Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 15, 1898, Image 3

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    Oil, How Thankful
Pain Was Maddening fan
Had Been Abandoned Wonder
ful Results of urtfying the Elood.
"A. very severe pain came In my left
knee, which grew worse and worse, and
anally evjore broke out above the knee.
It discharged a great deal and the pain
from my thigh down was maddening.
Large, hard, purple spots appeared on my
leg. I Buffered in this way for years,
and gave up all hope of ever being cured.
My wife was reading of a case like mine
- cured by Hood's Sorsaparilla, and she
dvised me to try it. I began taking it
'nd when I had used a few bottles I
found relief from my suffering. Oh,
how thankful I am for this relief 1 I am
' stronger than I have ever been in my life.
I am in the best of health, have a good
appetite and am a new man altogether."
J. P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine.
Hood's a225
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hood's Pills cure allliver ills, ascents.
Kpworth League Devotional MeeKnVat T n m'
Fraer meeting. Thursday. T aT ' 7 P m
"The Spirit and the btUe Say. Come."
The tutor may be fount at the larsonara ad
J. W. FLK82ER. Minister.
BimilaF, preaching 11 a. ht.,7p. m., class
taeetlm (olfowliu luomlnR service.
nunday school, S p. m. Kpworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake uot the assembling of our
selves toother."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to
JUH!h. c, r, Howard,
Services each 8unday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p. ra. Prayer meeting Thursday even
lug at 7:00. Choir practico Saturday evening
at the church. . K. L. Shelly.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 8 o'clock, p. in., on the first
Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock
Wesail away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not
And we'll leave behind the girls we love, cries
the Oregon volunteer.
With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old Glory In
the sky.
But ere we pass we'll drain a glass, of Sperry's
l.lnwood rye.
Sold only at the Belvadore Saloou, E. Q
Sperry, proprietor. if
Local Notes.
Pe M. Liclitentbal A Go. for shoes, a
Fred Tnomaa is in the Palouse
Now (or the colic. Watermelons are
in tbe market.
Mr. Foster of Wagner, visited by Dr.
JMcFasl, fe improving.
J O, Keitbly came in from Hardman
Aloavdny for maobine repairs.
JJlftny Heppcerits are already in tbe
"m mntains. Tbe rest will follow.
QniDnesee's famous old "Dublin
Htonl," imported, at Cbria Borohers'
Hbould tbe Somers family obanoe tbis
way again a full bonne ia assured tbem.
For your legal blanks do not overlook
the Qasette fHce. We are ooDtinnally
adding to the list.
Frank Stewart baa gone to Hardman,
where be will drive a header within tbe
suburbs of tbe oily.
Painless remedy for extracting teeth.
If not as slated, no charges. Try Dr.
Vaugban'a new plan. 604-tf.
If joa need something tor your system
.oail.et the Thooe The Telephone sa
jloon, City hotel building. tt
Best accommodation and coorteons
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. 8ts., Portland, Oregon.
Bring your bides, pelta and fnrs to
Ben. Metbews, at the Liberty Meat
Market. lie pays highest market price.
Iter Flesber's plans have been obanged
sines last inane, and. In ennaeqnenoe, he
will ooonpy bis pnlpit next Sunday
morning. His subject will be "Divine
Dyspepsia cored. Hbiloh's Vital ieer
Immediately relieves soar stomach, oom
log np of food distress, and is the great
kidney and liver remedy. Bold by Con
ner k Warren. v
E. O. Noble A Co. are metiers after
business. Tba finest ssdJIs and bar
net to be found Io Hppner. 8 Iheir
Dew ad io this issue. tf.
Ladies, take the beet. If yon are
tronbled with constipation, sallow skin,
and tired feeling. Inks Karl's Clover
Tea, it Is pleasant to take. Bold by
Gocswr k Warren. v
A Chinaman, by the name of Lee, went
Into a store hire tbe other day to B'l
bat, and tbs clerk pnt one on his bead
and said it 'FiU yoo Lee", snd lbs Cbl-
nstnao answered "Do ?"
Karl's Clover It ml Tea i a pleasant
laxative. Kegnlates tbs bowela, poriCes
lbs blood, Clesrt lbs complex too. Easy
io make ai.l pleasant to take. 25 els.
Hold by Cooeer ll Warren. V
We ac knowledge reeelpt of a enpy o'
tbe ansael catelot-ns of tbe elale ssrl
rnllnrel eillege. Our old frleed O. H.
Keady Is entitled to a ownplimenl lor its
Beat typographical appeereora,
)f. Jobs W. Kaemn. of the Red
light, ever on Ibe aktl for emnetbing
Sew, can tarnish )'mi the Ciieel r
taile le I' UiJ- Matihatlea, Jersey,
Yarmouth ur (lie- tua-'e lijr ae ertiet lu
tbe btteieeea. lrp lit and las He
taele ul of ibor saouiu. If
I Km (.. . faat.., tml
Cass Matlock baa retrd !rom ten
' An ptieiilo of cbickenpox is going
tbe rounds.
S. J. Youog, of Eight Mile, waa in
town yesterday.
Lichtentbal k Co. tor shoes. Exclusive
shoe store. Handlea tbe beet. 83tt
Mr. J. C. Hart informs us that an im
mense quantity of freight is moving.
Statements for the Famous Simple
Aoooant File printed at the Oaaette of
fioe. tf.
Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac
tion and defects of tbe eye, will be here
every three months. 648-lyr
"Co'n juice" is all right but Low Til
lard has a brand of' 14-year-old goods!
that is bard to beat. fto3-if.
'Misses Harriet and fides Thompson
of Pendleton are here Visiting their uu
ole's family, Mr. A Thompson.
Hick Mathews, the good mtured ton
sorlsl artist, is off (or Toe! springs. Ed.
Hamilton, of Portlaud will act as bis
A little child of VVm. Watenburger, of
Butter oreefr, is recovering from a very
serious affliction of tbe eye, known as
opthalmia neonatorum.
Be not deoeivedl A cough, hoarsness
or croup are not to be trifled with. A
dose in time of Sbilob'e Cure will save
you much trouble Sold by Cons'er &
Warren, v
Cure that bough with Shiloh's Cure.
Tbe best cough oure. Believes oroup
promptly. One milliou bottles sold last
year. 40 doses for 25cts. Sold by Con
ser & Warren. v
Do not overlook Minor & Oo.'s an
nouncement in tbe advertising columns
of the Gazette, Tbey are selling goods
below cost in order to mku room for
tbeir (all goods.
Mr. Crabb, the veteran stagedriver,
complains of tbe neglected condition of
tbe Buttermilk and Book o reek canyon
roads, as ttie loose rt ck make tbem ul
moat impassable.
Tbe Gazette oarries a full stock of
mourning note, correspondence style,
with envelopes to match. Those desiring
such stationery oan have their wants
supplied at this olliue. if.
Farmers and harvest hands should
oall and Bee Brown & Stewart wbeu you
oome to town and want a new sbiri,
pair of gloves, hat, nnddrweare, collar,
etc. They are headquarters. It
If persons who are iu arrears uu sub
scription to the Gi.eette will kindly oome
forward and settle it will aid tbe present
management very materially iu estab
lisbiug a live, up-to-date paper.
It is rumored that Dr. B. F. Vaughn
has floally secured tbe recommendation
ot Oregon's delegation and will be Hepp-
ner's next postmaster. Tbe appoint
ment will give general satisfaction.
Conser & Bartholomew, dealers io
horseflesh, purchased that magniQoient
chestnut gelding, with silver mane and
tail, ot I, N. Uogbea yesterday. Tbey
will make mouey on this investment.
Tomorrow morning a migrating party
of aix families leave for tbe viciuity of
Ditch creek tor a month's stay. Tbe
families of Jobn Lewey, J. Shipley, Art
Minor, Pap Minor and Mrs. MoAtee
oom pose the party
When iu tbe need ot anything iu tbe
liue of dry goods, boots and eboes, re
member that Brown k Stewart have as
neat and complete stock as there is in
the city. There goods are as good as
the best and tbeir prioea as low as the
lowest. It
W. H.Davis sold 12.000 pounds ol
wool at 24 oenta yesterday Io U. Pr
risb, buyer for Juild k Root, of Hartford,
Conn. Another sale of 30,000 Dnnnds of
wool, by Emmet Cochran, al 12's seats,
was closed today by Messrs. Judd k
Boot's agent.
Postmaster Williams' experience of
taal week, bad a tendency to provoke
anything save good nature. The work
ot tbe entire office devolved upon bim ,
which, together with the heat, oaused
bim to wish that the "other fellow"
might put in his appearance.
It yoo want the latest war newa, the
freebest local happenings, city or
country, get tbe Gazette, semi-weekly,
Tnesday and Friday, Patronage helps
make s paper. Compare it with those of
other towns the siss ot Ileppcer and the
Oszetts will nol offer thereby. If
At Ibe Heppner Candy Factory is tba
place to get cool, refreshing summer
drinks. Jas. Hart ran famish yoo milk
shake, eodn, ice eream soda, orang
wine, peach rider, ete. Iae cream booths
nicely fitted np. Corns snd try the
Dewey flavor s new thing and rv flue.
m it
i. C. Hart st the O. R. AN. Co's. de
pot baa been appointed receiver ot all
exhibits tor the Omaha exposition. He
nrgea that the farmers appreciate tbis
opportunity of attracting attention to
tbe resources ot our county and deliver
to bim at onoe suitable samples ot
greases, grains, fruits, vegetables, and
specimens of timber and minerals Tbe
grain is wanted ia large bundles with as
long straw as oan be gathered. The
business men should unite in enoonrag'
ing tbe Q est possible collectijn.
Otis Patterson, ot tbe Heppner Gazette,
and J as H. McKibben, ot the Portland
Senator, brightened onr sanetnm for a
few moments last Saturday with their
presence. Mr. Patterson is making a
tobr ot Wis interior towns visiting offi
6iail the different K. of P. lodges, being
grand chancellor of that order in tbis
state, while Mr. MoKibben, whose paper
is tbe K. P. organ in Oregon, ia with him
for the pleasure ot the trip and to meet
tbe brothers ot the various lodges. The
gebtlemeu are both all rijbt newspaper
men, of tbe kind who will always receive
tbe glad band at tbe Globe office. Call
again, gentlemen. Condon Globe.
How Scotland Was Saved.
Onoe upon a time, many hundred years
ago, the Danes made wnr upon tbe
Scots, and invaded the country. Tbe
Dunes did not believe in making an at
taok upon tbe enemy in the night. But
on tbis oooasion tbey tnrned aside from
tbeir usual custom, and dearly did tbey
puy for it. As tbey were oreeping noise
lessly and unseen in the dark, one of
tbeir number stepped upon a thistle; its
sharp prickles pierced his bare foot and
made bim cry out iu pain. His cry
awoke the soldiers ot the Scotch army.
They spraug to t,.eir arms and drove
br.ok the Dunes with great slaughter,
and so saved Scotland. From that time
the thistle has been tbe national flower
ot Scotland. It has beeo engraved upon
tbe coins of that country. Often tbe
first warning of disease, coming ae tbe
Dunes in the nigh , is brought to our
atteution by an acute sensation of pain.
Then we should instantly spring to arms
and put the drea I monster to flight.
Dr. Margurite Garnsey warns us ot the
approach of tbe euemy. Her dispensary
has proven a safe retreat for those as
sailed. Seek her advice at onoe, before
It is too late. Her remedies have never
mi-t with defeat. Tbe doctor leaves on
the 23 1 of this month for a month's visit
to California, aud requests all sufferers
to secure sufficient medioiue for treat
ment until she returns.
He Surrenders in Time to Save the
City From Bombardment.
Terms of Surrender Demand the Return
of Twenty Thousand Troops to Spain
Washington Officials Have Approved
General Shatter's Terms.
Washington, July 14, Santiago formally surrendered at S o'clock
p.m. l ne adjutant-general today received tne following trom rlaya
del Bate: '
"I have just ieturned from an interview with General Toral. He
agrees to surrender on the basis of his army being returned to Spain.
This proposition embodies tbe surrender of all of Eastern Cuba from
Acerraderos on the south to Sagua on the north, via Pal ma, with
pi actically the fourth army corps. The commissioners will meet this
afternoon at 2:30 to definitely arrange the terms. Shaftek."
Adjutant-General Gorbin announced that Santiago surrendered
soon after General Shafter's dispatch was received, a telegram having
been received which showed that the Spaniards agreed to our terms.
Only the details of the capitulation now remain to be adjusted.
The war department has notified General Shatter that his plans
are approved so far as they are known, including the agreement for
shipment of the Spanish troops to Spain. The statement that the
Spanish proposition embraces ull Eastern Cuba from Acerraderos to
Sagua is important, in that it shows the surrender to embrace all the
harbor aud contiguous territory in Santiago. It does not include IIol
guin and Manzrnillo, where the Spaniards are reported to have con
siderable bodies of soldiers.
I JMLimor Co.'s
Great olean-up of
Odds and Epds,
Fen)oants, and
Broken Lots
is now on.
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Ladies' Low Lace Shoes and Oxford
Calicos, in Standard Brands
Summer Wash Goods.
In order to make a clean sweep of those goods
we have made prices far below cost in many in
stances as an inducement.
We must have room for fall goods . They are
coming in even now in large quantities. We have
A an enormous stock of goods ordered in New York J
(J and Chicago and our object is to clear away space v
A for them.
f We have made one deep slashing cut into the
A above goods decapitating not only our usual modest
w profit but a portion of the origmial wholesale cost.
You get Genuine: Honest Bargains. We get Space.
Come and marvel at them.
Half of Umatilla'.. Wheat Crop Totally De
Pendleton Tribune,
A bail storm of Brest severity occurred
southeast of Pendleton Sunday evening
resulting id tbe total loss of over 2.000
aorea of wheat, and tbe damaging of
folly as muob more.
Tbs day bad been exoeedioaly hot
and about 4 o olook in tbe afternoon
black oloada came np trom the sooth-
east and spread over the whole east
ern and southern sky, In less than a
halt boar tbere was bail falling in ear
neat, some ot the stones beiua two
inches in diameter.
Tbe storm lasted an bonr. Tumble
weeda ia the stricken seotion were mash
ed to tbe ground, and the wheat and
other grata were poanded until tbey
looked like fallen bay.
Tbe heavinst loss was sustained by
Henry Pieroe, wbo bad 100 aores ot
aplendid wbeat totally destroyed and 400
acres half destroyed. The grain was
nearly ready for harvesting. He bad
1,000 mors seres in adjoining fields that
as barely missed by tbs storm.
B. F. MoElroy lost 160 acres of wbeat.
Tbe loss of Mnir Bros, was 600 acres,
totally destroyed.
A man named Henderson lost s quar
ter seotion of wbeat, of which there is
one left for even hay.
The remaining wheat in tbat neigh
borhood will probably barely pay the
expenses of harvesting.
Have you so tbs latest? k fall
length, regulation, compartment, np
bolitrd eoaoh, just lsoil oo tbe line
botwreo hrs sod tbs junction. The O.
B. A K.will not only have tbs patmoas,
bat tbs everlMtlng gtaliiod of the
entire (raveling enmroonlty. Atonrof
Inspection Is worth yosr wl lis.
Tbs Maiquam (irand, on Morriann
ilrfl In tbs Merqiam baililing , Is nndr
eiaolUnt management and tbs pnMie
will be royalty filrteind tbla winter.
New eompatilea and pew fanegwlllep
rar from time Io lima al fhis popaler,
flr (! theatre of Portland, and whes
in Portland ont deoitena abnll not (nil
to lake In sno) "t lbs fire dramas Ibat
will be preeenlwl. tt
It proves that tbs metnliera nf tbs Bit
Four cm) pa" 7 r trt'1e "f the right
neterUI. Tbey Inform tbs ()( U that
tbs iliffiVnllf ein-oitfe. hi tbem waa
rhr tlwarr of the Great Norther Mlae Drop
la to ! th Uewtta.
Tbs Oazstis ofOos was favored with s
sail from Mr. darker Wednesday after
oooa, doring wbiob time wa eojiyed s
most interesting aud ItiHtructivs disons
iuu of mining mtttsrs generally. About
twi weeks siuoe Mr. darker paased
Ibrongb lows snrunte to Halt Like City,
lis fipresaea bimielf as well salified
with tbs treatment be received wbils io
lbs Mormon City , finding pleeenrs re
aotts juet to bis notnn. His expecta
tion were to bav visited lbs Ooi4ba el
blbit, but basinets requirements b'oogbt
him back, delaying hie trtp further east
until tbs latter part of uail month. Tbs
nam Ik Oofker la familiar to all Amur
ieaa reader. Tbs fabalon ootpnt of
lb "Great Northern" mina be attracted
lb attention of mining men tbrongbost
tbs sntirs world. Mr. (lurkr I s quiet,
anaaurolnf tcan, and mks an sooapio
una dUplsy of bia wealth. II earns to
hiscoaotry 13yearagi and has devoted
tb maj r portion ol tbat lima Io i r -
pasting. Ms flrm'y believes that ha I bs
followed tb tantls resorted 1 1 in lbs
diaoofery of in Ureal N rtbrn L
would bav mad bf furtnas long ago.
Nines May, Ii7, over III O) baa bees
takea out ot Ibis elaim, by blmelf. wiib
so olbsr mining imiiUmrbl tbas s p-k,
shovel so l pan, anl II U eliiot. tbt
there yet rmin s p mmIIiIk mUlloa.
Mr. darker I, ttoelclm, tatereeled a
nomroue other mine, both ptacof aad
1Jf. It la H 11. at whenever s rtnh
t B"rkt 1 aurttd by b miner (Inr.
ker at ona li'e l.lahnvstt help them
A Graduate of the New England Conserva
tory of MuhIc.
After a four years' oourse in mneio st
the New England Conservatory of Bos
ton, Miss Hart returns to her home in
this oity a graduate of that institution.
Her many friends await an opportunity
of extending to her s cordial greeting.
She has scoroely recovered from the fa
tigue ot ber jjuruey, wbioh, owing to the
heat snd dust, was almost unbearable.
Leaving Boston on the 23d ot Jane, en-
route home, she visited New York oity,
Niagara Falls, Cleveland, and tbe adja
oeot town of Hndson, where ber grand
mother resides, reaching Chicago two
weeks later. From there, after s abort
visit, ahs went direct to Omaha, spend
ing several days in visiting Ibe various
departments ot tbs Industrial exhibit,
wbiob aba pronounces rather a disap-
nointment. owioa to the conclusions she
had drawn from newspaper oommenta.
She wss particularly interested in Ore
gon's sxbibit, sod, contrary to newrpa-
Der reoorts. oronoancss it one of tbe
obiet attraction of tbs fsir.
Reaching home Wednesday mornins,
it will be several days before sba will bs
sufficiently rested to mingle with bsr old
tims friends. In addition to tb regnlsr
mosioal course Miss Hart has mads her
self profioienl Io harmony, theory snd
sight playing, besides tbs art ot piano-
tnmuff . II la to be hoped tbat she can
bs Induced to organixs a olatt In mnsio
in Heppner tbat tbs many promising
muaiowna ber may bav tb advantaite
of one coming Iromtbs bight school of
lesrnlog on lbs ronMoent. Ws predio
(or Miaa Uart a snooesefal and mt en
viable career.
Baooh, 320 sores, good land, 4 miles of
Heppner, all fenced, plenty of water,
bouse and barn, 140 acres ot summer-
tallow, all ready for fall crop. Easy
terms. Call at tbe Gazette ofHoe.
654 -tt
lleanty it itlouii Uvv.
Clean blood means a clenn skin. No
beauty without it. Caecareta, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and kcip it clenn, h)
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities trom the body, lu-gin to-day to
banmh Dimples, boils, blotches, blackheads.
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
lascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c,50.
Oregoa'a Chief Jatle-
Joalios a E. Wnlverton, io regnlsr
turn, bscame obiet justice of tbs supreme
court, vies F. A. Moors. Tbs latter, who
retired and was elected io June, is now
wltu Juslio Bao, saaociats jnatio.
Jottices Moore snd Bean bavs both
served as cbirf juattos. Jostle Wolver
loo la serving bl first term, sod this I
bis first experience a oblef Julice, Tbs
court rendered do decisions the first day
and bM do formal aeaainn. Io honor of
his position as head ot the onnrt, a largs
bouquet wa plsoed 00 Chief JomIip
WolveMoq' desk. Smaller booqnets
graneil lbs deekl nf bl oont. Tel
I will sell sl private) sals from resi-
dene In Heppner, sll household good
snob sa parlor suit, table, chairs, bed
room aniis, carpets, alov, els., ato.
Coll sftern'tons from 2 Io 4 o'clock.
6 6 Mas. Fa M Farland
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
Who has secured the services of
Aa manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Kates reasonable
Will be paid for information leading
to Ibe arrest and oonviction
son stealing oattle branded
ueoted on tbs left side. Waddls on tbs
uoae. Pkbct Hcqhih.
"wh-'oo". beeps' the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Tlwmsitiids Iryma It.
Ju orier to pwivs the great merit of
Ely 's Cream lluhu, the most fleotiv cur
for Catarrh and ('old in Head, ws bav pra.
piri'd a RKiwrou trial sirs for IU cent.
(Jul it of your drnggtht or send 10 cents to
ELY BIi08., 50 Yarren Bt., N. Y. City.
I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind
ever since a boy, ami 1 never bopsd for I
oure, but Elr'a Cream Halm seems to do I
even that. Many amiuaiutanoca have need
it with excellent results. Oscar Ostruut,
43 Wurrsa Ave., Chicago, III.
Ely's Cream Balm la the acknowledged
cure for catarrh, ana eonlalna no oocalne,
mercury nor anv lnurioue drug.' Trie,
60 ' (irif -,st nr 'V mull.
That 14-Year Old Stuff,
"Kohn's Best."
On Tap Down at The '
Telephone Saloon
Nsw Stand, City Hotel Building,
For Xnfuti od Cblldr.lL
Tki Kind Yon Han AIwjji Bought
Catarrh is
Not Incurable
The bav anvthlnr In this Una thai jrmi mar rteslra and ynn rao deptnd on It you art a
owl artlcla ansa they luarantea It,
Olai Sate, J, Main Strsst RsDSlrlng Sssslalty
Saeelal NiHIre.
Aa Ihs prewot proprietor of lb Oa
(lie anoat leave Heppner aoun, b ia
deairon tf aettliiig np has alTslra. U bal
I due bint be insai be at nare, t that
ha ran meet all t-med. I'rnp 1"
eelll fr aer innl. Ul If
A complete Block of pure ami frcoli ilrupi al
ways in stock. Cartful attention paid to lilling
of preHcriptioim.
MtSH Merchant Tailoring!
" tf Vtl v ' lhn"lk 1 U"A 'r Aliraliftfimick in the pione:r tailor of llepii-
?tih.:ri xstzjz: urr- w'rk . j- hum u.,.i m-jAc-
But it ran not m miml by sprays, I
washea and inhaling miitures which I
reach nnlv the aurfarei. The diwase la
In I lit IiIimmI, and can only be reached
through the Mood. H. H. 8. la the. only
reim-dy which ran have any effort upon
Catarrh; it curea the dlarasst erma
nently and forever rids the system of I
svery trees til the Vila ooinplalnt.
Mlaa J.aiie rwa, ol Moalpeller, Oh In,
writes: "I wa el-
fl teles fmai lafaney
with C atarrh, and an
aa in tins lh
uffertni II trainees
better thaa I. Th
the nrilMilnee tire melh'vl nf the st.lvee, sa l iiMin nn.-Mi ms f "cltn np
niansaieg proprtelor. who eine is- '
rimed Io depute lliew nf llieir aalarie.
an. I ae (he ineii.tier of lb t ompany
rmlexlled t talent they simply reof f a-
l I and will loir thisroubiry lndeca- (
deal nt their former msi-i roeut. Nw ,
thai Ihey fcav It's rem In their swa)
insor sneia Diil ir hlu the
piM'lela i.f Ida miner, ll.rougli the gou
eroeltf of their smploter.
.teevkaMf ar
Caaf tr.
A'i' A i'i 'wl l erv of lim en. p ee-
S I I I '"!, ,ee to Ike Ueie, a t
au..l iM.ut f oi ki l.. i. titer sim! buerela,
.1 IKrt aalti A'tafWsl rllla-
batidslhey aestir (ha pnhlie tbal they j ru,n n ih,, (., i.a'fual rnaliMa
III snalaia tfceir repstal - n S fl'll- j '"',u' "",''"' ''. 'f7
g 'vaiiU."J fj wic by ail rutf ir'.
Ilarkles's Artr Salve.
The Meat rial in li.e worhi for CnU,
llrmeea), Hora. finer, Hall Hlieam,
Kever Horea, Tetter, l.1apM4 llanila,
Chilhlaio. (iwtn, aa. all HI a l.rsp
lutwe, sad p-eollvaiy rur Piles or no
('aolrrU.rl.-. tliaii was- IP" re" ' issrisiwci is ns
pertesl SallsfaSUoS or fcot.ey fefsude.1.
IVirs'iS seat t tnl. fat aals by
el'enm lira (Vi . K. J. Hlnmm, maaager
It fare I a-Mi)aallM rrete,
I -e. !' ft fs
II I t C.I Hi ti-'te fit . !'.
bltMMt remedlHi. Iml their ailneral Insrmlieats I
aeitli In Sif ta-inra aat fsve mi raeunsilsia. I
I la a linoiul'l. ennrliilna, an4 after
kaualini ail Imieoil. a Wlar4 inroraHa
aln( Ml a1vefila4 a a ear furMnmll
Slaaaaae. I narln4 In Iff l. As an hi aa mf I
t aain aaner the effael raf tne eiHlflaa
I r(a h leitmva, asfl after lalinf It tn I
Iwn fn..niK I vaa event e.aiKlatetr, tbe
SrM'lful rtnaaaa aa eia1lrale4 frnta rT
itm. asft I hat aft aa em. fa mt It."
Many have I wen laklns tfirsl treat-
me n i fur year, and IIimI Ihemselvs
atorv I low than ever. A trial of
tion iiaraiiteeil.
mi; on may htui:i;t-
"When you hear dem bells !M
will provs It It fa Ihs rlfhl remedy
for (tarrh. It will ur ths most ((
annate ree.
) Itxiii rustled frt s any jdilrei tf
lit t 'i V',nl,
Helle.l rxprenH is corning, I ) ilelivery work
on short onlrr, 10 centu anl tipwanln. Thin
wagon is So. l, nnl have your order with it,
or at Central" telephono office.