O. R. & N. DBfAKT TIME SCHEDULES AltRIVB ros From Heppner. from 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, 4; 50 a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kanaai City, Bt. Louia, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ockan Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All (ailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Sail August 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 23. i, 30. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska 5:00 p.m. August 8, 28. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivjeb 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Stiamebs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Willamkttb Rivkb 4:80p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and W ay Landings. 7:00a.m. Wiu-ambttk and S:30p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Kivxks. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton ib Way Land ings. 8:00a.m. Willamkttb Riveb 4:30 p.m. Tues. Thurs. Tues., Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. Lv. Rlparla Snak Rivbb. . Lv.Lewiston 1:45 m. 5:45a.m. Mon., Wed. Rlparla to Lewlston Sun,, Tues. and Friday and Thur, NEW NAME ! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable , TtG Central. aled hay for cale. Charges reasonable. Call Boa him and hare vour horses well cared for. THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE- East and Southeast t-y -via the- HON PACIFIC til THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TO0RI8T SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CABS. Portland to Eastern Cities Without - - Change. Quick Time. Union Depots. Personally Conducted Excursions. Baggage Checked to Destination, how Rates. Direot line to Trans-Miseiseippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omuha, Nebraska, Jane to November, Write nndersigned for rates, timetables and other information pertaining to Union Pacific J. H. LOTHROP, or J. C. HART Agti Gen. Art.. 1SS 8d 8t., O. B. 4N. Co., Portland, Or. Heppner, Or. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countriaa. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passonger Agent, Portland, Or. ARE YOU G01HG EAST ? If io, be mre and nee that your tioket reads via .. Tde - Horinvestern Line ....THE.... 0HI0AOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB THB Great Short Lir)e between DULUTH, St. PAUL, CI1ICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their MaKnlfloent Track, Peerless Vettlbuled Dining and Hteeplnir Car , Trains, and Mottot "always on time" lias given this road a national reputation. All iiiuuu nl tiMMtiufln rarrltMl on the vestlhuled trains without extra charge. Hhtp your freight and travel over this (anions line. All ageiiti have tickets. W It MR AD. V. C. BAVAGE. Uen. A limit. 'J'rav. K. A P. Aft. m Wellington St., I'ortland, or. CHICAGO Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist oars without change, MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced conductors and porters. Mnni'nvo To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and MUUUttJS, Boston wtthoutchauge viaHalt Lake, 111 , 1 . I 11 J X.LI 1 ...... . ' wimuiiri raciucauu uiucago aim Alton nys. Tnncvli.im To Omaha, Chicago. Buffalo and mwuajii, Boston withoutchange via Halt Lake ana uuicago, kock island s raciuc Ky, To fit. Joseph, Kansas City and ii luuwuuya, Ht. Iouls without change via Halt Lane ana Burlington Koute. ThiiKiUiro To Kansas City and Ht. Louis with' IllUrsuajS, out change via Halt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery, of sale when arrested. CATTLE STEALING. Two Mea aid a Wemaa Arrested la Walla Walla. Walla Walla Union. Reinbold Harras, the butober, and Harry Kid well, ons of bis employes, were arrested Sunday evening about 5 o'clock, charged witb cattle stealing. Tbey were captured in Baumeister's grove in the southern part of the city by Constable Emil Sanderson, Obief Kanff man and Officer Davis after an exoiting obase, during wbiob two sbots were fired by the officers. When Constable Sanderson went to the Harras residence on East Rose street Sunday afternoon witb a warrant in his pocket for the arrest of the two men, Mrs. Harris refosed bim admittance and said the men had gone to Waitsbnrg early in the morning. The officer went to Justice Arberry, secured a searob warrant and retorned to the house only to find that the men had left. Sum- moning Chief Kanffman and Officer Davis to his aid, Constable Sanderson traced the fugitives to Banmeister's grove, but the thick brush there afford ed an effectual hiding plane and the officers for a moment were non-plussed. While they were debating wbiob way to turn Officer Davis discovered Eidwell biding in a dump of bushes and his arrest was qniokly consummated. A few yards further on Harras jumped out of the busbes, waded across the creek and started to run, witb Constable San derson io pursuit. One shot was fired in tbe air, but it was unheeded. The next shot snapped the brush in danger ous proximity to Harras' bead and he then surrendered. Harras and Eidwell were immediately taken before Justioe Arberry and bound over in tbe sum of $1,000 eaoh to appear for trial next Thursday. Tbe complaint had been sworn to by Constable Sander son. Tbe owner of tbe cattle was sup posed to be William Eirklandof Milton. He was sent for and arrived yesterday and after, indentifying tbe bides, Bwore out a complaint against Reinbold Har rac, Mrs. Harras and Eidwell, obarging them with stealing four head of cattle from his pasture wbiob is looaled partly in this state. He said that he had never sold Harras or Kidwell any oattle, but further than this the offioers refuse to disouss tbe merits of the oase, although olaiming to have a oomplete reoord of the movements of the oattle from the time they were missed from tbe Kirk' land pasture until butchered Sunday morning. Tbe bides which Mr. Kirk land identified as his, were found by Mr. Sanderson at Harras' butober shop on First street. After the defendants were re arrested on tbe oomplRint made by Mr. Kirklaid, Harras' bonds were plaoed at $2,000, Eidwell's at $1,500 and Mrs. Harras' at $500 whioh were famished, with Qus Harras and Christine Freeman as sureties. H. 9. Blandford has been retained to defend thorn. Tbey say they were in- nooent purchasers of tbe oattle and were on tbe way to Milton to gel the bill You cannot afford to drink colored; tea. It undermines health, and the coloring hides defects. Schilling's Best needs no coloring; it is good enough. VJCOL SENSE. . Listen to this. You havewool to sell. You want to sell it where roar wUI got thm bmrnt price and thm quickmat rmturna at thm . lowoat commlaalon chargma commensurate with good service. . we meet all these conditions and requirements. We nave tne bmrnt location and thm moat commodloua wool loft in this market. Evary manufacturer In the country knoara our firm . ana Knows that he can got what ho wanta from ua. V e sell him direct. We make llbmral advancm on consignments and charga only mt thm rata of B par cant, pop annum on money thus advanced. Sacks furnished free. Wo Handle 15,000,000 lbs. of Woo per Year. uur circular letter Keeps you jxmea on market conditions. uo not sen untu you near rrom us. Better write to-day. Cll DEDI1IH DDnC IZZ-12U26-1Z8 la.Ba.nMHII BllUaJa MICHI0AH STREET, 3 CHICAGO, ILL. COSCEBNINQ HANK VAUGHAN. For rates and all all information, Inquire of O. R. A N. and S. P. agents, or address, K. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOI'EB, General Agent, (Jen. Pass. A Tkt. Axt. iM Washington 8t Donvor, Col. I'oriiauii, urngou. J. ('. IIakt, Ux-al Agt., Heppner, Or, Milwaukee & St. Paul try This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous bio ok system; Light Its trains by eleotrioity through out; Use the celebrated eleotrio berth read log lamp; Runs speedily equipped passenger trains vrnrv day and oi-bt between Ht. Taut and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also opnratM stoam-beaUd vastibuled trains, carrying Ilia latest private compartment ears, library bufTel amok Ing cara, and palace drawing room ale pars. I'arlor oars, frsa reclining chair oars, and the very bast dining eh sir oar service. For lowost rates to any point In the United rltai or Cans J a, apply to agent or eddrree O. J. EDDT, J. W. CANET, Uenorel Ageot, Trav. l'as. Agent. I'ortlead, Or, Lit Qt'ICKKHT AND MOHT PIRECT IJNE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE- K mil o "".v PAOnCRT. S TUKOCOH CAU3--et Ht. VKVh MINNKArOLlS I il'l It'l l! lv S Ll Iti ii a 1UTIK liKLENA Ticket Usn. to all poitit In theUaiM Ntale and Canada. gUlCKTlMKTt) , mir rHii'i. IUi.fiJ'aa Na Tiai llrrrtU) All nthrr (wilnla la lite K-t au I rWmtbiMiat mt. Jiirai t. Ions ltnenia IVPI at Ht. I'il, Wieneapolia, Kas Oly, taha, Ht Uul and olbr promt aeat paU tlasaea eberkeJ Ibruaf h to tUetinatioa bl It. i.U. Tt'Tonehtukotsto Jspae and Cllua. l Tanoina anl rWrthera IViM fleam bip (V.uipeny'a line. Tot fad lefiitrsattiw, time ear Ja, map. Hcke'e, eiM ea!l o f n'e NV.C. Ant, A 1 Cmei.Tn. 1I N f lit. At.ti.l'e Agt SOURI RIVER and all Points EAST and SOUTH EAST.. LOOK AT THK T1MK. KITNKK Tl 5 ST. LOUIS, OMAHA. 3 SALT LAKE, H Free lloolining Cbair Oars Upholstered Tourist Bleeping Cars Fatlmen 1'aleoe Bleeping Gars For full particulars, regarding rates, time ol trains, etc., call on or address J. O. II ART, Agent O. R. N. Co., Heppner, Oregon O. O. Tanar, W. E. Oomih, Trav. Taea. Agt. t)tn Agl. UA Third Ht., Rutland, Ore, sroKANE falls i northern SELSOS FORT SEEFPiRD WJ MOUNTAIN B.ULW1TS The Only AII IUII Route Wllboul Change of Cara Itetween Hpokane, Roeeland and Nelson. Also between N.Uh! aal Roeslaod, daily eieept Huaday i am A. M ... Ii.it a H ... IU A M .... Reminiscences of the Fast Third of a Cen tury Kecalled. From East Oregonlan. O. D. Gibson, of Fomeroy, Wasb., is in Pendleton and will remain for three or four days. He and A. W. Nye are old cronies and both have been residents of tbe Inland Empire for a period longer than the life of tbe ordinary white man. Oonsequently ' tbeir conversation this forenoon in tbe pleasant parlor of the Commercial Association was devoted almost entirely to reminiscenoes of those good old days when freighting and staging overland were in tbe beydey of tbeir popularity, when there was stock stealing throughout this region, when men preferred to sit faoing the door while partaking of their meals in eating- bouses, and "rolled 'em high" In the saloons at night, expectorating on the oard table rather than take their eyes from tbe deck or dealer, even for a moment. In those days a men's ability to shoot or wield a knife was almost bs muoh of a necessity to beat a gambling game as it was to bold the top hand The life of Hank Yaughan of course came up for disoussion by Messrs. Gib son and Nye, for no history of the "prominent people" and incidents of Eastern Oregon would be anything like oomplete with that left out. Tbey started with Hank Vanghan'a life from his birth in Lane county in 1850 and traced it to his death in Pendleton at tbe Transfer House in 1893. From the mass of material talked about tbe folio ing is published, much of which has never been heretofore told in a news paper and all of which will interest suoh old timers ss Lot Livermore, Sheriff Blakley, Uoole Jake Frszer and others whose ranks are being rapidly decimated by tbe sidebill combine of time. In foot, there are only a few of the beet of them left. It was in tbe spring of 18G5 that Hank Yaughan, then a young man in his sixteenth year, large for bis age, wss aoonsed of bores stealing and a reward of 81,000 was offered for bis arrest and oonviotioD. Frank Maddook was serv ing bis first term as sheriff of Umatilla oounty, wbiob ' at that time inoloded what is now Morrow oounty. Word oame that Yaughan and bis partner were at Express station, on tbe old stage line between Umatilla and Boise, 80 miles east of Baker City. Sheriff Maddock, aocompsoied by a deputy, went at once to that place and sure enough the two men they were looking for were there. Before daybreak Maddook and his deputy went to where Ysnghan and his partner were sleeping, first having mapped out their method of prooedure, Tbey were to pounce npon toe men while tbey slept and arrest them. Mad dook supposed that the sleeping men encumbered by their blankets would be arrested without difficulty. Maddook tackled Yanghan's partner while the deputy attempted to bold down Mr, Yaughan. Mr. Nye is of the opinion that the deputy's name was Hoott, while Mr. Gibson thinks it waa Rosa Al any rate, the atroggle wss brief, Yaughan managed o get easy from the olutobe of the deputy and shot bim dead, tbe first time tbat he had takeo the life of a fellow being. Maddook Ibeo saw that it waa a fight to tbe deatb, so he killed tbe man with whom be was strnggling. Yangbao thso in a flah shot Maddock through tbe bead, tbe latter dropping like a log, asthongb dead, and Yangban tbongbt be was dsad, or he would have finished him then and there. Yaughan made bis eeoape, but was afterwards captured and tried and sen tenced to a life term In the penitentiary. After having aerved eboot 10 year he was pardoned by Governor Wood. Sheriff Maddock had retired to private lite wbeo Yeogbaa got out of the peni tentiary, bnl be heard tbat Yangban In. n.tU r,l!.. i V.v;i; f hadawora be would kill him tor tbe I ' w I . I 1. - I I 1 1, a 1.11 akh . .1 pari UB U U l.tffu IU wu.vu UK. Yangban was desperate only when in bis cups. Along in 1882 or 1883 be ran up against a hard game in Prineville He got into trouble with a yonng man named Cbarlie Long and the two stood up in front of eaoh other, a few feet only separating them, while they deliberately emptied tbe oonteots of tbeir six-shooters into eaoh other. Both were so full of boles you could have thrown a oat through either one of them, but, strange as may sound, both lived to tell bow it happened. The hero of many a brawl, scarred wish knife and bullet wounds, it re mained for his own horse to give Hank Vangban his quietus. In 1893 in Pen dleton, Yaughan was riding tbe horse on Main street, at a rapid gait. He had been drinking. Io orossiog the O. B. & N. railroad traok the horse stumbled, throwing Yaughan witb great force. From tbe effeots of that fall be died. Mr. Gibson says that a more gener ous man than Hank Yangban sober never lived, but that he became desper ate when drinking. In Dayton, while Mr. Gibson was deputy sheriff, Mr. Yangban told him never to draw a re volver on bim (Ysugban) for it made him nervous. As a result of tbat advioe Mr. Gibson onoe stopped Yangban while pleasantly oooupied in hilariously shoot ing out the iigbts of a saloon in Dayton. Vaughan accompanied Gibson without resistanoe, went to bed, and the trouble stopped right then and there. . That 14-Year Old Stuff, 'Kohn's Best," On Tap Down at The .... Telephone Saloon e e e IT xea RARB GOODS e v New Stand, City Hotel Building, LOW TILIvARD, Prop. r 00TS AND SHOES Dm. e THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF Tbey have anything in this line that you may desire and you can depend on it you get a good article when they guarantee it. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street Repairing a Speoialty Poll-Tax Collecting. The trials or a poll-tax oolleotor are many, "i'eople wbo have no besitanoy in giving $5 or $10 for other things," said Colleotor A. R. Housted this morn ing, "seem to pay tbeir poll-tax as reluotantly as though it was money thrown away. If any one imagines it is an easy job collecting poll-tax be should try it for a time. Some people are very polite and eympatbetio witb me, declar ing it is a shams I am put to so much trouble, 'but really, you know, I haven't a cent.' I have gone a dozen times to some plaoes. A tew others growl and snarl like wild animals when approsoh RRASKA. KANSAS. JlfS- ed. Aa a rule, however, tbe character istio American humor prevails, and I am received and treated in very muoh tbe manner of tbe latest joke going the rounds. Lxohanne. How to Loot Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy NEW YORK, 4 days 9ondit,on of " ,b vi,H h the CHICAGO, :u M look, if your stomach be disordered you bave a dyepeptio look; if your kidneys be affected, yon have a pinched look Secure good health, and you will surely bave good looks. "Eleotrio Bitters" is a good alternative and tonic Acts di recti y on tbe etomavh, liver and kidneys Purifies tbe blood, cures pimplee, blotches and nolle, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle goaranteed Hold by Hlnrnra Drug (Jo., t.. J. Hloouui, manager. 00 oeots per bottle. WHERE TO SPEND YOTJH VACATION. The present reduoed rates oould not bave prevailed at a more opportune time. Tbe summer vaoation time is here, and all wbo oan afford it are planning to take advantage of tbe differ ences between tbe warring railroads. Tbe attention of those wbo oontemplate a trip East, whether it be to tbe moun tain resorts of Colorado, tbe Omaha ex position, or points beyond, is oalled to the advantages offered by tbe Bio Grande Western Railway. Its line and those of its Colorado (oooneotions run through the heart of the Rookies , taking the traveler away from tbe alkali and sage brush of its Northern competitors, and out of tbe beat of the oountry through which its oompetitors on tbe south run. For tbe comfort of those, whose purse will not permit them to enjoy all tbe privileges of a first-class ticket, tbe Rio Grande Western has ioaugnarated a series of tourist excursions. Tbe cars used are owoed and operated by tbe Pullman Palace Car oompaoy. They are in obarge of special oondootors and porters, whose sole duties are to look after tbe comfort of tbeir passengers. Tbe oars are attached to fast express trains, and held over in 8alt Lake City twelve hours, giving the passengers a day in the Mormon capital. This lay over also insures a daylight ride through tbe Rookies. One of these exooraion cara run tnrougn to uoeion; one to Chicago, via Omaha; one to Chicago, via Kansas City and tbe fourth to Ht Louis. Each goes over a different road east of Colorado, giving tbe passenger a choice of routes. These exooreions leave Portland Monday, Tueeday, Wednesday and Thursday of eaoh week. For information as Io rstes, and for descriptive pamphlets, addreee J. D. Msnsfleld, geosral agent, Rio Grande Western Railway, Hi Third street, Port land, Oregon. -A. ABEAHAMBICK, Merchant Tailoring! Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. His work is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. CATjTj and see me. on may street- aei When you hear dem bells!" YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, ' or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! 75 Cents 75 Cents 75 Cents THE CORDER CAMERA CHEAP DURABLE COMPLETE The mort perfect earners evor oirered to the public. A child can operate It Can be carried lu the pocket. Makes pictures 2X2. Camera, dry platetand complete outfit for making t pictures by mail, 75 cents poatpald. Full directions sent with each lnitrument. THE OOltDER CO., 30 Park Palace, New YorkClty. TW0 SPLENDID TRAINS TO THE EAST nnmm nnriF icuum nnrTmn if!! 1 U M sV I II II 1 I m i rnxmi mm i i "The talator Lino" II.-. uul . S i) H M . s , n .. r. m. Sal. aiut all RtMNtial lk tntiiti. I'wtMpn If Mtta ,! ihJ IWHtndarf rwa MiMvt m mntvmt ila M tin. If. QUICK T XXVI XI I avrxjivcxxia "DALLES Cm' AS0 "REGULATOR" Commencing Mooilar. May 2nd. Ihe Steamers of the Keirnlator Line will (eve Portland al UJU a, m, and Tbe Dallre al 8.:U) a.m. When yen to Io rnrtlanil, slop off at Tlie Dallre ami take a trip down the Oolnrutue; yoa will enjoy it, enJ ears money. W. C. AI.LAWAT, Ueneral Agent. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGE LINE Hfiti Krnnolttoo a4 ell tte ttU.frtit.aMie Mt Wwwu Southern Pacific Co T kihwr irtroufc t'!thia all aa.ti.Mi fax a4 ,, a. drwit .it R.ai of I'. tan ,mrt. rallniM itnff Hlfia, HaraM4 .turn hi nara A Ma.ori mt l r ial ttmlna. S.r1i aaparfctt a. I ..! C H NAMKUAM. II. HEK.D I A. U. OOILVIE t rroprit'lore. rRC FROM ARLINGTON TO fnaall W aiUMI "U Manilla t'JnllM) W Condon (i milra) . Ion . Clria 1.1 btllra) .. J (X.l (1 ntlw,) IW H.hiM trip Rjiund trip KiHin.l trip R.,iid trip Hound trip toe sov 1 VI IM ftaire Irevre Arlington evry mornin (Hunday eirwptavt) el 6 e'elorai le due at tn.iiu al 3 p. ui. ami arrlvee at foe- i I al 7 p. ri. (V.mf.i.l.hU jhi.l Aiiul.f kKil MM. sent Vangban to prison. MsJJoek roJe to TenJIeton late io tbe (all ol lsT'.l, to see Vangbao, whom be dlJ not know by sigtii. MaJJuck ssiJ be diJ not wisb to kill Vauhan. bnl be did not vlab to le laboriDH nnder tbe diaa.lfaotaie of baTlnt a mas kno bins while he did not know the man wbo wee going Io do the killing. Vangban bed Mt fr Walla Walla, so Maddock followed. Upon ar rival in Walla Walla, Maddock toemed that Vanghaa bail gone oa to Dayton, and Ihllbet Ma.1 l ok rxle, reo.vd to bave II eelt1el, eitber In a Iriendly way. or else f tfkl II ool and ehenl nntil one urlheoiber was killed. A Mr. tiiwa wee sheriff of UolntaMa eoonly et the! lime, composing tbe pteeenl eountixe of Colombia, Oarfleld and Aotia. while Mr. Oibeus was Jepaly ebwiff. Mai. dork weal to tftea aad told Ihe okjeei o ble jonroey. Mr. Oiheon weel Io Vaegbaa and tuM wbat MslJwk wlabed. Vanghao gave np bis roUf aod knife to (ltle n, and MadJuek gave hia revulvnr to Hte. Tbe qefltie tbrn bad a Ion and friend y talk al the bnM and botb Vatban sa t Me Idoek dierlalroad any tnteotina or deaire Io aboot eaoh ntbvr, an4 frura tbsl tioe ea Ulry wet lie beat lA Irieads. After Eaatera Ureaua Trade, rartles eomiog down from tbe Middle Fork eoontry slate that Mr. A. W. Gil bert, who is superintending road im provements oo lbs tipper Military wa. on roaJ, is doing soma work. Os Is oow working on lbs road between Hill's aod Rludon'i snd is making a good road. Travel aod trade from Eastern Oregon la increasing every year aod too mncb improvement of a permaoeot oatare, cannot be placed on tbe roads reaching aoross tba mountains. Eugene bnslneee men bave In tbe peot anbeorlbed liber ally towaid private fnnda for tbe lav provemeot of tbe Military and Me Keotie wagon roada, and as tbey only receive a portion of the booeOta tbey eaoool be ei pee ted Io keep np tbeee monnlain roads, where tbe local road work amounts Io bat a trifle. Tbe county court bee appropriated soms of money from time Io lime for tbe im provement of Iheae roede and tbey are in mncb belter condition than tbey Rocky Mountain Limited Lmtm PKNVHt, t oix). HPR1.M18 ArrWM MN.OIJI IMAM m. I)KH MOlSFtJ IA VKM'OK sii i J a. II Ap. m. l a a m. 5 ift a. m. M a m. 1:15 p. in. OKf " caicAuu Noil Day Ttimnah Hlwiwra and rhair Cara Colonuln to i Mrmtf- Mill Vntibala Uirmuihoal. Th amM uia in the Waat. Colorado Flyer taavaa DKNVKR " OI. HI'RlNOU Arrives TtM'KKA M KANXAdClTY. 1 W p. n. 24A p. m. ?J0 a. ra. 11 a. m. Ar. HT. LOHH, (Walt lt') 6 II p. m. ArriraaHT JOHKPH " I.IMOI.N (r.iHnn) " UMAUA.(KsHan) in in a. m. II a. m. a. m. Tbrough Hlarpwa Cik.ra.ln Hpringa to Bt. Uxiit tat WatMl, H'y. These are New Trains in addition to our former sen-ice. For partienlars and foldars givliis time of lliaae trains write WMUIll Ctavaai Liaie GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. MlLWACKEK, Not. f, 1897. PATRONS of the WiscoDsin Ootral Linn in passing tbrough were a few yaara ago, and are eaid by Chicago may require aome ae'ieU thoee wbo travel them to be Ibe beet rnada leading frm tbe valley lu Eastern Oregon. Vageoe Ilrglater. JOT 7 -ievcr w a cad iii'iinr iM rtAt h i-s po.;nr. aoce) io the way of having tbeir haod bacgagn taken form or to train aod carriage) or lua, or io maoy other wsje, ami tbey will fiod all tbat ia deairel io tbia re apect io the aerrice of the Uabf ra at the UraoJ Cetitral I'aaaeDKer Station, who have recently Ihhd uniformed with browo mit anl red cap. They m ill in waitmp at all traioa prepared to ami pan. aengera, and it ia bop4 that our patrons mill fully avail th'-insi-lvi'S of thia a.l-litional pruvieioo for their citr,foft J AS. a i-ond. Ciro'l I's.tr. Agt can cured MCIJ You in lHLIl.be il " r lfr tnm i " lita of m, m u I KtOIIBwMSt t, I I Vaaif mem mmA k(im,i.l.,.inui atrraiMarrhva. ' rnMalanlHrt Uaaanlwa a.rt. rrtaaran af i tlauia. ... a. 1 a a'r l uh'm ri.l but . lhrhv tmu Ifim tl a ' J. I !L . ' ;' a ! aa wrr t I anf mm mr l-i,u ak. A ' rum at.!.. W t.UaM f r(7rf.,;j IMrUwjUlw f "lk i kilaa.,,.. ,r Harriaa-'.4 WIIT lilt. Awwaatj-at Creait Miiarum rAnrtoi.r i li aai a-l M m.4 H,k mint A -i a w a aw .f aj , . I tot, Sl.r1tir4 dtvere. laeUeUeOr. 'rtlaa4t O