OFFICIAL svWV Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through . the columns of the GAZETTE. PAPER Subscribers The Gazette will contain " the latest telegraphic news - From the Seat of jir. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1898. UF "l NO. 667 u - SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. fUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHIN6 COMPANY. CORLIES MERRlTT, Editor and Bus. Man. Al $2.0J per year. for six months, SO ots. :or three montns, strictly in advano . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. . THIB PAPKR is kept on file at E. C. ltake's Advertising Agency, 84 and 65 Merchants Exohangs, San 1 rancisco, California, where cou Taota for advertising can be made for it. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVEUTI8 . ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, San Francisco, Is our anthorized agent. This papsr is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. --LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p tn. daily except Sunday arriving' at Heppner Junction 12:03 a. m. Leaves Heppner .Tunotion 8:30 a, m, and ar rives at Heppner 6KXI a m Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Uraa ilia 8:50 p. in. Portland Express No S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla SIR) a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .m. and arrives at Portland l'2:50a. m. FaBt Mail No. 2 leaves Portland U:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:Z5 a. m. and at Cmatilla 4:30 a. m. East Mail No. 1 leave Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at Portland 7 :2t a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K & N., Heppner, Ore. OFFiciiUi -DisaEcxoxry. United States Officials. fiesident William McKinley Vice President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State , W. K. way Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Oage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War Russell Algor Sinretary of Navy John D. Long I o tinaeter-General Charles Emery Smith Attorney-General John W. Griggs 8 cretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord S xsretary of State H. R. Kincald Treasurer Phil. Metochan 8 ipt. Public lnstraction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senator, W. MoBride SilS' Printer W. H. Leeds ( R. S. Bean, Sapreme Judges F. A. Moore, ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth J adicial District. V onit Judge , Stephen . Lowell Prosecuting Attorney II. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Jidnt Senator J. W.Morrow Representative..... E. L. Freeland County Judge A. G. Bartholomew ' Commissioners J. 11. Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk ..... Vawter Crawford ' Sheriff ..E. L. Matlock ' Treasurer M. Lichteiithal Assessor , J. F. Willis Snrveyor Julius Koithly School Sup't Jay W. Shipley ' Ooroner Dr. E. K. Hunfock HEPPMEB TOWS 0FFI0ER8. MayoF Thos. Morgan Coiinmlmeu E. J. Slocum, M. liiohtenthal, J. R. Simons, J. 3. Roberts, J. W. liasmns and E. G. Sperry. It loonier W. A. Richardson Treasurer L. W. Hriggs Marshal... John linger Precinct Offleer. Justice of the Pesos W. E. Richardson ( Datable G. S. Gray Tnlted Htati Lao Office. TBI DALLES, OR. . t. Moor Register A. 8. Biggs Receiver LA Q BAUDS, OR. K. W. Bartlett, Register i. H. Uobbins Receiver XCKBT BOCX3BTXESV. HAWLINS POST, NO. IL Q.A.R. Meet t Heppner, Or., the third Saturday of . month. Alt veteran ar invited to loin. W. W.Smith. G W.Hea, Adjutant, tf Commander. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OUEQON. Office boom, 8 to 10 a. m , and 12 to 2 p. m., Rt residence, W. A. Kirk's prop erty, east of M. 1' church, Month, nod 10 to l'i, s. m , to 2 to 5 p. m. , at oftioe io tbe rear nt Borg'a jewelry store. C. E. Redfield, Attorney at Law, Offios lo tha First N allot) ,1 Dank Building. IIippkrr, : : Obboom. If Ellis & Phelps, YTTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended tn In a prompt and Skil.ftrtnry manner. Kotarle Public end Culler Inn, Office lii flatter Building. Hrppnar, Or. D. E. GILMAN, GeneralCoIlector Put your old books and not In tits hand and -t your money out ol llirm Make R (peclaity ol bard MtllerUott. Office in J. N. Drown' Building. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. met at- COUNCIL CMAMRIRR Sell and bur real (, rnt hwiM, mv taint, d euvTtM In and will rr los in ay ay la hi line, at r-tnahl ftgur-a. U Mathews & Gentry, BARBERS Shaving 15 Cents. HboR I 4wr u!h el tl.,i , Gibson & Bergcr, At ChsS Ivn Oi l l. Hhavintf. - - 15 Cl. HnlrCuttlnK. - 25 " jlatlnV. Kvirythins; Strict ly vim tjs( tl!tiJN:::::J AVcgetablePrcparationfor As similating theTood and Regula ting the Stomachs andBowels of PromotesDigesUon.Chcerful ness and RestContains neither Opnim.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. KuipeafOldlk-SAMUELEnrma Alx.Satnm Stnist Seed J)j'prmunt -JH Cartona Stim fttrmScrd -f (Trifled Sir jar . HiianrMB fcrnri A perfect Remedy forConstiDa- tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish tiess and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB, The CALIFORNIA Lodging House BEDS 25 and 50 Cents. GEO. C. ROME, Prop. Next door to Opera House. G. B, HATT, Tonsorial Artist Shaving, - 15 Canta Hair Cutting, 25 " Shop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Orexon. H. W, Fall, : PROPRIETOR Ol the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block went of the Union Dopot of C. B. a Q., C. M. A Ht P., C. & A , P. Ft. W. ill C. and the C. tit. U 4 P. Railroad. HAT1CM RIU.oo lKH DAY Cor. W. Madtaoo and Clinton 8U eiriOA.o. lii NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. TIM BALUea. omoir, O rower and Dealer In Fruit, Shad and Ornamantal Traat, Grapa Vinai and Small Frulta. Our Trees nro Grown With out Irrigation. CNO fOH CATALOGUE. IEPP1OT0N CIH' Stage Line B. F. MILLER, Prop f'iiMM4t and moat dtrwt mtit. I.. J,,hn i VK I anSnn t Itv n.i nli.. i. . .... i. . . Oilier luU finr puinia. lilacae leave 0-ppsr lllr, Hnti.U t rHf-i at J a. ui, Arrtr at tanyon lit iu M hour. ' ' ! t'anyon t lly I p m . arrive at ll.iin net to U b.iurs, cuii tin- lib train. Hurry a To mui rim llardman Mtiimnt Hmlln lntig I nl ., fnn Valley , )inU, IsoycMi t'ity . . W tA at it n l'1 II I 4 hi in n !- tuntMTt wllb I ralua at lf.oef. Xim - Hali. Ird p till line vllh new tiirrr4 p.m. h,. ant ) f em arparv4 lo (In lin..ennn i,e First National Bank OK IIKi'i.NKIt- C. A. RMCA, T. A. Rett A, GtO. W. COMtCM, . W. SaCNCCN, PreslSeet Via) PresUent Caahiar Aaa't Cashier Taiidi i liftitf J tvXkt Umm. KXCil ANOK --tu eil ( rf ti ,ri4 Bought and Sold. t'. Se t! , .! i ' fnt,l rs.iib: Te , :9 U ' 1 3 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! The Kind You Have Always Bought. TMC eiHT.UW CMWm. HCWVOKK OITV. SUGAB BEET INDUSTRY. W. R. Cutler, of ttab, Makes WrIIr WrIIr Citizens r Proposition. From the Walla Walla Union. A meeting of basiaaBS men, farmers and others loterestej id the sugar beet industry was held yesterday to oonsider the proposition, of W. Q. duller of Utah, to build a factory near this oity. F. W. Paine was eleoted ohairman Rtter which, Mr. Caller addressed tba meeting and laid before tbem his plans. From an examinntinu ot tbe soil in the Walls Walla vslley he bad beoome convinced that it wa remarkably well adapted lo the production of sugar beets. Mr. Cutler proposed to put up a fac tory with a capacity of 1,000 tons per day more or lees, providiuj a bonus of 8100,000 oan be seoured. The capacity of the fsotory will depend on tbe acre age of berts Btiaraoted. Four dollars per ton will be paid for the boets. Four teen tons per acr is the average yield in Ctab, but Mr. Colter, expreisel the belief that the yield hers under much more favorable condition would ba lo floras of tint. It was proposed to bold a convention in this oily durioB (be coming autumn at whiob tb subject! of coltivRtiog etiKr bt would be dUcoasod tbat tbe farmors miht be folly informed npoo the snlijfct. Mr. Cutler iuformad thosa prrsent that lbs cost of producing beets was from '20 lo 35 ptr aors and that they rould be iiruwu cheaper in this coiibtry thao in Ulan. B said that soil did IkI delerinrata andr bet coltare and crops could be raised successively yesr after year, tba land growing riohsr all the time. He pointed cot Iba ad vantage, to ibe beet grower of having a bums market tor Li produoe at aeored rices, sod the qneetion ot freights and iticotstaiit markets did nol ooncern bin. A rommitteR of Ova wsa appointed to io veeligale tba mailer, when a mtiog woald be railed lo derida opon Mr. Gutlei's protKisllino. Tkeaeanae Olrttrat With Ibaukfntoess their re lore! ion to health by the nee of Hood's Hareaparlila. Think of tba at Rtmy wbo hava beo cored by this tried irln Mea, women and ehtldren, wbo bav suffered lbs Oonrtieora of Impure bliKid. who have lieeo tha victims of scrctnl ari, ertipiion. dyspvpeiR, aervnusoesa, Ieepeenee. They b Ified other rjie.lmlnes and bsvs tailed tn obtain rell.f Tbey triad Hood's HsrtRparilla snd it did tbem gmd. They peraevered lo it M Rod II ReoiimplisbeJ peroiaaent ure. lh yow wander thai they ti it artJ rom mend it it yon? M I RiM(4 Her Hie A yiing S'idpU wr mrrie4 si Wner Hi(idy uijer qilie f!h0 sir pqtBetas, Tii yriiljf il e ipl ct I l'ia a fs 4y bf tr ! sp'.is!, I Ml dUlB I'.S lOlfirn of p'pr'ho lbs lift l elem !vi I ar mini an I a'Q.qlUU1, waef4 lb atttrly yonng siq I nk br tr 1 w.tq a nr- llagn mntrael U Hie kvltt s b'llet peralf in l'i win , ..y.'t,, J ,er aal l4i'il br bnk T i I Imf li l-'k ly M P" Ml R I 14 pair siy'! I ! a tviatl 4ve 01 lim'i. o ! ,y ,s .it rqt f tilts. t !, i tww, Iju I uf ti'n a w I ltf t'wtr I ' p ! tt lr,-V: lirif J,t Bears the I Signature Kw n STARS AND mm Spaniards jMarch Out as Prisoo crs of War Without Arms. TOR AL'S MEN SAIL FOR SPAIN THIS WEEK President McKinley and Secretary Alger Announce That all Arms Will be Turned Over to This Government and not be Returned to Spain. Washington, July 16, 9 p. to. ceived, is Riven out by Adjutant General Corbin: "Camp Near Santiago, Santiago, July 16. The surrender has been definitely arranged aud the morning aud the army will be marched out as prisoners of war. The Spanish color8 will be hauled down U I -1 Jl hoisted. Washington, July 16. The , at Santiago to General Shaf ter government. - lhis conclusion reached late this evening by the presi dent and Secretary Alger, was made office tonight for his home. "All those who have arms will turn them over to the government. This is final." . "And," he added, in response to further inquiry and to clear any doubt that might exist on the subject, "the rifles will not be returned to Spain." ; Washington, July 16. UnlesB present plans miscarry the Span ish soldiers surrendered at Santiago will sail from Cuba for Snain nn July 25th this date has been filed ettort will be bent, towatf expediting" their departure, It was an nounced today that the department had decided to ask for bids from steamship companies for the transportation of the prisoners to their ative land and proposals will be t is understood, will also include the voyage. The Oregon Kaee. Wro. R. Hearet,edilor ot the Examiner sod Journal, is trying bis band at war oorreapoodeooe fjr bis owa papers. This is what he tells ot tbe brilliant work of the battleship Orenon in tbi destrnotioo ot tba Sptoisb Hut at Santiago: Tbereoe tor tba Obrislobat Giloo wasoQS ot tbe graodast in otval war fare, Tba Brooklyn, a emUer, and tbe Oregon, a battleship, wera io the lead Tba Brooklyn booked np fire of its engines, aod yet tbe Oregon stays 1 with it. Every time the men lo the engine room heard an eight or a thir teen luch gno eiploils they would work Ilka Trojans. Wohu tba Colon w beached tba Oregon reached II 0rt aod pot a prise crew on board, beaded by UeoteoRnt Commaoder Gogswsll in charge. Tbey f(,nnd nearly all tba sailors on tba caotiva abio drank When It wa pUia ths ship wss going to baoaagbt tba wins stores wesj tbmwo to tha men. Kb was spaodidly ap pointed. Hha bad 5O0 tons of lliqr, ebkkens, pigs an I five milobonwi on board. Tba pistol and elothiog of C im- mandrr Liuaras wera also f.wod there, sbowlLg tbat ba bad loieodd to esoapa OB tbe Coloo." A kab MaHered. Walter ltoberts. H months old. waa drowned in List river Iw or thraa diva ago, and It is claimed I ist Frank Kaon, I'J or 12 years, paabad tha biny loH Iba wstr. Tba R bri fmily live few miles Ulow Powell's on tha rlvrt snd soma lima ago tbey ad opted yoaag lUno IUna says Iba pwipl did ant treat bim right, aod ha threw tha kl4'' into th river to get vsi Ha waa brought lo tows ywkr lay and la iw la barga of Iba shertC-llailsy Nswa Misr. IKIO Uewata, IHW Tb raUra ot Ibta papM wili bo plat la leara that tbera U at a i dreailwl d ! that xiar.r ba bo alile lo rur In all t tgr ed thai la saiaffh. Hall'. (MsfrH " Is Ipmi'Iv cure 6ta kbuaa Iw lb tirtl IraietKtlf, Ctrb tavtaf a evwt wit- ft'. nl 4 a, rvattre a -(0lilu.(inal Irealmeiil. HsU' (l.Urrh Cur I tikes Inleraall. eotins rlln tlv tt.n Id him, A and raaaa trta rf lb tem. It.eraltf deotrwytftg lh 1'iua Utma , a dlM. and 1 log tha (,alinl streagtn by bmldiug ai tha MnUoa mml Haming B'n ia o IX tig i) wors, l Um wMtitng aaiar la 4otag Its work. Th ptuprirtoia a ao rtntrti faitti la iu mi.m wwf thai tbey affa tm Addrmw, F, J. Ctflisr Cu.. ... Iirh, (I, m mm The following meBsaee. iust re arms will be turned over , tomorrow at 9 o'clock aud the Americal, flag ShAFTFR. Mmnr Oatiaru arms surrendered bv the SoaniardB a will be kept , by the United States publio by the latter , as he left his by the war department and every issued next week. The contract it "F subsistence of the men during the A LEAF f'UOX THS PA8r. Hrlf Chimberlaln, of Oaldendale, Rejoice at tb Expected fall of 8ntla(it. One oilisoo aod farmer ot Kliokitat oouoty, in tha person of Griffin Cham berlsin, better known as "Unole anff," will rejoioe a moolt as any mao io tha United Slates over the fall, of Bsntiagu de Cobs and tbe blowing to atoms ol Morro o title. II was in Oubta wtrs in 1873 st the lims of ta Virginiti i m ts aaore. IU reotlls vividly tnahotiog down Ilk do of Ojneral Ryan aud bis brave men, who happened to be Rboard tb ill fated collier Virginias. One hundred of Hie ptsienierj of tba ship wera stved br the Hntisb man-of- war Niyobs, oj um in Is I b C.pUio Oirroo.tiut b ipittusl lit i ths harbir daring the slaughter. After Dumber of ojurl martial elocu tion, ths remtiadtr of to pris t mra, oumbrlng 1U0, we- pi iu q d-trk daogean of M rro otitis, worst than any ho po, an I, bafur 1 1 daxtad f ir tbeir rnlsas (rum tb (Jailed State wa granUl, roaay of tliaa died It on the barab traatmMOl aod (tarvation. UacU OrifT bad soma very dear frieod wbo snTrl dratb oa that bis luriaal oooiio. Tha g4 velaraa' blood see an u h ill with lb fire of yootli wbea be 111 of now a b iintd them in Cuba. II wa beartilr 0 aroord with tb plan of h lata Irel iu! Oranl, of Set tliag Um Npaolah tyranny in Caht. U y that Oenaral llraat waa familia with l, wlxils siluatiiQ. aolf.traaaw ihstxlof iba aontUnaoe of Hyaoish rol la 0 iba, aad now, 'il yere lalar, Amrihaawakoa. to tb awfol (aat, atd th olvillf.1 world I balsg avenged forth wrong dooslhroQgb th ttraa of Kpani.l, rala.-Tha l4l Cttroo W. Ik Raiue a4 Oar Mtari Th Port ba dsinaoded lb recall of two A.ra mtMioaartni fmat lb protlooa of Aleppo, oa th prsUtl Ut thir tni. I. m la likely to ran rfiainr baunea. " Iba U k msa i4 Kampa", aa osresot,M hi p"liliesl bllh M faebla. A bright atrH la Lu obiiaay aud sluptdiiy, tha panpla of Aiaarlaa are aeknow lodging fer at.4 wi t li e ben 0ea uf II, tuiasMfi U li ttl'S Hioilt lliliera, smey,tu r llaiMl .ftent malasta. taaanatrasa aad kidney aompUUilhtubiu dpia, i ' i,t. stila and liver Ironhla. The Reivi.... tb weak aad laa iflmi m i ar. .11 t.- il. . . . 1 . . . . '--' turn vmin aU'I 111 firmiib wllwb are penally laM Iff.f itj kitlOtl ;ff, State News. Last Saturday a pair of horsa backed off the wharf at Astoria with their load and were drowned. Ex-Sheriff Hilburn, of Baker county, has abandoned his contest against Sheriff A. H. Huntington. . About 2,500 pounds of gold bearing quartz will be sent to the Omaha exposition from the mines in the Vicinity of Baker City. The Hotel Shannon and four, other buildings were destroyed by Are in Ashland the afternoon of the 15th, the loss aggregating 110,000. ' David F. May, deputy county treasurer of Clackamas county, and member of th board of school examiners died last week, aged 50 years. Hereafter the mail for postoffices In this valley will be sent by way of Heppner. Thu new schedule of 84 hours from Portland will give us mail at least 28 hours earlier then it la possible to get by way of Sumpter under the exisitiug schedule of that Utie.T-Graut County WBWB, J. E, Pamphlin., of the Fourteenth trnltjrt owtres miautry, wno was arrested at San Fran Cisco on ft charge ot obtaining monev under false pretenses, was giving an examination at ( .tit A .. .. . ... ji I l . . . I ww. wuua, buu na. uiiuuaiKeu ittr wane 01 I evidence. The party who caused, the arrest ought to be put up as a target for aBpauish marksman. T.-M The wheat crop of Umatilla county Is ripen Ing very rapidly, aud wiihln tea day harvest ing machines will be seen in operation in, every part : Various reports are coining in and esti mates being made as to the nrnbahle vielil ol fall and spring wheat, but even the lowest ngures place tne orop equal to and above that of last year, and much bettor than in ceeding years, says the Pendleton Tribune, Hon, W. D. Hare, representative to. the su preme lodge A. O. U. W. that asseinhled In Abury Park, N. S., returned last Monday,. He enjoyed his trip East and come home much impressed with the strentrth of .0 Or.anl.e.1 I A U-- Jim .... i ... Spaniard would have great difficulty tn getting into an American harbor unless he enters as did Cervera and his marines last Monday. Hills boro Independent. A. B. Bowman, says the Renubllcan. who w a passenger on the westbound train yesterday afternoon, was an eve witness tn the .hm.Hnt. scrape at Huntington. He state that two shots were Bred by Wesson, who olaimed that Har vey had ruined hi family. Both men were passengers on the train, and the shooting took place on the depot platform Just before the westbound pulled out.. Although the distance between the two men was onlv a few fnt neither shot took effect. After the second shot wa fired Harvey took refuge in an adjoining saloon. Both men were arrested. The Democrat Is informed that a representa tive ot now York great paper, the World, has Included Baker City in his western itinerant and will arriv here in a few davs to In spect the mineral belt of that section. The World's representative, now vlsitln nninta of Interest in the west, is out more for th pur pose of a vacation than bustn, and sight seeing and enjoyment ar tha object sought. However, there will be son, .business mixed wnn sport and the World man will not over look the opportunity to rather all the infnr. matlon possible about the Baker City gold nonis. John Hagel. United States demit mineral surveyor, of this city, has Just oompleted some very accurate maps of the Virtue mining dis trict, the boundary of which begins but a few miles eastward of Baker Rltv. The m.nwnrk 1 on a scale of 1,000 feet to the Inch and shows mines, mining locations, wagon roads, streams and so on. Anions the mine enrnvtlv l.uti and outlined are the Virtue, Flagstaff, Rachel, ferry, wnlta Bwan, Collateral, Uncle Dan. Kmma and Virgina. Blde the there are shown considerably over 100 other quarts and placer mines, ail of which ar more or lew de- veiopea. vemocrel. Thursday morning when the Columbia Southern freight train pulled Into the yards It brought th blssest sMnnient of farm marhln. ery that was ver taken Into a 1'arlfl.c coast arming community at one time. It wa an entire training of JO car of combined harvest er. And these. In eoniianiliin with ilinu al. ready here, and th header and thtealu.ra. will harvest the biggest erop Sherman county vr had. Th cost of the machine will beabont 110.000; but that amount will soaroely be missed. And. IftheM uianhiiina brave a sua. ceaslul In tha future a la tbe past, they will very soon sar to ths farmer all thai ba ben i ewnenr-n ior inetn.weue Hews July Hth a !xrty of Ave Indlans-twn men a woman girl and a little txir - started acroes th .oiuinwalii a skiff front th village eppnalte 'elllo, and when ther reai hed the swift him above Heufert Bni', cannery th boat was raiMlied. throwln all Into the t.r r,.r tlinthey werabla to hold to the (Idea of th tuatt, but when they reai-hed th swlt wler th woman, girl and tmy could hold fait no longer and they went down. Jake Amirawa th boat n pant and went a feat a ptiMlhle to in rnKti, but did nol n-ei h th straiidd boat n Urn t rewue th women and bof . Th water I vary swift wher th Imdlea wai, down, and It I hardly poaslbl that thav will n recover. l'Rlvrtty f Orea. Tb University of Oregon vradnetad last June Iba largest olse la It history Tba class nnrobareJ tbirtr. , Tha fall term will be-in Heptambat 19tb. Htu- dimta wbo hav flora pMed th teeth grade branch can enter tb sob fresh maneiM. uimioatlonarairHi tor gr ItuU 0f an red i bad , school. lUaaooabl sqaif lnt ar acsepud for moat ol tha rlHrJ tnlraora atn lie Ualalogoa will b sent fraa to all appli a- Il a,. . aaia. israns aeairiog iDformatioa w-y allrM lb praideut, Heottrv S. J. Vi ellon, or Mr. Hag A. Flurah, all of Eugene, Oregon. Tb ooar offer 1 ar Ihosa ol a good anlverslty. There ar department ol modern at J aanUel languages. Dhvsios eUmislry, bbl.,gy, geoP'gy.Kegluib,! euliio, advan4 aagiaaarlng, aatrnoo my, login, phllnanphy. peyehology, main malie aod physical sdnnalioo. Mulo aod drawing ara also laughl. Tb la Itioo Is fra. All sla tsat pay aa larl dntl fa of tl0yrly. Hoard. lod Ing, beat and light la tha dormitory eot t'i wiper week. o 13 Tj MIIa a tea. i' i.. ii ell ' . fry, efid buy ..n t. it fm . . tliry'r mUUr. 1 lt .! of the i t'.i'n rittie re aw lu)riiif I aati f on ' t 'jitl.artie al ll,a tat- ..I I -v.. .... ret I " " ml and il will I-. tl.rM .,. .!.,,, i"S I ' Vr'. It trweti hmm nvl '-', ' ar the a-i 4liitUI l i el ''I w i"i vtftr'injr tb year ronsd 4' '' I', V", ls, rultl'Misa Ail ie. &Y4A POWDER Absolutely Pure SPAIN'S DISGRACE. Senor Castelar Talks ot Spain and Spanli-b Politics. By I the Associated Press. L asw. lm ld-A BPe"' 'be it -rr . !"6H8 rrom Washington says T n nn inlnl- Lii. . " an interview with a memhnr nt n. Iforoign legation In Madrid, transmitted to, tbe representative of the same coun in t Washingtonk Senor Castelar elves try some interesting information about the pol litics of gpain and makes several re- m ark able predictions oonoernins tbo fu ture ot Europe, especially of France. 'I feel the disgrace ot Spain bb keenly though It bad fallen on my individual household ; he said. . " I weep for her, without avail. When I stood by tbe corpse of Oanovas I said tbat bis best riet nd was Angiolli, wbo in killing bim livered him from tbe overwhelming lisgraoe wbioh bad fallen upon him. It By be tbe same with Spain." "Spain," he said, "will never be auuht else than a monaroby." He repeated tbe statement made bv bim to Ruiz Zorilla, tbat tbe revolution 1809 was tbe last revolution that Spain would see; that today the monarobial form of government, which reooirnlzsd tbe freedom of tbe press and individual liberties and rights, offered all tbat tbe people oould demand, and it would be foolish to dream ot revolution. " The Spaniards, today," he goes on, 'are monarchists. Miohelet told me in tba time of tbe second Frenob republic; there were more people in France wbo believed in tbe empire than were sup porters of the republic The general elections in Franoe indicate muoh tbe lame feeling today, and I believe, in spite of tbe apparent solidity ot the Frertoh republic thai tbat ooootrv will yet be tbe theatre of a great upheaval. It would he foolish for Spain to enter into any agreement with Germany re garding the Eastern possessions. The Germans would readily interfere, but it would ba to eobanoe their own greedy interests and not io any way to aid Bpain. . Their interests iu Manila are counter to ours. We have oouildenoein pone but Ood; xpeot hell) only from provideooe." Speaking of bis reooot attack on tha queen regent ia L Petite Itsvu ot Paris. rJenoi Castelar said tbat the idea ex pressed by him in tbat artiale were ia aocordaoo with otbar which would fol low. Tba abdiostion of tbe a neen resent Dow," he said, "is a first necessity. I wanted to make soma personally oumuli. meolary observations ounoerniug the r- gent, but did nut became it w mid have leMeoed lh fore ot what I bad io sav. There will be no early suit for Deucii on tba pari of Hpaiu, notwithstanding her mistortuoea, Tba people ar bear! aud soul io tb wsr. Havana and th prin oipal cities of Cuba sllll remain in our possession. Manila has not been taken from us aod tb peopl believe in the military and tb stshility of Hualu's geo- ral. Tber is only on outcome to ihla anticipated from lbs war tb ornshiog, humiliating difsat of Hpaiu. lint it must (Hitue a did tba duatu of Canova wbo all 1m ba gio,delh will wipe away disgrsoe." ONLV TEN MILLIONS Katlaiate Uatuat of the Klondike Tki. Heaaoa. Haw FAwnx), Joly IH.-Tb Klon dike mioers wbo bava return i to civili (Btioo on tha steamer Ht. Paul place tba total output of Iba district surroundiog Dawsoo about IKI.tMHl (Xmj fr tha eoo. This is consideralilv lea than previoo Mtimate. Prosppoling is bw lag aiUudedin many directions front Dawson, and there ara indications of rtob devslopnjeol along th Indian rivsr. Tbr ar h int 2fl (KJ( rHriina In Dwoo, and nearly 3,W on Eldorado creek. Tha steamers Hiannka a.,. I Wter, atmotovimdowD to Ht. Mieb als, ara ipot I to bring J.u,0i la ffold, Eldorado en ek yield I m or tbn half of th wiutei' gol,. 0d nearlv all lb ramalader ram from llonaasaork. Tbaonlpnl af Minook dietriot doe p0 id f lOJ.UU. ( el. Alley 4IM, Friday Portland Telegram hi. Colooel Alley relurne-l yeeler lay from a mtiBf of tha trustee of Ibe Holdi-t' Horu si It leeborg. an I t..k lut even ing', train for City. Tbera ara tow 75 lnwba at tba born, ajtily vet araaa of tba Civil and Indian wr. Mr. Alky say 1, will a attend any motm IM-Hing of tb board, a ba d.w aol gel pay eaoesb to cover bwi pm. 1 bar ar foor of ter trate who lit thmm to IUbnrg, and to lbta b delegate bia PMI uf lh dull, lb IlielllulluO, ba Mya, 1 ia fjpero,i coa litiuo butQi fitlif.