Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 26, 1898, Image 1

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If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
the columns of the
The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic news
From the Seat of VVI
.IQl lli.lll Hi.MMIil ii 1. i
sixteenth year
NO. 6C9
Tuesdays and Fridays
CORLIES MERRlTT, Editor and Bus. Man,
tiM per year, tl.00 for six months, 50 ct.
for three monun, strictly in adva.no .
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the rostofrice at Hcppuer, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
TH1H PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's
Advertising Agency, 84 and 65 ttlerohants
Exotuuigs, Ban Francisoo, California, where cou
raets for advertisinK can be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exohangi Build
ing, San Eranoisoo, Is onr aaihorizsid agent.
This papar is kept on file at his office.
0: R. & N.--L0CAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner :80 p. m. daily except
HnnHnv urrivinir Ht. Hammer Junction 12A)5 a. ni.
Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m. and ar
rives at Heppner 8:U0 a. m '
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. and arrives at Heppner junction i :m p. in
nnd TTmA'itln W:fiu n. m.
Portland RrnmiM No. . from Bookane. arrives
at Umatilla BrtX) a. m. and Heppner Junction 7 IX)
! .m. and arrives at Portland 12:80 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 35 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at
nmnhilla l-M ft. TT1.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at deppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7:2t a.m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. B A N., Heppner, Ore.
United State Official.
Ptesident William McKinley
Vice President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State W. B. Day
Secretary of Treasury..... Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. HliBS
Heorelary of War Unssell A. Alger
- Secretary of Navy John D. Long
fo'tmaster-Ganerai Charles Emery Smith
Attorney-General John W. (Jriggs
Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Hovemor ...W. P;Lord
Bwretary of State H. R. Kinoald
Trnmnrar Phil. Metsohan
8 lpt. Public instruction 6. M. Irwin
I'lnniu ftanarnl C. M. Idleman
- i Q. W. McBride
oeiuior. l
J Thos. H. Tongue
viilSlimuirai I Yy ft, JJU,
Printer W. H. Leeds
( R. 8. Bean,
Si.r.rxma .Indcna F. A. Moore.
( O. E. Wolverton
Slr.th Judicial District.
V, iemt Judge '. Stephen .Lowell
P osecuting Attorney H. 1. Bean
Morrow County Officials,
j i .irit Bena'or
i .epreaeutative
'it! nty Judge
' Commissioners
J. W. Beckett.
" Ulerk
' Sheriff
' Treanrer
' Aswontor
. J. W. Morro'
......E. L. Freeland
.A. (i. Bartholfunew
, K. Howard
, Vawter Crawford
E. !. Matlock
M. Lirhtarthal
. t. Willi
John Keitlily
School bup't Jay. W. Shipley
' Coroner Dr. E. H. nunioca
u.IOI Thos. Morgau
Uiiinrumnii r-. .
Liolitonthal, J. R. Simons, J. J. Roberts, J. W.
RaamiiR and E. (i. Sperry.
i U7 A 'tlMtnnltuin
n toonier ... ;;,'".
Treasurer L- W. Hnggs
Marshal John Uuut
Precinct Officer.
.r..t;r.ni.m Paui W. K. KicliardMin
C.nntiiblo - "
United State Und Officers.
I. V. Moore Register
A. B. Biggs lUoeiver
E. W. Hnrtlett Register
J. H. Kobbin Haceiver
Jegelablefteparationfor As
sisting tteToodandBeguIa
ting theStamachs andBowels of
ness andEtest.Contu'ns neither
Cwm.Morphine norMtoeraL
Not Narcotic
fyam aTOld USAMUELRiuuJI
Pumpkin Smi"
Juoar .
hiaivynmn firm
Arjcrfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms juonvuisions ,r cvensa
uc3s and Loss of Sleer )
Tflc Simile Signature of f
Uli1 uiUSE-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
General Brooke and Staff Take
Their Leave Troops Will
Follow at Once.
You Have
Schley's Flagship, The Brooklyn, Claims
Santiago Honors--General Garcia
Denies His Alleged. Com
plaint New Rifles for
the Volunteers.
State News.
W. 8. Brown, an ex jerienced newspr ,,er man,
baa itorted a paper Wallowa.
George H. Howell, organizer for the Inter
national Typographical union, was in Pendle
ton this week, am' while here organized a
branch of the unior , with 12 charter members.
Washington Darrc w, chief musicia.i of the
tenth cavalry, who died Sunday at Fort Mc
pherson, Ga., from typhoid fever contracted in
front of Santiago de Cuba, was a brother-in-law
of Mrs. Thomas Fit Gerald, wife of Attorney
Fltz Gerald, of Pendleton. , . , .
The farmers' congress, that has been in
session in Astoria during the past week, closed
July 21st. The meeting is considered to have
been a success and inuch good will have been
derived from the gathering of the representa
tives of the agricultural industries.' T ,.
Five years ago a farmer in one of our country
towns, who had ou his farm a thorny little
ravine of no value, tot It with balm of Gilead
roots. He nowgatl-ers every spring from $80
to $100 worth of buds from the ravine, soiling
them to pharmacists, Eugene Guard. , j i
-Judge Burnett, of Corvalls, received a letter
Monday from an Oregon soldier at Sau Fran
cisco. There aro 312 Orogon boys with the
volunteers at Camp Merritt, and 16 of them are
from Corvalls. Throe Portland men hav de
serted, and the authorities are after thorn, with
hopes of effecting a c apture. - i
Robert Zinzk, of Pendleton, who attempted to
commit suicide recently, put his tonguo against
,. Absolutely Pure
Always Bought.
Associated Press Dispatches,
Chiokamatjoa Military Park, July 23. General Brooke and staff gold. ;
twice theslze of the raft recently shipped to Ban
Francisco by the Ininan-Paulson company. It
Is 600 feet long, 53 feet beam and draws 20 feet
and 6 Inches of water. It is eliptlc shape in the
center, drawing down to a circle 16 feet in
diameter.. The raft is cigar-shaped, like thoso
formerly sent down by the same company, and
is protected by a heavy plank bulkhead at each
end, tied through tho raft with four steel cables
1! Inches in diameter. It is towed by a coa
hawser 18 inches in circumference and IfiO
fathoms long. This chain is connected to a
oonter chain which runs through the whole
length of the raft, and whenever the strain
ocines on the hawser it r .ills the raft together.
On the ocean by this means the rait 1b tight-
a cold air-pipe in an ice factory Tuesday, j His ened more severely. Oregon Mist,
tongue was quickly frozen to the pipe and Nineteen years ago the body of alittlo child
Zinzk could neither t;ot away nor oall for assls- w bl,ried ln s cemeterT at 8alomt 0nc (ll,y
tanoe. A current of hot air turned into the during the present week the remains were ex-
pipe released Zinzk fvoin his predicament, i humed for re.butlal ln the (amlly lot at Port.
JohnK. Lathrop, formerly city editor of the land. The sexton and four persons who at-
rendleton East Oregjnlan, who started for the tended the funeral in the first place were pres-
Elondika gold fields at the beginning ot the ent at the exhumation, and none expected to
stampede a year ago, reached 8an Francisco on find more than a little mound of dust for inter
im return Sunday evening.. He came down on ment in the new grave. But what was their
the steamer St. Paul with 150 other Klondlkers, surprise to find the pine coirtu box practically
wbo brought a million and a half dollars ln intact, while within it the little casket was 1,' a
perfect state of preservation. Withi.i tho i:.im-
Uff thia Aftornonn nn a nnPfiRl train for Newport Newa whence thsv Tnehorae of Mayor Smith at Pendleton was '" ' remarsaiiio
lert tills Riternoon on a Bpeciai irain tor newpori iewa, wnenoe inay entered 8unday nlgllt and a palr of tr0Uleri fact in connection with it an is that the casket
BO to Porto Rico. The deDarture of General Brooke leaveB Major- containing nearly $50 in cash stolen. The wnen recovered was found to be overturned
rU,l .f K- Worla Jn mmanrl f Pamn Thomas ' t'"'"6" ,ou th n("" nder a and lying top down and all that was mortal of
tree ln the back yard. Nothing else was taken,
At an early hoar today the reserve hospital corps, ambulance! though a number of valuable articles wore as
been found of the thieves.
,;l nr,o trnnn FT Rivf Vi TTnitoJ Rfufo. nnvnlro. dnrl nnm. I M''y gotten as the oooty taken. No trace has
IVWl Of Dig U III VV'I Mm,f MM V WAU4 VVW v-uh
pany F, EiRhth United States infantry, left for Newport News. The Xhe Bye flourlnK mtUii wnlcn ,rc nearIng !
whole of the First torps, with the exception of two brigades of the completion at Pendiaton, win db the largest
FirBt divibion, "which are now en route, leaves next week for Porto ltico. have a aaIly npuMy ot m barrels, with power
the infant bad crumbled to dust and was lyin
upon the glass top of the casket. The question
Is, what overturned the casket? The only ex
planation ottered is that during tho rainy sea
son the ooltln box filled with water and floated
the casket, which, being heavily trimmed at the
top with ornaments, fringe, handles, silver
plate, glass, etc., overturned. Sentinel,
Lodging House
BEDS 25 and 50 Cents. '
GEO. 0. ROME, Prop.
Next door to Opera House.
G. B, HATT, ;
Tonsorial Artis
American sailors on Men-of-war Receive a
For every man on the Spanish wai-
tbipa at the time of the Bttaok our sail-
Hair Cuttinc
Shop, Matlock Toriier,
It ia announced that immediately after this corps leaves Chickamauga arranged so as to increase output at any time to
ram, me organizauou 01 iub omu cut ijb, uuiuuinuuou uv luajui-viouoi- very latest and most Improved, being the same
al James 11. Wilson, will be begun and completed. , The corps will u used in the famous puisbury mills of Minne
consistof 27 recriments of second call volunteers, numbering 3G.000 lto"T!m'?u"t,!ll,?e!r' '
" . 1. iwporistrom waimwaiiasiaw mere are nve frBiht for LonirHroekmorrhRnt.
men. men for evory one needed and that some of I ,.,,,
. . . . . , . ,...... fh.mh.va annu k .ti tii.J John W. Blake, a sheepman of Gilliam county,
ore received 100 bounty Jn aooordanoe i?ive troops ot cavalry at uamp Alger nave peen oraerea 10 pro- thatl0me of t, farmo wt,lt0(, 'men t'0 has shipped 24,010 head of sheep to Nebraska
with eeotioo 1,635, ot tbe revised statutes ceed to rs iwport JN ews for embarkation on transports tor l'orto luco. work for 7Dc per day Be says crops are excel- ' mvMU"
of the United Btatee, whioh saye: ' lent, but the country w iuu 01 laborers, brought
............ 1 . 1 mere from ureffon. i;aniorniR. Honiana ann
a county sQBii oe paia Dy tne unitea T p, T , 0 T. fi l pnrl. R-.nn fiTnA(i;f iOI1 trnm pftr T(Uh h ,h. ,,f ,., ,,, h. for shipment east.
- .v. ... - . 1 j . . toniaht It COnaBta of the transports Mohawk, pala' J. J. Jones and C. ratterson. prosfectors
Orveaeelot war belonging to ao enemy lamP W,.l.?J TW. K '.' . . ' 7. "f . .. Maud Hoffman, for. aarlv a Co,vam.tlrl and from Portland, passed through Long Creek
. . . . - - . 'I. VU A.a kAMbAn . nr.., U'lnvi.la . 'I'h aba hnn n ,1 ' ' I ' - " - '
at ine commeoceiaoui 01 an engagemeni iotoiui, 'unci, nmiuoj, wuoiumu uuu iuto vvam win Oregon's pride in th histrionie world, is to re- 't Friday en route to thu misanville country.
wbiohiaaonkor otherwise destroyed to I carry the Eleventh and ISineteehth infantry, irst and Tenth Cavalry, mainln London for several years to come. Bhe w. R. Cimnlngton, of Canyon City, was a
From tho Long Creek Eaglo.
Johnny Crlsmau arrived Wednesday with
C L. Williams returned from Pendleton Mon
day, where he delivered a bunch of stock cattle
15 Centa
25 "
Heppner, Oregon.
bbshsi socxs:txje.
G. A. B.
Msta at Hi-Pl.nor. Or., the thirl Baturday of
prV. month. Ail veterans are invited to loin.
w. na.
W. W.rlmith.
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half blork west of the Union Depot of C. B. A
Q., O. M. A Ht P., V. & A., P. ft, W. C.
and the C. Ht. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta.,
socb engagement by any ship or vesi ; ht batlories of artillery, the First Ohio, One Hundred and Fifty, p" une onVc f t'. ieldir "heto.- of Ion" pTT Z T ajr , t'"t"7n,rn",ato
Kolnnainii in th TTnitiul Htatua m hlli JL . . . urury ine, one oi ii e leading meatou 01 ion- Portland, where he went as a delegate to i le
belonging to tbe unitea state., or which MTeDth Ii;diaDB, Third Pennsylvania and Second Ohio volunteer on, ...d has been ,ked to join tiu Lyceum rand ,(Mlge A. 0. c. w.
itmaybeneoeee.rytode.troyinooo.e. ...... , . Th,ter stock compa, y a. leading lady J"''" Pr. MlraflaWM llllnmnncd la pMt hR,tu t0
quenoe of injanes aaelained io aotion.of .vu'y. Hare's now play, "The Martyr", which ( pons In ,.,m Tll.,i , ,,j ,.
D. JMcFaul, M. D.
Offloe houre, 8 to 10 a. m., and 13 to
3 p. m., at reaideoce, W. A. Kirk's prop.
My, east of M. E. cbnrch, Hontb, and 10
to 13, a. ro , to 2 to 6 p. m., at offloe in
the rear of Bora's jewelry store.
C. E. Redfield
Attorney at Law,
Offioa In tbe First National Bank
UirrxBR, : : On.oo.
Ellis & Phelps,
All busln-M attended la In prompt and
MtlaiarUtry mauuer. Huiartaa PulJlc and
Afflea la Natter ulldlAO. Heppaer, Or.
Put rmir old books and sow In hi
bands and trt rm" mnnry out of
tlirin. Maku a S-lHy of bard
0(5c to J. K. Browp' BailJioff.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
omec AT
wilsaud but. rr.l nut. rm bonwa, r
U t. r..inr)iM I T '.1 III -r tl
ul in hi IIm l rir,da tit ni.
Mathews & Gentry
Shaving A T
100, if tbe enemy's vessel was of iufer
inr foroe. and $201 if of Faualoraiiuerior
i tn k it,- .. t)i- t: t.: :t tl a his flocks In th be possible condltl.
IU V i -""" iuou.w.p iuuu xkiuo Bia uinaii. cuousuo j)iojiuuuuo u luoioi tun auiiuiyaiiau i anions are very favorable for the sharp raiser.
tbe same manner aa prin ftttack by the United States warehipB, which are understood to be a p'sntifui an ; the hay crop w,. never
i. cum ocnaru ana miss neitna uonoe, Doin
of Monuuioiit, Grant county, were man led in
that city the fore part of the week, Justiee
Bowman officiating. Both bride and groom ire
well and favorably known throughout Grant
onlllilv M. ftohurlf KaI 11 a m ttrnmliiaul (iM.lf.
viuouid iue auie niBuuerBpr.iB raouej i jw J0BK JaJ- 23. A dispatch to the Herald from OantiagO Archbishop Oros. of the Cathollo diocese of man, while Miss Cohoe Is the aiwompllshrd
one-twentieth to the Commanding offl- I . . ., . ' - l u rpi I Oregon, preached a patrlotio sormon f-m.day I daughter of D. C. Cohoe, a welMo-do fanner of
says lust uiooi onjiiruiou. wo vu " """""8" " auuioui uj a the mhi , otta d. His repuUti 1 1 as a
and crew
mouey. :!. c J.H.n I U.K. Tk better. The price of wool In the Lon.Mn mar
Tf thr I 7ftO mAii nn flAr.flra'. I o oil uijf oi iuiooiuu uuiiiiunuucu vj ucuoiai uj uco. ucio ke, u .teadlly ad van. Ing. and as a consequence
.kin. .hih r,....n. . in,in. are no signs this morning of the American warships, but news of them loci w r oi-ering betuir rates. Mr,
r I. . . , - I Cunningham give t e present administration
me amerioaDs, me oooniywiii oeaome- lie expuvieii euoruy. ,he enMt lor Ml, brtght propacts for the
wbat more than 17U,UU0, wbloh is , di-1 future. Pendleton I epubllcan.
The Old Shop!
aara nf tha flnat. nna-riftlalh In thai nnm
mandiog offloer of a division ot the nVet Btry broo ght in by Cubans to the effect that 4000 Cuban insurgents Khoiar is well know . here and acm the ,
M.,. . n . , I ! n l n. .4.l i' . ; . . He approved tha pat totl.m and wise o. uaurva
one ODe-nanuream io ln nei captain i ouujijimiu vjauarni viaiuiaa m wy no luuum iu a ueita QugngDUioui i tlv statosmanshlp of President McKli lev and
and one tenth of each vessel's share to mi a detachment of Spanish troops, numbering about CO00, bound "nt1 "Pn th n "iian peopi tho duty of
?lT"VSr 1 Ui. battle, which they sa, took place unTAnd nZ .uy
Ia tbe place to go to get
your fine pork and lamb
chops, steaks and roasts.
Pine sufar rured bms and baron.
Pur lenl lard, kettle-raiHlimct, old
Myla. Hlgbwt eaau price paid for
at sunk.
Stage Line
B. f. MILLER, Pro
rhait and moat dirwH rotiU In Juhfl Ir
I I t . w talbin.Abirifl. b .. .... . ....
. 7 . . pi.bih, . r ... i wo am
Other UiUfior iwlula.
ain !! Heppner Iailr, anndar
rH.. tl l tl t, m. arrive al t eayott it.
la M hour.
Imw Canyon City al i n m . arrive al ll'l'p-
H'r in it auurs, cimnei'iing una irain.
trrat tu
au.x rtaa
MofiMnttil ... ..... . ... ,.
Utu, I fwl
ri Vl.y ...
i anon f'Hv . .
fits' rot. ti rt Kb trains i Ileppn-r.
oa - ftxttif trad (in tl.l. IIm mt'h
ri.rl rAy a ...1 il lfm. f a n j,r.r-d
Ui Sr.! laa Ajr . In I... iibil'.
.1 Jl
i M 4 IS
, ib
.. V. a a
,i . in
. '. t"i nn,
14 a m
m v ' v...TO. alrlnatnlillil i,l Mr. and Mra Onn. Hailnr who
ST. Tl'CMAS, D. W. I., July 23. The Spaniards at San Juan de Chas. Cunningham the sheep king, reports Lad been thrown from a pony. The dot-tor
i. von- I atateil that the bnv was rendered linemiM'toua
by the fall he received, but that no serious
results would follow.
il ...i. , a. at a point several miles to tbe north of Santiago, 41 Cubans were that our cathoiio ot.untryme n ar no; uyai u
i lo proportion to their pay. As ' . helrgov.rnmeiit.-t orvaiilsOaMtie. bl
providea that all vessels witbin killed, the Cubans say, and many more wounded. The Spanish loss
.a A monthly magaitli railed "Drift" will soon V'
being apportioned to all other officers
and men
the lav provid
signal distance nf tbe action and in ooo- wat much smaller.
dition to render aid tbare in tbe prise
money, it is likely mat most oi toe oeei vurvviTnv .Tnl 9'1 -Vn orrl I... rr,l.,1 H,a war ilAttartmnnf I
a.,11 maAi h. tha, Mrifi ah fiafaaf I ' ' I 1M"W'
A Word Aboat Harea
While over in the Baros-l'rinevil!e
oonntry tbe wriUr ootioed that in oHt-
tain localities there were niimerous
blaok-tailed rabbits, or bares. In eoma
aoea they were so thick that coontii'it.
make Its appearance In Portland. Its objoot Is I them was entirely out of tbe qtiPHtiim.
loonliect, record an I preserve all things r ( .aid that tbeee little M'ows ate
-...-, u.. ,,...,, nm.u.n a i.u ,.r7 i .... 1ai.(,Hv nr. rn..a. aliu.t,. .,,,1
on and th Peed o roast. It Is Incorporau-d
fruit trees. They are, lo size, btttwccti
fiHited with tbese rabbits. It suoh ia the
ease.it ill bsnroH'aury tobave' ilrivis"
I, ,.r.:l .... .aI.i:a tl.A ....-.l .t..l. I,.. l.:t. I, thal'ai.lfln Cmi.t,.. P. ,1.11. 1,1... .nn ,..n. C
m .. m . . . . . iiriim nil il ni'.ini Willi i:n inin.i in ul Lim ii-ihii Liia niin.;. nv iimr n -i ......H. w.
in tne ease or ina lorneao-Doai aa I ... , t - i - . .... , ... ,,,. .. ,. - i ,.. -.!.. lh
... i, u it" t"i i." i ii .f " "" tn.n aiiiur, rmnria r.. ius uiuiuit; hi anil inn roituuiaii,
atroyera Psroraod Iluton, which wers Cubans u.wn a body of Spanish soldiers while marching into Santi- ,J((tahaii, Johnom -ndB. B. B.km. n ie ing and bava longer tail- than the ordinary
knocked lo pieces by the oonverted yaohl ago to surrender to Shafter. In the aniens of a reliable report on w,e tneorporatnrs. Mr. Miner, who ha ...i', w,nb are invariably black It is
a ..a.. i a . . . a . . aTsllnfUi an stnvlsltilel 'tantltatllaTin I tl 4Ka tVnrlll Af "
corsair, me saperior loroe was odtiomij tue occurrence, whtcb, if true, may In fraught with the gravest couae- W u , ,rM , tn, e,,,,,,, said that tbe strip of grating luud on the
00 tbw Ppaoisb Bide; tberafore the boon- . .irat,t .l. .Hitml. nf ttm llnill Ktatna nn-.rnman Lartmsnt. The (til. ntrlae should Hberallr north aide of Morrow Ooniitv. better
y wi l b. 1200 par ..pita or boM on . . . , , . . . . . .-'- known a. -lb. ,.nd, la looming in-
noara ineaesiroyera. i rooauiy me com . If untlin Ime tr- common sport In sore
plenietof the two ships was 135 men, tne matter ai me war aepanmeni. section oi the mum y, but in Kasturr oreunn
at aa at a ait Aa1 I Illial ntaat ( llllu a I ft Waal ("111 an. Ili'ttaV Uaa. that
matiog idsi oonniy i.wu. - -7 - - -"-.,- . -; - .n(i a.it il, ,,rr. .). n,. .ill rB,.,..
, .o., V 4 . ... ....... , r-..w.,...,w ...r. . .... nr.. , pari - -
OANTlaOO DE IBA, VUiy iJ. II now mms OUl II1M tne letter ai-lln th Lower Cov Wlill. worklim on thai upon aittlers and do muoh dstuage.
Free Pills
a a aa. a tn n aa
nena your aaartaa u u.e. vuciiea comDlaintnc' of the treatment acoordml to the Cubans, and adviHinn liitu inarru t.M.k tm h..ii.. trM n. .hi. t. Nam Jr.' (ihibhb.
a, rv. cu.... ..J .i . t.AA ...i.l . ... ... ... . . ' "I.. .. .. . . . . .1
7 ,tw vV t 7 17 77 . Oeneral hhartor o General Uarcias rwngnation, was prepare by . - T.7 7 . "WhanHo.! gi--amau a if-wl..t
hoi of Dr. knee New Life I'll la. A tr a . . . . ' llin cut down It yMded vral taiions of " ....
... - - - -- I I . ... . 1. . , . . , . . 1 I l.t.,ll..n II.. .... ...... . .- . l.lt.
... 1 a... 1 i. in ..IMWIDSOf- fXjrrOflUUUIIL'UI U1IDWI l f WUU UM WWa KCIIUU On IUS I dnllrUiua bona. Tl a Wa hA al.l..nll l.ll wui.u'om tttt in. itK.in tfifat Hi-Hi I f
wiiiaxiovmewyouiniii.rin-ri'a. iowi ' . . 1... .1. . ..:
ataa of U. uoral Uarcia. il la not c oar that Uarcia ever saw the uttnr. -"""" -" - - -
usan up wit-ir tim. to ui nuiiow ir) titn olely Wdinaii. U throw off em hint.
Thaaa airti.1. mi.mi.H Link .. -u.n t.tnl.1 .,
WABflSOTOV, July 'A It IS lUted (XMltively at tllO War dV CnTM.man Tpm . rratbe.1 bom last Frl M B nilisanoe. IbaJ tomeuf tbi'Ml.'.t;
v f v
.,.. l0 .loot .rt,t:, tf l'i-l.ilRr.
Gibson & Berger,
At Tha In' ! t IMat.d
Hlmvifitf. - l'"' CAr.
Hair Cutting. !-'"
rtttlixU'w. Kviry tiling. "Mict
Iv Firrt Cla-.
First National Bank
C. A. Mmca,
Via fride(
pille are cany in soiioa and are prtica
larly efTeclive in the enre of conslipa
I loo aad sick bradache. For malaria
and liver Iruoblaw they have been rovd
lavaluahla. They are gnerantrad to be
irfeotly free f.'-ra every drUlerinns
anbalanee and to b poiely vegetable.
They do cot wealeo by ll.rlr ct-n,bnt
by giving ton l'i slornarh and bowals
greatly Invig'iraie tbe ;i.m. IUeolar
eta '.'' per tn-i. fvild by HUirum Drag
(Jo, 11. 1. Htocuu, manager.
TriiAii Crbfnl p4ytt
'til all t.tatf ! W'ttM
l o'iht a nd Sold.
Ae evteaa Npf
A dispatch la tha Daily Ne from
Oibraltar tell a !ng story of a pin.o
w-altl.y Mnieai, wb i lloms-1 ff
11 weeks at M. Sri lend Calia, diosd
with Almirsl Ctmara, itspavtcl tb
fial and dfM, u1 la vry war w in
the eta&.oas) r. tbe ,!B nU, noli It
disappear lb m merit a a-trraat was
kMi tor bie s-r-ai. ii laraeii np
Casbief : .(..,...,1 1. Ta..jI... Annf.tu.1 I ft It. A
aisiwsisur ,, v ....
bte aamawae Krnnl 1 ant thai b
wa a tap eta le lb Hi-et TIM
raotra. If is H.niti Jm ml. be ai 1,
nal.1'1 til'ii t- 1 elre alt th r? pr la' Is
wbll r'iuf a II vt1 l'i'l af-fil ttf
I t .' Il4 f4it gtvareattat.
partment .hat tha letter which General Garcia U repreeontod to have i,f J."".'" L"V '"""" ,,on' old..o(y vown t- stskr han.l )
. . , ..... .. ..... waahlnilon. Mr. Te ftieirtratly allhrrl , . , , . .
addreaaed General bhafter, announcing bis withdrawal from further bi ho.iht i . tin summ . oi m"- ' h' m,'n ,!"k ''
. .:tl. In.,;.,. L.w.nA I... ... I . 1 ,i. ... (rfoa bar Brr U.or set-ti him x dm d tell. 1 WoOliln t give one (if jnnf n I
w-upri ail u w uu in. nwuutuu uu"pp unm it. iiwuvu mo war US I , .. . .. . . l ... .
I In aI. Til hoi W albar and lha h d Work I ..nk .la.l.lndi a,, it, n f,,r .11 II a ...a. ..I ,
u tuirui. ai m eapiit.i irave ir m.r. win th. ,r.t . .. . ..
am mm irw-ainii law ii ayu r seaat ( rla7 mvrillH
ka ftVaviil IiiIa Ibla nil xa at aaa iha ..
. .t a a a al at . .a a a . I - -"a Y W "
W lOlIK, JOly 6l. A PtirCiai IO 1110 lltUOS from aabini'ton lalddowalasl H..v.t,lr. Ibis wsk mnrll
I la auIa mA ka let !... A I- a. A - . a - It. a.
I hmnrh will b All hi h Ikiat ttisiii 111 laka
a a a a sw -l LBrAl ..lA ft. .al '
Al lei t aJ;,imj oi tua voioniors a no ga t i-urto iuco are to ba ei lead ti.si is ii. .. hi. friends, ir.r m u
upplW vith tbe Krag-Jcrgwn maKatiue rifle-. by tho rular """ 0,b,"-t- nm.b-ro Udep..d...i.
a,mw Tl la anr.nnnrv.mi.nf ms.1 lit lh nnlinstiM .l..y.rm.hl I The TtmreMiHinO nwr says Hon John C.
' I "u,l "" hN aLMItnl th. ! t t.n.nll.1 r..,l I.I. I...
as a iurjn m, tbe urxWstandiog bavijg !-"'i that tbo supply of tba inv.rnor, hi baa I, an In fortland "tf hi
lmr,rnt-iwt rrnna fttl 1,1 tint nortn ln tlif. r hn nrf ...rva.! ,,,il I,. !.- all-l1artre a. lb . bwl tf bl daintl.-
. m , s wiui tuMiinal k iU bia.il I'. I'm
vol uotfrr- lr aoma monins looom. ina ornoanc4 ipartfnont was Mr. i.oespraM4 iimat-ifa don ihiiii-
-it ciitt i x
off the l"p cif br 'r f .r Hi 'ml! f" 1 1
end the hot tun fir td- liiryc'e ti"
wotneo "llls ii li hive no oiolhf left. V
man said t) a omly wntnan: 'I li""t
I'll more of you." Hue sail, 'dmi
lo the ball bml.tit.'"
( ..i'.A t. n. ..! ..t a,, mi.i
r.aar a'. T .,
e-rtlns sud mt!lti.t1 ff(
Ta t i MHMlkM r-t.tt,
T.V. a'ia I ttM. I alt.'i. If -t M
II C C C fail tar. -. tlf. rr.,4
...,,l...ll I..I ll.al Imnraumn ,.rtt.;l ln,. a. Il ... ... I , I tire, end safe lb p .nllsls bar b.rn 1..aln
' . ' , , , v " on ra tahal baa It tan taa yaar in I wild up.
crmiroveri it who in arms inrmaniv, ut 11 um ixrj atrainmg tvery
nrrgy lo ccnmulal a sbck of tha rifi-a iu orlr to bflgin thoir iaaua
at aVMo a prmaible.
For t .a l'orto Ilioo expedition, which will b mvla op chiuO of
vnlubteor fgimenta now rvirjijuwl wit i thu Hpringfiel 1 15alibra arm,
lla il!! nr-nl ,tih toaepply one pntira corps of about i9-,0lK)
tbfo with Krg Jorgi nana, It may nut bi abb bi doltee r all theme
gnua b tl ro-n before thT til. but thy will fallu tbetn t the
i.latdM api-lly MfoaaiMta Jual abat rfginaoU will rwlw the J;;
i.-w aroie lri-nis npoo Urnr-ral HIi biwbota t!i-y aiU lw mfbt fr
ilietriboti a.
woin run MtJir mis.
Tb U II I H iil.y .ly rn Ma
a II Trarks'.
r.B llrtnn Tf ili'ltie; tilll, k Hale, ha
bava tbe ei-ntract .'-r irli('.lrtiii,g
ettrvee and nlherwiae Impruving the
track of tbe U. It. A N. blwfn Caac le
Mr. I,k )se dalt.aU al lh at I tttamn
vtulbio, and lUp -lib T.sae In la or ol a
(aral IbkM. II. .a al.ar ln inimii
Unl epptnxnl tf I don, npMiu( .1 a-hun
l l.lnd ra,o. .n, l four yMr. an1 1 I,orkS and Vieftlo, n M ea down ll
al lb laal larllon. It Mrs lo.l.rti Had lb
inwiilr k pertr. an I aa an llt a, stanl al
lhttlitiiAt of lb (x.piiilal party, I il d
raaaad. M Inrlbar S Ibal lliar -nlr !
parllX, tb riil'lr I lli'l dxriKtrrallr
Tk lo'ifth ntt-at t-( rail bulll I
baa ton In a
p. til ha rit nit Hal n II, II is 'h..
Ksylnre ra,. aialy I hi. ma
lalt vsi.i..' Ilaaal I 4 an 1 ii b
a'd at.en ailllbte lti ol I'imit
II t)
n l I'
til on
II rtin
ran Ms
tbe 1 cks nn Tmilay eventuf's tram,
and have tskeo several tmo ua evy
trala siore, Tbe r-auli ,,t ti -n ate
bo I i.eerly aa li nlifq) now m i,n w k
go. Tfce oiiHrr aant tiiiit 1 t
men (of tbe ... lie raitral en
ny tit '41 mn 'a v1nal ,j n-ir,,.
in'etraia t !'uliu to Itilliw! Il. trark
' aim.il near that pl.