Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 05, 1898, Image 3

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    Oh, How Thankful
Pain Was Maddening and Hope
Had Been Abandoned-Wonderful
Results of Purifying the Clood.
" A very severe pain came iu my left
knee, which grew worse and wore, and
finally a sore broke out above the knee.
It discharged a great deal and the pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I suffered iu thi3 way for years,
and gave up all hope of ever being cured.
My wife was reading ot a case liko mine
cured bv Hood's Sarsaparilla, and she
advised me to try it. I began taking it
and when I had used a few bottles I
found relief from my suffering. Oh,
how thankful I am for this relief ! I am
stronger than I have ever been in my life,
I am in the best of health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Is the best-in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. i!5 cents.
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. ra. Sunday school
II) a. m. Classes No. 1 and i at 12:11) p. m
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m
Prayer meetiiiK. Thursday. 7 d. m.
"The Bpibit and the bride say. Coma."
The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may desire to consult niin on
religious, social, civic, philosophio, educational,
or any other subjects.
J. W. FLEBUKH, Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class
meeting following morning service.
Sunday school, 3 p. in. Epworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. ra.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves together."
Pastor's residence iu parsonage, next door to
church. C. K. Howard,
BervlceB each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. in.
and 7:00 n.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
acmecnurcn. it. i bhelly.
The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs.
1. j. Matlock
Take Notice.
1. The sum ot five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
had obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of snecial meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in everv Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
The Gazette is not heralding its Dom
ing with a brase band bal its circulation
can be determined at the Ileppaer post
office. Advertisers will please note this.
We sail away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not
And we'll leave behind the girls we love, cries
the Oregon volunteer.
With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old Glory In
the sky,
But ere we pass we'll drain a glass, of 8 perry's
Lluwood rye.
Bold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. O.
Bporry, proprietor. tf
Xj Or., August 1, lbw.
Frank. W E
Uolltlion, I 8
Oault, John
Knowlton, Dell
Myrca, Elsie
Martin, Jus L
When calling
Nelson. Martin
Hmtth, I) C
Tnau(ir, Miss Lottie M
Wtlkerson, Al
Wilktsuu, Mr Ida
for these letters please say
i. P. WILLIAMS, r. M
Local Notes.
Bee M. Liclitentbal & Co. for ahoa.
W. L. Sailing now has the assessment
rolls complete.
loo ei tee were nuaerom on oar streets
duriug tbe week.
Tbe erection of tbe telephone poles ie
about through with.
What ia Hod Gold? Beat beer on
artb. Bee ad. elsewhere.
Reildeooe end lot lor aala. Inquire at
premise adj lining W. It. Ellis'.
2-9 J. A. PtrriHaoN.
Pinlth Burob baa done witb Montana
aheepahearing and returned to Lie Ilhe
creek home.
Receipt, Doles, draft, due-bills, eto
printed and neatly bound io books at
tba Usirtt office, s
Statement tor tba Faraooa Simple
Account File prluted at tbe Quelle of-
Llcbteolbal k Co. foraboe. Eiclusite
aboa atore. Handle tba Ust. H3tf
Onioneaae'a famona old "Dublin
Btout " Imported, at Cbrla Bordera'
Dr. J. W. Vogel, epeeielist for refrao
lloo and defeota of Id eye, will b br
?r tbrea mnolba. GW-Ijrr
"Oo'o JohV U all right but Low Til
lard baa a brand of li-xer-olJ fw1a
that la bard to beat. fio-l-tf.
t'aluleaa remedy fr eitraoUn leb.
If not a attd, no ebafg T lf.
Vanfbaa'a saw plan. fo4-lf.
It yoo oawi anmetl.ief'r your aytUm
all al tba Thooe Tl. Talaphona aa
loot), City bolel bnildtng. tf
Mr. Wen. Tryna anJ wife have relnro
ad from Ilillsboro, lb chng of climate
proving btoeQoial 14 br Lealtb.
Bt aoeomroodaliim and eourtoo
treatment al tbe Imperial HoUl.Hevtntb
al Wa.b. 8U., Portland. Oreao.
A. AHrabamslfk. tb la.lor, laroro.l
polled lo Imp! a flrat-elaaa l'frtlo4 1
tallof ta ordtr lo finish up work ia Uid.
Brief your fei.lea, pf eod fur lo
Commissioner Beckett oame to town
Wednesday for repairs to bis harvesting
machinery. His grain ia yielding fairly
Dr. J. E. Adkioa will be in Heppner
about August lOtb. He extraota teetb
without pain. See bim at the Palace
The many friends of Mrs. Qao. Noble,
who is undergoing treatment at Fort
land anxiously await a favorable report
of her condition.
E. Q. Noble & Co. are rustlers after
business. Tbe fittest saddles and har
ness to be found in Heppner. See tbeir
new ad in this issue. tf.
The funeral services of Mrs. R A.
Ford were held uni'er the Buapioes of
the Christian church Wednesday fore
noon, Rev. Shelley officiating.
Brown & Stewart are coining new cus
tomers each day, from tbe fact that they
are selling goods of an exceptional value
at prices lower tban ever offered hereto
fore. It
Be not deceived! A conh, boarsness
or croup are not to be trilled witb. A
dose in time of Bhiloh'a Cure will eata
you much trouble. So!d by OotiBer &
Warren. v
A young man by the nam) of Filkins
oame up from Ioue Thursday suffering
intensely with an obsoess on his, ruht
band. Dr. MciJ -ord relieved it instantly
by lauoing.
Cure that cough witb Shilob's Cure.
Tbe best cough cure. Relieves oroup
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for 25cl8. Sold by Con-
ser & Warren. v
Dyspepsia cured. Sbiluh'a Vitnlizar
immediately relieves sour stomaob, com
ing up of food distress, and is the great
kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Con
eer & Warren. v
Ladies, tuke tbe best. If yon are
troubled with constipation, fallow skin.
and a tired feeling, tnke Earl's Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
Oonser & Warren, v
Hop Gold beer is now on its way to
Manila, a Inrge shipment having been
made a few days since from Portland,
illustrating Ih9 enterprise of tbe Star
Brewing oompuuy.
Tbe Gazette dames a full stock of
mourning note, oorrespoudenoe style,
with envelopes to match. Those desirins
snob stationery onu have their want
supplied at this office. tf.
Postoffices have been established at
Lena and Galloway, affording the ranch
era a convenience long desired. Tbe
Lena postmaster is Jobn Waddell, and
at Galloway Ike Howard.
Kirl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, purities
the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy
to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts,
Sold by Couser & Warren. v
Tbe footraoe between John Foster and
George Swaggart for Saturday night hus
been declared off. Tbey should be fined
$10 apiece, and tbe fund go to a fun
making program to satisfy our antici
pation of the event.
Dr. MeFauI waa called to Six-Dollar
oanyon this week to attend Mrs. Meit
sell who is rfn eted witb appendioitea
Tbe doctor expects to check the trouble
before it reaches the stage when an
operation b"Oomcs oeceasary.
Goo. Thornton made the trip to Ar
liogton and back last week, inspecting
tba new telephone system. He reports
tbe rnnobers a busy, good-natured Jot,
anticipating Inxarlra tbia fall that tbey
bave been denied a long while.
A. E. Shilling, whom we mentioned
lost week aa having returned from Mod
tana, report very unfavorable oonditiona
for wage-earners, in general, olairaiog
that Morrow county pay tbe bigbeal
wage of any tec lion be visited
Tbe travelling representative ot tb
Oliver Plow company entertained quite
a sidewalk congregation with South
African remiuisoenoea laat evening. Tb
gentleman'! discourse waa quit in
stroctive aa well a entertaining.
Willi Smith baa assomed bi position
a deputy under County Clerk Crawford
Mr. Smitb'i appointment see mi to meet
tb approval of tba coram unity ia
general, io consideration ot bia gentle
manly demeanor and aooicum dtio g
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tb "Red-
light," ever oo th alert for omelbiog
new, eao fornisb you tb finest cock
tail io tie land Manhattan, Jersey,
Vermouth or Om mad by o artist to
lb business. Drop in and taka tb
tast out ot your taoulb. It
Grdray, tb pioneer Ibeatr man of
Portland in tb ho of "popular prioe,"
baa nfltt'd tb Washington HI. Ibeatr,
formerly kooo a tb "New Park."
Crdray alwaya La something Daw, and
Inns tiMiule. when twins, can SDonJ a
plMtsanl evening at bl l0. tf
If you ot tb lit! war Of ws, tb
fuwbrst Mai bafpealngs, city or
emititry, gt lb Oatatt, ml-weckty,
Tuesday and frlday. Patron balp
Bkppr. (Jompar it witb (ho of
otbr town tb an ot llepptar and tb
Oststl 111 not aoffar thereby. if
At lb Heppner Candy Factory il tb
, ptar to get cool, refrMUiag tummer
I drinks. Jaa. Ilarl ro furnish yoo Hi Ilk
; atiakr. aodo. Ice erssro aoda, orang
I win. wrbcl lr,te. IeramtjKlb
nlly tilt op. Cm and try
G. T. Gerlinger, member of tba Star
Brewery company, oame to Heppner last
Wednesday to eetabliab a cold atorage
depot for their famous Hop Gold beer.
He secured tbe basement ot tbe Palace,
with Mr. Lea Cantwell as manager. Tbia
will enable tbe interior towns to teonre
a quality ot beer unknown to them here
tofore. Tbe Marquam Grand, on Morrison
street in the Marquam building, is under
exoellent management and tbe publio
will be royally entertained this winter.
New companies and new faces will ap
pear from time to time at this popular,
first-olass theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland our denizens should not fail
to take in some ot the tine dramas that
will be presented. tf
J. D. Grizz A, with bis wife and daugh
ter, rsaohed town the first of tbe week,
on tbeir way to Medford, Oregon, where
they reside, from a visit in Enstera Ore
gon, Tiie daughter was eeriousiy in,
and, upon the advioe of Dr. Swinburne,
they remained here for a while. Qjite a
serious oass of fever has developed witb
the young lady, which may necessitate
their being delayed here fir some time.
Being acquainted with the sisters of tbe
Salvation Army, tbey were kindly taken
in, where she will have tbe careful nurs
ing they are oapable ot administering.
J. W. Morrow came in for a short stay
this weok. wearing a "little bunob of
whiskers on bis obin,'1 and reports:
A tbree banded huckleberry oontest
between Judge Dutton, Elis Minor and
Dave MoAtee. At tbe finish Minor bad
six gallons, tbe judge only tour and
D.ivo, on tbe strength of bis good looks,
we imagine, came out with seven gal
lous. The "woods in ust be full ot them."
Judge Dutton olaims the "first place"
this season with a day a oatch ot 36b
Lee Peulaud bad a 1,000-pound bear
up a tree last ween, out oonoiuaeu u
safest to stuud-fboai under, wben bruin
slid down while Lee "slid out."
Mrs. J. Shipley has been somewhat
indispose!, but baa about reoovered.
Mr, Morrow' little boy baa reoovered
from bis late illness.
Greene Mathews came in from Rhea creek to
John Andrew, a Royal Insurance man, is in
Tom Kllflllen, oi Butter Creek, came down
Wm. Corson, lone's genial clerk, was with
us Tuesday.
Robt. Beard and family left last night for
Oakesdale, Wash.
Tunis Swlck and wife have returned to the
John Day country.
Mrs Julia Bradley came up from lone Wed
nesday for a visit with friends.
Sheriff Matlock has Just finished the rounds
of the county posting tax levy notices.
Harry Warren, of the obliging dtug firm of
Conser & warren, is enjoying a brief vacation.
S. S. Hanawalt, special agent for the Massa-
chusettes Mutual Life has returned from the
Miss Minnie Flake, a Salem girl, arrived here
this week to accept a position with Phil
Cohen's family.
D. E. Gil man and family, Mrs. Edna Slocum
and family, accompanied by Rev. Flesher. are
camping on Wilson's prairie.
Ohas. Teft and wife have returned here from
Walla Walla, bringing a complete equipment
for opening up a restaurant here.
Hon. W. R. Ellis writes his partner, Mr. G. W.
Phelps, under date of July 25th, that he will
reach Heppner in the near future.
O. E. Farnsworth, the prominent sheepman,
is in town with his family, making arrange
ments for au extensive Eastern trip.
Joe Haney, proprietor of the lone hotel,
passed through town enroute home from the
mountains with his family Wednesday.
Nat Hale, the lone hustler, came up from
there Wednesday, and was accompanied back
by G. T. Gerlinger and Mr. Wellor, two gay and
festive drummers.
Both Dr. McSwords and H. Bartholomew's
families have been heard from, and they report
everlasting enjoyment. Berrying, fishing and
horsoback riding is the program of the day.
Otis Welch and S. L. Cross Bpent a few days
here having returned from the racing circuit,
Mr. Cross sold Dutch and Urey Dick to some
horsemen In Montana. In parting with Dutch
he will be out many a good stake, as the horse
is pronounced very faBt.
Mrs. Brown loat a package ot merchan
dise, dona np io a grain eaok, some
where between tbe oity watering trough
and tbe round-house. Finder will
please return same to tbia office and re
ceive reward. . It
Beauty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood menus a clean Bkin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im-
Eurities from the body. Hegin to-day to
anish pimpleB, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25o, 50c.
Ranch, 320 acres, good land, 4 miles of
Heppner, all fenced, plenty of water,
bouse and barn, 140 acres of summer
fallow, all ready for fall crop. Easy
terms. Call at tbe Gazette offioe.
Will be paid tor information leading
to tbe arrest and oonviction ot any per
son stealing cattle branded "WH" oon
neoted on the left side. Waddle on tbe
nose. Perot Hughes.
45 nov3
Program for August.
The following is the program for
uuion services io the evening during tbe
month of August:
August 7th, M. E. churob, South, Rev.
Luwson. '
August 11th, Christian oburcb, C. R
August 21 at, M. E. ohuroh, H. 0.
August 28th, Baptist oburcb, R. L.
All of tbe resileut pastors being
absent next Sunday, Riv. Lawson,
missionary of tbe Middle Oregon Baptist
Association, will preach in the Baptist
ohuroh at 11 o'clock and io tbe evening
aa aunounoed above.
Thousand are Trying It.
In order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Bahn, the most effective cure
for Catarrh ana Uoia in neaa, we nave pre
Dired a eoneroua trial size for 10 cents,
Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY BItOS., CS Warren St!, N. V. City
I sulercd f.oin catarrh of tho worst kind
ever siuoe n bo, au.l 1 never hoped to
cure, but Elv s Oream Jnlm soems to a
even that. Many acquaintances have used
it with exoellent results. Uscar ustrunv
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm ia the acknowledged
. , i , i :
cure tor catarrn anu uuuuuiis uu cuwuue,
mercury nor nny injurious drug. Price,
60 ceuts. At dnigmsts or ny mnu.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
We Don't Hesitate
To say that our
Fall and Winter Stock of Goods
comprizing everything suitable to tbe people's
needs, now in transit from New York and
Cbioago, ia larger, more complete and ex
tensive than all the other stocks ot all the
other store in Heppner. In ten days or two
weeks the greater portion of it will be in. It'a
oomingnow. We are putting early arrivals
into stock.
For the next ten days
We will make you apeoial inducements bo as to dear
away epace
University of Oregon.
Tbe University of Oregon graduated
last June tbe largest olaaa in its history
The class numbered thirty. Tbe fall
term will begin September 19tb. Stu
dents wbo bave oompleted the tenth
grade branches can enter tbe sub-fresh
man olass. No examinations ere required
for graduates of accredited schools.
Reasonable equivalents are acoepted for
most of the required entrance studies.
Catalogues will be sent free to all appli
cants. Persona desiring information
may address tbe president, Seoretary J.
J. Walton, or Mr. Mux A. Plumb, all of
Eugene, Oregon.
The oourses offered are those of a good
university. Tbere are departments of
modern and annient languages, physios,
chemistry, biology, geology, English, elo
cution, advanced engineering, astrono
my, logio, philosophy, psychology, math
ematics and physical eduoation. Music
and drawing are also taught. Tbe tu
ition is free. All students pay an inci
dental fee of $10 yearly. Board, lodg
ing, beat and light in the dormitory coat
82 60 per week. 7-75
OCvvcv-a - - tu
Shoes that cost us $1.80
and $2.00 will be sold for
Yon get your choice of a dozen different lines
of shoes. Prices are aa low on
Come h and see us now. You oan then realize tbe trnna
formation that take plaoe within tbe
next ten days
Tomorrow Tbe Fair is open to the
publio Q tite a proportion ot tbe slock
is uuacoouutaoiy aeiayeu iu arriving.
However, the huge CofTiio & MoFarland
store ia comfortably filled, and an in
spection of tbe same, witb tbt induce
ment of prices, aa quoted in tbeir adver
tisement in another column, insure for
Mr. While a volume ot trade. Mr. Den
L. Lelaod, to familiarly known through
out the entire OJUolry, wbo atanda at
the bead ot bia profession aa a success
ful salesman, will receive bia old friemle
and customers in hia usual geneal man
ner, tvery Imaginable uousenoid neoee
sily will be on exhibition, at such prioea
tbat you will not hesitate to buy.
In the Coffin-McFarland Building, Heppner, Oregon.
A Ural la Proptrty.
Yesterday Wm. Oordno oonaummated
a deal for the Harrington properly
aituated on Main atreel between tba
blacksmith shops of Ham Meadows and
W. P. Sorivcer. At tbe expiration of
tba lease oo tbe burn be oconpics at
present, about one yesr'i time, Mr. Qor
don will bave ao eiteuaive livery and
feed stable erected on bia new properly
wbicb be will occupy. Mr. Gordon's
enterprise ia well knowo to tbia com
monity, aa also bia ability lo run i
livery business.
We do not asK 5 cents for ar) article we can sell for 3 cents
Or 10 cents for an article we car) sell for 7 cents.
Sole Agents
Kingsbury Brand
-TOo tip
Mr. K. D. Wtikina, a popular eoanty
echool teacher, aa noiled In marriage
to Mies blanch MoOurmkk, daughter of
Mra. Pickard liviog al Ihs bead of llhea
oreek, to Heppner, Wedoeaday, Aug. 3d.
Io bonor of the event many friends of
tba conple gave them tbe benefit of a sur
prise parly la lbs evening. Dsooiiif
was Indulged In onlil midolgbt, wbn
bountiful rrlreebmenU wera spread, afUr
wblrb Iba fathering diapers!, wishing
Iba brida and groom all tba joy falling
to tba lot of Iba matrimonial veotare.
4 RararlM Party,
11 v. C. It. Howard aa Iba recipient
ot delightful eorpriM party Wedoeaday
retina, io honor of bia birthday, (juite
sambr ot Briibere of bia eLorrh, to
gether witb other friends, asaemblcd al
bia home bearing refreshments, inch aa
Iba lea cream, ceke, lmoaeda, etc. Paverel
Ladies' Shoes
Children's Shoes
24c up
ley flavor a new thief and very Sna,
Dr. UuuUxk m wiiti oa today, lie re
port all aert na at eatap and y 0r
h. I i.l tarnJ ever In bliu B
Re. Meibaw. at Iba Liberty Meal j hn(lll,,wrf, pt.K m,,,,),,, U Mio-l i
Market !! pate kihl muMptm. ! . t.rrltorr ll.r- mile
1 r,-tr. 1
.! I ! 1 111 ! U ..titer ll.e
d 1 iu f'i ei 'idl p'
i rte tba ep.
tb tiew Irpf "OJt'any. e-miiwl
f pf 'tUloepI Ilpp0r fit i. I.s
tbiilil fatry la I'nrliaod. and I
!, Inrnln oat. u4t lb snt-eMieioo
if(lifg Ak'r.. ll.e leverlnr, a ls'
.im'r n lie, abll are being
re1i y a Id. Tn f.Haal mera'e of
ti. tb', a' itrr (6'ba.'C fcfsl
Uril Jf ril.
tta ab mI II l'He.l l'alry
toropaoy h ,u ","!,,
order la a f' dsya. IX-a'l fad U get
w eH',i4L Jfr-H
Di'Xl aeoepUlila pre.enla wera beatowa.1
upon ll pel'-f a tokeii of esUeui.
Tba aveDieg'a riijoyrtjeal, attar rsfresh
ttiecta ef eervel, rlossd alth aa ant
mie. a ng rie.
lf4f'lf .rve
liti - I a.e .Iiel(iiily ii'iu.in, tiij
tut relief mr Carl "a C'ler IUot j
Tea. Il iieie I tpy erre nd atreagib , '
oe. air ti''le nrvm eysUm. 1 we '
troubl'd Wl'h 'neipatK0, ki lrey anJ j
bowel triable, four Tea e eleaaaed i
rr.y yira n lb r.iit,ly th. I rapidly !
re g a bed t.etih aad at renal b. Mra 8.
A Hi, Hartf.iJ, C Aa. t if lr
22C Up
Fine Toilet Soap
per ciiko 4c
'sper Pius
'aper Tacks
Doz. CiotbeBpius
" llsirpius
" Hooka & Kycs
3 Lead Pencils
3 Slate Fencils . lo
1 Writini? Tablet lo
1 Corn-Cob l'ipe - lo
1 Alurniunm Thimble lo
1 l'aper Needles - lo
6 Sheets Note Paper lo
25 Envelopes lo
Aluminum llairpiu lo
1 Yard Baby Ilibbou lo
1 Pair Corset Laoes lo
1 " Shoe " lo
O. N. T. Cotton 4c per spool or 7 spools for 25 cents.
Coffcu I'otn
1()-Quirt Water liuckHa -Wuhli
IJoilor Copper liottom-
-No. 8
No. U
I'io I'latfcrt
Everything In the Tinware Line at Proportionate Prices.
Copper Teakettles. Nicklc Plated
98 cents.
Granitewarc, a full line, at one-half the usual price
Pearl Ton Lamp ChitniH'yH, No. 1 unl 2
S t Tumblero -
(JlaM Setn 4 pieeen ...
Full-Triiiimcfl I .ami" M
eiliuni nil
1 Larp
S1' Aii'-ntH for the Cellratei
Dr. HcliillinKM Core-t.
40c LP
Sole auents for Brown Shoe Co.'s 3 (t Shoes
io oz Overalls
rivited 44c
Boy's Suits
$1 .00 up
a full lino
Gent's Furnishings
Ladies' Furnishings
At Unheaid-of
Our Guarantee
Money Returned II Goods arc not Satisfactory.