Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 09, 1898, Image 1

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The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic news
If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
the columns of the
From the Seat of VV?J
NO. 673
Tuesdays and Fridays
CORLIES MERRlTT, Editor and Bus. Man.
" At ifiO) pei- year, tl.00 for sir months, 50 ots.
.or three monccis, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the FoBtoftice at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
THIS PAPER is kept on file at K. C. Itake's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Jttorohants
Exohangs, Ban Francisoo, California, where oou
racts for advertising can be made for it.
inu aent, 21 Merchants' Exchang Build
ing, Han Dranoisoo, is our aninonzeu agent.
This pap9r is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p . m. daily except
Bnuday arriving at Heppner Junction 1215 a. m.
ljeaves Heppner Junction 3:30 a. m. and ar
rives at Heppner 8:00 a m
Hpokane Express No. 4 leaveB Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner J onction 7:50 p. in.
and Uma'illa 8:50 p. m.
Pr,rtlnil l',inrnn No 3. from BDokane. arrives
at Umatilla lJ:U0a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
.m. and arrives at rortlana u:ftu a. m.
KuRt. Mml No. 2 leaves Portland U:25 u. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 3:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:80 a. m.
Knxt Mail No. 1 laavm Umatilla 11:10 n.m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 12 a!) a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2t a.m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
AycgetablcPrcparationfor As
similating thelbodandRcgula
ling tlic 5tctmiichs andBowels of
officiai DziasscrosaTr.
United States Officials.
Pioaident William McKiuley
Vice President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State W. B. Day
Secretary of Treasury ....Lymnm J. Rage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Keorelary of War HubbpII . Alger
Beorotary of Navy John D. Long
PoHmaster-Qoneral Charles Kinery Smith
Atiorney-Ueneral John W. Uriggs
Secretary f Agrioulturo James Wilson
State of Oreson.
Hovernor ...W. J; Lord
Seoretary of Slate H. K. Kincald
Treasnrer Phil. Metschan
Bnpt. Publio Instruction (i. M. Irwin
Attorney General ..C. M. Idleman
., G. W. MoBnde
Bsnutors ) ,
jThos. H.Tongae
Congressmen . u. EUjg
Printer W. H. Leeds
I B. 8. Bean,
Supreme Judges V. A. Moore,
I C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
C rcmt Jndge . Stephen . Lowell
P.osecating Attorney H. J. "O&a
Morrow County Officials.
joint, Senator J. Iw-jv,l,rrow
i.u.Muniui E. L. Freeland
Ik.untyJndse A.. O. Bartholomew
3)ium,Morphme nor Mineral.
F,r infants ana children. Was Presented to the French Min
The Kind YOU Have istcr of Foreign Affairs
Always Bought
Bears the
Terrible Suffering of the
Boys In Blue.
Kcape afOldDrSAMUHnTmR
J tppt rrmnt
J!i Carbjnab$dia
fUmSeed -fforiJud
Sugar .
higmyrtn Flaw.
ArjcrfcctKemcdv forConstioa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea.
Worms .Convulsions .revensn
ness andLoss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
in rr i m ur .in
ill V IK
in nr
tTifniiK-faroiit s s --
A Formal Acceptance Expected Today,
Though Not Without Condition of
American Demands.
You Have
Always Bought.
It Was a Gruesome Tramp and
the Mud and Mire Hindered
Their Progress.
Abiolutel Pure
Associated Press Dispatches.
London, Aug. 8. The Madrid correspondent of tbe Times, tele
graphing SuDday, says:
Today all the best authorities agree that the government has de
cided to accept the American conditions.
The American reply to Spain's request for explanation reached
Madrid Friday, The text has not been given out, but it is known that
it bi Ought little consolation. President McKinley turned a deaf ear i Th
the'suggestion that Porto Rico might not be left to Spain and oompen- bloody trail of shattered flesh and broken
sation gotten elsewhere. bone-. It was' all ' too terrible when
Regarding the Philippines, the reply was not altogether satisfac- robbed of its glamour by item reality;
tory, but it was of such a nature that there was no longer any neoes
sity for postponing a decision on the main question.
Walla Walla Statesman.
Darkness had covered tbe first great
battlefield of tbe Spanish-American war.
Tbe dead lay all about, unminded in tbe
press to alleviate the wants of tbe
wounded. Sorrow was everywhere, not
because of defeat or disaster, for Amer
ican valor bad driven tbe enemy from
tbeir intrenobments in tbe faoe of a fire
tbnt might well have shattered tbe ranks
of veteren soldiers, but because to these
farmer boys, these mechanics, clerks,
lawyers, dodea and mniioDBires, bred to
tbe ways of peaoe, tbe sbeddiDg of so
mnoh blood seemed a terrible thing, in
Dalliation of whioh a riohteous war for a
I righteous oanse was all but nojust.
were not used to war, with its
and bo, despite the viotory of tbe day
and tbe glory they bad woo, oar eoldiers
were crashed and broken hearted at the
Iobs that bad been entailed.
And it was a tei rible, pitiful eight that
night. Wonnded were everywhere,
silently suffering. The shrieks and
hit. Howard
.... Vawter Crawford
E. L. Bi at lock
M. Liehtenthal
J. F. Willis
Julius Keitlily
Jmt W. Hhinlny
Dr. Kt B. Honlouk
unr Thos. Morgan
Licl.tonthal. J. II. Simons, J. J. Huberts, J. W.
,(,. and E. . P7; w A. Hi(,mr(llton
(Commissioners. .
J. W. Beckott.
Treasarar. ......
Hchool Hap't...
Lodging House
BEDS 25 and 50 Cants.
GEO. C. ROME, Prop.
Next door to Opera House.
Homer Davenport Has a Uo With the Ex-
Chaoipioo Pugilist
Marion connty's famous son, Homer
Davenport, went up ogoioet "Qentlemao
Jim" Oorbett the other dsy.and thus de
scribes bis "impressions", in a recent
issue of the New York Journal :
'Althosgh I bave been robbed of ade-
Marshal "0,lu
Ju.tic.of th. I'seos W. K. Kirf"'"'"
t n.thle u b- unw
I n lied State Laud Ortirers.
i. t. Honrs
A..H. Hint.
lAOANl), OB.
V W Mrtlett KodlsfaW
J.H. Kobbin.
.1,. W. HriRRs
. KecetT.r
a. a. h.
M-wlsatllHl t'ner.Or.. th. tlnH Sattirdaf of
. m.mth. All tstsrans r iniwi w. j
W W Hmitli. "
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Oflloa hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to
q n m tt residence. W. A. Kirk's prop
erty, eart Of M. E chorrb. South, and 10
ri in . in z ) o d. in. . at viiiuq iu
tba raar of llors jewelry store.
C. E. Redfield,
Attorney at Law,
Oflloa to th First National
HarrntK, : : Oiuoo
Ellis & Phelps,
All hnsln.. slli1e.t
ktlaix-biry naniwr.
Otlka la Ustt.r Balldlaa
In I'rntiil'l snd
houries I'ul.ltc and
Msppn.r, or,
1111 TO"' "W hn"'" "' n",' ,n .
. hsmi ft uc wmy out "I
U,,ra krs Irllir "i "
film ItntiS
OffieiQ J. N. l'rowu'a ItuiMioe.
Tha Spanish Anawar.
London, Aug. 8. The Madrid correspondent of the Daily Mail,
telegraphing Sunday, says:
TIia nnswAr of the Soabiah covernment declares that HDain cannot 8roaDB of wh,ch writers of other battle
discus, the American proposals, but only accepts them because they Z)
are imposea on ner py lorce. wuiy tew uubsbouiiw uuge iu iub and through with Mauser bullets lay in
American demands were asked for, and it is not expected that Preai- the long grass of the fields where they
McKinley will refuse them. bad fallen or under tbe knife of tbe sur-
.... i ,t geon in tbe improvised hospitals without
Paris, Aug. 8. The Spanish ambassador this morning presented B mnrmur or , moB0. They bore it like
to the Frerjch minister of foreign affairs Spain's reply to tbe peace heroes, bat the sgooy was all there. And
terms of the United States, which he subsequently cabled to Washing- those who saw it knew it. Tbe pallid
taoes, contorted witb soffermg, told Ine
story as plainly as though tbe pain were
shrieked from a thousand throats, and
made it all the nobler. ,
What a journey it was that nigbt from
tbe firing line along the bill of Hah Jnan,
Washington, Aug. 8. Secretaries Alger and Long aud Attorney-
. v ..... T r ' 1 fn.-n ' a In Ann Pai'dnna wit.K Tiaairf ant. f aTT 1 n I f on
rp . -.. -k. -loiMon over Jim uoroeii, i n jouhsm ucuoisj vna -" .vwv, ...... . . . ... w..v. au
1 OfiSOril ArtlSla over ,be thR'I bavea'sooop' on the hour this morning, ending at 11:30. At the conclusion of the confer-
news that Oorbeit can still hit aud get ence it wa announced that official notification of Spain's acceptance i of where onr soldiers lay on their iifl.is(
away, tie aiao t nnve 10 gi away yw- , . . .1 . t 1 r0Pive(L Tha nreaidnnt ATnAnta down the long, winding, muddy road to
IUU Va IU VB. IMVW " - J C - J w.w I
niDooey, wuere is me army s oase. uere
Hair Cutting,
Shop, Matlock Corner,
15 Canta
25 "
Bcppner, OreRou.
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
a 1 ..4 ei ... t)n.U .U,.n T ViAvaii
I J ' I I Ml . nwn amn t n f I fAmnVOAii)
with bira, but I am sure that bad be ue win receive h wrui. buuiuUO ci.jr .uu.tw.
visheil lis nmi'd have made his escape.
"Never since I visited tbe Lick Ob- WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. At U p. m. it Was stated at the 1) Jeuch em-
servatory io California have I seen so bassy that the SpanUh reply had not yet been received.
many stars and planets, anil a few elbows,
ault HouseJS5
as I CHUijht a y'.iropse of yesterday. II
'Kid' McC y doesn't locate Androe and
llooo while he is gp there when be
rbott in September I'll miss my
is the hospital to which all tbe wounded
must ootue eventually if they are spared ,
and toward it, from tbeoraok of tbe first
ritia on tbia morning of tbe opening
struggle until the nigbt merged into an
through tbe palms there ooraes a crack
ling as of branches beicg trodden under
foot. Your blood grows oold, and then
you smile to yourself in a sickly sort of
way as you realiza that tho land crabs
are running away from you. They are
plainly to be seen in the road now, big
fellows, blue and black and red aud yel
low. They hurl themselveB hurriedly
from danger in tbeir peculiar awkward
way, and you bate tbem, for you know
that were you dead on that spot within
an hour these vermin would bave pioked
your skulls as olean as vultures.
The never-ending road still winds on
through the wood with tbe wounded
onoe more dotting it. Three of them are
sitting on a boulder. Two of tbem bave
been shot in the arm, and the other both
in the shoulder and the thigh. He is
weakening fast and tbe others are trying
to obeer him up.
" It ain't tbe pain," he says, "it's tbe
loss of blood that's ki ling me. How far
is it 'now? Have we oome to the hill
where the rough riders fought?"
" Not yet," answers one of the soldiers,
" but it is very near."
' "Well, I'll gel that far, anyway," ie the
man's response, and be struggles to bis
tired feet.
It is as peaoeful as though war did not
exist. The land orabs flee in tbeir fiend
ish way from before your feet and witb
halt an hour's steady marching you
stand on tbe rough rider's bill. To the
right, just on tbe crown overlooking the
valley to the south, are seven wooden
slabs stuck into tbe earth side by aide to
mark where fell tbe first heroes in the
campaign agaiust (Santiago. A wounded
man is lying near the graves. He lifts
bis head at tha npproaobing sounds.
"Played out," he aays, laoonioally.
"Shot in tba shoulder, . Finish tba trip
No complaint, no regret, just grit.
From this bill the road leads down
into a thicket through which tbe sun
never shines. Tbe moon is drowned. It
is as blaok as a cavern. Hocks, loose
and jigged, fill Ibe roadway and render
tbe footing unsafe, lirauobes reaoh out
from tbe brunt) and whip your fsca. It
is unoauny. Htraoge insects are sieging
Hslf hlork west of the Tlllon Denot of r.H.&IKat nvnr liis nurd hA Link, ns.tf. I Sf .1 V...I,ir.rfi.. A flv lha Knamuli ftahlnAf. maaloir. Inal kd.n auIIj1 ii,Ia m.vIaa. knl .till lhav
V::?"'.:":0-. .a ..k. a .1.. m " a n... figures appear down the
..... ui ov. 1. r. wiuriHwi.. ,m,.v,.. r r - yesDouse was reuoced 10 opamsn cipuer aim men aaui to the v . . .... ,,,
-. - An. , i.im 1,1,1 h. im't. ii 1 lUD lc 1 .r I .in, k.i,.. ..th knti.i. look like men orouohing.
ZZTl, r-,,;,. found o,it in abort order. Tha diff.rent SP'B ambassador at Pans, by whom it was to bedeliverd to the .. . . . . Iber thlBh, ,Mr moonlight through a rift in
fttrTfjAis. tt.t. wv. nf onml.inff the hair hove little to French foreign oftice to be reduced to trench cipher for tiansmisaiou iBI,.nr,0i .i.i, , withaDatienaethat b'"'R'n olouil '"'P1"1
The Old Shop!
Is the place to co to cot
fine snrar cured hams anil Ismii,
Pure l'( luril, sHIle reiiilerrd. olt
l)le, HlKbest riwli rir l l for
.1 Sim It.
Washington, Aug. 8. Spain's answer to the demands of the other day, those not too badly crippled bere Bnd tbere, and far ctl you bear the
: ar.i,;i k., ; : :.uLr.OD,l it,i, .h.H.r.,1 ...d maimed ouckoo, whioh so often betokens the
UDlieuawm isuow uu us s; ""u"i uuuimg wuu - . . - . 7. . nre.enn. nf H.niard. lvim, in w.il f,ir
. .,.,. . saisv. in hnna nr am. 1 n. neni nos- w "
a BlownebS that is almost painiui m view 01 me earnest aesire to know . , ' " . .
I 1 1 ali, aaat nH.ssnn I ha aanri nn I attAoa
whether the acceptance is complete or quaimea. i uere are no less nr.mmfta -i,h men whoconldwalk. WP,D rr lortuer on and you
"Since Corbett bi begun to ot.mb bis than five translations, four of them cipher, in transmission between Supply and ammunition wagons bad w""ler what is going to happen to you.
xour iqi.kidbmoo grow. vivm. iiatk
road. They
A dash of
tbe over.
foliage falls
.a l 1 - i . I... . I
with boxing. to the French amhaHsador here, lhese moves take, it is calculated, was marveloua. n ,UB aewr' ",uo "l P,ra ,na
From the way Corbet is training it e,ht OT ten hours. The impression prevails in official quarters up to From Hao Joan bill to Hiboney it not a cnanges i mio ma gleaming oayonei ot
a evident that be inters to prove to the mid,,By tbftt tbe rcBpt,ri8es would not reach the president until quite P1""""" coor, to tr,e' 'l bnl 5UJ J" ' TS don. b'af. such m
' l . . . .. ..- . . , i , .
UD.iruug uerTi-n, nnu "Ulin jou cum.
yourself for your foolish fancies you
harry along, hurry along, Imping tor tba
And by aud by it eonixa. Yoit bate
reached tba level sandy stretch behind
tba ridge on which sits Hiboney , and
rounding the end through tha ravins
whioh cuts down to the sea, you Lava
beloie you tba leula and csmp fires t f
tba soldiers at tha base and tba oottagra
of tba Cubans, it has not baro a pleas
ant journey, but you Lava area on of
tba phsm's of warfare, and that is much.
.porting men of tha world that there are . . M oud nore hkfc,y Dot b,,fore tofJQorrow
Ail......!.. ii1.vnanpitU.nni tte ihalaver I -
the pbiritl is, besi los his, aud that other
people oau point them oat as well s
Fitz.imiiinns. Ha Lnpes to have tha
to lake it tbia battle nigbt. Tha moon
la up and iu tba open its silvery light
.ilnarln mark, mil vnnr wa. Yim atari
rt .... .... .. !.l . rt- ! . ,. i - --
W AHHINOTON, Aug. I. AiuiouBU an yei wuuoui ouiciai Couur. Jui, Kt u base of that bill op wbiob tba
Meaauree ta Make tha Agrtamant Effaotlva.
vour fiuo nork and lamb ei.inii.lte pleasure of toothing one this watiou of the report from Paris that the Hpauiab goveiimeut Las de- sJevuty-first New York charged so gal-
chopH steaks end roasts, r"11 ,hi W1" rMPn'1 ,0 th" ,un" ' cided to accept the terms laid down by the United States r eBaeiitil o tba afternoon. Never mind tba
to the negotiation of a treaty of peace, the officiala her are proceed- u" m" ,
"Ootbetfs training quarters are io bis nil ..viction that the oud has come, aud are civiuff atlen- "'7 . .L "'IT.
table bsxk of bis cottaga at Asbnry ... .,,.,., ... r. tllian l
Fart, and Ihata ar. many faults to them. l'ou ' " . , , . , "" " Pnn r"P,u"'
I Al.:- I. ...I.... ll.A a. Inn tana I tArt I rl f 1 1 n ft tr l-iravsil I halt IU Ki.aLiAL.J m-.A .nl aivai ftKas
Io the first plaoa tbe bsrn has no walo- vuia cuuciuaiwu, uD - i- v- . s,..u ...-... . "
onttiog. and while be is jamming an government was aooui io euier a pie, ib auaveiueui, sou mat tne " ...- - - -
opponent around, as was ibe o.a with I answer would bo hgMtx iDConcIubive. In tbia) caho the president "I! ,, , i , , uk. .. k .
me.theonlnrky perb'a bead. bumping diapoaetl to deal firmly with the iwue, to give notice that our pro- TOUOg Mlow with bis left arm i a
that when Spain tUll.
more aevore than thoae " Eight mile.." yo tall him.
bl l IUjII-IM I Uil U l I ",Jlf .''mldoigVt.' TbTcXu bM "8'D oI for peace, the conditions would U mott
Stage Line
no io. to restore thought luln. to those laid down.
ha lan.ta na Iimi heavily. That, aa In
other cas, was di.s.trona, for ibey If the SpanUh answer should fmlxxly au ctTort to secure any
"Tbssk O.xl I bava two gonl legs,"
be answer., and keeps on.
lint be baa lost blood and la weak.
You pass bim. Othors are around. Una
big aoldior is doubled over, making bis
.hooking it m to sy nothing i.f my rt.frpuca tM been mada a tbs dispatches of liritiBh newspapers p.inrolly
clothe Ii -a. a!.-. P. 1 h ditt OQ the part of tb. Hpaniah government to itclude in the - How far is It to
' a duen stamps In my hip poeset. ... i t ii i i
Hiltoneyr ba asks,
Justice of the Peace
and City liccorder.
met ar
council. CMataa
B. r. MILLER. Pram
. I. .a.L. i I . . , :.: i...:.i. .?
hnaiat and miMt ll.m-t rn,il I.. J.,hn ! lOrnea na 101 Hits, ani I Ol r-nn w 1 material CUADtZO in IU0 C'IDUl WOIIB I. Will lljnui WIIU liroUIUl reil'CllOO.
..'), wdjoii '.7 niiiiiii. fiin.rif nurii" an..
ullirr llltrrinr lllta.
Htair. taata MrppliKf liallv. MMII'laf
rvpml. ai S3i a. iu. Arm. at (.anion
111 ii honrt, I I bH.annnftl a nltniii aiVAmtif inn ii frnm tfa.l.ilila, .. ll.alAit aim khaaar.
1.1. CIIUill'BI T nuirrumui a v.aun'l i:avuj,iua I, liufu .(..., IlI ,UC " I"" "
Uulu debt TliA foitual atatetueut of th points of tLe UuiUis! HUUm' "i " MT" ni
... . . .. I . . .1.. ivl:.. II I . ... .. .; ...1 lr. o -,'
luting aipi luifiiirroaa.aj 1 pn-.m 1 udiQ pivtn out iroui iim 11 uun iiuuss uii'io u rrn-ruiicu vij una bud- i .())J M In tba opaa. Thetrae
aditioaor wdm iugi, ms I ,... .,.,1 ii r.ni,(.t Iki kiiuwn aa Vet L'tlJir or Hot the full text ahowa 1 .1.... tt.. ..u.- ... ai..,.t Thaann
aovthioa more, but it is prrauinivl that Do rt fefenco whatever was baa had a ebaaoa al tha roadbed and tt
made to the question.
a.na tilts f! n't'r. rn's bonM. tTS
a.. 4,,.inuitluii4 lll ara lira In
in hia Una. at Mauali Biir. U
, . . - -
Mathews & Gentry
t-aTr f'anynn t'llv at p m . arrtv. at Hrpp
P'f In .1 lifMira, . oiiur. ling with trains.
llrrrsf. "H
1 1 am gUi to have tfiie I nhdr
brlt. aiilaitbat.nditig Iha fcl thil Jim
M 'tlitameul ........
H.niWt'in ... ....
U"( I "l
Ji.lm laf ....
1 a..). it, i n, . .
la. i illil.n l illl train. .1 Itopptwr.
X..U - Ha In. 1 "I' Oils Una ilh ti
r.,i . r-1 narlin anil a'-! ttna I ar. praNr4
In (! Aral riaa trr Ur in th pnliiin.
First National Bank
or iik.tni:u
Simmon will bava io ngui uiroii, as
Jno aoa frmn ine.
"IIomrm Pavniriwr."
II s Ibis !
WsofT r unsbaalral il'illars' reward
for .oypaaa of aol.rrli lbt cannot la
0tirt! by Mali's t'at.rrh Cur.
F. J. Cruet k Di., T-ileHO,
I .lvrliy ( Oraia.
Hi t'niv.r.ity of Orrgno gradsstad
last Jo tie Iha lafg.t rl.a- la Its bi.tof y.
TU c tianlssr.-l thlrlr. The fall
tern will bgiB Hept.rcher 19tb. Hta-
W, tha u...l-f.igt.l.i h'. kn-wa . " bava eoinfl-t-Nl tba l-lb
enlrro, advane4 eoginaorlng, aatrono
my, I'.giO, philnaophy, p.)0lv.lngftu,tD,
matins and plisiol adaealiou, Maaie
atiJ drawing ara ai taught, Tba la-
HWa I. fre. All alndrata pay an Im i
dotilal f iif 9 11 yearly. Ito.rd, ,.
.. i
. t -nil. ut !
Gibson &. Bergcr,
Al n I'll a"'
HlistvitiiT. - lr
llulr Cutting. U?
r.th2. Kverythin;:?n t
lv Fift rjisi
Ceo. W C0Ntn.
J W rtctn.
Vice rfsl(laet
Ata't Ceshl.r
-) all 111 nf thr mil
Houlit and Sold.
lni f. ' Wa ea all a.H
.-ji is .1 saw iil fi-a t
J CL. 'm V fi-r th. l'i r. bihI b
li.va l. i.i perf.ctly t u. fable Iu all lml
trai.saol "ii and An. neatly aMa Ii
e.iry ariy Llitrattun. ma. I b thrir
WmI A t.w.i Ml,. Ii. liiiaU,
a! )U . hiai Maia. wholesale
draglta, Talwl". O.
I Hall's f.lll!i Cur' lakru InUiaallr.
tin( diwt'y upon ll.a blo4 aa
runr-i .u'lxai ll aalrtl. lll-
Iu il iat. at. f'na. 1 fl 7'f . f t'tl.
'hvII If 111 4
gra.lo bran flim tan enter Ilia eab fre.li
mauala... NaiB.iplpiasaf'nfail
fur ara-lusU. nf sworelitad acb'Kila.
keotial'l Kjtivalalit. are aiaWd frif
a! ut Iha reilr I ebtr.ai a .t'll.M
C!e! ni a tit U M t all H It
rani.. IVrx.n. iImh.14 iufuimslirin
as ad )rs Iha praai Unl, Hx ret.ry i
J. Maltirtl. (f Ut. Mat A. I' In rob, all of
Kiifa, l)fgoa.
TUa'iti'sMo:T'r, I ibia. i f a g'l
t,laaili. Th.ra ata iiaf laU
. Urn atl anrl 'twf. '
ifbiaf;, t.i 4 M I f.Cnlnb.
ta fairly dev. Tba walking w aaay. l)y
ami by yoa rsaoh ford over a Intl.
stream. Hera stbe"blody aogU". Tba
lead ara all alxiat. Tbe wouodsd are
ilo.t.red almtit Iba water. They ara
faveri.b. Tbey Up il op iralafullf, talk
ing meanwhile of tha day.
"Wa gave tWu liH, di.lu I
aid a wonmled vuiiala In a Mng
mg. bt and light la Ilia ! mib.ry roal r.g.il.r
2iprwak. 7-8 "1bala what we did, but Ihay eas
fight eome, ,," waa tba f.ply.
11 Hi OtBrere," H. H.I4 al Aaatlagn,
"('brer th. M a."
Chlragn Journal.
Tba eyes of tbeoouutry ara ou Cora
modora 8:hley, aud tbe mora tha Amerl.
can people Sse of hint Iha tIUr they
Ilka bim. As mtmh a any ofTlcer io tha
navy or army ba typifies modesty, hon
esty, aud II uw democracy.
In Mantlagii harbor Iha litht-r evanihg
inn. uua bappenpil ta remark: 'Three
abeers for Corumo.lors Huhley," and tba
leather-lunged yells that split Iha night
aonnilml like an aarlhinaka 'run Iha
Vranvlii. II rn. la Iha eortiiipnlnra
blu.ai In tha dark , and maybe there waa
little moisture ta on. nf bl. ka rye.,
and wbvO ba coulJ find bia Vuioa, ba
"Ihaak you. Inys.lnit I didn't d'Ml.
Lt tba iidiiHire ebiNf tha araw."
The fliref rheerrd, ba with them,
and lli"B tha man wbn won Iha gr.atit
raamag flglil aver aneu iipmi ih.a
" r.i lb. nifii lar.hiu-1 Iba a'lus"
After thai ba M Iba rl.rlog fm tba
nglueara aud Iha alikra and roal
I uU, an.l Iha Mil i.t II.. I. ... . I.., I. ..I
,l- ,n "f . hovrM .-r tli-.r .v,a tb.t k.4 Jul,
What j.le ara aajllig alwul U ,J bJ u'9 VP wl """ ,laf, and belp-i Io sink Iha i pamard..
afrtillaT It I. eurn e iha worai '' g'. wub mud a fiKit dep is 'Iba c imwod r who, In li liilla 1,1. k
ew t ami. fill., il;pe(ajie, rli.niiiall.m
ad all f'stmsef hiim i lir,f rtijll'itii,
ira i,ii. an. I pimplaa. II 14 giving
rng'u vi waa ai l l.rs. wimeti. Vby
hnwl.1 yen bIUIa Id lk 11 whan il Is
d'Mtig ai eaiuib fur ntbra?
Huo4 a pill ara It.. fsiuilf ratt,.r
Ha an t l'f 'i'tli, flul
plaa. Tha feel of Iba wouailatl way
farra siak taut Iba witra oof il sum i.f
Iheta ara blDla. Th" art grateful
wba yoa belp lbm, sod you posh oa.
It la mora lonely tt, Tbere la no
rtj.aitL.lQ sight ar amind either ab.al
.11 ULn.1, u,i II.. tti it fioie .'r
' f fi"'m, ui ts i;1.i
alpaea eal on bia hltla Irmporat f
wootl.a bn lge, niakaa lrman l'iiit bia
tory aol than eliors I... (ilmf anal
h'aveia for helping tins do t, la lbs a-rl
uf kI.I, naaMammg, ilini.'rlio,
urea! nn Iha paopla f It. I. eriimiry
like and Iha km. I th.y II.;M t,i b.itioi
H la Iba triso wbn t tl,,, s iu.t
1 to bi1"te as Un f iitilit
hii rriM i ilif.