The Gazette. Tuesday, July 26, 1898. The Gazette is not heraldiDg its coming with a braes band but its circulation can be determined at the Heppner postoffice. Adver tisers will please note this. This paper will shortly be print ed from a new dress of type and a brand new press. The old press is too slow and too antiquated for a progressive semi-weekly. Since Newt "Williamson, of Prineville, through the News, gave the Oregonian a few practical thoughts about the probable re sults of its persecution of "Mitchel liem", as it is wont to call a large number of republicans in Oregon, it has been as silent as the graye on Senator Mitchell. The Gazette learus that Senator Lowell disclaims any intention of appearing as a candidate for senator to fill the vacancy from Oregon. Senator Lowell, by his stand, becomes more desirable as available senatorial timber. Such men make the best representatives of the people's interests. LITEST TELE&BPPH. Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc. The Gazette is of the opinion that an Eastern Oregon man should succeed to the presidency of the senate, at the coming session of the legislature. That man should be a man free from factions, and the Gazette knows no more popu lar man, nor better servant of the people than Senator Taylor, of Pendleton. The Pendleton Tribune sug gests that the Gazette does not understand republicanism. It can say, however, that it draws its political inspiration from a source that doos not require it to bolt every time it is turned down in conventions. And, too, it seems to be patronizing a kind that is being very extensively recognized by the president, which is the kind that put him iuto ofh'ce, and which sup ported every republican president from Lincoln down. Draw in your horns. The Oregonian refuses to f urthor exchange with the Gazette. This is because the Gazette is not a mouthpiece or organ of the Ore gonian, or any of its henchman or supporters, in a political sense The Gazette does not propose to bocome the tool of a lecherous Bheet in order to got permission to read its columns, free of charge, Neither does it feel inclined to sacrifice any piinciplo for the sake of dollars and cents. This paper is free to do as it wishes, so long as its courso is in keeping with the laws of the country, and it pro lines to continue on this lino. It TnE proposition of the Gazette, niidor tlio new management, to meet the wants of the poople, from the standpoint of renders or ad vei tisers, is better than ever. proposes to fill this field, not ty mere words of self-adulation, but to give the peoplo of this sectiou the latest and beHt news before any paper of Kastorn Oregon can reach them. The Gazette pay more limn ngui tunes the. wages of uny paper published in Morrow county. It suppott the business elemeut of llpppner to a propor tioual extent It Las paid taxes for years on a fpleudid plant; will remain in the future, as it lias in the pant, a faithful friend of the people of its locality. No wonder it is appreciated by the solid busi net dement. SPAIN IS NOV SEEKING PEACE London, July 25. A special from Shanghai gays that (oar Russian men-of-war have left Fort Arthur, sad that it is sapoeed their destination is the Philip pine islands. New Yobki July 20. Admiral Cervera has reoeived from the Spanish govern ment a obeck for $50,000 to defray the ezpensesof himself and other officers, who are prisoners at Annapolis. Washington, July 19. The navy de partment has received no dispatoes from Dewey relating to the press reports con cerning oar relations with Germany, but officials feel much less concern over Ger many's attitude, and there is good rea son to believe that direot assurances have been received from Germany that she will offer no obstacles to the execu tion of our plans. Washington, July 25. General Brooke, commanding the First army oorps, will sail today on the St. Louis from Newport News, to join General Miles. The St. Louis will be Booompa- nied on the run by the St. Paul. The ar department has no doubt General Miles is now off Porto Rioo, and that all his troops will be ashore before the end of the week. Bt. Louis, July 19. A St. Louis firm as secured the largest oontraot for hay ever let by the United Slates. The oon traot oalls for 9,000,000 pounds of bay for the army, to be delivered at Chioka mBgua. Between 400 and 500 oars will be required to transport it. The oon traot tor furnishing oats to the army was warded lo a (JinoionaU firm; straw to an Evansville, Ind., firm, and bran to a Chattanooga firm. Manila, July 14. Four officers of the Oregon Volunteer Regiment, Cap tain Heath, Captain Welle, Captain Presuott and Lieutenant Telfer obtained permission Sunday to spend the day within the rebel lines. They did not re turn Sunday nor Monday and much un easiness was manifested among oflioers and men in American lines. Tuesday they arrived safe and sonnd and ex plained that tbey bad strayed further than tbey anticipated and could not re turn Sunday, so decided to make a tour of investigation. They were oonfiued to their quarters where they are awaiting an expected oourtmartiul. Nbw Youk, July 22. Members of the Cubi.n junto, who are well advised us to the feelings of the populace in Porto Rioo, say that whenever tbe American army shall oconpy tbut island there will be a strong movement set on foot favor ing tbe immediate annexation of the is land to tbe United States. IbosR opposed to Spanish rule do not favor tbe establishment of an independ ent government, as they recognize their weakness, and it tbe people are given a voice in seleoting the form of govern ment nndor whiob they shall live, they will vote in favor of annexation. Porto Rioani generally are very friendly to tbe Americans, and will insist that this ooantry assume absolute oontrol aa aoon as Spanish rule aball have been broken. Our Government Will be Ased to Suspend Host'es to Dis- cuss Terms of Peace. CUBANS IT SANTIAGO STILL TROUBLESOME Four Thousand More Troops in Eastern Cuba Surrender Upon Learning of Toral's Capitulation. Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for this issue which speaks volumes for them, but the goods are there, all first class, and prices to match. Call in and Mr. Rhea will see that you get what you want. Associated Press DispatcheB. London, July 25. It is announced from Madrid this afternoon that tbe Spanish government has drawn up a message addressed to the government at Washington proposing an armistio for the purpose of discussing terms upon which peace with the United States can be arranged. NOTICE OF INTENTION. A Modified Cabinet Will Initiate the Movement. Madrid, July 25. An official of high rank, in conversation with a correspondent of the Associated Press, said: "The present government will not initiate peace negotiation, but a modified cabinet, headed by Senor Gamazo, minister of public in struction, will conclude the negotiations and then retire, and Polavieia. ' I mmnAi n( Vila ol.ilm nrl .U ...III with a finmhinHiiftn. lnrtlnninrf Ronr RiIxtoIq orwl 4&a?,oral Pa ill be made before the Countv Cleric of Morrow , a xli Countyi Oregon, at Heppner. Oregon, on August reorganize tbe government. Everybody tmnks Spam should treat ' William qeorge hynd Hd. No. 8482. for the xeM sec. U. tD. 2 S.. r. 28 E, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence noon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Luckraan, JohnM. waauie, wiuiara Barrett ana Arthur smith, all ui neppner, uregon. JS. W. J3ABRSTT, 60-71 Register, Land Office at LaGbande, Oregon, June '20, 1. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice ui um mieuuou 10 mane nnat prooi in NOTICE OF INTENTION. Everybody thinks Spain should treat direct with the Americans, whose practical good Bense will prevail over spread eagleism." New York, July 25. Dispatches to the World from Santiago say: "The Cuban insurgents are retarding the work of the military governor in restoring oraer in tne city, iney still are disgruntled because the land office at tub dalles, okeoon I .IV 1HH town is not delivered over to them. The Spaniards are accepting the N0?1, ,18 hereby given that the r f f"in following-named settler has fl ed notice of change of government in Santiago with a good grace. Garcia's forces Z WA'lM.Wii u I n .1 i . -i . . ., . , , , iureA. Mauory, u. a commissioner, at Hepp- uavo iciu buo niucuvau bauju a liu luuq iuiu buo luiciiui. iucv Have I uur. vruguii, un luesuay, August si. iyo. viz ' MAKTHA C. KMRV hflfin warnftd. nndfir threat nf BYtrnmn nfinnlr.r nnf. in mrAaat KnnntaVi formerly Martha C. Hoskins, of Heppner, , r j, . .w. Homl;stead Application No. mm for the :j i . .. a i i-ii i j 3 ii NW and NW HWii Sec 1. T06H. R 2H E W M. itJBiutiiiiB ui 10 reiuru to mo oiu system OI Dflganaage. She names the following witnesses to prove ner continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Reniamin Parker. Frank Santiago de Cuba, July 25.-Captain Itosill arrived here yester- 0" HardmaroregoKn:"!U a,m tmry Bperry'a" day from Guantanamo to ascertain if General Toral's capitulation was ' Resistor. genuine. As a result of his inquiry 1,000 Spanish troops at Guanta namo have laid down their arms, Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGbande, Oregon. In no 90 l.K'M Lieutenant Miles returned from Palma, Soraino and San Luis to- N0I!KSJe.S day, where he received the surrender of 3,450 Spanish soldiers under hi, , , m ii i . ... ,. , , ... Hire me uouiiiy tierg 01 Morrow county, ure- tlie terms of J. orals capitulation. All the surrendered soldiers are k". Heppner, Oregon, on August i, wu8,yu: r ADAM H. BCH AALM, Bufferinc from aisflaBeB of variooo kii.da and utarvatiou. SUi f",r ,th" "'i "e1: J neli BDd nu iiniiiw fcuu iinmmiig witnesses ui prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Lulkman, John M. Waddle, William G. Hyud, Andy J. Cook, all of Heppner, Oregon. E. W. Babti.ett, 10-71 KeglsWr. T il K iii)Krtitneo of having a (I nily mail, including Sundny, over tlio branch linn into lloptmor, ami tht'ii on int llurnt by ntng, ran int tA ovor-ohtiumtivl. Ilijpinr' oiiniti(r, out nxtitli, ii lUkir City, and from linker to Canyon (ity tlfro in a npltudil dtily utago Willi dully intil fitcilitii'M. In ttiit tiny aiitl tiiiii, tha world niovoa hloiig, mxijiIo travel and rea4 on Sundny jut Hi ntu MomUy. Ho that it di'ir to lwp up with tlm rtKrvivtt i" n tuuxt luect thi tuivitaldrt. titiou are uut aLiii for ft duly, except Hun ily, rvic lietwoea Cauyoa City and llurnt, to comnvt with Mr. Millr r't ptendi l Cnyon4Ieppor tin). L t u go tliin on lottr and ak for a tUilf tuail from ll'tjpi,r Jiim U'Oj lo Uurn. Till j'-o. ' in i!i ir.tMi ,t ,1ir. t. 1 t DITCH TKKKK NEWS. Dr. UutiliR'k OBme lo from Ditob Creek Batonlar oo busineH, rliiroiriir tbe next day. Tbe doctor furoisliM tbe (1 zette witb tbe following Heme: Fishing ono'l be boat. Grouse were uever more plentiln.1. "Jerk Frost" le a ni lit rowlcr ebnat citnp. Doe eleime tbe obempionebtp witb e 10-iuob trout. A beotl tit elk have beru looatinl about lii nillee from oemp. Art Minor, together witb ble tether, landed trout U oee Jay I net week. Dr. IlnuUick'i wife end beby bete bren eeriouely ill, bnl beve ebuat re- onvrred. Lnnue lVnUn.l abut eod killed doer thie week within cloee ilialanoe of camp which, npon being skinned, profed to be the verr eame di r that IVulaud ehot lib hia 21' caliber a year ego. The hulM waa found emliedied lo tbe aboolder lutaet and waa readily idcuti Oed. Harry I'hillij'e waa a victim of robbery last Friday. I'pon relirinv be placed bit panlaliHina onder the brad of hie bed, an4 upon awakening found that tbey had been rrruoveJ and bia puree ei traded from the pocket, containing con hUrable money end a rherk. It wee a daring piece of work, from the fact that i. W, Morrow, W. V, Dolt'0, Dr. lion .k end othere were elpepmg in oloee ptoilmtty, Weidce Mr. Taylor'e family Bales of Mutton. W. W. Percival, the well known sheep- buyer of the Union Meat Oo. of Port' lHnd, daring bie three weeks' stay in tbla vicinity has shipped six osrloads of mut- ou, and baa 500 head more on the out skirts of town to be loaded on board of the oars thie afternoon. He expects also tn close a deal ou a band of 2000 more within the next day or two. Mr. Peroi- val remarked that, in contrast to bia ex perience here two jeHrg ago, be finds tbe beepowoers Tory independent about eelling, which is oonoluaive evidence that they eppreoiate the adyent of prosperity that iiaHsured tbe country. lie is pay- ng i 25 for dry ewes, 82 75 tor weath ers, and from 81 75 to tl 85 for lambs. Willamette valley faruiere, as a rale, sell by weight, where the sheep are much heavier than lo Eastern Oregon, Mr. Percival paying as bigb as $5.25 a bead laet wiuter. I lira t Arair Hl. The Ileal Halve tn tbe world for Cnte, KruM, M.iih. Clerre, halt Cheu lM rVirre. TrtT, Oiat pd Uaoda Chlltilalna, (Vrns, an. all Hk a Frop- tMina, anl p.,iifiy rnre Iile ir do par rr'iif .l. Ii i giaFaiil,t to give petlrct Silnfii.'ll n or initiy n fun l I Price 25 eeote pr Un. Fur sale I t-locum I'm, (Vi , K. J. Mi-rum. manager ( r( anW fiU'arl.c, tli nnl df i m.-.l ml il mnr i tt aw, p-pa a il ai l iOr.-iiini in in la', t ernu I .i. Uf!f nn ki Inn. ir and U.wrla, rl. "' ll. n ' . i axnrn. tll't-I l, f.(r)niimi', lr l-a'-Mti il in I in i, !' i it ! r a l Inlood's hiiouki be In every family Bwakk medicine chest and every BJO I I f traveller's grip. They are III S lnvalunlil when the toinm li Is out of orderi curn lipadacliit, blllouinefis and all liver troubles. Mild and milium. v rents. I . .. - .. M1MNU NOTES. Proapertlng aud Development Relng Tnahed lu the Huaauvllle District. Mr. M. M. Pickena, a mining engineer, of Portland, wbo came in from Pendle too Saturday atteroooo, remaining outil Monday, fnroiebee tbe Qazette with tbe following interesting notes: Win, lismbo is doing some extensive plaoer work on opper Elk creek. Sloan k Haskell have taken out tbns New Tflrphoae Hystem. Mieera, F.J. MnOnugan, speoial agent, and T. II. Klaon, superintendent of con- elrnotion, of tbe Inland Telephone line, arrived lo town Mondaay, having driven from Arlington, Inspecting thoroughly the line from that point. Having boorfbt ont tbe local line, Mr. John Halph wilt at onoe substitute the old boxes witb Dell telephone equipment, wbiob will give the public a service equal to the beat In tbe country, whith will be appre dated by the business men of tbe towo The gentlemen will remain until the change is satisfactorily uuJer way. Are You Palo P Are your chcclu hollow and your lips white? Is your appetite poor and your di gestion weak? Is your lltih soft and have vou lost l WW via til I tk. Thrse are symptoms of j ant mi or poor blood. They are just as frequent j in the summer as in the t . a J . i - I' winirr. Ana you can cc m vn ititM, w mm i. if well as another. Scott's Emulsion of iW thr clt ninth A.vr phosphiUt will certainly help you Almost everyone can Uk.e it. and it will not disturb the weakest stom ach. Il (kinfa the drHt Cctr ol fmt tona to a twtliW tnd rwh ttd. It nmmahss the kraie I f ivtw rwf o the tunrn. U tannre tvuk yevr oli wtight sad itrmeH. Sll f".irt. h ant tl a,-T a a h.i t T"l U The Leader Of Course! 0 The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a. good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S m The Beginning of this New Year 1898. Ay- m m a ii A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, h Is a "joy forever." That's what ! Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGkandk, Okkhon, June 1H.1HW. NOTH'K 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE follnwIiiK-iiameil settler has filed notice l her Intention to iimke ttnal proof lu siiiport 01 ner riann, nn tnai sain prooi will re mane before the County Clork of Morrow County, Or eKon, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 30, lxys, vli: ci.r.maNiiNK t;Ain, Ailmlnlstrstrlx of the estate of Sarah A. Water- man. iln'eaMHl, 'l C. No. lv. for Hie seV sec. 8, tn. . H , r. 27 K. She names the follnwini witnesses to prove ner eotiiinuous residence uiniiisiiii cultivation of salil laml, viz: Robert H. Morgan, Ed E, SalliiK, M. J. beviu anil A. H. Htaiup, all of Heppner, Orcgou. t. W. BARTl ITT, (10.71 Keglster. you'll find at - R. HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon- vli ii vi i to NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offk b at Thb Dallss, Oskhon. July 21. iH!. TOTTCE IH HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11 THE fnlliiwliif t:aliiel settler has filed luitlre ot hi. llit.mtliin t.i niHk. Hual i,m.,f In atiitniirf nf far S'22,000 from what il known aa the hlarlalm, anil that said proof will be mails t- ol.l F.Ik Hreak nUaara. VW",M; ,n7 '. Heppner. r i iireaon. on naiuruav. neiiiemoera. imn. via: Mr. riokeoa e ery eotboaiaetio io bia Emily gaunt, of Heppner, .1,. i: ..ii,iii.i. MumesK-aii Appiiranon nn uxti lor tne r.'i estimate of the mining poialbilitiee of Lw-aandwAk-. m 2rt.Ti.. rjukwm. tbe Susaoville diatrlot. 11 ' nes the lullowlng wit news tn prove I ins enuiiuuoiis resuienee upon ami euitivation of aald laml, via: C. W. fuller, Alliert Matte- .1 l- -.t - I 7."" rivnij (umiiiiwiiii , inn iiiunuaiiun le iivppuer, urvfjon. i... ... . . . ii, J AS. r. MOORE. uuuiueis lur vu.a.auii iuui. I fia m Kinl.ter Hloan A Uaakell haveetarled op an olJ ilamp mill on a bod of free million ore, assaying from $11 to f 13 per too. Notice of Intention. I AND OWCE AT LA ORASPE. OREOON 14 Jilt n m iMja vti.. i h.i. .1... ..... The Country is Completely overran Witb the following named settler baa tiled nolle ot . . . , , I nn iiiieniion w maae nnai prooi in sutitmrt ol pnwvwoiora, auu uui tew una ai mm- h rlaim.and that aald proof will ii made tiriore A. Maiiorjr, r. h. rommlMloner lor Ore- ert will be at work in (bat section neit eeeeoo. gun at Heppurr. Oregon, nn August 12, ". vis: I, VII HK till.HKH Tbe new road from Austin elation to t.' Nk'4a'nd s t Vk . a lw'pe i tbe UaJtter mill ia ebonl oompleleJ, tod ii, ,;,, the f.,iioi. itnx to nm aa aon aa oompleted the macuiuery will h," eoniinnous residenr. upon and cultivation ' land, vl: Lti Oruslieiia, Hlvvrator ua urougui IO, I " r m, n iiiiam un, reier iiung. all gl A dredging oompany waa at work Fri day eliiee to HnsatiTille, on tbe gravel and eaod bade of Main rier. It ia ire lleppuer, Or. K. W. HAHTI.k IT. Heglstar. SUMMONS. poeeible to either proepeot or work tbie T THE ( iRi't IT coi kt or Till eTATl gravel b, any ctber method than . J,nlV-.h.XV.r.'nT,r7:,,,,,,, dredging maobiae. . . , . r. Thompwi'ii, lh rtfn SOT ICE OF ISTF.STIOS. 9 nan roan ami .tavit.ilnu n a rorporaiinn, and "frrj , lirn.liil.. lo I. B eprfT and earah f. airr. dalendanU L.KBOtni e IITHI PUIK. 0.... -'" namci Jul. ji imm I In ln wf Hi. Wat of Oreaon. in. and X'OTHK IK HfKERY tilVfS liut T II R h " ' hrhr r-.,iilr1 Uaarand il liilliiolii. nanml aetller Ku file.! iii.ii,-. """ complaint Hle. analu.1 tiu In Ih. of his InieuiMi u ti,... nnai pt.-..! lu ani-t-.n I 'Mio.i amt i.y "i. nt.i ,r nl the n.l nl hiarlalm. and thai aald pn'l will l ii.a.l. "" '' " aie enillle. court following lh. r. i raaioxi, i nuiiiy I Irrk, at lleiiurr. I " rnwnwi in rrgon, nn 1urlar O'pt'aih.rt, vu. puniH anon IH tbls suuiiuous. bti b tint JAVM W. HILrOX. of II.Mman. Il.nnr.'r.. Al'plh allon lo a'4 for the ore 3 and el IW it, Tp e. KM mn II. damn the Mtowltig IIiim.,s In pr.M hi. r,Mitiitnii. rmi letie titin and rultli altiia nl Mi l land, ! h.iil-n Al'rn, A II Ailm. Sm-if iny and J.iha Hna.ll, all ni Hard uian, lifrgnn J AH. P. Mooar. mo Kv i.wr. il.T III t Mendey, the 5th 4i fSeetemkee, and nu and aarli of fnti wilt Us. nolle. hat II nii l.i I tn m at'piar and ah.r lur ail there,.! pialnuit a 1,1 mt . j to the ronrt l.w lh rr l. I ,rni.ud, In M. nnnllaliil to w it t"t iiilfimnt r.i.,.t yt m II, r um t4 Ii: won nil. real ii,.rrn lrta lh. ,th ,lai ol Orloir. at th rai. nl in p.r rant ir annum lur llx lunh.r turn nl It.". V attorn.. lw, and lha aoM. and ol this HI a e fi.r lh. Inrvlnnn nl a rax t. la wrnrl ,.(.., ,iia. and il.iirr. t,r tea top. .mug .... -'. i.w u, , (a e-iir lb ( i.l a pi,.fi,ia.rT ii i.i.l J a "I'.rtv. I.. i in iai patl,i Aug ,at I lh. Ia. aim inlrml al th ra'anl lu .i rnl tar annum .ml a, 1. 1. a ui.l .. . -. I NOTI' te RIKrHY UIV1JI tHaV IHt1 " fialnilS U trial pnrruM II, I.. .lowing ., II. ..I, a wrttl.r ha i.mA ..tlr ..I d fltd ral en.t.rlv altual.! In ih. pi. lui.ntuta w Bnal p"l la sipait nl , w sintenw. ,.. n, w wll l.rfa I and hi.rialni. and that aald ft,-l m i ma-la i ?. and ! otl . th. aai n, o ,,ta f and , fw,r . irainmi.iiHinilliril, II H.fp!r. 11 r. in a aMltnn in tr. t,a n id Oign, os luaa-lar. . . vii M.ppn.. Mrfiw cnunlv. ra and a AlKIRT mar Attrn, alll.rdm.a. '''t'"'1'ha'rtgatf"r..,.,grna Mi4 I ,! l. , ' ''' " , fal pnrtf and Mrt lhnt 1 bia II. iama il,. a.. i..w li g w ,u,.... l.. r... ,.,,,,,,. ,. . ..... mm, r i'TMrr ",'l.i'm,l..i:iK"' r.'.i . - rmin Notue of Intention. L.ap Oirni t lag l.uis. iaaik. Jii'v il, I"" w OOL GROWERS If you have not yet realized that tlio "good old times" are with us, your blood is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awake to the fact that the Wool Growers' Warehouse ill Is the tilaco to store your wool this Kcason. Wliv? cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not beinc in uiwiiviu uujuiK wooi ourselves, we encourage competition amongst the buyers and secure you the highest price. We are eelling wools, and twine el t, payable hen wool Usold. Rend In your order at onee. w par tne highest cah price for sheep pelts and hide. ellroVa UtWB D'P 'D1 tU Tok DIP. OD!y relUbl. prepared pay irelght lo teamsters when renncted to do an hr owners of wool Je have a full supply nf Keed Barley and w heat, also riUHirn Rolled Rarlev for b.mrt.r. Wrecl your teamster, to th. low.r, ' . g uarauulj , TZi del? " R. F. HYND. Manager. NEW DRUGS ,.r"r.,1r,."f N" "nice of 0.ds almost ev.rr dav Our u.m.ii. Inerlng trade d.manda It, eonaciqantli tnJm r ..7.- "Phlly their Drwje Pure Sng r-ah. ' 0"r c"--"'- reoelv. Ottr JStfitloiiory I3epfirtinont In Completo iIIt.r ulva ggg ( 0gn Wll ST. Slocum Drug Co. THE ART OP BREWING. errectf by (he Production of.... HOP GOD .jnd now the entire world Knows this verect product the .S7nr lire wen beer..... i . l On drauuht at I all popular saloons STAR RRKWERY CO., It,,-. I Ik m iiii .f I I f f ',. 4 i i,ln; o .' ' ii . r mi m l it v v V V vvv VVv v" : r I f ) !"j i' '