O. R & N. Dipart TIME SCHEDULES ARR1VB ros From Heppner. from 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, 4:50 a, m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. I on is, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Kt. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00p.m. Ockan Stkamhhiph 4:00p.m. From Portland. All ailing dates subject to change. i For Han Francisco Hail August -2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 21. ai, 30. 7:00 p. in. To Alaska 5:00 p. m. August 8, 28. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivkr 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. r.:00 a. m. Willamette Rivkr 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and Vi ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamettr and 3:30 p.m. Tnes., Thur, Yamhill Kivkiis. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. fi:00a. m. Willamette Rivek 4:30p.m. Tues. Thurs. Tues., Thur. and Hat. Portland to Corval. and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. Lv. RIparia Snake River. Lv. Lewlston 1:45a m. 5:45a m. Mon., Wed. RIparia to Lewlston Sun , Tues. and Friday and Thur. Passengers booked for ell Foreign Countries. J. C. HART, Agenl, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable Tlio Central. aled hay for tale. Charges reasonable. Call Bon him and have your horses well Ared lor. w sv m tbt a m THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE East and Southeast via the ONION PACIFIC H. H. THE THROUGH CAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE KECL1N1NU CHAIB CARS. Portland to Eastern Cities Change. Without Qnick Time. I nion Depots. PerHonally Cunilncted Excursions. Maggage Checked to Destination. Low Rates. Direct line to TranB-MisfiisHlppi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Write undesigned for rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union Pacific K. H. J. H.LOTHROP, or J. C. HART Agt., Gen. Ant.. 135 3d Ht., O. tt. A N. Co , Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced couduotors and porters, v SHE YOD 601 ERST? If so, be sure and see that your tioket reads via T(e Horinwestern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY Tina is the Great Short LiQel HKTWEEN Tliii.ciloiro To Kansas City and St. Louis with- ,NUJU11 out change via Halt Lake aud Mis- DULUTfT, St. PAUL, CUICAGO url racmc 14llWttJ, Mnni'svo To Kansas City, Chicago, Budalo and JIlUllUop, Boston without change via Salt Lake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Rys. Tiinciti.nii To Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo and mtailujn, Boston without change via Halt Lake and Chicago, Kock Island & Paviuo Ry. To St. Joseph, Kansas City and Ht. Louis without change via Salt Lake and Burlington Route. RESULTS OF THB WAR. AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vcstlbuled Dining and Weeping Car Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME" lias Riven this road a national reputation. All uIrhms of passengers carried oil the vestihiilod trains will t extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous lino. All agents have tickets. W. II. MEAD, F.C. HAVAOK, Uen. Agent. Trav. K. & P. Agt. i!l Washington. St., Portland, Or, Some New Things We Bare Acquired Very Recentlj. Here are a few of the things about the Philippines that oar boys, who arrived on July 1st, will learn regarding- the country : No brooms. No bats worn. Girls marry at 15. No knives nor forks. Tbey sleep at midday. Horses are a oanosity. More women than men. Rice is the ohief product. Cattle as small as goats. Manila enjoys electricity. Natives bathe thrioe daily. Dewey had a rabbit's foot. The grasshopper is a delioaoy. We buy halt Manila's bemp. Laborers earn 10 cents a day. Coooanut oil is an illuminant. Manila was founded in 1571. Buffaloes are need for plowing. Orchids oommaod $1,000 apieoe. Manila has 200,000 inhabitants. Annual cigar output, 140,000,000. Weyler was governor for four years. Belles smoke cigars and chew betels. Cigar factories employ 21,000 women. Cigarmakers earn $6 to 810 a month. A yard of cloth is the robe of the poor. Macadamized streets; tin - roofed bouses, SANTIAGO DB CUB I. Girls smoke. Inhabitants; 40,000. Forests of mahogany. No wild animals ezoept dogs. Everybody takes a nap at noon. Here is the behest land in Cuba. Lottery tickets on sale everywhere. Most of the houses are one-story build ings. Santiago is the Spanish form for Saint James. The belles plaster their faces with pow dered egg shells. The harbor of Nipe embraoes 05 square miles of deep water. Copper mines have been worked sinoe the 17tb century. Tobago island was so called bv Oolum bns from its fanoied resemblance to the tobacco or inhaling tube of the aborigines. Our word tobacco is thence derived. POItTO woo. Width, 37 miles. Immensely wealthy. Poverty is unknown. Area, 3,530 square miles. Trees are always green. Every man owns a borse. Older than the United States.. Prinoipal sport is cook fighting. One mountain is 9,000 feet high. ' Every house bas a roof garden. Principal pastime is horseback riding, Sao Juan has the finest harbor io the West Indies. PeoDle aleeD in the day. and shop and A day stop-over arranged at visit at night. Salt Lake and Denver. Water .8upp,y " T ? the prinoipBl sources oi revenue. jljoubukc. CHICAGO A ride thrOUClh the Millions Given Away ll is oeriainiy grautying r-o me dud- FamOUS Colorado Scenerv. lio to know of one oonoern in the land wno are not airaia io ue generous iu tue needy and goffering. The proprietors of Dr. King s New Disoovery lor Con sumption. Coughs and Colds, have giv cn away over ten milllion trial bottles of this great medicine and have the sat iHfaolion of knowing it nas absolutely cured thousands of hopeless oases, Aslma. Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surelv cured by it. Call on K. J Sloonm, Druggist, and get a trial bottle fiee, regular size !X)o and 91. livery bottle guaranteed or money refunded. For rates ami all all Information, inquire of (. R. & N. and H. 1'. agents, or address, R. C. NICIIOL, H. K. HOOPER, Ucncral Agent, (ion. Pans. A Tkt. Agt, 2M Washington Ht., Denver, Col, Portland, Oregon. J. O. IUkt, IxkrI Agt.. Heppner, Or. lUilwaukee & St. Paul B'u OREGON SHOUT LINERy. This Railway Co. Operates its trains ou the famous blook system; Lights Its trains by eleotrioily through out; Uses tlx celebrated elootrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains every day ami night between Ht. l'anl and Chicago, aud Omaha and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operate ateara-beeted veetilmled trains, carrying Hie latent private emupnrttuent oars, library buffet smok ing ram, and palace drawing room lee per. Farlor oars, free reclining chair oars, I and tbe very bst diuiug obair oar service. Kr lowest rates io any point in the United Hiatus or Canada, apply to ageul or addree O. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHKT, General Agent, THE KHANCO-PIU SH1AN WAR. qriCKKUT AND MOKT DIRKC'T I .ING TO Trav. l'ais. Agent. Portland, Or. Frame Lost liln.OOO. the Hermans 79,155 Uvea la the War. In the Krauau-Prusaian war Franoe JUAblA, fLAISHAO, ioiI mBny M l.",6,000 men, of whom I SOURI RIVER and all " died of wounds reosived in battle, 3o 00 by siokcess, accident, sui cide, etc, and about 20,000 io Oerman prisons. A Frenob statistician estimates that bis ootintryiuen who were wounded, but who survived, numbered 138,000. those injured on the march or by acoi dent 11,4-1. those who recovered from illness 32S.0OO, making a total of 477,421 direct sufferers. Tbs Germans killed numbered 40,877, 17,'J5S died on the field, and 21,023 io the ambulances, making 79,155 in all. The wounded who snr vivsd numbered 17,543 men. From first Io last the Herman field artillery fired 340.0t K) shots, and the infantry 20,0m) .000 The bootr of war oonslsled of 6,r'Ju furl res anna. 1.UI5 field goos and rapid firing cannon, 107 eagles and Dags, and H.'iO.WNJ title, riolusivs of what wm cap tnred at leisure on abandoned Dnlus. UTAH, COLORADO, NE- Poinh EAST, and SOUTH LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, -li days CHICAGO. " ST. LOUIS, " OMAHA. 3 SALT LAKE. 1 J OUTRODE THE BOUGH KiDEBtJ. A Keatacky Boy Who Surprised a Moutana Cowboy. Chlckamagua Letter. A tall, lantern-jawed, green-looking oountry boy from the mountain oonctry of Eastern Eectooky taught Grimsby's "Bough Riders" a trick at their own game yesterday afternoon. Origsby's oowboys, be it known, esteem themselves the only pebbles on the beaob in matters of horsemanship, and look with con tempt npon all the other oavalryman in oamp. An in sooth (irigsby s men are up on all the tricks of horsemanship and are partially justified in their assumption of their enperiority. Their horses aie perfect demons, some of them , and it is the glory of the "Bough Riders" to mount and ride the most de moniac of these. Yesterday a particu larly vicious beast was playing havoc with a squad of cowboys. Five of the best riders were thrown ignominioasly after beiug bncked to the queen's taste. A lieutenant then undertook the job and was knooked ont in one round. In the meantime a great, gawky Kentucky mountaineer led stood grinning at the performance. Be was a trooper in troop A, First Kentucky cavalry, but there was do suggestion of it in his rongb, homeepum clothes, stooped shoulders and slouohy demeanor. His came, it might be mentioned for the benefit of history, is Charles Bryant. After the five men and the officer had been well jounced and thrown, Bryant deliberately expectorated and remarked iu the drawl ing fashion of his species: "I reckon I oan ride that yar hoes." The Montana men sized up the Ken tuokian with ill-disgusted contempt. "That's a Montana borse, pard, that is," retorted the spokesman. "He eats green things like you every day." "I kin rid him," senteniously returned the Kentuokian. "If ye kin, ye kin get all the booze you want at the oanteen," returned the Montana man, warmly. "Will ye risk the boss, 'oause I reokon I'll ride bim or kill him," replied the Kentuokian. "We'll risk the horse, bet we won't risk your blamed ignorant hide," re plied the oowboy. "Sling him around," said the Kentuok ian. The borse was swung around in front of Bryant. In an instant his lazy de meanor disappeared. With a bound like panther be leaped astride the beast, and in an instant there was a terrifio truggle In progress. The horse bncked, kicked, ran around and around the field, reared on its bind legs and fore legs, and rushed through the timber trying to soraps the rider off. But the Kentuck inn Btuck like a sand burr, guiding tbe animal with the skill of a born horse man, and the instant tbe borse paused to rest digging bis heels and pounding with a stout club be carried. The struggle continued nntil tbe borse, thoroughly tired out and panting, stood ocile. Then Bryant took one circle of the field, tbe thorough master of tbe animal, and dismounted. Tbe Montana boys watched tbe performance, their contempt and ridioule quickly changing open admiration. They were too generous these Western men to with1 hold full recognition of tbe splendid horsemanship of tbe Kentuokian, and when he dismounted a dozen friendly bauds were extended and a grand march was inaugurated to the oanteen. In deed, so generous were tbe plainsmen, that late in the afternoon the Montana men led a very muobbejagged Kentooky cavalryman tenderly to bis quarters and laid bim peaoeably in bis tent. And when his commander beard bis whole etory be could not find it iu bis heart to obide bim. Which do you like best grocer bills or doctor-bills? Use the wholesome baking powder Sch ti ling's Best. w GAME LAWS OF TWO STATES. Epitome of the Statutes of Oregon and Washington. There has been some misunderstand ing in regard to tbe date at which tbe open season for game oommenoas in this state and Washington, for wbioh reason the following synopsis of tbe laws of tbs two states is published, in order that sportsmen may not be misled. In Oregon the open season for game and fish begins as follows: Upland birds from September 1 to De cember 1. Market pn upland birds, Ootober 15 to November 15. Elk, moose, deer and mountain sheep, August 1 to December 1. Trout, April 1 to November I. Ducks, geese and swan, September 1 to March 15. Io Washington the open Beason begins as follows: Upland birds, August 15 to Deoember 1. Mongolian pheasants are protected uutil Ootober 15tb, 1900. Quail may be killed in oonnties lying westward of tbe eastern boundary of tbe counties of Whatcom, Ska1, it, Snohom ish, King, Fierce, Lewis and Skamania, between Ootober 15th and Deoember 1st of eaoh year. Duoks, geese, swan, August 15 to Jan uary 1. Deer, September 1 to Deoember 1; four only allowed to be killed by one person. Hunting for hides prohibited. Moose, elk, mountain sheep and goats, September 1 to November 1; two only allowed to be killed by one person. Trout, April 1 to November 1. Game birds, duoks, deer, etc, may be sold from the markets only from Ootober 1 to November 1 of each year. HiannumwHM! ! A Beautiful Present In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Fiat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, 1. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in the form of Beautiful Pastel Pictures ! They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. TSfoKT INVENT,, MAKES COLLftRS AND CUFFS STIFF AMD NICE ONE POUND Or THIS STARCH WILL GO AS FAR Aa fuuNu miu nui Qr ANY OTHER STARCH. (yWnHlSlr,. "Jl P HIIBINGFR BB0STC9 KtOKUKJOWAjtwHAVLNftN.. m mm. Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. I t Z HKITNKR TO KIIISI . r tii Horn 11 carm TO Hr. PAH, MINSKAFOLIS I1'1.1MU KAItHO lU'TTK UKLENA Tii krU usua l to all punts io thsUmUd hlU ami Canada. yt'ICK TIME TO. Cnk'sim W AN IWUTsiH lUtriMoaa Naw Va livrrtu All ether points in lb Km! and KontbeMt OiUlU Kansas City Hr. trn Ht. Imi'is IkmTviH Free Inclining Chair Cara Upbobtxred Tonrist Weeping Cars Pullman Palaoa Sleeping Car For full particular regarding rates, tiuis of trains, etc., call on or address J. C. 1IAHT, Agent (. II A N. Co., Heppner, Oregon O. O. Timhv, W. E. Oomah, Trav. Pass. Agt. (Uo'l Agt 124 Third 81., rorll.nd, Or. Spokane Falls 4 northers NELSON 4 FORT SHUTARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Tha Only All-Hail Ilont Without Cbanga of Cars Hctveeo Hpokane, lUisslsod and Nelsoo. Also ltn Nation aal HosslanJ, daily tierpt Nu mis ; I.. AM !-. IMS! A. M II. IMI .. IU A.M NmI ... "Tlic Regulator Lino Hie Turttand 4 Astoria Navigation Co. BTSJLVCXXtsB DHLIS CITY" AND "MQULAT0H th Arrlvo a .i I'. M S til , M . I'. M. Coromeoiing Mon.lsf, May '.'nd, learners of tha Keirnlafor Llna leav PurtUml at tiutU a, m. and Tba Dulles at n;wi a,m. When yon go to Portland, slop off Tha Il1i'S and tak a trip down tl Oiilnmbta; you will ajoi it, anJ ' nu'iiejr. W.C. AI.LAWAT, (leneral Agect Both Speed and Comfort. Tbe business man compelled to travel at this season of tbe year, as well as the tourist traveling for pleasure, demands oomfort as well as rapid transit. The Rio Grande Western and its connections furnish both. From tbe Paciflo North west, passengers are landed in Chicago in three days and a half, and in New York in less than five day. Further more, the passenger is given bis choice of three routes through Colorado, and fonr east thereof. Tickets are sold via Hioux City, Omaha; Kansas City, St. Lonis or Chioago. From the time tbe passenger leaves Halt Lake City nntil he reaches Denver there is one everchang- panorama of tbe beauties of nature, whether the Rockies are orossed via tbe Teonassna. Banerman nr Marshall passes. Those who desire it. are given, without extra oost, a day's stopover in Halt Lake City, airording an opportunity of seeing the beauties of the Mormon oapital, and also ensuring a daylight ride through Colorado, justly termed, beoause of its soecery, "Th Switzerland of America". Via the Rio Grande Western rates are always tbe lowest aud accommodations tbe best. Through tourist and chair oars, as well as standard Pullmans, npon all trains. For descriptive phampleta of the fam ous monniniu scenery, rales, reserva tions aud other information, address, J. D. Manhfikld, Gen. Agent, Kin Grande Western Railway, 112 Third tit., Portland, Or. These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing tVipm in hpaiirv. rirhness of color and artistic merit. HHE?" Elastic Starch 1 purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and is sold for io cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a beautiful picture. ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE "When you hear dem bells!" YOD SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinaware & Queensware At Gilliam & Bisbee's And by the wsy tliey have anything you can rail for In the line of Hardware, Htoves and Tinware. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. 75 Cents 75 Cents THE CORDER CAMERA 75 Cents CHEAP DUUAHLK COMPLETE A DISTINGUISHED UKKMAN. lntrrtnt to t'lxhf rmm. Commissioner MoQuirs belieres thst Clans Kaprrs nd Kamlly Arrlyi'd in Pmdte tna Thursday Evrnins;. East Orrgonlsn. Mr. ml Mr. (Jluus Kupers sud Miss Auauuta Kuper arrived io lVodletoo Thursday eight direot from Oermsny M ICnnara km an nnnln nf Mra. Jna B aster, and hi. .on, Carl Knpers, own. rJi""h' mM f b' ",WB iml iirm nf Unrt naar HmIii. Tim lamil striped bus eat yonnff salmon. It is . Que tatils Qsh and the commis sioner ba. txten tu okintf seriously oi planting It in the st renin ot Oregon. But Mr. MoQuir ia very careful re- The most perdit camera ever oirered to the iitlli A child ran operate It. Can be carried In the pocket. Makes pictures 2X2. Camera, dry plates and complete outfit tor making 6 pictures hy mail, 75 cents ntpll. Full directions sunt with each ltmtrument. THE COItDEH CO., 30 Park Palaca, Nw York City. TW0 SPLENDID TLnflS DHILy TO THE EAST intsnded to go ont to llelix this afternoon to maks their bniue tbera heraftr. Mr. Kuper. i. a distinguished Oermao olti.eo, and for 40 year, held a govern ment position a railroad watobman. A a reward for that tervio Mr. Knper. baa been retired from service, under a pension ot (UK) mark a year, io line with tbe plan adopted In tha regular army and navy of tbe United rttste to retire o nicer and men on reduced pay at lb end of a eertaio apecifled terra of service. This pension amount to about Hi per month ia United Htatea money. Mr. Knper rented bis old bom to Germany and .speflU 'l"Pl Umatilla oounty tor a plana ot rewidenoe. Io tins eoooeotion it might be proper to state thai Carl Knper pure based i) acres of wheat land oear Uelii for It 3. M, by payiog fl,(Vk in eeb down. Ue only bad t U)0, o borrowed I,9oO and made Iba Oral payment. Tbal was fonr year ago. Last year b raised enongb wheat and sold it at a net profit to an amount nearly aufncieot to pay for bl rntire farm. He ba cine beo offeied hiihj fur tbe 4M acre ot laud. O' eimneHintis al Mulxm with lainra f, "lk sM all n. '"..! Ik iKiiiila. twk etmuml as lurai Willi iUiit. Ueio lVtH)t connection at Ht. l'anl, Minneapolis, Kansas Vilj, Omaha. Ht. Uini aud alder prulOf uelit jnnU tla'Si cluvksd Ihtiiiuh lj dttlibSlitill til IM kela. 1 hmngb ll krt let Janaa and t'Llua. via laeoma and Northern I'arltla Hteaui blp Company' line. for full Information, Dm ear la, wapa, ifkl, eli., es'l rn or writ V. C .!.' rl, . D Clii.i Ar X I' K. ae tlep I aea. Agl Tbf'"'ir' ITsUUaH, QUIOU TIIVIM t TO Sim ItiiiioIhoo Aal all iwmbU la llif -n.i. tie Ike Ml. MWt Southern Pacific Co n ltifaf llnmaSi rlSia tm all ka.tnia ri 'I S-mia. (! .wtf Hmi ef the ra.'ia I.. I'uilmu Hnn hi vm. IUmii-fftas Mxmr Attarliaal tnasptM tralna, afftiita mtmnat sm. .', tt ,t f rW t"' (c. ili Hi . I'M ft. I'lIsUt at-..,-', C U, VaslUaM 0 tr,ji tnTunllmti flRUNGTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE H. ItKKU .1 j iWi,., A. II iMtll.VIK I '0"",, AMI. HOM AHUNulON IO t iil ( Billrti isisi K"oo.llnp 4JV nul (M aiiles) Round lup 1 ' Cntidon ( mllra) ion . Round trip I Irm . Mtllra) .. ! ,. Round trip I (Hi t (ismlln) I Ko.in4rip IW Hlaire leave Arlmittoo every annrning (Hnrolav eieepteit) at o'elork; I doe at (Vn.lon al 3 p. w. aud arrlvve at Fos sil al 7 t. tu. r.oiil.,nl.la iiii.t aoaeriea ati t tar. I i. ' : . fit, in'f? i diirvr Oisooverea- By a Woman. Another great discovery baa been made and thai t, by a lady of this eotiolry, "Iheeaaa fastened Its clutches epoa tier and for evn year she with stood It severe! tests, but ber vital or vati were undermined and death seemed rnmnoeot. Kor three mouths aha eonghetl Ineeseanily and Could Dot sleep, hh finally dierovered a way In recovery by parehaaing of n a Uittl id lf. King .Sew dieery for enesnnip lion, and waa an tunott ielied a lak lag Bis! iIosms that aha alept all U.aht aud with two Ih.ltlee La t- u alwolule lyeiired Her name I Mrs, l,mUr l.ut." Ti n write V. C Maiunlrk k t'o , of Phelby, N. C Trial b..ltle free at K J. nlnenm 'a tlrog irw. I gniar else &t an4 II 0 every tuittte g iarn. ee.. 11a believes aalmin and Iron! ar the finest of Inula fishes and wi'l not tol erate any apeoie of fish that it apt to barm them. Tbs California commis sioner bold that striped bass will noi harm young alnon. If that were true Mr. McUnir think tbe California baton- enea would not show uco poor result At any rale, until lbs troth it known beyond a ilonbl. be doe Dot oar to plant an iuferior fisb in order to destroy superior one. Mr. MoOuire' new bill will oontain a olauee making II a penalty for any one to (lent fish ia Iba itat ot Oregon with- ont first obtaining tbe 0h O'lmmisaion- er'a indoraemenl. Thi i( to goard against a repetition of th oarp folly. Mr. Mcduira will reaorniueod I tbe lenislalur th plan adopted by CH- forni. Thei each oxinty court is am powerful to appoint men to protect tbe fish, gam aud forest ot each oonnty, and prosecute all violation. Tb com misamner b ope to arrange things with Iba aid ot tha legiatatnr i a to devote hie whole iiru 1 1 lb flih industry. Ue b a ptl of violati io Dtw before biro which sboulJ b vigorously proeeonte.1, but hi baod are tied f ir lb leek of fund. Telegram, VIA C II! rn A ft n a Br m IIUUII 1 u Rocky Mountain Limited lieaTas IlKNVKIt, M' a. m. I u. Hl'HlMiS . . 'a.s. Arries I IN U..N . . M 4Sp.au " (IVIAIH . . I ) a. m. r H MtilNKH . . R '.H a. m. " lUU.NI'ilIU . . V4 a m. M tllK'AUU 111 p. in. Nest !? Thmnah Hlis and hair Cam Colonulo to I lilrwa Mule txlilmle tlmiughnnL. Tbe ftoeet train la Ins W. Colorado Flyer Learea PKSVKH " t til.o hl'MNOa ArrtveeTtl'KKA KA.N.tAd CITY t in p. m. 2 4A p. m. 1 Jsl s, m. V II a. n. Ar. XT. I.OI IS, (Wab. K'y) 6 15 p. ra. ArriTesHT JoflPH 1.INHII.N irHnti) " OMAUA (Kthan) I" HI a. m. S 12 a. m. e-O a. m. Tlifixmh Bleepers Coloralu Rpring to 8t Louis via Wallah H'y. These are New Trains in addition to our former service. For trtieular and folders itm time of Iheaa trains writ C. C. MLtpO. J NO StDAITIAN. U. I'. A., t Hit AdO w. m. rinTM. ua. At- 1'r.ntrn. A. U. P. A , TUt'KKA. twiaeeeaia liai f.'lerate nt ttowels M II h t'aarereia. fan-'f I'sit'anle, eora rrHtstipun f,treer. Ik. ii C C C. UiU aruv,sie r Ui U bum i. Aak your DruRRltt IO CI N T CATARRH '-ijyla'yS was pavw o GENERAL PASSENGFIt DLrARTMENT. MlLWAl'Kl'E, Nov. 5, 1V.7. rATRONS of tbe WiaeoDiD Central Line, io pHsicg through Cbicago may require aome aheiet ance io the way of Laving their hariil btct'iC taken form or to trait) aini carriage) rt bun, or in uinuy other wiys, an 1 thoy will fio.l all that ia Jiirel io tii tat re apoct io th aerTice of the Tahi-ra at thrt (Irainl Outral I'aariKer Sali0. win liar reofiitly Ih r uoifurwtHl with hrun ami aoJ rcJ ...".'' y jr all tiain tretriHl o aw.iet r.a. --( ' S 1. I s . s ...... 'l.' Vn v $K'tj'; ptrrtia will full iLVr, r:SrrninZui-'A h f thia a.Uitio Tkl M. r s t i,r(l(l'li tl I' C l I eu s if s, it4m I r ri uVtu .... '.ibcirctuUt J a- ..!.. .. f a. t rt " " " t... 1 -m m a f ta. ia hoix'il thnt our Hy avail Ihi iue. lvr ioum tr.iviai'O Mr J AS i rOND, Grot i'a.ir. Art MEN Xcucan m Mil li:hA,,il r Sutler fr,na an J I ha , t 4 ml. In i)4 nl'tnt hKui.ti on il.a rd&c lout, I tii 5 I 1(,.oa. Kog a co.. V I Vwwwa mewaadisil4tl . at SIPS) mraaluainllna 8S2. ar k,fltttt m. is. k.t. h. .,,,,.-,4 h , I 1 i m. ..ts.i -i ,lw-..iuei...4 h i-T! """"" .--v.., . . r-Ittaraawa) mt 1 1 1 1 n n 1 1 itrnarn . io . tr . - " ii.i. t f HI . I l..f. ( i i , , , . j f I Sou.aaa liallaia"' i r 1 7 1.-.-..... i. tr , ., ;..,,.'',',;; f " tse l hli,hr af .,., viit Ms. jiirtj t iiruiii ill ATifilornr s r h. V ' a