Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 19, 1898, Image 3

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Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony
From a Terrible Sore-Her Story of
' the Case, and Her Cure.
"For many years I was afflicted trifh .
milk leg, and a few years ago It broke out
"ore "o: spread from my foot to my
knee. I suffered great agony. It would
burn and Itch all the time and discharge
- kic ubiu. my Health was good with
the exception of this sore. I tried a great
many kinds of salve, but some would
Irritate the sore so that I could hardly
stand the pain. I could not go near the
fire without suffering intensely. Some one
sent me papers containing testimonials of
cures by Hood's Sarsaparilia, and I told
my husband I would like to try this med
icine. He got me a bottle and I found it
helped me. I kept on taking It until my
limb was completely healed. I cannot
praise Hoodfs Sarsaparilia enough for the
great benefit it has been to me. It
cleanses the blood of all impurities and
leaves it rich and pure." Mas. ANNA E.
Eaken, Whittlesey, Ohio.
You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilia of all
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's.
Dill. are the
1 1,13 cathartic
favorite family
race 260.
We sail away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not
And we'll leave behind the gtrli we love, cries
the Oregon volunteer.
With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old Glory in
e we Pae" we " dmin a glasB, of Sperry's
wr wu rye.
"m u,"y me Belvadere Saloon, K. G
Local Notes.
Bee M. Lichtentha! & Co. for shoes.
Thousands of old newspapers for sale
bi me uszette offioe. ,
Licbtenthal & Oo. for shoes. Exclusive
shoe store. Handles the best. 83tf
Mrs. 0. Cete has gone to Sand Hollow
for a few days' visit with relatives.
QuinnesBe's famous old "Dublin
Stout," imported, at Cbria Borohers'
R. D. Watkios, from the head of Rhea
oreek, dropped into the offioe Friday.
Statements for the Famous Simple
Aooonnt File printed at the Gazette of-
Willis, deputy assessor, is
now at work in the vicinity of Hamilton's
Receipts, notes, drafts, due bills, etc,
printed and neatly bound in books at
ut. j. w. vogei, specialist for refrao.
uon and defeots of the eye, will be bere
every three months. 648-lyr
"Uo'n juioe" is all right but Low Til-
lard has a brand of 14-year-old goods
uhi is nara to beat. 603-if
i amiess remedy for extracting teeth
ii not as slated, no charges. Try Dr.
vaugban's new plan. 604-tf,
If you need something for your system
can at tue 'Fboue-Tue Telephone sa
loon, City hotel building. tt
T3 . 1 . . ..
cess aooommodation and oourteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
ana wash. Sts., Portland. Oregon.
A delightful birthday party was eiven
by Miss Ella Voura last Saturday aft
ernoon to her numerous little frieuds.
t.: . , ,
maet, pelts and furs to
uen. Mathews, at the Liberty Meat
Market. He pays highest market prioe.
Mr. Thos. J. Humphieys of Uillsboro,
rnvea to town Saturday, and is now io-
aiaiiea in a position as olerk with Minor
M r. Geo. D. Ely , c f Ournsyille, dropped
in on us yesterday afternoon. He re
porta bit section in a floor isning ooodi
Motgtget, deeds, bill of sale, bonds,
and ail kinds of legal blanks the latest
end best kept constantly oo band at
the Gazette offioe. x
Mils Kiltie Kiely, who hat been visit
ing Miss Lent Rhea sinoe the Fourth,
returned to ber home In Olei, Gilliam
county, yesterday.
E.G. Noble Co. are rostlera after
biainew. The finest eaddlje and hsr
Dene to be found lo Heptner. See tbi lr
Dew ad io this tssna. tf.
Karl's Clover Root Tea, f..r Constipa
tion It's the beat and if aftir using; it
yon don't say so, retoro package and
Bet your money. Sold by Conger A
Warren. z
Farmers ad harvest bands should
oall and tee Browo A Stewart when
tbey eome lo town sod want answibirt,
pair of gloves, bat, noderwear. overall,
etc. They art b ead.jnartefe. It
Fot Constipation take Karl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Ftiriflrr, onree
beadaehee, Nervoasoma, Eruptions on
the face, and tnakee the bead at clear a
bell. Bold by Cooter k Warren, x
Tbe 13 rerrnita from The Dull r
riveJ safely at Han Frariaoa and were
taken to Camp Ms-rill, where tbey were
given a great raoaptioa and eplendid
laocb by tbe I ad we of tbe lUd Croii.
Ubilob'a Coeenmptioo Cure eure
where otberi Ml. It is lite lealmg
Oongh Core, and no boma should be
wilhont it. rii-Manl In take aod f
right U tbe pt. Sold by Cut.ser
Warreo. g
Mint Harriot 1 homif.n. nf IV o.II'ton.
wbo baa been visiting rlative bore for
the pest two iwki, depart! Monday
Bight for her bm: Hba aa ama-
etd by SliaCa Hait, who wi
at I'aodltloo for a Um week.
Through the carelesa handling of a re
volver Friday night a woman of the
" Whiteohapple" district sustained a flesh
wound of tbe thigb.
Mrs. Thomas Condon and daughter
were severely burned in endeavoring lo
escape from the Masonio building dur
ing tbe tire at Antelope.
Stop that cough! Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tle of 8hiloh's Cure may save your life.
HM k. B m
uu.u u uuudcc a, warren, x
uov. Lord has issued the customary
proclamation against tbe setting
n -
iurem urea, m aooordauoe with an act
passed by the legislature.
Willis Stewart started for Baker City
Sunday morning. He will ti.kc cbarg
oi a band of sheep for lha summer, ex
peouog to return bere about October h
v"''" uureu. a ciear bead an
sweet Dreath secured with 8biloh
Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee
Masai injector free. SnM hv Hrm...
- J W..UUU1
varren. j
Some careless individual tied a saddle
horse to an inseoure rail Saturday. The
last seen i f the combination was a neok
and neok race in the direction of TW
Mrs. George Conser, aooompanied bs
her sister, Miss Lena Kbea, will start for
Long Beaoh Wednesday evening, where
they expeot to remain during the month
of August.
aoarcely a day passes that a load of
harvesting machinery does not go out of
town. The implement dealers inform ns
tbat business is brisker with them than
for several years past,
fpu. . . '
ue uazeue oarnes a full stock of
mourning . note, correspondence style,
with envelopes to match. Those desiring
suon stationery oan have their wants
supplied at this offioe. tf,
W. W. Kirk, of Black Horse district,
made ns a pleasant call on his return
from Mo Uuffey springs. Mr. Kirk is
staiiuoh advocdte of tbe medicinal prop
erties or the springe, aod predlots that
in time people will tl jok to tbem from
all eeotions of the oooutry.
T ; ...
uu want tne latest war news, the
iresDest looal happenings, city or
oountry, get the Gazette, semi-weekly,
Tuesday and Friday. Patronage help
make a paper. Compare it with those of
other towns tbe size of Heppner BDd th
viazette will not suffer thereby. if
At tbe Heppner Gaudy Fantory i th
Tl ) urn In I a .
drinks. J as. Hart can famish you milk
shakes, eodo, ice oream soda, orange
wine, peach oider, eto. Ioe oream booths
nioely fitted up. Come and try the
Liewey flavor a new thiog and very fine.
661 tf
The Marquam Grand, on Morrison
street in the Marquam building, is under
excellent management and the pnblio
will be royally entertained this winter.
New companies and new faoes will ap
pear from time to time at this popular,
flrst-olass theatre of Portland, and when
in Portland our denizens should not fail
to take In some of tbe fine dramas tbat
will be presented. tt
J. 8. Brooks, employed at Carsoer &
Hayden's sawmill at Wagner, bad the
misfortune of almost severing three fin
gere of hit left hand. A Lone Rock
pbj sioian attended them, taking several
stitohes iu ei-ob finger. Siturday be
readied town with bis band io a very se
rious condition, and, consulting Dr. Mo.
Swords, it was found neoessarv to am
putate ths third floger at the first joint,
anoraing Mr. Brooks great relief.
H. Downer, of Grants Paas. Southern
Oregon, passed tbrongb town Saturdav
io compaoy with fourothermeo.eoroote
oy team for tbe Falouie country. Their
inteotioo ia to spend tbe mmmer io tbe
harvest fioldt of Eastern Oregoo aud
Washington. Mr. Dowoer hat a 40 acre
epple orohard adjeoeot lo Grant Pa.
but prediott that the iuore.se of freight
ratet oo tbe Southern Paciflo will ore.
olude a Dossibil.tr
Southern Oregoo fruit grower.
The native torn of thin it at h.
formed to organization to perpetuate the
memory of pioneer, whi are faat pa.
log away, under tbe name of Grand
Cabin of Native Hoot cf Oregon." The
following ofBoere were electe.1 for the
ensniog year: President, John C. Lr at
nre; flrtl vioe president, Joeeph D. Leej
second vioe president, Frank M. Robin
eooj eevretary. Eogeoe Wbiu; orator,
B. B. Be. k man; ineide sentiuel, Charle
T. Belobr; outside eentinel.Oleud Ktra
ban; marabal, Jobo W. Miolo; traitee.
Ralph E. Moxly, lUlpb It. Uoulway.Hol
Blumaoer, Ralph W. Uyt, Arthur L
Frzir, II. C Wortmeo. Edw. II. Thorn
Frank Ralston, Lone Rook merohaot.
was io town on busiuess Monday.
. leal, a prominent attorney of
Portland, is registered at the Palaoe.
Attorney C. E.Redfield purchased of
nir. frank McFarlandhis beautiful resi
dence oo Main street.
las. Mart oan be found at tbe old
stand. He returned from Dayton with
out an eccort Sunday morning.
Charles Royce, of Hardmao, shipped
a number of bead of oattle to the Uoioa
Meat Co., c f Portland, yesterday.
a special meeting of the Salvation
Army will be held at the Baptist church
Ibursday nigbt. Adjutant Mrs. Jewell,
of Walla Walla, will be present. An
interesting meeting is assured, t j which
h publio are oordially invited.
Thre was "weeping, wailing and
gnashing of teeth" when Mrs. Otis Pat
terson informed "her boys" that they
must seek the tender raeroies of other
boarding-housekeepers this morning.
Mrs. Patterson surrenders her boarders
in order that she can prepare for her de
parture the first of next month.
Frauk McFarlaud Departs.
Mr. Frank McFarland who has been
one of Heppoer'e most aotive business
men for severe! years, as a member of
the firm of Coffin k MoFarland. takes
bis departure with his family for Hood
River tomorrow, where they will remain
until September, when they will oroceed
to Portland, expecting to make tbat
place their permunent home. Mr. Mc
Farland has proven himself an impor-
aut factor in the development and pro
Kress oc the town, and both he aod
family will be missed by the oommunity
in general. Mr. MoFarland. like mauv
others, baa experienced bis full share of
bitter disappointment from a business
point of vinw, oving to the unprecedent
ed depression of the past few years, but
oeing a man endowed with iudomitahln
pluek a d energy will not be lou in re
gaining his fioanoial footing. As ao in
surance ageut be is oredited with havino
written the past year a greater amount
of business than any one man in tbe
etoteof Oreaon, wbiob speaks well for
his ability. The residents of Hennner
unite io wishing for himself aud family
success io tueir new home.
Orders Fron) Navy Department
For Warships to Prepare
for Sea at Once.
Miles at the Head of the Porto
Expedition The Army of Occu
pation Will Number 25000 Men.
& Oo.'
Great clean-up of
Odds and Er)ds,
Recants, and
Broken Lots
is now on.
Ladies' Shirt Waists
a Ladies' Low Lace Shoes and Oxford
A fm Mfrr.nlil. Hum.
Mr. 0i. U bitiet rootly of Onlfai.
Wnsh., It io oof town preptratory -opeoing
np ao etloostvt general mf.
ebaodlst bntiuiMt. Mr. Wbiiiet U taptr
lolending a conpleia rarrangetno of
tha sior. rnom formerly occupied b)
Cfflo t MeFar land, aod when parfVotad
ha will oiradiiitrly tinnk tha aatna w lb
a a mplne lina irf tui aUptd l (bis
antiim. Mr. Wbltlit it atl,i.binfl
bimoatf io I!i.por al ao eptorlont
tinifi, aod w predict f. him ajatl
fcrff th f.airobkgt hriod opoe
tba buxui-n eir.rfit of Ui Ijwo.
Tho Sura La Grippe Cure.
There u no use snfferiuo from this
lreadful malady if you will only uet the
iglit remedy, fou are having pain all
hrough your bjdy, your liver is mil of
order, have no appetite, no life or ambi-
1100, have a bad cold, in fact are com
pletely used up. Electric Bitters are the
only remedy tbat will give you prompt
and sure relief. Thv nnt i,n
j uw uiiovtl Ull
oor liver, stomach and kidneve. tonenn
tbe whole system and make you feel like
new being. They are guaranteed to
oure or prioe rsfutded. For Bale at E.
J. 8I00 urn's drug store, ouly 50 cents per
A Ha a Misfortune.
The many friends of Mrs. J. B. Man.
nmg will ba pained to learn of the mis
fortune whio.; overtook her one day last
weea. while making preparation to
mop the diuing room Boor of the Palaoe
hotel she slipped and io falling fraotnred
ner hip bone. She was immediate.
taken to a comfortable room io tbe hotel
wnere Ve. Sw oburne iij
- H vwugu taUM
poo aidgoosis pronounoed it an Infra
oapsular fracture of tbe femnr. whinh
wing 10 ner age will possibly reouira
ume nme tor reuoitiog. This affeot loo
falls with double aeverity on Mra. Mao
nmg from the fact that ber husband it
iu a feeble atate of health ., k.. k
entirely depeudenl on ber earnings for
topport. Her friends will doubtless
come to ber aid aod ooutnbute to her
tapporl and oomlorl.
Washington, Jaly la-Commodore Watson's Eastern bo uadron
will sail for the Canary islands and the coast of Spain not later than
the end of the present week. This much has been decided by the navy
department. Plans for the sending of the squadron have reached a
point where government officials are considering the matter of fixing
the exact day for its departure. In the meantime, positive orders have
been given to the effect that the work of preparing the warships for
their coming cruise must be brought to a close immediately, with a
view to having everything in readiness by the end of the week. The
naval war board is at present in conference with the president, presum
ably arranging the final details regarding Watson's coming cruise As
before stated in these dispatches, it is calculated that Watson will
reach the Canaries about August 1st and be ready to strke a blow nt
tne bpanish coast a few days later.
WI k CinTV'TtlAlT f . I 1 O a -sr..
.iaDuiimxuj, u.y io. uenerai Miles, leading the Porto Rican
expedition, left Siboney, Cuba, today, on the Yale, with four batteriea
of artillery and a few seasoned troops. Two brigades are at Charleston
emb irking today on transports to take them to Porto Kico. All the
force at Tampa, 13,000 strong, embraciug the artillery, will be put on
ooara as rapidly as the transports can be gotten there. General Brooke
Will take the first And aannnA Itti'c,;., , u: t ,11 . .
v..,i0iU14o ui mo uurps rrom unicnamauera
io rorto uico.
Washington, July 18.-General Brooke had another confers
today with Secretary Alger with reference to preparations for the Portn
Eico expedition. The general reports that hia arm i rftnd anA u
believed they can be embarked within a fortnieht. While a nOBit,iv
Belection has not been made, it is understood that Newport New- will
be the port of departure of the larger part of the expedition. The arm v
of occupation is expected to consist of about 25,000 men, and it has
been decided to take no chances of repeating the mistake made in Shaf.
ter's case of landing with an insufficient force and then being obliged to
ae mie at a critical moment awaiting reinforcements. The emnlovment
of an overpowering force is also "expected to save bloodshed.
To Cure CoiKiipmiuii forever,
ii (AuVBreu tttiiUvfutUartla loo or 25a
II U t G full locure, urugijtkM refund moo.j.
Dr. John W. Rnit. r.f iha "Rd
lighl," avr on th o-l f. otnrlliiig
aav, oan fomiali joit tba OdnI rtk
taila In lit Uad'Uatibattoo, Jray,
Varwoulh of Uio-inade by aa artist la
Ibt butiaa. Drop a aol Itka ll.a
lala eat of tint KHitb. if
('aril tlnllBg.
At tba fgalar n-etting of th a toi.eil
held lt tdgM, with Mayor U'lrgto io
tba e!mlr, Ciwarilrnaa hilclnlbal.
vill Hnenm, Hittifoa and ltamo w(r nrrs.
tbt, and following huMir.. iraotteud:
Viiii,.n i fji,,ii F.tr, for t"i!i'n
m btabl waihmta, Ui 1 n il,u
l.ii -v . r tfi.nl.. i,U A ( , J
DlffonloB of Kaowlede.
Io summing op it indebtedness to tba
past, maukiod fiodt that it owea moat to
tba ioventiont whiohbavt made potsibla
the widest diffuioo of knowledge. Tba
first aod greatest of these la tbat which
gfce ot tba alphabet, for without it
knowledge ooold with difficulty be ao
quired, aod with greater diflloolty ba
traosmitleJ. Before the invention of tba
alphabet, roco bad but little oontlcoitv
of thought. 8hey onoveied ilea .
nieana of tnarka and tigos. but each
tveot required an entirely differeot pro-
cet of delineation. Wbeo tba aluhaliei
was prodocrd word wxrt formed, aod
tbe r in tnro wera grouped into seoteiieet.
Umika followed aa rapt If w aa tba kuowl-
PltA . .f linB Ia a..:.. - n.
" lv wriiv piiraiii. I hH
books tervi-d to preserve tba learnioif of
i ieir !imi for Iba beofflt of mU' qaenl
agea. but Ibey did not pUoa il j auv
great rileot al tba disixxal of lha ner,!
of tbeir own day. Jba Invention of
printing waa odid to bring abont a
oonditinn la wbfc b ko iwMgt waa aaatly
acaiblalo all ,o thiisled for it , and
tbit it what miket it tba second great
atp In tba march of progrvsa
Tbla luvaotion of printing ali aaablea
tbnaa bf0rjilid by tha tna!ioiaa fur
oiaba.1 tbaot by Dr. Margarita Oaroaef
to Impart iof.irmntioa tt Iboaa wb'a
eaa ara prooonooAj leeirabla. Tba
dor'nr eao toomerala aoning ib eoora
or 0.0 r, atio bava aongbl Ur r-melM,
ojoy cor.ioia c. or lifw l-mg aundmg
thai bava Vll l I almxl li,.tgi,(l,. 1,
ta no lotigar nrMm. r i,., ,.
ba aondi-rfiil cures aba b rl.rfrl,1
dtolaol ttrrttury ; lmUy.op.,o tba .lrrt
n nn nr. ara iboaa f rtril lo ,a
aim bit avn up ia lpitl.i swk Iba
if'ai4, aa rplruitj u' t,rk rol
k-h. not lat-a iu Iba l and will U
abswat froia Mcpt.oi-r ena lixnith. u.
What Dr. A. K. Halter Sari.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
tbe tffeot of your 8hilobt Oura in oases
of advanced oonsomption, I am prepared
to say it is tho most remarkable remedy
tbat hat ever been brought to my atten
tion. It hat oertaioly saved many from
oonsumption. Sold by Conser & Wurron
special Notice.
At tba present proprietor of the Oa
tetta musl leave Heppner soon, ha
desirous of tettling np bit affairt. What
it dua bin. ba most bava at once, to that
ha oan meet alt demaoda. Drop in and
settle your aocount. 57.ff
Baoklea't Araiea Halve.
Tba Beit Salvs in the world for Cntt,
Broiaea. Horet, Uloert, Salt Rheum,
Fevar Horet. Tetter. rh
Chilblains, Oorna, and all Hkin Erop
tiooa. and positively cures I'ila or no
pay required Ii ia goaraotead to giva
perfect ealisfaotloo or money refunded.
Price 25 ceota par boa. For aula h
Bloootn Drug Co., E. J. 8lororo, manager
fills I tour 0iortunii).
On m:oiit of U'li cants, nh or Imiir
a KCheroun kiunplrt , mniltd of tin
tmwt Mpnl ir tlutiirrli nnd Hay l-'evir Curr
(j.lya l renin mum suftinent lo di-iuon-slrala
tbe f;r-v tont e,f the rcmwK
ELY Jin.rn.i rs,
W '.vinnu 1 1 N'tw York City
f pv. John Held. Jr . r f On ni Fa'KMuut
raoiiniiiifuilrd Kly's I infti.i l'.nim In ma. 1
can sniplm-i. lliH !. t, i,if '-u a ,llt9
Ua onr fitr fniiirrh if mih1 dinoti."
ltv. Francia W. I'.nln Tairtor Outral I'raa.
Church, Itulenn, Mont.
Ely's (fam Halm la the acknowltdgatd
etira fur mturrh nml rvtitaina no nuiTury
or any injurious drug l"rloa, 60 cc-nla.
lJ Or., July 1H, lhuu,
Allen, Clmrllo lllowem, A 8
Hrace, James Jones, Nicholas
Jones, L P Kennedy, William
i?, ,.er I'TMh, Hiiro
Miyrlck, W B Mllehell, John T
, Rmlifers, K M
When calling for these letters please aav
advertised j, j.. Wiluams. V. il.
Kaoob, 820 tores, good laud, i milea of
Heppner, all fancad, plenty of water,
housa and barn, 140 acrea of summer-
fallow, all ready for fall crop. Eaty
terms. Call at tba Uatetta offln.
IJewBlr llluod Vtep.
. Clean blood iiu-hiis a clenn skin. K,
Iuuty willmut it. CaMarett, Candy Cathar
h.t ncan jour moon and awn u i-hu i.
iiik u) i,iB ,nr.y over ami urivuig all im
.urines ironi u,e iKiy. j,.Kjn to-.lny to
mi uk i iiniun, iw.iu, ,otrirs, blnt kheada,
ami Unit sit kly biliuiis coniilexiim by takinii
" ",-vuu)f ior i. 'ii win. All drug
n..iniuiii.ui HUHianieeti, iuc, 23c, 50r.
mil d pact ror information loading
loiue arrest and ooovid on of aoy par
ann ateating exttle branded "WUH ooo-
neoted on Iba left tide. Waddla on lha
or,e riBci nooHia.
O Calicos, in Standard Brands
I bummer Wash Goods.
6 In order to make a clean sweep of those goods
Awe have made prices far below cost in many in
stances as an inducement.
tir. .i. ...
e ve must nave room tor tall goods. They are A
coming in 'even nnw in laro-a nnontifino xrn i 1.
sr u ' " - iiuuuwuoo, c navt) WM
l n . - j 1 ( i . ..
sriau cuunuuus siock oi goods ordered in New York
y and Chicago and our object is to clear away space
A for them. J r
V We have made one deep slashing cut into the
abv goods decapitating not only ur usual modest
J profit but 9 portion of the originial wholesale cost.
You get Genuine Honest Bargains.
Come and marvel at them.
We get Space.
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
Who has secured the services of
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable
For Infants and Children.
Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bignatara of SJ
Noble &
Successors lo Noble & Co.,
Ara m ii.is M m ii.. on sum .i.h iu.,. h.,mii, Whli to ilMl
Krr. aa, .1.1 .1, bill. of ttm la tr. .. ii2ult it
n. o.
AreliJJ"in plenty of II. Don't
vwiiuv mis. ifeoa r work a nsr ijt if
zmmmA beautiful display
iba fesl's" i.f nUuilJiva' lbs ltij it ni l foar miu.im.
"" W iH' raa, auruttta It dp.,t, -aad
i.psaiDf f strrat aa a ttx drlva Kvartiwa tats a.
ar ftfilit. eoasiilnrahla Ji us'id. I fa!' an r ',lsriit Ui in l won-
Is that of plain and decorated
Chmawarc & Quccnswarc At.
i J , j . - S I I 1 T - - I . .. i .r.,-M.r,B in tarn MtHiv, W l g-UX'f I
itTi tYili.. i i 1 ,,,Ur H Mr aU.aii, r swIiwUdrwiMwH, Ihrr ni..l u.Mrit, !
fj l. . k, , if . "in"fiiwr,iiiiii, t ) !'., (r.r. ..lil nnllt!n,ii (
)T 'wnirTr.? I f ft. f !" I,rW?7 aai " ' '' I- i irv a tt
,,V-V-.i. I if.J g si 1 1. ' f . C 4si. w. ,a!,' awiil a4'
' a-t J I V J WWlVtvnitoln. ,
Gilliam k Bisbee's
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
U All n'o. D i.
On Tap Down at The
Telephone Saloon
Naw Stand, City Hotel Building,
IOW TlXarliVRO, Prop.
ax. iiciiisiv'riiiv co.
0-S.t,, M.-Str.a, R.,..r.a, . Sp.al.H,
A complete stock of j.uro ami frchli dru al
ways in Htock. Careful attention paid fo lilling
of prescriptions.
Merchant Tailoring!
ft aa ...
Mr. AliraliaitiMick m tho pioneer tailor of liepii
nor. Jam work k alwa (irHt claHU ami natinac-
tion guaranteed.
"When you hear dem bells P
ni anoi i.d kkuw thatthk
C'Xrrt'M l CominL'. I)oe del iwrv ui. il-
oil nhort order, 10 centu and upward. Tliit
wapHt n No. 4, ami leavu ymir order will
or at "Untral ti lepliori.- o!lee.
h it,