Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 22, 1898, Image 1

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If you have bargains to
offer, announce it through
the columns of the
The Gazette will contain
the latest telegraphic news
I From the Seat of VVJ
NO. 6G8
Tuesdays and Fridays
CORLIES MERRiTT, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $2.03 per year, 11.00 for six months, 50 ota.
tor three mniiens, strictly in advano .
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the FostofHce at Heppner, Oregon,
aa aecond-class matter.
THIS PAPER in kept on file at E. G. Dake's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchanta
Exchange, Ban t rancisco, California, where con
tacts for advertising can be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchanta' Exchange Build
ing, San Francisco, la our authorized agent.
This pap3r is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves HeDDner 8:30 d
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1205 a. m
m. daily except
on 12:05 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junction 3:30 a. m. and ar-
Sl Wv. t m T Tm . ri t -n T SI ri -m- .
rives at HeoDner 6:00 a
Hpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. m. aud arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and Umailla 8:50 p. in.
Portland Express No. 3, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 600 a. m. and Heppner Junction 7 .IX)
,m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 3:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:80 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :2C a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. R 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
President William McKiulev I
Vice President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State W. It. Day
Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Miss
Secretary of War Russell A. Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
fo it master-General Charles Emery Smith
Attorney-General John W. Griggs
Secretary f Agriculture J amea Wilson
State of Oreeon.
Governor ". r W. P. Lord
Sicretaryof Stats H. K. Kincald
Treasurer Phil. Metsnhan
8 ipt. Puhlio lnstrnction 6. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
u . ' i G. W. MoBride
J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that
has borne and does now bear - on every
the fac-simile signature ofCick wrapper.
This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in
the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years.
LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought on the
and has the signature of wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Eetcher is President.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
if She Negotiates With Ttys
Brought to Bay in a Powder Magazine He
Explodes It.
Oakland, Cal., July 19. The works of
the Western Fuse & Explosive oompany
were blown up by a Chinese murderer at
5:20 this morning. Five deputy sher
iff whn nra.a ftnuinm t- I . I
Wants Peace But rears a Revolt derer,werekille1, Thedeadarecharies
V I Whit A danrna Wnnnm Ta s1
ron, Constable Qus Kioh, J. J. Lerri,
Mrs. Hill and the murderer, Goon Ng
The celestial, who was employed in
the works, and who caused the awful
explosion, killed a fellow ooantrymaa
yesterday afternoon in a quarrel over
Chinese lottery tiokets. He defied the
offloers of the law, who went to arrest
him, and fled into the magazine, which
oontained five tons of giant powder, bar
ricade:! the door and thrnarnnarl tn hint.
Watson's AttacK of the Spanish Coast Is pphemazine BnyoneoaB8
I I rst him
XL - "S I. . ft A ir' J.L. deputy onerm uuanea White, son o
ine umy means ot oringing ine sheriff white, in charge of a posse, was
on toe eoene ol the shooting shortly after
the murder, and kept guard over the
Chinese within his stronghold. All the
offioeis were armed with rifles. After re
peated demands to surrender had been
made, to all of which cams the reply:
"It yon oome in here I will blow up the
Absolutely Pure
Spaniards to Terms.
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
Printer 1
Supreme Judges.
id. W.I
I W. K.
( R. 8.
i F. A.
(C. K.
. Tonane
...W. II. Leeds
, B. Bean.
. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
(! ronit Judue Stephen .Lowell
P.-oaeouting Attorney H. J. Hean
Morrow Connty Officials.
Joint Senator J, W. Morrow
Lodging House
BEDS 25 and 50 Cents.
GEO. C. ROME, Prop.
joint oenator , . morrow x T , j r tt
Kepmewitative. K. L. Freehold JN 6X1 ClOOr tO Upera HoUSe.
ilnnnty Judge A. G. Bartholomew
J. W. Beckett.
School Hnpt.i.i
).U. Uoward
,. Vawter Crawford
L. Matlock
....01. Lichteiithal
3. F. Willis
Jn 1UB KnitlllT m a a ai m
... Jay. W. Hhipley I A H C A T I I T 1 1 C t
Dr. E. K. Hnnlouk
ncpvitKR Town nmrjCRR.
Mnyor Thos. Morgan
Councilmen E. J. Hlooum. M.
Iiiohtenlhal, J. R. Simons, J. J. Roberta, J . W.
II ... nn.l V 1 1 UlurPV.
l .... ... I., r ..... . . W. A. Richardson
Treasurer Lj W. Hfiggs
Marshal John agur
Precinct OflleerR.
Jnstioe of tha Peace W. E. Hiohardson
I c nstable . War
United States Land Officers.
THt IlAf.I.Efl. OR.
J. F. Moors Register
A.B-Uigga lUoeifer
K. W. Bartlett Register
J.H. Kobbina KeoeWer
Q. A. B.
Meet at Heppner, Or., the third Saturday of
rr. month. a.U T.leran are inuiaa in jot
w. n.
Shaving, 15 Cents
Hair Cutting, 25 "
Shop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oregon.
H, W. Fall,
Ot the Old Reliable
Gault House,
W. W. Smith.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office boar, 8 to 10 s. m., and 12 to
2 p. m., at residence, W. A. Kirk's prop
erty, east of M. E. cbnrcb, Bontb, and 10
to 12. a. m . to 2 to 5 p. m., at ofllos in
the rear of Borg's jewelry store.
C. E. Redfield,
Half block west of tha Union Depot of C
q., C. M. A m. P., C. 4 A., P. ft. W. & C.
and tha C. 8t. L. A P. Railroada.
Cor. W. Mail lton and Clinton BU.
czrxc.-k.a-o. rz-i.
R. H. WEBER, Pres.
Grower and Dealer In
Fruit. Shads and Ornamental Tra.s.
Attorney at LaW, Grmp Vines and Small FrulU.
Offios In th- Kirs National Bank n.ir TWa o n... v:t.
Bnilding. I v..v,rti. M.iii-
nippsitR, : : Obsoom. oui irrigauon.
f no ron CATALOGUE.
San Franoieoo Obroniole,
New York, July 16. A cable to the Sun from London says: Al
though events in Madrid are following thus far precisely the course magazine," the offliers retired (or the
indicated for two or three weeks past in these dispatches, it would "be DBnt the private offlas of the
foolish to Mtiflftt with nonfidnn trrn immB.lin.f.n nnr.Bnmrf.aMnn nf nanno raP8DT. Y wy.
rru : i j..ut u.t o q a. A This morning at 5 o'olook. Deputy
lyo,CUMlu luue I ongtiBiaB ouuno m bouuio 8Deriff White, after a oonsultation with
naona o ta nan ntriA Brtrl aintaa rtiif Ihnsn i a tmnaAn r f Ann fhnt Vi a v-n I a I I m , . , -
acavo au gouuiuo nuu diui, uuti iuoio io l coouu w Loai uua. tuo iu-i Ufj OiaerSf 0010111.106(1 10 Dr6&& dOWQ
cess will be slow on the Spauish Bide, and liable any moment to be tbe barrioade, not believing the Obioeae
rendered futile bv a domestio cataolvism. 0uld keeP hlB d"og promiee. Aooord
ii.iLf ......
Th nresftnt inrlimtlnng urA that Surmata. will annnnnrl n fnr in lJ lne enf n P0919 neaaea tor tlle
: a : i . . i.a.i i: :n u. 1 j i. " - vu.uwm
uouiixiiniug oytwu iu a ooua yunvy ui uia buoubbbucb wm ub uuuuu iu &tei he giant p0wfl9r Bni jn iDgtant
continue the negotiations, even if the exigencies of home politics oom- a terriflo explosion oocarred, killing ail
pel him to retire. the offloers and blowing all the phioeae
The Oarlists continues to be the unknown danger. A distinguished ,0 tom8 80 ,mBl1 tnat Dot one Pieoe ha9
rlinlnmntiat in Madriil. in Mr t ft frianrl in f.nnrlnn ,hih maa Dwn Iounu- anl WM vl8l,ln Mr8-
.r " , P.irla orhn IImA h. ... Ok.
noiwrmenior puoncauon, aaas to recent miormation in tnese ais- -as killed in the falling debris of the
patches regarding tbe domestio situation. He says, what is well uoase
known, that the present government is aware of the hopelessness of Al1 'he baildinga took fire. Engines
Borne of tbe Queer Idea That Are GWea I n n, . ua i ' i i. u . were soon flffhtina tha flamea hut to no
uuuuuuiuii wo woi, uuv WBig tu sua iw ueaue, ucububb ib wuuiu Kivei "
Birth by the War. I ... . ..... r 6 avaiL The works were completely de-
The samples of various things devised lf . ., ' , ., , , ,. . stroyed. Four bouses were also blown
for the comfort of soldiers and the mod- vuwiub oi juwina ana carceiona, me opanisn people are com- iown .dabut forty partially wreoked
ela ot implements to be need in warfare pletely under the influence of (the lower clergy, who are Carlists to a I Deputies Sheriff Fred Sberitt and Ed.
reopived by the pretidentwonld.it placed man. As Carlists, they desire the war to continue as the surest way white escaped, but were painfully
on exhibition, eolipse the sights in tbe 0f dismiatincp the neonla with Hib nrftsnnt Avntntv and nnranftdina "oonded. The man Qoon murdered
W..t: 1 ri.. . t...l " 1 ' r J o tt a. a! t.
' I than. rnnr. linn Marina la tlia Anln npinita nrhn nan aova ftiA irvi-iTifvn I uv...wwu mdikui
navy is alao, says tbe Army and Nev, ! " v """ 7"""' oars were blown to splinters and several
Journal, delnged with all sorts of con- from f urther .dishonor. The Vatican favors the present dynasty and ere burned. Windows were broken in
trivanoes and. devices, ss well as sample. I completely dominates the actual government. Dominicans and Angus-1 Oakland, Alameda and as tar as Berke
of improved methods to cooking and timans, who receive their orders direct from Rome, actually take part
doming, in one Of toe rooms Ol the in tha miniaton'nl rlalihAraflnna itl avan .llanrl luhlnat mnnnlli nr.. Fred Hharritr in a atalamanl aaiM
1 aa waMw aaa a at a w wu ue M v w a i v M D HUVI V U VwU VUVtUUH UVUUvaSH pi V" I w - w wvwwkmvuv
tk... M.nnni,.. . a sided over by the queen regent Nevertheless their power counts for "Jost at daybreak Charles While sent
teres ti
1 '!.,
"bullion capsules", that you swallow at For this reason, the pope contemplates imperative orders to al) LiTi-.9. 1!..8 .0-1i. ".' ".
.lA-a.. . ail a rouu O USI iju U1UIV IIUUUIA SXw OHUII
one Don, men anni some usier, and lo hiahona of Snain tn insfrnnt thA
otl 1 1 . a . a I I I ----- w- . w J aa vhwa. a - V wa a IIV tDIIVW UJOUO UIO SB y f O t UU" MV tUO
li.nll.at n.nin. ft ft , k . A ..i I lOUVO. It ftS UUUUuUt DULU 1UDII UVUUUO WUUIU UO UUOVOU) XJVCU li I taiuw viitai 10 If UltO RUU
ment specimen bottles of prepared castor they Were the olergy would nullify outside the church what they were Kooh1w'Ik(1 ,0WMd! bim to mkh
oil. to be used in connection with the compelled to say inside. "m ne' w"- imo" " aor
a . xT-.t..- a . 1 ai . tT 1 .... , "benOoon NgOnung olosed it with a
wu.wiv. n ucu.TuiDui viu .uuoiu.u ui i ii oi 1. 1 1. L7 .nnri nr ins RP.inn.. rrMnnnn nr .v arann a aonsiirnn w.r.n- .a . .. ...
- i d r l--- oBDg. uess man a secona later,
Pennavlvanla aenr a iakiiia Ihara ara 1R I ... . ...... . . . I '
' . . " in easy strumc distance, or Darnaps tne nrst b ow on the Boanian was beinir oarrini with a riond
food for anhiiera aana i..ih hn ha., coast, will btiog Spanish consent to ft reasonable treaty of peace. The ' bris and earth swiftly over tbe
.j nnmina diUtnr.nBaa and trnoriijitii,ntinn th !.i.la onvornmont grouna. 1 DSTS 00 doubt that as soon
vui; iuciiuuiiiuurfuuuyju.uu wuu i - . vm . ... . j n , .
uiub. vnutrr vw.iiiiw riiuu ur aiarTo. is u. lauui. hj awrui uutiuu. .wir, wuiuu ai D iiio cause ul war. auu niBU . . . . .
lbs Wsr department tba Sams ttorV it I nf (Via snmnlala nnll.n.a nt Hn.nioh AnnRilnnn. avu vaoanrm mliinVi
1 d" reason, also JjJSX
and wants Seoretary Alser to reooirt WDlcn m"ke " imperative that the UnitoU States should refuse an forty feet by the fores of tha explosion
every soldier to earrv one in bis knan armistice ontil the chiof esseDtial features of the American demands 1 tbrowp violently to the ground.
ar a
ttok. The idea is that all the bugtollare formally conceded. Ordinary European diplomatio methods are
Cobs will tbus be kept at bay-as if tbt B0w ebougb, but they are rapid compared with Spanish ideas of haste.
.roops were tomato plants. Doms or ins ta tl,0,flfrtra f, lm..n nnNfnm.n mnA
rtalaht ffniutiAiri. man h.a. ..nl.. I. I
r w.. a ........ . !... .11 ... .' o !..u -l .:..:. . 11..
low pills", wbiob ars warranted a tors lB0 u" BCCUUUl ol luiapauiau uuaraciensuo, which la oue oi iuo
ourefor el ow fever. Then there ars principal causes of Spanitth decadence, before indulging iu premature
patent tp'ints tor setting broken limbs, rejoicings over the prospect of peaco.
blob almost ditpenss with a doctor, and
litters on wbetla. This last Invsetioo it
ta Prirt Hpaal.h Money Ont of tht
All bu.lnea. attended to In a tmirnpt and
noiariea ruunc
amll.larlnrr luauiier,
Office la Natter ullalna.
Heppaar, or.
Put Tour old hooi.and nnt In his
hands and W Jr money nut of
them. Makra a apeclalljr ol hard
rol lertlnna.
Office in J. N. Brown's Building.
Stage Line
B. F. MILLER, Proa
rheeoMt and mnet dirvrt muUi to John l)at
ally , t anyon I iiy a.lnin( duir.tt, burnt auu
oin.r inicruRT poinia.
Sut laaa ll.ppnar Illr. Sunday
rtMl.at s at a. ta. Arrtra at Canyon City
in H houra.
are Canyon rlt at I a ai . arrla at llei.n-
urn in mm, laiivriing w.ib ira.lia.
larraaa To
Haeiman .
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
John iay ..
( anyon City
ilk r.at
4 14
4 7 '.
V h m
i1 a m
hi a on
tba work of a well know artist Mr.
Remington. It is nothing mors or lest
than the ordinary biocls abeel, carry
ing lbs framework ot a oot, opoo wblob
tba wounded is placed sod patbed to lbs
botpitsl. Another carious Invention of
(trad lbs government Is aa apparatus
tor peering loto tbs depths of ths oceao
to bunt for cable, and keen tbarc
lookout for submerged mines sod tor-
pedoes. Tbs loveolioo is Ballad aa
erriec av
council CMaaiaiaa
lla and bnra real aatala, rants bonm, par. I
U.x iIim rnnrt.n-ii ainl r yuii In
ny way In hi. Una. ai faiil.le rtum.
Mathews 8c Gentry,!
SU( eonnact lib train at ll.cpiwr.
W.l ffatlnt (tor sad tin IMs Una Illi na
eo.eraft r4 la ai4 .,..1 Um I mm rfar4
to (! SntlaaiaiirrtK to tha (.unite.
First National Bank
C l a irl et
T T 1.1 .V..J
Sbun to a drt South f (...Sic.
Gibson Zl Berger,
At CbaS W 014 Stand.
Hhavintr. - 15
Hair Cutting. ?t
Fir-t ni
T. A. Rhu,
Ceo. w. coNtia,
ft. W. SPCNCtSI,
Visa PresMeat
Ats't CasNtar
Mlat Barton It.porU.
Ntw Yost, July 11 Tha folloalog
telegram was raneived today from iilss
Clara Barton, dated Plata del Katt,
July 15lh: "Hsotlsgo baa sarrendersd.
I came from tba front yesterday la a
pooring raia. Fever Is tot pat led bars.
'Niboney bsa been burned. Dr. Les-
aar, Mrs. Leaser and all their names ars
lo lbs ftttr boapilal, two aulas dittsnl.
AH ars dido well. Ws ars feeding
rtf ogees st Hiboeey, Many tbooaaeda
ars at Kurmisea. Klatll la feeding
I bam at Casey by army wagtHia sad !),-
000 psek males. Commeodar VnCalla
of tba MafhUhead, called ysstarday for
lr)0,000 retinas, madieias sod elntbieg
for refagees lo the woods sarroandlog
Oanatliaoamo. All mrmtiafs of lbs
IU4 Cross art is perfect bsaltb and
tboroagbly orgnaiaad."
Illanea la a ftas
Everything Strict-
TniVa t C'sml Ei:li Eriira
On ail parts at ta worH
Houht and Sold.
tollartlona ,!. a ail polai
rneittliSi T.w
iry! ts, 4M4et Pfot'f
Skarbatera la Tree h.ar Ik IU4 Uf r
kkh Ik lajar4 TmM.
Oos feature ot Ib fight arotiod HanU-
tgo a blub l.at aroused great ladigaatioa
emoeg lbs Aaieriesa troops Is lb sot of
ths Fpnslab la bating sharpshooter is
tbs trees alosg tbs lies of march of tbs
American troop. Of ciarae,if Ibetharp.
tbooler bad Brtd on arsaed B.ea Ibey
woulj bava dues autbing nv.ts I bsa I Wasaisirros, Jaly 15. Captain Oao
mlglit b been etpecud.bat onaHpao' a'al lllatioo, at llsvasa.will bs deprived
lab maiksmsQ frora tia tai fired os I of al! toaaus of aBimnlatioa with bis
ntild ntea sod oa mea carrying the 'tefniBaat, tieept ibronsb aa Aoter
ouu'laj to the rear. 1 less aeaa-.ral.lp, wbea rll.after lakes
fteterai ineti.bert of lb snbalaae tK'eaeeai'.a t Nsnliago, Tlta Awefleaa
eo'p war wi.anded la ILmi rt.aaaer, and gaaeral will dlreel thai Amrtsa rpr
lo woaaded inea aba art tailing along I store tit Immediately !rd la tbs tele
to lb fear were ab.l sad killed Nittit graph offia I bare. Tb sial sfvts
of tbraa iiiari.Qira wtia ptd lea Ibaelt'oVett will aeralolte et.f yll.ioi ofTarel
ball a tail from lb Ameneaa tsp. for Iraastniaaiaa frota liavtaa star tbs
mllles With rtver.
Nsw Tosk, July 18. Tba following
teltgram was recti red today at tba Had
Croa baadqusrlers from MiatClsra Oar-
tia: "Ws will go lo with lbs osyy sod
tbvo dlacharg tbs 'Trias' immsdistaly.
All points ars feverHtmitteo. Lo oot
aeod persoos oot immaoas tor as to ears
for. Leaner and norsee ars reoovsrlBg.'
Oo tbs 151b Miss Barton talegrapbsd
from Mays that Mr. sod Mrs. Leaser and
all Ibatr oar set wart la a fever hot pit al;
tbal ths saw lliem that day eod all wtrs
di.log welL lo the light ot ber oisessgs
of yesterday it would seem tbat the doe
tor, Mrs. Leaser aad tbs nurses bars
been taken down with yellow fttrsr,
wbirb aMKonlsd tot Ibatr being la lbs
ferer hospital."
OA gi l A Hrrt'SM T) CO OfCrlATK,
Cwl 'Sel .eab, if Taeklf fuattb
lalaatry,s)s: l was fired npa sev
eral liavs by saen la tree, aad sti bal
It's lleW Vf tf Sl lo .
Laer la lh day a rt-tapaay i4 tsvslry
Was aht l. p( k tlear tbaa.eat.aal lb
ik as ffete!y .rta.
r4.rst.ta.r tM. W II a t HHMa
, aVft .b U4 .f ,
rableta lit) II er J a in tie a.
tmm JMIHaa a tea.
VW iM.rt.ta liy, I ry. sad bay atn, it
twM ..r r. aaluiwl, 'I If f"t 'a '
t Mt ar ' Uni f t aararata
I .Mr I alhafirfi tHa fata ol om,ilxai
l..x. . r r,-t .1 ill I tt.ffw n. .11 -n l
V . V . a I. A . I ...... ...
1I..I I a..-.', tia II . n,.t il .i.
fif t lift f.t. e..tlr II . .t i ... A I
, 4144 'r, s b'l, ftr (Hlltritee
MM treat aiat ny aaj.rW-aaa ( aaaaa HI
Wllktmw Hi reree.
Nsw Tons, July 21. A Hsotlago
special I tbs Jiuroal, data I Jaly 2Hh,
ssys (Jeoeral Oaroia has written a Utter
to (leoeral Hliaflef, daolaring bs la dis
g i.Ul with bis Ireatmaot al tba bands
uf lb Americana, aol will, Ibsrafnra,
withdraw his f ifeas to tba bill. Amoeg
lh things of wbieb 0nral flsrols e'lm
plaUt la ths failure of tba Amarioao
rtHBiaaadar to riffitlallv 0'rltfy bl'a of
lbs surrender of tbs spaoisb furesao1er
Oeoeral Torsi. II la alo iorenss I al
tba allsgsd fart tbal ka was Oot latitad
to b prevent st II a rareraony si I i ill tig
lb f'irraal apilalaila rf Hastisgt
4aobr grlevseM la II rtnttoa of
tha Ml) Hi lab alt tl thor1tla t lbs t1-
aiinVatfatioa of I hair fsnrtkine la Hasll
as, fiaj lhe reas'.ns tiarna oeiaa
ha at l"-r ro otrala Willi tha
f..fr- an Jer (lenersl Hha'tar, but alll
a m l.to lt.t;y. as I. did taft tbs
rrvsriPsti ro IsaJt) U (V,
CniOAOo, July 111. A Tribune specie!
from Washington ssys:
Tba amiliary cruiser Ileaolole will
sail from Nsw York with 1760.000 on
hoard lo pty lbs Amerioan troops at
(Santiago. This is tbs amouoldua Oen.
Hbsfter's army tor Jons. Major Hoiffno
is lo bsva obarga ot tba payment. All
lbs money taksn Is to ba in coin. Tbs
eoins rangs in denomination from $3 io
gold to ooppar pennies.
"Tha taking of Iba Hsotlago army's
pay all la ooio," said Major Fishbeok,
oos of Maj ir Holfflo's aaislaott, "is an
idea ot ra;roaaUr-(Jet.eral Hteotoo.
Tba porposs is to lot rod no Amsricao
money in Cubs. Osoarsl Hiaotoo was
of Iba opinion Ibat it weald be an ai-
ee.IIe.Dt idea ti drive out tba Hpanisb
drprloalad eurrsocy at tha ssms tims
tbsl the Hpanisb Soldiers are drlyeo out
With a stsbla eorreocjr oo Ib IslanJ,
Iba plea to establish a atsbls govern
meet would bs grsatly facilitated. Tbs
lima to begin, bs contended. Is al the
beginning. Tha foroa ot bis argument
appreciated by Ib admlolatralioe,
ani ba was giysa bis wsy. Tba schsms
Is to pat out of elrsalstioo eltogelhsr lo
Haatiago proviaoe all Hpaolab money,
Uitb oolo aad paper, lit tba ItilroOuo
lion of oar tv.lo Into Santiago province
i.eosrsl Hlanton bellsvea that oar
mnnsy raa si odo b Dial Ib stand
ard bf valas
"loorilsr to tffeclively carry out Ibis
plsa, each soldier will b instrort.! ss
b Is pal I to buy frota no Ire leetuao la
Haettago who canaot give bim bis
sbaags lo Amefloea tumisy, Tbs differ
tor lo lb Bvieey Value of Ibe money
ofHpala alllU ti pie load i bim, and
b will 1-ta.ksl to accpt aoiblng bat
Amevleto money. Tbe pay offlers of
lb government w purtua Ibis plsa of
Oaneral Hlanloo's wherever the Amari
?( are i ire!il on (bis st la of lbs
State News.
La Grande Is to have a 120.000 brick school
house, bids for the bonds now being asked for
State Treasurer-elect Charles S. Moore has
filed his official bond In the sura of 150,000, with
Alex. Martin, jr.. Dan Cronemillor. K. R
Reameg, R. 8. Moore, H. Amerman, L. B. Apple
gate aud M. Hartery as sureties.
The county court of Lane county, offers a re- ;
ward ol $250 for the capture of Claud Branton,
who is accused of murdering John Linn, of
Alder springs, June 15th. No definite clew as
to hit whereabouts has been obtained.
A man named A. E. Burton, claiming to be a
painter residing In The Dalles, was arrested in
Portland for attempting to pick a woman's
pocket at the depot Sunday morning just as the
excursion train was pulling out for Bonneville
In the hop fields of Polk county there will
probably be a large falling off from the yield of
last year. Estimates are made that the crop will
not be over one-half aa large as that of last year.
i he yield in some yards will not be over one
third of a crop.
Experts Bozarth and Staley find ex-County
Clerk Ehlen, of Marion county, ;,278.09 short
in hit accounts. Besides Ehlen is chanted
With tampering with the tally sheets in the re
cent election. He has retained Til Ford as coun
sel and will fight all comers.
While Oliver Lee and three other bovs were
bathing, Monday, about a half mile below Ha
lem, Lee got below bis depth and was drowned.
Assistance was called, but the body had been in
tne water a half an hour and all efforts at
rcsusctation were of no avail.
The Portland Telegram says: Ex-State
Printer Frank Baker is getting about with tha
aid of a crutch, after having been laid up for
six weexs wun a sprained ankle, resulting from
a tussle with a horse, which wanted to get away
irom mm. irrank hung to the horse, hut nairl
tor his temerity by six weeks' enforced retirs-ment.
Mr. and Mrs. G. 8. Waggoner (nee Miss Ada
Rhea), who have lived for several years on the
Hawaiian Islands, have arranged to leave there
about the last of this month. Mr. Waggoner,
whose health has been poor on thelslauds, will
spend the summer with hit parents In Texas , '
while Mrs. Waggoner will visit relatives tn
Fossil. Journal.
The eldest son of Sam Hodges of Tablo Rock '
precinct, wss last Friday tha victim of an acci
dent which proved fatal. He was riding a horse
and had the halter rope about his wrlBt, The
animal Is gentle, but In tome manner became
frightened and threw the boy to the ground,
running away and dragging him over a mile.
When found the lad was dead.
M. Fltr.maurice wrltet that, with the excon.
tlonotafew choice clips that sold at from 11!
to 13o, there are practically no wool sales being
made In The Dalles, and that growers and buy
era seem to be playing a regular game of freeso
out. Last week Mr, FlUmaiirlce shipped the
George McCurdy and W. F. Coleman wool 1M
bags in all -from The Dalles, aud 157 bags from
Heppner. Fossil Journal.
Ths East Oregonlan says: D. II. McCarty was
In Pendleton Tuesday from his horns on Butter
creek, He says that the farmers have flnlshed
cutting the first crop of hay and art at present
engaged on the second. A great di al of hay has
been put up. Good crops are the rule through
out the Butter creek country and times art
lively. Mr. McCarty hat been engaged for tha
paat two yeart in purchasing horses and ship
ping them to thf.Uuton factory for the Western '
Packing coinpaay.
Ths Immigrants In the grove are disbanding
rapidly. A large number werarilasatlafled with
tht prices offered for limn In the wheat fields
and have returned to their homes. Over 7.1
wagon loads left for tha Willamette valley,
where they claim they can get tia day tn ths
harvest flelds. Others have bmn employed by
Umatilla farmers and are at work. Hevural
headers and threshers and a few rninblned har
vesters are already at work, aud next week
Imoet every machine In the county will twin
oioratlon. Employment will then lie found at
ths established w.cs fur sll that remain In the
heat ball. fendlcton Tribune.
News bat barn received of the death of Krod
Brick nail, which swl event nappei.nil In Mon
tana one day last week. Mr. Brlckm ll lived In
l-Biidl.u.n for a year and a half, during which
time hs was employ! by the O. K. A N. Co.,
nd wassngaged with M. J. Uooda's house rar-
penter gang, lis left I'etidlaton two years age
for Molilalia, where he was fur some tlins In
the employ of the Northern pacific, but has
mors recently had charge of a brldgn tuilidlng
gang on Ihedn-al Northern, with his wlfa and
hi Id hs made bis home on his ranch near
Mnwnnla. Ma Was a Mann and a Knlghtof
I'jrthlA. At nearly as can lie learned Mr. Ilrii k
li.ll w.s blown from Ihe ton of afar, while
nmiidttiga curve, and a as Instantly killed.
LaOnnde Cr.ro i.lcle.
Otis l .ltcraoii, of lli'iipuar, and James II. He
Kibhen, of Portland, says Ilia Journal, stayed In
rue.ll over Sunday night while on their way
(nun Lone Km k to Mitchell. 1 hey ar nut visit
ing tbe K. of P. lodge of ths state. Pat In his
official capacity aa grand chancellor and Mao
In ths Intaraat of his paper, Ihe "Hcnator."
which Is the official K. of P. orn.n lor the
Northwest. Both are old tltliki.tt of ths Jour
nal fore and both are "hall fellow wall meet,"
roiiaeiintly tli.lr Wall aa like an oa.it In the
deeart of every -day humdrum village life. Thy
Wert both turprtaed at tha turpsa!iig beauty of
this place, and a. Id Koa.ll wa the prettiest
little town they had teen In Oregon, which It
tht usual Vardh t of strangers paaalng through.
TI.ey vltlte.1 Condon lodge Mday and I'uie
k lodge Saturday. Mr. I'atleraon will take
charge of his new office e receiver (it Ilia laud
ufflca at The Dalle .IkioI Hi. nut of Aug'i.l.
II Left III..
"I was weak end nervous and could
out do more than belt a day's work. I
procured a bottle of Hood's Harnaparilla
and begao taking It and sooo I was this
lo work, tba oerfousneet bad left m and
I was feeling wll. My wile baa alan
been helped bjf Hood's." n. WtlltlAn,
Needy, Ore.
Uood's I'ills ar Ids only pills ti lake
a Kb UWI'a Hreps.ri!ls, M sirs ii
l II"" 1 1,