Poor and Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble Had no Appetite-Now Better in Every Way-A Delicate Child. "Some time since I took a sudden cold and could not get rid of it. Being subject to catarrh and bronchial trouble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel like work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla. In short time the cough disap peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and I was better in every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and had a humor whidh trou bled him so he could not rest at night. He haB taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar saparilla and now he has a good appetite and Is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J. Freeman, South Duxbury, Mass. Hood's Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, aid digestion. 250. Take Notice. 1. Tfie sum ot flve cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, had obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. The Gazette is not heralding its oom ing with a brass band but its circulation oan be determined at tbe Heppaer post offioe. Advertisers wil! please note this. We sail away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not fear; And we'll leave behind the girls we love, cries the Oregon volunteer. With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old Glory in the sky, But ere we pass we'll drain a glass, of Sperry's Llnwood rye. Sold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. G. Sperry, proprietor. tf Local Notes. See M. Liclitentba! & Co. for shoes, a Wood wanted on subscription at this office. W. . Proyn started for Hillsboro Wednesday evening. Thousands of old newspapers for sale at the Gazette oflioe. t Miss Qraoe Tillard, of Pendleton, is here visiting relatives. What ia Hop Gold? Best beer on earth, bee ad. elsewhere. Liohtentbal & Co. for shoes, Exolusive shoe store. Handles the best. 83tf Regular services will be held Sunday morning in the M. E. oharob, South. Guinoesse's famous old "Dublin Stout," imported, at Ghris Borcbers' tf An inoandesoent light has been pat in on tbe oorner of May and Court streets. Statements tot the Famous Simple Account File printed at the Gazette of fice, tf. G. S. Orane, the ebeep mm, will take bis family to California tor a few weeks' visit. The delnpidated condition ot side walks about town is tbe dally topic of discussion. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defeots of tbe eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr "Co'n juice" is all right but tow Til lard bas a brand of 14-year-old goods that is bard to beat. 6o3-lf. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. It Dot as stated, do obarges. Try Dr. Vaugbao's Dew plan. 604-tf. Miss Mabel Leezer returned from Port land Toesday, and ia now Postmaster Williams' cbief assistant. It you Deed something for your system call at the Tbooe Tbe Telephone sa loon, Gity hotel building, tt Dr. Margarita Qarosey leaves on to morrow oigbt's traio for California. Do Dot fail to get your medicine. Best accommodation and ennrteons treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh and Wash. Hts., Portland, Orrgoo. Bring your bides, pelts sod furs to Ben. Metbsws, at tbe Liberty Meat Market. He pays highest market price, 619-tt. Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Osrrlgus and Mrs. A- G. Ball havt gone to Portland to at tend the grand lodge ot lbs A. O. U. W., sow lo session. Motgsgea, deeds, bill of sale, hoods, sod all kinds of legal blanka-ths laleel sod beat kept constantly on bend el tbs Gazette ofllos. i Tht eioeptlooally cool wealber of lbs past week baa beeo thoroughly appre ciated by thorn usable to go lo tbs sa sids or mountains. E. O. Noble & Co. are rustlers after business. Tbs flint Ml and bar oss to bo found lo Ueppoer. Bee tbrir dsw ad io tbia Issue, tf. Dyspepsia cored. Hbilnb's Vital nr Immediately rsllsvew or stomerb, com leg Dp ot food distress, and is tbe greet kidney and livsr remedy. Hold by Con r k Warren. Farmers ad harveel band should eall and ees Brow a A Hie art when tbey eots a town and wanl s new shirt. alr of gloves, bat , noderweer, overalls, ttc. They srs headquarters. It Dr. John W. Kaamne, of ih "Red light," ever on tbe eWfl fi.r something sew, tan fornleh on lbs flnml r to talis io lit leod-JUnhetleo, Jersey, i Vermouth or (hs-msxls ly aa artiet In tbs basis. Drtip la and leks ths 1 taais out of your iib. tf Frank Berg baa gone to the springs J. W. Morrow and family leave tor an outing tomorrow morning. Nelson Bartholomew has about recov ered from bie indisposition. Tbe little daughter of J. B. Thompson is Buffering from a mild form of chorea. Mrs. Kelly entertained a number of hei lady friends Wednesday at her home on Willow oreek. John Short, who has been afflioted with corneal ulcers in both oyes, is mak ing a remarkable reoovery. Mr. Wm. Mallory has been seriously ill, but under treatment of Dr. McSworde, is reported to be improving. Numerous Indiana have been about the town the past few days, coming m from the mountains for supplies. Rev. Howard reports a most enjoyable recreation in the mountains, with the health of his family deoidedly improved. Will Dutton and family, acoompanied by tbe Misses Flora and El ma Hillock, of Pendletoc, started for tbe mountains this morning. Mrs. S. N. Morgan has ret urned from Teal springs with her son Ciiarlea, who has been seriously ill, but is now on a fair road to reooyery. Geo. Thornton, who left a few days sinoe for an outing, with his family, waa oompelled to return, owing to the serious illness of his little son Obarles. Be not deoeived! A cough, boarsness or croup are not to be trilled with. A dose in time of Shilob's Cure will save you much trouble. Sold by Oonser & Warren. y Cure that cough with Shilob's Cure. The best cough onre. Relieves oroup promptly. Od6 million bottles sold last year. . 40 doses for 25ota. Sold by Con ser & Wftrren. v Mrs. Geo. Conser, Miss Cora Hart, Miss Harriet Thompson, Mrs. Frank Mo Farland and sou, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren were on Wednesday evening's outgoing train. Lincnes, take toe best, if you are troubled with constipation, sallow skin and a tired feeling, take Earl's Clover Tea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by Cooser & Warren. v By referring to the steamer schedule of tbe O. R. & N, Go's, boats, advertised in another oolumu, readers will note the change tn time ot their arrival end de parture at Portland. Tbe Gazette oarries a full stock nf mourning note, oorrespondenoe style, with envelopes to match. Those desiring snob stationery oan have their wants supplied at this ofQoe. tf. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, DuriQes the blood. Clears tbe complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts Sold by Conser & Warren. v F. W. Angus, of Portland, representing tbe Wright & Stimson Monumeutal Works, of Barre, Vermont, has been do ing considerable business in Ibis vioiuity during the past three weeks. Fred Floed, formerly editor ot the Roseburg Review, bas aooepted a post lion on tbs Times-Mountaineer. Fred is reoognized as one ot Oregon's bright est journalist, and we oongratulate tbe Mountaineer on securing bis services We f oknowledge tbe receipt ot tbe so Dual catalogue ot the Eastern Oregon State Normal school, situated at Weston Issued from the job department ot tbe East Oregonian. Those desirmg informs' tioo will, upon application, be sent catalogue free ot oharge. If you want tbe latest war news, tb ireKnest local Deppeaiogs, oily or oouotry, get ths Gazette, semi-weekly Tuesday and Friday, Patronage bslps make a paper. Compare it with those of other towns ths size of Ueppter and ths Gazette will Dot suffer thereby. It At tbe Heppner Candy Faotory is the place to get cool, refreshing summer drinks, J a. Hart cao tarnish yoa milk shales, eodo, ics oream sods, orange wine, peach eider, etc Ioe oreatn booths nioely fitted op. Corns sod try tbs Dewey flavor dsw thing and very fine. 6GI tt Robert Beyers, of Douglas, is in town today. Look out for W. L. Sailing! He has the taxrolls well along. T. J. Allyn, a prominent rancher of lone, is registered at tbe Palaoe. Mr. J. T. Mitchell, representative of tbe New York Life, is again in our midst. D. (J. Herron of The Dalles, was eleot ed Grand Master Workman, at the session of grand lodge in Portland. Charles Bartholomew sold the horse bought by Conser and Bartholomew last week to Stine Bros., of Walla Walla, at right smart profit. Emigraut trains from California oon- lune to throng our streets, seeking a more prosperous oouotry. Old timers are reminded of early days. Four hundred mioe at one haul, in a 2J-2X4 inoh trap, is a little too muob for Ioueitee, Mr. Conser. Better divide the number by 25, and bring on your proof. Mrs. Manning is still at the hotel, and is resting as easily as could be expeoted. She feels grateful to ber many friends who are taking an interest in her wel fare. Jim Jones, administrator of the Nels Jones estate, sold tbe entire clip of wool belonging to the estate to Sam Wilken son, for S. Koshland & Co., at 13 cents pound. Jas. Galbreath, of Butte, Montana, formerly in the employ of W. 0. Dutton, below town , is here on bis way to Ya quina bay. He bas his old fondness tor Heppner. Several dips of wool have beeo Bold mce our last issue at prices ranging from 11 to 12g oents. The same clips sold last year at from 7 to 8 oents. raak- iu a very m aterial difference in tbe conn- V s finances. CI and Brantou, charged with tbe mur- er of Jobn Linn, was arrested July 20th on the streets of Eugene. He claimed to ave gone to Iowa and returned not cowing he was wanted. He denies all knowledge of the murder. Joe Liooona, sheepman from near Wagner, bas just returned from Port- and and Willamette valley. He reports the Willamette in a prosperous oondition, but thinks chances for money-making muoh better in this country. Mr. Eugene Freeland, bookkeeper of the First National bank, and member eleot ot the legislature, left on Wednes day night's train for Halsey. Before re turning Mr. Freeland will visit Salem, and possibly Ashland, bis former home. Mr. W. E. Ellsworth, late of Chicago. arrived in Heppner Wednesday, and will immediately begin the oompilation of historical matter pertaining to the ooun ty. Mr. Ellsworth oomes here very Digbly reoommended, and those with whom be oomes in contact will find him a most intelligent and agreeable gentle man. Messrs. Biggs and Welcome, old resi dents of Burns, passed through Heppoei Wednesday, having made the trip by stage from Bums Id 86 hours, a die tance ot 175 miles. They pronouocs the present servioe on the line the best by far that Heppner bas ever known, and as travel is encouraged ths demand for a daily service Is gaining ground. Otis Patterson, aocompanied by Mr. Jas. H. MoKibben, returned to Heppner last evening, having Bombed a uirouit of 625 miles, administering to tbs wants of K. of P s at Condon, Loos Rock, Mitch ell, Prineville, Burns, Canyon City and Long Creek. Their experiences would fill a book". One night they were com pelled to seek a haymow for sleeping ac oommodatlona. ihey report receptions "fit for king" al eaoh visiting nlaae. Tbs roads were io excellent oondition, affording them a pleasant journey. J. F. Soholl, of Portland, an ex peri eooed miller, who bas beeo io ths em ploy ot tbs Portland Flooring Mill Co for tbs past ten years speut severs! days io towo this week trying to seours lease of lbs fi inrbg mill, lis informs os that be was onabls to com to satis faotory terms with ths owners, as I bey were desirous of selling tbs plant, whiob would rnjuirs aa lavettnvtot beyond the limit ot bis mesas. Mr. Soholl spok very encouragingly of tbs prospects of success with tbs mill. believing tbal i lbs band of a first clam miller quality of fl'itir could b turned oal justifying ths patrouegs of lbs eommonlty. SECOND EXPEDITION REACHES 9 The Transport Steamers, China, Zealandia Colon and Senator Reached There Safely. II 1 Mil I i ww. tesrkrs-xJ-- FOUR DEATHS OCCUffl) ON THE MAGE 5 Great olean-itp of Odds and Egds, Ren)Qants, and Broken Lots is now on Ladies' Shirt Waists v News of the Destruction of Cevera's Fleet P Ladies' Low Lace Shoes and Oxford I Ties v Discourages the Spaniards, Who Are About Ready to Surrender. O Calicos, in Standard Brands O o iAi r j. oummer vvasn vaooas. Associated Press Dispatches. ' Hong Kong, July 21. The German steamer Wustan, from Cavite, reports that the United States transport China, with American rein forcements for Admiral Dewey, arrived at Cavite Saturday last, and that the other transports arrived Sunday. No advance has been made by the American forces. They are o o In order to make a clean sweep of those goods C we nave made prices tar below cost in many in stances as an inducement. We must have room tor fall goods, ihev are A coming in even now in large quantities. We have A an enormous stock of goods ordered in New York j t 3 awaiting the coming of General Merritt, who is expected to reach the J and Chicago and our object is to clear away space J place wnmn ten days, i tie insurgents etui infest the town. L for thpm A. Four Deaths Occurred on the Voyage Out. J above goods decapitating not onlv our usual modest A San Francisco, July 21. A cable special to the Examiner, dated V profit but 3 portion of the original wholesale cost. V Hong Kong, July 20th, says that the second fleet of transports from A 7 A the United States has reached Manila. The China arrived on the after noon of July 16th, and the Zealandia, Colon and Senator on the morn ing of the 17th. Four deaths occurred during the voyage, those of ieutenant Laselle and Private Maddox, of the Eighteenth infantry; Sergeant Geddes, of the First Nebraska, and Private Wiseband, of the list Colorado. Otherwise all the men arrived well. j Come and marvel at them. j MinorcteOo. Confirmed at Washington. Washington, July 21. Secretary Long announced at 1 o'clock that he had received a dispatch from Admiral Dewey announcing the arrival of another detachment of troops at Mauila, consisting of the second expedition from San Francisco. Spaniards About Ready to Surrender. Manila, Philippine Islands, July 17, via Hong Kong, July 21. Admiral Dewey may decide to capture Manila before General Merritt arrives here. In view of the possibility of an early peace, there have been vigorous attacks and a slight bombardment on the outskirts of the city, to which the Spaniards replied with extravagant shelling. Spaniards now say they do not believe the reinforcemeuts promised them will ever reach here, and they despair of suooesd, but condemn the proposal to retire to the citidal, which is utterly defenseless, as such a step would merely invite slaughter. Therefore they believe it would be better to surrender, though fearing publio censure. How ever, they will probably be compelled to surrender soon, as food is dangerously scarce. THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been leased by... J.O. BORCHDRS Who has iocured tho lervlcei of MRS. MARGARET VON CADOW As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Kates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. iff' "li Andrew lUbes, of Ulack Dora, was brofitfbt In lowo early io lbs week by Frank Gentry, beving tbs indn flugrr of bis right band almost severed by o Min ing io eotitaol witb mowing maohtos knife. Dr. McHrds considers tbs out a serious one, bat tbioks be will ssvs tbs Soger. Tbs little 8 year-old too ot Ham Mead ows, while wheeling s baby baggy oo Mho street, was attacked by dg and sliabtly bills Wednesday afitroooo slsrabal llager at ones took poeeeeeioo of lbs ess ins, sod few moioools later pnt so end lo Its earthly carreer, thereby ppeMiiig the wratb of a half hundred Dlro wbo witoeeeej lbs altar. The Uarqnaia Orand. oo Morn tlteel In the Marquam boiMiog, Is nuder iivllftil nianageneol and tbe poMia will t royally satertalned this wlnUr Jfew eotnpaiiles and piw fsillap pear from time to lima at Ibis popslar( Cml rlaes theatre of IWllitid, end wheo io I'nrtlanJ our denlnens sboald bI fall to lake In rn of the fins dramas that Will b f resented. tf Inbnonrof tbe return of MusJali Qart a nnu.W of br friend eetnhle4 at ber ktn Tuee.t tenia. A Di"t f jo)l. lima la reported, tbe features of lb treble being ber I')'tllS play n. Iflbef with whlel. Ttaee enter, tamed were; Mi lUrriel Th -mioa, f I'n tt ft, M i lUrtba rt.1 Meer, (I. W. l elf. tt. Y. Ha l. M. I CUrfc sa l II I'arri.b. A nuthr i f tean, itaj nei4fail I lunee etok following, paeeel Ibronsb a eiai tieo U.Uf, ettKte f it lbs l a- A tUgrm received at ins Usti kOM iiotry. We wes Ii.frae4 tbal tiAee leel ettig anaoatiSB) beapp,al. tbs I belnbe 1 a pfiipf ( St)l of lt, B F. V sHbo M pnetMMtef I farmer an t et -t't ,4 ('' fianty, at II j p-r. I, Vsntfla's afp-ittiaftl CHEBAblS DISTANCED. The Great Htallloa of Umatilla Connty Is la Itapld Hoeletr. Frank Fraiier is making tbe round of tbe grand eastern oirouit witb tbe great Obebalis. Tbe last race beard from was that of Monday, July 18th, which took place at Detroit, Mioh. Five boraes started io tbs pacing raoe, olass 2:04. It will be noticed that tbe time recorded seems somewhat slow, but that ia parti ally aocoouted for by tbe fact tbal the time is seldom so fast when sooh number ot borses start. Another point of particular ioteresl if tbal notwith standing defeat Chebalis paced tbe latest mils of tbs race, which was ths fourth beat, and woo II io Following ia lbs rsporl as telegraphed from Detroit : Three great paoers, Frank Bogmu, Rubensteio sod Damps, Boiihed tbs dsy ot tbs grand oiroalt season witb twj beats saob to their credit. Results: Paos, 2:04 o I aw, puree t2,(X)0-(Ua flo Ubed) Rubensteio tojk tbs third an I ssfeotb beat; li.ns 2:0(1. 2:12'f Frank Dogasb took toe fifth aod siitb; lime, 2.07., 2:10. Bumps won tbe Oral and moooI hsath; tims, 207, 27. Cbobelia, dlstanoad lo tbs fifth beat, woo tbs fourth heat in 2:0fi4. Bprolal Notice. As tbe present proprietor zelte must leave Heppner soon desirous of settling up bis aflairs. Wbat is due him be mast have at once, so that be oan meet all deman settle your aocount. oj. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, ion, be is 7 in. wb.i J. C. BOROHIURS, Prop. ds. Drop in sod Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. THK NIxTOKY Of HEITM.H. A Valaaale Werk Hkewla Iks Kraosrces tt or raw feaaly aa4 Iks Urewtk f H"ppf, Tbs (latetta bas lo preparation work to bs knowo as lbs Ilietory of lleppnsr. data for which is oow being gathered. It will eootaio an eibauli and com plets bhlry ot Morrow eoaoly fmm early settlement op to tbs present lime, and a eomprebensivs deeorlplloo of Its oat oral reeooroea. Tbs growth of the ily of Heppner will t detailed, and its uromerelal InUreels will be tally repre sented, being earefallf wriitea by a oim. petenl ix mtnermel writer. 1 1 will ss. lata, aleii, biographical skelobes of pruiiiinetil silia-ns. Tbs work will be Ibtereeling as o bieo.ry, and eeperUlly saiuabla fur tbs porpoes f adrertiemg Unttnm ruoety, and intereiag eapilal la Ma farther development. Tha qblnalln will aeia rf aUiil lUrty two pages, j iart i t; printed oo beaty tm-.k paper, aad will he rstoint fxf mailing, (lata Is sow Uu,g gathered by our repreeenlaiiee, and we Irnat b will I entdieii rexeiv I by lb aps wbm be may tall. Knoklea's Arnica Halve. Tbe Dest Salve in the world for Bruises, Mores, Uloers, Belt Hbeom Fever Bores, Tetter, Obnpped Hands, Chilblains, (Jorns, anu all Hkto li.ru p1 tions, and positively cares riles or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect aatittaotlno or money refunded. Price 26 oents per boi. For sale by Blooam Drug Co., E. J. Blooum, manager 100 KEWAUD t Will bs paid for information leading to lbs arrest and oonvictioo ot any per son stealing cattle branded " WQ" con nected on the left side. Waddle oo tbe I nose. Fbuct Hnonin. 4.Vnnv3 2S: That 14-Year Old Stuff, Kohn's Best," On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon S IT ISO HAHU OOODM Nsw Stand, City Hotel Building, IOW OMlIiVlO, Prop. CASTOR I A DOOTS AND SHOES' THE PLACE TO GET THEM IS OF m. riciixiiivriivry v For Infant! and Children. The Kind You Hats Always Bought Signature- of CO. Tho Surs L Crlpps Curs. Tbers Is oo oso sofTeriof from this dreadful malady if yoa will only get tbs right remedy. Vou are having paio all through yonr body, your liver is out of order, have oo appetite, oo Ills or am hi lion, bavs bad cold, in fart ars com pletely osed op. Kleotrio Bitters ars lbs only remedy tbat will give yoa prompt and sure relief. They act direotly oo yoar liver, stomach and kidneys, lone op tie wbols system aod make yoa fesl like a new being. They srs guaranteed lo onrw or pries refolded. For sal at E. J. Mlooom's drag store, only fjO oeots psr boitls. The Cruel Knife! ruH MALE. IUsob, ifJQ sores, good land, 4 miles of lleppoer, all fenre l, plenty of wslsr, bouee aod barn, 1H acres of summer fallow, all really for fall rrnp, F.aey terms. Call at lbs OasetU ofTloe. CA tf T'mMXKll Irylaa II. fn lr t' l fe llt gt Itieril fif I 'y a Crxe, a lulm the iixnl efTnMUe e'r f"f ( .linh a4 44 lo H'l. s Lata pre. '.f"l a pftr'i (rial f 'f 10 r.i,l, t ll of )r Jiajj.-ior i.. lOietiUlo IJ.T ti.l'rt., r,1 w..f4 hi , X. Y. City. f enter! f,m ri'atti of tli wirt k nd tr.r tn, Ui". ail I pif ad for ire, l"i I L'' I faia l alm eMna lo do t.a iul Mny a"-iaii.iirir. ,aa a. II wall e) .nl r.ulu - i tmmt Itolruia, 4) Wuna , ( binagn, III. fly's ('ram fUlm U Ike ai..el..lfd ir- I w eettrrb an I erniUikx Un f"nt,. l'ri l( is kDaointeiy nriea to eirxyt s urgioal operalinn to cur rancor, orl any other Vlmxi Oiaeaae. The cnieltv I if such treatment ia illustrated In the alarming number of dnatha which re sult from it. Tho dineaeA n the MiKid, and benow can not bw cut out. Nlnw tlrofS out of tn tho surgexm's anus oniy hastens aeatn. Mr en ha4 a Binel eiallenanl Ceaeee. Ini wbioh the ilurbira a44 aa wperwilxw was Uw 1 Otilf anpe, 7bpr. anon m a .re ne. ae II waa lml tmtf lo eat ilown lo Hi )a bu. aad aarape II k(r a r.l while the I an. r flrno. anrt km. ;a to rw rrt.lf . i. fa. a him many rni.-ti wiUi'mi re II. I. a4 S a ally, ai-n ilwi a1i of a fit.M. iWlilH le t'f Mas. inwirt'a alftr. (Ho l li aer.m'l .iltt They have anything In tills line that toii mar ili-alra ami you ran dYpend on It you ct a (IimhI article whan Uioy uaraiiU'a Ik SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. OlwSotn., MalnStrsst' Rsoolrlno a Spscialtv CONSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A coniploto stock of puru and fnvh tlnijin al ways in'Htock. Cartful attention pu'nl to filling of preHcrijitionH. pes " t i wko, baviat tji.p-e. ..f h lt.eels will (if. walversal aalwfa' Ks. He Is t av In ir.m dr V,fAl l?M -eiijl JiitX!iUmM;4 ll.ere l-i g-- el?aUtf, Iia-I Male . WIlMtt 4 w4 IU tn eap.ily fill. :w - ' " IJ kaM1: ,.!,"',?,. I'-X" t- F ' faaln.eele 0 ne .1.. r..ii,lff , aa I f t a p t.., a 1 a eail ante- " M -t iV ' ' 1r " 1 l1' ''.! tw In Ue r!T.Htlf g ,fte, m l,.".iin.i a Qnt. IWwewis Tewf tlwwels 1Mk raeweea l't kll.AiM&t r . 4 o,,,, t'a..ir.-c,Uaa..r. !?,;- , le. ! 'fcarla. r. '"-''' . V 1 I J l0mn it Irii.m Ukon. Id a AtU-r Iwamy .lilr ka4 I annr 1lMntl enureiv M h.iit Th.ni. .himimumi . h la etMUMa ..an .M tnA kaa a..r baa a aia uf Ik rtr iful pi..., to r. tare. J X Mi ni"H rt anUrtaa M4 laliae, T.iaa. AW.Iiiti-ly the only hop for Canoei is rwui s nieMi!;t jV. A.J3nA.r-IVAISlCIC, IVlerchant Tailoring! Mr. AbraliatiMick in tlm piomi r tailor of l!cii ncr. Hiiwork h ahvayr (irt ( Lmh siml Mtli-fac-tioii uaraiitiiil. CAiir and hi:i; mi:, on may htki:i;t- "When you hear dem bells!" VOI! allot ,D KKOW THAT THK S.S.S.fTho BlOOfJ HKl'NKH TRANSFER COS SS It Is the f.fily remedy which gi It the very U.iu.in nf the lilmal ami fiieeea mil every traye ,f the dieM H. K. H. la rarantnl purtly Vegi-UMe, and cmtalna no plaah, tnrrrury, ot OWmt nillH-ral. bi"ks'fl Carnvf will I niailml ferw I'j ony aldra lj ib tift plllf i1( AiUnu, ti. I ...... 'I f'X llIT 14 I'lltlllll!'. I ll II' ill I I VI IV Hull . . ... . . . ion onh r. 1U ci iitN uinl numm Una r..ii on anon OMT, IU t'l IllH at Ml lllWn waon U No. -I, ami I. avo your onKr with it. or ut "Ci ntral" Ul phonu oflicc. WIS MOVE ANYTHING I