O.R.&N. A Beautiful Present Stop Dkpakt TIME 8CKEDCLEB Anitiva fok From Heppner. from 9:30 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, 4:50 ft. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Bt. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland, All sailing dates subject to change. For Ban Francisco Sail July 5. 0, 13, 17, 81, 25. 29. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska 5:00 p.m. v July 19. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivee 4:00p.m. Ex. Sunday Stkamkbs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Willamette Riveb 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and V ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 3:30 p. m Tues., Thur, Yamhill Kivkrs. Mon., Wed. and Sat. , and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette Rivee 4:30p.m. Tues. Thurs. , Tues.. Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat. lis As Way Land ings. Lv. Riparla Snake Rivee. . Lv. Lewiston 1:46a rn. :4Sam. Mon., Wed. Riparla to Lewiston Sun , Tues. and Friday and Thur. colored tea Trv bcnilli Best Oordray, the pioneer theatremBn of Agricultural Exports. Portland in tbe lioe of "'popular prices," The farmers of the United States.are has refitted the Waetiogton St. theatre, drawing on other parts of the world for formerly known as tbe "New Park." Oordray always baa something new, and oar people, when below, can spend a pleBsant -evening at hie plsoe. tt Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- Paa.engera booked for all Foreign Countries. J. O. BART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist cars without change. MODERN more money in tbe nsoai year, wnion ends this month, than in any proceeding year in tbe history of tbe contry. Even the high water mark of 1892, when oar exports of agricultural produots amount ed to $799,326,232, will be surpassed by tbe reoord of the year which closes with this month. Tbe preliminary reports of May ezportations, wbioh have reached tbe bureau of statistics, make it appar eat that agricultural exports for the year will be in excess of $800,000,000, Ibe total being likely to reaob $835,000, 000. Never before have the exports ot agricultural products reaohed the $800,' 000,000 line, and never bat twioe have they been as much as $700,000,000, tbe two oooasions being in 1881 and 1892. Compared with tbe last fiscal year, tbe exports of agricultural products will be BEE YOU GOING ERST? If so, be sure and see that yonr ticket reads via tug Wwesietn Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TBI Great Short Lir)c BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CI1ICA.GO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their MagnldoBiit Track, rwrles Vostlbuled Dining and Hlnrnlng Car Trains, and Motto; "ALWAYS ON TIME" has glvan this road a national reputation. All classns ol pawMtiignrs parried on the vrallbuUtd trains without extra chant. Khlu your freight ami travel over this famous Una. All agents hav tickets. W. H. MKAD, F, C. SAVAGE, Hull. Agent Trar. V. it 1'. Agt. 'm Washington Bt., Portland, Or. UPHOLSTERED TOURIST Qf" TTWP TTTl tMj $150,000,000 and compared with tbe preceding year, tbe increase will be In cbarpe of experienced oouduotors and 0Ter $'25 J ,000,000, wbile tbe total will porters. be fully 60 per oent in tbe fisoal year 1895. exoess of that of fnnr1nva To Kan"" City, Chicago, Buffalo and muiiuuj o, Honuui w imoui cnango via nan iaae, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Kys. T...J..... To Omaha. Chicago. Buffalo and IIHjMlap, Boston without change via Bait Lake and Chicago, Kock Island si I'auluc Ky. VlT,lnJ.,..n To Bt. Joseph, Kansas City and 11 GUIiraUoV Ht. Louis w ithout change via Bait Lake and Burlington Koute. Tk. 4...., To Kansas City and Bt. Louis with- lliursuays, out change via Bait Lake and Mis souri racino railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. Both 8peed and Comfort. Tbe business man compelled to travel at this season ot tbe year, as well as the tourist traveling tor pleasure, demands oomfort as well as rapid transit. Tbe Rio Orande Western and its connections tarnish both. From tbe PsoiBo North west, passengers are landed in Chicago in three days and a half, and in Ne York in lees than five day. Farther more, the passenger is given his choice of three routes through Colorado, aod four east thereof. Tickets are sold via Hionx City, Omaha; Kansas City, Bt. Loais or Cbioago. From the time tbe passenger leaves Halt Lake City until he reaches Denver there l oue everchang panorama of the beauties of nature, whether the Rockies are oroesed via the Tennessee, Hagerman or Marshall passes. Tunee who desire it, are given, without CHICAGO llwauKee & SI. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous bio ok system; Lights its trains by eleotrlolty through out; Uses the tdebrnted elootrio berth read- itia limn ! Kane speedily equipped passenger trains CHAS. G. ROBEHTS. evrv day and night between nt. ram and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago; the For rates and all all information, Inquire of O. R. A N. and S. P. agents, or address. R. C. NICHOL. 8. K. HOOPER, flunAru Airulit IJIMI. I UL A I IL Atrt. 2M Washington Ht., Denver, Col. extra oohI, a day's stopover in nail UHse Portland, Oregon. . . n;t. r,,r,lii,o an nnnortnnitv of sneinir J, 0. Hart, Local Agt., lleppner.ur. - tbe beauties ot me mormon ospnai, ana also ensuring a daylight ride through Colorado, jiislly termed, heoause ot its soenery, "Tbe Switzerland of America". Via the Itio Orande Western rates are always the lowest and aooommoJat ions tbs beet. Through tourist and chair oars, ell aa standard Pullmans, npon all trains. For descriptive phomplets ot tbe tarn' ous mountain scenery, raies, reserve lions and otbnr information, address, J. D. Marsfield, Oen. Agent, Rio Orande Western Railway, 112 Third 81., Portland, Or. THE NORTHWEST. Its Products Will All Be Shown at the Ur - eon Industrial Exposition. That Oregon, Washington and Idaho are entitled to be rated as among ub most prodaotive aod resoaroaful states in the Cnion, will be abundantly proven by this season's magnifioent crops. The world wants evidence of all this, aod it will do the world good aod do good to the whole Northwest and all its people. These people are tbe ones to furnish tbe evidence, and they on do this by taking an active interest in the Oregon Industrial Exposition, to b? held in Portland, September 22 toOatobar 22, 1898. Tbe euooeas of the exposition is al ready assured ; enterprising men of af fairs are at its head, and the various committees are working in a way tbat guarantees the best exposition ever held in tbe Northwest. Gold, silver and bnnz9 medals and diplomas will be awarded tor the best exhibits, and the farmers and producers who send exhibits will be doing good work (or themselves and the whole North Pa o itio coast work that will result in bringing here people and wealth and de velopment. It is intended to have on exhibition a sample of every variety ot grain and grass that grows in the North west, with' fall particulars as to Us growth, yield, etc, wbioh information will be instructive and valuable to all Tbe exposition management will take to Portland free of oharge all exhibits; shipping tags and full particulars will be sent npon request to "Secretary Indus trial Exposition, Portland. Ore.". The exposition is going to be a great attraction, aod one ot its many excellent features will be a first-olaas band , ren dering better musio than baa been beard in Portland since Liberates engagement seven or eight years ago. NEEDLESS NOISES. Disturbing Element of Life In the Big Cities. VUnains; Bells and Rattling; Carts Hoke Xervona Feople Miserable The Need of Mechanical Inventions. tn order to lurthrr introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, I. C. HubiiiRcr Bros. Co.. of Keokuk, Iowa, have derided to OIVK AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in the form of Icaufiful Pastel Pictures They are Ijxto inches in sire, and are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansics. Pansies and Marguerites. fill! J Kowwtcoowff'' 1 1 VC Mra COLLARS IP MR Sffif AD NK 1?W! 5t OM POUMO Of TMtS STARCH WfU JO OT ANT bimh aiAKin I l r Jl IRINRFR RfUrfCO fKtoiiuiUow.N(wJwrNjCiitiii1 Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. 50 Years.... Undisputed Supremacy I TMC World's Competition Cooper's Sheep lip! Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value ol Flock. Cheap, 8fe, Han dy, Uleac, Wholesome, Odoriees. GENERAL AGENT, 247 Asb Htreet, Portland, Ort-Kun. Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul AImo operate ateam-tieatetl veetibnled train, carrying Ih laleet private eompartment ears, library buffet smok ing ram, and palace drawing room leriwrs. l'arlnr ears, tree reclining ohalr ears. aod tb very best dining obair ear aervtr. For lowet rates to any point in tb United HtatM or Canada, apply to ageut or addrM C. J. EDUT, J. W. CASET, Oeoeral Trav. 1'as. Agent. PortUod, Or. Sold by Minor it Co., Heppner, Or. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET it- It the plAce to go to go1 your fine pork aud ktnb chop, a teak ami roaata. 1 m THROUGH TICKETS TO THE Eat and Southeast rit th UNION PACIFIC II. II THE TIIUOUOII CAR LINE. Hard oa the Brother. An sited ploueer druKgiet in one of tbe oterior town ot tbls state, designated as being ot "high respectability and promi nent in churob affair," yesterday ws sentenoed by United Mates Jode Belliuger to pay a fine and te imprison ed for a term ot CO daye, tor selling liquor without first proouring an Inter nal revenue lioense. In some quarters an inordinat) sound of sympathy is beard for the culprit, because of his social position and bis standing iu tbe obaroh. These are tbe very reasons why tbe maximum penalty for the offense should have been imposed upon him. The British Medical Journal some months ago, in an article calling at tention to the effects of the noise of cities on the nervous system, sets forth in detail some of those noises and sug gests means for their extinction or amelioration without sacrifice of the industries which produce the various kinds of din. It is pointed out, for ex ample, that the railway companies and factories on the continent use horns of not unpleasing sound in place of the hideous steam whistle. The church bells of England are compared with those of other 'portions of Europe, to the disadvantage of the former; and it is held that in an age when every room has its clock and every adult his watch, the frequent bell-ringing throughout the day, which now offends the peace of Christian folk, seems unnecessary. At night there are the Bhouting, screaming and singing people about the streets to cheat decent well folk of their rest, and worse yet to retard the curative process of sleep in the case of those who are ill. With the dawn comes the milkman and his rattling cans. The catalogue, so far, of dis turbances for the London citizen's cars is about the same as with us, says the Boston Transcript In London they have other nuisances which are not known here. 'With true English con servatism, tlieknoekeris8ti.il used, and this contrivance, long banished from American front doors, is vigorously plied by the postman or anyone else who has a certain rijrht to uemana speedy attention to his signal. They huve found in England, as we have found here, that with every new con trivance for man's comfort or conven ience there is introduced the poison of a new noise. The din of the bells on the street cars has been stopped on Sundays by municipal order, but it is heard on other days, and is none me less Irritating because it is raised amid the rattle of every sort of vehicle. A recently added noise in American cit ties is the buzz and whirr of the trolley on the electric railroad wires. It is a common expression, and a common belief, too, probably, that one grows used to all t!ice noises. That is a fatal blunder. As one whose sense of smell is dulled by familiarity with the poisonous eflluvla of tobacco may be nauseated by an excess of the odor in a close room as quickly a though the senses were still acute, so one who fancies himself proof against the nerve-destroying effect of noise may These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now ottered tor me nrsi time 10 me puuuc. The pictures are accurately reproduced jn all the colors used in the orig innlQ and arp nronounced bv competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing . r t 1 ii.ii. : . them in beauty, richness oicoior ana ariisuc meiu, One ot these pictures will be given away with earn narkairp of purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and IS SOia ior 10 cents a pac&figc. nan. yuui iwi mm omivu v. - beautiful picture. ai 1 fionpeoc veen ri ACTM STARftU AHCPPT NO SUBSTITUTE 9 of color and artistic merit. Elastic Starch j SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION State NORMAL School MONMOUTH, OREGON. Strong Academic and Professional Courses. Well equipped Training Department of nine grades with S20 children. Regular Normal Course of three years, senior year wholly professional. Graduates of accredited High Schools and Colleges admitted directly to professional work. The Oiploma'of the School is recognized by law as a LIFE Certificate to teach, Graduates of life School are in demand as teachers. Light Expenses One Year for from I'iO to $160. Beautiful and healthful location. No Saloons, W First term will open Tuesday, September 20, 1893. Catalogues, giving full details of work, cheerfully sent on applicatirn. Address, W. A. WANN, P. L. CAMPBELL, Secretary of Faculty. President. TW0 SPLERDID TBBIH5 DAILY TO THE EAST VIA IT n 1 m Rocky Mountain Limited Leares DENVKK, . P-JW a. m. C'OIjO. HHR1NG8 . . 8:8a.nt. Arrives LIN. 101.N . . 11:45 p.m. " OMAHA . . 1:H0 a. m. " DKH MOINES . . S-.ai a. m. " UAVKNl'OHf . . m. ' CHICAGO . 2:15 p. in. Next Dajr Through BI!r and Chair Cars Colorado to Chiiuton. Will Vmtihula UinrauhoaU The hocdt train in the West. Colorado Flyer Leaves DENVER . . 2:4S p. m. " COLO. WRINGS . 'M6 P. m. Arrives TOI'EK A . . 7:80 a. m. " KANSAS CITY . 9:15 a. m. Ar. BT. LOUS, (Wab.lt'y) 6:15 p. m. Arrives ST. JOHEPH . 10:40 a. m. LINCOLN (Ex Bun) 6:42 a.m. " OMAHA (Ex San) . (CM) . m. Through Hleepsrs Colorado Springs to St. Louis via Wabuh 11' J. These are New Trains in addition to our former service. For particulars and f oUUrs giving Urn of the train writ JNO. SEBASTIAN. U. F. AM ClUCAUU. NEW NAME I Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones I'UtXMAN PALAK SLEEPER. PULLMAN TOL'HIHT HLEEPEKH. rilEK RKCUHINd (IIAIK CAU3. Thecolprif iutelligeno and hi pro- ftr lonfflivin.r au.i.i ft tun continuous fewed chri.ti.nil, .boald h.v. KU.rdml or Irn-ular. ud.,nly fln.l himacll ! the L! . .u ',.., victim of ftrtllne a ense of .hatUred uuu K..ui .u. v.u.-uuu nemg a nt.ropatU wouM i,ke to U, providing b did not nm h churoh hrt ,n ,ian(, ,( Uus inHiaiousne of a blind to eotiMal bi wrongdoing. din al)( raL.itet wero one generally A erica ptrpetraird by on of bit oImi recognlxvil there would b a demand . . . . .1.. t rv.,I4ir if m it- CHI I ior l )UipsiD7 iuau ous 01 1 ujnn t'io iin" il.v.v .. ill rter manoitad comroitlad b pr- chanlo to devlM moan of prevention, livery StaUI W0 of do .landing and .bo m.k. 1" Wt ' " " " . . . . demand are not (reneral In certain do pretention to being po..ed of t the compUinU o( the mdmI- tiiwb moral obrcter. Booh men Ih lire Bre n,t tie ()UOry: "How are pioneer drugiitcQ offer no piaibl vou ;0ing to help It?" propounded with xout for committing A orim, nole the ir of uhmittiPir problem Impo- . ... I 1. -a .t. ...... it... ... fc. it ta ... hav ennfM lhm ve a De nil UDO- mie 01 ""immii. ,,,.-.nn --.- cri...d Ibati. do .o.Ung pie. o.llfd what w,,n PimniMi n niviiu raui'wm iu iv "-j 1 mm - -w w - AXlio Central. al-d hv lor Mle. Chart rwwonahl. Call Biu blm aud hav vour horse wall rml lor, Portland ta EuUr CitUi Chang. Without n v s THUUUOII t'AUH. TO fKr. VKVh in'i.nm KAllllt) lU'TTK IIKLKNA Ti k' t lntl lo all p"M I IK. UdiUk) Hit and Catiad. gi'lCK TIME TO. rniriKi V aailia'IM IUt.TioMI N. Y Hvrrui All other polOl la Hi KmI ll l HouthrMl OMn Ka ClTt ht. Jiri Mt. Uri IUmtm FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fin sun-eiirt hams and trn. Pur kl larl, arlll rvmlprv.1. 0I1I 1 -I. Ilia-tint iMt I'tlra ll tr at slKk. HESJ. MATIIKWS. sniKANE falls 4 nohtims SaSOS 4 FOHT SliUTARD HLD MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS Th Only AIMUil llonl Wiibonl Cbana of Car. IMea Hpokne, (MMlaod nd NeUoo. Also b't.ei Nla tnl Hloi, daily iivpt Huo.Ujr: Imm. Arrlw .. A M ... .Hi1m .. 'I' H tlill A H l.ail IH'.K w a.i hu so r. m. I.M li,naris ! MU ttllh Sa fut Ka. ! all ,a.-nl aaila. I'm mii r f.f k-iiM !. an.1 mmlnUrf l auuMrt a4 Muni ilh tkulv. 1'bI.io Wpt en.oaclion I Mt, l'll, Milipli, Ka VMJ, Otokha, HI. ai aud utbtr promi nent point.... lr.ifo hkJ Ibroagh to drttinaluKi ul tnksl. Throaab IU k's Jspa anJ f 'blun, vi. T4Mm aod Northern rrln flatui bip Oompany' lln. Fr full laf rmiiiii,tim !, mt lirksl. Ut., Call 00 r nU W.n. Ai. , A ! CmntMii, v- V iHUkn.l a.A(t. It-.sl.. 1 t 1 (jnirh TIib. I ui.in U-i'.-la. (Vr-.imlly t:,!.!ril rinnn, llwi tWaa ta talintlt. !l!trt Una la Tmna-VMllt at tMr raiomal PiixMatiua bald a Uoiaiia, Mabrwka, jaii It nMilr, WMU nn.Wr.inl f. rl. Ilmltl anil (!. informal ! tMrtatain. t. tlBInn I'aeilc J. II. UrTHHOP, or C. HAST Al. ii.. 1.1 ID tlw.. O H AN.t a. 1'i.nlar.l. tf. Mi.ia,f. Wiei Lil 1. lb bc.riog of tb I... The r should b oo iureaioo ot .ympatby for tbl ol, bat rtbr on of regret tbat it iit.. l'ortlaod Telegram. of atopplnif or At leant of lewiening nolae. there i nothing unreawmabl In honlnif that aome of the diatrarting noiar of our city life may be acattered thnmirh the kindly ofllre of In- tr..tili.n mm. Knr Inntanre, there la the rattle of wheel over pavement; much of that can be prevented by et "Tie Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland 4 Astoria Navigation Co. BTEAUZHS 'DALLES CITY" AHD "REGULATOR" louto ar uy all Uruiriu mrauurl loi-ur or nionrv refunded, t'. C. C ar a sure Tr thin. Try a on w-ojj, ; haiuvl. and bdukMt frwa, kwaourugaO. QDXOIC TZZWXZ3 I TO aScni lrntiolMCo Aa4allMtal,iirria,tU Mu Hhww! Kmlaal tk Southern Pacific Co TV k ! Ikratftj rhfnrai la all a4 rai awl BVK ft raft w.i,l R.Kiie or iK. TarlA I .M. I'ailiMa H t la, M.,4laBa AliarKjHl I. t rmm irwa. aiMii mwW vm m fcl f4 imhI iaM md4 r. mm. tmt i.4, V fla il M 1 n. -ul,iM. ..r. tv H XakallAX el f f . r"'iaKitfa GENE UAL IWSSENGKU DEl'AKTMKNT, M Il.Vi' Afur E, Nor. 5. 1S'J7. rATUONS of the WLoorwio CutrAt I.iu. in pM.iDK through CbiCAgii amy require orae mi.U ore in the y of haviog their ham! ItAL'iinc Ukeo form or to train ml mrrincrt or Im, or in tuAtiy other waj, nl they will Gn.l All tht i tloairrnl in tbie re- ect in the eervico of the U.hrr tt the) (IrAUil CetitrAl 1'AA.erjger KtAtioo, who he recent! teen ouiforuivHl with trown .ait nd red ca They ill bo in wUng tt All trniD. tretAred lo Mei.l AKDcrt. kdiI it ie hoped tht our j Atrmie mill fully themMltee of I hi AKlitiool i'rjtlioo for thir romfurj. JAR. C. IOND, A Rue Thine roe Yoe A transaction In win U yourauimt Inaela am-ri untiir. itlliouanoM. i K ii-auoi nr. i..r rnuuii, u.r.piitoauuauiouiMiuuou.er Ulnff the tire over Inner tire ol mo !!? irLriJ'Mir.t:-J?ii U-r. while for ..n litfht vehicle, th derlul new liver timulaii nd Uiu lual pneumatic t!re of the bicycle I pl- ble. l'oor vlic Iwrlifht worn i re aponxible for much of th rattle eauaed by dray and expre wgona. A frightful din l made by wairon lyl- eil with mrtol nl or pipe laid In ft though the aevcral piece were only mailt l"'a ol Wihhi; i prevent inia nole it U only neceaaary to nrparal. each piece with ft block and each atrat tun with trip of w.m1. Of nnirw, ftll prcvcnilve mean of nul" will cot money, but In many cav th Drt et will 111. I( tli. who r rernal ble for the pcnltence in the rmiay Hpaalsk Praverb M Wi. Hpaoiardt bav ft wrakora for prov rlaV Tb eenmoo everfday coovera tloa ol tb peopl eoolai. .ooret of pithy ytog oinr or ! . that i prM briefly tb Id of th Cttlin oa v.rin. anbjert. Among Ih ar sore about .ontaa that dj not bo. ... M . - ll M - .Itkt.. 1. .-f ft t. terf blgb elimtlo or III ei, aOJ I way or acroiiipunintr mm-n m w most of .blob .oold mil apply to th STA6ELINE Iff 1kt?rn V 1 4. Of W1LVIE 1 Fr"P'ic," FARC FROM ARLINGTON TO roaall W mil ...iU0 Kouud trip 100 MaiTlllt I'J mile). 00 Round trip TOO Condon m mile) . . 1 00 Round trip 00 Clt (IS lotlra) ... 100 Round trip 1 Olei (1 mlla) .... IU Round trip IU Hlan lv Arlicgloo every morning (Snmlay eieepted) t 6 o'clock; I do I Condon at 3 p. B. nod arrive At Fos sil at 7 p. . Corofortabl rovsrd eonoh. Aod far tal, iperlocd driver. Cororoeoriog Mnndsy, May 2nd, lb. earner rf Ih Reirnlator Lln will lev 1'nrtlNod l O30 , m. tod Tb Dalle tH30a.m. Wheo yon go to Pnrtlaod, .top off t Th Dalle aod tk trip down Hi Colombia; yorj .ill enjoy it, aoi tnve money. W. 0. ALLAWAT, Oeoeral Ageof. Amrla .ma, blber or ool tbey may be tri of tb land of lb oasUosU Horn of lb beat koo.o are: Cb'MM aitbr .if ftor liuo by read a ligbi VTomea an I thf are ant In b lrot4. No aoa I ft brf m a omi.' Uv. A .o-nn amy b !o;l to luv, bat ar t-i lover. Worn I a artu ere tar .lib loag klf and brl Ja. A girl' bur dr mr tba a hiti rnbl. Warn an I tgaiUr.tb ismIsms l bn ton dsa U ap- tb plyr. II k IM a kau laotn .if or a mm I on lb rmatstr t avf .Kboat (nr. rk of life cannot 1 convinced if their lack of humanity public opinion may yet cryullU IWlf Inui law but it I a mean art of eivlllMtion that haa ti be atirnsl Ut a performance of duty towanl one nclif hl"r by autuU d police reguUtlon. IiriJfYou can -i llll.il i D8 curca I m "i " r " fr- ff f ti i ills taf aw, trans la o ol.lm I taot Ma nvib r4 ar iifl, .i .t : i-w !". fu. it G t f f i J f Ak your Drugglit .e g.m 10 CI NT TRIAL 1IH. Elj'iCraaaCala r m t ! s Han'k 'f km4. . Ii. si CATARRH n f i rT av. 1 1 1 SC0LO".HEA0 a. I ... . nmmmr , I 1 Hf I V ' W1, ' I psuaiMt lt I'aturt Cnaili DC KMSAl A CO. 01 1 awtx kk 1st. IISZ. a wmrm atwi awinv h m air paKMiiOi'-' Avas ifca t Iwu rf y ft : I m,uTm fNM.HHM'HNtM id I "I tkrlMIIS lNNila lM laiikaM4 i ! ,i. nerlr hn, BrMksrvlH, l Irel, Inswwf mt I Msuih. I" tMt..-4 4 r wiliw.H fi , .( . ar, M I rt' kM , fcrr Wi Ik tt ftll 4 ctlf s4 4 .'. ! rt Ir.l frmmm rw, K k. -k4 tn !) .. Iwl m . k 1 Ulli twiMlHr"4MlWr tllt tm hi ...T- IiIwmn mt Hen. .(.Ill IX Oinm.al t I, l, ,i M stsaiv .!? m tn e-. r fc.aMp 9 ,ai rf t.m mi - t , sislUmm") (.ul 1 hrht e-y m m t-lit, mt Oh IkasasM llara. .h... r a i r 4 ! .:... a r4J) 17 r mttM A Ai'lK If..- "Iks tkila.rk r Harrl'. Iraa h aa'ia k- iw m 1 lif bav. irrt' iJreat M uwiim nf Armtowr ta awl laia1 al.iaja,. w k la 1 i. - m kw k. r t , a ' I. t ' - I a. . f - . p V . , ' . a ' - i 1 4 r ' . 1 j . 1 , I ' f1 ttfaal S-r I -V , OUEGON SHORT LINE Hy Til 1 Ql'ICKEHT AND HUeT tIRECT USE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE liRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all roinU EASI nml SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 4J days CHICAGO, 3J -ST.LOli;, 3J -OMAHA. :i SALT LAKE, 1 " Free Inclining Cbalf Car. t'pbol.Ure.1 Tanl hlepieg Car rollmao 1'alae Hleeplog Cr For full prtleulr ragarJlug rale, liro of Iraina, ete., rail no cr addre J. g runr, Ant a. It. A S. C.' f!tpor. (rego( CUTamv, ,E,ri.in Trv. V. A.I, o.a l Afl. ItfTi fiH.ri.nj.Of., HUTMLI H