I PAPER OFFICIAL Subscribers The Gazette will contain ' the latest telegraphic news From the Seat of W3! Advertisers If vou have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the GAZETTE. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5. 1898. NO. 672 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. POBLI8HD Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE j PATTERSON PCBL1SHIXS COMPANY. CORLIES MERRlTT, Editor and Bus. Man, At t'J.09 par year, $1.00 for six months, 60 ots. ;or three moucas, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made- Known on Application. Entered at the FostofBce at Heppner, Oregon, aa second-class matter. THIS PAPKB is kept on file at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchange, Ban Franoisco, California, where oou raots for advertising can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, Ban i'ranoisoo, is our authorized agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. Sunday arriving at Heppner Jn m. daily except unction 121)5 a. m. Irfiaves HeDoner Junction 8:30 a. m, and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m OMt Bpokane Express No, 4 leaves Portland at 2.-00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. in. TTmofilln H-fiil tv m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 70 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. v..) Mill 1M. 1 lonvo. Portland U:25 o. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction S:Z5 a. in. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. , . . For further information inquire ot J. U. Hart, ' Agent O. K it N., Heppner, Ore. OmCI.Xi BIBEOTOBT. AN OPEN LETTER To mothers; WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS 'OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER,1 of Eyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear fr on every the fac-simile signature 0 6 ' wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought fr on the and has the signature of (ac4 wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind Ton Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF TO CEAS in m WAR ABOUT ENDED. America's Terms Acceptable and McKinley Awaits Official Noti fication From Madrid A CLASH NOW FEARED WITH AGUINALDO Vaxican Appeals for American Protection of CatholicsInsurgents Prevent the Surrender of Manila. United States Officials. Pieaident William McKinley Vice President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State ... .W. K. way baoretaryof Treasury.... ...Lyman J. Gage U-,,!.,,.,, nt fntarinr CnrnellUS N. HllSS Secretary of War Russell v. Alger Seoretary of Navy oim Portinaster-General Charles Emery Smith l.ns.J4Aniari.l John W. GriEKB Btoretaryt Agriculture ....James Wilson KtntA nt Orprnn. Governor -.L Seoretaryof State H. K. Kincald Treasurer Phil. Metsohan Bnpt. Publio instruction . ;"' Attorney General ..C. M. Wlgnjn Senators J Thos. H.Tongue Congressmen w. R. Ellis Printe' in.TvL Supreme Judge. & & "kcn Sixth Judicial District. r.reuit Judge Stephen .Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Wean Morrow County Officials. J, W. Morrow , E. L. Freeland .A. G. Hartholomew J.K. Howard Joint Benator - llepresentative County Judge " Commissioners., J. W. Beokrtc. " Clerk Sheriff ' Treasurer ' Assessor. The CALIFORNIA Lodging House BEDS 25 and 50 Cents. GEO. C. ROME, Prop. Next door to Opera House. Surveyor... ool Hup mer KKPFHIB TOWN OVFIOKRe, Knhtwii ntirj t.. Coroner D' - VawIw Crawford ..K. L. Matlock M. Lichtenthal J. F. Willis Jutins Keith ly ...Tay W. Hhiiiley r. a. nunioga Thos. Morgan J. Hlocum. M. Mayor liiohtenthal, J. H. Simons, J. J. ItolierUt, J . W i 1 C il Uirrv. rrnreV":::::::::::::. .... w. ,. John Uager Precinct Offloerf . J.tii of th. Peso W. E. Kichardson Constable United States Land Officers. w nitf.M nit. i-l&z? v::::::::::::::::::Sr a v '-- .... .... - " " E. W. Bartlett . i1""1!'!!! J. H. Rubbins. Receiver Gray BKiOXlET BOCIKT1E3. HAWLIN8 POST, NO. IL Q. A.B. Meet at Heppner, Or., the third Saturday of i-h month. All veterans are iutiu r IT- T . l W. W. Smith. Adjutant, tf Coinmanda D. J. McFaul, M. D. 1IEPPNER, OREGON. Office boors, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 lo a n m at residence. W. A. Kirk'i prop erty. aat o( M. E. chnrcb, South, and 10 to VI, . IB , to l W O p. m. , at uuioo in tbe rear of Borg i jeweirj eturo. C. E. Redfield Attorney at Law, Offloe lo tbe Firal Naliooal Beck Building, llippwin, : : Obkoom. Ellis & Phelps, YTTORNEYS AT LAW All bmln attiKle4 to In a pmtnpt and ktUlai'tory manner. Notaries I'ttbllc ami Cul lectors. Aftira la Matter lulldlaa. Haopnar. Of Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed Yon. THK OCNTAWn OOMPANV. TT MUHHAV THKETi NEW YORK OITV. WAB TAX PUZZLES SOLVED. G. B. HATT, Tonsorial Artist. Decisions by Internal Revenue Commissioner Scott. Below ere quoted a Dumber of deoii- lous on tbe war revenue tax made by Oommiaeiooer Soott, of tbe internal rer enae service: All bankers, brokers and others sob jeot to special tax, wbo did not pay snob Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, 15 Cent 25 " Heppner, Oregon. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL. Half block west of the t'nlon Dotmt of C. B. ii Q., C. M. A Wt. P., C. & A., r. r"t. W. & C., and the C. St. LAP. Railroads. HATKM WU.oo 1IC W IJAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8U., CiriC-3-O. ZXtXt. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Is tbe place to go to get your fine pork sod lamb chops, steaks and roasts. FISH EVERY FRIDA Fine stivsr rured hsms and baron. Pur lr I lard, ki'ttle-renderwl, old style. 1 1 Ik hit t nan price paid for at slork. BEN J. MATHEWS. D. E. GILMAN, GencralCollcctor Put your old books and wl l "W hands and ft ' moi..y out irf Idem. a p lally ol bard eollacUona OfBcein J. N. Brown's HuiUiog. W.A.RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Hecorder. orrtet T COUNCIL CMMSIfl fells and hnn 1 el. rnis hon. wrs Usm. rto-a ronsiw ln and l!l wfl " yua 1" Hi s In hw llti. at r.naiil niu. tl 1 1 El PN El t-CAN YON CITY Stage Line B. r. MILLER, Prep Chaaimt and most direct Tout to John ttav vllT, ( anrnn I'lif milling district, Hums au.1 ostisr interior points. KUiik lrstn Htpnr IhIIt, H'indsf n-itnl.at e.ai a. hi. ariiva at tanron City in a noura. tfir rsnynn I'Ut slip m , arrltt at II r Dot In 24 hours, ronuai lln Mb trains. HspfSia lo Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS -15 Shaving ? t Cenli. 1 1 a ei.i i tu'a Niitii bi r-i. Gibson & Berger, AH has J" Old Mlwivlntr. ! C. HalrCuttinu. - " Path 2-V. Everything Mrirt 1 Firit Cu. Iltrdman ., Moitwmiit . .. Hamilton Umg rwk Tnx Vtlr John Ihijt tsriyonlHr aUifK coiinn t allb trains al H'itrr NoU Ha Ins storked nt II, la 1 1 r allh lt rord M hN and r""l mm I am nrvparvd Ui (lis Drti " ! nr urn ut in pui.ttv. Associated Press Dispatches. London, Aag. 3. The Madrid correspondent of the Mail Bays: The government has accepted the principal of the American con ditions, but the acceptance will not be made public until inquiries to Washington on matters of detail have been answered, thus rounding off the preliminary basis. The Madrid correspondent of the Daily News says: Army Will Remain on War Footing for Several Years. Assoc Is ted Press. New York, Aug. 1. A epeoial to tbe Tribune from Washington says: Army and navy officers consider tbe war praotioally ended, so far as actual hostilities are concerned, and that there will be no ocoasioo hereafter to fire a hostile shot except in tbe slight resist anoe that may be offered by tbe Spani ards to tbe progress of tbe Amerioan forces in General Miles' Porto Rioao campaign. At any rate it is oooiidered inconceiv able that any new extensively operations will need to be undertaken, and that even if the neaoe negotiations are oon- dnoted in tbe dilatory manner which Passed into the" Bervice and improvised has come to be ineenarahle from the tot various nostile operations Spaniards, an armistice oan hardlvbede- aaBlne WM D10Wn UP' Absolutely Pure obaraoter, it being the intention to dis pose of nearly all the vessels wbioh were layed more than a week or ten days, as by that time tbe Spanish earrison at 8 an Juan and Manila will have laid down tbeir arms as they did at Santiago. Under tbe circumstances, it is not sur prisine to find that in the war depart ment as well as the navy department, preparations for tbe new conditions ot since the Tbe first step has already been taken by the orders issued yesterday returning tbe St. Paul and the St. Louis to New York bs soon as they pan leave the West Indies. Tbeir suns will be taken off at onoe, tbeir naval offi cers detached, including Captain Sigsbee and Captain Goodrich, and as speedily as tbe vessels oan be restored to tbe con- peace are rapidly going forward, and dition they were in when the navy ac some ot them, at least, wilt be carried Juired thera-the wil1 08 returned to into effect immediately. thelf forn)er 0WnerB. Ihe American line. ; With tbe future of tbe Philippinee The Harvard and Yale will be given np . still in doubt, tbe direotors of the naval f week or 80 lB,er- BDd tbe nav wil1 and military services are devoting their fhen ceBee V' 9000 a a" for thes9 attenHon chiefly to the West Indies and our WU,0Q orinepMirew weeKs nave oeen nsea exoiusiveiy oy tne army the fnrhea aehnrn And afloat In the At. I ...... . I aa trnnnnrtrtfl ' Parhfina t,ha arms mill Ka The government's reolv to the American peace terms left here 'BD,I Md eBSt or ,be kM. k.-.. 4h. t - I mnaanll aa Ika MnanVAMnnAa F It 1ana I J u t iui UD V DC rnirj iui m IllUOi Uk . n.,u. .A Ti- aniu me owners oonsiaer u aa- Monday evening. The government believes that the nature of tbe ne- antifttions rpnairea the createst secrecv. and that their success will de- ,in -.si:.-4 . ..a- visable to undertake the restoration of O o I .viivu tt in ujiiiinio u Ji cvru w ou icuuv I.,.. i. nonrl nnnn thft ftriBfirvanftfi of the most absolute reserve here. Official l.nn in ih Mila a.iahiiBhmAi , Hom ,nmr wanB-aiianiio - voyages, it is ai- ..! .Ui 11 Jt i. It silence, therefore, is complete. me to come, although most of the """" ,u" T 'r9"1- . ' I ........ I PomTifillfin in nana nntiif tnnnl rainfrtrna. . 1 vnlnntaora vhn hnvA nnfc nn tn thla time IT r The Rome correspondent of the Daily Onronidle says: .u .m nW a mn. men,B Manila, will promptly impress Spain, it is asserted here, has accepted the American terms, with . . , . the , ith(n month these vessels and hurry them around to nnimnnrtnnt rnnnrvAtior H. and the Deace Drelimmanes Will be Biened ftftnn th.i ii-antv nf naanA la nnnr-lnrlnd. ,ue rBolno Ior lD8' Purpose. r , t , .r l. r O-l 1... I Th a p.onla, ni-mv vhlnh Viaa hpnn at- ueioie onturuny, . " . .. ' ' . " . " their oonfidenoe intheresulto! the neaoe The Madrid correspondent of the Standard says: ' " annFn;imaf(l nnmfirLi negotiations by ordenng at least three The government's reply to the American terms was forwarded y B" aggregate of 75 000 men will in all I ' 8 heavier warships to New York for terday eyemng, through M. Cambon, and there is a strong prospect probability, remain upon its war footing v" ' , ' . I I Tha Tama la avnaaial f nt Inln ,A..nr - At, A-.n n I vis hon tin I 1 om id cauduiou j j miu uuu hAa ...t. . ih.. Tndi,,flv nf Pn Tuesday, and tbe Brooklyn a week , . - , . l.j, -.. later. The Iowa will be put into the P..c. D.l.g.tlon to B. crtcn. re UBibn I new dock, which ba. just been purchased, Vi VrMitr Ani. 9 A annnial nahlA to thfi Evauinc Journal from iu. in ai..v. n...ii nnh. anfl Pnrtr. Bnon Bs " reauy-lo receive her, Madrid, published in a late edition of that paper, says: I Rico, and perhaps the Philippine. - " RnAin MRontR th nrincioal cond tiona of peaoe as set forth by the pw"veiy aemana a oonsiaerame IOroe : r r . . .. . . . In o..rl.nn Vct aoma lime at """" " uuiu win ni tax prior to iuguai 1st wui De suDjeoted American government, and only the peace details are needed to cause ,eRgt 0aba 0(innot trusted to work oom North BB ,oon Si PiB'Me. w!!. ... hostilities to cease-ftVonce. A peace delegation will be chosen at once ont ,he - roblem of self-government Admiral flampson's flagship, tbe New 1 r 1 ' to confer with the representatives of the United States. without the guardianship of at least P-a w f w aryaoo. uy rel"' .. ..... ., .... j. . t i ,. "ha nanna nnnfiit.innu At rnrtri nv 1'reBiaeni fliciviniev were Q1B ou.uuu iraioea soiaiers. l ono ivioo win that peace will bo concluded. A 2 oent stamp is required on an order tbe middle of Angnat. Acoordiog to tbe naval authorities the . . . . ... ,i ii. il. ..t.:-i. ..j .in.. l..: U nnrtnnhtarllv mnnira abont 10.000. unless 1 fl-"00'01 ior oaen arawn on a meronaoi oy one 01 cUfBea at lengm louay uy me cauiuoi, uiu u vu wuuus.uu n L' il, Tmnif. .ii.nri. if.. ..i.hli.h. Pn"PMti are that all the volunteer oni- blS Customers. I m'van nnt. nll'iflRllv that tllA terms OL the United OtateS WOUld be BO- " . . ran anil tha nAn hn p. 1l.ul j,.,- j - - ment ot law and order in inese lsianua - Certincatea of deposit, if left a certain I i TI,o,. o nna nr (n tmAndmnnU tfl the nronositions of the ... , . . .,t.i- from naval servioe will be able to retnrn .... i vcuvuva, a uv u a v v&awwa w s7 k iiiiin in nnw itniiraiipniiHii. w mho uuuu b i time, are .ax.me me same as promissory - . , , .. ... . , - lo their bomM by Rpp,era,)er let. Thi, OOteS. I .1 pafAr. nt nnnrma nnlv kr now. I militia- ... . ..... . i. I :! U 1 Of I'orto It no's ranid nroirress and or "-i inewiinarawa.orrunusDvaacpoBuor pramn mn whose nieces on the renlar war- ..... ...... i run nnuiEV ni lia imnniH eii reuniH iud i on tns presentation OI niS Dani DOOt Id I t- . .lilnawill ta takan hv .nli.ta.t man ra. ....... - nnlfAd HtatAa nf mnoh annoern. armv UP" wl U taien oy eniislea men ra- tne savings Oaut does DOI requir S mm terms ot rmmcw. - - Ia.a1 from lha aniliria a. nniH. a. ....... .1 lotlmara liava nttla dnnnc. mil inev are I lamp, tr mere is miming accompanying iv.on,vn .! 9 ttdlnom.rr ia an nffinlal atatftmnnt crivfin not L. .i.. n..,.... the latter vessels are put out of oommis- it in th fnrm nf an nrdar fnr IhA nv. I ..MuUU.v.., - b o --- nu.au utr.iu awm. .un Vuu-u. . .. ... . r-i I , . , ., ... "l i .1 1 f - T.. - .1 U.. I . : . .1 d-! 1 IIOD. Dy oUVUOriiy OL lllo LllCOlUOUW unillj DO .UIT .C.IXIO VI jroovo VUV.WU uj I iuui jiDflvtiuiiiiwo ..u.mx, Muu grave tears are maniresiea mat tne pro. BI'ECtAt BBH810N TALK. fessional guerrillas and military agita- ment of money. Where certificates of stock are deliv-1 the United Statos: r. AIUtor.l (11. alnxk In l,A f. ... I ... . I - - ! 1 1.11.. .... ............ ..ln 0P(I(,r lQ rerrlove aDy ml8appreueii8iou in teguu ui iuu ut-. o t ,tb (ih bt t (ltg(t 0, (or U1 riur( (:aiM,ulrlKn Fair.. Anl m nnn An nn IT inn nl I. II npl Inli ... ........ .I1 I I v'" " w" I. ..... ..ImA.n Ika I i iioH Nlnlaa .nil Sn.in It. la iluomail I i i.. .1... i i .u. II.J IIBIIUUB ao IU JJUt;tJ uomcuu .no uuh --'f isilliurns, inij wou iu.i luiea. luo isinuu ators by Direct Vote. Salku, Aug. 1. In speaking ol tha I V. a .iuh I... .hid I It 4. n .(IttBrt D luo lin wui.iu .. .o fiBu.f n - fJLll TT i it 4 I it I I ll (I 111 i. .. . i,i. .,i i nrooer 10 sav inai iub termu onoreu uy vuo uuhuu okih-o m iuo uuw wm iru lumn t u..uuuu. ...U.H m ,r.r...c. . -mv r ' . . I ...I..U. Ik. ..Ul.l.. I..l.l..li n I. t .hK handed to the t rench ambassador on Saturday last are in suosiance ""uu "u .rB-iUU uiuui unm Where a bond is given with a guaranty I a8 follows company as aurety, lue Dona sboniti k.a. In d 4 ,1 i 1 1 .m In a Ml A.nl il.mn a ... ' a k.ii . ... iiwlAmnitv. but retiuires relitiouishment of all claim of sovereignty over until a generation baa passed IMUIlf UVJUIJlaUK UUV'UMII S WVU wu I af ' M !, . . . . Ill . . . . -.-kiii.. ... r.iinn.1 ih.,.f L. ... ,t. !i.( f ll a avasnatinn Viv Snain nf tl,A (xpeoted to give DO trouble I pari of the labors of tha legielatnre, a """" ... -- ui ii.ia wiuowiuvi. -""i "r 1 , .ii ti. .t ..... n.m,..i..i..l .. in .1 . 1..... . ...... ..I.II..I1 .Ul.l l.lio,..n., Knnn . . . - . .. tt .a..i 1! i:.i i! t r..-l " av-aiuu ui w uaa wai aiKirt .1 uis "" . v v '"d; cession lO lue unueu oiatea auu immeuiutj euuuu i their ability to taks oare of themselves, in which lo transact Iba public business. Uioo and other islands under pauisn sovereignty in tne w est ludies, gDj beyond a small detachment of artil He thongbt thai it would aennre better and like cession of an inland in tbe Lad roues. lery and perhaps a company of infantry I legislation tf tbe session would La ex tering of justice and the protection of today that while tbe election ot United property there by tbe oootinnal exertion I Blatea seoators and the appointment ot " The president does not now put forward any claim for pecuniary I of tha strong arm of the United Stales nomerons state offioera, such as railroad commissioners, etc., continued lo be a aa a premium Bonds required in legal proceedings ... .w..r...l fntm lh..l.lnfl II lull Hfitlii. given by person, appointed b, lb. ooort, Tha United States will occupy and hold the city, bay aud barbor lb" 7"! b' 10 ! .W 0t 60 J'y' 'nd onDnneJ . . ....,,.. .. . .... . i i t ii i teotWB ui ma isianaa entirety vo me etnotiy to leg siaiive matters ainth at Aiiatvaia UnN al Vasllllnrsl I ai a a 1 it I . i a .. . W . a-.l.is II ,1.. I I " , , . . . , ; "I;?-: " I J. 01 MM", penuing me conciuaiou 01 ireaty ""' n.vy. Tha governor believes that our system mi , ,. ' ", ' h. termine the control, disposition and government of the rhilippiues. u .b, bUippkiM are lo be beld. a of electing aenators should becbsngsd r r I a 1 1 L 1 t.. Un.:R in lUie rihrisalll AAmmiu(ilnnA le.rnan.lr.iia InflaAaaat In ll.al taiiiiilaf artnl 1.. . a..,.l...Bi.l I.. II.. aa,.-. .1 1 .. I..aa . Ir.ear,n I II WlliuS RlH BCUrUlOU UJ O If UIU IU iUCIJt CUhllCtlf VULULUIODIVUU W I " wuuf lUM'vawe sa a Bm--a , w . u VU asaMxraatJiiinut W BUW WIIOVI lit (I'M I uc7U. I . . . . . . . 1 a a t . . .j.... t.i . , In caaea where the eonaideration in a will be named by the United States la meet commissioners on tbe part "w imp"-"" " "'" prov.uiug i..r .umr AmA im .sMinai1 I haa akMnsal Wa.1 nak af tKaa I iJ ... !M Ik. -xii stuiA -.f i-mtinl tl A I n f A trOailv nf nttAPfl nil fllA tlHUlal I ' property conveyea snonia govern .Imv-Indicated " amount of the stamp rxiaired. I Teli grHiiblo diapalobes seat by slate Inagrganta Dealer Vengeanoe offloers In discharge of their official duties! ... . 0 i Wahhisotos, Aug. 2. Powers of attorney exeonled on tbi flA rttkTAUATKINS. I ladlialluas rarnr karly MaalarlnC "al f Vulastaara. (Aavx LU-4 I'raas.l The offioiala here make no concealment of tbeir apprehension of serious trouble to follow the execution of onr back of stock certifloeies nead in oonnee- urogram in regard to the I'bilippinas. The rejorts of the military ion with Iba transfer of shares require t0J t)Rval commainlt-rs of late have contained warnings of expected Tribnna from Wasblngino says: lo be stamped, in aldiiion to tbe tax on a : , wjtj. tu inBargentii, aud no surprise will lie felt at the receipt H la reoognlid oo all sides that more of news of to oatbrenk at almost any moment bB0 ni"-t"iaoiibfoioniaersDowio ,,fm lo,i,flDlUf ttuuM by legiaU mi... iui Il VI Vi 1 10 ... ft'. 4 V H a mi 1 llll ... Hi am ' i ui First National Bank Y IIH'IM.Ii election by tli people, and met the ap. pointmeiit of atate ollloers by tbe legis lature, or other olllrers than those tie longing to their own body, should lie dlsaontinued as contrary to eoustilu tloiisl prlnoiptra. Ilia ida is tbst lb power to appoint to offloe ie not embraced within tha unrview of Iruialatlva dntiaa. Niw Yoax, Aug. l.-A speolal lo lbe Ln(J ,., , M,f0.. bM (nrniehej na witb a kg! anomaly of lagialativ ap- tmlntaoa In atata LlTini-a havinff thair trai sfer of stock. I , . .i . I than nina lenllisof the volutitaera now lo I . i.i.eni. i ... t it . ..... lor nSVI OI OUtvirraa a . aiium.nuj m-nuuui. I hihii inupuuiivii riii-unwi iw ii".ir rowers f attorney lo eell or transfer ' , , , . .. eervioa, ..ffleers aa well aa enliete J men. ,....,., gavemm.nl Unds ar taxable. ib tonwi oi w u .. u - s- are serving al gre.l peon.l sacrifice " " A 10 cent atamp i sofTklMit opon a t4ward tot oi.ly tbe foreigu reaiaeois oi aianua, dui K,Waru lue unpro. ,,oolJ be dtsobargsd lo return to proxy lor oea In voting al ao election of I tnctml claaaes of the BpauiaU otitumonity-woraen, children, nuns aud their original occupations as speedily aa I air.ny f tir .a. (.ffleere nf aa r,c..rporud cmniany. -lmm Tl.rfr.ra hti intimatiun came that the insurant were oiroumataoees will permit. Ho long aa lb tuiversity of Oregon gradual! without regard to lb. number of s.goe- ,...., :.M of boluleas monks, orders were sent to ths ba oattoo t aWlut.ly in need of Ihea. laat June lb Urgat d.M In it. hiaMy. tore. ............p.-- . ii. it .iu..il. viiluntrs, it is certain thai they will Ties elaaa Dumoerea llmly. Th fall Uev.nu. stamp, era not required on American military commander to look into the matter, and to act In nb-iUilf fMpoll,, lo ..itie. t.rmwilt HeptemW J'Jtu. Htu- tbe reports of earnings and divideede, the intereat of civilization and humanity. o( tbe oecaaloo, but thate is no dispn. di-nt a ho bsve eompleted th tenth and r-port of cmdition, made lo the ,t according to re porta, tbe inauigfiDts have ahowo particular tloa lo bold Ihem striotty lo Ibeir lerme grade bisnebe can enter the sub-freab. controller of th rurreucy by national jt()(l;jt) twaria the monks, it is reasonable expectation that before of oliatmeot from lb moment tblr ser- maoelaas. Noeismlnetionsererequired bBhkB- , ,. , lrjaftOt.lliaioH will have cecartl with the American troops, if the "M . dlanenl with, and It for torJit., M: lblitolsl,rebol.lar. requir! lo b m vn t si,. , i il " be surprising If several of the H.aaouable equivslebl ar a eepled for fm-.M.d lo tb.ooatroll.fcf lb. car- UtUr undertake to ititurfw. in the ex-cut.on of the vengeance of tbe fmtttM fiiiwl ,:., ,b. ea,t, mo., l lb. required entr.n.. ..u.l,... Peltie) f CthHeS C. A. RMCa. T. A. tMta. CfO. W. CONtlN, . W. f NCIN. Aaa'l Chle Tr.ba Ls I Grlrfl lUelliif tuHifW liXCHANGK O all rna i4 tlie '! t Bought and Sold. f ol !a I',! maA mm all r"l' reaanoetl T.'s tirflil sal sSaf Ma4 ffl4 I reooy requiraa so stamp, Neither r itiaorgetita. stamps fi 'ilred on the semi-snoual re- lures tf iiatkilial bai.Ss-.f Hole in ctren I M ofdared to tbeir slates fof SJiUSlafieg . . I it.,,. . 4.... l ... ft . . u... I .i 1 (fnlrt aa.ll.lfflllll III III.. .1fcl .11'.' ... m. . leiion. I t,nn 'i",nuj. . - -- v ".. ' ' - nut wilhia lb neii in naye, I he Iiittets ill iM preauuied lw t&diriuel t ue, war aud navy diMrtinQuU have recivod, throuKh Cardinal Itam- would include mil of lb trtmp at polla papal acrery of tM, a callram from the pope expressing i fjhlokamag'ia and Camp Alger aad Iboa the kWeat at.ti. ly U,t U.v aafoty of the bi.hop and clergy at Cavil. jscaWfl bro,bol lb. v.rio. mili . . . . .. . . ,i f . . , ..'..ii... 1 ar dapartiatiit. Oatieral Ui sMetanlb IflforoiMloo rrelte, ai IU liurs.ii ,o iu- ruwi w.ni nKu,.,-.... immn9 Las always beaa bis f.rcc have planum, the uiaaaacro of the Catholics. todd U duty In Cuba lei la Ids lm'irliatty uot receipt of tbe information, cablegrams ere (n( aad ll will crtaialy gi ibra aitbat svat to (ei.ral Merritt and Admiral Dewey directiog them to take i llm. wbithei f. erT.eei. opratiooa la ;t.U .. ..r.-Anl tl.. itiaurtfent from hartninr Catholic. ! Havana la sot aarreader!, or ae lbs r..y u..-i-r ---I -m -- nf .A...alln aflar ..a,, baa he.. which bavs aot rsaehad F.rnendina, Oalaloguae will be sent free to ail appli- Jaokoovlll. ami Han rraneiaeo, sl.oulJ caols. Pere-ms deairing luf, tmaliun nay alirea Ilia rMnleiil, nn'tetary t. all PraaiSanl Vie rriieit ' preparatlnea, and tslsblaoeleaattieno. CeMr : raejiniiol eba(ri la elatl sbnvn. iWmde cf muoiaipal i.fflpere reulr. to latt-i-ed. n ter lh art l.nqei.g t Millia.a tear. n In -itW li. trr, wt .fm, n k tr li. trr, wt .fm, it lrn ( . If al..!e. l ""f'e "1 I ii, MiU are iw lutii'l t'aararrta (n !) , l .,lUr ml ti e rsle nl Im sii'Ii'Si )... . ,r ai.d It "' I ili'ee rtiilli'.B la f.. V- It nan. liM-ltl .r.rrt. ... . . . . r. I . . . il. . . ... ...... I n i . 1. 1 . ,i n..a.i ii... rmv. I an. atlempt of tin kind l md t y SguUihll,), it will uiiy li lo a etm J, Wallon, or Mr. Mat A. l'louib, Eugene, (litgoo. The oareeanre I are tlxa id a riod nulvarally. TLet ar ileprtmot nf miidern a! aosieol liJguge, phyaioa, ehemiatry, biol.-gy, gi"gy, l"ti.lib,el -puli'fi, alvaend iigiuriag, atf,in my, lHfi, (ibllnwiby, xelKilugy, malb amatia and pl.).ioal edueatiott. M ism and drawing are alao taigbL The In itio le tt. All sl i l-nis pay aa ler. dental f of lllyaarly. ft ai l, Mg- II. .) ( ...... I . ... ll. I...... ,1, l.tft.liai ....ar i ' i.CliuTVaM' J" tun u 1 It'-of tb rif BiftUt. b cf t ii-r uv wi In.-Jlvi I jr. tc i$t tf 1 lb leju'iicia t.f lbs natal fure dl iiug, bal and light. t tfce i & 4 ry rest