G. R. & N. Defabt TIME SCHEDULES Akkivb fob From Heppner. rno 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake. Denver, 4:50a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan ww City, Bt. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. AH sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Sail August 2, A, 10, 14, 18, 2. 26, 30. 7:00 p. m. To Alaska 6:00 p. m. August 8, 28. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivkb 4:00p.m. Ex. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Willamkttb Riveb 4:80 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and Yi ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 3:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Kivkks. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Frl. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 0:00a.m. Willamette Kiver 4:30p.m. Tues. Thurs. Tues.. Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval. and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. Lv, Rip&rla Snakb River. Lv. Lew is ton 1:45 a m. 5:45 a.m. Mon., Wed. Riparla to Lewiston Sun , Tues. and Friday and Thur. Strength and 8ei In Royalty. It is noted that the women of the royal family of Europe are, on the aver- orx?, much stronger, mentally and phys ically, tlvan the men. How She Spelled It. Everyone knows how to spell "hard water" with three letters, but proba bly some readers would be puzzled to spell "yesterday" with six. A Cincin nati girl could tell them how, according to the Enquirer. She does not yet go to school, but is taught by her mother at home. The other night her father was hearing her spell. One word after another was suc cessfully disiposed of, and then he said: "Xow, Annie, I am going to give you a hard one. If you spell it correctly I'll bring you some candy. How do you spell 'yesterday?'" It was a hard one. Annie thought of the candy, and just then her eye caught the calendar hanging against the wall. Then she answered, with a smile of tri umph: "F-r-i, yeeter, d-a-y, day, yesterday." Oordray, the pioneer theatreman of Portland in the line of ''popular prioee," baa refitted the Wastingtoo 8t. theatre, formerly known eg the "New Park." Oordray always has something new, and onr people, when below, can spend a pleasant evening at his plaoe. tf Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Pasaengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent. Heppner, W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. m TOD GOIHG ERST? If so, be sare and Bee that your ticket reads via Trie nwestem Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Mannlflcont Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dliiinjr and Hlnepln; Car Trains, and Motto: Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist can without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotors and porters. Mondays, To Kansas City, Chicago, Bnfliilo and Boston withontchaiiKe via Halt Luke. Missouri rauincana umcago ana Alton Bys. To Omaha, Chicago. Buffalo and l"i BoBton without change via salt Lake and Chicago, Kocit Island & faclnc Ky. To Bt. Joseph, Kansas City and Ht. Louis without change via Halt Lake and Burlington Route. IThnscdavo To Kansas City And Bt. Louis with' llltirauays, out change via Halt Lake and Mis souri Paclflo railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. BORROWED FROM BYZANTIUM. Russian Coronation Ceremonies Closely Resemble Those of the Old Empire. Only those who have studied By zantine history can have any idea of how closely t he ceremonial of the Mos cow coronation resembles, even in its minutest details, that which used to be observed at the coronation of the Hy zantine emperors, says the London Chronicle. Although the Russian church did not separate from that of Rome until the twelfth century that is.nearly 400 years later than the schism of I'hotius, which rent the western and eastern churches asunder neverthe less it retained its oriental rite. In 1184 a Russian commission arrived in Ryzantium to study the etiquette and ceremonial, ecclesiastical and profane, of the court and church of that cap- ital. On their return to their native country a great change took place m the national costume, architecture and ceremonial. When Moscow became the sacred city par excellence of the em pire the Kremlin was rebuilt on the same lines as tne uiacnernae paiace. on the land walls of Constantinople. Like its Greek model, it consists of a scries of halls and apartments kiosks, as the Turks call them linked to gether by gardens and interspersed with scores of churches and monaster ies, the whole surrounded by a wall and entered by strongly fortified gates, above which were icona of the virgin and saints. Burnt down early in the century, it has been rebuilt in plainer architecture, but on the same Byzan tine plan. CIRCUMVENTED THEIR CHIEF. Defense of Two Washington "Cops" Who Had Slept on Their Beats. One of Roosevelt's many funny ex periences with New York policemen re calls a story often told of Inspector Pearson, whose noiseless galoshes were long the terror of Washington "cops." While walking in one of the streets o" Georgetown about 12 years ago, says the Washington Post, Inspector Pearson came upon two police officers sitting on the doorstep of a private residence, ob livious to the goings on in their beats, Pearson quietly took the number of th! house, and had the deliquents hauled before the trial board for neglect of duty. Ordinarily there would have been little hope for men in their posi tion, but they were resourceful. With the consent of the occupants they em- ployed a carpenter to remove the steps from the house and place them in front of the next residence. Then, as a de- fense, they stated that there were no steps in front of the house where the inspector declared he had seen them sit tii.g. The trial board visited the place in a body, found that the officers' state ment wus true, and dismissed the case, to the great surprise of Inspector Pear son. Some years afterward he heard of the trick and declared it the best that had ever been played upon him. WEEKLY CKOP BULLETIN. Following ia the weekly weather tod crop bulletin leaned from the Portland weather bnreau noder date of July 18tb: Haying is in aotive operation in every action of the state; the crop ia nnasa ally good. Clover bay especially yield ing well. . Haying will be generally finished by the close of the present week. . Harvesting of fall-sown wheat is in progress, except south of the Blue mountains, over the plateau region; in this section, the harvest is always from one to two weeks later than elsewhere. The fall-sown wheat is yielding a fine crop, fully as mnoh or more than the usual yield ; the straw is long, the heads are large and very well hi led witn plump, heavy grain. Winter and spring sown wheat are, as a rale, nearly as promising as the fall-sown. In some seotions of the Willamette valley, re ports indicate the preeecoe of wheat aphis in large numbers, but no injury is bo far reported. Barley, rye and oats are very promising; outting of barley will be over within ten days. Straw berries are now plentiful over tbe pla teau region( elsewhere tbey are nearly done bearing. Cherries are nearly all gone. Plums are ripening. Pears and apples of early varieties are ripe. Large shipments of - peaobes are being made from tbe peach districts. Wild black berries are ripe and are very plentiful. Garden produce continues to make good growth. The potato orop now promises to be very large. Corn is ooming into tassel; tbe com orop promises to be much better than usual. Owing to the oool nights in Oregon, there is not sufficient corn produoed to supply looal demands. Hops are making a fine growth. Hop lice are very plentiful and energetio spraying is being engaged in. Some correspondents report that one hill in three is missing, others that one hill in from five to ten. Some yards have bnt few missing bills. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. ; ALWAYS ON TIME has Riven this road a national reputation All agouti All claaana of miMeniriir carried on the vestlhmwi. trains without extra charge. Hhlp ynur (relKlit and traviil over this lamuus line. have ticket. W. H. MEAD, K. C. BAVAQK, Un. AtfiMit. Trav. K. A 1'. Agt, 2 la Washington St., Portland, Or, For rates and all all information, Inquire of O. R, & N. and B. P. audits, or address, K. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, Utsnural AKt, Gun. Pass. A Tkt. Agt. 2M Washington St., Denver, Col. roruaim, uregon. J. V. Haht, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. 50 Years.... Undisputed Supremacy IN THC OIIIOAQO World's Competition lace & si. paui b'i Cooper's Sheep Dip ! This Railway Co. Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value oi Flock. Cheap, Hafe, Han dy, Olean, Wholesome, Odorless. Operates its trains on the famous blook avitam: Lights lu Wains by electricity through- CM AS. G. HOBEUTS, ' . . . , ., . . . GENERAL AOCNT, TT.U lk aIaaI stri ISsim ri rata n . I u .u. w. m Ash Hlreet. Portland, Oregon. Hani speedily equipped passenger tralus Sold It)' Minor it Co., very day ana ai:ni oeiween m. raui lloimnor Or and (Ihioago, end Omaha and Chicago; J,llTmr Kjr' the STILL ON THE BOOKS. Government Treasurer Carrie an Item Representing l'aper Long Ago Destroyed. The books of the United States treas ury still carry an item of $1,000,00, which represents United States noU'S which are supposed to have been con sumed in the preai Chicago fire 25 yenrs npo, says the !ew lnrk hnn. it wus known that there was $1,000,000 of currency, more or less, in the vaults of (lie subtreasiiry then, and that none 'if it. wns recovered, but the denom inations of those notes and the exact nmniiiit nre unknown, ns the books of (lie rnsliier were cons'imed also. There could not hnve been, however, very mil 11 v dollnrd less or very ninny dollars more tlin 11 $1,0110,000, nnd it would aim plify the accounts of the treasury and save a grout deal or Inlior to the book keepers if congress should pass a bill or resolution recognizing the fact that this money U no longer in exist'-nce, for every day when the cashier of the treasury balances his account he lias to include his Hini. deducting It or adding it as I he case mar lie from the amount !n hand. It appear upon every dully weekiy, monthly and yenrly statement of the nsKctn and liabilities of the gov ernmeut a "unknown, destroyed United State notes, $1,000,000," University of Oregon. The University of Oregon graduated last June tbe largest class in its history. The class numbered thirty. Tbe fall term will begin September 19th. Stu dents who have completed tbe tenth grade branches can enter the sab-fresh man olass. No examinations are required for graduates of accredited sobools. Reasonable equivalents are acoepted for most of the required entrance studies. Catalogues will be sent tree to all appli oaots. Persons desiring information may address the president, Secretary J J. Walton, or Mr. Max A. Plumb, all of Eugene, Oregon. The oourses offered are those of a good university. There are departments of modern and anoient languages, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, English, elo cution, advsnoed engineering, aetrono my, logic, philosophy, psychology, math ematios and pbysioal eduoation. Musio and drawing are also taught. Tbe to ition is free. All students pay an inci dental fee of $10 yearly. Board, lodg ing, beat and light in tbe dormitory cost 82.50 per week. 9-15 OLD-TtlK HORSE TRAINING. In the year 1597 "Maister Blnndevill of Newton Flatman, in Norfolk," Eng land, personage employed at the oourt of Qaeen Elizabeth, brought oat a boos on horsemanship, la which he gave the following reoipe aa a "correction to b used against reetiveneee. It seems hardly ceo ess art to slat that tbe said reoipe and it explanatory cut are reproduced right her with th earn, object as drunken men were exhbitedt by tbe ancients, to the loathing of grow ing up children. "Let footman," says Maister Blon deville, "stand behind you with shrewd oat tied at tbs one end of long pole, with hir bellie upward, so as she may have hir month and claws at hbertie, and when your horse dolb etaie or goe backward, let him thrust the oat betwixt bis tblgbs, so as she may scratch and bite him, sometimes by the rume; and let the footman and all tbe etanders by threaten tbe horse with a terrible noise, and you shall see it will make him go as you will have him and on so doing be ready to make much of him. Also, tbe shrill orie of a hedgehog being strit tied by tbe foot under the horse's taile is a reminder of like toroe, wbioh was proved by Master Vinoentio Res pino, a Neapolitan, who corrected by Ibis means an old restive horse of the king's in snch sort, as he had much ado afterward to keepe bim from tbe con- trarie vice of ranning awaie. Tbe like correction also may be given with a whelpe, or some other loud crieing and biting beast, being tied to the orapper, so as he may hang dowce under tbe horse's taile, baying a ende fastened nto him, wbioh ende pussing between the horse's thighs, the rider shall bold in bis right to molest the horse there with by pulling it and letting it go as he sball see it needful. Or, instead of suoh a beast, there may be tied a pieoe of iron of a foote in length, or more, and three fingers, made fall of pricks like thornes." Ex. I .v7 X. U 15,000,000 LBS. WOOL I wm rm mmttoimm mmt ymmr. - - rYtoif ! f attrmot Ihm mmnufmcturmr. We acll illrvol to the miumfiictiircr and do not peddle your wool in anrnll ilrllm. Wm makm llbmrml mdvmnemm on consignments Mtul olmrso ontv mllhmmlm of a Pr esnr. pr mnnum fmevwar on the mono. "NY supply sacks f rce to our patrons. V e have had IMKr-aeeyMM artami. Ow sromw mm wm Keep vou informed tw to tho conditions of the wool market. Write us Wfore you consign your wool. Wm can mmkm monmy tor vou. SILBERMAN BROS. CKIGAS9, ILL. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul A1o operates team-heated vestibnled trains, carrying In latest private compartment ears, library buffet smok ing car., and palace drawing room lee purs. Parlor ears, free reclining chair ears, and tb my bat dining chair oar service. For lowest ratos to any point ' United Htate or Canada, apply to gent or a Ureaa O. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHET, (J.neral Agnnt, Trav. I'asa. Agent. Portland, Or. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET Ia tbe tilaoo to go to got your fiuo pork and lamb chop. tealt and roasts. FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine aimr-eureil hams ami icnn. I'tire lel laril, krtlle reiHlire1, olil style, iliguwt cms rlre lil lor at sio. I. RKNJ. MATHEWS. EXERCISE. A NECESSITY. Earl Derllne of I'hralral Power. Ie to Nealert of Athletic. Iteyoiid tlw ngw of 40 at a inriod vthen ko many ure physically lazy the atiprrior valiif of rxerclsr la nimiTnt bub ordinarily thia ia just the time when the bgint of athletics Is ncg lictrd, aptly olwervea Kev. F. S. Root There In no reason why apuuehingbag. rowing machine, pulley weights and other HppuraluM should tw reli-froled to college Imijs and clerks. Hut, having done a gixxl deal of work in hla time, it ia almoat iiupoMiible to criiudp a btixincaa or rofciotial man turning 40 to give anv aort of attention tophya it-til culture If such training has Ucn nrcvloiit-ly negtceUtl. It ia an liiconi' ble- physiological law that we can only retain our tiodily or mental power by properly ualng uieni. fc-tercta is not a mat U-r of choiee, but of nrcraalty. 100 Ueward, 9100. Tbe readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that soienoe has been able to care in all its stages and that is catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cure is tbe only positive care now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being coustito tionsl disease, requires constitutional treatment. Hall' Catarrh Core is taken internally, acting dirctly npn the blood and mnoous surraocs of tbe system thereby destroying tb foundation of tbs disease, and giving the patient strength by building np tbe constitution and assisting natore in doing it work. Tb proprietors bavs so much faith in its enrativ powers, that tbey offer one hundred dollar for any oaes that it fails to core. Bend for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cuiniv 4 Co., Toledo, O. ttT8old by druggists, 75o. SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION State NORMAL SGlOOl MONMOUTH, OREGON. Btrong Academic and Professional Courses. Well eouipped Training Department of nine grades with !0 children. Regular Normal Course of three years, senior year wholly professional. Graduates of accredited High Schools and College. admitted directly to professional work. The Dlploma'of the School Is recognized by law a. a LIFE Certificate to teach, Graduates of the School are In demand aB teachers. Light Expenses One Year for from J20 to $160. Beautiful and healthful location. No Saloons, First term will open Tuesday, September 20, 1899. Catalogues, giving full detailB of work, cheerfully sent on applicatlrn. Address, W, A. WANN, Secretary of Faculty. L. CAMPBELL, President. TW0 SPLENDID TBBIHS DAILY TO THE EAST h m nnriF Torixin nnnmri 1 IJ ! III WA I 1 ful i mm WHERE TO SPEND YOUR VACATION, The present reduced rates could not ave prevailed at a more opportune tme. The summer vacation time is here, and all who oan afford it are planning to take advantage of tbe differ ences between tbe warring railroads. Tbe attention of those who oontemplate trip East, whether it be to tbe moun tain resorts of Colorado, the Omaha ex position, or points beyond, is oalled to the advantages offered by tbe Rio Qrande Western Railway. Its line and those of its Colorado loonneotlons ran through the heart of tbe Rookies, taking tbe traveler away from the alkali and sage brash of its Northern competitors, and out of tbe beat of the ooantry through which its competitors on tbe south run. For tbe comfort of those, whose purse will not permit them to enjoy all tbe privileges of first-class ticket, the Rio Grande Western has ioauguarated a series of toariet excursions. The cars used are owned and operated by tbe Pallman Falaoe Car oompany. They are in charge of special oondaotors and porters, whose sole duties are to look after the comfort of their passengers. Tbe oars are attached to fant express trains, and held over in Salt Lake City twelve hours, giving the passengers a day in tbe Mormon capital. This lay over also insures a daylight ride through tbe Rookies. One of these exoarsion cars run through to lioelon; one to Chicago, via Omaha; one to Chioago, via Kansas City and the fourth to Ht. Louis. Etch goes over different road east of Colorado, giving the passenger a choice of ronton. These eioorstong leave Portland Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of eaob week. For information as to rates, and for descriptive pamphlets, address J. D. Mansfield, general agent, Rio Grande Weetern Railway, 142 Third street, Port land, Oregon. Rocky Mountain Limited Leaves DENVER, " COLO. BFB1NG8 . Arrives LIN JOLN " OMAHA " DEH MOINES " DAVENPOB1' " CHICAGO Next Day Through Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to Chicago. Wide Vestibule throughout. The finest train in the West. 0:30 a. m. 9:8 ' a. m. 11:45 p. m. 1:80 a. m. 5:'25 a. m. :M a m. 2:15 p. in. Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER " COLO. SPRINGS Arrives TOPEKA " KANSAS CITY 2:4S p. m. 2:46 p. m. 7:80 a. m. fl:15 a, m. Ar. ST. LOWS, (Wab. R'y) 8:15 p. m. Arrives ST. JOSEPH . 10:40 a.m. LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 8:42 a. m. " OMAHA (Ex San) . 8:.r.O a. m. Through Sleepers Colorado Springs to St. Louis via Wabash R'y. These are New Trains in addition to our former service. For particulars and folders giving time of these trains write E-EA.!?:..PEKA. W. H. flRTH. , (Jen. Agt., DENVER. JNO. G. SEBASTIAN, . A., CHICAGO. NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable IMie Control. aled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call Bon bim and have vour horses well fartd for. CJtJIOIi TI3VT33 t Scifx Francisco And all points In California, via th MU Hhasta rout 01 ma Southern Pacific Co tha groat hiahway through California to all points East and south. Grand Hondo Kout of tha Paoifio Coast. Pullman BaSet Sleepers. Baoond-olaM Sleeper Attached to express train, aflording superior kocomuodation for aeoond-elan paManaer. For rat, ticket, aleepiug oar reservation, to, call noon or addrsa a. KUEHLKR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Oen. F. r. Agt. Portland. Oregon "He Relator Line" The Dalles, Portland 4 Astoria Navigation Co. STSjft.BZ&S "DALLES CITY" AND 'REGULATOR" CommenciDB Mooday, Mny 2nd, tb gteamera of the Repnlator Line will leave Portland at 6:30 a, m. sod Tbs Dalles at 8:30 a.m. When yon so to Portland, stop off at The Dalles and take a trip down tbe Columbia; you will eDjoy it, and gave money. W. 0. ALLAWAT, Qeoeral Agent CIGAR Ilrlght AS A SOCIAL FORCE. Tch NORTHERN r . 1 Mil HO liV A ROOSTiR Imghl IN tVlDENCE. TllROCOU CAUS TO Hr. FAt'L MINNKAfULlS Dtlt'lU K A III IO IH Til: I1KLKNA Tickrta itii.1 all pii.t In tli ?oitl rlll- and Caiia.la. griCKTlMKTO. All Ktlirr lhl la Hi l'.t and hiiiittieaal t'llll'tll! Na Y..g urrui iii4iu Ks 'it Hr. Jim t. loi ta ('t"B lVt rnnaMttUma at Ml. I'aul, Minneapiilia, Kn (My, llinaha. Ml. iiim and ollirr rooil kal mmU 1ai'( eWk4 ttitiitigb io (kat'ttaliiNi nl tkktla. Tl frngh tttkt to Japaa anl Cblia.ia TaKoma aad NortburB l'ifi Maam ibtp LV)n.po'a Una. sroKiNE falls i Noimim M1S0N 4 FORT SHKTPARD KM MOUNTAIN HULWiTS Tl Only All-Kail lUmta Uilboot I'banga of Cara lWtwaea Hpokane.l lUiaaland anj Nelmn. Also ttrtwavo Nln aal Kolud, daily siit Huoday : Imk Arrlv ' A. V H..i. a In I'. M !! M II. ,n,l m H. M ID A. II N-Uni r. M. I'Iim iNm,H m l NaImhi villi tmmn fi Rts aiitl all k,rf.iftl lh MHiita. laMMitft ff Kiiw liltar iul HimriMrt rl rxini al limi vitlt Mm ilil (IRLlfiGTON-FOSSlL STAGE LINE . ... 'm9fnf I . . I , . ' , . , , l i U t'H, 4rfi t I la A,tlH !. Agt. all.a Of, I'lrftlaoJ, if a'Iloo.IaikJJwm."- runt rrtoM arunqton to rMil ii WIMI .ti , . a.iin. l trip 'l On Mf till CJ t" kmiM np ton "n.i (J KtltM) ,., K. .uii.l tnat Clwa at mllm ... w kun1 Irisi l Oll (It t.llMl . I ' Huuu4 trip IM flarf l Af'lflnn f rnorTilri . . ..t iV . r I i. . t :t ; . i -i -.'I . I 7 I ti t'liinl ll- ! d s a.'tit and (, f Iflf0"d dflfria, I a LA Coart aad rUed Ik WllaM aiad. In a atraJinif raM wblrh waa triad In ttt county nmrt at Sjlvaoia, Uav, a fry rtratinimary wnnraa m id trralurrtl tb flrat of hi kind that baa rvrr a"-an-d In our rnurthnuar. aa tb SataiiiiRh Npi. TbM vtaa a ilniuiiii. k niu-r. Two uprto bora iri iniMiMitl fur atrallng rhlrkrtia frtmi another nrgro. Tb inirutr tinii'i that hi rblt-kma wrr mlaalnr. and bn t litiiiml to bavr lli'iiUnHl thrtu In the yanl if Uix airuarxl. It thrn lli'rloir. on the IntU-r to iro Uirir on tirt hip. line of our trilitrt J nun a; lawiria mm rnndutlinff Uie drfrnar. and hr rrv Iniri'uUiiuily IniriMluid In iiUlriiif1 th Uii iiiiiitluurtl iloml tili k. rmwirr, wbli'b ln-lonifHl to tha ilrfpiidauia. in otilrr to ahuw Uia aim- lliirily In iiirrniic Iwlwrrn b ronat rrhl and thn iirtnl rblckrna. 1 hi rirr ta lrl .f th Ixu-tijartl m lb idnt-fi ihpre the t tmya llvnl. and the iIioiuInI i Iim Urn were ry tiuirb tike bim In mliT and oihrr a that no one Uinlll Ihry rrt hi Lnral ihtMt iiint. i he tuonlrr, whrll mt I he kland, lrraa at wire to rrow lulily, mm If ilrairiof to rorlatm tbe IniKHviir of the accused, and furnlbt hiurh amiirment to the murL After brarlrijr all the Wlrnc In the rmmm and lnrunf lha rmaier tha JuJr diM-harett the irumbera and told the f rnwuior that, while it rrhar Inie be hn nt til rhWVrn, yet be ronriiKI ihry bad tn l m j iy ! I r 'wmiu tonna Man Insist oi log Ilia Father to Mniok. Thut aduirn ulmut tbe t-bilil U'li.fr fiv ther to tho inito rm-ived an oild lniT luvtutiun by ft yoiinjr iiiau wbolivi-aln Oak Turk. He think it iiicuna thut the child aliould run t.MnK and make tbe old man atand around. Thla briar bt younif nian. aaya a I'hlca- gt iir, live wltu ina latin r in imm'uv lor airtnii'iita. It ihuiuvd thut the old umn lwl an rxfiiiidury lifo in bin younger luya und bad never Irami'd to aiiinke. Tbe aoti, however, Ix-inir thor oughly up to the timee, ia very fond of bit clifur, and many a oolloouy inueu When the fut her cam home to tin J the room redolent of flgar moke bo would argue v lib hiaaon that It u a no nice vav to do, and Uuit be almuld re- (M"t tiie fi-ellng of thou who ol itvU'd to anioke. "lint, father." otJe-ieU the young man. "yon ronat rrrogiiire the fnrt that the rigar la a great aorlal Tnotor. ra Ihrr. tn muet burn to moke. It I an arituniilikhinrnt of every gentleman, and you ahould not overlook It The nrt day be brought home a ho of cigara and a pipe for Ina faitnT. am the old grntleman, who hrel spent 50 vrra In thU vale of anioke without knowing the cvmforla or anlwe of to- hnern, brgnn Indualrioimty Ui learn to uike, Afirr three triala he gave up and ronferl bia defra'. Ilia an miilrd up all the rlgnra and the plw waa given in an Irreverent young man who langhiod at the atory Baata th Klondlka- Mr. A. 0. Thomea, of Mary ifille, Tel., baa foood a mora valuable diaoovery than bas yet been made in tba Klondike. for years ba suffered untold agony from consumption aooompanied by hemorrh age, and was absolutely cured by Dr. Kina New Discovery for Consumption, Conch and Colds, he declares that gold is of little Tains in comparison to this marvelous ears, would have it even If it coat a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, bronchitis and all tbroat and Inog affec- ona are positively eared by Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption. Trial bottles free at E. J. blocnm'a drug store. Hegular lies 50 eta and 11. Guaranteed to ours or price refunded. Aa r.agl' raai. It is recorded that an eagle kept in confinement hna been known to fant for three wevk. thoee who have had charge of It having forgotten to provide the usual aupplv of food. It anon, how ever, recovered It atrrngOl.and did not appear to suffer from It extraordinary attlnenr. Walrh Voaf C haare. ' "There Is no surh thing a look." aaid Col. North onoe. "Kverv hoily in till worhl haa chance. What eope cull 'lurk' simply mean thut a man area bia chance, hold on lo it, and at tl.e right moment works it for bimwlf. Luck 7 Ninenr: 'Luck' la aimply I he faculty of eilng pa.ing oppor-tunitle." A MEN! be cured I A If jo sufTer from tny of th I m v M v m ills of men, com lo th oldest I MP 1 1 Special itt on th Pscinc Cou I I tftuf WROAN a CO., 1 I Yonna; niea and middle , asrect nen ha riliring Dom th enccts youttuul inditcmionior sx- i leaillt,liiMtiey .Imi HaskiHiil in all n ntmiHicAiinfi; Svpermalarrhtra. I Br4Mtitrrltris, UnNflrrhiMi, aileel, , Trrturury mt t'rlllii, tie Ky a I cambinaiiii it renwdte,of nM oirativapow r, th Ouctnr ha sn arrnngad bia tmtment I that it drill not only aff t1 imnmliat rtlirf but t parnuncnt cur. 1 h Ifcxt'ir di ant cl-im U I parfomi miracka. but ia waiUkmma to b (air i nd tquara I'hyaician and Surgeon. mminnt I in hit ..liT-lle-aieri affften. Mreklll Ihnrmwiiivenwllmiedlniui tn I Byi-ni t!hottntttfl fftere'wr? V HV vtASI ..ivli. In m wttl r l Jlvoiir hmrat ftfitM'm of hi r,m'la1fit, ' H tril Unnrantrt a Tl VK ft.' K ia i fwry eoa tre un'trrtnke, or Jorjeil Us ' Thaaan4 Kallars. i t .m.nliiii -n FKi K nd tlrlnly trim. VHAKUtJI lea r KKAHOSAHLK. Treat' inrnt parwnally or oy ktier. Send m hn. tc "Tke rhllaaaph lea. IA valuabi book TiaiT D Orrat Miiarum of Anatomy th flnat nd lafeat Muaeumof lit kmH htll aroeld. Coin sd learn boar anmoeffully yHi ar ia4f b to ae,.i. aiianeva jmI il i . V ar cm au-inv ao!' ' icim CAT A ton IK ttiKir, I'ailaewrUa, ' I0SI Mwfcet ttrt. tsa rraneltra. Cw OREGON SHORT LINE Hy. QUICKEST AND MOST EIKECT LINK TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Poinia EAST, and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. II vcur vnnir . t j ; CHICAGO, 3 J - letter. Send for hrH'b. A hy af MarrUce,' f i tor .) i , JOSDAXfJ mm iih ST. LOUIS. 3J OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 1J Wisceasia Cinraat. tiats GENE UAL PASSKNGKIl DEPARTMENT. Free Reclining Chair Cara Upholstered Tourist Bleeping Cara Follmaa Talao Sleeping Care For fall particulars regarding rates, time of trains, etc, oall on or address J. C. HAHT, Agent II. II k N. Co Deppner, Ore got 0. O. Tkv, W. E. Cobas, Trav. Teas. Agt. O.a'1 Agt. lit Third St., Portland, Ore. tlt-rtrtrlif ea lb far, IMectrlciiy ia likely to tae an lniior tanl faelor In the aurlcullnre of the future, ai-rording to the Italian profra aor A. Aoll. who baa collecled evidence ahowtng that tioth terrealial and at ItiiMphrrlc rlctlrtcily are fnl.le lo the grtttiiiiation of awl end the emwlh of ptanla. A mmrm Tkiaf fav Tew. A I ' H' la wbM to yaili auoeil neta StiraUtlug, U.ouiMn, a b tw. Ixl red Uii( . later, -ie ami U-oumhj I er I aia aUM bv rntiiailoi ami i'Hi"h -e l .. . I " ' Milwaukee, Not. 5, 1H'.7. fATRONS of the Wiaconeiu hi rirpiua wnt. Contral Linia in Mwainff Ihronoh The common people among I lie an- . . dent rpvirtiana had wo.ie aaodai. if Cttcago may require aome twai.t. we mny credit Ihe akacilinn of hitr lima, one of the t'.gvptian queen re ceived the revenue of one city solely keep herrlf In aan.l.il. Pf Ja " i ' I" 11 , r"t llVf, 1 . trVV . j.. I-- ka I 14 it'' I- t 'i I I- "!. , ,4 i. , t. t . e.i m i I e dco in tbe way of baring tbeir b a. tul bapTgagA takro form or to train anil carriage or bus, or in many other waya, and tbry will fiml alt that ia doairrxl in thin re. ajioct in the aertice of the Uabera at tho Grand Coutral Paaaengcr HUtion, b liavu red-ntly born nniformcd with brown suit and red cak Tbey will be in waiting at all trains j repared to aaaiat paa. rogara, and it ia hoiml that our pa Irons will folly avail themaclvps of thia additional pMTiaioo fur their comf'irt. J AS. C. lOND, Gfu'l I'n-ir, As.1 MS THROUGH TICKETS -fV TO TUK f SUtheaSt Satctss" n nine it. ii. THE THItOUmi CAR LINE. riu.MAvi rtunt aurrrmt. nu.M nit mar aun-rRH. ring Kr. t.iiivi ciitiR oi mt t'oithml ( ii.f.rii Ci7it t 7mIM Jf. MifAoitf t'ii. T.n. 1 1 I .-..In.-leJ t SMiraLMl. Kea.re t l,a. u llii.tM. I- w Hals. Inw l,r l Trmna Viaalatrtl nlm. iwl t ',,. el at t .!, .be.k inim u riirMe, Writ na.br,rt f t Iit.. u l and Mhee .nr.wanvHHi f''H,,i. .. (.l.i.H, 'r,t I II UlI'M'iUV J riltrtTl- lie), hO. ..V j , lU-jl.,1, Of, t.ori