O. R & N. Depart TIME 8CHED17LE8 ARRivs for from Heppner. from 0-30 r m. Salt I-ake. Denver, 4:60 a.m. ' Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Ixuis, ChicaRO, 1'ortland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. l'mil, Imlutlt, Mil waukee, and the East. 8 00p.m. Octan Htbamships 4:00 p.m. From 1'ortland. All Bailing dates subject to change. For Ban Francisco Bail August 2, , 10, 14, 18, 21. 126, yO- 7:00 p.m. To Alaska- 5:00 p. m. August 8, 28. R OO p m. Columbia IIivbb 4:00p.m. Ki.Himday Bikamkrs. Ex.Bunday Saturday , , 10 00 p. in. To Astoria and Way r Landings. 7T Willamette River p.& Ex. Buuday berg, Salem and V. ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 8:30 p.m. lues, Thur, Yamhill Rivers. MonWed, a"d8at- Oregon City, Day ton Way Landings. A Btroajr, Nation Consists of strong men and healthy wo men, and health end strength depend opon pure, rioh blood whiob is given by Hood's Sareaparilla. A nation which takes millions of bottles of Hood's Sar eaparilla every year ie laying the founda tion for health, the wisduui of which will surely enow itself in years to oome. Hood's Tills Bre prompt efficient, al ways rename, eBBy to iie, enu iu operate. 25o. JUST BSFOHE THE BATTLE. AN INTKKE8TINO LETTER. Cordray, the pioneer theatreman of Portland in tbe line of -'popular prioes, has refitted the Wastington St. theatre, formerly known as tbe "New Park." Oordray always has something new, and our people, when below, can spend a pleasant evening at his place. tf II f THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE East and Southeast It R. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN P ALACK BLKEPEBS. PULLMAN TOURIST BLEEPEKH. FltEE EEC LINING CHAIB OAKS. 6:00 a. m. Tues. Tburs. and Bat. Willamette Kivkr 4:80 p.m. 1'ortland to Corval. lis s way jjmu-Ings. . I,v. Uiparla 1:45 a m. Mon., Wed. and Friday Bnakb River. Riparla to Lewlston and Bat. Lv. Lewlston 5:45 a. m. Bun , Tues. and Thur. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. O. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Portland to Eautern Cities Change. Without Quick Time. Union Depots. Personally Conducted Excursions. HaggaRe Checked to Destination. Direct line to Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition held at Omaha, Nebraska, June to November, Writs nndereiimed for rates, time tables and other information pertaining to Union 1'uoifio H li n Ii I . . 1 1 'T. . a . .T w i.f ith itiiK. nr J.KJ. nnii AKL.. Il.n tot... 1HR Kd Ht.. U. It. & N. CO.. rortlana, yjr, nopyuor, ur. ARE YOU G01HG ERST? K so, be eare and see that your ticket reads via M HoitfiwestBin Liae ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTIT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OP THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EASTi In through tourist cars without change MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced conductors and porters. Thi'lr Magnificent Track, Peerless Vcntlulilod Dliilnt! and HlcepliiR Cur Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIMh" liaiRlvon this road a national rnmiuu ... . i ..i tiiimtia fttri'iiMl On t Khm -v lli..i.ttrcharKo. Hlilp your ln.,.lil kiul travel over tills Iiuimus line. K have it. cts. ..u.ra v. (. HaVACIR ;. A.:.,'.!. Trav.K.&P.Aut. ats VYaalitiiKlun Ht.. Portland, Or 1Xva To Kansas Hty, fhlcaco, Bulliilo and iNUIWiliN, Boston wlthoutchuime viaHalt ljike, Missouri I'aulllcand CIUchko ad Aimn "'. nl,l ..o To Omaha, CIiIciiro, Buffiilo ami lSlldy!., HoMon w' honl chunirn via Halt Lake and ChlraKo, Rock Island & l'ncillc Ky. ',,l...,l..i.0 To Bt. Joseph, Kansas City and tiUUCMlilJ H, Ht. I.miI fcilliout change via Bait Luke ..nil BurlluKton Itoutc. TI, .,l,...o Tn Kansas Cltr and Ht. I.nii't with HlllMlilJS, outcliHiiKo via HultUko and Mis souri Pacillc railwsy. OHIO AGO A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. PMKtt & St. Paul B'3 This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lights Its trains by eleotrlolty through out; litea the celebrated eleotrio berth reed ina ln.ro d: Hans speedily equipped passenger Irelns ,U ami niirlit between Ht. 1 aul and Cbioego, aud Omaha and Chicago; tha A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For jatot and all all tiilormation, inquire ol O. R. A N. and S. r. Menu, or Kinriw, B. (!. NUIIOI., V. K. H(M)1KR Uuiivral A Ken l. wen. i . tf.l Waslilnntnn M., Denver, lol. I'lirtlanil. iirea-mi, .... J. O. iuT. Unal Aft, Heppner, Or. Wisconsin Ccnraak k.NtS ru'trnn. Milwaukee & VltlvWMv St. Paul tu n,rta aWam-heaUd ?eaiibnUl trains, carryitu lateet private Aomnarttueot ears, library buffet smoi tn cars, aod palacs drawing room aleetwre. Tarlor ears, frsa wlinlng chair ears. aod lb wy bt dining chaw service. v... t.ui la anr ixiint in lbs United 8tW or Uauada, apply agent or addrwM O. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHEY. Osnerat Agont Ira. I'ms. Atfol. KftRTIIRRN o UUlllllsJ-mi- - none h GENE UAL rASSKNQER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATllONS of tho Wisconsin Central Linos in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baggage taken form or to train and carriago or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is dcaired to this re- .poet in tho nervice of the Ushwra at the Oraud Central Passenger Btation, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red ' a , m,i fit i . ! .1 Portland, Or. cap. iney win 00 iu wamuj. m all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our The following interesting letter was written by Volunteer Guy E. Brown to his Bister living at Hilleboro, and copied in the Hilleboro Independent, under date of July 22d: Camp neab Sibokbt, Cuba. Q Dear Sistkb: Today is about the first opportunity 1 have bad to write to any one einoe we succeeded in landing. We have bed a successful time of our expedition in landing as in coming ; of course, a few men were drowned and a few were killed in coming to st " '-ai :?ts, as the sea was sough and a number of boats were smashed on the beach in landing, Tbe one I came to shore in was beached and three men were hurt badly and the rest of us were soratohed some. I got a cut on tbe foot from a obunk ol oorai, also a brnise on the hip, but am now 0 k. In fact I marohed with the oommand that day from Altrio, where we landed, to Firmaza, a distance of 19 miles. Our brigade is now doing guard over the base of supplies here at Sibouey, and while we are not tbe farthest to the front yet we hold a most important position We were doinff outDOSt duty for two days, during which time our oavalry were engaging the Spanish vigilante. I saw all the wounded and dead that I want to see for a while. They brought in wounded Cubans by soores, but only 104 of our men were wounded and about 30 killed, ioolodiDg some wealthy officers of Roosevelt's rough riders. Ob, tbey were too rambunzious, Bnd I'io into a?. ambush of 2.500 of tbe enemy, and if it bad not been for the regular cavalry they would all have been killed, but our oavalry got around their flank and killed nearly halt of the Spanish foroes, but tbe rest of the brutes went down the moun tain and surrounded about 900 Cuban soldiers and would have completely ex terminated them but for our nary, which took them on board and brought them on this place in tbe rear of our army, where they can be healed and equipped tor duty. Ob, eayl I wouldn't have missed this expedition for tea years of my life. Why, this town ten dsys Bgo contained 1,600 Spanish soldiers in the 20 block bouses, which are on tbe mountains around the town. But our navy put a halt dozen explosives in eaoh block bouse and shot tbe artillery completely out of and off from the parapets on whiob tbey were mounted. Tbeo tbe Spanish burned the shops and stores at Altares, but st Bi boney, where we now are, they fled so precipitately that they destroyed noth ing. One tunnv thing happened ; they took apart all the locomotives and the engine at the waterworks, but In two iIbvh the United States boys bad tbe waterworks in order and three engines running up and down the yards, hauling provisions from the dooks to the lop of the mountains, where they ware loaded on pack mules and sent to the front, where we have 20.000 of our men and 7,000 Oa bans under Garcia, lying intrenched around Santiago. Our troops are not bombarding the city, they are just lying still behind t1-" 'thwortes on the orest nf fim mountains bromiu Ihu city and the Spanish foroe are w wting their am munition by firing over them. We are putting our forces in position and get ting stronger every daj, getting more grub, whiob is s fcreat neoessity, while the Spanish troops are eating their mules Bo. br the time you get this letter I ex tn ha in Santiaoo.thooffb there will be good many of us dead and a good many more with sore plaoes. I saw a Cuban who bad a bullet in each leg, and a saber bad slashed off about )i pounds from bis shoulder. Well, I am writing oa the back of some business letters of the Iron oompaoy that ownes these mines and it is so dirty you can't read it but it Is all I bavs 01 have until ws gel our neid squip- from "Td" Barrett, of Company hevada Volunteers. Tbe following interesting letter was received by the Gazette, from E. L. Bar rett, written at Camp Sadler, Carson City, Nevada, July IStb. "Ted", as familiarly known in Heppner, is a brother of Mr. Wm. Barrett and Mrs. Williams, of Sand Hollow Editob Gazbttb: I suppose you will be a little surprised to bear from me ai this time, and at this particular place; also that I am one of the Nevada volun teers. I was one of the Woodland com pany of California volunteers that went to Camp Barrett, near Oakland, Call fornia. and would not be mustered into tha E-Iirhth reeiment of California volun teers beoause Governor Budd undertook: to supplant our captain with one or nis own saleotion, a San Francisco police man. We did not care to have politics injected into our ranks, and went home Some think We did right, while Diners say we did wroos. However, I will ven. tare to assert Ibat we have fully one half lh nannle and Dress on our side. But, r-- . rt ,..1 let this be as it may. we were noi unueu States soldier boys, although we showed mp niilinonAaa tn be come BUOh. We Bl this time bad all the rights of Amer ioan oitisensbip, and we let the people at large see that there were those who knew a little, as well as "Jim" Buaa, or his nsoer. the San Franoisco Call. If understand this administration right, it wan3 only oompeV:' wan for leader.; , awl K.mttiHKuath in the United States volunteer servioe, and we bs a company knew that "Jim" Budd was not a fit man to make these appointments, as il is a well-known faot that that this man is drunk two-thirds of bis time, and does not know enough to go to his meals. This scoounts for the kind of men he baa nnnni nted for commanders tor tbe Eighth rw ...... u J Oaliforn a realment; dui " ""i"1" that Uncle Sam will take a look over them after "Jim" Budd gets through, Twenty-five of our company al Wood land. California, oame to Carson City, rBfl.. to enlist in the Nevada volun a.ra. and we found quite a change in affairs. Tbe governor gave the oompa- n,. the nrivileae to elect their own om cers, wbloh created the very beat feeling on every side. 80 tar, we bave met some very warm friends in Nevada. I understand we are to be mueterea in tomorrow, Monday, July 18th. 1 do not know where we will have to go yei, dui I intend to see some active service some- b tiara, tf nnssible. One week Worn dav I expect our whole company of 114 mon .ill have been ealistea 1010 eoiuo brenoh of Uncle Sam's army. Borne people talk about cold leet, a soldier, a man wants plenty TBK QRKAT NORTHERN MINE. The Host Wonderful Quarts Property la tbe Wert. Tbe editor of tbe Eale In oompany ith J as. H. McEibben, a newspaper man 01 roruana, visueu iuo urea. Northern mine at Canyon City last Tues day morning and were shown over the property by its oourteous owner, Mr. Isaao Goker. To say that this is tbe most wonderful of its olass ever dis covered on tbe Faoifio coast, is not AxaffBnralinff in the least, nor is it possible to give the remotest idea of the wealth disclosed by Mr. Guker sinoe the discovery of tbe rioh pockets on his claim early last winter. He keeps from eight to twelve men constantly in his employ, driving tunnels and sinking shafts on rich ledges tbat until recently were barely bidden from view. Work on two tunnels and two snails is oemg daily pushed on different ledges, each one showing up wide, and remarkably rich ledges of free milling ore. Tbat part of bis claim where the pook et gold is found Is a wonder, the same beioe almost an acre of a quartz deposit in which is found seams of decomposed quartz whioh penetrates the deposit al all angles, and in every direction. II is from these seams Mr. Guker has ex tracted a fortune of gold, and its supply is vet Intact, showing no sign of being exhausted. While we were present the gentlemen look from one seam about two pounds of decomposed quartz that voided eve: a huoJrr-I 3o''s in ."ello oii. Ka has imlliona 1l iigafc, ' t"- one can possibly estimate the amoant of gold tbe innumerable pockets will yet produoe. A tunnel is being driven tnai will lap this rioh quartz deposit at a depth of about sixty feet, wniou win when completed demonstrate tbe exteni of the pocket deposits. From a careful point of view, tbe mine is a wonder of wonders, and is an im mense inependent fortune for Its owner. B.ue Mountain Eagle. I A Beautiful Present dfed ?01VEAVAV , te&llbl mM i ech packase ol March told. These presents are in (he lorm 01 Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. wm QUIUINOCOOKINC" UMNn CUFFS .WFAHDMK WT am roum or this starch will to "5 TOT? A POUND MOA"IJ Of ANY 0TMH R rJKDa Vt a rftWMVUtjCOMll .CJiUBINSERBROSC? Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist, R LeRov. of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public : . The Sres are accurately reproduced in all the colors used m the orig inal and are nronounced by competent critics, works ot art. 1 " S.t the correct thbg- .fy the home, nothing surpassing .s o- , twantv. 1 irhness c co,c. au unnm. .-- One 01 tnese pictures will be given away . mm, e?c5 IFLZJu 5c7E7rTSr bnndTv starch on the market, and Pssold 1 fa? .0 cycnts1iFackage. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a El nn keep elastio starch, accept no substitute sjbjbjsjbjsjsjsj sjsjSJtjs ESaslicS tarch i As of will power and grit, and be will suit Uncle advancing years, Sam. Without these he baa Deuer smj si home. Nevada puts me in mind ot Morrow oonntv verv much. Home nun Kill- look verv much like luose 1 uav. an in and around Heppner, t mn.t draw to a olose for this time, v-nninff this will find you in good health u Ia.i me at rresenl. Remember me to the folks. Yours truly. E. L. B ABB ATT. The Sultan and Our Missionaries. The Forte has demanded the recall of two Amerioan missionaries from the I province of Aleppo, on the pretext that their mission is likely to cause aisiur- banoes. "The sick man ot Europe-, w as unreasonable bs his politioal health is feeble. As a bright contrast to his obstinacy and stupidity, Ihe people of America are acknowledging fur and wide tbe benefloenoe of the mission of Hos- tetter's StoaBoh Bitters, namely, to re lieve and prevent malaria, rheumatism and kidney oomplaint.ohronic dyspepsia, oonstipation and liver trouble. The nervous, the weak and tbe infirm derive unspeakable benefit from its use, and it greatly mitigates tbe weakness and in firmities whioh are specially inoicieni io Iff fsrifiStfsKfei Mr SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION State NORMAL School MONMOTJTH, OREGON. Strong Academic and Professional Courses. Well equipped Training Department of nine grades with 220 children. -Regular Normal Course of three years, senior year vhjllv professional. Graduates of nccredlted High Schools and Colleges admitted directly to professional work. The Diploma'of the School Is recognized by law at a LIFE Certificate to teach, Graduates of the School are In demand as teachers. Light Expenses-One Year for from $20 to 10. Bfiautiful and healthful location. No Saloons, ki First term will open Tuesday, Beptember 20, 18S. 2 ..... . . . 1 1. .i.n...r.ilir Catalogues, giving inu aeuuisui wu,, o"j sent on appllctttirn. AddresB, W. A. WANN, P. I CAMPBELL, Secretary of Faculty. President. TOO SPLEPID THEWS MILT TO THE EAST Both Speed and Comfort. The business man compelled to travel ! t w. anaaon of tbe year, as well as the tourist traveling tor pleasure, demanas oomfort as well aa rapid transit. Ihe Rio Grande Western Bnd its connections furnish both. From tbe Paoino North west. DBSsenneri are landed in Chicago : Aava and a half, and in New v.ft in tnai than five day. Further more, the passenuer is given his choice r th.oa rnntna throueh Colorado, and U a IUIVW mw VIA nni Ml nnnrm ftUU Rocky Mountain Limited L'nlveraity of Owgon. The University of Oregon graduated four east thereof. Tickets are sold vis T..n. th. Urcriaat data in ill history. Hloox City, umana, Kansas CiUr, Ht. Louis or Chicago. From tha time we passenger leaves Halt Lake City until ne Tl.. nu.. nnmruireil tnirix. IUO ION X lid vim. " term will begin September ltb. Btu dents who have oompleted the lentn arada branebes can enter the sub-fresh ... 1 j man olass. No examinations ars requueu . 1..-4... l Ai,railit1 BflhOOlS. IOr grauu w. - " " . .7 -ithnnl n...A.K a annis. nnn bib icurviovi aw 1 auusv w w - ' DK8 M01NK8 " DAVKNPOKT ' CHICAGO Nest Day , . rk.ir r Cninnulo to nW'l J"wr.7. v.ihl t roUBhont. The i nifuuns. nivra . - - ttntwt train tn the WeU B-flO a. m. a. Vf. 11:4ft p. m. l:Sil a. m. 5 -.'.25 a. m. V t a m. 2:15 p. in. Colorado Flyer Leavea DKNVElt COIA) HPHINOH ArrtvetTOl'KKA " KANSAS CITY 2:.il p. m. ' . 4- T 7:S0 11. m. 9 .15 a. m. Ar. ST. LOU18, (Wab. It'y) 6:15 p. m. 10:40 a. m. A:42 a. m. 80 a. m. Arrives 8T. JOHKPH . LINCOLN (Ex Bun) " OMA11A lExSan) Through Blwpars Col..ralo Springs to Bt. Louis via Wabwh B'y. These are New Trains in addition to our former service. EBASTJAN. reaches Denver there is one everchang- w, nrtioulart and folders finngt.me of the. Uaiu. wriu Tennessee, Hagerman or Marshall passes. Q. P. A.. CllKAUO. Kesaonaoie iuii' -r ... , a 1. r.w most of the required entrance studies, extra cost, a d.y's stopover in Bait Laks . . . ... w . ... .11 annli. ni. affordina an opportunity ot seeing Uataiogues wui iw - -r - - - - , , cats. Peon. desiring intorm.t.ou to. oeauue. - T" 7,7 th 'h may address lbs president, Secretary, also enaunng . u7..u.. ? w.t.. r Mr. Max A. Plumb, all ot Colorado, ju.tly termed, because o it. SJt If tiivaf flRUmeTON-FOSSlL Lrru pfiffUftr l inn" c-rftcc I IMF 111V UVUlUlVii uiuu .ui ...kit. hava nothinir. W I Eugene, Oregon .1.. 1., . luti. ahelur tents and oarry The Bourses offered are. those of a good ...r.it,in. ..ih ni. nnlvertitj. Tbera ars departments ot . n,n.l. modem S-d'.BoiS'' '"". fl-i :' I oan now pc- u, - , . . . ....,,.. vn.,h -.u- to and even General Bates, sitt'og od the I bough ol a banna trea sating a oooos nut, of wbiob Ibers ars plenty. Oood grub is bacon, hardtack and coffee. Ws gel no vegetables now, but will In a few dsys, as soon as our wagons can oe gotteo out of lbs ships and everything in ahane for campaigning io proper shape. You sea alt along the coast It is nolhiua bul mountains, whils De 10 i.,i u u hiuh blateau. I think this tbs mosl beautiful eountry in lbs worlJ I don t ears to leave il. But I am to at sea, as It wsrs; I eao'l talk Spaoi.o yel .a J a f.llow eao"l buy anything j mooy Is bo good. There la nothing bsrs, lbs ,1...,. i,.v ateii even thing ana as cuiiun, Bdvuooea tmiiumi.u,, my, logio, philosophy, psyohology, mau ematioa aod physioal sduoation. Music ..,,1 .4,..in ar also tausbt. Tbs ta- ition is tree. All students pay so inci dental fea of $10 yearly. Board, lodg ing, beat and light la lbs dormitory cosi 12 50 per 13 jiatrotia will fully avail tlnnnBt'lvoaLroy,t D, rri. Tbs Oubaa womsa of this aiKlitiotial tho'tr comfort. jAa crosn, Oeu'l Taasr. Act soenery,,,Tbs8wilerlaod ot Amerioa' Via the Rio Grande Western rates ars 'ways?1 lowest and ... iic.. J'hr j.gb k: aa W4II as standard fu trains. For descriptive pbamplets of ths f' a ous mountalo scensry, rales, reserva tions and other Information, address, J. D. MAMsriiLD.Oen. Agent, Rio Grands Western Railway, 142 Third St., Portland, Or. ?:SEoS.iviE(to''- I aneomnoJatbns f,nE rOM ARLINGTON TO i-uilaiani, upn sll tWml)el).. Su0 Ko.md trip w i CUm Cli Bills). Olex miles) .. 300. 159. ..Round trip .Round trip 150 (50 The Dalles, Portland t Astoria navigation Co. a'TTSAAMCJRSJ "DtLLfS Cm" AUD "REGULATOR" i Stags lesvss Arlington every morning (Sunday eicepted) at 6 o'clock; is du al Oonriou ai a p. m. aa sil at 7 P. n. . j Comfortable coverea coaooee tol, experienced drivers. THROUGH CAW Ht. VkVh MINMKAIVUH i,i'i in n Tt i v audi l HIT IT. U..l.riA i fc, t. i.tn.4 1 all iH-ials la IbtUaill HI1hi and t'4i lt. sroRANC nm i mxsm NKLSOX 4 WET SIIUTARD IlKO MOVNT.US RULWAI S ttrovlsion for I MJ eluldren corns out of Ihe rocks liks 1 . . . 1. . animals, asJ S gsvs in era ma u tbs dont desertsd anJ soma ot Ihem ars fin. loo. Our offlosrs bavs bsad.iuartsrs in the old H pan lab bsaJquartsra, bat ot com. U.y eao'l bs tbers as Ibey have to bs with their aomraaods. Well 1 will writs again wbmi I g o Haotiagn, if I gel Ihers. Get E. Ba iwa. A NOT 11 IB BKtANT Wirt Hh. Tlra of rr Uft as riM viH.a (pvlUr. Jnlv iltl Jobo Butbsw, a uiiitam county faimsr, was io Tbs Dalles telliog a tals ot woe tbat is on.s nra-tD 01 weak womao and aopiiooiplsd mo. ri,..trU that be. ailb bis wife aod HowtsUok Geod Oood looks ara rsally mors tbao skio deep, depeodlng entirely 00 a healthy ,iiii..B f all tha vital organs. It lbs liver bs iosctive, yoo bavs a billions tm.k. if f onr stomach be disordered you beveadyspepUotook, II your kidneys bs affeetsd, you bavs a plnenea ioob Hreurs aood health, and you will sorely have .00J looks. "Eleotrio Uiiiers is Acts oi- dsegDMr, ' ,1 . .i, nD the stomach, llvsr and kidneys. 'iVKK TIM I. TO. WaaMl in it. IHl.tlM.lkK I'vrr All uthrt fita IS ttiS f.l an I llU rl DM411 K I'.f t Mr. h-t.i 11 Mr. U.rts Only All Rail Routa Wlh..rtl C'liaiig of Cars lW-tro HjH.kaii. IUmUdJ and Nrl. Alo ltwet-o NrliN-o aal RtwsUiiJ, ialy 'l Hun !y 1 Sunt ItrwarS. ' rradfrs of Ibis pajr ti l ! l . r m. I'rUia IWrx.t I m. t J. lliaiwapulm, K is t , OiiiBl.a. Ml. l.noi at4 other vvmii- tii(t iiii.t Bit bvli I Ibrwugh i desUnatioa t. tnlfW. Thn ash tk k' ("bla. tie ta. ..ms and Nrthra I'arttW !'" ship Cumpssy's Una. fill lafofn.ali.ro. time ear Utsaps. c sail ta w writs ... a 1). Ca iai.ro. 4 M V ,1 4 M "i I., all ..... ... N- - I,. ai4 l SImi . ttmmmm f. F, .. 1 all k.-rf.t.i i. .... I, m, !.. an.1 R.ia t.a mwl a .lk a U1. NEW NAME1 Win. Uonlon h& ro-iinm l 1. 1 11 ml the oll Jina liVery MUl'le Tlio Coiitrnl. all f ! mi, i t' ' ' n Uiw awl lat t " M. Ths m.kn of this paper win ,,U.r,l is lara tlitbefs U at lea.1 s ,I,..U.I d.aM thai soieoos baa I -co at ! t.i curs. In all its stas soJ that la raUrrh. Hall's Catartb Curs Is tha woiy pilie core bow konaa to lbs aisdieai lfal.rt.ily. CaUrrb being a coostit. Iiupal dwMMMi, requires a eooalltolti.skl tr,klnient. II til's Catartb Cora Is Itkse ml-ioallv, aeiiwg .lm tly !' lhatrly d.if.yiBg i. I. ioa of tbs ,llwv,a, knJ giving Ui plta straogtb ly bnil.lirtg ap the wnatitotioa aod ia diies Its well. Tbs ptrpfimis bats so mush faith lo Its .....liv. N.wer. thai tbf eff a happily 00 Ibsit farm, wbso os Gsorgs Roberts, a mloiog mao or rortiaoa, ap peared to disturb tbeir pwaoa. Tbs Boahaw homs was sol palatial, hsviog aoas ol lbs loiorwa ol city mao sious, bat was Jusl an oidioar farm boms. Work was bard lor both haaoeoa aod wifa, and days ot rest wars f. Tba if. was tired of sorb life, sod sbs lis- ......I lha atarles ot aS add otnf.rt of eity lifs told h by her vUllr. Tbs ptrauaaioos ol Ibrts were mors than tbs eould resist. Tbs retail was s reps liimoot lbs soma oU slory-a hasty fiibl of a bltbooMt mao aad a frail womao. F.veo lbs sight y.er-ol t girl was taken al.wg. asd the tatbrr Is beerl bwkso at lbs loss of hie ebilJ. Hs ba tlsves tbs gittf pa' P0!aod aod will sry sodsavof in g-t lbs girl asy trow tbm.-Tio Moanaio- sr. Farit.es tbs blood, oures pimples, blotebes and boils, aad gisa a good eompleiioo. Kvery bottle goareateed. Hold by hlcam Prog Co., t oium, maoager. &0 eott pi bottle. OHIOXC TI3VII3 I TO Stu Frnnolsoo Aad aU poiats la (lalifumla. via Iks Mt. j vaajsj wi wasv Southern Pacific Co n.. - ki,M Miranath Caiifnrala to all Du'ot. Cm and ia. Oraad anle rWl o( (li l x-lSa ( raiimaa nana. Blaauara. psonnn m u Attaolwd taatpraaa train. altiwdlBS Mparkw . t.ii. to MnaBLlaa mwii.rii j faf tmwa. Urk, av(n mt If latent, It;. C. H. MAkKBAM, V. 4 r. ACVa roruaaa, unm Commencing Monday, May 2nd, the steamers of tbs Regulator Uns will lesvs Portland at 6iJ0 a, m. aod Tba Dalles at 830 a. m. When yoa go Io Portland, stop off ai Tha Dalles and tats a trip aowo m Columbia; you will enjoy it, and sava n,or"' w. C ALLAWAT, .' Gsosral Agent, OREGON SU0UTL1NE Hy. MEtl!t.cc M-saat la It I oat 1,1. uu Ml,ttttl a ilrn akin. No brant y .llh.H.t II. t 'awalrla, t anil) I lbr I . " I.1...I ami k,Tl. It SrM, I.J rt,rr...S up the hrr ai.J .SnvmS all im ami that I.1I1..U. r..m.lrM 'V ! ttata, aatiivlattioa ivuiaMwd, 1. Jril lite 4 l h I fVI 1 1 tvpfcxlx U ! LVI ktMlatarMH lt!2. l I V ! alaMdl a. m axrt mm n ar "" t I i.l .I.Jlar.f aef Ss lh-1 1 MetS. rWttd l" l'l ot leslisaooUls. A l.ltr-s, V. J. Cw Oa Toledo, a A Mrs - - , , A lrtwwo I"" " leta ..... ,i.t.. ItiiMruaiMM. S hral. h. lu " I u,-i,. f, sr. l lir and lt.O'tn.l ,ur l'rV an bf all lrrt imotH-v rCl Ask your DruggUt , itiMs IO CEMT TRIAL SIXI. Ell'iCrtaoiCala . HS taS catarrh! 1 li a SIS BU1 .v-l.. "" 1 - CTr.a6t.dt -ir.-. O- ' aiwf.il mmw i40.eia ad - I... hhi fr a fc"t Udyi toe., if, oa wwf art mm rv"ru'hA ti i V ""Lit t lT xlZ? CO LD ,? K A D ml la.'. .-1 I 1 a . i a1 I At I liuiu"-- - - Mara. Kmm I ' auk,,,,. aaaaaaaaagy w " r-m w- w- aal rfa r.",- -ww. r . .. , A J niiai amt .-Mr.u y" ar, IM larv Wa - r-.cl Im tr-a.- ha a),U r Hf a M wia aa artt. 1n,llwMfl.aa,fiH v I'""" jTl.lI ia Ma 0. ... n M-l w. ajrrary , ,.... k.m4 ."-n 'i". a . -.11 rmmi . CMAll frm mar wr M-HH T or lhataaiaad Itallarta. ... w m 1 a. -m rv T T"' f4OJI I tr MttmUAItt. nr rMloMs-br at Hajru. Am. (AaMsNi lIT Satl. Itllltt Or"at Mtt!!!! of Aiatttjf ,1 a SaaaM tn4 laat Maaar-a ! .4li tala.H.. ' r a!) " f 4 - l trti ivwi r t QUICKEST AMD MOHT C1BKCT U!I TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all roinla EAS1 ami SOUTH WOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 1 days CHICAGO, 3J - st. louis, n OMAHA. 3 SALT LAKE. 1 1 ft tleeliaing Chair Cars I'fbotaWrsd T .orltl Hlsepiog Cars Pailraaa rslaes Hlspiog Csrs For full particulars rogsrdleg rales, lima ol trains, ottt., eail oa or address 3. a iU".T, Are( O. R. A N. Cv. I1t pnsr. Orta O. O. Traar, W. E. Cohas, Trsv. Pa. Act Ga' Agt. U4 Third I., PoitUod, Dra. I trMolJbi droggieu, T5. A 1 P. II. SVU''I Tasltallse.Of. 1'ortisatl, Or '-"" s. a. I