I A LITTLE SUFFERER Paoa, Hands and Arma Covered With Sorofuloua Humors-How a Cure Was Effected. " When five years old my little boy had scrofula on his face, hands and arms. It ; was worst on his chin, although the sores f on his cheeks and hands were very bad. It appeared in the form oi red pimples which would fester, break open and run and then scab over. After disappearing they would break out again. They caused intense itching and the little sufferer had to be watched continually to keep him from scratching the sores. We became greatly alarmed at his condition. My Wife's mother had had scrofula and the only medicine which had helpd her was Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give it to our boy and we noted an improve ment in his case very soon. After giving him four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla the humor had all been driven out of his blood and it has never since returned." William Baetz, 416 South Williams St., South Bend, Indiana. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. Hood's Pills : easy to take. b cents. We sail away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not fear; And we'll leave behind thegirls we lovc.criei the Oregon volunteer. With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old Glory In the sky, But ere we pass we'll drain a glass, of Sperry's Linwood rye. Sold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. Q. 8 perry, proprietor. tf Local Notes. Col. Walker is baok from Portland. See M. Lichtenthal & Co. for shoes, a Bam Hughes is ont with a new carri age. Wood wanted on subscription at this office. , Mrs. Streihsn. . of Kitted passed through Heppoer Saturday on her way below. Ad Matteson, Mao Gentry and O. Ras mus left today (or Teal springs for two weeks. Ben Leland came in from the interior Sunday, Emil Qrotkoff is in towc after several months absence. What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth. ee ad. elsewhere. 0. A. Minor was down from the Ditoh Creek camp on last Saturday Liohtenthal & Oo. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf Ohae. Hale, of tbe Galloway seotion, was in on business last Saturday, Uuinnesse's famous old "Dublin Stoat," imported, ut Chris Borohers' tf , : n T. 1 . . . iuisb .cvn ivoea oi nuen oreek, was fishing friends in town a few days this week. Bud Hporry, Linn Matteson and Albert Kea leave today for McDuffee springs. Dr. ttwinburoe informs ns that Miss Una Glascock's oonditioa is very much improved. Father Briordy held servioes in tbe Cntbolio ohurch on Sunday, whioh were well attended. Dr, J. W. Vogul, specialist for refrao uon SDd defeots of the eye, will be here every three months. 6-48-lyr "Oo'n juice" is all riuht but Low Til i . . . . iara dm a orand of H year-old gonda that is bard lo beat. 6l)3-lf, vol warmotb, Mamie Elites, Mrs. Eli Keeney and Bessie Estes leave for Teal springs Wed Deed ay. Painless remedy for ntrsotiog teeth. If not as slated, no charges. Try Dr. Vaughan's Dew plan. C04-tf. Judge Bartholomew went down to Portland oo last Saturday evening, sod returned this morning. Six six-borse teams, with trail wagons, loaded for the interior, were in line on Vain etreet this morning. If Too need something for your system onll at the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tf Usppner tilaukman started for Seattle by last night's train, where be will re main during tbe summer. Best accommodation and oourteous treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Uts., Portland, Orrgoo. Mrs. C. II. Curtis, who bss boso visit ing relatives berefur tbe pant six months leavee tonight for her borne in Humpter. E. B. Htantoo and M. 0. Fnqas, two worthy ana successful farmers of Eiuhl Mile, wsre In Heppoer on list Haturdsy, Bring your bides, pitt aoJ furs to Beo, Mathews, at tbe Liberty Meat Market. He pays highest market price. Cl'J-tf. Dr. J. E. Adkios will be In Heppner about August lOtb. He extracts itb witbool fain. See blra at the Palaoe hottl. e H. H. Il.itnxr, formerly a reeldeot of our loan, bat Wis of Humpter, bee been appointed drpuly sbetllT of Baker eounty. Umrj JotiM, of Uiotoo crtrk, earns to towo oo bailors Friday, making tbe erqaainteoo of the Gat' its's new tno age neat. Mrs. WalW, nif.lher f Mre. K. E. Uewitl, earn np from The lil!a this morning aoJ will tpinl a month with br dii( liter. Yrsterdav Ifc'k Howard lork out bay ontfll to bar! 1 W aerss of wht bay, on Die Ciiniin-tnime IWt. It ia a pUo.lld er p. j K. CI. N.le Vti. rm.it. r fif , bnsineM. Tbe 0 lil and haf. , (Ni to be found la Uyiort. tew ad to this tsaqa. h Ihelr tf. Newt J.'O'S. o' Hiitir, Is la towa and wilt retorti la few days, a'-A.tntm- nied by bis wifa asd rhild, wbe bava lea iHtn friwtida. 331 WJST trt J".1 -It: m u..l t m rl ep. ft Mr. A. B. Niles, the genial representa tive of Tbe Niles-Vinson Marble works, of Walla Walla, is makiug bis usual rounds of this section. Stop thatoough! Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Sbiloh's Cure may save your life. Sold by Conser & Warreo. x Mr. Albert Wright brought to our offloe a box of currants grown ih his son-in-law's garden, known as tree ourrants, the largest species of their kind Assessor-elect Willis has just relumed from a trip to Hiatt's mill, near the bead of Butter oreek, where he was on an assessing mission for Mr. Petteys. Dr. M rgurite Grusey left on Sa'.ur day night's train for Santa Ana, Califor nia, where Bbe will vMsi a few weeks, re turning to Heppner about September 1st. The switohboard of the new telephone oompauy, for the convenience of the publio, oconpies the epaoe at the left of tbe eotrauoa ia Conser & Wurreu's drug store. Karl's Clover Root Teaj for Constipa tion it's the best and if after nmnu it you don't say so, return package aDd get your money. Sold by Conser & Warren. T Catarrh oured. A dear head and sweet breath secured with Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal iDjoctor free. Sold by Conser & Warren. x H. F. Iteird was in town Saturday, makiug final proof on bis bemestead, lo ooted at the head of Rhea oreek. Mr. Baird reports having out 80 tons of hay from 50 seres. Tom Carle, one of Ioue'e old-timers, was in Heppner last Saturday, lone is building rapidly, Tom says, and this paper would guess that Tom is do ing bis share of it. Albert Reu misplaced his coefMence in a bunch-grass mustang yesterday eveu ing. Dutil ha muds connections, tbe boys were betiiug dollars to duiitfbaats that he would "Jose a bet." For Constipation tuke Karl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, cures headaohes, Nervousness, Eruptions on the faoe, and makes the head as dear as a bell. Sold by Oonser & Warren, x Dr. A. L. Beatie nud Miss Delia Liv ermore were announced to be married at Pendleton lust evening. Both nre well known to mBny Heppner people, who wish them all the happiness possible. Gid Hutt was taken with a tmlil.n attack of appendioitis yesterday. Dr. Swinburne pronounoes it of a oatarrahl type, and says it will require a few days to deoide the seriousness of the ailment. Sbiloh's Consumption Cure oures where others fail. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by Conser 4 Warren. x Mrs. H. W. Berkley returned borne from Portland this husband with tha little boy who is being treated at the Portland Hospital. The parents have but slight hopes of the boy's recovery. Alex Cornott was in Heppner Satur day, tbe first time siooe long before eleotion. H was in tbe monotaios this season on eleotioo day and did not have an opportunity therefore to use his right of suffrage. Cas Rodjjers, Echo's up-to-date far mer, writes Georgs Conser that in bar vesting bis bsrley crop be realizsd 80 bushels to tbe acre, and that the orop would go Into pork as fast as his numer ous bogs oould consume it. Dr. John W. Rasmus, of tbe "Rod light," ever on tbe alert for something new, can furnish you tbe finest cock mils in the land Manbatlen. Jersev. Vermouth or Gin made by an artist in the business. Drop in and take the taste out of your mouth. if If you waul the latest war news, tha fral.at I.... 1 I i uappeaings, oity or oouotry, get the Gazette, eemi-weekly, Tuesday and Friday. Patronage belpa make a papsr. Compare it with those of other towns tbe lite of Ueppuer and the Uozette will not suffer thereby. if At tbe Heppner Candy Faotory is tha place to get oool, refreshing summer drinks, Js. Hart can faruisb yoo milk ehakes, sodo, its cream soda, oraiiss wine, peach cidr, etc. Ioe cream booths nloely fitted up. Ouine and try tha Dewey Usvor-a Dew thing and very floe. 601 tf Leo Lsoy is Lere gathering no sheen fcr a ahicmnut about tha l.t:h of n..i month. Ilia brother Frank, who tried Eatlwilli a band of eevetal thousand bcaJ reoentlr, laeretJ in miklnir a sat- isfaotort sale of them at Hod a Springs, Idsbo, and, returning, bat gone to tha eueet for recreation. A team attached to a woo. wagon, be longing lo D. M. Hporry, wesped lbs vigilance of their driver and mada tha run of Main street, bringing op in the or k bottom al the lnr end of town, to tbe etouif-raeot of bystand-rs. No damage was done, eave tbe breaking of a tmlt or two. William D'inralf, fiO y,rs of M,t hsigbt S fret 5 InrhM, weight 10 pounds, d!pparJ from Port I ml M4y 2m, and baa ot Uo harJ from slurs. Any information wanting Mm is wsoUl by Ma family. Telegraph IUS Jobm J00 t1"' branded WU" aoa. Mailln.a. C.nlra Cta roooly, falifor-1 Ma. J' Th. M.'ot,ll i,.,.!. .-,, , ,!,, onleesa bri.lge Is built arc.a Ihe John 1 Day Ibe Heppn.r. Mupfc.ii fooU f,nt)r(, l,H.ma terv b.L.il-r f.,!.,,.!.!,....! J auihiiig ut 'ii I 'in, a ferry beiaeea M.loi.ell an I l,l . If ti e Mil. u. H luPtabitiU HI try sttti.pti. i Mej p. j her Ibey will Dn1 Itmt Ibet .... Ixtb lima end m eey, Oiarles A flU so!. I I t. eMire U4 t.f l.p lo ll. W. an K. K. li.MI,.,! I mw, CMtti."f.ila $4tt, and will re-iT-.ta nb Lia f.ini, WkiUMir-, Wash , where la r'-Mly far. I,.. ri aer f fa'tr ttig Un1, iil m mil m t1 Mr, t,:, f marrow foooly's .! kai'M ri' st,saa4 it is ub rrei it si we Irak tea e!5R'!iir. fcnj tf Itt i.r:gr. ine Marquam Grand, on Morrison street in the Marquam building, is under exoellent management and tbe publio will be royally entertained this winter new companies and new faoes will ap pear from time to time at this popular, first-class thestre of Portland, and when in Portland our denizens should not fail to take in some of tbe fine dramas tbat will be presented. tf Ben Leland, tbe veteran Morrow county salesman, has again returned to Heppner from Canyon City, having accepted a position with tbe new mer cantile bouse, to be opened in the near future by Mr. Whites in Coffin & Mo Furland's old stand. Mr. Leland'e so qoaintnnoe is as extensive as any man's in this section of the country ,and bis ability as a saleman second to none. A few evenings since two coach loads, embracing a oompany of fifteen, repaired to the borne of Mrs. E. E. Keller, on Wiiiow oreek, to oelebrate the anniver sri birthday of five members of tbe company. Mrs. Kelley's hospitality is well known to the residents of our oom mumty, and the fortunate members of this party are in debt to her for one of the most enjoyable evenings ever spent. Her table was replete on only snob deli cacies as she is oapable of serving. The DalUs Chroniole says: Wednes gay morning while returning in a back from Moro, where they opened tbe new operohouse, the Somers family met with a serions accident. Tbe neokyoke broke and the teem ran away, dumping tbe oo onpante of the back out into tbe road, Mrs. Somers Bud Miss Nellie suffered severe bruises, but the others luckily es CBped. Ibe ti-sm ron into a barb-wire fence, and much damage was done, Mrs. Homers wss rent to her home in iortlaod, where she will reoeive treat m-.'ut, while Miss Nellie pluckily took her plaoe on tbe stage last night and did her part admirably, in spite of the foot that her injuries were painful. ; Fell From a Horse. lores young girls came up tbe street on horseback at a lively callon this morning, and, when almost opposite the Guzftte offloe, one of tbem, Dot War- ffiotb, seemod to release her hold and fell heavily to the street, where she lay apparently unoousoious. A orowd soon gathered, carrying her to the sidewalk, when she soou recovered, with the sur prising ir,qiiries: "Why, what's the mutter?" "Did I fall off?" "What made me ?" etc, and at once brushed tbe sym i, : t . m 4010 ubiua, went to ner pony, mounted and rode away in time to cheat a physioiao who reaohed the spot breath- la.. T U I. a ... '"' resun 01 ner ran was a noticeable bruise on her forehead. llunaway Accident. A serious runaway aooident ooourred on our streets Saturday afternoon. Miss Mary Matthews, daughter of Tom uittiiuews 01 cutter oreek, drove to with buirjo una cart, and on her return home with Miss Dora Prater and her little brother Glenn, who intended visiting her, as they turned tbe oorner opposite the Palace hotel a little dno ran out, scaring tbe br rse. which started on at a funons rate and when reaohing me oorner Ibe oart was upset throwing the occupants violently Busiest Ibe trees lining tbe sidewalk. John Von Cadow was tbe first one to reach Ibe unfortu hates and picking tbem up Mies Matthows had soffdred a severe scalp wound besides numerous bruises about tbe face. At the lime, other than tb fright, Miss Prater and Glen were sup posed to have esoaped injury, but Mon day morning Miss Dora was suffering from a severe bruise of Ibe hip, confining her to her bed, the seriousness of whioh is as yet undelermined. Miss Matthews Injuries are quite painful, but Dr. Mc Swords, who has been attending her, thinks that tbey are in do way serious The bona was caught opposite Lezer's, with no materia damage done to tbe oart. What Dr. A. E. BalOr Nays. Buffalo, N. Y.-Gentst-From my personal knowledge, gained in observing tbe effect of your Sbiloh's Cure lo cases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is tbe most remark abla remedy that baa ever been brought lo my atten tion It has certainly saved many from consumption. Sold by Conser A Warren. rott ha i.e. naoon, ai acres, good land, 4 miles of ft 1 . . lieppusr, all fanrr.!, plenty or water, bona, and barn. IH arres or summer, rallow. all ready lor full r,p. tertna. Call at the Omlte oflios. Gil -if rjarM lotr How.l, Cw.r..,. uo. UUUl, Lit. drusi!,t Klubd Blowy. fpeelal Vol Ire. As the presnnt proprietor f tha Oa. file must leave Urppair soon, he is dMrom or aeltling np bis affairs. What Is due bint be in Qui bava at once, so that he can meet all demands. Drop In and srltlayouraecjunl. r.if 9 urn KEWaKu 1 Will be paid for itifurma'ioo le..luj tolhe arrest and onavirlmn f any Mr- 1 wo lhm Mt W.d-M. 00 ll,s - IWr fltiinaa. .. ' ' Hflr.li .rrti m. ...t IT77.. o Jul.; 1"" T Hfcr-firil Julr sr.. lw It . Mi i'if. Hi I h vl'i - 1 t. r. W114.ua. f. M Madam: Your LrcaJ necdr,'; x t) sffdt or alum or lime. Schilling' t Hal UVing powder hat no lime or alum or ec,i of tia HKPPNEH MC8T HtaTLE. 8oaie Thoiuhtt From doe Wkd Has Seea for Uimwlf Ueppner the Future Ship ping and Passenger Point for Boras anfl rjanyon City. The writer ' reoetjtly returned from a trip to the Interior oouttry, and he made the best of his opportunities to note tbe wishes of the people of tbat section. He found that Heppneris the natural outlet, and tha future will pfdyg It. Not an opportunity was overlooked by the writer to bring Heppner prominently be fore tbose people. It would be well to say at the outset that the building of the telephone line into Burns via long Creek and Canyon uity nas exemplified this fact, that Heppner people have faith in their town. and tbat they are willing to assist in the development of tbe country tributary. Burns, though 150 to 175 miles from the railroad, is not in direct connection with the outside World. A Burns merchant now naturally turns to Heppner as bis shipping point. He can reach the ware houses and asoertain when his freioht arrives, and oan send teams accordingly. The road from Burns to Canyon City is splendid at all times of the year, and even from Canyon to Heppner is in fair repair, considering tbe amount of team ing done over it. If the various super visors will remove the loose rook team sters oan have no further 'room to oom plain. Sinoe Mr. Miller took charge of the Oanyon-Heppner stage line, be has im proved it by putting on splendid stock and rigs, and by changing tbe service from a 36 to a 24 hour servioe between Heppner and Canyon City. Passengers from Burns now oonneot with the Oanyon-Heppner stage every other day and reach here 36 hours out of Burns, and in 48 hours after leaving home are in Portland. This saves 24 hours over any former servioe out of Burns by Ontario, Huntington or Baker City, if the passenger is bound for Portland, and most of the travel tends tbat way. This means also a saving of from 815 to $25 on fares for tbe round trip. The people of Bums, and between Burns and Canyon City, are now dis cussing b daily stage and mail between the two plaoes, instead of a tri-weekly, as now exists. Petitions are being signed numerously and tbe Gazette has no doubt but tbat this will snooeed, and In the very near future direot oonneotion oan be had so that fast frelsht and passengers can proceed without inter ruption. There is another thing that should not esoape the observation of our people, and tbat is that tbe business of tbe interior demands a daily mail and train into Heppner. This would plaoe Hepp ner in a still better position to oompete itn Baker City, which has a daily line Into Canyon Oity. This oomplete. and Heppner has a "dead oinoh" on the interior busiuess, so far as light freight and passenger tmffln la aaarned. The telephone servioe will oomplete the good work and oaks Heppner tbe sbiDnina point for a vast section heretofore patronizing otber places. A peculiar thing relative to the pressnt mail conditions In the interior was noted luring the writer's brief sojourn in Canyon City. Heppner having only six traine a week, the Sunday Oregonian is oarried around by Baker City and does not arrive at Canyon Oily until after tbe Monday's paper has been reoeived via Heppoer. This shows tbe tremeudous advantage that tbe Heppner route has naturally over tbe Baker route. Heppner people have shown enterprise in building tbe telephone system, and Mr. Miller has set the ioiative by giving tbe publio a first olass stage line. Let os oomplete tbe job. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. 8 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . ' Signature of CW7Z4' Tlil ! Viur 0.Miiunltj. On receipt ff W u cenls, ciuili or Htnn, Kent ruin rmiiiile will , nmilr-.l f i,t m;'t jKipnl ir Cud.-rli nml My Fover Corn (Kly's ('r.-iiin ll.!in rnff.ciimt lo demon. strata tho f;re ti . r u ..f 11,0 roiutdy. llv i.i:';i:!'.;:a, Lii ..r. u m Nw York City It. John 1:.-M Jr.. i f . ni rVk,M.iii. rooomnu uIm1 i:!y'i r,rin Ht.'m to me. 1 eau tni tiS.j..' l.i 1 .1.1. 11,. 1,1, "ll ia iml tlva euro fi aimrii If n.l Redirected." liev. Fran.-U V. Vi. IWur Oiilrul I'rva. Church, lU-Kua, il.ji.t. F.ly'e Cream Pnlm U Urn a lnmldge cum f.ir rn'arrb uti'l roii'nint no in.-rrury bur any injurious dmg. Pries, &Q centa. E. .G Noble & Co., I Successors lo Noble 4 Co., C Are ia l.,l. e.,1,1 .1 u , n4 uh U(MMi .j, W(i I C M nl .rhl, is ,h.lr line. g. o. ,n4 , ',, , ) - h I0 y all bill! ol lb. old Bria u !) m collart 1... ,. ) n. O. NOIJLl a CO. I Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't I overlook this. Repair work a specialty. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chmawarc & Quccnswarc At Gilliam & 4 Ida mif ka nf . " back from Klondike. John K. Lathrop Tells a Giiette Reporter Something About the Far-off Rt jlon. This morning John E. Lathrop arrived from the Klondike section, via Ban Francisco, on a visit to old irieads al Ibis place. When seen this afternoon he appeared very much' the old LatbroD of old, jolly and good-natured. He showed, however, the hardships through whioh he had gone. He has tbe Arotio tan and is some 30 pounds lighter than when he left last year. He bad been ill, but is recovering rapidly and will soon be himself again. "We arrived at Dawson on the lnai days of September, lust year," said Mr. Lathrop, "and left Dawson by tbe river boat, Bella, on Jone 26th. The trip down the river is quite an experience, I oan tell you. Tbe upper Yukon is very low this season, and it took careful work on the part of our pilots to avoid dan gerous sandbars, and yet the Yukon of some 1,500 to 1,800 miles was navigated to its mouth in about a week. Not more than two thirds of tbat time was oonsumed in actual running, the remain der being used up in being tied to tbe banks of the Yukon or in releasing a sister boat that had unfortunately got fast on a sandbar. "Most everybody has read 'Mark Twain's Roughing It', where be relates how it took him a week to go by boat from St Louis to St. Joe, a distance of probably not over 200 miles. Mark enid that while they were not oooupied get ting off a snag they were busy roosting on sandbars. The captain , however, was proud of bis tub end called her a 'bully boat', and said that all she needed was 'a little more shear and a bigger wheel'. Mark, who was an old pilot himself, thought that she ought to be provided with a pair of stilts, but he had the deep sagaoily not lo say so. Boats on the Yukon not only need stilts, but are provided with tbem, and when one gets hung up 00 the sand, they are used to release the vessel. Tbese stilts are placed on the bow of tho boats and are operated by steam wL.m needed. When not in operation they re main on the deok out of the way. No Yukon river boat is complete without tbem. "Tbe steamer, Bella, is 00 of the strongest runuing on tbe Yukon, ber engines registering 800 horse power. We did not fare very weIl,on the Yukon, be cause tbe oompanies cmnot get a very great variety of food this time of tbe year. But tbe fare on tbe St. Paul, our boat to 'Frieeo, was splendid, and, I oan say from experieooe, muoh relished by the returning Klondikers. We arrived at San Francisoo on July 17th. Dr. Beatie, one of my oompanions on the trip in, started before I did, taking pans age on tbe Roanoke lo Seattle. All have beard of tbe death of Jae. Jackson, another oompanion of my ini tial Klondike experieooe. At least, he bad been missing sinoe November 7th, last year, and every persou oan understand what tbat meaoa in the Yukon region. May 4th a parly ooming down the river discovered his body oear where he had bis camp. The remains were interred 00 tbe sandbar near where thv foosd. Later on a gorge of ios formed at this plaoe and when it went nn it scraped tbe bedrock clean and bare, and no doubt toe remains of poor Jackson are miles from the first plaos of inter ment. The peouliar thiug is tbat a new bar baa formed where tbe old one was located, fully as extensive as the other. O, the Yukon is a peculiar stream a wonderful body of water. "Tbe weather last winter wss not as cold as usual, I was informed. The coldest was about 65 degrees below, while it usually gets at oold as 72 to 75 degrees below. "The individual weellu of our list cf passengers ont was about l,5o0,0iX), or about $10,000 apieoe. This did Dot in clude tbe express shipments." Mr. Lathrop does not reoommend people to go into the Klondike section, but ssyi tbat one might get rloh. There is plenty of gold there. Tbe entire out put for the Canadia 1 territory of Klon dike is estimated al $7.000 0(10 to f 10. OU),0(0. Home of the Iwat oraeks so far diaoovrred are El Dorado, Bonanza, Hnlphnr, Hunker, Hear and Dirmnion. No doubt lhre ars hundreds of others, just as good, discover) aud undiscov ered. One of His sourest of oomplaiot for tha miners is tha entire almeooe of mail aer vice. It ia claimed tbat (hers Is sort of service), but It is misnomer, and fully explains why that bun.lre.la and thousands of letters never reach Ibeir reepeouva aesiinatinns. sir. i.ainroD eon Id nil a Iw.b .111. facts concerning this new eounlry, and lbs Gsietle regrls that it eauoot al this iiiiisriv a more extended Intervisw. ue win remain bare several days. Bisbee' s II.IBI - ,! ,. , ttt$ f. t4l 1 ias r Great olean-up of a 1 i . y vaas ana tQds, , ( Ren)t)ants, and 5 Broken Lots P is now on. Ladies' Shirt Wai - - - -v ww -a. Ladies' Low Lace I Ties i o Calicos, in Standard Brands o O n . . . r oummer Wash Uoods. T t In order to make a Y 1 I. 1 . j we nave maae prices tar stances as an inducement. . TTT . . C we must nave room tor tall goods. They are A coming in even now in large quantities. We have t A an enormous' stock of goods ordered in New York j y and Chicago' and our object is to clear away space J A for them. A V We have made one deep slashing cut into the t A above goods decapitating not only our usual modest A w profit but a portion of the original wholesale cost, w You get Genuine Honest Bargains. We get Space. vome anu marvel at A" mam Who bai iecured the lervlcei of MRS. MARGARET VON CADOW As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Kates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. - i, , L THE PALACE HOTEL BAlt, J. O. BOUCHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. That 14-YearOId "Kohn's Best." On Tap Down at The Teleph IT IH MAMIC OOUIIN New HtanJ, City Ilotal Building, row oririiVRn, Prop. DOOTS AND SHOES 1 TMC PLACC SHOES IN ALL THE Old Satnd, Main Strsat CONSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete htock of pure and frc-h drun al wuys in tock. Careful attention paid to fillin,; of pri'Hcriptioiin. IVlerchant Tailoring! Mr. AbruhaiiiHiek in the pionet-r tailor uf IIei. ner. Hi work i ulwayn first vh and atHfa tion guarantor!. cm a 4 and hi;i: mi:, os may htui:i;t- St When you hear dem bells T VKi'sHuiib k IIKPPNEU TJlANSFJilt CO'S I'elbil cxpre-H in roniinjj. I),,,. ddivrry work on n,ort nrrh r, 10 n nt an. I upwards Tliin wyn i No. I.ihmI leaM your ord-r with it, or at "Central" t.-li-pln.ii. i.fJiri.. MOVK ANYTHING! 1 "-I i w w Shoes and Oxford 1 t-lean sweep of those goods . . teVVXAO below cost in many in- jv ,J .... V tnem. J J t THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J. C. BORCHEJRS Stuff, one Saloon ta. TO CCT TMCM It Of LATEST STYLES. Rsaalrlng Saeily now iiurtiir VVHtllsU YOU CAN GKT WHAT YOU WANT.