Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 05, 1898, Image 4

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    O. R. & N.
roK From Heppuer. fbok
9:30 p.m. Salt Lake. Denver, 4:50 a.m.
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
K annus City, Bt.
Louia, Chicago,
Portland, Walla
Walla, Spokane,
Minneapolis, Ht.
Paul, Duluth, Mil
waukee, and the
8.00 p.m. Ockan Stkamnhii'8 4:00 p.m.
From Portland.
All nailing dates
subject to change.
For Han Francisco
Sail August 2, 6,10,
14, IS, W. 20, 30.
7:00 p.m. To Alaska 5:00 p.m.
August 8, 28.
8:00 p.m. Columbia Rives 4:00 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Bteamkbs. Ex,8unday
10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way
fi:00 a. m. Willamette Rivsr 4:30 p.m.
Ex. Huudny Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New
berg, Salem and
V ay Landings.
7:00 a.m. Willamette and 3:30 p.m.
Tucs., Thur, Yamhill Kivbbs. Mon., Wed.
and Sat. and Fri.
Oregon City, Day
ton it Way Land
ings. fi:00a. m. Willamette River 4:30 p.m.
Tues. Thurs. Tuc.. Thur.
and Bat. Portland to Corval. and Sat.
Us & Way Land
ings. Lv. Riparla Snake River. Lv. Lewlston
1:45a m. . 5:45 a. m.
Mon., Wed. Riparla to Lewlston Sun .Tues.
and Friday and Thur.
Wm. Gordon has re-named
his stand the old Jones
livery stable
The Central.
aled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call
Bon him and have your horses well cared for.
East and Southeast
Portland to
Eaxtern Cities
Quick Time.
Union Depute.
Personally Conducted Excursions.
HaggHKe Checked to Destination.
Low Rates.
Direct line to Trens-MiSBiwiliipi and Inter
national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska,
Jane to November,
Write undei-Higned for rates, time tables and
other information pertaining to Union Pacific
R. R.
J. H. LOTHHOP, tir J. C. HART Agt.i
Gen. Airt.. IBS 3d St., O. H. & N. Co .
Portland, Or. Heppner, Or.
Passengers booked for nil Foreign
J. C. HART, Agent, Heppner.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
If bo, be Bnre and see tuat your
ticket reads via
Tto Noitlwesteni Line
Great Short Lir)e
Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vostlbuled
Dining aim (lU'ciung (jar
Trains, and Motto;
"always on time"
has ilvnii this road a national reputation. All
rlaiMM'S ol HMMPiiKHri carried on the viwtllmli
Hhlp your frolght
lino. All agents
trains without extra charge.
anil travel over this laiuoui
have ticket".
Uen. AgonU Trav. F. fc P. Agt.
'ith Washington Ht., rortlanil, nr.
Denver & Rio Grande
Weekly Excursions
In through tourist oars without change
In charge of experienced oouduotora and
of the wrong baking powder
will spoil a half-dollar's worth
of cake.
Use Schillings Best
MniiiJuva To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and
Boston wittioutchaiiKe vlasalt Lake,
Missouri racinc and Chicago ana Alton Kys.
d'lUQ T Omaha, ChlcaRo, Biilliilo and
llJ"i Boston withoutchanife via baltLake
and Chicago, Uouk island & Pacific Ry.
k'nilnnciluiio Ht' Josmili, Kansas City and
I CUIItMia V S, Ht. Ixnils without chaiiKe via Bait
Lake and Burlington Route.
ThiiKituvs. To Knas City and St. Louis with
1 liurua S, out change via Halt Lake and Mis
souri PaclUc railway.
A day stop-over arranged at
Salt Lake and Denver.
A ride through the
Famous Colorado Scenery.
For rates and all all Information, liiitilro
of O. It, fc N. and 8. 1'. agents, or address,
General Agent, (ion. Pans. iV Tkt. Agt
2M Washington St., Denver, Col.
I'oriianil, Oregon.
J. C. Haht, Ui ul Agt., Heppner, Or.
ilwauies & St. Paul B'y
This Railway Co.
Operates its trains on the famous blook
Litfhts Its trains by eleotriolly throughout;
Use the oeleliratod elootrio berth read
lug lump;
Hans speedily n;aipisd paMssugHr trains
every day ami oiifht lie t ween Ht. Paul
and Ubioago, and Ouiaha and Chicago;
Chicago. Aiilwaukcc &
St. Paul
AUo oparati'S a iKara-heated vestilioled
trains, carrying Ilia luteal privata
compartment cars, library buffet smok
I ni earn, and palace drawing room
l'arlnr cars, tree reclining chair oars,
aod tha tery best dining chair oar
Kit lowest rates to any point id the
foiled Wat. or Canada, apply to
atfetil or addreaa
J. W. CASEY, Osneral Agent,
Trav. I'm. Agent. Portland, Or.
Ml? I
SOURI RIVEIi and till
Point EASI and SOUTH.
NEW YORK, 4 J dayi
LOUIS, aj "
OMAHA, 3 -
TiiKormi CAtH.
Ml H 111
tickets issuwl lo all pi
Htatea and C
tuts In tha Coiled
iinrrsKK to
Free Itenlinlng ('hair Cars
l'plmllered Tourist (Sleeping Cars
rulliuan Pslac Sleeping Cars
Fur full particulars regarding rate
time o( Iralna, eld., call on or address
Ageut O. II A N. Co., Heppner, Oregon
O. O. TaiiHv, V. K. Coman,
Trav. 1'ass. Agl. (Ko'l Agt
124 Third HI., rottlsnd, Ore.
Ni Toaa
All oilier
In Ilia
F.a.1 and
Kamk CiT
Hr. Jioiiin
ht. 14 ilia
sidkane falls j northers
noson i fort siif.itard
Tha Only All Hail lUmle Wilhoul
Change of Cara Ilctwei'D Hpukane
lloealaod and Nelaon. Also trtiHa
Nelxia aol Kxaland, daily cuvp
Himday :
!. Arrl
in A M Hi-.k.n. . f, fc, I' I
II A M H.M.en4 let 1. I
SID A.M S-tmm IUl', I
I.m r..ih".'i tmt, .iMinim fi
ftaUt. and all KiM4m.q lkm iMiiitin.
Imhkpii lit'ail lii wi.l HoamUrt
fl eiHinwl m fi'u. villi mm Oail
I'bii'O IVtMil roDDec'tiiina
I HI. I'stil, Mtnneapulia,
Kanass l!ily, Omaha. Hi.
Ixinte and nltiar protni
i nt HuBla .
Ileitis ohioksj ttiiuiigh kt litiialiiMi
Ol iHll't.
Iliruoghlkkelslo JiB and Chlua, la
Tanoma an ! Nonlieio 1'a. illo Hisatn
ship Outnpany's line.
QUIOIC Tiivirj t
Edgar Adonis, One of Roosevelt's Heroes,
Telia of tbs Terrible Charge.
Pendleton Tribune.
The following letter was written by
Edgar Adams, a member of troop F,
Roosevelt's rongh riders, to bis mother
at Dallas, Tex.. Mr. Adams is a nephew
of Mrs. J. E.Miller, of this city. ,Tbe
letter was dated in camp, Coba,' June 25:
"On our trip; from Key West TJnole
8am furnished us with plenty of food,
such as it was corned beef, hard taok
and coffee three times' a day; Abont
half of us got foundered and could not
eat it. I went for three days without
anything to eat exoept a little ooffee.
We would stand around the sailors in
bunohes, like little children, waiting
till they got done so we oould get what
was left.
"We came insight of Santiago Jure
21, and the morning of the 22d the gun
boats bombarded the shore with shell
and grapeshot, but the Spaniards bad
fled, and we proceeded to disembark. A
band of Cubans came up while we were
landing, and several of them were
wounded by shells from the gunboats.
In the afternoon of the 23d we made a
forced march of 15 miles and oaptnred a
town of about 1,000 inhabitants but as
all the inhabitants had fled, all we got
was the town.
"In the morning of the 24th the
morning that will be remembered for
many a long day to come we started
marobicg at daylight. Tha country is
mountainous and we proceeded slowly
We bad four Cuban guides. I speak of
'we,' 1 mean the rough riders, as we
formed the advance guard. Troop L
was in the lead, troop F (my troop) next
We bad proceeded only about two miles
when the soouts, 1,000 yards ahead of
the oompany discovered 4,000 in ambnab
waiting us intrenched in gullies, be
hind rocks; in fiiot.it seemed like tbe
woods were full of them. Tbe scouts
sent back word aod then opened fire on
them, which ouroe nearly being disas
trous to us, as we had not time to fottn
in line, and it was very hard to do, be
ing in thiok nuderbrush away from the
"Poor troop L stayed in the road. We
(troop F) formed tbe left flank next to
them, while tha other troops fell In to
the right and left and then the fun be
gan. When we began firing the Spani
ards were net over 30 yards from troops
L and F. Thou, b we oouldn't see them
on aoconnt of the high grass and brush
ws had their location and poured
sleady fire into them. They fell bsok
gradually; the bills were alive with
them, aod firing came from every di
reotion. Colonel Wood said it was as
fierce as any fire be had ever encounter
1. They bad rapidfire and shell guns,
while we bad nothing but ritles and
revolvers. Den and I fought side by
ide, and I believe we did our pari in
avenging tbe Maine. I thought before 1
went into battle I would be nervous
but I waa never cooler iu my life. I
watu't eioited a little bit. Though Ibe
bullets were Hying thiok aod fast around
us, I never thought about thein bitting
me. My sole thought was to get a good
shot at a Spaniard.
My oomradea fell all around ma. As
we advanced tbe Spaniards run naok
and dually retreated pelltnall. The
battle lasted two houra. When all was
quiet we went baok along the line
Three of troop L were dead and 1G
wounded. Troop L was on of the
Indian territory troops aod tbs members
fought manfully. Only one of our troop
was Instantly killed, but Ulna were
wounded. Tbs rough riders bad 10
killed aud about 30 wounded in Ibis an
gagetnrnt; tha regulars killed and
wounded, about 25. II is a wooder the
Hpaniards didn't mans acre our liltl
baud, aa we were lo the hottest part of
it. There were only about H.V) of n
against 4.IKH) tti Cubans said that was
lbs number of rtpauiards that opposed
ct'UM r urn mikb.
"Tha Cuban soldiers wers near, but
lid not engage lo the flghl. The four
Cuban guides ran liks deer at tbe first
Q I volley. They s re afraid In get io front
ol us, let e mistake tnein for Hoao-.
inrda, which ia unite likely, as it is dittl
mil to distinguish Ihem from each other
eieept by Pines Inspection. Tha Hpan
lards have an uniform of thin bins sloff,
wtlti a small stripe mooing through it.
Tbs Cubans wear aojlliir.g they can
get. Un and I didn't get scralobed In
the erriiumag.
"There have been b'4 dead Hpaniards
found already, and I bear that another
biiorb of I'.' has just been f nnd. Tbe
Hanlards carried r IT their dead and
pi'.rd them up all over tbe woods. We
erertmpvd cm the bailie ground eight
mill friirn HaoliagiC
Kof full la fir mat Inn, time cards, map,
I rV.'a, lc. Call )D M nlf
W. O ui4f. A. D CauaLTu'.
Aft M f lu. AmMK. '.. Anl
lb rails, Of. 1'rttisrf, Pr
Afc'lall kiMif In Calif.!, talk Ml. Miax
Southern Pacific Co
t kifcr Ihruash I'nl'f.imie all
l.n i. Fad M! ia. .'. I .. i Hiittte
of h l'aia (, l'll i. Hft
AltaHMt ( trttie. Siritifl MiHnof
.... 1 1.. r4 ... I Im, i
e. nix ut -t..M
a, &' ml J a Hu-r", C ft MStkVA
f sr in , iwi. k
Short Sketch of His Tempestuous Career
and Cbaracter.
Prince Bismarck died shortly before
11 o'clock, p. m July 30th.
Tbe death of the ex-ohanoellor oame
as a surprise to all Europe. Despite tbe
family's denials, there waa an undercur
rent of apprehension when tbe sinking
of tbe prinoe was first announced, in
spired more by wbat tbe family left un
published 1 than by any information
given.- But when tbe daily bulletins
cbronioled improvement in the prince's
condition, detailed bis extensive bills of
fare and his devotion to bis pipe, the
public aooepted Dr. Schweninger's asser
tion that there was no reason why Bis-
marok should not reaoh tbe age of 90.
Tbe reports were deemed to be a repe
tition of tbe alarm that Prinoe Bismarok
was in extremes, wbiob bad been oft re
peated in the past. All of tbe papers in
Europe dismissed Bismarok with a para
graph, nothing important, while bis con
dition was completely overshadowed in
the English papers by tbe condition of
the Prinoa of. Wales knea. ,
It appears that 'the ex-chanoellor'e
death was not precipitated by sudden
oomplioation, but was rather tbe culmi
nation of obronio diseases neuralgia ot
tbe faoe and inflammation of the veins
wbioh kept bim in constant pain , wbiob
waa borne with tbe iron fortitude wbioh
might have been expected.
I Tha begionicg of tbe end dates from
Jnly 20th, when the prinoe was oonfloed
to his bed. He bad been several days
prostrated before an inkling ot his de
cline reached the world.
' In the death of Bismarok the world
loses one of its most commanding
figures. Among the names of tbe En
ropean statesmen of tbe 19th oentury
whose achievements have illustrated the
history ot their times, there is cot a
name mora renowned tnan mat or tsis
marok. He was the "strong roan" of
his generation. He possessd tbe genios
power.- He it was wbo laid tht
foundation and orowned the ediHoe of
tbe new German empire. He transform
ed tba map ot Europe. He overthrew
or humiliated tbe potentates wbo stood
In bis way. . He gained tha ohief objeoi
of hia desire, gained it through the
ways and by tba methods of a conqueror.
Tbe purpose ot bis life was to unifj
tba detaobed states of Germany, bind
ingtbem together under tbe authority ol
the imperial eagle and defended by tbi
sword and whatever means might be
needed for the oarrying out of this pur
pose were regarded by bim as justifiable.
His career was a tempestuous one. Long
ago he was described as tba "man of
blood and iron," and it waa through
these agnnoiea that be wou the triumph
with whiob his name is associated.
The Beautiful Consort of Ferdinand Who
Helved Columbus.
Isabella was a lady, she was a queen,
and, above all she was an autocrat.
Gracious and gentle in her manner,
saysE. TJlick Burke's "A History of
Spain," she brooked no opposition from
prince or peer, and she soon made it
known and felt throughout Spain that,
although she was the daughter of John
II. and -the sister of Henry IV., her
rill was law in Castile. BeautifuL
virtuous, discreet, with that highest ex
pression of proud dignity that is seen in
a peculiar simplicity of manner, with
a hard heart and a fair coutenance, an
inflexible will, and a mild manner
something of a formalist, more of a
bigot Isabella united much that was
characteristic of old Castile with not a
Httle that, was characteristic of new
Spain. And if her boldness was in
herited from the Cid, her bigotry was
bequeathed to Philip II.
No man can read the history of the
times without being struck by the enor
mous personal influence of Isabella.
An accomplished horsewoman, a tireless
traveler, indefatigable in her attention
to business of state, the queen with her
court moved about from place to place,
swift to punish crime and to encourage
virtue, boldly composing the differences
and compelling the submission of rival
nobles, frowning upon the laxity of the
clergy, denouncing the heresy of the
people and laying a heavy hand upon
enemies of every degree and evildoers of
every class. In Andalusia the unaccus
tomed and unexpected presence of the
sovereign was everywhere productive
of peace and order. Eveh in the remotest
districts of Galicia the royal power was
felt. Over fifty fortresses, the strong
hold of knightly robbers, were razed to
the ground, and one thousand five hun
dred noble highwaymen were forced to
fly the kingdom.
important item of business, and all the
transcontinental roads, and roads form
ing seotions cf transcontinental routes
are bestirring themselves to get a slioe of
the pie. Though the return tide bad
just begun, tbe eastbound passenger
business for last month, in spite of looal
stagnation, was not far from tbe best in
the history ot transcontinental railroad
Some of those who come out of the
Klondike will return to the mines later
in the season. More will not. A con
siderable number have homes in the
West, aod will not make much business
for tbe transcontinental. Tbonah
Northern transcontinental rates are very
low, most of the returning Elondikers
io into territory where the rates do not
apply, so they yield considerable reve
nue. Those from the far East for tbe
most part went equipped for two years
or more, and not so manv of them are
returning as yet as of those who went llsAr lA.YPiJir lllfl tllff
Disappointment of an Investor Who Over
worked the Market.
They had been talking about trusts
and thedmniense profit renlized by cap
ital, according to the Washington Star.
"A man is never satisfied, however
big the gains may be,", remarked the
man with the patient expression.
"Yes," said the plump-looking citi
zen with a meerschaum cigar holder;
"no matter what a person achieves, he :
is always haunted by the thought that
he might have done better. The trouble :
about maknng money rapidly is that a
man fails to be content with a fair per
centage, of gain on his investment."
"I have a friend who is exactly that .
way. He turns up his nose at a mere 100
per cent, or so.
"He must be a plunger."
"No; he's a conservative investor."
"What docs he handle?"
"Well, you, might call them govern- -ment
"He must have a new kind of a good
"He used to have. But he's lost me.
And it's positively distressing to read
what he says because the two-cent
stamp he recently bought to put on a
letter to me didn't realize the usual -dividend
of five dollars." -
A Mlxuil Verdict.
A London jury the other day brought
in the following decidedly mixed ver
dict: "We find the prisoner not guilty,
and that he admitted his guilt through
ignorance, and we strongly recommend
him to mercy."
Belled express is cominR. Does deliver
work on short order, 10 cents and up
wards. This waeon Is No. 4, and leave
your order with it, or at "Central" tele
phone otlice.
We Move Anything!
Millions Given Away
It is oerlainly gratifying to tbe pub
lio to know of one concern in the land
ho are not afraid to be generous to tbe
needy and suffering. The proprietors
of Dr. King Nsw l)ieovry (or Loo
sumption. Coughs and Colds, have giv
en away over ten milllino trial bottles
ol this great medicine and have Ihe sal
isfsolion of knowing it has absolute!)
cured thousands of hopeless oaaes
Asttna, Itronohitis, Hoarseness and all
diseases of the Throat, Chest aod Lungs
are surely on red by il. Call on K.
Hlocuru. Druggist, and get a trial bnttlr
fiee, regolar sis fx)o and St. Ever)
bottle guaranteed or money rciumleil
Ki-CoaitT ( Irrk U V. Ehlra, of Marios.
Ei County Clerk L. V. ELIon, of Ma
rum oounly , winme books were found t
be short, when lie term ripirel, by tin
experts appointed to eheok thsui, to tbi
the amount if S3.27H.09, yesterday ap
peared in the office ot County Clark W
W. Ull and made payment of mnsv
and turned over receipts covering torot
of the iieuit reported as being unpaid
nearly settling Ibe entire reported short
age. ThepaymeotmadelD reab annual
ed to 11 51)0, and the receipts be turned
over aggregated 15.14 111, heaving a bal
ance unaccounted for ot 1-43 Id.
Mr. Ehlen Is sslisfled that msey of Ibe
Heme, reported as short by the eiperls.
from tbe WeBt, expeoting to make their
way after reaohing Alaska. The Klon-
like trade Ibis season is recessional.
The present reduoed rates oould aol
have prevailed at a more opportune
time. Tbe summer vacation time is
Here, ana an wno can alijrd it are
planning to take advantage of the differ
ences between tbe warring railroads,
Tbe attention of those wbo oontemplate
a trip East, whether it be to the mono
tain resorts ot Colorado, the Omaha ex
position, or points beyond, is oalled to
tbe advantages offered by tbe Bio
Grande Western Railway. Its line and
those ot its Colorado oonneotions run
through the heart of the Rookies, taking
tbe traveler away from the alkali and
sage brush of its Northern competitors,
and out of the heat ot the ooontry
through which its competitors on tbe
south run.
For tbe comfort ot those, whose purse
will not permit them to enjoy all the
privileges of a first-class ticket, the Rio
U ramie western naa inaugnaratea a
series ot tourist excursions. Tbe oars
used are owned and operated by tbe
Pullman Palaoe Car oompaoy. They
are in obarge of speoial oondootors and
porters, whose sole duties are to look
after the comfort ot their passengers
rbe oars are attached to fast express
trains, and held over in Salt Lake City
twelve bours, giving tbe passengers a
day in the Mormon capital. This lay
over also insures a daylight ride through
the Rookies. One of these excursion
oars run through to Boston ; one to
Chicago, via Omaha; one to Chicago,
via Kansas City aod tbe fourth to 81.
Louis. Etob goes over different road
east of Colorado, giving lbs passenger a
choice of routes. These excursions leave
Portland Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday of each week.
Kor information as lo rates, and for
descriptive pamphlets, address J. D
Mansfield, general agaol, Rio Grande
Western Railway, 112 Third street, Tort
laud, Oregon.
Kohn's Best,"
On Tap Down at The ... .
Telephone Saloon
e e in? im hahb qoods e
New Stand, City Hotel Building,
75 Cents
75 Cents
75 Cents
The most perfect camera ever offered to the nubile.
A child can operate It. Can be carried In the pocket. Makes
pictures 2X2.
Camera, dry plates and complete on tilt for making 6 pictures by
mall, 76 cents postpaid.
Full directions sent with each Instrument
30 Hark Palaoe, New York City.
Rocky Mountain
Lava DKNVKU. f an . m.
" CUIA). HI'HI.MiS . . VII a,
Arrivae I.I V'Ol.N . . 11-45 p. m.
" tiMAIH . . 11 a. ni.
" IK.M MOINKM . . ft:a,m.
- DAVKMUUr . . V t a m.
" I IIICAIJO . -i li p. in.
Nit Day
Ttirnnch HIrs and Chair Car Cnlormilii tu
t hlf-n will Votibttle Uiruutf boot- Tha
hum tram lo tha Wit.
Colorado Flyer
liMvua IFM HI . J 11 p. m.
Kili HI'UlNUtf . J p. to.
ArrivM TtH'KKA . 11 1 m.
" KANSAS CITY . W IS a. a.
Ar. HT. LOI IH. (Wab. Ify)
6. IS p. in.
ArriraaHT JOHrTH . m 10 a.m.
I.IV nl.N (KsHnn) ft J m.
" OMAHA. (KiHoa) . SiO a. m.
Through HI! 'l..m.lu Hrini to rU. Louis
via Wabaah B y.
Waifd Eiamlaatlua oa a rkams of Mardcr
la Eagrst,
Tbe preliminary examination ot Claud
Dran too, accused of murdering Jobo
Lino at Alder Springs, Juns 15lb, was wseansm
beldin Justice Wintermeier'a court al CcsiTaat
Eugene August 1st. Tba prosecution
introduced cumber of witoessoa who
lest find to baring Wo spproacbsd by
Bran too about two or Hire days after
tlis alleged dale cf tbocrims, bs telling
Ibem be was io trouble, and wanted
them to belp bim by swearing Iboy bad
These are New Trains in addition to our former service.
For rtiealars and foUlara girins tlroa of Ihoa Iralna writ
Unbait, llUltU. A. 11. 1. A.. iUl l.RSi 11. I. A, IIIIUIiU.
Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897.
PATRONS of tbe Wisconsin
Central Lines in passing through
Chicago may require some asist-
seso Lioo on this aids of lbs ninuoiaios I &nc6 in the way of having their
mrs ba (ltraotoo) baJ returned. Hber- hand baegas taken form or to
ill Withers tfsiiQ lo bavlog visitsd tbs train and carriage or boa, or in
ceoa of tbs murdsr, aod to bating many other wayn, and they will
fmuda oaniherot booe in tbs asbra e- 1 -11 n .4 i- .1..:.. i 1- it.:...
, ... ... . usu an uai ia urwirpu iu iuii is.
. I. a . 11,. m . a 1.. I l n i..:i, - - 1 I
wu, v vnujyutv ut4 imi, until, mnn I 4 I il I ff ti a t i.
aUouad-rasloo.atbnrt d.at.ao from ,'rcl ,u luc w.uer.
tba scon of lbs firs. At Ibis poiot tbs Grand Central PaaaenRer
pmsreation r-alr-d its ess, aod tbs at- Station, who have recently been
omeys for tbs dW.odsot asksd furibar uniformed with brown auit and red
liens In lirrstot lb,ir etss, wbiob was Th trill . in w.itinrr al
I - - ,
.11 --.-- ... l i.. :.i ....
Mtai-nunl.l 7 o'clock lhs.aniog, rr.""ru
wbro tt.s !r.fr t..s waili.,nloati.in wngeia, and it is) ho,ed that our
and ap-ariug s by the books, can b
acconntsHlfor.andbisatloraeyswillW ,oJ (b, t(,eaN,4 ,M UmjJ o.r lo patrons will fully avail themaclvea
lbs graod jury, and committed to Jail
wlibont booda. Tbs grd jury dot
aut nri until Notfrob-t .
If yn sugar turn an tt tha
ills caf m, cm lo eid
S(jaiu sa lh i'Mihc UaaM, I
OS- MIOa a Co..
1011 SUrkat L ((S I SIX.
Vo aaew aad 144'ta ,
aairl anm Hu mrm mflninc
Iha tHiat d fmhl .1 wwnim or
lMIHt.lasMatr.l'M WaakaxMS ,
m nil it. r. ..,,. ,',-mt hatraiitHrlia-,
raMMarrlwa ..warrkwa. a,it.
rnrr f S rlnilni, ot. Hr a '
II.. I M aiH K4 oo'r 4 iro- 'ult bnl
MII ihnf.oiri .-..n,,.( Itvaa n '
Ml Nt S4M 'llnM4 Wtl t I
f Sl...'..i''.i.Oi,,ii , ,;
A m w l"W,,f us
ia trnr r,,.iM: .
w riuh
ia. alras A raw a !
Ilia I Wat Halvd iu UtS world ful tula,
Uiuiaoa, Hurra, llrws. Halt I'b-um,
Ktrar H.irra, TrtUr, (.'barrel Hands,
t'lulliUina, lVrns, aau all Hi s I'mp
lions, and posit"1? cures IMi s it no
ay rt'ilrl II is guarantied In gift
i-'lfoi saiifciloo or m"iiy r-futidtnl
I'rir 35 rents for but. Fur sale by
l-Jurn I'tng C'-i t- ! f l'nj, tps"w
gin ImtniKliaiPiy to unravel ins isngis
and tbsy bslislbat wben tbs sntlrs r
port is oterbaulsd, anJ lb parties lili-
gant Involved la tbs css srs Inlor
viewed.lt w ill b foand Ibst Ihs rt eounly
olsik is oot so nioeh tbrt In bis so
courts as ar pears by tba books, sad tbal
hs will bav a ral.aU dus bim. ro so
eunr.l of Ihe money palJ oysr by bim
Tbs m-ripls prcssdlsd by Mr. F.blsn
;li rday, as aa ofNet to lbs isrls' re
port, wsrw as follows: W. T. hlslaf , re
esivsr, ill; N 1. UayJeo. I''3; A.
t IViaaiug, f ioaty Irsasnmf, fjfl.
llilWL IkHU M-OM'laS
' l.lnnal4 Ikal II.OOU Will Rok Park Tkia
Tbs lailsoal roiuraaios liuials tbal
lbs rwab oul of Klood.ks Ibis sas
will U lotHQ rp',tiarlf or q-iUs blf
lbs sultro oaoiWr that wast la dsrteg
w(sttr. Ibis will B qnHs
of this ailJitional provision for
their comfort.
J AH. C. roNt,
Gen'l Pasiar. AsL
Discover By a Wsman.
Aaoibar grast diaeovary has lo I
ma.Uand thai Ion, by a la. of iLlal
oanlry. "piMaao faaloel itsclaiebrwi
poa ear ana lr fan stars sb wiib. I
stood IIS Mf rral trala, bul br Vital Of
ans ro andarminad and dMib
awmv snimioaot. fi lhr inmitis
"The Reeolafor Lino"
hm eooga.l ioeaanlly ant eowM ao TV. fUU fVJ I IjWj N'ifn'y ft
lp. Mb Osally dlatwod a way lo I l l "u-, ' '
rocovary by parohaamg of a bnltla .f
lr. King s diasovary f.if anasanip-
lion, aol waa ao aionb rlid n lak
tag Oral .1. , lhal al.a slpt all b.gbt
auJ with imn bnitias baa ba slwnlota-
ly curd lir nam is Mra. I.mti!
l.u'a." Ti ns writ- W. O W amnios A
( , tl pholby, N. C. Trial U.l'ls fr-a
at K J. HIixMini'a drug stnf, lUgalaf
sisa &i and II isJ tvary bottle giaran
Ta f ar iMtiiniiM lnif,
T i i " " ' .. . ! r m tj
ll V C l f1 krirJ J' a i Ti av
"OAiitn cut" mo 'ntcvitron'
Cotroo log kf owlaf, May tad, lb
sUaeaara rf tha H1sinf Lias will
la oHiaa4 si ft .J a. sa. aad TU
Wr yo. go to t'orliaad, ai.s r.(T a
T. lai!. a ad isks a trip Ja lt
Cxlasjibia; yoa will cs y it, awl savt
0Ma4 Alt1.
f - s i'ailMfhr r kiai.-.t1 1
VlUT am. joanit-s
Creal Muanitn f Annlnmr
IM - l l..,4 Mw..k I tat)
1 ' . l kv, h w .f f y,.4
t . - -I i ,lln, ,4 t
a, ;o.. t a iki f, .).
" ' iri w-t ar-...ri.
u. nr.u a i
A. tl. IHJILVIE t,,"'"'
,k. ai.HI :ia 'M.a4 wt Um
-I t IUvk4 !! 1m
' ' laa Sn4 li a aa
nm (,a aiiHi a f.a It
lh.S ilia.1-, 1 .. ,.m4uip
(la Irsvaa Arlg1ai ovary ajarwvtog
(Kon.lar trll at a 'rl.ks I ata
al tVaxt-w at I p. a, se t arm Iroa.
m! at 7 p
(Vr,'...b!a a. a.r.la, , l J
nttsirrira-i s-i,