OFFICIAL PAPER Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the Subscribers - The Gazette will contain ; the latest telegraphic news i From the Seat of Will GAZETTE. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2. 1898. NO. 671 SEMIWEEKLY GAZETTE. State News. m PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. CORLIES MERRiTT, Editor and Bus. Man. At 2.0D par year, $1.00 for six months, SO cts. tor three moatns, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postoflice at Heppner, Oregon, aa second-class matter. THIS PAPER is kept on file at . C. Duke's Advertising Agency, 64 and 85 Merchants Exchange, Ban h rancisco, California, where cou raote for advertising can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- ing airent, 21 Merchants' Exohangi Build ing, Han KranciBoo, is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:80 p. m. daily exoept Bnnday arriving at Heppner Jnnction 12:05 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a. m. Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 200 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Urna' ilia 8:50 p. tn. Portland Express No. 3, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 6:00 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2C a. m. For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K & N., Heppner, Ore. OFITCIAL DIRBCTOET. United States Officials. Pieeident William McKinley Vie President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State W. It. utiy heorntaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage Beorntary of interior Cornelius n. hubs Secretary of War Russell X. Alger Secretary of Navy John 1). Long .tinanes tinery etinuu Postmaster-General. Attorney-General Secretary. f Agriculture. .John W. Gritrgs ....James Wilson JegelablePreparationfor As similating meToodandRegula ling theStomachs andDoweia of PromotesDiestioi(Chcerful ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. AGU1NALD0 SI G Rtape orOldDrSMCEUHKBER Pumpkin Sni" Alx. Senna Seed Jhtpermint JhOwtonatlSoiIw flam Seed -Clarified Sumr . llgigvyw FtaYm Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish tiess and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of . Lowell . J. Bean State of Oregon. Governor - W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metachan 8upt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman ( G. W. MoBnde Senators ,. i Thos.'H. Tongue Congressmen j w. 11. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds ( R. 8. Bean, Supreme Judges F. A. Moore, ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen Prosecuting Attorney H, Horrow County Officials. Joint (Senator - 3. .w-Mor.row, bepreeentative Li. Freelaml County J udge A. Ci. Bartholomew Commissioners J . K. Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk Vawtnr Crawford ' Sheriff K- Ij. Matlock Treasurer..?, l.-MU,ht5ilLl12i ' Surveyor.- ..J nlms Keithly School Sup't ,J.ft'W-H1"1,leJ Coroner Dr. L. R. Hunlock BKPPMCB TOWH OFFIOKRH. Mayor -Th". Morgan Oounr.llmen K . J. Hlooum, M . Lichteuthal, J. R. Simons, J. J. Roberts, J . W. i j ... ,! V li knarrv. ' "... ..W. A. Hichnrdann Marshal Jo!lQ "Precinct Officer. Justice of the Peace W. E. KichanWn f'..n.tjihla u- B. Gray United States Land Officer. me ntl.l.fH. OR. J. ?. Moore A. 8. Biggs ew A Dewey Declares That it Will Take a Large Army to Subdue the Insurgents GENERAL MERRITT IIBHIVES SAFELY AT MANILA His As- The Kind You Have Always Bought. li 1 ixACTcopyor weappeh. 1 j jp0 I f THC CENTIUH COMPANY, NEWVOM CITY. The CALIFORMA Lodging House BEDS 25 and SO Cents. GEO. C. ROME, Prop. Next door to Opera House. G. B, HATT, Tonsonal Artist. MiRVELOUS SURGICAL OPERATION. The Abdominal Organs Shot to Pieces, Vet the Patient Recovers. Pendleton Republican. The flhootiiiK of George E'y by Moses Thompson in tbia city on Friday of last week has brought to ligUUhe won lorfal Or. Vaughan, who used to do dental work in this section, has lately been appointed post master at Heppner. A good dentist has been taken from the ranks of the profession. Crook County News. Fobs Beardsley has been elected a teacher in the Arlington public school to fill the vacancy caused Dy the death of H. M. Clay. Mr. Neal was re-elected principal, and Mr. Cross and Miss Hurburt were re-elected teachers. - The Great Northern now has a rival In Jack Chambers' claim on the same mountain. Over $100 was taken out of there one day last week and smaller cleanups ranging from (40 and up have been taken out since and it is only partly developed, A. J. Bond pleaded guilty of stealing a suit of clothes belonging to a sheepherder in Milton, Wednesday, and was fined $10 and costs. He failed to pay his fine and was lodged In the county jail in Pendleton. Shortly after the trial he was forced to take off the stolen suit and return it to its owner. Frank Davey, of Balera, a well-known and competent newspaper man, has been appointed a clerk in the office of the United States Col lector of Internal Revenue, in the city of Port laud. Mr. Davey's friends all feel like congrat ulating him on the appointment. He will make a moBt thorough clerk. Kugene is casting about for an individual large enough to fit a pair of pants, delivered by a tailoring company to one of its citizens, which proved too small for him. His waist circumference is 60 inches while the length measurement Is 62 inches. He has a 19 inch neck and weighs between 300 and 400 pounds. The annual Teachers' Institute for Grant county, Or,, will be held at Long Creek, begln- Associaled Press Dispatches. ning Monday, August 8, 1898, and continuing . . three days. All licensed teachers are expected Washington, July JO. A. dispatch from Admiral Dewey an- to be present, and prepared to discuss the uounces that Aguinaldo has assumed a bold attitude of defiance, andl118 them1?nJthoprofaratWhloh 1.1 . i Ml t 1 I . II ? I 11 il I w rvv, h.iu vuu vuv"1" " mat it win iaKe a large ioroe irom inis country to suDaue tne msurg- the county in a few days, ents. I Charlie Wilson, for many years conductor on the Southern Pacific, has returned from the Wiourenrnv Jnlo 3fl Thn fnl Infirm lma Kaon ronaitrn o M, Et, where he went to settle the estate of his I father, who died at war aepattment: "Cavite, July 30. Arrived today about noon. The health of the command is good. The remainder of the fleet is about four days in the rear. All the troops assigned me will probably be needed. Mebeitt." ' The navy department has made public the following: "Cavite, July 26. Secretary of the navy: Merritt arrived yebter- dav on the Newport. The remainder of expeditions expected within growth of three feet in Ave weeks. And the i . , . . . ... . ,i . j nrnirnv crop nas oniy stsrieu to grow, n win oe ia ieei kuo uoii io unjo. "nu, high by October, J. W. Vaughan. who came here recently from Manila, July 2o, via Hong Kong, July 30. The Spaniards are Heppner, Morrow county, has bought a. m, Prediction That All the Troops signed to Him Will be Needed Spanish Anxious to ' Surrender. POWDER Absolutely Pure New Bedford, Mass., re cently at the advanoed age of 83 years. Mr' Wilson received some $15,000 In cash from the estate and the sum of $5000 was left to his wife, in trust for their children, The high price of Manila hemp, caused by Admiral Dewey's target practice In the Philip pine Islands, has turned the thoughts of Oregon farmers to hemp culture. The plant thrives In Oregon. Hemp planted on tldeland near Toledo, Lincoln county, June 10, attained a Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, 15 Cents 25 " Heppner, Oregon. K. W. Rartlett,, J. H. Kobbins.. La OaAKKI, OB. ...RwWr ...Receiver H, W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, .-4ll u4. a;., l- Un il, t maunizen s grocery aim win increase tne siocs. jiuuuaujr looiiwug iudi funiu una uu. uoou viutuiiuuo, lust iud oijjoui- at ,00n as the room can be enlarged. He has ed reinforcements are not coming and that the contest is utterly hope- tne whole building rented and the family win I ii i i. less. The insurgents are in overwhelming numbers and the Spaniards room,y Thelr two daughter, wh0 Bre visit- progress that baa baea made in salary I can only obtain the bare necessities of life. While they will never nff wltu n 8lint ' p"nt win come home in daring the past few yews. The ballet anrrorlJar witLmlt fih4 fV,A RnAniBh fflpflra will inmn f. fr, firBr me tor scnoo. ,n m. .au,-r.ewnerg rews. . " ' I Tha Haiarrl Htiiffasliiisin Msivsii W Mn ftMm honorable opportunity to lurrender. Fighting ID the suburb is desul- private source that there is some danger that torv and the Americans are idle. the new b6' ,gllt ,actor7 at Cnlon w,u not b It is asserted here that the Americans may permanently annex to supply it. The acreage was based on the the Caroline and Ladrone islands and possibly abandon the Phillip. p'otionofUtahUndi;wdtheorandBonde V. i... n. iir n n i u,. .,, . , , . vaney laous are so ricn aim so wen aaapiea w jiramioBtion uy ur. w . u. u ie, wbo Dines. with the exception of keeping a ooalinc station here. thnnitivoHnn,.t. th.tth.M m.h performed the operation, revealed tbe Atbough tue insurgents have redoubled their efforts they have Tpu"' 4 t0"n,r bej,0"d t,tf MM ' f il fit t V, ti t f M n mall Irtautuin arlniU ,m I D B J I , l, f u . .. I liuon nnnlilo In nnntnra tho ritn(lfl Tim SnuniArrla srn nnf. ohln in ru. I . . menoes at too pyloruo Bud wind4 luto I - . - - " v" I The Columbia Southern Railroad is now many convolution, and is said to be establish their suzerainty. Under the circumstances it seems evident nioi '" vvasno to Moro, a distance oin . , , ... i i il I li f a. t rri ,. I miles, and tracklaylng will be pushed forward uhni.t On rant ffaaf trt. m tlia n.lnlr wan I anmahniln mnat intnvtni'n in tha viama nr linmrnillir I liA tintii.Aa n m. I ui .. .v, , , , GUU,CUUUj ,uuD, u iii.u uoLuu uonvco am tonce. At an evidence of the growing Im reported to be starving by thousaLds and the Eurapeans are also hard Prtllceo' 8e"nn county, it is stated that i one mupiiieiii 01 w canoaus 01 cotnniiiixi liar pressed tor lOOa. vostors and threshers was recently received over the Columbia Southern from Stockton, from Mr. Thompson's gun entered tbe nbdtJtnenrtiTttnriromKifftrtnau nnfTpuOiP tared tbe small intestine, rendering nec essary an operation Hint a few years "g was noknown to tbe seieiitiQ wrld gSCBBT SOCIETIES. RAWLINS POST, NO. IL O. A. B. Met at Hepiner. Or., the third Batnrdar of srh month. AU veterans are laviwa m if the Cnlon Dcfot of C. B. A y ;. m. v Ht. I'., c. & a., I'. Ft. w. c, W. W. Smith. Adintant. tf Cotnmandar. CHICAGO, ILL. HalfhliH'k west of and the C. bt. L. it V. Railroads, MATISM tjlU.oo 11I DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CXZX0JL3-0. ZZ.Xk SAN VrANCISCO, July M A Special from Manila Bay of July 2(5, Cel., and the machines will be used In the via llonc Konc. Jul v 20. savs: h"ve,t ' th" i"" """"""p- Gi r ,. i . , , i i I inneijieoness oi v.roos couiuy is anoui eneral Morntt and the transports and troops under his com- Uiiuino. -ith asset, m the form of delinquent D.J. McFaul, M. D. The Old Shop! LlDLlvl ; mML puuctnred by tne leaden missile in a dozen different places. The wound) were hnrridly studied And tbe Intestine eplnoed, and the man whn, a few min utes before was literally "shot to pieces", was reported resting easy, with some obauce of recovery, bat bis death, never- less, was hourlr eiDeoted bv those who tnand arrived at Manila on the morning of July 2o. All are well. ta0' ,hllt m('r than ofr,et m amount war a 4i. .i... -i i. n i f-:n.- !::-. -i l.i n.. i , ranU are less than three years behind and now uuuutauuw iuhi .umuuo u m uuin usuemi iuurruis expeuiuuu juciuuou iuo irtiuBiXJriB uuio, Kslly Ol hrlng their face value when they are of an rapi-ny prouressmi along inclines oi soi pHr TnJi,ma and Morizan Citv. which left here Jana 27. carrtino amount over a few dollars. Let praise i given entiflo bntotiery from thl iliacliarge of a I 0 ,...n n. . 1. !.; tl i r n , I where it Is due. This satisfactory comlltlon Is 13-lncb projfoile from a powerful koo ' ' v.nuu. , uj bk-siu. largely the result of tha, business onboard man-of-war to tbe throwing er Valencia, which sailed on June 28, with 800 men, and the flagship dministration of judge Brinii and his associate .1 ...H....1.. .I,, ik. nn l Hi. ... I Nounirl n-hioh aoilml nn JnnA ''I ivirn KIMI man nmlar I lift I u...M.i.l..imr..,-. " ' ."..uoui- W. Tl. llfltN llllrk ht Innlliul nil tht - i ' .i -..i.TT I i m va ia i li il it a r w-v w I 1 my DT snon engines oi war as me v- atO ComiiiaiiU OI Ucneral Merrill. AllOCOlner luero were O.UUU Ollicorg railroad track In UOrande, Wednesday night. Oflloe hoars, 8 to 10 . ra., and 12 to 3 p. m., at residence, W. A. Kirk's prop, rty, east of M. E church, South, and 10 to 12, a. ro , to 2 to 5 p. m., at offloa in tbe rear of Borg's jewelry atore. C. E. Redfield, Attorney at Law, Is the place to go to get your fine pork and lamb chops, stoals and roasts. Offlos lu tbe First National Building. Bank Oregon. tf Ellis & Phelps, VTTORNEYS AT LAW. Ail bnslnwM aiind1 tn In a prompt and kililu Uirv manur. Notaries I'ul.Hc aud tolleruin. Office la Natter Building FISH EVERY FRIDA Fine sumr rured hams and heron. I'u re Ii-kI lard, kHlle-retidrrwI. old style. Illnlmt cun price paid for at stock. BENJ. MATHEWS. Heppner, or. D. E. GILMAN, GcncralCollcctor Put your old bonks and notes In his hands and tt your money out of thm. Makre a siwttaily of hard eollactlotuk Office io J. K. Urown'i Huilding. nr. . t.. -CANYON Cin' Stage Line B. r. MILLCR, Pron - 'hiiil and must dirwt runt lo John hs vallry, I nyi'i I My inlnlns dutrli t. Hums simi otin r iiiirrior iini. Hirn Irave lMiputr illr. Bunder ettrl, al a ) a. iu. Arrlre at lanyon ( li In ii hour. lrr cnrn cltr at I p m . arrive al llii'p- n r in . Hours, ronnwiitii nn iraina. W.A.RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder Office T COUNCIL CHAMttaa alls snd burs tn mUIc. rn h"i, psj" i.. mnvrtnu Ins and l!l rrm riu In uy asy In bis Hue. a rriuliie Burt. Mardnian M'iiiimut , Ifftoiliffin t.114 ( nk ( an jr. i Ptag-t rntinwl alth trains al llrpptivr N,.t. - llaillis stnr kit IIP IU. !!!. I'll 111' ri0rw r.w snd tfrl i-m. f sin .rr4ird to fy firai-fiaM wi lo ih ,nliii:. Ir . r.n riiy snviua, but that it bas kept eq-ial prog- j th thj j t The first expedition Carried 2,501 men The fo,,i,l sirurk at blm with a club but ress io 0-irlng the sick, peuetrating tbe ... . rir i , n IM ' UJOU n.lssl Ms aim. Mr. (iraves struck his assailant . , . . :,i . .,..i ..i and the second carried o,ol-) men so that Oenural Meruit now has un- on the head with a heavy stone and tailed him abdominal organs without extra bszrd ... ta,h...,.h nr.A m ., n h.m. THE CUBAN LEGEND. Clvllixatlon, Not the Insurgents, Our Object in the War. New York Coinmericlal Advertiser. It becomes amusingly evident that the Cubans are not going to like us any better than they liked tbe Spaniards. It is unpleasantly evident that we are not going to like the Cubans any better than we liked the Spaniards. Tbe war is showing the Spaniard in much more favorab'e light than before. We find tbe Spaniards brave soldiers, with oourteoua and high-spirited gentleman for com manders. Oq tbe other band, we find the Cubans to be a set of idle vagrants. wbo flook into the lioee, do nothing bi t at, will not work, and whose fighting consists obiefly in macbeting wounded aad prisoners. The Cubans, in their turn, find us a race whose first act after taking a town is to establish order and institute Civil government, and wbo, io ' their deep grief, will not suffer them to loot tbe bouses of nonoombatanta. Tbe events of a few days mark the passing of the Cuban legend. The idea that tbe United States is fighting a war of liberation, to rescue an oppressed people from bloodthirsty try ants, is now well laid aside. We are fighting to re store Cuba to civilization, and to pro tect the island from the insurgents as muoh as from the Spaniards. For that matter, we might as well turn the island over to the Spaniards as torn it over to tbe Cubans. Tbe greatest suffer, era by tbe war have been the semi- neutrals throughout tbe island, a clues of whom tbe Santiago nonoombatanta whom General Qaroia olaimed the privi lege of looting are au ei ample. Mer chants and planters lo tbe towns, small farmers soattered through the country, altogether aggregating a majority of tbe Cuban people, with no violent antagon ism to tbe mother oouotry, yet willing to live, toil and trade peaoeably under any government, bsve been ground be tween tbe npper and netber millstones of Cuban guerrilla warfare and Spanish reoonoentration. Between insurgeuti wbo burned every oane plantation they found and Spanish who retorted by con centrating tbe oouutry people in towns there was not muoh to choose. These nonoombatanta of both high and low degree, wbo have been tbe chief sufferers by tbe insurrection, will be the cbiet objeot of our teoderness. It would bs absurd to keep np tbe legend thai this war was begun to emancipate Oar cia'i band of cowards, loafers, beggars cutthroats from the Spanish yoke. It was to emanolpate the island and its peaoefol majority of quiet citizens from interminable war, which was equally deleterious io Its two alternatives of an archy, license and plunder on one side and severe measures of military neces sity oo the other. lathe earth and proceeded to lump on him Just then another footpad rams running to ward tha scene of the fight, and Mr. Graves to the patient, and tooting oaree more uer ins command ll.uiu men marTxlrma than Ilia iinaiiihilitipa of the battleship Oregon. N'EW YuIlK, July oO. A dispatch to the Tribune flOUl Gibraltar concluding he had had enough fighting forone Thrre is every reason to believe tbat says: "" ,u"'""" c"1" M. n- ;ll .... .. I ,1 h..n. . . '" v. riper, notaiun oi ine ruiinisn " ' u ' I Wlltla in I aril fin V All linUllAV f.llA I ritlllllA rvirrAurwitlllnnt nnllnml vrlmltllral raillnua. altar having rtralullv aatl, w. u. VHP, wno W a ooraparanveiy re- :. i ,i ii, ;;i; i. mated the eost gives It as his opinion that It cent arrival io the oily, will be niiokly luo k'"'"""" .u,B.u.uK iuuk (m lh, p,lllt,turl , ,IJM , reoognifi d as one of the lea ling physi cians uD(J snrgroos of the dated S'ate Ilia successful operation ought to win for bim a Latinnal reputation, and Pen dleton bas gfx.d reason to feel highly honored lo know she ii tha borne of so skillfol a irsoinintier. Knklra's Aralra Halve. The Bst Halve in the world fur I'ule. wag for peace at any price. Every one aoemed heartily sick of the eradicate the Russian thistle from the wheat . . fu I . u il. - i i i I nehis oi i matu aeounty. If ths matter is post. nation of business of every dwicriptiou has told terribly upon the mor-l""1" what eipemiiture m ui,ouo would i . . ,. ,l . i ..I , .,. ..:..,. ii . I accomplish neit spring. This Is a serious tuauia, nuu iuii uuijr ikis wu., .avur t.,uwuuiUB luo war are B ,.,, u. the owners of wheal lands through out the entire Inland Empire, ; K. Smith, of Pilot Rork, representative sleet lo the legislature of Oregon, says the East Orrgoiilau.was the owner of ISI.isiO head f sheep Admiral CamnraB arrival at Cadiz btouhwI no euthnsiasro what- r",,'ri"1'' M "" I .... 1 I -l ilttfl Iim.I l-fl iiam . n.l I .till . I 1.1. . . .1 " - . fVIT aill lllK UlO pCOpIP, WUO, on aCCOiniV OI UIO riKOrollg prCSS Censor- Mr. limlths I'nM Plains Merino shwp are few military ofliciala aud functionaries. 'eneral Orohan, the newly appointed rymmander of the Jefensenl at Cadi., is haatenint; the construction of now batteries. Bruin, Hon-a, t', Halt ', ahlp, remain in itjnorance of evirj thitiR uoinc on in the outside world. "'"'-"'" ,' ''"'' ago , . u . 'ft,. fi... I il. I. by William Ross, and the bucks were from the ' """"mm"""""" aUM k farm of If . Mcllowell, Canton, O. These Chilblains, Lorn; am. all Hi 0 Lrnp- . ., I.t , . . , . fold Delaine Msrtnoe are magnlHrent animals Hll.l. I its HI II I a", i V i ,i 1 Si S it, , l"l !! (I tious, anl poeliiveiy rnres 1'il. s or oo pay requireiL Ii i gnaratileed lo give perfect satisfaction or money rufuinled. Trice 23 rents ir bog. K .r n by Hlocom Drug Ci., K. J. Klofum, manager Mathews &. Gentry, BARBERS 15 First National Bank ur IIUTNLU MI TIMV AND UCMf.RTION. Asortrss roldlvrs Itrfeea lo Obey Ordris aa4 lireert. Cull gsMaot;, July 2H. Tuesday last tbe Fifth Illinois regiment , which baa been in ramp I ffe f ir soma llinn, waa ordered lo j tin Ih Inmpi dow at Net- port News, preparatory lo Bailing for IUawkre 111 Fr rU. Hnn lay arternooo an oliaervant soon! for tht pi f a.w a Mm Ii I livery rig j,i)Mo ,(0(j dflv op lb prlne p4l i'r-t or in Lap- , , i. i t. . t. i . . n . rrrparaltooS wer Immediately lieguo ilalCl'y. Ps il or-at'.l ws II in. .... ,,, b . ,, t i i i - i . . and Inat a I . rrangemefils bad wo rdroon Fo'it, all drse-1 in Lis lst anl . ... . j , , . i eoropleted fr Iheir deparlnr, an order oo hta ha1 a rfpl-n lnt k"i 111, S'.il ' .... I,re1,y btu a tif. Shaving ? Cents. V f Ihvtl 10 Ji'r Vuth 61 t il(.ffi.' C. A. Rhca. T. A. Rmca. GCO. W. CONBCN, . W &! NCIN. Cshlf Asa'l Cashier Gibson &c Bergcr, Al Chs J""' Old SK-id. Hhikvintf. - 1 Cti.1 lluir Cutting. - ilu BAthi 2."c. KvtrMhing Strict lv Fir.t Ha-, lo l'l lb Is' H ,m l .ll. a H!-m caiiiUliel, whs on a l-i'ir Ih K. ,l ami Pres.geM ,,Dl JJr. fori Ihi "eiik" t'ivepi(Mi bl. Vie rrldet i T)l. .,..! .i,.t l, .1 ... rif.1' lif, II alwar l'ncli hat f b L in 1 01 i 'l b it Ihi ('W Ing fr nn a waira fri-.l 1 a mi f. in n Ii a-i', I. it il a If" M!ir, an. I a H e aim "f ry ' I h'S fiint's .lth, t JiU' H "l t'l tie I. gU tl.s) HI . I Q I 1 ri.,et Kg III liSSSnlgi'Ml'llMl liJ T;t.-v ts G'tffJ r:.a.L KXCII A.XO 10 - - -Im ..1 4r!a f Ih. nf d- ri "r'lo-ts atade a.1 eolata ranesi.l. T.n.. t.-rj-'n eat esU tlrl l A I itch's grs.e. Not tit llofLw I yr fn J C e .lri' ilS IS l-j f3je9-rir ' ( fu, Is ! ta J "iiiisl 11 reeivi rev'iklng lb previous out, a hi eommaoJing 1 1, 'id l remain at l'liirksiMgtia. lb fn-nl f ilii order eii-l 10 tauM iiittn,rnt an I diagasl among tha member of Hi rglmal. It-iltj nITlnsrs a I na rv'wlie I, threw away 1'ieii yaos sad ktipaaks, an I ilnUrxl II, ry wo oil not suhinit In lb In J g uiy ol ting omp-l I to ismain ia rsrup, siifijaelail Id all lb meolal di'iM lot bad lio thraet upon tbera, whll oihr rgtmof aol so well drilled or equippeJ ba-l bn erd'red to j un ()oial ttont at J pio- ol lo I'tifki I lie. tb regiment bava deserted, aud things and r being eunstantly Insis ted by prospee- ar In Stat of otter dwmnraligatioo. I purchasers. Mr. Smith ha been naiid Tlegram have been receive. I from I ,hp h",u,m in I mailii eoumy for H..l.t. 41..- Ji.M.l .. the past years and h lo continue In th. .......... ...,, ... cum ,,, 12) Mrt , r " Harvesting Is under full head's; In Hli.rmau ineol.nnlenng a general enrt-mrlia. county. Ther ar plenty of workman and Arrest of deaerler art being mad I range Irom tl.zft to ll.M per dsy lor bar vry boor by both tb military and po ", hnAt- ""'"" get liipr lla Tl. I... I '' n.irenw inn mniitn Hrtr..iiia ... w. ..w r,III.UU,.HI lUllllllf Bll U Big l'rlii fur a Brnkea Hrart. Not lung since a Danville, III jury or dered lbs mala defendant in a breach of promise cas to pay tb competent sum of S54.333.32 to tha a 111 ic ted fair one. Though il la a pretty high estimate of blighted affeotion, there is another esti mate) wbiob, It not in dollars and cents tiactly as high, yet in general considera tion of sioellenos readies aa lofty aa al- titods. This is the estimate of tha peo ple as to tbs efficacy of Himtetter't Htora- sob Hitlers aa a remedy forconslipatioo. Tb action of tbia gentl but effeotiv laiatlve I never accompanied by th griping so marked in Ih operation of most ralhartic. It ia aa iooomperehl remedy for end preventative of malarial, rbeumstio and kidney complaints, and a promoter of appetit and iloep. drtioo io lira of war Is death, bat It m not thought such aa eitrem will b resorted to. IVgg4 l He Klll.4 Harri,R, Joty 2H.-IWpeolra arrlv i.. I - a 1 . .1 . in miiay irom iir river tell a stury of th pitiablo Dohdilmn nf two and thrashing inarhlne In Mherinan eonntjr, R. O. t wood, general manager of Ih Union Warehouse company, which eonlrol these1 iirlioutw In Hli.nnau countf, eeilmatM Ih heat yield of this eomily al slightly over l,Vi,isn, of whirl) I i,0i) to I, bushels III li mark.led. Ih 'ialtt)f ol Hi fall arid t'iluiiUr wheal will Im Mo. I, while Isle spring sown may h sIIkIiII, shriveled ami sTi" led by rust. Ihere we s Is. k ol rain, and .... f , ., , . , 1 me average Tien 01 gram win not n aa isig. uii.O from I, Angeles, l.ahf.nnu, .b M last y-r' k ia. t.H.1 o,,t,t win I- a got over lb glacier almoal at Ih SI- laig. awing M IncreeMl arraag. rarfeet pelt of Ihelr live. Mo(!rn. on of I M reailre I1010 'i to rent r lot I heal, end all ie hop.lnl ul s .f pr us seaeou th lo, owl a mal I ursug orobard aear jm Angle ih olhr, llrowo, U a eulo(d man, lm ran a small gmrr) etur 1 L, Angl. Tb snfleriiig aol bard. hip Ih.y endured left them tl aMi itrm winery thai tby begged wilb tears In Ibeir ys lo b shot. Klod l,.aild pri.pelir ofT-fed lo efiy nna iiiki l oft Vela Is, rint h.nt.i a he-id wa Iti I ttj tie in ir .a mt,n 1 t 1. .1 - . b .. S. . II ,. . ! . . . . - - -"I ' ). IU leti iiiu-i nil t iii't." i j II. HI 11 1e NIIIIob tear. t..i t.w mi, A t.w II ....... .... ..... . nw-aii they're astmfird. The iile of lb I' M.lre are now billing ( ( Sil'lr I jllitll St Ihe rsle o two nilllioli loti . venr and it ill b thrr mtilioo I"-- Ion New Vr.r s. It mesne merit urovtxl. Ihl ( '.rl ere the moet eVI'glil fill I-ok-I frk.ii.l,. I, w pAerile 'lr Ih (ear tt'twi At liLtrf.i's t,s-e',W s reg. r gMstarf' l'lverslly of reg.,a. Tb University of Oregon graduated last Jon lb largest class io It history. Tb else numbered thirty. Tb fall term will begio Hepteraber lft h. Htn dent wbo bava eompleleil tha tenth grade brans he can enter th tabfresli. manolsss, Nortsmlnstions stereijnlred for graduate of accredited ai'hiHil, IteMonabl equivalent ar accepted f ir rooal of tb r'idtrd entrsor sto lie. Catalogues will be etit free to all appli cant. I'ereiiA desiring iiifurmnlinri D,ay il Ires Ih pleei I1-I1I, H. Tl liy J, J. Walton, or Mr. Met A. I'Iuih'i, all i f Kugeoe, Urrgou. Th o(linl ar thus of a gHe qolversily, Ther ai ileparttneat of ok i r 11 aed aonin Ung'tages, phyeics, cbmitry, binlugy, gmdogy.Knglieh.el e rullnO, advaocej iigineiing, aelrono my, loflM, philiMsopby, i-jobulngy, n aiii emallca aod physical ducalnni. Miiato and drawing ar also Uugl.t. Ih In llioo I free. All et'idrols pay an Im I dental ft of 110 yearly. Kid, Intg icg. beat tod light a . J' i;. ri ro. r. Wffik 1:$