The Gazette. Tuesday, August 2, 1898. TUB FIBST HISTORY OF HEPPNER AND MOUROW COUNTY, Now In Preparation by The Heppner Gazette, Will Be Published About Acuust 15. The object of this work is to advertise Morrow County and the city of neppner with a view of interesting capital and energy In the development of our re sources. It will be published in maga zine form, and complete in every way, giving a full description of the county and our prosperous city. News comes from Germany that Miss Lulu K unit el, the St. Louis girl who recently won first prize in the graduating class at the Koyal Conservatory of Music in Brussels, Belgium, was the only American in a class of forty pupils, gathered from all over the world. Judging by her name, the young lady must have as much German blood in her arteries as any of her classmates, but it evidently has a higher oxygenation, so to speak German blood electrified by Amer ican air. If Emperor William f?ver sends an army here we will get uerman-Americane to go against it, just to teach the world that when a German has been here Beven years, he has thrown off all his old self, all but the foundation, and the new fibers that he has taken on are so different from the old that be is a new being who can lick a German on sight. Salt Lake Tribune. LATEST TELEGRAPH. Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc. It is understood tbe Canadian govern ment baa made representations to tbe authorities at Washington regarding tbe oondition of affairs at Dawson and otber points along tbe Yukon. According to reports, tbe Canadians say they will not be responsible (or any disasters 'but may ooonr to American oitizens by uason of large numbers becoming stranded, and they urge tbe government to take some action to check tbe exodus as well as to prepare to bring down a large Dumber of the stranded miners before winter sets in. Maurice B. Atkinson, of New York, who started to tbe Klondike by way of the Asboroft trail, has returned here, with the story that 500 prospectors are stranded at a point about 700 miles from Asbcroft. Beyond one or two parties, who took in large outfits, tbe men are living on tbe most stinted rations. Mr. Atkinson says that tbe attention of tbe Canadian government will be called to tbe desperate situation in whioh the gold-seekers are in. IN THE HEFPNEK HILLS. It is the opinion of President McKinley and members of his cabinet that the friction between Gen. Shatter and Gen. Garcia, who commands the Cuban insurgents in the Santiago district, which led to Garcin's withdrawing his troops and announcing that he had tendered his resignation to Gen. Gomez, the commander-in-chief of the iusurgonts, is more the result of misunderstanding than any thing el ho. Uen. Shutter's instruc tions aie to treat the insurgents in a military way. It is nonsense for Garcia to pretend to bo disgrunt led bocauso Santiago was not turn ed over to tho insurgents. It has been made plain to him and all of tho other iusurgout loaders that tho United Statos intend to assume military control of Cuba as fast as it came into our possession, and to retain that control until such time as all the residents of Cuba could be nivcn Rn opportunity to eipress themselves as to how and by whom tliev would be governed. Lt was because of doubt that tho insurg cntii reproHoutod a majority of tho readouts of Cuba that President McKinley strovo ho hard atd sue rPKhfully to prevout congress pro viding for tho recognition of the iiiHiirgont government IIKCOVKHY or IUI K TAX EH. Wool Is Moving and the Wheat Crop In Be ing Harveated. From the Orcgonian. Columbus A. Rhea, pioneer stockman and bunker of Heppner,. is on a brief trip to Portland, and says that tbe Mor row county eeotion is highly prosperous. Wool at Heppner Is beginning to move a little $20,000 worth was sold last Saturday at 12 and 13 cents. James Jones sold the wool from 10,000 of his sbetp, and several otber smaller lots have been sold. Bat William Fenland is holding his 250,00J pounds, and most otber growers are holding theirs, be lieving that prices will advance. Woo) is advancing in Europe, and tbe Hepp ner price could go up 5 oenta in tbe grease without getting above tbe level of the soonred. Mr. Rhea thinks that wool will rise in price as soon as it gets into the hands of tbe speculators, as it did last year. Tbe banks of Eastern Oregon have plenty of money, so that wonlgrowers do not have to sell. There are four wool buyers at Heppner at pres ent, but there is no competition among them. In fact, it is otherwise. Mr, Uhea's wool is in Ban Francisco, and he is holding it with every assurance of getting a better prioe than now prevail ing. Stock elieep are ready sale at Hepp uer, but few are for sale. James Sniythe has bought 13,000 ewes and lambs to ship to Nebrauka, paying 82 a bead all around. This is a good prioe for lambs only a few months old. It used to be they did not omit, but were thrown in with the mother. Tbe wheat harvest is now in full blast in Morrow county, being two weeks earlier than nsnal. The grain is plump, and there is lots of it. Tbe market price bni not been fixed ns yet, but Morrow onuuty farmers are in good cirouiiiBtun ons, am do not have sell. Land i olieap up there, tbe climate is good (hips aro low and the cost of livirg Is comparatively nothing. Ibi' l'al ! Abt-ad J 1 7.T& Through lbi VigtUarc ot Jailgfl Harthulnxtw. In KH lbs N. r. II. II Co liateJ their lands in this county fur taiatlon as (boy bad !o for lb two years previous, but Irfor the lime for payment of th ti tbe courts rendered a decision that they wera t.ot liable for tbe tax, and, ooose- Ui titlv.tliar refused or oegleotat! to pay lb aatua. When Judas lUrtbolomew cnuie luto offle in 1-KJ he dUoovereJ that tits stale Ui on ltiae lands had Iko paid by tbe ootinlv treasurer before this devmlon rendered, and that the p.. .inly was out 1217 75. lie bad a bill tit reliif prepared by lUpreeentsttve !roi,ln be presented I') tbe legislature, In reimburse the county, but the legula tore tailing In nrgviil. the plan did not iiiatprialitA At lb last araaion of the roiinty court tbe N P. II K. Co. pre eiilml petition reipeating the eanrla li,n of the lal' S on lb gronnd that lliey were a rln1 npon tbe till of tbe citiii)'s land, and twins! (teetered llb-gal should I eanelli, Tbe court m ')r, feoltiDf tbe fail that the e0. . pail this stale lei and was S'lll d.'iirlt.l nf II. and that when the iM'tnty eboiild wlva Hits aamnot i 1217 75 lb balance would Im eanolled A fv J aittea a ebec was received fr.'tu M l railroel cmpaiif for the above am on, I, and at lb lie it term of the intnly court ll remainder will be ran- elle., as per lb condition f lb order i i!d Personal. George Perry of Lone Bock li in town. Hugh Fields, the iheepman, iiin Heppner. Charles Beamer of Eight Mile, came in Mon day. M. 8. Coriigal from Galloway was in town the last of the week. Mr. and Mra. I. R. Eatab were in town Satur day from Gooaberry. Chaa. Ingraham, the lone druggist, spent the Sabbath in Heppner. Tunis Swlck and wife, from Cottonwood, were in on business Saturday. Oscar Minor and family started for the Pitch creek resort this morning. Fred Schilling, who lias been in Montana aheepsliearlrjg, has returned. Andy Tillard arrived home thi forenoon, looking hotter than the weather. Kobt. Beard, who has been in the Coeur d' Alene country for gome time, arrived home this morning. Jake Young, who came in from Eight Mile last Saturday, nays harvest is in full blast in that section. A. H. Bchwalm and W. G. Hynd made final proof of their claims before County Clerk Craw ford yesterday. Mr. Otis Patterson, will return Sunday to re main over the first of the week on account of unfinished business. Add Mattison returned from McDufley springs yesterday. He reports the Heppneritea there feeling "out of sight." W. G. McCarthy, who was mentioned aa the possessor of two corneal ulcers in the right eye, how lias three in the left. Mlsa Wills Minor came in from Ditch Creek Saturday. On her return Sunday morning she was accompanied by Mr. Irwin. Johnny Cresman came in from Long Creek Saturday with his teams and reports the roads very rough, especially on this end. Mrs. L. B. Plants of Milton, arrived on this morning'a train, and will visit for some time with her sister, Mrs. S. P. Garrigues. H. Scherzinger came to town Saturday. He reports crops being harvested at a lively rate, and aheep are doing fine in the mountains. Should a littlo white-haired urchin be found roaming the streets or hillsides, kindly return him to the Gazette office and receive reward. Miss Zoe Patterson has gone to Walla Walla for a months' visit with relatives before joining her parents in their new home at The Dalles. Frank Bell was in town Saturday and reports la lour headers and thresher running full blast on a crop that he invites any part of Oregon to rival. Mra, Geo. Swaggart returned from Portland this morning, and reports her daughter slightly improved, although her condition is yet con sidered serious. Dr. Hunlock came in from the mountains again Saturday, but failed to contribute to our budget of news Items. Should he come town agalu we will corral him. Mr. M. Brlerly, of Monument, spent the first of tho week in town. He reports that 4.0U0 head of lambs, at 2 per head, were sold in the vicin ity of Monument last week to J. M. Hager of our town. Mr. Hynd had occasion to visit the vicinity of lone and Lexington this week and reporta the crops yielding beyond expectation. Considera ble has b een delivered already to the Douglas warehouse of excellent quality. Beginning yesterday, Mr. J. C. Borchers aa- iiiines entire control of the Palace hotel, Mra Von Cadow retlrelng. Mr. Borchcra will con tinue to run the hotel up to the standard to which it baa attained aa aatrictly first-class house. Mist Fay Bartholomew is in the mountains, ruOOd'S Restore full, regular action sassav as of the bowels, do not Irri- 19 I B f tate or Inflame, but leave III 5? all the delicate digestive or- m m m ganlnin In perfect condition. Try them. rents. Prepared only tiv U. L Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. W. F. MATLOCK IN PENDLETON. Tbe Maiquam Orand, on Morrism street in the Marqaam building, is under excellent management and the public will be royally entertained tbie winter. New companies and new faces will ap pear from time to time at this popolar, first-class theatre of Portland, and when in Portland our denizens should not fail to take in eome ot tbe fine dramas that will be presented. tt SALVATIONISTS V. HI HINKSS MKN. Dealer Do Nut Like Their Evening Street Meetliu. IVmlletiiii Kepiililliaii. War seeiui to be on between the Hal vation Army and some of the Malu street business men. Tbe army has been holding forth night It near the sidewalk on Main street, in front of the Pendleton shoe store. This has been the ountoro since the barracks were established here, and as a result it baa been scarcely possible for passers-by to crowd through. Lilies generally take the other side of tbt street . This, of coarse, hurt business, and some of lb dealers hav lately been lighting email Ores in front of their boii to force the .Salvationists to move to lesa smoky quarters. This only mad tbe street ineetiugs last longer than before. A Dumber of lm dues men were seen and lb tuaj irity thought the tneetiugs hurt their business to some eiteot. Meesrs. Iletnntt and Keiuter, two leading grocers, bad no obj 'cti ins In tbe open air merlin-, bill the iuj irltjf seemed to think they were being imposed upon. It t ttiongbl that an ordinance will be proposed at tb neit ooaooil meeting which will settl lb trouble. He Relates Many Things of interest to the People Here. East Orcgonian. W. F. Matlock surprised bis many friends by arriving in Pendleton this morning instead of waiting until oext week. He will remain bere for a weel or so, during w hioh time be will make bis headquarters at Hotel Pendleton. Mrs. W. F. Matlook, who is in excellent health, remained in Bkagway. Mr. Matlock on his way home stopped over at Juneau, 100 miles this side of Bkagway and purchased a lot and build ing for 82,750, tbe site of a brewery which will be owned and operated by Wes Matlook and Antcne Fisber, tbe latter of whom formerly was employed in this city by William Roesoh. This property was purchased from the direct ors of tbe Presbyterian oburch of Juneau. It is the first cborch built in Alaska by a religious denomination, with tbe exception of tbe old mission oburohes, wbiob were partially by government aid. Mr. Matlock will purchase machinery in Portland for tbe Juneau brewerv, and also additional machinery for the brew ery Bt Skagway, owned by himself and Bob 0. Smith, of Portland. Mr. Matlock left Bkagway on July 19th, the day prior to the death of F. V. Reid, who bad been shot by "Soapy" Smith. Mr. Matlock called upon Mr. Reid a couple of times on tbe day he left. The wounded man knew that bis end was near, but took it philosophic ally, as though realizing that it was something to be always prepared for in a city like Bkagway, filled with reckless men. Tbe railroad is in course of oonstruot ion from Bkagway inland, with Dawson Oitv as the proposed terminus. Mr. Matlock has a number of fine photo graphs of street scenes in Skngway, wbicb give a person a much better idea of tbe city than could be obtained in any other manner Mr. Matlock will return to Alaeka in the fall and spend tbe winter there, but he does not by any means consider that bis borne. "My interests are bere," he said, "and here is where I expect to live after I get through in Alaska. Bkagway can never be a very big city, but it will be and is a good distr ibnting point for a big mining onuntry. It is my ambition to return to Pendleton and put up a number of good business blooks Qonoerning the death ot "Soapy" Smith, Mr. Matlook said it was a good it.! J IL...I . U 1 .1 T.l TT ..iiik.M.JK.i,.,nih Mr. Fred K. ma v" u" " J: rail v. Bartholomew, within a few daya. The exees- lieu Will Oe deplorea. Mr. mid woilia sive heat won for Mrs. Bartholomew thesympa- 00t have been killed if his revolver had thy other boarders, who have encouraged her t Buap 8ll Bnd ,Bi,ea to eIpl0(i8 ,bo I U'tWeUgn 11115 inn i, iiujq ua oiiouiwvou w C. M. Charlton, who hni been ojourninic wun , . Hmifh ... .i... - U ,.l ... A. (ntneiistitlff visit I imnepa-i mum.. ... a-th m.u tha uaur4 lln h. l,nut concluded to airaln settle in thle "'"' u.... etlon. and while he expects to spend the next William lloagle and mil lioisrian are lew weeks in the Interior, his family will reach j0 taftj oountry. The first unraed struok herosoonfromSHlem tor 11.0 purpose oi maanig , q f(j1 cantry Heppner tl.cir nome. ,, uiu M. Ml?-I la n si nr. .... I u.,I..m'i i.ariiiaiiani I " llv.rv .table ..ronrlctora. having disposed of his ,u "Ver mo ir... iur. iut..,,u u3 ,u- Interests there, came to Heppner Saturday, with oreasen Ult weigm id nupiuucu. :ur. the Intention of Identifying himself with this MoBriuu's friends will romrobr tb it hn country. He will spend a lew weeks .amuiariz- , hsavvweiaht in Pendle , l.l l, ...111. ..i.bti.nlnaAnlilV Mr I 1I1K I1IIIIBCH Willi VI. c n... ...n".. uv....... . I . tiiiiiil. .mum to aniiruclate the opportunities 1 of this country. Mr. and Mrs. H. I 8wggtrt, of Eugene Frcelaml, of tho First National bank, Athena, returned from Alaska on the again with us. He made his Intended rounds , ,11.1 Mr. Matlork. and . . . l 1.1. ...I A I ol i.usiness aim iuea..i c..........Cu. . , f. . TOi,um.f l u.,,1 l, ....,) a renewal n( old acuualutaiice. ... ..... ship. While the surroundings had the same old ley. Tbey tHj they had an "elegant harm, he feels that Eastern Oregon tins its ad- enough ' of Alaska, and that Athena IS antagea. from a business point ' vl. ovef good euough for tbera from this time on. Houinern uregou. airs. on l aouw rrurrii ir.iui ne ..munK.'. ..-... . ,. . ThU .if ii.m l.l...e vi..t..r.lav. Since belli eon- I necte.1 with the town she has shown the ability e cuur one hundred dollars reward of an exrwrleueeil business woman, and, not- for any Case of catarrh that Cannot be will, .uniting the iind.rnmate conditions, due 01lnH oy ,,rB Catarrh Cure lo ine nuaiucNs tiepreMiou m nani iniiurn, mr Ainintitiiiv In iii.iinr.1 f.l that she would eventuall) crown her efforts with aucves. ami He, tUe uuderelgued, have known r, rust that the opportunity will present ttaell I J. CbeneV for the last 15 years, hud be- when she will he again Installed In bu.lues In ,,eve ,llm perf,,0y honorable in all busl IransNotion and financially able to oarry out any obligations made by tbei firm. rvervbody Kays ho. I West A Tru.x, lioleaale I'rtitigisls, XOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. TOTI('E 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1' undersigned, administratrix of the estate ol fc. b. !-Hlina. deceased, has hied her htial re port and will make final settlement of her ac counts with said estate as such administratrix, at the next term ol the County Court of Morrow county, to be holden at the court house at Heppner, in said county, on the Cth day of sepiemoer, A. u. lS'M, at l o cloct p. m. 71-78 ARTEMISIA BALING, TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR i the purpose of making an examination of an persons wnomayouer tnemselves as canal dates for teachers of the schools of this county and for Btate and life diplomas, the county school superintendent thereof will hold a pub lic examination at the court house at Heppner, opening vieuueauay, August intn. at i:sup. in, JAY W. SHIPLEY, 71-lt School Supt., Morrow Co. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Li undersigned administrator of the estate of J.U. lOiiiiK. deceased, has tiled his mini ac count and will make a settlement of the same as such administrator, at the next teim of the County Court of Morrow county. State of Ore gon, on Tuesday, the 0th day of September, 18W, atno ti. u. uai, 1-78 Administrator. NOTICE OF INTENTION. The Leader Of Course! o rt w m A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, rff is a joyiorever. inarswnai you'll find at The man that Loads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at VI vi T. R. HOWARD'S I The Beginning of this New Year 1898. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, July 21. 1898, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followiiiE-named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Tuesday, September 6, lif!8, via: JAMES W. HILTON, of Hardman, Homestead Application No 4ar3 for the Nu SW'4 Hec 22 and EH SE! Sec at, Tp 6 S, R ati EW M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Reuben Allen, A. H. Allen, Emery Sperry and John Howell, all ol Hard man, Oregon. JA3. F. MOORE, 68-80 Register. m m Is. 1. IIOWAKD'S Heppner, Oregon. That 14-Year Old Stuff, Kohn's Best, On Tap Down at The vi vi ill A' Notice of Intention. Telephone Saoon Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July21.18'.. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IN following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. Crawford, county uierK, at neppner, Oregon, on 1 uesnay, aeptemncr t, iw.i tiz: ALBERT HENRY ALLEN, of Hardman, Homestead Application No 4119 for the K'A SWi and E'i SWfc Sec 29, Tp 5 8. R 26 E W M. He names the following witmwes to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: J. vi. Hilton, Dan nice, Emery Kperry and John Howell, all of Hard. man, Oregon. 68-SO A3. F. MOORE, Register. If IS HAHB GOODS New Stnnd, City Hotel BuildiDg, IvOW TII,I,ARD, Prop. F00TS AND SHOES!, D THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF On tbe spcoml attempt be NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Opegon, July 11. 1i8. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followiiur-iiained settler has Hied notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore A. Mallory, II. H Commissioner, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on i uesnay, Aiiirusi at, in'js, via: MARTHA C. EMRY. formerly Martha O. Hosklns, of Heppner, Homestead Application ro. renin lor tne NW'i and N W Hec 1. To 6 8. R 2ci E W M. Htie names the following witnesses to prove I her continuous residence upon and cultivation I of until liiiul, vifi: Hoin,nin Prk,v. ITmuIc I wnro, Kooert Kingntou ana tmry ot HHnunan,. uregou. (7li J AS. r. MtMlKK, Register. ivr. ivicnxii:aAiivrv co. They have anything in this line tliat you may desire and you can depend on it you get a puuu ui neit) wuuu iney guarantee it, SHOES I1N ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Sund, Main Street Repairing a Speoialty Htwald Apply la All. Morrow county 1m'fs, Its Jrbl Jnr fn( the total y"r .',iO0 ami (lis tai levy la lnir than il has lnu for nan ysars Morruv county hat shook, li tu catling lU scrip op l H mouths ago, soil is graliially iplnT nul its Jntt. Tlis rviiinly Kiyiriiroul islx-iui alniioialrJ lib ,omoiiif au I with Iba oljol of (riling county out of iUM. A mors arsMt (T irl slioiit.l lis ru Is In Uma tilla county to cuck Ha Initsliifiloi an I save la lbs tsipayrs from l.tsXI Ut U,t') ysar, bo bsinf paii unt on atvonnl of ItilnrMl oo outilaiiilint sorip, nacb i'( bkb It ssaily Ihrts tsar olJ ByMMilUin lbs paytuanl of 'li pr ril lit lolrrral tof ty Jollaf of orl( Callri a,.l caucsilinl - l.asl Orstfouian. A I tar Mrs. ' 1 I tasm I! h-I'i hstaapafllla koj l.T, f itiii I il iih.Ulfol OtnlM-llia. II Lm rutt I In i f ill-l-la lb bltb I a, Ifi.oliU.I fol ( ysats I cuiilj sal llf ati)llou- flo.ut ttal snffcrtnf I.lsI ra bo rat lh harltl fn and my liral h Is " M T. WUt; At, .11, 1 Ubrt. H IM's ct' a!l !!' !' I'"T A Bar Ttilaa ta i. It in.a. tmn la )H II ) atowl 1r1a nt ti.l ii( I llm inK-". l i . I r - Umik, liiirr, pilwa and a UihuwikI nil 't I ai i i-l I') i.inii"i'"'H i'U i 't v i -li iv,-r ' u U"'l 4tlarn. I'm ii- i,l,ifn , aw . t.iiiii:i aii inu-a nai i t-.m,1 r l.y all dnura so it 4ii'l Uh ui i. i,: , in-1, c a "it F. J. ClIBNKI Oo., Toltlilo, O our town. Mrs uti Cadow will content her self lor Ihs present taking a much uecdwl rtit A.. AJ3BAHAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Mr.' Abraham sick Is thu ptonour tailor of Hepp ner. Eis work is always first class and satisfac- Notice of Intention. Land Okfick at LaGuandk. Okkoon, June 1H, imih. OWH 18 HERE1IY (HVES T'lAT THE fnlliin Iniroiiiiiied settler has filed notice nl her Intention to make llnal proof In support f tier claim, and that satit proot win lie luaue hefore the t'onuty l.'lerk of Morrow County, )r- lluppucr. urciinn. nu jiny .so, iw.m, viz: i' ,f.n i ir. i; 1 1.. Adiiilulstratrix of the estate ol Karah A. Water- man. deci'HKiMl, T. C. No. iUC, for the se'4 sec. S, tu. 2 8 . r. 27 K. him names tnc ioiiowuik w itnesses to prove her continuous residence iiihiii and cultivation of said laud, vi'.: Knhcrt 8. Morxau, Kd E. HhIIiiv. M.J. Devtn and A. H. Mnnip, all oil Heppner, OrcKon. E. W. Barti.stt. (KU71 Rciilstor. tion guaranteed. CALL AND SEE ME. ON MAY STREET- Cnwarcts ("ami Catliartic, the most won- Toledo. O. aoitui m uicai unkovprvoi u w i".--- ... Kinn.n a utn l.nlu.1. aot and rolrcahinit; to tno laaie, a i K"'uy -. - " od positlvi ly on khlmVB, liver and Imiwo a, Jroguisls, Tolejo. O. Iran. oik tho cnliro a atom. i1Ihh; coliU, , .... , , . ,,. Iiiiliilunl constipation and hiilonna. l'lcasn buy ami try a box I oting dircotly of C. t . l;. to UST; l, ow crni. oum iuu guarauUMHl to cure by all drUKgttia. npon the lilooi atij mucous surfscrs of lbs system. Testi mooinla sen I fres. Trios 73. tier buttle. Su'd by all druggists. iHtd oa Haatlago s Plrld. Tbe f illowlog lttr annouociog His I loalb of a brava Orogno boy was pab- lliibed in tb Asblaod Tiding! : F.Piroii Tikcxim: Mr. W. T. LeeiaoM Hum's vallny latwly rciTsJ a eopy of the Ccrrilloa (N. M.) Hgistr, which conlaitia a letter from Hcrgaot (o HrtOotiJ Lieulenaul) V. K. Dams, giing an aooounl ol lb dth ot Mr. II. Clay (Ireen, a forrar ridnt of Haro's tai lor, and a rMatirs ot Mr. Lswts. Fol low ia a copy of tbe letter: U R FittoiRALit. IJaltlefli'U, Santiago da Cuba, July 1. Mr. Uiobar.l (Ir-oo, tVrrilloa, N. M. lar Hir: I rrgrrl ?ry uncb to in form you of tbe deatb ol yonr eon, lloury 0. (Iren, ho was kills-! duriti I therbarga otlba Ilongb llidere oa tie Oral Hpantsb siitroncbiiicnls oo Ibe out skirts of Hsntiago, July 1. II was burial wt,re be tall, aoJ Ibe grave tbsrt will be oo troubU aboot idrnliAcatlon, wbsn tbe boJioe are re- m.itad Cay viae ty n'jlar among U, lroa of tbe legimenl, aud was Coustd arts one ot Ibe ll msa lo Ibe troop. Ilia Jaalb as my uurb isgtslleJ Ilia wra.ipal iff -eta will be forwards,! Ii you eMHt. Y"ttre sry sincerely, l'.rat Hrg. aut, II 1 flisl U. t. Vul. S' V netii (itMiioii'H - T,rW 'I Perhaps you have made up your mind to take Scott's Emulsion this summer. Then look for this picture on the wrapper, a man with a big fish on his back., Do not lef anyone falk to you or Romcming Just as cood. U'hcn you uant coJ liver oil and the h po phosphites you want the very best. You u ill f i n i them in only one rJ Scott s Lmulsion. There is no other emul sion like it; none ether docs the same ork ; and no etner nas tic twe record of cures. A;i Hi' ii -s a-l i a t t 4 ii i t- S V. NOTICE OF INTENTION. l.ANt) Orrn at Ths Dali.k. Orkhon, Jnlv Ih'.ih. a.TiiTirif in imiKnv r.ivp.N that thk i (iilliiwiiiK-i aiui'ii .'ttl,-r has flleil noth e ol Ills Inti-iitlnn to Make final proof In nuppiirt cif I his rlulm, ami that salit proof will lie innile he- fore V. ( iKwionl, on nt y i lerk, at lieppner. tiri gon. on Katurilay, xeptcmiier '. Ik", vis: KMU.Y liAI'NT, ol Heppner, HoinesleS'l Appllrntloii No 0.','J lor Hie K'i I M u an. I V. c.r Tp 4 H, H K W M. Hi' names the fullowlns ltln-,- to prove his eoiititinons resiilena iiihiii aim rtiun aiimi of aal'l laml. vl.: C. VV. toiler. AUn-rt Matte- mil, John Haunt and flarrlsoii Hale, all oil Heppner, ur Hon, JAS. r. SKMIRK. us SI Keiilster. Notice of Intention. I ASI OrFICK AT I. A ORASPK. ORK.fiON. I 4 June it. I was Notlre Is hen'liV (Ivrii that the (olio Ins nanie.1 settler has fllnl liollKiifl his liil.'iitloii to make Dual proof In niOKirt of his rlaun. anil that Hhl pro,,f all) tx. ms.le I In'fure A. Mallory, t . a. i iiiiimiMtoner lor ire- anii at lieppner. umton. nil Aiorusl 11, inm, t. M I KK Heiiimer. Or . Mil. No :. lor theW', SK'i; Mi'.tiKhi NK',aud NK' tK Bee. S 1 p t a H ."' K He iiaim-a the following: wit new to prove his e.iiititiiiniis riiilioiee utmii an.l etiltUatlnn ol sMil laml. vf Levis lirhnn hljvrntor Unmm, MliUam Muth. IVi-r Hiihk, all ol Heppner, or. K. W. HA Kl II If. Keg later. A NEW FIRM ! .G Noble & Co., Successors to Noble & Co., Arc in this HuM at the oM stand with Harness, Kaililles, Whips, Kptirs, and an endless lof ol everything. In their line. E. U. Nohle and Mra. (Jeo. Nohle comprise the new linn who w 111 pay all hills of the old linn as well aa collect what la due. IZ. O. OISJvlD 4fc CO. Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't overlook this, liepair work a specialty. w OOL GROWERS If you have not yet realized that tho "piotl ohl times" are with us, your Mood is out of order. (Jet rid of that "tired feel in j;" and awake to the fact that the Wool Growers' Warehouse ill SUM MOSS, TS THK ClkiTlT rot RT Of Till TAT I if iirt'K'Mi luf Marrow rminly. Jan.! iHttitfltiTt), CUItitlif, J. It i(i-t!y. h-sriih i. rJr, I. c ti..nii.'ti. thi- t r tfnu KUriMil mu. NajUtlOli (., Kit - win. ! t , lU-fl'tHlatlttl. loJ li rtif Rtid I r t Crry, frti.Utit In tli imiii of !h Mtl of (rori. yoi, and rat It if dii arv l.s"raty rrvi'tirti1 tu a. -r u imort (h- nmtSalii1 fU4 mt at jimi tit thm uv rtiti'U.I tt ty the flrtt r ( ti4t trm nl tha- lUitf piitttUtl rMii dll. tn thf r . I'trathMi ol th tlm tnt rH-mi tn lhrnflr tr tiiiiiralnMt of tl.Lt mnttiHH.a, tthMh firmt da tit ! Monday, IM 6th day if Stpttmbir, 1f , nt oi m h "t Tn,l HI h.tir thai it ?u (all lo i'rr ttl aitaws-r m n t tin r-t tlaltilif tit l f lit rtmrt (i-t II. f h I dmaiMlf! In htai mi:liil lo m l nedt aatHl jii in u a-iin of It !, tt,rf tlh ti(tsrl Uirf4Htt frm llist Uf t.f (a. tlt. at lh rati of 0 fr rtit fwf 'itnint l't ittv ftifthrf atim of J. atiifti t li", th rtt ant tttrtiripmtta nf (hit a rt tttf th t.iai itwiiir r arvftAinmnrl ffat fJtl ti J 1li . f-J h H 'aii.M (f n or '"'ul b t?'h d? of aisTt. ! l, wKi.t t,9 ft mailt of ft raMaui f Mtntaai-rt h (f I l ifr nii'.-i rif ,iir,n I iu, P ta tn tipft at inv rata u tr rtit ti ai.ttiitii h aai-l nii'f ar i.tir uiita Uittl(f tt thai t"it-a) th,oIli it r. trMfftv ittittp tit M.a f.nli it striiw , atat l ti tJu, t tt ! I a'd J. a'l .! f f tha au'l ti 1 an , a !i I a a, n Ma tfc a ilt).-n irt th to n i.f HtM nat, 14 t r..mi't 4 ir t'lf A im Mrrlttf tn1 fnfarinainu aa4 I. n in1 tfh t apafft n4 frm ai au right ti, n riuat in t So mA ri pt,mfr a1 r' pt ltiwf tfififn t arMt n ' hf fnhMrn.a) lha-f- If lit nl Mw-aliav Metliii A !. t a f I ha 0 t awl r -t, fs4 "I itt at ha " a -.vt,, ir.ti, .t",.iutivnv-viab 5 I l I a ft f It I I t al In the place to ttoro your W(m1 this kmsoii. Why? lie cause we do a strictly warehouse liusimn, anil not beinc in ine nem ouunj; wool our.-eives, we eneourae competition amongst the buyers and secure you tho highest price. V arv rllln wmil I ka ait twltir at rt i.arl,la al...n .w.i i. ...i.i ... - . - atom. . M.i. r-vnu in your orntr W MV th Mifhiwl ra.h Ptirr for slirrn ills ami IiMm dir-W.'nVtr,":,r'.,.!,'r U,",,B 1,19 ma Utk 1,41 Tob0 h oulX '"'la lyrr,rl minairrs. I. W i,t Ifnul.t In lramtrrv Ii-ii r.-., i.-.ih.I t,,,ln si ,r m nr ! w,k, V. ,.t a mil sn..!( nl H.r r) a. . W h. at ..Hrani Kol1r. rUrlrr f,.r tM l'irt ti.ui Uain.u ra U. Ilir l. a. r '. M.tiln a nuara .Iral R. F. HYND. Manancr. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of.... HOP GOLD . hul lioiv the ritliir Unfit h'twics this tu if tut iriftnt ) . . the .titr i'lrircrii Iwrr T , 1 On draught at I. all popular saloons STAR BUKWKKY CO., , 20J Wnnisaita St., Panlaa., C I !., , w tr tt , hlli un!,-,, fty , I.,, i,i,t grj iv, it tea i Vm K mi iSAiawA iM tMi lr U.' t'svrry. Vw avwt.