l. . a- i g.-niy M,,illtf , tuarkel la Hit opialu.a)
I it. ti ! on SMi.i-n. liver and !., . .. ... . ,,
a . . ti i.i'. s.'-in, .11.,-1 Ms ralharlie. It la asj laeonipaiaKle
,,,,,, ,., i, , , r, ,i i- i, mi 'lpto tmtlf fr kn4 sisasialitsy of malarial,
s -f i. I' t. f S', l tt a te g , ' , , , .
.1 t . i , . 4v.i i u4 i iliiTia at J kl'lnejf fx ir p.it.l, an J a
lf.s.jWMs Wfcksl. a-ini,si'A irvaUr pI a,,lit tai ilrp,
There Is snnVlent tiuslneas tratiswteit In Ihts
lowit In wairant their erection. II mar not be
generally known, hut tt Is a fact, thai on mer
raiilll hnne here des a busliice ol over lltn.
iui a er, and I her are lerwl lhal reai h Ihe
n.itu niaik "
"Well.griilleuien." auso steil 111 Joker ol the
artr, "ustiir aoim thnee supplies tlio ir
tnnllt lor tilling a long tell want for In
lime, l.x.s al hpossne la-tore and slu t Hit
Mtanger," I'tuke In an old timer, "did It
nr in ml to J on thai Ileppner sprang up In on
I ia, in ally nothing, and that the weajlh rn
tenxl l'i Hits low a lis nearly all lii ma lr
nrre Itom natural pt.t n t' Me hsts In Ihls
pla seteial mm who ram here with nothing
mors Ihsn a Small band ol sheep or a lew bead
,.f aU le, whe t.xtay ar worlh, tn ol Ihein.
nrarly ball a mil; Ion .lura, and snany more
Inin .vo npwaMs t are proud of these
ineo, snJ wear proud ol lbs lllti City IU
n. It I sell mad rtty, ol il sus Is asa
ts bsvs sll lb ruanltiK'e of sno-lia ntt
ifitiiC llHs. sv1 "F aster s h'ls
an. I g.a.l ui'inU i pel utemeul '
'. Ileppnsr I H tlghl " said Its wool.
I Ulat "Tbsstorehouanstepay bed ltk stnil.
aud this polnl will ship nor la lb aest lew
rVs laii " I,' xlnl le saieie tegn.
II IS eatimslr-l tO'tW the Salial ol Wuol
sliixrp, esllie an t shiat, Ih.s e If will In
. ihn her WMilh l y al leaal I uim. this la. I
I think 1li l'Hrltt' d d fc"l btget
M.i'm eo-o-ty en bis of nt trip. "4ib
hih ban's ! ll. tw l 1,1 Ibis 1J ti ; tb
l'k.t ti.U.ss a. J lil kufi "
vi v j vu I villi
hollow nj your
lipt white?
Is your iprxtite
poor nJ your di
gestion wek? It
your lltih toil
and have you lent
In saelafit)
These Are lymptomi of
AnemiA or roor blood a !
They Are juit as frequent j
Notice of Intention.
I AM orriCK AT I t (iltANPK. ORKltllN.
I 4 June .'1. I"". Notice Is hcr l.r tlven thai I
l'ie lollowlus' nanie1 K'tller has Miel notice of
hla Inl.oitton to make dual prxf In snpNirt of
his claim, and that sold pnx.l will b made
i.riore A. Maiiorjr . I , e. roiunilaaloin.r lrur
son al Heppner. lovnon. on At usi li, ei, vj;
viler, uiikiki,
It. , A. U.f V.. f... tl.. tt 1. Kill
b', h'k'.stid 5K'rtla See. t lwpt
k V K.
He name Ihe follow Itif wlltieau tn prove
Ins eonituuous rsldeiM upon and rultlvatlno
of ssld laud, tli lls Uoaihana eiyvMt.tr
W ior.-oii. Mlllian Muth. I'et-r Hiin allot
Ileppner, tir. . W, KARI I bTT.
Re titer.
that the
us, your
in the lummer as in the
winter. AnJ you can he.
cured At one time hut as
well as Another.
of coJ thx ell ni! fivro-
fStspMUt w ill cc 1 1 ah il f
elpyou. Alnvr,t orryuive
can take it. anJ it wiil not
diiturb the wcakeit stom
Ach. It ctunfs rj t ,H e"W r4
for l-Voxl trt IwAllhy aruj rsh
rti. It aMtusssKs lha tw I fivrs
fowtf to th istrvTS, t-eiet-i
tik ywer oli t iaJ stferjih,
A'l f"-f a ( ai I ft
ert 4 li. . . i.."- ... v T
t trptn lif itft'i rxMMiltt,
I H Kjrty. Nkrh I iwrrf,
ll.nftilsj.iri, h Hrtt
nf lnraifin, tn
fssjrrt elmitil
In Ut iint ( liisji Put of Orvnti. f ftti. nt
rhil )iiuitt hp- t-sitrsif lei a ) asti'l
lrrnn.llh.ll.ilS .I.IIIM oil o'lo.l.., h. l- ne loalSH
.. .lf.ll.oi ol II,. II. .. rnarils In Ibeoi t.r laf IwIlM IhImsi
..f fii.ii.oii.iai i4 this S'ii..io..i,a. mUuh rl iu. 't. .'.' "''"'. '
aaMBMiii i '
If you have not yet realized
'd old time" are with
blood m out of order. (Jet rid of that
"tired feelin-j;" ami awake to the fact
that the
Wool Growers'
Warehouse Y
U the place to r-tore your wool Ilk reason. Why? Ut
catme we do ft utrictly warehouse hugineM.", and not Uinp in
' iinn iumK wooi ourfcivef, we encourage coniiK'tition
onpt the buyer ami m-cure you the highest price.
the I
We are lll( ! savbs an-l t In. al r-ait, oj aids a ben wool Is
i 9 v v v Sr v1' v v vVv 5
mf m tit I
MJr,th 6th if St (mbir ,
l -ri4 ti.1 h f !!! U4i tlr
'.it ( m fi( M tt) tf art I .B.r f
'tt'"'"" allMT til !(' -t l rMff
lt Mi'lf rM fin ti K I if ftl )T .ii
(th"tF mlh fttf1 hrmit ('nni fh (!
Uf (r t-Pf at th 11 I - f r n t
MtitiWl IN tuflhof t'im rf l? Hrnf
fw. If - . tl tmrt'ft t4 ii it
lit ) Iff lh ('WfJ-r lrtif H r 11 1 ti n1
rtT tw itt If y.ti t , i ntt
"ft ut tV-sMtt H- I 4f if Anf n
th tfitt if r4rt)iaa (wt saWs
n t of J K mtti f" f ,i ftt. AuMff
j ah J Mfe nttt t th r t tu -f -tt
lf tin.m i I li mt9 r a.!
ift I f,. t .,s.. , f p iHmatr..
Utt-1 lA IKrniNlt
M tT ls. l IT., .r,, I., tt.l Is.f. art-)
. f hm avi e tii a j
.- 4) i, n 'Mt l H j
j fins' imrmm , .rrmi aM
I li , a.h , art 94
i 4 a ht, ti m . r'lr, Is. , t. 1
j r"i -i ? ti tp, 1 hi
i -,.. e Mt -t I ) tSf fi UajTM,
. t - f - Hi -. t-mn
t i J -4Mt tfca mwm v -t tn
1 H U - sa t .J-t.fA I ri j 4
, 4 tw
rvt. Id your otMef
H fmf tl hlrH-at rah ptrm ff ah-rf f-f!t t1n
- mt (of LA bla Qit U(k lal lAkA Mn -
,,Ur ' " " "r ! rv)nrQ
iaartiir m h rVin-r1 ! ! an l,r am n-M r.f ,.,!
f r H-l.ri .1,-1 W host ala it U..nt I i .
-'""S pane; Hir iraiQIIVri,
IHff .M,f Uattt.ts tt to ulff i4wr aft t.. raw.
n. F. IIVND. AUnaocr.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
.hut Hull' the lllIlK Hinhl
hnoir.i this wcct t nlm t
.Is the Mar Breum Ucr.....
4 I On draught at
I all popular saloons
131 WMh;aM H., rr1ii, Ct