Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 15, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, July 15, 1898.
The Gazette is not heralding its
coming tfith a brass band bat its
circulation can be determined at
the Heppner postoffice. Adver
tisers will please note this.
The Spaniards were short
sighted in not surrounding their
navj with barbwire fences.
know thn miner will work disinter!
estedly for their best interests.
Portland, without doubt, affords a
field for another first-class paper,
and we predict that the right
parties will take advantage of the
opportunity in consideration of
the bright prospects for the north
west's future.
Obegokiaks are inclined to be
lieve that their battleship could
sink the entire Spanish navy.
Mlt. THOS. N.
Uncle Sam will be in first-claBs
fighting trim at the close of this
war, and European nations will be
careful about stepping on the tail
of his coat.
When Pennoyer was niByor of
Portland every time a policeman
or fireman was removed for causes,
the Oregonian howled. No at the
new ''reform" mayor, Mason, is
going to make a clean sweep in
every department for political
reasons only and that paper "has
nothing to say." The OregoniaD
is consistent only in its inconsis
tency. Review.
He Begins Early With the New
From the OreRonlan.
Pobtlakd, Jnly 8 (To the Editor.)
Offing to glowing auoounts of the refor
m story teodeDoies of onr new officers, a
wide-spread fear bag diffused itself
through the oity that oar liberty of
action was to be seriously abridged, that
we would have no opportunity to "sin
to the height of oar desire." It will be
a oomfort to some of oar oitfzens to
know that the parity of the new admin
istration will cot be engelio, ooly "prac
tical," as that word is understood in
political circles. Two facts show this
Messrs. Glass & Prudbomme put in a
bill of 82,01)3 80 for printing the ballots
at oar last eieotion. Mr. Glass was sec
retary of the republican oentral com
mittee, and naturally the very embodi
ment of reforming tendencies.
I bad careful inquiries made at the
beet printing houses in the oity and
found that the aotuil cost of this job
Paper (or colored ballots 1160 CO
Paper for white ballots 1H7 50
Composition and electro-typing HO 00
Channel. SO ureclncts WOO
Printing 181,000 ballots 100 00
Makings total cost of t-rM 00
Thus the profits of Glass & Prud
homme on this single job would be
On Saturday last, Judge Northup and
the two oounty commissioners allowed
The war and postoflice depart
ments have adopted a system for UniB bill at $1,800, which was paid, giving
the improvement of the mail ser- a profit of $1,272
vice to the soldiers. Under thlB Verily, Pennoyer and Napoleon Davis
system the quartermaster's depart- " -Ba" 'bejr ,eeth, Bt this mf, wi"h
, , ,, ... . . ,, that they bad been rtformers on "prao-
ment of the army will transport all . .- Tfa- . -orBCliM,., D0,itio8
mail within camp to and from the u jt efteots the publio treasury. Bat
point of arrival and departure, and the police. The hope of the radical re-
batallion and recimental adiutants Unionists was in Mayor Masou, Mr. D,
Hons Uonen ana me ponce, no more
, ,. ., .. . . -rt grafting of crimes, no more reveoues
rect distribution of mail. Every frora K8tnblirjg j,)irjSi D more proteo-
military post or camp established tjon 0f crime. One paper even went so
will be given a postoffice immedi- tar as to say that the police were going
atoly, with a postal superintendant to 8 gentlemanly in oonduot.,
in charge. In short, nothing will !r e'ion'oa 'ot
. , .. ! ... ., . 5 of blook 27 of Couch's addition, in the
be left undone that will aid in Nofth End of the oityi propetl pur
quick and constant communication chased by Joseph Blinon of George W.
between the soldiers and their rel- Marshall, there was commenced the ooo
oilima nnrl frion.la ntrootion of what is apparently the
nillll S3 IIU M. a. V. 1JUI I -
As Appeal Made for UraiB, Fraits, e-
tables. Etc.
Mr. William Emery, of this state, says
the Eugene Guard, recently went East
with a Iraioload of cattle, and while at
Omaha visited the exposition. Be is
very mncb euthased with the exposition,
bat is not satisfied with Oregon's very
poor exhibit, and has written to bis sister-in-law,
Miss Emma Withers, of this
oity, asking ber to make collections ot
grain, fruits, vegetables, etc., and send
them to the Omaha exhibition, in order
that we may have a more presentable
showing there.
The letter has reached the bands ot the
board ot trade, the members of whom
have done '.11 in their power to sconre a
good exhibit. It contains some good
soiigestione as t wh t to send and bow
to send it. which are given in part. He
"Oregon haf, I think, the poorest ex
hibit ot Buy of the states, and I have
written to several of my acquaintances to
try and have tbem send in something
I want yon to make a nice collection of
wheat heads, with longBtraw; also bar
ley, oats, rye, corn, grass seed, timothy
blue grass, anything and everything that
grows rank and would make a good show
Get eight or ten bundles ot wheat, oats
etc. Also try and make a oioe collection
of green frui's ot all kinds.
"Place a card on each exhibit, telling
name or kind; also attaob your name. I
have already made arrangements to have
it posted in a very publio corner.
"Oregon oan beat anything I have yet
seen here, and she must do it. Bend a
large potato, oabbage, oarrot and beet;
also send Oregon figs.
Send your exhibits to Mr. J. G. Bach-
elder, Boom 2, Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon. There will be no
freight charges.
"Get some large bug, put it in a nice
glass bottle and lable it 'Oregon flea.'
'I will close, hoping you will take ac
active part in seeing Oregon well repre
sented. Yours truly,
"William Emery."
Cure sick headache, bad
taste Id the mouth, coated
tongue, gas in the stomach.
dMttreu aud Indigestion. Do
not weaken, but have tonic effect. 2a cent.
The only PilU to take with Hood'l garupartlla.
Interesting Notes.
$100 lie ward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that soienoe has been
able to cure in all its stages and that is
catarrh . Ball's Catarrh Cure is the ooly
positive care now known to the medioal
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tiooal disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. - Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, aoting dirctly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces ot the system
thereby destroying tbe foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength
by hnilding np the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers, that they offer one
hundred dollars for any case that it fails
largest combination gambling bouse, to cure. Houd for list of testimonials.
Address. . 3. Chknky ft Co.,
Toledo, O.
tlTS-ild by druggists, 75a.
brothel and saloon that I remember to
The Spanish officers of Santiago bave ever teen in this oity. Kvery de-
offer as an excuse for not surrend- ot construction and fitting up
l t.u 1 it i shows its foul purpose. The notorious
erioe to bhafter, that bo many . . , . ... w.
' ' Bla.ier it to conduct it. Hit tign, in
false reports have been made to bUliBg eleolrlo i8htg( , now be,nK p,
their home government, in order np .na the whole front is being painted time. The summer vacation time it
to deceive and prevent the govern- in the very appropriate oolor of a bright here, and all who oao afford it are
mont f mm nPffntiatinff for noaoe. yellow. planning to titke advantage or the diner
o n I . . . i , 1 i i. : : 1 1 .
II II an institution tuai, unntr our snw oeiweou ma wnmu, mniuauo
Where to Spend Your Vacation.
Tho present reduced rates could not
lisvrt prevailed at a more opportune
that they are now afraid to go
home and admit the facts. Such
being the truth the governors,
generals and admirals are placed
in a most unenviable position.
Thoy must answer for the merciless
slaughter of their soldiers, as well
as the lives of our brave American
boys lost in satisfying their miser
able ambition. It is a question
whether we should meet out to
them the military consideration
and treatment which falls to their
under our I encee between the
laws, could not possibly exist, let alone Toe attention of those who oontemplate
make money, unlest protected by the rt trip Ewl, whether it be to the mouo-
polioe ami prosecuting attorney, and tain resorts of Colorado, tbe Omaha ex
everybody knows, from the last expert- portion, or points beyond, it oalled to
enoeof the last 20 yeart of this oity, the advantages offered by tbe Rio
what such protection means. Grande Western Hallway. Its line and
It is possible that the prosecuting those of Us Colorado oonneotions run
attorney, the mayor, the polioe com- through the heart of the Hookies, taking
mlaainnera and thn state senator beliefs the traveler away from the alkali and
that tbit Institution Is being fitted np as iae brush of itt Northern competitors
a "Noon Heat" or "Hefuge Home.' and out of the heat of the country
Men of suoh obembio Innooence are through which ita competitors on tbe
often deceived. toutb run.
II it possible that tbe offlaert do not For tbe comfort of tbote, wboee purse
know what is going on. bnt already tbe will not permit tbem to fnjoy all tbe
One exohangeclaims the army ot female
bioyole ridera is oq the increase. An
other asserts that they have fallen off
considerably of late.
Two regiments of colored cavalry
trooDt are in Cuba under General
It is not true that tbe Vesuvius has
been disabled, but it has a severe cough
that is terrible for tbe old fogies of tbe
navy department to hear, tor they recog
nize that it is destined to revolutionize
nav? buildloe in tbe future. A vessel
that oan oough up 200 pounds of dyna
mite and hurl it into tbe enemy's camp
every 15 seconds oannot be overlooked
A man in Boston baa been sent to jail
beoaute bis wife slandered another
woman, the court holding that it was tbe
duty ot a husband to "curb bis wifa'i
tongue". The judge was evidently
bachelor, and did not know the reepon
sibility be waa loadipg on husbands.
A Honolulu paper in giving an aoooun
of the reception of tbe Oregon volun
teers mentions tbe fact tbat notwitb
standing tbe troops were given free ao
cess to saloons, not a disorderly boy in
blue was observed
A year will shortly have elapsed since
Andrea and his balloon started from
Hpitzbergeo, tor tbe North Pole, and no
authentio word has been received from
bim and bis two companions. Tbe silent
frozen regions of tbe north will probably
never give up tbe secret of their fate.
Somewhere the sitting eoo v oovers all
that is mortal of tbem or the dark, cold
waters give tbem a winding sheet, and
three more names are added to tbe list of
tnoae who have perished in tne attempt
to wrest seorets from tbe Arctic regions.
But others will not be deterred by their
tragic fate. Many good men an true
have lost their lives in Arctio snows sinoe
Sir John Franklin led tbe vanguard.
Milton Eagle.
Fiom all sooounts Dyea and Skagway
must be tbe most deserted spots in Alas
ka. Even tbe building of the railway
from tbe latter place to tbe lakes has
done nothing to help tbe place. At Dyea
niv ahnnt I'lf) neonle remain and but
few more are at Skagway. The future ot
theaa towns (ienenda ereatly on tbe
amount of gold brought out from tbe in
terior dnrioa tbe summer months. If a
rw millions in yellow nuggets reaches
civilisation within the next few months.
from the upper Yukon, the eoenes ol last
winter will probably be repeated aisaag
unit T)vea. Omte a number of As-
tnriHnn are ati 1 iu the above named
towns, sever tl of them having interested
themselves thero in business. It is to be
bored that there will be a revival ot Due-
r .... ... a.
icess in the Alaska lowntine near mvure
dene'rnl Merritt at San Franoisoo made
be Thirteenth Minnesota regiment bis
bodyguard. Upward of HO per oent ot
the tneo are of Scandinavian birth or de-
Hcnnt. Oener.il Merrtit paid ine Scan
dinavians a high compliment In confer
ring this honor upon them.
The roiiL'h riders in Cuba don't ride.
They beve no horses However, they are
iolng good work ou foot, lneycame
frora drawing-rooms and raoohee, out
they nVht like Turks.
Mm Ib.l'iW T). Evans, the wife of
'Fighting Bob", has a larger personal
interest in 'the nnvy than most women
Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for
this issue which speaks volumes for
them, but the goods are there, all first
class, and prices to match. Call in and
Mr. Rhea will see that you get what
you want.
Lind Office at LaQrandk, Obboon,
June 20, 18!.
following-named settler has filed notice
nf hm intention to make final Drool in
support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Morrow
County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Augmt
1, 1898, viz:
Hd. No. 8482. for the nek tec. 14. tp. 2 8.. r. 28 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Joseph Luckman, John M.
Waddle, William Barrett and Arthur Smith, all
of Heppner, Oregon.
60-71 Register.
The Leader
Of Course!
lot as prinonersof war in the hatulB tooffert on tbettreet tay, "Aha, aha," privilege of Orst-clast ticket, tbe Rio
of Americans.
and predict a "moral wave" that will
oonoentrale biitineas in the new joint.
If oar oflloert are what tbey profeet to
l'l'LLY one-sixth of all the boya t. hia tnrni out to be a ow ga-n
parol lei front the Oregon atate re
form school, up to a few months
ago, are iu the ariuica anil navies
of the UnitodBtator.soiue of them
with Dewey; some of tbem in the
military camp at Cavile; others on
the way to Manila, ami still others
under Bhafter and Bampaon.
These are not had boys now. Do
snito their youthful rrauks and
bling bell, it ought oever to open up for
busiui M. TlloMAt N. Htikinu.
Aalelup lrairay4 by t ire.
Grande Western bat ioangnirate.i
series of tourist excursions. Tbe cart
used are owned and operated by the
Pullman Palace Car company. They
tra in charge of special oouduotors an
porters, whost tola dolled are to loo
after tbe comfort of their pssaeogers.
Tha ours are attached to fast ex p rest
Lard Offici at The Dalles, Oregon,
July 11, 1898.
fnllnwinar-named settler has filed notice of
her intention to make final proof In support of
her claim, and that said prooi win oe mane De
fore A. Mallory, V. 8 Commissioner, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on Tuesday, August 2H, 1898, viz:
formerly Martha C. Hoskins, of Heppner,
Homesteaa Application no. wy iur ine
NW!4 and N'4 8W Sec 1, Tp 6 8, R 26 E W M,
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
ot said land, viz: Beujamln Iarkr, Frank
vvara, Konert Knignien ana tuiry operry, nu
of Hardman, Oregon.
tk-7u j as. r. Aiuunn,
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at LaUramde, Orroon,
Iune20. 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention t-i make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Morrow county. Ore
gon, at Heppner, Oregon. on August 1, 1898, vti:
T. C. No 2334. for the 'i neH, nwV no!4nd
net nwM see. 12, twp. a ., r. u
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: Joseph Ltiikniau, John M.
Waddle, William u. uymi, auuv J. ;ooa, an
of Heppner, Oregon.
La. n . DAm I.ft 1 I,
tlO-71 Register.
' The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
Notice of Intention.
f.AND Okrun at LaGhandr. Orr'iom,
June 18. 1898.
fiilliiwlnir-iiamed settler has filed notice
..( hnr Intention to make final proof in support
of her claim, and that said proof will he msde
ivpfnm the Conntv Clerk of Morrow Comity. Or-
1 -. II 'W....,,,, nt, f ulv 'At 1KUK. vil
Her hnsbiod commands tha Iowa, her " Clementine caTK.
hrnthar cnmniauds the lodiana. her ton
it nna of tbe Maaaaobnielt's crew, ner
hrnther-io law 1 no the New York, and
her two dansbtera and ber niece bate
Tolonieered aa onraee and Ve taking lu-
strnrtiuna in a boa' tal.
rn m
OKK1CIAL 1.18 f
Administratrix ot the estate of Sarah A. Water
man, deceased, T. C. Ko. sua, tor in se sec. ,
in ) H r. '27 K.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon aim cultivation
ull land, vli: Robert n. Morgan, tilt,
Snllns. M. J. Uevln and A. n. WUmn, all of
Heppuer, Oregon.
60-71 Register.
If you have not yet realized that the
"good old times" are with us, your
blood is out of order. Get rid of that
"tired feeling" and awake to the fact
that the
Of C.matj
Sunday niuht tbe town ol Anteloii. Id rl". "d held over to Bail ie uiij
Wm county, wee completely de.lrn,ed ' ,b,ou'; W0 1
. , , . i r s ' the Mormon capital. Ihie lay
by fire. 1 be Ore or minaled in Condon i ovf Uo in(ar daylifht ride tbronub
howling alley from a lamp n plosion. he Uockiee One of these eioaramn
Kery bneinrse lione in tbe town was ears run through to lioeton; one to
horned will, tbe eioeplloo of Irvmg's Chfe.o. via Omaba; one to Ob.c.jfo,
. . . , ., . ,, ... ia Kanaae City nod tbe fonrth to 81.
etor-, lnoaeueou e IWery atable end tbe E,0Q g(,fi ofer , jlff9rn riMI,
Kureka bolel. Tbe lose it estimated at east ol Colorado, giving Hie passeoger a
ATr.nr.ir.il fur I lift nathn of dutT tM.m. with insofanre of tiS.im, Tbe elmlm of rnntee. These eioorstone leafe
eXCUrSlOIIH Or lue piuonoi uuij, .... ... . I'nrtlamt M.uhW TuM.lar Wsdneediy
, ' . ... . town connci bad beo loolmg along for I ortianii M.waay, luee.iay, wetineeaAy
tliMT love their country ilftp; Rt " and Thursday ol each week.
1 ,..,! ,n r.f tl,M mn who firht "M de,",, ,b mU morU Information at to r.tee. an J for
liptly Ri any ortbemfU Ui)Ugbt ,,o0 bn, lt,i fail.d to do anything, end ,WriDie p.mphleta, adtre.e J. V.
lend. Oregon.
Ike (ibarrver Merrkaala.
fl.Mii kaat Ulrsnlilall.
1. O. Ireland k Hone are publisher of
tbe Hherman County Otwsrver, publish-
el in Mora. Tbe Ireland faiuilv are
worker and tieellent owpiMr men.
About a year ago few local merchant
attempted to dictate the policy ot (be
paper and tbe Irrlasilt would not luteal
out of rMWxU of tbe iKiyg in tbat toetieh pr,.p-Hion. Tti- tnerHtie
iustitutiou. Statcauiau.
PrTruwisrut'lTort i rHMtig tnadrt
to trt mintlior tUily in Portlatul,
The buattipa nifD of tbe tnMro.
lie ate over antinu tliat !!)
tri'tititro i(ull puccpihI. llowptor
thpy rralia that aucvoen it tli-jH'tiil-i'ut
iihiii nuflicu'tit rnpite.1 t in
turn R mtir tlmt ran 1 fMH'U
tiuml Rt r lirsl-claae journal. la
cirdor t tbm) it muet lio th
nW Ft tiiing tatroct oftlnimpr-
i haiilit. TliwOrPKonito mmilaina
llmt lLr tueiupet tut'U of thoiiiy
.1 uot K'Vc it tU ah art of al
VftUsiniJ. It it piMitl tbat the
OrPKonlaii ia Kiineahal io tliafator
Hitb timet) to whotit it ahoul l itw.k
for tb ttarry bftDDPr ami tbey Rr bo the fire came tbe town ucpte- Mansfield, gsoerel ageol, Hio (Irande
r0..l.,t .ni,.. tr,l. ititliMU.,.l. wearern Kanway.Hi intra etreei.ion
rtet t nuti ww v " i p -
thick of tho fiht or wherever duty
calk Thoy know how to otay
ordprt. SuHriutpiidDt Milpa, f
tho Iowa reform tchool, who Wat
thn firat euporintpinlitit of our
achool, immpdiatply after tha d
claration of war, olTproil to IVm
d.'iit MrKiuloy drillinl aoldiort,
joined forcea an I etarle.1 a rival paper-
In other words tbe men hauls Iwostu
pnMlsliera. The Irelaa.lt cnlJ not be
ont-tone eo tbey ! tn merchants, with
the result that Ihia wek a traioload ol
iV rf' I'll H'H-ktnn (ad1 with gmxls
fur tiherniaa canty latruere pnrrliad
and sold Ibrongh the IreUnd Tbe
Morn loerehaaU should now Incline to
vrli It won I I have twen twet to lisvs
alloant ir ilelsnd k H"'ie I ran
Itwir nwlaf tiiiaineae la toil thrra-
VM wtihont itiftatMin Imm Ihoee wbo
knsw nothing ahnnt the beslneaa. Here
la in "I I" Ire'end k Nona, eil M th.ir
lu.liiiliire tad ability lo blp lhns -eel'
r4rlly kettaas
lienls -I wae dreadfully n..it ami
for relief l" k year Carl t Clover lm
Tea. It qlU. toy and slretiglb
rned my wble nervous sysWni ! a a
IrnitbUd wilb 'tslirten, kidney and
litl In ul'i YiQt Tea ea el.-snw.l
: . i ... it.... ...i .. ik.i i ..... ii.
f-rmppirf. miJiUiimtommaoJ ,.,,,4 hrhh Mj ngiu. M,. m.
tha rl.f-l.'rO l jHHjilrt it . , lUitf.. (n .4 by
Did You Tako
throuch the w inter? If so, ue
re sure it quieted your couch,
healed the rawness in your
throat, increased your weight,
cave you more color, and made
you feci r-cticr In every way.
Hut rchar'1 our couch has
come back again, or you arc set
ting a little thin and ptc.
Then, why not continue the
name helpful remedy right
through fhc Rummer? If w ill do
you at much good a when (he
w eather i cold.
In rcrsKicnt mc w ill certainly
give you better appetite and a
wronger digestion.
It will cure your
weak throat and heal
our Inflamed lungs.
11 will cure every case
of consumption, w hen
cure U possible.
Don't be rcrsuaded
to take something they ay is just
as cod.
A tl t i -r i" ' t i
'M I r ss ( h is f V
ICxpsadltarea. Jaly
Toaaty Coart. IH9H.
ratteraon Pulilishlng Co, elertlon ac
J I, V.Kt-r, ,.m-iim-ar
1 P M lillaina, stationery ac
Win Barnoi, ii'r a'
Conner A BriH-li, sUtloiierT ac
B,iy ami Ulrls Alt rVK'leljr. tlonation
C II Hams, tN,iip-r il
K K II unloi k, I'uuntT phrslcian
J V MalliH k. enurt house ami jail ac
K M ehiiit. prlntlnr
HlfK'tim lirns Co, espense ac
H"'ra h Kolwrta. ripeiiw ar
Ilppliiirr l.lsht water Co., eipenssac. .
W ! i.ane', noil ami urtilK ac
IiiiIi (iiiiaheni, asm
T i Carle, espenas ac
t H tUiiiuns A Htm, same
Heppner lelrpbiine Co. same
Ilnlel Heppner, pauper ac
Win t Hartiet. e peine ao
W A HlrbaMsnn, aiertlou ae
C B p-rry, same
Marv lter. upcr ac
T K Hit ant. same
T H Hitvarit. same
Otis I'allrranii, prltitlns ar
L I tireviir, rtau ail l uritina au
Ai.i'sn is rtsr.
Lullier Hamilton, roa-l anit t.rl.lsrar-lfVS
tmils Omalieiis. le-lnn ar
Cttttx-r A w arntii, lalliiier ..
II I. Tlppetta, nil au.l uri.iiis ac
1. 1 ttlTt-v, sants ...
S t llarrlsna, eleftitta ac
Sims Vo, paupel ac
Vatr( raltta, etuergeiicy lima .
(..srisi sD rna tssk.
I f limn. M1 an.l lrl ! ac . . . .
Oiaaa A Iriillt4tin, tattttnery ac
hm a I'rtitltittmma, same
A t l"HIa, aiimntr
Terai ot
ft7 IS
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i.'t on
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Land Orrut At LsOaANOa. OasnoN,
June 1S'.
a InUowIng named settler has fllletl notice
ol bis intention to makt nuai prooi in siipHir,
nl hli claim, anil that said ptoul will be made
before A. Mallory, I' lilted Hlates commlMlnner
(or Oregon at Bepputr, uregim. on iuij
Hd.No Mil, forthsN'4 NKa and RE! 4 V
17. Twp In R 27. K.
He names the following witnesses tn prove
his continuous residence
ol said land, vis: foster
Wool Growers'
Is the place to store your wool this season. WhvY He-
cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not beinc in
uwn and cultivation the field buying wool ourselves, we encourage competition
1 AnAins. slijf levins, I '..11
j.hn Edwards, a, h. Bump, a;i 01 Heppner, amoiiEsiy me uuyers ana secure vou tne nichest nnce.
BTT . I "
67 -lis
K. W. Bastlstt.
Iitta e Oasoon.f m
Ctiuntl al Morro,i
I Vsater Ciahtrt. eminty clerk In ana Mr
ld ciMinl and stale, do rwn-l.r rertifjr llml the
daita Hal I, a Irtl and vitm S'alemeltl ih ail
,-i.ii. .Una. I In lull. Ill r-rl. or it.nllimol. b
the etitiiiit ctt'irt l l.irr,. eoMiilr. .. at lis
retar July Urm, !. ei tl ol lees allowed
""VTior! anf h" an4 el ol eonnlj court
ai,e. 11. is lik if ft "ir i
l-al J
ia t n a yuan. ci.
I,, J w, M.ta.i,lcMiiy.
I.asd orrica at LaOkanpb. OasnoN.
June lit. W.
1 following- name.1 settler has (lied notice of
his Intention to mslis final prim! In support ot
his claim, and that said pmol will oe maos t
tore the County Clerk ol Morrow county, Or-
on. al Heppner, tirefon.on Jiit o, ikm, hi:
IM Ko. sio't. lor Hie swia f rt
ss''.K'i UK'. rc., TpH Ri7, K. II" I
names the lollowliig wllne-s In prove bis
roiitliiiions reaiilenre upon and cultivation ol
i.l l.n.l li d. Iirlakell. T. A. lirUkcll.
(.eorce operry, Will Mtkewlt. allot Heppner,
I. W. Bastlstt,
rVofc of Intention.
j June t. IMS, Motlee ts hereht ilvsn tbat
the toiiuwluf nametl aettlee baa Bled notireol
bi Intsntlou lu make Inal prtf tn support ol
his claim, and Utet said proof will be !
before A. Mallory, I', a. commlaaloner lor Or
(on at Heppaer. Cerrn, on Ansiisl Ii, 1m, vis:
VI1HK ull.htKT,
Hei'pner. t . Hd. No T-st. .,r IheWtiBWU
ap eti Nr.',an-l M efc am. I Tyl
a m K.
He names the Mlowlnf vltnews wi prne
bis eontlnnous rpaldenre uiain and cultivation
of said land. ti Lla Unwhens, HltVeabif
w yiunon. William Mutb. I'er Hum all el
H,ppi.tr. a. W. BAHl I f IT,
' Reg uir.
W' art sellln wool sacks and twine at cost, ratable when wool la aold. fUnit in ti,
at om-e.
We pay the blsbeet eah price lor sheep pells and hides.
We sreaicetiU lor LIttle'B DID and Black Leal Tobm-i nin tha nnl Mit.Ma t.rn-t
tips on the market.
v e par ireisni mi leamsiers wnen returtei to do so hr owners of wool.
We has a full auppljr ol Heed Barley ami w heat, also Hteam Kollnl Barley lor teamster.
Direct your tramsu-rs to the lower warehea. Me guarantee you a s.Uar deal.
R. F. HYND. Manaocr.
A Nareew Cseaae.
Ttiankfol eorJs wtillen l y Mr. AJa
E. Marl, of Uroloe, M. D., "Waa Ukea
tth a bet eU which setiUl my
unk-, euab el In ami finally lertnl
aale.l la enoeoititina. FoO' iloolois
itave m np sm ng 1 exmltl live hut a
Mioit lima. I gate tuiseir ap lu my
We are reeelliif New Invoice ol Oondi almost eerr dsy. Our Rapidly
Oitr Stntlonory
I Complete
w,a lrsr ulv xtm a osl
Slocum Drug Co.
1 of ire.!n. (r th ( ."nit; ol Slorrow,
Matilda stflt, llaintllt,
Harriet MrtM, (Wfetidant,
In Martlet Ptrfrt. delendallt
la the aamaof the slaw ot " yo are
hervh? r.iulrd to aplwr and answer the nw
plaint tied saalital yu In the aU" ,Milifl
MMirt ari.l ami on or iteiore ine mm oar w it
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
.1ml iwn the, entire ivorht
lib y fnea.le t ertt. I wouU Meet , t r. Ut am ihre.d piamuil 11 ap 'SS I flC Old r IfrCIKn VCC1",..
any atmHil onee aboee. My busUnJ w.s ply h p.tm in piaimia the im in
. I . ". 1 v. v. -... lewot the H ul s.ll. y 'A k 11 H
Hi (insiiniilKi. roaahe aei fold. I , aid ns..ri,ir piaiifr 10 ro ilii w.
a II a trial look I alt I.M holtlee. " b ew "- a..i i.,r aura twr
Il bM lsraJ 4 ibahk (M 1 ea, 1 J , W M,
ar,.. aod po a well anl healthy wo- j any U r I'll
l-,ti!,a lea al C J. Mln. TMs sumnwt.s is r-n-lube.1 l.t otd.rlj J.it
lal .lMtrt.4 o Or
iw. i'rtk,.n
On draught at
all popular saloons
W Wt"?f" 9t.,rfrt'a,g
Mefchabtt lofll