O R. & N. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD DKPAM TIME SCHEDULES AKRtvt fo From Heppnet. reou 9:30 p. m. Salt Lake. Denver, 4:50 a. m. v Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. Lonii, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, 8pokane, Minneapolis, Bt. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East 8 00 p.m. Ockan Stkamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Bail July 5. 9, 13, 17,31,25.29. 7:00 p. m. To Alaska - 5:00 p. m. July 19. R-m n m Columbia Rivke 4:00 p.m. Ex SundlV Htuamkbs. Ex. Sunday Katurday . , 10 00 p.m. To Astoria and Way Landings. I (!:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday Willamkttk River Oregon City, New- berg, Falem ana V ay Landings. 7:00 a. m. Tues., Thur, and Sat. 6:00 a. m. Tues. ThursV and sat. Lv. Riparia 1:45 a m. Mon., Wed. and Friday 4:30 p. m Ex. Sunday Wll.tAMTTB AND YAMHIM. RlVBRB. Oregon City, Day ton it way urn' ings. 8:30 D. m. Mon., Wed and Fri. Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, In through tourist crm without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In cbarje of experienced couduotori and porters. Cordray, the pioneer tbeatreman of Portland in tbe line of "popular prioee," bat refitted tbe Wattiogton St. theatre, formerly known as tbe "New Park." Cord ray always baa something new, and onr neoDle. when below, can spend a pleasant evening at bis plaoe. tf A Sure Thine for Ton. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a jute luluK. tilliousneas, hick iieuuucue, i Hi red tongue, fover, iriles and a thousand otliei ilia are caused by constipation and sluggish Cathartic, the won derful new liver stimulaut and intestinal tonic are bv all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; 10c., 25c., 50c, Haim.le and booklet free, bee our big ad. HIE HEROES OF KOilANC They Are Beldom Taken from Middle Classes. the CRUEL SPORT IN CHILI. Hrlctly Speaking, There Are Hot Two Mormal Heroes of Fiction, and They Are the Warrior and the Fairy Prince. BOHEMIAN FELINES. M...J.. To Kansas Citv. Chicago. Buffalo and dUlUUilgls, Boston without change via Salt Lake, Missouri r acinc ana unicago ana Alton uys. TiiowWo To Omaha, Chicago, Bufl'alo and I UtoUttjfJ", Boston without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific Ry, Country Cats and Their tetio Propensity.- Periptv To St. Joseph, Kansas City and OI. JjOUIh wiiuuui uutuigv via nun Wednesdays, Lake and Burlington Route. Tliiinoilairt! To Kansas City and St. Louis wlth UlUrSUdyS, out change via Salt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. Ther Pretend to Be Exclusively Dome tic In Their Tendencies, But Ther Are Base Dtsslmula- , ton. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. Willamette Rivbr Portland to Corval. lis & way v&na-lngs. 4:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, and Sat. Snake Rivbr. Riparia to Lewiston Lv. Lewiston S:46 a. m. Bun, Tues. and Thur, Foreign Paaaengart booked for ell Countries. J. O. HART, Agent, Heppoer. VV. H HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Or. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all Information, Inquire of O. R, & N. and 8, P. agents, or address, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, , General Agent, Gen. Pass. & Tkt Agt. 251 Washington Bt., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hart, Local Agt., Heppner.Or, 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE HUE YOO GOIHG EHST ? If so, be sore and see that j onr ticket reaas vi Tic Moitiiwestein ;L!ub ....THE..., PHIOAGO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAEi A RAILWAY THIS 18 THB Great Short Uqc 1 BETWEEN DULUTFT, St. PAUL, CMC AGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTa'. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vest'bulad Wining and HIi)llug Car Trains, and Mutto: "ALWAYS ON -TIME has given this road a national reputation. All classos of passengers rarrled on the veatlbitlwl trains without extra charge. Hhlp ymir freight and travel' ovor this famous Hub. All agents have tickets: u, r univ r C. BAVAQK. Portland, Or, J Tainr MARKS A qui Trade Marks rrft1l1 Copvriomt 4c. ,nfone sending a sketch and flnsnrintlnn may loirir luuwrt.Mtn nnr otitninn free whether an invention ts orohablv oatentahle. Communica tions strictly eonlldentlal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A to. receive tptrial notice, without charge, lathe Scientific Hntericati. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest ctr relation of any scientific Journal. Terms. S3 a . Tear : four months. ( L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3e,Brodw-'' New York Branch Office, 626 V 8t Washington, D. U. NORTH PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISH! KD IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. DKVOTKD TO tteti, Ageut 21 Washington Bt., Agriculture, Dairying, Livestock Wortb its weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. CHICAGO piilwauies & St. Paul B'y 8UBHCE IPTION: 82.00 PER YEAR. (Hum pie copies fret i.) Rural Hpirit and (lztt;e l&OO, oaali, st this offloe. This Railway Co. Operate lit traina on Hit fainont blook system; LiBhta ill traios by tlaotriallJ through oat: - Uea the ttdttbrated Itotrid berth read ing lump; Rons apeedily eqnlpped aaMenirar trains van rlav and eiuht between Ht. i'anl and (I'lioago, aud Ufflaba and Chlosgo; Chtc&ao. Milwaukee & St. Paul 50 Years.... IN THE All cats are more or less Bohemian, though many, owing to circumstances beyond their own control, are precluded from civintr free play to their propensi ties, which accordingly remain unde veloped all their lives. But country cats have every opportunity oi indulging their tastes for a more wild, irregular and lawless life than the domestic hearth affords, and not a few avail themselves freelv of the chance. Of this class of cats there are several va rieties: but three are sufficient for tb nrspnt purpose. There is. first of all, says the St James Gazette, the dissimulating cat, which pretends to be an exclusively domestic animal, lives a great deal in the parlor or drawing-room, and gener ally reminds one of the stories told of burglars and other criminals who have nosed before the world as exemplary citizens for years,, have perhaps been church wardens or elders, and all the time have been pursuing the most ne farimiR practices in secret A cat of this kind, however, is not, strictly aneakinir. a trvpsy cat. Her domicile is always the same. She merely slips out on the sly to enjoy a little sport by night, While all her friends and rela tions, that believe strictly in her virtue, are sound asleep. She is out long pnoiiirh. however, to do a good deal of mischief; and when she comes in with the milk looks as innocent as if she had never heard of fur or feathers. She has nmhar.lv hod a same supper, which ac- nmints for the heavy sleep in which sh indulges during the remainder of the day, and which imposes on all but those who are behind the scenes. These cats, if they have reputable be longings, will not be deliberately shot by the neighboring game keepers; but their respect for Farmer So-an-So, or for the clergyman or the doctor, will not prevent them from setting traps where such cats are Jikely to prowl, and if puss walks into one they cannot help it. Home fine morning she is probably missed from the breakfast table; and when in time it becomes ev i,int that, nhn will return no more the virtues of the deceased are extolled to the skies, and the wretch who would In jure so harmless and amiable a pet con signed to the bottomless pit. A more straightforward and indepen dent cat is the one that cares very little for the comforts of civilization and rarely sleeps in any human habitation, but divides its time between the woods and fields in fine weather and barna, ntnhlna and outhouses which it fre- 'irwl Turf U"cnts in tl,e wiut,'r- Thi'' CBt ' tuiAA x Ul1' course, is a systematic poacher, though it will take to rats and mice when there Is nothing bettor to be had, while at the same time it keeps up connection with some cottage or farmhouse to which it can fly for refuge in emergencies. ThU cat will lie in the turnips like a hare or both for rabbit a long as it la dry weather, and when disturled will dart off to the cot tare aforesaid, and, jumping upon some coign of vantage, will stand with tail erect swearing in a most preposterous fawhion and making believe all the time that it Is the cat of the house. This, we mean, ia what it will do if it escapes with life from the hhooting party who first roused It; but as it usually haa to run the ordeal of rive or six barn-la, the chaocea are considerable aginst it While it Uvea, however, the cat In rta- early pma, vln lrea, at fudisputed Supremacy World's Competition CP HI Wki I question haa a pleawmt and eomfi 8DB6F S utlSSQ 1J10 ! Lu'tumrniVa'VNmrTthrc..! Ilpil N RUf aj Via I h,,,rwa and standing corn, 11 i deliriously on young rabbit. partrW Inoreanci Yield it Wool .Enbaneee Valneoi FUk.Up, HaJe, Han dy, Olaan, WboleMD, Odorleaa. GENERAL AGENT, J7 Ash Hit. Portland, Oreton. a I... Lttm-riataif vaatihnled train., carryltn lh C HAS. G. ROBEHTS. eoiutiartmeot earn, imrarj iwuoi in ears, and nalace drawing room alaeuara. Parlor eara, frea rwlinlng etalr tart. anil tha ar beat dtoiuc Obalr ear aortic. For lowaat ralea to any point ia tbe Unliad HI ale or Canada, apply to eifant or addrta SoM lv Minor t Co., Hoppnor, Or. . w. CAHET, Trev . l'asa, A-nt. 0. 3. EDDT, Oeneral Agent Portland, Or. mm s THHOrUlI CAR! TO Hr. YAVl. MINN KAlHJLlS HVM.UTU Itt'TTK (Itl.LKNA TirkcU Uin! t all twiida ia tbeCaiwd The Old Shop ! LIBERTY MARKET tin tilao t l your lino pork utl Utnb chop, atoak Dtl roiuiU. EVERY FRIDAY fliw sufsr rorl hams iM htvn, I'nra rl lart. !! rM.It'l, oM iliahnl ra it4 lr at ! HESJ. MAT1IKWS, t'llh'SiHt WAHIHUtl) llsLflttllft Hum t'-aa tt rru Hial" and Canada. gVICKIlMK TH AU oihr (xilnla la the V.i ami Koalhraul Keen 5HE6D anJ Get Hp and whatever else it can cat h of flcah or fowl. As tha weather grows cooler It returns to the anug winter quarter in the old barn or hayloft where it neatlaa warmly In the straw, and when tired of vermin find a piaaaiiifr v arte If In the sparrow. This cat haa hi regu lar winter and anmmer haunta, despises the HMtlruitiU of dorwaticity. and, aa Macauley said of lUiyee and Mavage. ia aa Irreclaimablo aa th wild aa. Ktill he la not albigvther a wild cat He ll on frifndly tTtna with the wagoner and thrher, and on very e14 nighU Will aticiiatiiura cou.Wacend to lie tfor ft outtage Are. Hut there la another animal whom country "H'l,, Ifwrally tall a wild rat and wh.i rvaily dearvM the name, though tint ladonirtnf th tnillt wild, at fwlr with the ahort. lumj'T tall, whh H li ihiw sliwiiri tim t in the soutbera prU f Ureat HiiUln. SPOKANE FILLS I NORTHERS NOSON 4 FORT SilLTPiRD RID MOOTIK UllLWiTS Tha Only All Hail lUnU Cbaaaa of Car. 1WI IUmwUbJ aiiJ Nelson. Is, in aal IUmUoJ, ad ay i It is lamentable, indeed, when you ome to reflect on it, how large a pro wrtion of useful and respectable call- ngs falls under the ban of romance. vVhat poet or romancer ever made his irst lover, for example, a baiiff or a jeadle? Yet bailiffs and beadles are nen and brothers. They may do their ftentimes dangerous duty with thi lash of a Rupert, or the cool courage t a Cromwell, says Macmillan s Maza rine, yet they are frankly impossibli is heroes oi romance, ue v"1".1 makes a remark somewhere to the ef fect that one would not be inclined tc think highly of a man who, in the ab sence of -predisposing circumstances. deliberately and for the love of the business decided to be a butcher. Yel butchers are husbands and fathers, and have blood in their veins as well as on their aprons. - As a matter oi statistics, I believe hardly a day passe but some solicitor falls in love: yet r.( court of love or literature will give him audience as a lover, nor take cog nizance of his pleadings. The breafil of the stockbroker as swayed by the bears and bulls of passion no less thar bv the subtler influences of tinanoia speculation. Yet his name is not hon ored in the more than royal cxchang-i of romance. Then, with one stroke o the pen, romance rules out the who! amorous mob of retail traders, lhc; are not altogether absent from t'j nno-PH of romance, these worthy citi zens. Only ' they have to forego th heroic parts and put up with bein; supernumeraries or villains or comi characters. About the butcher 1 an doubtful. Not even Dickens, I thinl; found room for a butcher amid hi Babylon of trades. Nor with Shakes peare is it any better. Quince the car nenter. Snusr the ioiner, Bottom the weaver, Flute the bellows-mendor, Snout the tinker, and Starveling the tailor, are very well to play the fool, to divert the duke and ladies, but none of them, not even Bottom translated, is a fit object for a lady's love. As thi democratic Whitman has complained in a Shakespearean play the mass oi industrious citizens is just a mob tc throw up its sweaty night-caps in soim Csesar's honor at the bidding of an An tony. What is there about a tradt thus to incapacitate a man for ro manec? Strictly speaking there are but two normal heroes of romance, the warrioi and the fairy prince. If there is no fairy prince at hand, an ordinary prinw will do. The English duke is, as tht American moralist riirhtlv enough di vined, only a modern variety of fairj prince. To be mistaken for a fairj prince the English duke no doubt need: to be looked at from the other side o. the Atlantic. Seen at close quarters. in the house of lords, on the race course or in the law courts, he is apt to appear fleshy. But he has the essen tial attribute of the fairy prince, which is rarity. There are but two dozen or so of him all told, and most of these have been bespoken or used up. He has besides, for the American girl, an other of the essential secrets of ro mance he Is exotic. It is the good fortune and fascinating fashion of the fairy prince te descend always from aome unknown upper and diviner air. That it is which makes the Prince Charming of the fairy tale irresisti ble. So it was that Cupid came to Psyche, to cherish her with his secret and invisible godhead. So Perseus floated on winged sandals through Un welcoming air to Andromeda's feet to alay the monster, ho Lohengrin came flashing in a' swan-drawn skiff from the mysterious halls of the Holy (irail. to champion maiden innocence against treachery and slander. The fairy prince, yon see, commonly includes the warrlor'a part and la doubly resistles. coming in the nick of time to fight a distreaaed damsel's battles and to t-lav her dragona. You may depend upon It that what tells chiefly with the girls against the eminently respectable race of bankera and brewer and doctor and lawyer la their appalling common- neaa, their frequency, I mean, ami fa miliarneaa. What should there be in one bras plate out of a dozen in the same atreet to throw a romantic girl off her emotional balance? When the modern novelist would surmount the profeaolonai high hat with the aureole of romance, he trick out h,l tame hero to mimic the traditional advantage! of prince or champion. "Barro," the Dangerous National Pastime, In Which Fine Horwrnes Participate. The national pastime of Chili is the "barro," which is played by the huas cos, or Chilian horsemen, who are splendid riders. At every wayside drinking shop there is a range of posts supporting a long rail, to which the horses are tethered. henever a few huascos meet a wager for drinks is sure to be put np. inen siaes are chosen, and the leaders first take their places on horseback side by side, each with his horse's chest close up to the bar. The others mount and range themselves on each side in the same position. Then the game begins. The object of each side, according to Lon don Tid-Bits, is to force its way along to the further end of the bar against the opposition of the other party. Each closes sideways with all his might and digs his huge rowels into his horse's sides to keep r. .s chest close to the bar until they drop blood and the cruel bits are jerked viciously. Yells of excitement and rage break from the players as the 'pressure in creases, and their legs are crushed be tween the horses. The spectators are equally excited. Even the horses seem to take an intelligent part in the strug gle, and a well-trained mount will frequently oust a rival trom his place. Progress along the bar is, however, very slow, and when there are as many as thirty or forty picked players a side a whole day may be spent without the contest being decided. Horses and men both suffer severely, legs are crushed and broken, and at the end of the struggle the riders have to be helped from their saddles, and their clothing has often to be cut from the swollen flesh. Unless a limb be bro ken, the tough horseman is little worse. A day or two on his back and pure olive oil restore him to strength and suppleness. ."71 FOR YOUR ADVANTAGE. fi Our whole institution, which by the way is the largest wool coramls- -sion house in the entire west, make for the advantage of the man who has wool to sell. You may know how other appreciate . these advantage when we tell you that we handled last year , 15,000,000 POUNDS OF WOOL. WEOOH'TPEDDU:OUTWOOU the largest buyers in the country come to us: they know we hae anything they may want In any quantity. That's another ad vantage to you. Ubmral mdvano mad on eonmlgn- mmnta at 5 per oent. interest per annum. Sacks furnished tree. - Sand for a fraa copy of our Market Loiter. . : ; SILBERMAN BROS, Mis a i& asssfe: tlrfe KpPP ilff IPilMjgLJ SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION State NORMAL- School MONMOUTH, OREGON. Strong Academic and Professional Courses. Well equipped Training Department of nine grades with 220 children. Regular Normal Course of three years, senior year wholly professional. Graduates of accredited High Schools and Colleges ' admitted directly to professional work. The Olploma'of the School is recognized by law as a LIFE Certificate to teach, Graduates of the School are in demand as teachers. Light Expenses One Year for from 20 to $100. Beautiful and healthful location. No Saloons, First term will open Tuesday, September 20, 183. Catalogues, giving full details of work, cheerfully sent on applicatirn. Address, w. a. wann, p. L. Campbell, Secretary of Faculty. President. Work of the Fish Commission. During the fishing season of 1893 the United States fish commission, which busies itself solely with the propaga tion of edible fish in the waters all over the country, stocking rivers with species new to the region, distribut ing eggs and young fish to the lakes and seacoasts, and working in a vast number of ways to the one end, dis tributed a total of 306,580,432 eggs, fry and yearlings of all kinds of fish. The largest operations were in shad. Of this fish 60,000,000 fry, 1,000,000 year lings and 3,000,000 eggs were distrib uted. Cod is the fish most distributed next to shad, and of whitefish, lake trout, pike, percji, salmon, flatfish and lobster the distribution of eggs, fry and vearlintrs was away up in the millions of each, every state and terri tory getting a share. The work of the commission, which is of so great im portance and substantial value to the whole people, is done quietly, in a thor ough business way, without parade of any kind, and the commission is by no means a widely known department of the government. TWI SPLEMD1D TBHIHS JI1LR TO THE EAST VIA GREAT ROCK ISLAND RODTE. Rocky Mountain Limited Leaves DENVEK, COLO. SPRINGS . Arrives LIN JOLN " OMAHA " vm MOINES ' DAVENVOHf " CHICAGO Next Dny Through Sleepers and Chair Cars Colorado to Cl.irmrn. Wide Vestibule throughout. The finest train In the Weet. 9:30 a. m. H:3 a. m. 11:46 p. m. 1:80 a. m. 5:25 a. m. H:4fl a m. 2:15 p. in. Colorado Flyer Lesves DENVER ' COLO. SPRINGS Arrives TOPEKA " KANSAS CITY Ar, ST. LOUIS, (Wab. U'y) 2:15 p. m. 2:45 p. m. 7:30 a. m. 9:15 a. m. 6:15 p. m. Arrives ST. JOSEPH . 10:40 a ra. LINCOLN (Ex Sun) 6:42 a. ra. " OMAHA (Ex Ban) . 8:50 a. m. Through Sleepers Colorado Springs to Bt Louis via Wabash K'y. These are New Trains in addition to our former service. For particulars and folders giving time of those trs'ns write .OTenver. 1 & P. A rTOPEK A. JNO. SEBASTIAN, (i. t. A., CHICAGO. FROM r r'' iHHOnt. m. Talegrap'.ior's hu I Inn Kino from Servi tude to Ete-iiil st.itc. A sudden favorable turn of fortune does not alienata a prudent person from his habitual occupations. This wise saw U applicable to the case of the present kin;f of Softo, Africa, say Golden Days, who was put on the throne of his black kingdom by Col. Archin.ird, when his royal pmlccossor, Ahmadou, took to flight for hi i safety. Mademba, the pressnt monarch, ia a native of the country over which he rules, but formerly controller of telegraphs at Senegal. Ik-fore accepting his regal statci he made it a condition that his name should contimK! ti be. inscribed on the list of tclogrupli servitors, and tliat lib situation of king should be considered aa subservient to that of hut original employment Maticmba must have learned, either by Intuition or from uctit observation, that the lot of a m"tr.irc!t is U'us certain in these days than a position of un of (Jeer In the sorvi.'i) of the telegraph jompanv, und pr.'fiwd t keep in cchorvo what r.il.r'it o.k day prove to is.. iK- out of nil hi alHio- NEW NAME ! Wm. Gordon has re-named hi 9 stand the old Jones livery stable IMie Central. aled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call Bon him and have vour horses well ared lor. Wisconsin Central Lines ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGEL1NE FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil ((HI miles)... lrU0 Round trip 00 Mayvllle (M miles). 1 00 Round trip Condon (19 miles).. 100 Round trip ; Clem (flt wiles).... i00 Round trip Olex (19 miles) 1M Round trip Pittsburgh brintf intf a men Home. MOURNUtu Uit MfcN S HATS. r ratal - a4 taHama If trim tirtof laillral. Th ruatoin among utei of wearing mourning upon the hat la increasing in Ita olMTBnce rather than dwrraaiog. (rapv, however, which '.vaa formerly firlmltt-ly unl for Uil purptwe, baa now U-rn almost ssiirfi.v auppianwu by lx.niUin. Year g i it waa rua- toiiiaiy to rw on a row of tiny bla k brad, art at a tit'h Ji-.tance apart, tlonc the arm of the bnd where It waa joined at the aide, but thi la now very tarrlv lon. There now put on around the hat over the Wer edge of I he band, where It neetj the brim, narrow ailk ribbon W mate a flnieh. For li of wife the band ( mourn ng worn upon a ailt bat la curried to within an eighth of in Inch of the top; for the loa of a parent the iiaml la ear Mel to within tn Imh of ihe top; for rlallvea other than wife tr parent the Und worn threeiiartera the height he a happy -Ions. The Incident which led to the order for the extinction of the Turkish navy was aa follow. hJ the n. ..!. frmiMiiort waa ... .,r t nirrti when il.ev rceiKttlully uiut.oi'.l. niul i ..,! tl...lr fillkeia to KO llow, HH Ihey wished to do aonielhing which iiiiifht not in appneu i..Unl ntllc,r then took com mand, and anchored off the palace, and .ii. . ftrinir a an I ii I e. began a hi k. tits th aiittanl """" . i it. Thia drmotwtration rauwo imranii te confusion at the palace, and various high officer were dispatched to parley with the mutineer, but they Inflated on eeelng the mlnUter. and when he at laat aperr,l they aaid they knew the aultan had given the money pa tbetn, but they bad not reeeivetl It. and th.v ...,il,l nut budire until they did. . -ii .-.i No argument were ot any . " the money had to I neat for and dia trlbtifrd. after which the men weighed nthr with a cheer, and gave up the ahip aguin. The sultan, however, re flcrt. il that what a transport had done irui-rnlilv a heavily -armed tnnn-of-war might do wirh evil Intent, ami, ratling IlasMtn I'aah to him. he tlerlaretl that he wanted no more naw. Rtasa leaves Arlinaton every morning (Snnday excepted) at 6 o'clock; is doe at Condon at a p. m. ana arrives ai rum ail at 7 n. m. Comtortabla cofered coaonea ana care ful, experleooad drtera. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baccase taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushera at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trams prepared to assist pas- and it is hoped that our s natron will fallv avail themselves . r , of this additional provision for their comfort JAS. C. FOND, Gen'l Patter. Agt 700 (00 850 TflliOl'Gl! TICKETS -TO THE and Southeast "The Italator Line" .soe m TUB The Dalles, I'ortlEd i istom Naviptioo Co. UNION PACIFIC 11 ll THE TQROUGU CAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACK SLKKPEBS. ft'IXStAS TOUHIIT bLEKPEBH. DIKE gCCUXINO I HAIU CARS Portland l Kattfrn Citit I'hangt. Without (nlrk Tina. I sine llKt. t'OTMHiailr Coodarted Fteomli.ua. tteir ( harkni tn iMtaattua. Ihrwt lioa t Tmna-ti".i-dtl and IiHm. nalMHial itiio Iwld at I mls, Natraaa, Job la NotmaliM, Writ aatrMnl ratM. litr UIIr and mhr tDfunaatiua irialaiiii to taiuo I'aciBe j. ii.urrnnop. or j c. ha:it ai, lis nt hi.. O.K H. to. "DALLES CITI" AND "REGULATOR' Commeocloii Monday, May 2od, tba atMnara of tha Kegniaror una will leava Portland at 0:30 a, m. aod Tba Dallea at S2Q a. m. When yon go to Portland, atnp off at Tba Pallet aod ttkt a trip down tha Colombia; yon will enjoy it, ani aava money. W. 0. Al.LAWAT, Uenarat Ageot. IOKTUKERt - I ItMAHA Kanbai Citv Hr. Jirn t. Lrnna IVvtoH Till'. WOOL UKCOUI) Tall V Maw la Da It. If i i i i i i i i ,i hat. IA-M t :-" Am" o Hp.lan, MllirBln twind for a ailk hat I. I I r r T V , 7 1 I Atao twtavew .prrtallv fitt J to It and made f.ielt; iP.jf! , CcW. dally tieept f..r straw hata and for aoft hata an I! jJ'j i ' A al I'ngl sh -l..ih t-nd ! proUded, which L LVr-- "-'. tntn tan he slipped d.tw n oveilhe ervw n of I, 'l-- r OrlftrtA ( 9 9 l m MB) M mtm, mm nm tmm 11 I klNIKaMMi I .til Bit i VV I aaeaa4alddta mm tat ml r"W"' can 4 IIILI1 a DB CUrEu - oiler to t'aloa lept eaattot at Ml, t'aal, MtaucaM1! Kaasaa Ihty, Otaaba, lL Uidia and elhsr pmmt' at rxaaU Haa-t-if ebek4 tbrongli t 4tiaaUiw id Utsla, Ttimtigll Ik lti to Japan aJ Cblaa, fit Taeia aod Noeiaara fat tit M n. kia tsMsaway't Una. " fnll lff iU., Mtwa ear ls, ki apt, lirkU, ate, ta'l on W nW W.C luittt, V CauauToa. AfiN IMl. a,Oe ! ll:e Of, irUa4, Uf ItyarpecHal artargement our rlrt The Woo! llecord aaj rlaal Weakly (laaatia, ota year lot Tba Wmd lt4 m tba aly aatwnal n.4 nrgaa ttiJ ret tba wool iaJttatrf ftoui IM f !) ol tba ah la tba tell ln at Ilia taafattrtl aritala. tt ta ual.liahe.twe.klf at To aad U lilw .iwt at tH a fear. lh taikl ewttt ata fall a,t " a4 Ita mi rrB tt4'rs' Ta! ! art xik ta I,:.,. tfca ! ! t't. U twattily fr.ad fl.it rx,l. Bat '0r metil fa, 4.1..;. ia a ..... . t lae w'ii at nt HmMn, tM ail a,-l ! "M.Mk l, i,m f'ktw Mnr m4 HMsaJawt r aHWaast at klaseas aMsM w. QWXOltTIMIl t f o Him lrnnoliwoo 44 all fWaM fa I aJta. ai rk Hi, tstaws fa(ta4 lea Southern Fuciflc Co int !. saeswfti aftaa all M a4 ' UuA ttmmmtf SWt, vl I tA t aw iiHMW lain A'- t loaat lrita, a .tn m !" a t-'sttl aa, n.,.t. i:f!,w .ea. f 4 r ai. Wf" Tlie ( im iniMtl i:intiirer rrinwU rtt- ti.Mia tafurrrme, I'arly in May Mr. 1 nfoin. a trlW r In the tittnurj at t im ititiatl, ttitht a tcn d';ll,.r bill,' liti It h t.1 Inn Irf t lifmn a tle. The j wratlirr waa warm, ami the wtuii.twa rr ovo. After aewrishtfif th rvm. VI r, Turjln huned over the fardett and lawn. All waa la va.ai the UII waa f.tne, Mid after hik waa fut gfitllrtt. Iiuie "i lairr a high wittd MfW iImii a l"i 'I Wrt mrmr Umr hiM, anl, it i tniil. Mr, Tut pin Hkrl It tt atnl I 1I at It eurkuialv , Hi altrtittum mm attit. k by a .ir of r of ) rii'iae rU. ls drew It mil and H lrM t. a tB4).i!ar Mil, tb rrff tit, no i!'Vjtns that he had I . It waa In tty td tS)d.lia, ! e el.viiir, Bt t, tiaifT, riT0 rtirtw H4t t taatw-niveenee. Aat4y awa dm anstrila. i - ai'4 tui n(i nt tw a..;! '. mr ir Wt ea-u if awi f i " a. " 'a a. , Vv i' f WAU HOOK, M rwtiMMS Isms aia Vn All iM.i w iiiw hr toltiMtil- to i.f1lH M MrtiM tmmn sM all i,linl ' rmm. Wmi vim.. M.rti.Sf ilwf VI t itk.rfM.ie. ti tr..iw-. iHtw-ial f rvMa mm innov A' a.Iim h xi as tnit. W ate t m.vM Mtol flM r " W . f Kit f ,.,.,rt,.U,;,- tHll V"- .r u w voi. l.t r'? W wt m s l'f w "4"7 tts tsi ..! r" mm., tiM stM ! ' eaate .t w.t (i,iiMri.t!-'l' T"T"! ."; i ' en. i - ... . 4 ., . ' B,..-4wif ib4 l) i'M' lr l- alae -et fe. '. ! ! J .; tCC C, C.t t H.C-af". Slf; I biMiiii Immi.hi Im aialiM4 i m. ( ii. e aaeaBierfB, rs.M af rs a. . i'f a MiinUM.rf rn fm nm- Br. Ik IM. M Srt arwtfB I ii. m a t ' a f m i MWM rar. 1 1 1km h H W4 t tnB t wm Hktta- w. tiS m wH--mmn S wp a rw j l mimm P,wa a HXS""-t- t.MM r ni IIIB lorr- ttta4 IruBllB ' !'.' '9;.n.atftll , list all mm i. ia aa W11 I Ns ultotwaBiara nwi rttii k frit mat rm itt4i, (V JvJ'H UNS MtMC I". VHtHUlM If tf tlfiflt k m 4 ymi . t mm mm Utmr f " t a ratlaeh mt M A ttmrn, JA valaaMs lmm i MtwraMer iriBtT m. tsssirt flret M iiatim jf natvtttf ihm i ibH tnm mm- mtmmmmM it s tMi; mrm4. kemrn 4 mmrms a" vm ..t -m I At fi I itf. t . IMI tm m f fat ' W QflCltErr ASD MOeT ElBECT USI TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Voinl EAST, and SOUTH. LOOK AT THE TIME. NEW YORK, II dars CHICAGO. 3J -ST. LOUIS, 3 " OMAHA. 3 SALT LAKE, 1J Fraa tWlialr.f Cbtlr Cart t'(txiU1ead T-arval K)etdn Car rallatao I'alaea rlt(iii Cart I'of fnll iaHieUr rardlu ratea, tin o( traisa, ate, fall t. tt addrsa J. c, iuur. ; A feat t. K. It. (X, lletteef. Otwfoa c. o Tutr, vr. t. Coi, f ra. raat. Atft, (sit l At hutm:h tii