It Advertisers 1 I OFFlflTAl. 0fll PAPER An Subscribers v The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news i From the Seat of zt. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 2i. 1898. NO. 670 I Uyou have bargains to . trough i I? i SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rUBMBHID , Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PCBIMN6 COMPANY. CORL1ES MERRlTT, Editor and Bus, Man, 'A'. $3.00 par year, tl.00 (or six months, 50 Ota. tor three mourns, striotly in advance. Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Fostoffice at Heppncr, Oregon, aa second-clasj matter. "PHIS PAPKR is kept on file at E. C. Dake's A- Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchange, San Francisoo, California, where cou raota for advertising, oan be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTI8- ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, Ban iranoisoo, is our authorized agent. This paper is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9-.80 p. in. daily exoept Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 121)3 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m, and ar rives at Heppner 6:00 a.m. 1 Spokane Express No. 1 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. in. and Cms' ilia 8:50 p. m. , Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives Ht Cmatillati:00a. m. and Heppner Junction 7110 , -m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m, IfaBt Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 8:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:30 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at tieppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2t a. m. '!. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K fe N., Heppner, (ire. OFFICIAL xsixaECTopEa-sr. United States Officials. President Vice President , Secretary of State beoretaryof Treasury.... Secretary of Interior Secretary of War.,. Secretary of Navy Poatinoater-Oeneral Attorney-General Beoretary f Agriculture. ...William McKiuley .... Garret A. Hobart W. R. Day Lyman J, Gage Cornelius N. Bliss Russell . Alger John D. Long .Charles Emery Smith John W. Griggs James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State II. K. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metsohan Bnpt. Public Instruction G, M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman a.0, ( G. W. MoBride G. W jThos.i J W. H. 1 W. wuavuiBt n.-. J Thos.H. Tongue ( w. tt. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds ( R. B. B .IF. A. S fC. E. V R. B. Bean. Sum-em Judaea F. A. Moore, . wolverion 8ixth Judicial District. ('ironit Jndge Stephen " . Lowell Piossouting Attorney H. J, Bean Harrow County Officials. iotat Senator... ... J, W.Morrow iiepreeAntative, E. L. Freeland "oantr Judge " Commissioners, J. W. Beckett. ' Clerk " Sheriff ' Treasurer " Assessor .A. G. Bartholomew J.H. Howard .. Vawter Crawford E. L. Matlock M. Lichtftuthal J. F. Willis Surveyor, .Julius Keithly -Torouir ...rrrOr. E. 07 JlumoGkT cppnm Town ornoEM. Mtor Thos, Morgan Conncilmnn i E. 3. Blooum, M. I.ichtenthal, J. R. Bimone, J. J. Roberta, J. W. liaemiu and E. G. 8 perry. Recorder W. A. Richardson Treasurer L- W. Hriggs Marshal - John Uagur Precinct Officer. Justice of tha Peooe W. E. Richardson ConaUbie. G, B. Gray United State Land Officers. TBI DALLE! , OB. 1. 1. Moor, Register A. B. Biggs Keoeiver LA ORAMDC, OB. E. W. Bartlett ..Register J. II. itobbina Receiver ssBoxtxrr sjocxxnraacs. KAWLINB POST, NO. IL Q. A. B. Meet at Heppner, Or., tha third Saturday of ch month. Ail veterans are Invited to loin. W. W. Smith. . W.ltea, Adjutant, tf Commander, D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offloe hours, 8 to 10 a. ro.( anil 12 to 2 p. m., at residence, W. A. Klrk'i prop, rty, east o( M. E. cbnrch. Sootb, and 10 to 12, ft. m , to 2 to 5 p, ro,, at office in lb rear of Bora's jewelry store. C. E. Redfield, Attorney at Law, Offioa tn lb First National Bank Building. Hiprtiait, : : Obboon. Ellis Be Phelps, YTTORNEYS AT LAW. All bnaineaa attended to In a prompt and tottalarUiry manlier. Notaries Public and CollrctDrs. Office In Natter ulldlB, Heppner, Of. D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Tut your old hnnki and note In his hands ad (at yiHir mnnry out of tlirm Ukt a tpvrlalty ol feard enllKtlons. Office io 3, N. Hrown'i HailJine. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. ernet ? COUNCIL CMAMBtMB Palis and bnys roal tala, nmts koiiM. para tei. d fmnj'ewlif and UI tnm ou in J war la hi. Una. at tmaauatti (fnra. U Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS Shaving 15 Cents. aknp Iwe Hior Hrxitk n( tiaViRl , Gibson & Bcrger, At ( has ieM' Old 1a4, Hhavitia. - IS Cii. Hair Cutting. " Daths 2-V. KvcryihingStrict lv First Clat. OPEN L.ETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF "PITCHER'S C ASTORIA," DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts, the-originator of "C ASTORIA," the same that was has borne and does now bear yj? . - on every the fae- simile signature ofC&rfj7& wrapper. This is the original "C ASTO R I A" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought on the and has the signature of WSfe wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. . Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought " BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on: Having v . The Kind That Never Failed You. VMS CIMTAU eOHPAHV, TT MURMV aTMST, NEW YORK OITV. The CALIFORNIA Lodging House BEDS 25 and 60 Cents. GEO. C. ROME, Prop. Next door to Opera House. G. B, HATT, Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, Hair' Cutting, 15 Cents 25 " . Shop, Matlock Comer, Eeppnar, Oregon, H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of tha Union Depot of C. B. A Q., C. M. & Ht P., C. 4 A., P. ft. W. A C.. and tha C. 8t. L. 4 r. Kallroads. RArrkXM SU.OO PRH DAY Cor. W. Madlsoo and Clinton 8t., C2ZZCJL3-0. IX.3L,. The Old Shop ! LIBERTY MftRK&T Is the place to go to get your fine pork and lamb chops, steaks end roasts. 4S FISH EVERY FRIDA rlne stiKarrnred tiami and Won. Pur lf lard. kttle-rvndi-r1, old ityla. Hliitmt caaa price paid or at stock. BENJ. MATHEWS. i?n niiumu ri?i Stage Line B. f. MILLER, Prep . Cheapest and moat dirwt ronta to Jhn Day valiff . (unroii ( lij laluiiif district, Hurns auu otht Interior polnta. NUfK luava Mppnr tr. Rmidaf . ct..t M e. . Arnra at anfsu t it In I hours. ' .f.,e Cllr at If n. arrtv at llonn IMtf 111 U hoar. iiii, tn, m, trk!ia. Ilirmta to alius r m ll m ....... 4 10 IS iV, ....... n h v ....... m a i .. ....( im a iw . i4 a ( Hard man Monument ... . Hamilton , I'M I rak ... tnx Viljr JnhB iMjr rstiTott C ity mtv ennnect witn tralna al llvpptwr. "' Mlnf ftivkiid up ibu 11m with arw t,mri.t sitd itovl tam I mm urMird to gia Bna-cia a-nm i Uia poUlr. First National Bank OF HKPI'KEK C. A. Rmca. T. A, Rhc A, Geo. W. CONSCN. . W. SfCNCCR. President Vlee Prealdext CaaHler Aee't Ceahier TriBirti i Cftfnl ?4aliif Imtm. KXOHANO10 a aitpatttnl the wl. Bought and Sold. fimrntmt m4m sil pninfa rasMiaM tif . aMftM el .1,'i.)fcl rt' THE COURTS OUR EIGHT TO THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND AS OUR TRADEMARK. MINING PREDICTIONS. What Van B- DfLashmntt Thinks of Oar IB Inline PonBlliilltlfs. Portland Telegram. Tbe Boundary Line miniDg distriot, incladiDg theOolville Iodiso reeervation reoently : thrown : cpen to mineral looationg, will be tbe greatest mialnfr oamp of any in tbe world for perbapg 100 rears to oome. Tbis ia tbe opinion of Van B. DeLaab rontt, ei mayor of Portland, who, HamsrU vtrtftJtstmtog tbli oUt aa hie borne, ia extensively engaged in tbe mining industry in tbe great mineral belt reaching from the state of Washing ton far into tbe British possessions. Mr. DeLBsbmntt'e headquarters are at Spokane, He Ib at present in tbe city combining business with pleasure, and will remain perhaps a week. In speaking of tbe fntare of tbis promising theater of mining sotivity, Mr. DeLasbmntt said: "There is no tjaeBlion in my mind that this mineral belt, wben once dereloped, will astonish the world. For extent of mineral-bearing rock no other oamp io tbe world equals it. While consider, ably prospected, it is impossible as yet to ectimate tbe extent of the bidden wealth awaiting the touch of capital and intelligent effort. Development work of neeessfty has been slow, for it is a country that cannot be developed with out capital. Tbe Klondike discoveries bave also operated as a temporary set back to this seotion, bnt it is once more coming to the front Eastern capital is in the field seeking investment, and many promising properties bave recently obsnged hands. The next few years will sec great aetivity in this section, snd Le Rnis and War Eagles will per haps be numbered by tbe doreo. "The oew road bailding from Robe son to Midway will give rail common! cation to some of lbs most promising camps io tbs Kettle river distriot, sod will be the means of alimoletiog de velopment work sil along tbe line Tberc are at present a boot 3.000 men emplovedoo the road, end do time will be lost Io poshing it to completion. Ac soon aa the ore gels within reach of a smelter too will beer something drop from this section." Free Pills. Hand yoor sdJreee to f 1 . E. Unrklei A Co., Chicago, sod cl a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life fills. A trisl will convince yoo tf their merits. These pills sre easy 10 sclioa sod sre pvlica Isrly sffetHivs Io the core of cosstlps tioo sad sirk beaJsrbe. For mslsris sod livar trooitlas they bave been proved invaluable. They arc guaranteed to be pwfafllly free frtn every deleterious tohataose sod t ba psrely vegetable. Tl.ry do pot wMkea by their sctiofl, hot F crtwirsT tons it atnmarb sod bowels greailv loviirorete the system, iWrslar an ,fo pr U x. Hold bt Hior am Drog ui, l.. i, MOfum, toaosgef, Nsvk law's A rave Halve. Tbs UmH Halvs ia ths world for 1'sts, Brsiawa. Huree, rieors, Mt fbeaoi, rev-f Hcee, Tetl-f, Chepp4 Heeds, ChilUaroa, Oirne, set. all Hi a P.rsp ti.iiia, an1 rxmitifaiy rvres Tiles or eo pay reinlra.1. ft is geraotd In gtvs etit eaiisfMlfHi rr money fJnh M. rrle 33 rente r bo, Fof'esle by ri'ifun I'rnn t,., r i. , esssagar Te r t Mall pat l , , tf, a r(l se sni. .M,niM Mrw4 mmf. The Ratification Resolution Causes Rejoicing at the Hawaiian Capital PAMEMOHIOtt REiGHED Minister Sewall Indorsed as Governor of the Islands Transports Delayed on Account of an Accident to the Indiana. Associated Press Dispatches. San Francisco, July 27. The Australia and Honolulu, bringing Associated Press: ' Honolulu, July 20. The steamship Coptic arrived on the 13th inst. with news that the United States senate had ratified the New. lands resolution making Hawaii part of the United States. On the city front and in the city proper the people were wild with enthusiasm. Steam whistles were turned loose, and men' shouted and cheered until they could do so no longer. There was a general handshaking and . i.-1 -1.: l . 1 1 . uuugraiuituiuua every wnere. as soon as tne news was received up town the fire whistle as turned on, the ; whistles of factories, mills and steamers in the 'harbor were reigned. Fireworks were set off in dreds of guns were fired on the grounds of the executive buildings, At the same time the Hawaiian band started out, and marched through the streets to the wharf, playing American patriotio airs. An immense procession was formed and a march President Dole reached the wharf as the steamer tied up. Captain Zealby, of the Coptic, was presented with a silver cup by the citizens of Honolulu for bringing the glad news. The presentation took place on the deck of the Coptio. Thecup engraved. The people here have decided celebration until the Philadelphia the nag. The Ohio, Para, Valencia and fleet of transports, which returned dent to the Indiana, were delayed again for Manila on July 19. There the Indiana. The Monad nock sailed Leading men of Honolulu met Sewall, United States minister to of the islands. It was generally thoucht President Dola wonld h n. pointed to the office, but according to popular feeling, as represented at the meeting today, Sewall will be the man. Key West, July 27. News landing in Cuba of a large expedition of men and arms by the steamer Wanderer, which left hare a week barkation waa Babia Honda, west of Havana. On arrival, the expedi tion was met by 1000 or more 'cavalry, and a Bharp engagement en sued. The Wanderer drew up 400 yards from the shore and had dis charged part of her cargo on small boat, when a vigorous fire was opened from tbe beach. Tbe Wacderer escaped after five of her crew were slightly wounded. rEACE PROBABLE. ila'u May Agree to American ProjHtmls for Peace, Madrid, Jnly 28. With the no- derstanding that no indemnity will be demanded and that the Spanish sovereignty in the Philippines will be respected, the newspapers con sider the terms of peace attributed to President MeKinley as bing acceptable. The papers, bowe? er, protest against hostilities being continued by the United States after Spain lias toed for peace. General C'orrca is arranging for the reception of the Spanish troops which surrendered at Hantiagods Col), and preparing sanitary sta tions to prevent tbe introduction of diseases into Spain. DEWEY HTILL ACTIVE. Etrven StKinmh irwrti io Ik Gathered Jnt luiling fin-en (lunhoat. M .oa, July jn.A caLla. grata from Hong Koog to tbs Journal says: Admiral Dewey, at Manila, hat dispatch) tha Ilaleigfa and Con. eor.Ilto (rather op ) 1 Spanish craft, which, according to information sntj him by Cutiaat-Qenaral Wil iliar&a, art at various place la tbi GOES WILD of the Annexation THROUGHOUT THE CITY steamer Mariposa haB arrived from tbe following correspondence to the tamed loose, and pandemonium the midst of the noise, and hun made to the exeoutive building. is a massive one, handsomely not to have any formal annexation and Admiral Miller arrive with Indiana, four vessels of the third to Honolulu on account of an acci here about 21 hours, and then sailed was some defect in the boilers of on Julv 13. today and endorsed Harold M. Hawaii, aa their choice for governor has spread here of the attempted ago. The point solectod for tho de Philippines. Among these vessels are three gunboats at San Miguel, Luzon island, and four at Port Royal, Palawar island. Four mer chantmen, with cargoes of tobacco, are reported at Cayagan, Luzon. The same dispatch reports that tbe English traders at tbe coal mines at Batan, Luzon island, bave boen Imprisoned and subjected to ill-treatment otherwise by tbs Spanish there. CUBAN ARMY TO RETURN. A hjrr G'''Ti the Return oj A titer, iron Traopi From Cubru Wasiiisotox, Joly 28. Secre tary Alger ban given orders for the removal of all of General Shafter's army, as soon as tbe men, in the discretion t,l tbe commanding ofl'u oer, may I brought safely back to camp on Montaak Point, 1 I. The repot t of Genera! Pba'ter showing that there were 3779 ease of aickofss io tha army in Cuba, baa) given officials of tbs war de (artment considerable concern, but reports heretofore made that ths yellow f.ver raw were of mild type enoonrsgws the) bopsi that tbe death rata will b small. Tha large Bmbr of fever cwit rporUnl 2,521, shows that not only yellow fmr, bat typlmid snd other kinds srt DumcroQi. State News. Elgin Is to bave a banking institution. Patterson, the escaped convict of the state Insane asylum, an exchange says, Is living with a farmer In the vicinity of 8cio, and with a gun is terrorizing the neighborhood, declaring that any one attempting his arrest will die. Sheriff French, Of Wallowa county, has found no trace of William Batty and Ed Fordlce, who escaped from the county jail last Saturday. Batty is wanted for shooting a steer belonging to George Craig, and Fordlce, for complicity In the death of Ada Cole, at Lewiston. Idaho, , i Mr. Brown, who runs a large, ranch In Coomb's canyon, lost eight horses by poison Thursday.! He led the animals to water at a trough on his land, and, everyone that drank died soon afterward. There is no clue as to who put the poison In the water. Pendleton Tribune. Oregon has 130,753 children between the acres of 4 and 20 years. Of these 85,230 are enrolled in the public schools and 32,il do' not attend any school. The state has 3,592 teaohers, 1,567 hold ing first grade certificates, 728 second, 453 third and 345 have state papers. The average salary for men Is $12.02; for women, 133.85.' The excursion Sunday from Willamette valley towns to Newport was one of the largest 10 the history of the railroad. It waa under the aus pices of the order of the Elks, and ten coaches were required to accommodate the crowd. Among the excursionists were people from In dependence, Monmouth, Albany. Eugene Junc tion, Corvallis and other valley points. J. H. Stevens, who passed through Pendleton last night on his way to Portland, is a brother-in-law of Frank Frasser. He says Mrs. Bteveiu received a letter from her sister, Mrs. Frazer, concerning Chehalls and why he was distanced at Detroit. She said he broke his hobbles, and that otherwise he would have "made as ood time as the heat he took. The accident cost Mr. Frazer 11,500 of purse money. Tribune, Ah Albany boy rebelled at parental chastise ment and took flight. The father gave chase but was soon distanced. Occasionally the boy would slacken speed and call out: ' ("Dad, If I oome back will you promise not to Uck me?" and the puffing "dad" would answer, "No." Finally, the boy put on extra steam and dis appeared.. The Albany Herald says the latest news from the front is that "dad" has raised a flag of truce. i Fred Bowman, who was one of the principal Witnesses in the Mahafley murder trial at Pen, dleton, was taken to Oklahoma Friday, to be tried for oattle stealing. Bowman was Indicted to DecemDer, 1897. He escaped from Jail in May, 1897, after beating Deputy Sheriff Lawrence on the head with a poker. ' Lawrence was the offi cer who took Bowman back to Oklahoma. Bowman at first laid he did not know Lawrenoe, but Anally he gave In. Tribune. Charlie Osten of Wagner, had quite a Are on his ranch Thursday afternoon, In which he lost a barn filled with hay, his granary, chicken house) a wagon and two saddles. It took the hardest kind of work to save the house. Charlie's four-year-old hopeful and a match did the Job. The little fellow had been In the habit of playing with matches, but his dad will no doubt teach him another game now. There was no Insurance. Fossil Journal. C. W. Halsey and George Hamilton returned Wednesday from Grant county, where they bave been prospecting for gold since the begtnnlng of May. They did some work on their claim near Granite and located another one. The wet weather interfered a good deal with their pros pect work, and laid Oeorge up for a time with rheumatism, They left BUI Thurnagle at Gran ite, threatening to go to Cuba If be dld't "strike it rich" pretty soon. Fossil Journal. On last Thursday morning a through Sou th ern Pacific freight train, consisting of ten cars loaded with Columbia river salmon, passed south, through Kosebnrg. The Ssh were con signed to parties In Liverpool, England, by the Fisherman Co-operative Warehouse, at Astoria, Oregon, and go by way of the Sunset Route. The train was properly "bannered" and Is quite an advertisement, both for the popular Sunset Route and the fishing Interests of the Columbia river. Roseburg Plalndealer. J. E. Smith, of Pilot Rock, representative-elect to the legislature of Oregon, is in Pendleton to day. Mr. Smith was the owner of 19,000 head of sheep last spring, but has sold R,000 head, so he bas only lH.OuO head left now, and IsstlU selling. Mr, Smith's Poled Delane Merino sheep are de scended from a band of ewes owned years ago by William Ross, and ths bucks were from the stock farm of H. McDowell, Canton, Ohio. These Poled Delane Merinos are magnificent animals and are being constantly Inspected by prospective purchasers. Mr. Smith lias been engaged In the sheep business In Umatilla county for the past Zi years and hopes to con- tin us In the same line for U years longer. -East Ore gonlan. T. W. A yere, who arrived home laat week from a trip to Montane, accompanied by his wife, re ports an eacvpuonally enloyable tour of In spectloa of Yellowstone Park, where may tie seen some of the finest bits of natural seenary la the United States. Mr. Ayers' brother lives about 100 miles from tha Park, He made the trip at tha same time, and furnished the con veyance, so they took Mere time than tourist generally spend, and put In two hill weeks see ing the stichta, Mrs. Ayers la now In Portland, and wilt be In PeodleWiB on Wednesday morn ing. She will bring Mrs, K. A. Vaughan bw k with her. Mr. Vsunhan has Wn In Portland oa amount of tier health, and ha nearly fully recovered,!. O. Kmll Hchanno, memlwr of th state board of horticulture, has returned from s tour through porttonaof Ollllsm county, where he ha bwu on s tour of Inspection ol the orchards. He latund tbe fruit prospect on Rock ereek imp- ttmially food, and tha quality of fruit fully up loins standard. The orehanls generally are thrtdy, nnd have no disease eincpt scale In a lew orchard. Mr, aVhanne says Rotk creek valley Is on of th Snaat In tasters Oregon. It hi about twenty mile long, aad contain many An farm. Th soil I very productive, and there la an abundance of water for Irrigating producing Immense crop of alfalfa, the m4 oe being rat lelr every saesufi. Were there any lerllltlre for transportation, he says, II would become a great fruit growing section, Time Mountaineer. , I M, I. Howe, U S. Raeisdsll and a gang of 1 thrashing machine melt arrived in Pendleton OS the train this morning. Tbelr threshing mecklne will be bar oa I he freight this after eon, and they Intend to loa so time In getting to wot in I'matllla county wheat Held They worked tbe ameso through Is California and end tin a tale of woe to tell retarding th fall tireef crop end the desolation to be nut with frets aerramentatoSae Bernardino, They came up Ironi en Fraorlaro In Portland on the waa,r Stale el I al Morale, upon which Jobs R. lathrop in s puaensw . they fceve s ear Ined of home oa the way, which will also tie Mr belay or tomorrow, Mr. Howe thinks he he en of th best stationary threading outfits la theMHtetry asd will so p lb rough Restore Waaklnlina alter be Selskee up is t'snaillle reualy.-t.O. r.'lerete 1 Mlf Itowets With raeterete. Ka, uu U, BJ rwi .. . .. Jfl . POWDER Absolutely Pure - SPANIARDS CHEEK OUK FLAG. Prisoner, Homeward Bottnd, Give the Stars ' and Stripes a Friendly Farewell. New York, July 24. Prisoners of war cheering tbe flag of thair captors was tbe unusnal eight witnessed at the Union dock in Brooklyn today. Tbe sight was alt the more significant as tbe cheers o&me from Spanish thi oats. Tbe 264 prisoners oaptured on the four prize steamers now in port were about to sail for home under the British Bag. They Were on board the Heeperia, of the Anohor line, and just aa she backed cut ' of the dook one of the patrol gunboats came by. ' With one aooord the prison ers raised three mighty cheers, which startled the people on the Brooklyn shore Bnd oould be beard oa Governor's island. It wbb the best they oould do in thanking TJnole Sam for tbe kindness laviabed on them while they were pris oners.' i The Hesperia left at 3 p. m., bound for Italian ports. She will put tbe prisoners on shore at Gibraltar. Tbe prisoners were a happy lot, and their appearanoe showed that they bad been well treated While in enforced idleness. ; Among the 254 prison era were six offi cers, i They bave saloon accommoda tions,' while tbe others are in the steer age. One of the Spanish ofBoers said: "If our men in tbe field realized either the hopelessness of our oaune, or tbe treatment they would get at tbe bands of tbs Amerioaos, they would not fight long. Tbe quiokest and easiest way to reaoh home is to surrender. I believe infight ing where there is a ohance, but our sol diers don't know we have not a chance. They oan gel borne quicker by surrender ing and in tbe meantime be well fed and taken oare of. Bnt they think tbe AmerioaoB wi'l murder them." Tbe Aostriaq consul paid 817 a head for the passage of each of tbe prisoners. OUTLAWS EXTERMINATED. Gang of Border KuAtana Broken Up by Drpnty Sheriffs. Kansas Citt, Mo., Jnly 27. A special to tbe Star from Eafaln, Indian Terri tory, says: In two distinct battles with deputy sheriffs, a gang of oattle thieves and out- aws who bava disturbed tbs Cherokee nation for a long time were deitroyed, Tbe first fight occurred six miles eaat of of Obeootab, sod resulted In one outlaw, bhlfbreed Cherokee, aamed Petit, be ing mortally wonoded; David Great. bouae, so ex-member of ths Freooh gang, waa slightly wounded end car tar ed, and one Cawborn whs alio oaptured. Later tbs remainder of the gang war Intercepted near Braeg's agsncy by Deputy Marshal Ledbettar with s posse, and all ths outlaws killed. These latter were, Ooldaby, a brother of Cherokee Bill, Moae Hbarp and tbe famous Picks loo Bill. ' THE 1UCII KMT NATION. Mr. Malkall Pat th t ailed Htaiea at tha Top of the Heap. Mr. Michael (1. Molball, tbe noted English ststistioisn, is clearly of tbe opinion tbst no other nation compares wilb ours in all the eeseetial element that go to tasks np aggregate wealth. Us also notes tbe fact that while tho moat of European eonotriM bsvs at tained tbeir growth, tbs Uulted Stales is sppsrently oa tbe threshold of an indus trial development wbiob It has never dreamed of before. Mr. Molball submits lbs following ta- bls of estimate as being ths result of a careful aad eomprebenttvs inveiigtoa into tbs so reel of setioaal wealth in tha several eoaotries: Cnltrd flat l,iit nuiotvi , m it.iMi.iii, ..... . .. . .... 4.',ci,iiii,ti , . ... i Mmm ..... Sti.l "i,i"i.ill (treat Hrllalu franc (Germany Amine,.. .. Italy .''.U ....... ,.MMtU"l , ll,.i,ta(,iluu i computations ars based apon a sbowa by real eetets rec nla. "pels Tbei values buildings, merchandise and railway, as well as tbe cireulatiog medium In each nation. Aa will be seen, oar wealth Is mors thso seven times greater thai that of Spain, doable that of France, equal to tbs eotnliined wsaitb of Itnaeia, Italy, Austria and Spain, and larger Ibsa tbst of Great Britain. A; Pstioe CoetMts of strong uea and besltbr we bd, and beeltb and strength depend npa pare, rich Uo4 wbiob Is given by Hood's Harsspariila. A nation willed lakes satltinss of billies of Hood's Ht. eepejrtlla every year is laying tbs fonnde ttott tir health, tbs wisdom of whirQ will sarely show Itself tn rears in iotas. flood's Pi Its ar pmmpl efficient, al wsys isllsbfs. easy ki !, tey Iw Cfytrttf, Uv.