The Gazette. Tuesday, July 19, 1898. The Gazette is not heralding its coming with a brass band but its circulation can be determined at the Heppner postoffice. Adver tisers will please note this. THE RIGHT VIEW. "While the people of Oregon ex pect the legislature at its coming session will revise and overhaul the laws which provide for the ex penditure of public moneys and abolish every useless office aiid commission to the end that every dollar possible shall be saved to the taxpayers, we do not believe that the people of Oregon ask that a single dollar be withheld from any educational or charitable insti tution in the state, which is neces sary to maintain its usefulness or efficiency. There has been, and is yet, a class of demagogues in this state, and yet they are confined to no political party, who have de clared against the expenditure of public money for the support of the higher educational institutions of the state. To take the course advocated by them would stamp the great and progressive state of Oregon as one which had deter mined to take a long step back wards. We do not mean that the money appropriated for these in stitutions should not be expended with the greatest possible economy, but that they should not be crippled by the withholding of the neces sary funds. Portland Chronicle. Tbe San Francisco Argonaut reports a rich reward for a dili gent perusal of the Madrid news paper press. In one of the Span ish people's chief sources of news and information there was a rare biographical sketch of Lieut. Col. the Hon. Theodore Rosevelt "our Teddy." "The commander-in-chief of the American army," says the Madrid editor, "is one Ted Roosevelt, formerly a New York policeman. He was born near Marlem, in Holland, and emigrat ed to America when young. He was educated at Ilavard academy, a commercial school, there being no universities or colleges in America. He has as a bodyguard a regiment that is fittingly called 'rough rioters.' " Interest in the war has not made those who are interested in keeping the government printing office under the civil service rules cease their efforts to prevent action by the president that will take tbe office out of the control of the civil service commission. The civil service commission, which desires to hold on to the office, has submit ted a plan for the appointment of the employees of the office among the several states and territories, and prominent men are trying to iulluence the president to lot the office remain under the civil service rule. As soon as he can fiud time, President McKinley will Uke up this matter and settle it. It is still generally boheved in Washington that it is to be put outsido of the civil service. The itatup toction of the war revenue law has not been so trouble Bomo to put into effect as many had predicted. Ho far an Wauli ington was concerned, the new law, which went into effect on the 1st of the present mouth, made more amusement than real trouble. The paying tellers at tbe bank were urprini'd at the large number of dcimtutori who didn't know that a revenue tamp had to be attached to their checks, but they didn't chmIi any checks until the required stump had been ntuek on. About every other pemou who tiled a tel egram registered a kick hen iu fot tned that it would not be ac cepted until Mniuped, and wanted to kuow why the telegiaph com pany did not utaud this ttts. Horn dealers are trying to profit largely by the stamp tix by adding fi or 10 cents to the price tf articles tthitU are tnl, something like in -eighth of one rent, but their cutners a a rule are calling them d ). Daata tha Hlantfika Mr. A. C. 1 Iiowm, ol Msryitl,Tr,., Iim foaoJ Wot valnalil rlnovrj than Iim )! Ir inn-1 In tl Moti'like, fur year In i, fT.Tp-l nniutil ttfxny from iiiiiltii'llull i'iv,in.Mi!l Uf demon li . til l biluiljr rnrej li If. kltig'f Xv lHoit?nv lur ('4Ntnroiliti, Cwimltt auJ UI1, ! Am lr that rl. U (4 lulls ! ia rni(Miia l thi tBalvwlaiM lira, n0J I. at. II tten If It ol .eodrw J'tllar botll. Astaraa, lrot'lillM ami ail lliroal aail Naf affrev. Imtja ara fmtilitety re. fcf lf. K Hm iHtd'.rt t r lot (Wsttmplt'itt. Trial Imttls liaa l I'. J. Hli-rnm'a Img lUf ular a'M 60 at as! 1. (Iaarnle4 MATTESON DISTRICT ITEMS. Oar oorreapondeDt, noder the aobriqnet ot "Bias MooDtain Bell", sends os tbe following Interesting eorrespondenoe un der date of July 15tb: Harvest is in fall blast, and everybody busy. Albert Matteson has jnsl out 65 loos of rye from 10-scre field, wbioh is a fair average of otber fields Gardens, generally, are looking fine. Harrison Hale's orchard ot apples, pears, apricots, orabapples and cherries is doing fine, and proves that onr section is not behind in the fruit indnstry if we do live at a higher elevatioc than Hepp ner. Oar sohool of 28 pnpils is in a flour ishing condition, with Mrs- Mollis John son as teacher. We held our first literary eooiety and spelling-school meeting last evening, which was a success in every particular. Miss Maud Bash starts on Saturday evening's train for Portland, where she remains a few days, and then she will proceed to Yamhill county for an ex tended visit with relatives. Eugene Matteson has gone to the har vest field of Morrow ranoh on Rhea creek. Charlie Fuller goes to Eight Mile with bis team for the season's work. Tbe following program was rendered at the Matteson sohool bouse July 2d : Son and march The school Opening address Mable Cox Welcome, concert Little boys Recitation, "Two Little Hands," Cassie Johnson Recitation, "Boy and String," Roy Brown Recitation, "Never Touch Liquor,". . Myrtle Cox Recitation, "Good Little Chinese,". . .Guy Fuller Recitation Hazel Hale Recitation, "There's a Rule,",. Walter Matteson Recitation, "Two of Them," Maude Brown Recitation, "I'm a Temperance Boy," Elmer Matteson Lecture Narclssa Johnson Recitation, "The Months," Ivan Cox Recitation, "The SpoopendykeB." Sylvia Matteson 8ong, "My Sweetheart Went Down With the Maine," Aura Hale Quarrel Narclssa Johnson and Ivan Cox Recitation, "Hie Blue and the Gray," Leonard Gilliam Recitation, "Reuben Unburden's Him self,'' Reuben Wills Recitation, "A Voice From the Poor house," Aura Hale Dialogue, "How to Keep Good Resolves." Aura Hale, Myrtle and Artie Brown Recitation, "Farmer Boy' Harley Matteson Recitation, "Dolly's Lesson". . Narclssa Johnson Recitation, "Bustin, the Temperance Man" Myrtle Brown Dialogue, "How Jsmel Was Whipped".... Frank Matteson and Bernle Gaunt Closing address Little Girls Closing song The School After tbe program was finished, a lit erary society was organized to meet every Saturday night, with Mrs. Mollie Johnson as president, and Miss Myrtle Brown os secretary. THE NEXT LEGlHLATUKtt. Senators and Representatives Their Politics and Counties. Following is a oompleteliat of the20tb biennial session of Ihe legislature, as oompiled by tbe secretary of state, tar nished as by the state printer: HKNATOKH. Adams, L J, rep, Marion county. Bates, Geo W, rep, Multnomah. lirownoll. eo C, rep, Clackamas. Cameron, Theodore, rep, Jackson. Clem, J, peo, Linn. Daly, Bernard, dem, Lake. Daly, John D, rep, Benton. Driver, I D, rep, Lane.- Dufur, K B, dem, Wasco. Fulton, C W, rep, Clatsop. Haines, E W, rep, Washington. Harmon, C E, rep, Josephine. Hiueltlne, J K, Mltchell-rep, Multnomah. Howe, W A, rep, Yamhill, Kelly, P R, rep, Linn. Kuykondall, W, rep, Lane. Looney, N II, rep, Marlon, Macksy, Donald, rep, Multnomah, Mllchell, John II, rep, Wasco. Morrow, J W, dem, Morrow. Mulkey, B F, rep, Washington, Porter, L L, rep, Clackamas. Proehstel. Geo W, rnp, Umatilla. Raed, A W, rep, Douglas. SellUig, Bun, rep, Multnomah. Miami, Joseph, rep, Multnomah. Hiulth, Win, union, Baker. Taylor, TC, rep, linatllla. Wade, Justus, peo, Union. aitraasKaTATiVKs. Bayer, J C, rep, Multnomah. Biackshy, J B, dem, Malheur. Beach, HC rep, Multnomah. Brings, Abnur, rep, Washington. Butt, Clarence, rep, Yamhill. Carter, R V, rep, Jackson. Conn, Jamei W, union, Douglas. Cummlngs, Wm L, rep, Marlon. Curtis, C J. rep, Clatsop. Davis, (J K, rep, Lincoln, Donnelly, K N, rep, Crook. Farroll, 8, rep, Multnomah. Ham, I II, rep, Marlon. Fordney. Peter, peo, Wallowa. Freelaiul, K U rep, Morrow. Orace, W E, union, Baker, Gray, F W, all rep, Una. Oregg, N F.ttein, Polk. 1111. J K. rep, Columbia. Ilawsou, H (I, rep, Ullllaui. Hill, Geo II, rep, Multnomah, ilotiklck. Peter, rep, Multnomah. Jones, D M, stl rep, I'larkatua. Krusa, U rep, Clackamas. Unison, I F, rap, Yamhill, Uls, Abitar, rep. Marlon. Math, U W, rp, W aahliif ton, Msli,IU, W A, rap, Lake. Maoell, J W, rvp, Tillamook. McAlltter D A, dsn. 1,'tilon. llei Hurt, John, rap, Marlon. McCuIIim b, J W, rvp, Marlon. McQueen, I tan, rep, I-ana. Mmnly, H R, rap, Multnomah. Morton, I W, rep, Wasco. Mnyars, 0 T, rap, Multnomah. Mrhola K J. rap, itetikm, Pslmer, II M,pe, Una. Plaits. I H, pen. Curry. Reeder. I. H, rap, t'nia'llla. Rosa, J T, rap, MulMitimah. M.iherta. A a, rap, Basra, fliers In, K A, union, Jwkfctn, Smith, i R. rap, I'maUll. Mauler. F , rap. I'titim. Me a art, Melhew, rap. Jai ksoit. tillltman, A t, dem, I mallU. wiinip, I H, stl rap, IVilk. Tliuiiipaon, Ales, rap, t'larkamaa, Thmntamn. J a C, tap. Washington. T" I'H'i. iHt F. rap. Cm Virtue. James W, dent pop Ml rap, Juao-phlu, Waller, J T. rep Mullm.uiah. Whitney, J, d.ia, iJnn W iiILmh-mi, J M, rap, l iwh wiu.ia, W m, anion, Hougla. MtinaniM, U W, unlott, IKmglu. Voulif. Johaa I, rap, ( lakkf It Urt lllia. "I a an.l barvuna au.l ihitil.l 0"! il lu.'m Ulan half tlay'l utk. I iniieur4 tllla l lliMxl't r-araaanlla M4 Ugatt laaltjfl II aa4 met e able li oi, lb b at vuasnaas ba4 Itft ana M las-lias Mf lis Baa aUo tn0 t!4 bf HuihI's." ft. W ii III a !, Sly, Ora. H i. J I ills art It, nbly tlls lu las Mb tltod't "laraabarilla, )U ear. LHTEST TELEGRAPH- Brief War News, Tele graphic News Notes, Etc., Etc, 8a Fbancisoo, July 18, Tbe First Montana volunteers and about 300 re ornits for tbe First California volunteers broke oamp at Camp Merritt this morn ing and marched to the steamer Penn sylvania, wbioh is scheduled to sail for Manila some time this afternoon. Ool. Keester will have oommand ot the expe ditionary foroes on the Pennsylvania, and bni reoeived orders to make all pos sible ppced to Mnnila, Hong Kong. July 18. Tbe German croiser Cormorant, from Manila, July 15 has arrived here. She reports all quiet at the capital of the Philippine islands when she left there. The insurgents had not advanoed. The second American contingent had not arrived, and all tbe ships of tbe Amerioan fleet were at Ca vite. It was reported at Manila, previ ous to tbe departure of the Cormorant, that Aguinaldo, the iosnrgent leader, bad been acoorded an interview with Captain-General August!, at Manila, Ihe result of wbioh was not known. Losdok, July 18. Tbe Madrid corre spondent of the Daily Telegraph, tele graphing Sunday, says: Biota have broken ont at Uaelva, cap ital of the province ot Huelva, in Anda lusia. Tbe inhabitants marobed to the municipal buildings, shouting for obeap bread. Rioters to Ibe number of 4,000 saoked many private bouses. Thty were finally dispersed by the artillery, and energetic measures will be taken to pre vent a renewal ot tbe disturbances. WtsuiNQioN, July 18. The United States will take immediate steps to col lect customs revenue at Santiago as a war .contribution, and it is not improba ble that a government customs omoe will be opened there and be ready for busi ness as early as tomorrow. This notion will be taken pending final settlement of the question of the status ot Cuba after the olose ot tbe war. It is expeoted that a telegram embodying tbe principal feat ures of the new schedule will be sent to General Shatter tonight. OREGON'S FINANCES. Seini-Animal Report of Hon. Phil Metschan, State Treaanrer. Office of the Seoretaryof Stale, Blera,Or., July 7, 1808. IIon. Wm. P. Lord, Governor of the Stute of Oregon. Dear 8ib:-I have the honor to report I examined, July 1, 1898, as required by law, tbe books and accounts ot Ibe state treasurer and Ihe money belonging to the state and I foond tbe amount to be as eel forth in tbe semi-annual report of lion. Phil Metscban, state treasurer, re ceived from htm Ibis day, July 7, 18l)8, oopy nf which report and letter trans mitting it are hereby referred to as a part of this report, showing a total baUnoe belonging lo tbe state, July I, 1H!)3,uf one million three hundred and mxtr-eight thousand nine hundred aud eventy-one dollars and forty-five cents. (1S,97145.) Very respectfully, Hon. II. K. Kinoaid, Seoretary of State. Tressary department, Halem, July 7, lHtift. Hon. U. It. Kincaid, Secretary of Slate, Diak Sir: I have Ibe honor to here with submit a atatemeut ahowing Ilia oonuition of Ihe slate treasury at tbe oloae of business on the 30 lb day ot Jane, lWH, and the traoaaollnna of this department from January 1, 1808, to Ibe 1st of July, 1808. This exhibit I certify to be correol, and true, to tbe beat ot my kuowledgeand belief. Very respectfully, Your Obedient Servant, Phil MiTuciiA, Stale Treasurer. aa hits- Balance on hand January I, law, as l'f biennial report to Ihe legislature I keeplvnt sine that data, to the eradit ol tlia arioua lunds- Oanaral ... I Omnium n-honi principal fummon school lntrwl Agricultural eolleaa principal asrli'iiituial f lime Interest I'litvenlty principal I'nltrli tiilira! Fle t"'' cent land Kamp land Tl'lc land - 1 htiraluit monument. Interval 01 MM 21 TO j nie U '1 ft i W dl IJ tw li in nl ;m J.TW US 14 t Iota! ... uisat'Msaiats. i.oneral fond direct Penitentiary Iiicl-tfttlal Inaatie ami Idolie Judl.-ial I atlta . Priming; ... mM .......... Fum ... ., . In.ilsTiit ., ItlMMIf ... ... . ... Hrloria Sihiml , . .......... I'omtn.m sluMt. tiitrat .... .. I'nntmiitt n hthil, prlt'tl ... A,rt ultlirtl ntllace prliH-lw ,, ASfM-Mllnral e.tllte lutvlrat .... I' itlt rvltr prti.-lkl ... t'olwrsitf ltrt 1 1 it Iaa4 , Swamp li4 . tisu.m xr I m im as Mil M 141 IO.4 ni PI v II .' n IB .4 Tl SI W Aim in SI 41 a 14 4J ft l? at ; w on I T.'i.t ... . i va n T4al roevtpta liMlii1lng balanraea h.a.l ji.r, l"? . t.'..'-TJ.4'. ft T"l di,hiintnu, attira January t, i. . ... va n Italanr la state treasury July I. Ijs It .mm,m At oaaasL rvaa. wlpt . t oj aatm; t,luiMWrul 11. Ma u Haism 1h l-aum liaiht J'llf l. li t, l I stands to II.UT1H lli lOtMlS It. toral . , tt-mmn. Si h.w.1 fuWr . A , .t. M !M rmt f.- .fi'r(. 5 Ssrtpiillnrml rn)l lulVaat t nlmif ,iihi.! t iwllf .lws , , . ... fi.e (v, Mt. ia4 , ........ amp la4 ... .... 1 lit iat ........ It. tl', ... 1 tiiit,i lWr4 ... , I i.l.r!t, S ..... ... , , Military 't m r a. aw.Mit,ititf ol ttiff luilua i 414 If ... aa Ma as . t J II" alt 44 M a ... I.4t as . . 4-1 .... - It It ..' 14 44 , t M - I 4' I" Kloodr Cure all liveritla, bilious ness, headache, anur stnm. Pills ach. Indigestion, constipa tion. Ther act eaiilr. with. out pain or (Trip, gold by all dnifriftju. 95 cents. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla. RANCHERS TERRORIZED. Brigands Hob aad Bole In Umatilla County. From tbe Pendleton Tribune. It has just come to light that a leign of terror exists in the Bear creek region of Umatilla oounty, and that the farmers are planning to organize vigilance com mittees to stamp out the bands of cattle and horse thieves that are infesting their region. It seems that for tbe last 18 months there has been going on more stealing than was ever known even in the palm iest days of border troubles. Thousands of oattle and horses are yearly being taken from tbe ranges and eaten and sold by these thieves. Tbe most atrocious caoe ocourred early this week, when a mao, bunting for some stray cattle in a oanyon near tbe head waters of Butter creek, found the half eaten remnants of the carcasses of two heifers. Tbe oadaveric were stripped of tbeir bides aod the oboioest parts taken and eaten, the remainder being left to rot on tbe ground. A camp fire near by showed where the meat had been cooked. Further investigation showed where other beusts bad been slaughtered, and many tracks led farther up into tbe mountains. It seems that there are several bands of men that have been terrorizing tbe people of that region. Thev oamp iu the mountains, and oomedown to the ranges during tbe night, making off with horses and oattle. The oattle tbey kill and eat the tenderest portions, throwing tbe re mainder away; and the horses are shipped to Portland and other places, where tbey are sold to packing eatab lishments. These robbers are apparently not sat isfied with thus taking the animals, but are sending threatening letters to Borne of tbe most prominent farmers in that region swearing tbey will shoot tbem on sight if tbey dare to interfere with tbeir depredations. Oue of tbe gang is said to have openly threatened to go to a ranoher's bouse, oall him out at night and shoot blm down. It is said the farmers wojjld have taken extreme measures of self protection many months ago, but they bad no means of identifying the thieves, and that sev eral stock and horsemen are known to be in sympathy with and even allies of tbe thieves It seemi tbat tbe brigRuds wield about Ibe sume power over their victims and others In lhat looality tht gave the Jesse James gang in Missouri suoh strength several years ago. Several times the farmers have started to orgnn ize committees of vlgilanoe, but It always resulted in their disbanding before any thing was done. Prsctioally the same condition exists now; but there is a more determined et fort being made to get tbe innocent vie tims logelhor than ever before, and it is reported lhat within a very few days there will be formed a vigilance o imrait tee tbat will follow the thieves into the mouutaiiis wud fk'bt them until the whole gang are oithor killed or captured. This tronble in southern TJmalilU oounty has not boon geuoially known until recently, tbe farmers enyieg notb iiiK in the hop, that tby w mUl gt a cine to the guilty mi. Anther reaio.i for u it notifying the sheritT of tho troit ble was tout tru gang sent messag-a to oil stock Mml horse growers that Ibe first man who did thing In btik tbsm in tbeir bminesi would bi visited at bis home aud shot. It is said that a men was before thi circuit court in Feud etoo a few mouths ag i on trial for oattle and borse stealioo wbo was certainly guilty, but that I be mum witnesses rertiaed to aer again! him on account of bing threatened wilb lea' b by I be other mem'iers ot tbe gtng if Ibey did not clear bim- The man waa Mqntted, aod it is presumed went back to hi partner. It is not known just bow miny cattle bbva been tnk-u by lbs gang; but care ful estimate of the noraes stolen para the number at 1.000 duiog Ibe last 18 months. Eyary farmer that raises borse and cattle baa been a sufferer. ieinuii,i itiiiiKi.iiiiiiiiiii.eiiiwi Perhaps you have made up jour mind to take Scoffs Emulsion this summer. p 1 hen IooMor this picture on , the wrapper, a man with a big fish on his back., Do not let anyone talk to you or somcthioff as good." Uhcn you want liver oil and the hypo- pnospnitcs you want the very rxst. rou uui find 'them in only one Place.' 5cott a Lmuision. ar- aT . There is nooiher emu!- lion like it; none oihcr docs the same work ; end no oihcr has the same record of cures. AH Pruirri. . an4 i. Vott a) . C kamiaia. K V, 44Vt 'TO 'Tl'lf '''' -.... sotick of ,vrr.vrf.v. I v. . i. a .i l.iiun , fa,- -s Nl n, i . la IIIHKRV I.IIRIS IHiriMi Mloaii MUM., wlllr, h.. M Ids 1 1. u. .ill.... in ma awn .f.. la t4 hi, t iai. aM lhat M jr i! tm m. i I ! Ih I 0.11,1, l l.rl nf M..rn ....... I, n,, " a h,.n.. nn J.ii, a ,, iirnv r 4iaii. lit l a,, ih, mnu y. ayw u as ta- itn,irLt (i. kwro Ik l,.il.,ang to kt( Ht.j,,, !.(.. fH).,l.,n ,. '.I la.. I i. I t. .n f 4. I t, ' ' !-! Wti siimi, ,; urr'. '! SV 1 NOTICE OF INTENTION. L4.ND Office at LaQrakde, Obkoon, June 20, 189. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice support of his claim, and that said proof will ho man. Kafnva Ik. rn, ...... S.1 1. i County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 1, 1898, viz : W TT T T 1 Vf nvn-Dnw nvwn Hd. No. 6482, lor the nek Bee. 14, tp. 2 8., r. 28 E. no uaiueo me ituiuwiug witnesses lo prove his continuous residence npon and cultivation nf Hf) ll lanH ul.- tnannk T . 1 1 i. w Waddle, William Barrett aud Arthur Smith, ail J. w. Barrett, W-Tl Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Opeoon, Notice is hereby given "that the ...tfln. t-. auj .1 her intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be- fnrAA. Mnllnrv IT a rnnlmuinHn. . ti ner, Oregon, on Tuesday. August 2.1, 1898, viz: MARTHA C. EMRY, formerly Martha C. Hosklns, of Heppner. Homestead Application No. H999 for the 8' N W!4 and S dWJf Sec 1, Tp 6 8, R 26 E W M, our imiiius uie luuuwiiig witnesses to prove h.r (.ntitlnimm nulrfan,. .nn ...... i i .. . ot said land, viz: Benjamin Parker, Frank of Hardman, Oregon. ""-'o J AS. If. MOORE, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaOrande, Oregon, ' Tune 20, 1898. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention t make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore gon, at Heppner, Oregon. on August 1, 1898, Viz: ADAM H. HCH A am, T. C. No. 2:t34. for the s' nek, nw) nek and nek nwk sec. 12, twr. 8 8., r. 28 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation o( said land, viz: Joseph Lulkman, John M. Waddle, William G. Hynd, Andy J. Cook, all of Heppner, Oregon, E. W. Barti.ett, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGrande, Ohehon, June 18, 1K98. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has died notice of her intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made tuifoF. Ol. Cnitlllvi.l.l.l. nl tl.. , 1 ...... ..... ...vl. vi i, ,... vwuiur, .Or egon, at Heppner. Orfgon, on July 30, 1898, vis: CI.KMBNTINK CAT If , AumiuiHirairix 01 tue esiaie oi tmrai A. water man, deceased, T. C. No. 186, for the sek sec. 8, tp. 2 8 , r. 27 K. ' She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, vis: Robert 8. Morgan, Ed E. Haling, M. J. Uevln and A. H. Stamp, all ol Heppner, Oregon. E. W. Basti.itt, W-,1 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at LaUeahde, Oreoon, June HI, IS'ia. VOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE a following named settler has Ailed notice of his Intention o niaks final proof In support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made UWore A. Mallory, l'nitd Htatee commissioner (or Oregon at Heppner, Oregou. on July 2f, 1898, vU: HENRY W A t)R, tld.No Mil, for the N'i NEW and NE' KWU 17.TwpS8R27. K. ' Ha name the following witness in prove discontinuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, vli: Foster Adams, Jay Itevtns, John Edwards, A. U. Htama. all of Heppuer, On-gon. w. Batlstt. Register. Notice of Intention. J AND orriCE AT !. GRANDE, OREUOM, 4 Jim a. law. Notice la herehv given that the following named settler baa flleil nnticaof his Intention to maka anal proof In support ol his claim, and that aald pro., I will be mad before A. Mallory, I'. N, cnmmlaaioner for Ore gon at Heppuer. Orron, on Angiisi i laai, u: VITHK oll.KkHT. Heppner, Or, Hd No Twt, for thaWuKWv Mik rill, and KKk iKk . I1B 3 It ri K. He name the following wltneaart ta pmv his continuous residence upon and eultliatloo ol said land, vlt; Lewis o roatietis, Hlvcntor W I. .re., ii, MUllaia Mulh, I'eier Huns, all vl Heppner. Ur. H, W. BAR1I.K rT. ke( titer. SUMMONS. is the riRci ir rorRT or the itati 1 ol lor Morrow county. Janir taoherty, t'lalnllir, vs I. jrr , Mrah C. pe'T. P. '. Thin.n, the liregnn Railway and Nrl.ion Co., a corporation, and rwrry. lvln.,lanl. lo J. 11 Mivrry and Sarah C. e perry, defendant at e named In the name of the Mala ol lirvcrm. ya. aid m h ot (mi are h.rel.v r-iilrvd lo apfwar etd B'lswerthe enmi lalot tiled asalnst j..q In Ihe u..e emuh-d smii hr Ihe flm daf of the nest term of Itiesi-.i ild emirt follow in Ihe pi ratlonci the time preerrtlwd In IhaaMer tor ptiblirniion ol IL is summoua. aliuh Brat day wilt be Mana-ay. th 6th ay tf Saatamaar, l. and tsti iM , b of rni will Use Bnilre hal II vm tall lo so a( rar and answer for .! there..!, pialn'lt apple to the enort for the relief leman,l M kl. r.,n .m, I., an So tfi.taot .... ...i . . . .. . . . . . .... . . , ..... , n ...v B.iia ol f I . mi ill keh.r wiih latareai there. iw (mm the Iflh lf ot Ik lutr. at the rate of to par eeat per """"I"' the limber sum of llisiaibKiie. aad the e.i. end dlatitiraentent ol this ill al . Ik fnrarl.,r n a ne'taln M Sairea.eeiXed and rtetteeeed bf tns to i-lalnlit on "f a'nl the i it.. t ..... eiitre the -ai ,,l . rerti tnvMiiaair. n- teili n e,, t.,(.,..M, ,,,,. I 111 a III, lt.lm.mml , ... . ... . . ti a-. I r.b liaai.t ,.., . ...... . Hilt., plainim th i,,. tltoM rt- 1 ' l""t-" sHuate.1 la theomnt. i l H.wkiw a,.!. ,,,, Urft ,4 7. d U tee nft M Ibe eea at ol I d . ' In bl, , h Mea , .! .m. to Ike to. J ' "frner slorenw cunntt. tieefn an . , lusher dwre. Iainii sal l..e I... fmt mi I ' an4 ka-aK K, are. r tn4 r,.,m ) e and a.l nl. til. lni.r . m to eatd I r4ll Wrlartf inrl mm u . .k.. a. . . f i la fnm aT rnMltHI '' tt ot ter ml ll.-mM. 7 t ea l l . l.. nl IK. .1-... .,. . . . M ' ' haa.ia.ra at tmiUH 1 WiM l.ty, ffe, ,.! St. IW, Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for this issue which speaks volumes for them, but the goods are there, all first class, and prices to match. Call in and Mr. Rhea will see that you get what you want. w it The Leader Of Course! ii vl The man that Leads people like to buy. stand aside for him. reason why so many added to the list at it it fti (ti IT. R. HOWARD'S (fi (fi (fi (fi at The Beginning of this New Year 1898. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, in Is a "inv fnreuer " TI,,' ...L,t Is a ioy forever" That's what (fi you'll (fi (fi (fi Heppner, w OOL GROWERS Wool Growers' Warehouse r ii i . . iauiepiaceiosioreyour wool this season. Why? Be cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not W in the field buying wool ourselves, we encourage competition amongst the buyers and secure you the highest pdfe! atom:."',,',1'D'',0,,,k"n''-'''"t.P.r.b..wh,Bwoo.UM. Head I. your rt.r a pay th hlrheet ra.h prlre for sheep pta hide',n;r.e!or L,,,, - K- u.f s?. 0lp, th. otll, reIUbl. JJ pay Irelsht to teamsters when requested to do So hr owner. ., w.i feaW ro, u.a.surs. NEW DRUGS thai Oruta Purw an) Frtah "r Cuitem.r. raaalv Oitr Stntlonory 33opcirtmoiit -.J." Jf.0T.!.,ft0 Slocum Drug Co. THE ART Of BREWING. l'l'iaV HOP GOLD .hat iuhv the entire uotht As the .Star llreivertj beer..... - I On draught at I all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 3K3 J (fi m (n (ti (fi (0 (fi is the one from whom The slow, plodders all That suggests a good customers are being find at its it) HOWARD'S Oregon- If you have not yet realized that the "pood old times" are with us, your blood is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awake to the fact that the . a-.....a juu . uar anal. R. F. HYND, A.anaDer. Jl (tur of j-. jnfnMnil, s. ... r f i i r