Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 29, 1898, Image 3

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    Those Dreadful Sores
They Continued to Spread In 6p4te
or Treatment but Now They are
, ttoated-A Wonderful Work.
Sfor many year I have been a great
fcltfeter With varicose veins on one ' h'Jr
limt My foot and limb htebime dread
tlily swollen. Wfeett 1 stood up I could
leel the blood fYtshing down the veins ot
this llmC One day I accidentally hit my
toot against some object and a sore broke
Out which continued to spread and was
(exceedingly painful. I concluded I
seeded a blood purifier and I began taking
Hood's Sarsaparillm in a short time
those dreadful ttores which had caused
tee bo fflUfh suffering, began to heal. I
kept OH laithf ully with Hood's Sarsapa
rilliand in a short time my limb wag
completely healed and the sores gave We
no more pain. I cannot be too thankful
for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa-
rllla, has done tor me." Mes. A. E,
GliaoK, HarUaUd-, Vermont.
9 parilla
Istht, best in fact the One True Blood Purifier,
flood's Pilta cure all liver ills. 25 cents.
Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Bchool
in a. m. jiH8Bea no. 1 nnd 2 at 12:10 p. m
Kpworth League Devotional meeting at V p. in
Prayer meeting, Thursday, V p. m.
rne bpirit ana tne Bnae say, i;mne."
The pastor may be fonnd at the (parsonage ad.
Joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wo may tlesire to onnsult Turn on
religious, social, civid, philosophic, eduoational,
or any other subjects.
J, W. FLE8HER, Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class
meeting following morning service.
Sunday school, 3 p. m. Kpworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves together."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to
church. C. K. Howard,
Services each 8unday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. K. L. Hhei.i.y.
The Ladies' Guild of the Kpiscopal church
will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., ou the first
Wednesday ot each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock
Take Notice.
1. The turn ot five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
rospect," list of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of sDecial meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to De de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line, 'i nese rules win oe atncuy auner
ea to m every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
The Gazette is not heralding its com
ing with a brass band bat its circulation
can be determined at tbe Heppner post
office. Advertisers will please note this.
We sail away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not
And v. e'll leave behind the girls we love, cries
the Oregon volunteer.
With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old Glory in
the iky,
But ere we pass we'll drain a glass, of Spcrry's
i LInwood rye.
Bold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. Q.
8 perry, proprietor. "
Local Notes.
Cool driDks are in demand.
See M. Liclttentbal & Co. (or shoes, a
Wbat is Hop Gold? Best beer on
artb. See ad. elsewhere. 1
Receipts, notes, drafts, due-bills, etc,
4 - J I H..tl. I. n .1 t. IU..L. . t
puuieu iuu ucnu uuuuu iu uvuki n
tbe Gazette office. x
Statements (or tbe Famous Simple
Anooont File printed al tbe Gazette of
fice, tf.
liobtentbal k Co. (or shoes. Ezolnsive
hot store. Handles tbe best. 83t(
Grjnoesse's famous old "Dublin
Stoat" imported, at Cbris Borohers'
Days ke these oauss oar people to set
aside badness oare and ilea (or tbe cool
mountain retreats.
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist (or refrao
tion and de'eots o( tbe eyt, will be bere
every three uontbs. 648-lyr
"Oo'o jnW is all riuht but Low Til-
lard has a trend o( 14-year-old (roods
that Is bard h beat. 6U3-K,
Painless rendy (or extraotiDg teeth.
If not as slatei, do charges. Try Dr.
Vaugbao'i new io. C04-t(,
I( yoa oeed seaetbing(or yoar yttetn
eall at lbs TbooeThe Telephone sa
loon. City bote! baJJiog. tf
Beat aooommodafon and oourteoos
treatment attbelmpuial Hotel, Seventh
aod Wteb. Hts., Tortlmd, Oregon.
Bring yoar bides, Mte sad (urs to
Ben. Uatbsws, at tb Liberty Meat
Market. He pays bigbett market prioa.
be in Hsppoer
Pr.J.E. Adkiss will
about Aagast 10th. Lie txiraots ttb
without pain. Kes bim al the Talant
E. O. Noble A Co. are runtUre after
basinets. Tbe finest saddles aid har
ness to be round in Hppnr. See their
ew eJ in this la tie. if.
J. W. Mo-'oe's little 8 year-old boy
Is eiperivnoiog a very serious attack of
disentary.e eommoa ailment al Ditch
Creek camp.
Have yoa (uroUbd Aint Hart eitb
train, (rail, limber or ru!orl tibibits
(or both tbe Portland and Omaha si
bibitsf lis anikMialy awaits tbem.
Be not detvd! A CongU, r.nwtM
or oronp ars not to be trifled with. A
de In time ol Hhtlob's Cure will sets
yen mark) trooble. Hold by Cobm A
Tb wool maikrl towaiue nil, iui
U beting I meU iieee nnr i
ennuukiwiuvst. llt"tr. Inijre eo4
ellre art movm Is the direction ol
earn olber.
Dyspepsia cored.. Bbiloh's Vital izer
immediately relieves soar stomach, com
ing np of food distress, and is the treat
kidney and liver retbedy. Bold by Den
ser A Warreu.
Care that coagh with Shilob's Care.
The best oodgh oare. Relieves eroap
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 46 doses (or 25cts. Sold by Coh-
ser A Warren. V
Ladies, take the beet, K yoa are
troubled with constipation, sallow ekin.
and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover
Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by
Oonser & Warren. v
The Gazette carries a (all stock o(
mourning note, oorrespondeboe style,
with envelopes to match. Those desiring
sooh stationery can have their wants
supplied at this offloe. tf.
When dead bodies are entered as a
cargo oo a shiD they are often recorded
on the invoice as "statuary" or "oatnral
history specimens," to ally the super
stious (ears of tbe crew.
Karl's Clover Boot Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Regulates tbe bowels, parities
the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy
to make atid pleasant to take. 25 cts.
Sold by Conger A Warren. V
Jily 27th, to tbe wife of Jim H. Hayes
a 12-pound boy. Dr. MoSword is about
as proud of tbe boy, whom be terms a
"great strapping, doable-fisted chap" as
bis dad. When Jim oomes to town you'll
hear all about it.
There is no discount on tbe good
quality of onr grains and grasses. People
here at borne recognize that (act. Bat
farmers should save a (ew samples (or
strangers to gaze upon at tbe coming
Oregon Industrial Exposition.
Cbas. Matteson and Lee KUburn sue
oeed Charles Tefft in tbe "Old Matlock
Stand . The popularity ot tbe young
men insure (or them the good will and
patronage o( those wbofindanoooasional
desire to "banish melanoholly".
The friends of Mrs. Manning will be
pleased to learn that she is resting eas
ily, and that indications are favorable to
her making a moBt fortunate recovery, as
the (raolured limb does not tend to
shorten, as is quite the rnle with such
an injury.
The little son of Rev. Shelley is mak
ing a phenomenal reoovery. The doctor,
on removing the splints, found tbe frao
ture completely solidified, and says that
it is a mutter of a very short time when
tbe little (ellow will resume association
with his playmates.
Bountiful harvests will bless the pro
ducer of tbe NorthweBt this year, and
when the crop is gathered he can take
his family to tbe Oregou Industrial Ex
position at Portland, where tbey will
fiod amazement and instruction of
most healthfol kind.
September 221 to Ootober 22 d of this
year will be a month marked by great
results (or tbe producers of the North
west, for daring those days tbe produot
of tbeir labor will be gathered together
and attractively displayed at tbe Oregon
Industrial Exposition.
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Red
light, ever on tbe alert Tor something
new, can famish yoa tbe Quest cock
tails in the land Manbatten, Jersey,
Vermonth or Gin made by an artist in
tbe business. Drop in and take the
taste out of your mouth. If
It is reported that Leonard Aker's
invention of a clamp, used in the manu
facture ot drapers for a threshing ma
chine, will, beyond a doubt, reward him
witb an independent fortune. Who will
be Morrow county's next inventive
genius to come to the front?
Cordray, tbe pioneer theatre man of
Portland in the line of "popular prioee,"
has refitted tbe Washington St. theatre,
(ormerly known as tbe "New Park."
Cordray always has something new, and
oar people, whn below, can spend e
pleasant evening at bis plaoe. t(
If yoa want the latest war news, tbe
freshest local happenings, city or
oountry, get the Gazette, semi-weekly,
Tuesday and Friday, Patronage belpa
make a paper. Compare it with those o(
other towns tbs size o( Ueppcer and the
Gszstte will not suffer thereby. If
At tbe lleppner Candy Faotory is the
plaoe to get cool, refreshing summer
drinks, Jas. Hart ceo (nrniib yoa milk
shakes, sodo, ice cream soda, orange
wine, peach cider, etc. Ioe oream booths
nioely fitted np. Come aod try lbs
Dewey flavor e new thing and very fine.
Frank Mcrarland ana family earns
down (com lleppner last week aod are
spending the sar.imer la their ooaolry
reaidsnoe at Belmont. Mr. MoParland
has sold bis Ueppner property end will
bsreefter reside at Portland, where Earl
will attend tbe Bishop Heott military
academy the coming sobool tsar. Hood
River Glacier.
Miss Le'tna Griffith, accompanied bi
her grandmother, Mrs. Hash, of Port
land, ere visiting ber relative, Mrs, I).
A. lUrrin aod family. Mrs. Rash, wbo
eiperteneed e alight paralytic stroke
some time ago, bopee to be rstord to
her usual Condition of health through
ths leflnenee of onr climate. Il has
twn (onr ysars since she led Usppner
(or her boms In Portland.
A. M. Prtfreoo, one of Morrow
cooely'e sacorMful wbt-growtre,
came t town oo boainese yurdy. He
report barvritiog Under (ull heed way
bis plar-e of ftO ear, and that bis
crop, oo a whole, lll eome op to ths
ipeeUtioe. His (atber-le U, R. K.
Htmpeou, started out Wedoeaday witb a
neely larebeeed Ihreehibf eaflt, end
ill be keel txiey daring I U tw.
Betmraed From Kloedike.
Jerry Coho, nephew of Henry Hepp
bert arrived id town Wednesday, having
reached Portland from Skagaway on the
Elder a (ew days ago. de says not less
than SO ,000 people will reach Dawson in
a very short time, when tbey will be
brongbt to a realisation oi their perdioa
meat A condition of starvation awaits
fuftoy of tbem, as tbey bate Consumed
their supplies going in, and those witb
additional provision realize the necessity
ot looking out for themselves. Mr.
Cobn says that at times merchants ex
tort fabulous prices (or goods, and at
other times, dependent entirely upon ihe
supply, sell reasonably oheap. Where
there are possibilities of person's making
a stake, he feels the hardships to be en
countered are more than he is Inclined
to contend witb, and in consequenoe will
take bis chances for tbe future in this
Opening of an Extensive mercantile
in Ueppner.
Re(erriog to the bnge display adver
tisement in this issue readers will
note the announcement of a wide-awake
business oonoern. "The Fair" opens up
with an assuranoe of doing a successful
business. An invitation is most cordi
ally extended tbe public to call and
examine tbe immense stook of strictly
first-olass goods, (amiiiarizing them
selves witb prices whioh defy oompe
tition this Bide of Chicago.
Off for tbs HoaaUias.
Yesterday morning al 650 o'olook
jolly party of Beppnerites started for
tbe mountains, consisting o( Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Brook and boy, Mrs. H. W.
Bartholomew, Miss Eiise . and Master
Nelson Bartholomew, Mrs. Dr. MoSword
and daughter, Miss Mary, Miss Julia
Hart, Miss Lena Rhea, and Mr. Jesse
Stewart. The gorgeous display of differ
ent oolored sunbonneta, together with
robes, embraoing the different oolors of
tbe rainbow, caused the Umatillas,
Columbias and Piutes, bedecked in tbeir
brilliant array of blankets, to turn
green with envy, in advance of the
ob&ohes occupied by the elder members
of the party Miss Rhea, Mary MoSword
and Elise Bartholomew, with Mr. Stew
art as body guard, mounted on their
faithful steeds charged to the front,
leaving then venerable .chaperones be
hind in a whirlwind of dust. We predict
tor the party a enviable outing.
Harried Only a Day.
A rather patbetlo ease is rsported from
the Soldiers' Home at Roseburg, oon
oected with the marriage and death of
George D. Gorve, a veteran of tbe civil
war, at tbe home on Monday last. He
wae married Sunday morning to Mrs.
Henrietta Nichols, ot Paoiflo Grove, Cal,
end died the nest day. Tbere seems to
be considerable romance attaobed to
this wsdding. Tbe groom had been
lying at point of death for some days.
Thirty years ago the couple were be-
throthed, bat beoeme estranged, and
eaoh married another. Mrs. Nichols
hearing of her eld lover's illness oame
to marry and take oare of him, having
abundant means to do so.
To the Patrons or ths Electric Light
and Water Co. :
It beooming evident that there is not
a sufficient quantity of water for all irri
gation purposes, tbe company will have
to shorten tbe time of irrigation. We
will try to give you all the time that oar
supply will warrant us, if you will be
prompt in shutting off when we blow the
whistle, tbere will be water (or all.
ibis is absolutely necessary.
70-lt T. W. Atbks, Sec
Heppner Merchants.
A store may b e ever so well arranged
and thoroughly otganized in business
details, but to do business its advertiz
ins must not be neglected. A well-
written advertisement, displayed con
spicuously In tbe local paper, is depend
ed entirely upon by tbe successful mer
chants of a business center. As seasons
demand special lines of goods, announoe
your stook on hand, offering induce
ments to those who are purchasers. If
you are wideawake Dusiness men, tne
readers of your local paper will know
just wbat your store contains, what they
want, and tbe prioee they will have to
Special Notice.
As tbe present proprietor of the Ga
zette must leave Heppner soon, he is
desirous of settling up bis affairs. Wbat
is due him he mast have at once, so that
be can meet all demands. Drop In and
settle yoar account. 57-tf
Dreadrally Nervous.
Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and
for relief took your Carl's Clover Root
Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength
ened my whole nervous system. I was
troubled witb oonstipation, kidney and
bowel trouble, four Tea soon cleansed
my system so thoroughly that I rapidly
regained health and strength. Mrs. S.
A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by
Oonser A Warren, v
. Redaction of (train Rate.
The Morrow County Land A Trust
company, through their manager, Mr. R
F. Hynd, has saooeded, after a two-years
effort, in seooring a reduction in the
grain rate from Heppner to Portland of
almost one cent per bushel, whioh makes
the rate the same as from lone. Taking
the entire shipment into consideration
this makes quite an important item with
the sellers, as well as with the business
men in general. Many farmers wilf now
come to Heppner to secure the advant
age of trading facilities, who heretofore
bauled to Ions for tbe one cent ad
Beauty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin; No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body, ilegin to-day to
banitih pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10ca 25c, 50c.
A Bare Thine for Ton.
A transaction in which you cannot lose is
uni-e thluir. Biliousness, sick headache, fur
red tongue, fever, piles uud a thousand other
1118 ate causou oy couuuimiiuu mm Biugiau
liver. Cascarets Candv Cathartic, ttie won
derful new liver stimulant and intestinal
tonic are bv all drueeists guaranteed to cure
or money refunded. C. U. C. are a sure
thing. Try a box to-day; 10c., 25o.. 60a
Bauuile and booklet free. Bee our big ad.
Great olean-up of
Odds and Et)ds,
fen)oants, and
Broken Lots
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Ladies' Low Lace Shoes and Oxfords
Ties X
o Calicos, in Standard Brands
Summer Wash Goods.
Will be paid for information leading
to the arrest end oonviction of any per
son stealing oattle branded "WH" con
nected on the left side. Waddle on the
nose. Percy Hughes.
45 nov3
The Marquam Grand, on Morrison
street in the Marquam building, is under
exoellent management and the pubho
will be royally entertained this winter,
New companies and new taoes will ap
pear from time to time at this popular,
first-olaeg theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland our denizens should not fail
to take in some of the fine dramas that
will be presented. tf
Thousand are Trying It.
In order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective oure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared a canorous trial size for 10 cents.
(jet it of your druggist or send iu cents to
ELY BItOS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City,
I suffered f 10m catarrh of the worst kind
evor since n boy, and I never hoped for
cure, but Ely's Cream J (aim seems to d
even that. Many acquaintances have used
it with exoellent results. Oscar Ustruui,
45 Warren Ave., Chioago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrn ana oonuuns no oocame,
mercury nor any injurious drug.' Price,
60 cents. At rtrnsjfiHts or ry mail.
For Infants and Children.
Kind You . Have Always Bough1
Bears the
Signature of
j an enormous stock of goods ordered in New York j
tai and Chicaeo and our obiect is to clear away space
A for them. A
V We have made one deep slashing cut into the V
A above goods decapitating not only our usual modest A
w profit but a portion of the original wholesale cost, w
You get Genuine Honest Bargains. We get Space.
Come and marvel. at them.
In order to make a clean sweep of those goods
we have made prices far below cost in many in
stances as an inducement. ,
We must have room for fall goods. They are A
coming in even now in large quantities. We have j
Ranob, 320 acres, good land, 4 miles of
Heppner, all (enced, plenty of water,
bouse and barn, 110 acres of summer
tallow, Bll ready for fall crop. Easy
terms. Call at tbe Qszette offioe.
A complete stock of pure and fresh drugs al
ways in stock: Careful attention paid to filling
of prescriptions.
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
Who hai secured the service! of
As manager. . It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Opens About August 2d, 1898.
Wtirrnntetl best vcilno on tho mcirlcete
Miller's All-Wool Clothing
Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods lio very lcitont Htylcs.
Gents' and Ladies' Shoes
Urown'H Shoo Co.'h lcuriotiH Shoen
Every Pair TT-ntrrT1 mi.
Mi. (frtf C-niw enlf lit line 1
lxtu-1 II.M ! Iim Uk1i tl Iter "U l i
lb Hli1 Holla, lil M t.lufiiUlilf
- If I
fiieauxi fur toe iuuir. ur nio,
4ri(f ( Mr. Hbe 0af, Ihe mpa
UrH. T. U. It. entnetr, tf "lie Nr.
Mri.t'aeMr rUi tmr UWMt le Ihe
effort of nnr hill wl , (n.ce tbe feci
I' el ihrr-etj h-t ) ! lb riig.tta
l ... . ,. I, . 4.1. ..I . .. A .... I .
iVt HJ3n1.lae01.-cl of Prices
Our Cuarantct-.V.oncy PcfunJH If Gwte -arc not $4 1 bint pry,
m Him HI H "I iI wiyti'ui- ITT