OFFICIAL sENiwv Advertisers If you have bargains to offer, announce it through the columns of the PAPER I Subscribers The Gazette will contain the latest telegraphic news FnLlhe Seatjaf i;ar. , or ft SIXTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE, PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays . BY TIE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. CORUES MERRiTT, Editor and Bus. Man, A S.O) per year, tl.00 for six months, 50 ota. tor three mnucna, striotly in advanc . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. . Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THIB PAPKB is kept on Ale at E. C. Uake'a Aft llANtliiinta Exchange, 8an Fraiicieoo, California, where oou raota for advertising oan be made for it. a, Advertising Agenoy. tH and LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTX8 . ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, San Franeisoo, Is onr authorized agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. --local card. Train leaves Heppner 9.30 p. in. daily exoept Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction VifXt a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 3:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:1)0 a m Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 200 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Uina'illa 8:50 p. m. , Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives 6t Umatilla SOOa. m. and Heppner Junction 7.-00 , -m. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. t Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at Omatilla 1:80 a. m. ast Mail No. 1 leaves Umati'la 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at x oruana t a. m. For farther information inquire of J. C, Hart, Agent (J. H & N., Heppner, Ore. OrPIOIAL DiaBSTOBTT. United States Officials. Pimident William McKiuley Vice President tiarret A. Hobart eeoretary of State W. R. uny gacretaryof Treasury Lyman J. Oage Hecretary of Interior .Cornelius N. Bliss Heoreiary of War ...Russell v. Alger 8 "reury of Navy John D. Long Io timwter-fleneral Charles Kmery Smith Avoriey-lioueral John W. Griggs toistary f Agnonltare James Wilson State of Oregon. Wo ernor........ w. P. Lord 8 so ntaryof State H. K. Kinoaid TreiHiirer..... PMl. Meteohan Bipt. Publio Instruction . M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman delator. G. W.MoBnde iJoonressiiien jh's. gjTon,t,le Pnntr .'.w. H!Leed ( R. 8. Bean, etxipraine Judges F, A. Moore, . C. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. 1 -onit Judge Stephen i Lowell P ostcur.inir Attorney.... H. J. bean Morrow County Officials. J int Benator. J, W. Morrow 1 eprsenlative. K. L. Freeland nanty Judge A. Q. Bartholomew nommitteionera . R, Howard J. W. Beckett. Olerk Hheriff , Vawter Crawford ...K. L. Matlock ...!A. Lichtei thal ..... i. F. Wiiiis ....Julius Knithlr Treasurer Surveyor School Suo't ..... .Jay W. Shinley Coroner Dr. E. R, Hunlock HKrpNiB Town Mayor Thoa. Morgan fV.itt.ntl.,,, V T UIutHm t Lichtenthal, J. R, Simons, J. J, Roberts, i. w! Rasmus and K. U. Soerry. It uoriier W. A. lltnlmrflrtnn Treasurer L. W. Brigsa Maralial John ilager Precinct Officers. Justice of the Peace W. K, Kiohardaoo tin.tatile U. 8. Oray rmtd Statm Land Otlicnra. TBI DALL18. OB. ). V. Moors Register A. M. Higgs Itaosiver K. W. Bart ten Rs;Utor J.n. itobbitts Heoeiver LA OBAKDB. OB. 9BORBT OCIETIZ. 11AWUN8 POST, NO. II. O. A. B. wota at H. ppiisr. Or., tin third Saturday of rnnnin. vsMnus ars invited to Join. W. W.fmith. O W.Bas, Adjutant. tf (Vwimandor. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offioe boart, 8 to 10 ro , an J 12 io 3 p. m., tl realdeoce, W. A. Kirk's prop erty, east of M. K chnrrb, 8outb, and 10 to 12, , ro , to 2 to 5 p. ru., t oflio iu lb rear of Bnrri jwlry atore. C. E. Redfield, Attorney at Law, Offiot In tb- First National Back Bmldlog, IIirrsBB, : : Obioom. tf Ellis 8c Phelps, TT0RISEYS AT LAW. All buslnMs attsndait to In a prompt and , sstldaruirj Btannsr. Notarlc Cuiilic and Col l tors. Otfka In Naftar tulldlaa. Hsppaar, Or, D. E. GILMAN, General Collector rnt ymir nlil bnoka a4 notos In bta hsfi'ia and gst your mmy (Mil hm Mah a c.laUy n bard eoilsrtSona. Office la J, N. Brow n't liuil.lina. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. oiet council CMAMtiaa Pita sn.1 tmrs rai rnla hmsa, waa, 4a pnixsvstwtng and lit f ti nf way tn hta Una, at n.on..l f.g u. Mathews &. Gentry, BAIlBCnS C It tyf f 15 Www I.I V I S UoS) la ikawa nntk of tai.nct Gibson 8c Berger, At casa JoW Otd aw.. Hlinvin. - 15 Ct. UalrCuttirta;. - M? " hht, 'J-V. Kverythingf rit h Fir! rirt-. OPEN To MOTHERS. W. ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA" AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. ' DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts, was uuymuwr oj vAoiuniA, the same that nas oorneana aoes now bear the fac-simile signature ' of 1- T lnis is tneorigmal "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought 7? r - on the and has the signature of CZ9& wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. K Fletcher is President March 24, 1898. ? ' . . Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child hy accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. 1L i . ' lhe Kind Ton Have Always Bought" Insist on Having The Kind That Fever ; Failed You. th cnnn, tt ussay stmit. new vena err WHITE COLLAR LINE ia River and Pupt Sound Navktioo Co Mm TFXErilONE, BAILEY - . i i w,lu 'woo cteamerg and rail- Mad;.l.o t YonnK'rw1tb6eiwb0r,R5ilroad.. " T 3t3 Ij JES X XX O IW 33 Leave. Portland 7 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leave. A.tori. J P. M. Daily, 8und. V.IIj3E1Y aAT"ZT!TJ nr. O cl n V TVT Leavea Portland and run. direct to Ilwara. Tuesdav and Thnn.i.. a u 0 Leave. Ilwaco Wedneaday and KyTK MOa'SnV.V. P.'i." 1 P M Baggage Checked to Ratlro&i Destinatioa Bolb Mes Fre of EiptDse. The CALIFORNIA Lodging House BEOS 25 and 60 Cants. GEO. C. ROME, Prop. Next door to Opera House. G. B, HATT, Tonsorial Artist, Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Corner, IS Cants 25 " Happier, Oregon. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAOO. ILL.. Half blnr k wast of the Cnloo fWpot of C. A y., c. m. m. p , r. a . P. ft w. a c.. and the C. . U P. KaJiroads, MA.TlCa su.oo tKM DAY r. W. M.ln and t llnUm Htt,, NURSERIES, R. H. WCBCR, Prap. tlronsf and taawr la Fralt, Shaela ana Ornamental Traea, Graaa Vlnas aaa Small fmlta. Our Trt'o aro (Jrown With out Irrigation. tNO fOlt CATALOdyC. First National Bank OK IIU'l'NKU C. A. Wm t a, T. A. Hut A, raaiaant Vita rVaelSent Ce.Kl.r Aaa't Caenier GtO. W CoNtin, w. srcNCCN, Truo-U 1 GfaenI tmXltt hct. KXCI-J ANGE all 's W 1 1. woilJ Bought und Sold. Cotiaviie smAs as ail Ma4 rH.s Thm luryl'41 tt4 !i1irn'f. ff.6 HEPPNER, MORROW LETTER (2LJ&jlrg-j on every . ' ' . - wrapper. GATZKRT AND OCEAN WAVE. TTTT A m THE TAX ON BtNK CHKCK. WUI Largely Iarease the Drnend for Cask ' la Beaters. Mr. TbomaaO. Sherman, inya lhe Phil aeipnia Keoord, io a oofDtrjnuioati,)Q to tDeraiew York HeraU, teifnr-i the pre- aictioo tbat tbe Iriflmg tai of 2 eeota acb upon batik obeok whioh baa bn impoeed ly Iba oea revanae law ill peaany raealt la stopping Iba d?e..p. ment of bank dapoaili in rural dietricta. will leal to almo.l ooivenial paymot of ami under '120 ' Io manny lo.irad of obeoka,and will tbda inareaaa the da. mind for actoal money ioaiel of chnski Io Iba extent of 830,OOO.O W every d. Mr. Bbermaa's pradiction will bo doubt bainKreal m aware veri8d. The pay. ment of money by cbacki Is a great 0 in tenlenoa; bot if s tai ba pot upon tbe oonvenienoe, Iba tat will ba lamalv evaded. Tba per oaDila of mona i n.. wooldbavs to ba largely lir money passed from bead t-i bead In avery transaction. Tbsbabitof paying lo ready money obtsios Io Fraooa, and Ibis aeooaats for tht btevy Dar e.nii. eircnlatioa lo tbat country. Every man oomprlled to make a bank out of bis own pockets. flraty af I'awtikS Ua4 Mai Praebt, wba ia tbe Orgoe epMal agent lor tba United Hlales Isod office, od abo takes trips all over tbe elate 0 porsosees of bie ofBilal datlea. tare tbere era over S, aare. of sgrienl toral land aa 1 ,000.000 aorae of l.mUt lnJt let opea for ettlemtt. tit. da ooaeist ia pf ! enmloalioo of eaatMt eaaa aod be travel. a Ibe Ora. goa City, Roasbarg, Tba Dallaa, tkm and Bares d at riot e, abirb sail biia to 1'ia most ramots aoreer. of taa auw aevera tite a ar. A greet deal of lead y opa fr et tlemanl is beev!y ttaabsra-t, r.a. f,m market, and tbers ars several aies b nte stskls 10 lbs N.balai valley a is ,b. doasd by settlers wa w.oi ia lb ia-bt fears sro la cipMlaltna of lbs Aa- wna-'iioi f oal.- I(a.birg 1 dealer. Msts l'eat k.4s When yea feJ tired, laagitt.1, aerv. eaa, aad ars IronbM witb ptmplae ao. nf.ii.a, yo aill t, H,m4 , aills is.u tear ae,U. f, pertfips sad wtrtrh ibe t.lwxl aad I. M'UUHIUa.paliti-. MU M4 tbsaafves an t arteb I!m 4a.e. Urn. i tares all bll bar-re. IScwd'e I iJ I Mr eMk kaa-lasiM.a e, UltQiim is I s! livtf JUi, jVtf t y, COUNTY, OREGON, GERMAN Insnts-at 5eraaii:irsliip DEWEY HAS SHOWN HIS HAND Upon the Appearance of the Concord and Raleigh the Irene Slips Her Cable and Beats a Hasty Retreat. Washington, July 13, The navy department has received this dis patch: "Agninaldo informed me that hia troops had taken all the Subig bay porta except the Isla Grande, which they were prevented from taking by the Germau maD-of-war Irene. On July 7th the Raleigh and Concord went there; they took the island and about 3,000 men, with arms and ammunition. There waB no resistance. Tim Irene re tired from the bay on their arrival I shall send the Boston to help Aguinaldo. It is not practicable to send to Guam. No troop ves sels are available. " Dewey." The administration is very muoh pleased with the readiness shown by tbe admiral in 1 meeting the grave issue presented td him at ouDig buy, as ,he did. . Naval of- beers, too, were not a little erati- uea at me speedy retirement of the uerman cruiser Irene, after tbe appearance of the Raleigh and concord. A comparison of theshi that the Irene was much superior a.-.a.l as .a 10 euner or tnese two American vessels and in tonnage whs almost as large as the Kaleigh and ('on cord together. From this, it is in. ferred that the retirement of the Irene was for motives of general policy, rather than from aoy dis. position to try conclusions with the two Amerioan ships. In armor, tbe German1 ahio was much strong er than the Americans, but iu guns the Americans had the advantage. ia oinciai quarters nere there appears to be no disposition to look opon tb action of tbe Irene as a menace which will require explanation. It was thought at first tbat this outward show of force on the part of tha Oftrman hips might lead to an inquiry by this government aa tn tha nnnmu of Germany. Thus far, however, mere is no disposition to make such inquiry or to attach much ira portance to. tba incident rABTiccLAiia or tbe affair. Manila. July i, vis Hong Kong, July 1& The insurgents, on Wed nesday, July Cth, reported that tbe German cruiser Irene, ia 8ubig bay, refused to porrnit them to attack the Soaniards island. Hear Admiral !) promptly disimtched the ltaliVi, and Ouuonrd to invi.afii-Hi it,. matter. On en tor mi Kafiirr hi. th. Uateigh openwl fjre on the fort, whereupon the Ireui alippm her cabin and ateainnd out by the other channel. The n aolt of the fir of the Americao warship wag tbat tbe Hraniard. over 500 men. aurrendnrel aver. thing. ' On retarnior lit Man!!. H, Irene eiDlainrxt that ah ln. fered "io tbe inWoat of humanity," and offer! to hand over to tha Americana th refoowa aha hat board. Admiral Dawer h as it a. clinnd to accept them. flrtvfroof.(ipneral Aofftiatin he. iuei a prrar'anutiori frtMiina to grant autonomv I lh tul ofT.fjng tlm insnrcniita indrjotv. fients to i.iln the Hniitiiai, t, eneral AgainaUi. thai inatir'i'1,1 leader, in H reply, sai l th nvrr. tora of Hi fi.sniah romiL.iwIrr cam too late. nla.fc sj.aaivs Tate a Me4 raviaTsHs J bars Ibat las Briltefc werel.lpsi pv M ae Ibis aaoralag t bast 4wa N.aasb pvivas.tlmt are ftw Uing giMaal N eanre slt .a ebtps fmm ike Klnalifca. A aeon of )M a,it a are mw SMoaia hrm liewea bs ng on Ut J r&s.Jrat ft trstsrt. FRIDAY. JULyI Irsse Intimidates Ike Islalrasl A FBJttlCHMAN'8 OPINIO.V. Unequalled in the World a. a Body of 80I ! dlera AggrrseJve, Kager and Obedient. Washington, Jnly 12.-Mjor De Grandprey, military ' nltaobee of the French embassy, has jaat returned from the Amerioan headquarters near Santia go, where he has been observing, for his Kovernment, the progress of Ibe military operation. Ue paid a glowing tribute to the ability of our soldiers. "I have the most complete admiration for your men," .aid Major De Grandprey to an Associated Pre.s reporter today. "They are a soperb body, individually, and as an army, and I snppo.e tbat not throughout tbe world ia there suoh a splendid lot of fighting men. They are aggressive, eager tor action, never need ing tbe voice of offloers to push them forward. "Another marked oharaoteristio ia tha self-rellanoe of eaoh man, what I call tbe character of 'initiative'. It ia almoel nn V IT. . uvwu uurupeau armies, wners every movement and move, to meet eaoh so- tion of the enemy, await, ibe initiative of Ibe offioars. The Spanish troops do not bave this same characteristic . They are more passive, more oautloos." A in rr Iran Conrase Kraprrtrd. London, Jnly 9. The great victory of Admiral Sampson's fleet has firmly oon vinoed the great powers of Europe that the American navy is far greater in actual force than Ibe powers oredit its theoretical strength. Hneers at tbe Amerioan navy and army bavs given piaoe to commanding respect. Tbe cowardice of tbe French crew In La Bourgogne disaster makes France's situation pitiable and humiliating. After lbs attitude of Ibe press snd tbs people in lbs present war there is no fear of any great power trying lo rob Ibe United Htales of the finite of its elctory. Tbs foreign powers may eipeot tbs eon oeesiou of naval stations io tbe rbllip pines, but tbers will probably not be a word of prolr at If tvrn Ibis ia refused. Havaaa a l'likl Havana, July II. -Tbe situation is beaomisg daspsrats hers. The rarnlar soldiers ars di.gnated with tbs manner ia whioh favors ars sho warait nn II.- volunteers by tbs antoeomiat govsra ment sod are tired of lllanm'a ank.nt pmtnlses. Tbs saa ennilones to ds CelVS tbS public Sod Drial crnal.ia. a.. Holes of great victory of Cervara's iei. rood Is galling vary iaeres. and la many so barbs ooly sweat potaloas ra- maia. Many of lbs largaat .lores bavs elowsd their doors and Ills qnlts prob abls that Hot will 1, Irmas when tbs truth frr,m HanUaa.t sad M.ail t. kooe. Sseetab V.aaMs Raf.d. WasBiNoros, Jnly 9. -a rabls dis patch rsealved from Admiral rtimpaoo atstM tbat tbrss of Carter.'. warshtM may bs saved. Tbs Ortetobsl Oolsa ia aoBsidorad ia good eoadillna. aad it.. Infeeta Maria Tersss sad Vl.aaya may bs saved alas. rielag Nssm. If sal, Iralv, Jsly 9-.Tb'Sar.r the npmbh torpclo-boat datroyert raaeb ad this plana from fort Said aa toe way to Mpala. A dfpaleb from Uda aays thai lbs ( na tron bavs pevmUsla to taks ial eaotigb lo I set la dev. lo of-W that lbs ahlDS nav i.ul, aa.- Arable. rawsmaM t-eaM. ltt.SIII,Jsly II.-II IS iaaartad la.l ihs taitod Rialas wakes lbs folana deraaads as an, I, Items 4 paeS I rirl-Tb , aasNsMna f Uaha a.l torli karo, a lib a t la IW Can ansa. Hewad-Aa la laeaally rf lu ijmfm. (A bust tMftnjm ) Tbird-Ths M,tka t lU lbip. Pas as s -sste f tbs patmast af tbs Indemaity, Tl Utm f!d l( tmpoftj- 1898. State News. Albany suffered the 7th Inst. a $10,000 Are the morning of Lake county .heepmen report an Increase in their flocks of over 100 per cent. Dunn Broa., of Condon, have recently import ed a kennel of full blooded hounda, which they will use for coyote killing. Two thousand tobacco plauta have been put ont oh the railroad farm at Blalock. They were trangfered trom the Pendleton hot-beda. J. H. WJlaon, populist, and S. L. Payne, re publican, tied for the aaaesaorship ofMalhm.r county, lhey drew Btrawa and Wilson won. Portland has now a iaw providing a penalty for spitting on the aidewalk. and floors of pub 110 places. The law i. to be strictly enforced uuuer me new administration of the eity. The Native Son. of Oregon, aa a hnrtV. ha. rtt.. aolved. A radical change In the organization necessitated it. disbandment. Its reorganiza' lion will take place In Portianri in ti.M. luiure. Judge Sparrow, say. the Harnev Nrw. havino quaUfled for office last week( entered upon the duties Incumbent on conntv indtra nn wHn. day. It is our opinion that the people are going m Mr. csparrow a man who will put the oounty finances on a aound businet. basia. John ChlUls. 16 year. old. belt in the Oregon Lumber company's mill at Baker City, Friday, and whirled with terrific force until he .truck a beam, when he fell to the floor. Child', clothing was torn from his body. He waa gashed in the forehead and bruised In the lega and arma. Otherwiae he waa not injured. Rev. Joseph S. White, pastor of fit. Jn.nh'V Catholic church of Salem, died the morning of the llsh Inst., ged 46, hi. ailment being tu berculosis. Father White was emwAllniyiv ann ular, both in and out of hi. church, and teoog nized as a gentleman of deep knowledge and eaucauon, a general feeling of vailea tbe entire state. aorrow per- A section of Oregon apruce tree, eleven feot tn diameter and two feet thick waa made re cently from a huge tree on the Nechantcum river, whioh empties Into the Paolflo ocean, Juat below Sttaslde in Clataop county. It will be aent to the Omaha expoaltion to let the world aee with ita own eyea what kind of treea grow in Oregon. . Preaton HufTman, a 14-year-old Portland boy was awept over Eagle creek falla, 38 miles from Portland, and drowned on Saturday. He waa crossing the creek on a log when he slipped and fell In the water, whioh carried him over the falla before help could reach him. It took nearly an hour for hi. friend, to recover the body, which they placed upon a litter made of tree branche., and conveyed It to the home of the dead boy', father, Samuel Huffman. Wallowa county ba. only 5,600 population, of whom 1,200 are voter., bot It will Mil 200,000 worth of shoep and wool this season, and the mill at Joseph has for the past four month, been shipping 500 barrela of flour a month to notig Kong, and the ateamer leaving Portland Will take 1XO0 barrela. tt I. ..' " me railroad, SO wiles, si AO uviii. a uarrei, ana return loads of merchandise are furnished frelghtera at 50 cents to l per too pounds, according to condition of roads. We are glad to be able to announce that Tip. ton Bothora' father waa discovered by a search party In time to save his Hie. We are told that he 1. a man so year, of age; was on the desert, alone. In care of sheep; that when found be waa on tne sands In a helpless oondltlon from lack of water ami food, but was found In Urns to preserve his life. He I. now at The Burn. In careful hands. We learn theold man was bring ing aheep across the desert, having started with them from one of the weetrn cmintlei; that a traveler crossing tha desert on arrival In Burns reported havli v seen sheep astrv on tha dH.rt and hi. fruitless looking about for a. hepherd; ma cero. Upton, knowing his father had itarted with tUiap, left with other, forth, soena with above result. At AO rear, old a humane world aaya let the man rest from toll.-Harnef News. There wu. quits a sensation hers Saturday evening, July th, when Marshal Pound re. celved a message to arrest a couple that came tn eammay, it was a young man by the name of Paul Crandall and another man', wife by the name of Mm. Mary Welch. After arresting them, while lhe lady waa dressing In her room. she took lhe content, of a Untie of laudum. un beknown to any one. The marshal took them to the jail and locked them up. In about an hour tits ynukg man began to ream for h.ln and the doctor was called and told what hut been done, When the lady was moved to th. dia-tor. offlt and by the niitlrlng ettort ol the dortoraod a number of gen Hainan, br about two hours of bard work tbe lady wsa brouaht to oonsilousnass. The bin bend arrived on tha train and .taking rare of his wife, while the young men was given an opportunity lo leave town, which ensure he Improved by hilling the ruai. A. usual there Is Iwo (Idas to the eanee ol family trouble, we will nut recite lhe lacls In uiecese.-Arlington Review, kkmUTOK A WlaXK. Tbs Meaassr Drives as Iks Rseka He lew Ike few ad re. UovaaviLLB. Or., July l'J-Tha sUamsr It 'a tor was wrsoked on tbs rookf jasl below tbs Caaoe los, wbils st tsm4iog to snter lbs tovsrninsnt looks. Hbs bsd 00 board 160 pseseogars aad a large amount of freight, ioalodleg some tsams. Tbs passenger, aad moel of lha Ireigbt were UsJe.1 la safety on tbs Ore gon sbors. Tbs passengers vers seal to Ibelr daa- lloalioo vis lbs O, It. A N., Ibroagb arrangements mads by lbs slsamboat oempaay. Owing to a bigb wlad Ibe boat was drltea from its regalar sbaaaal lata tbe rapHe, a bleb at tbla plal ars tery dan gerous, fbs lias sohro.fg) ap to bar eteteroom wlsdows. bat sea bs raJaa.t Hb lulls loss, aalass Uukea Is piasas by lbs bigb winds blowing Tbs orew deserves great ersdil for laadtag sll tbs Masaagavs ia Safety. Tags ars sipesied ap from 1'orilsod io tbs ttiorslng to ocarueose rstelog lbs Ua nef. Tea lag t Ika Blaaa w , Jatf 11-1 U. gMft laisal twIisviBff that tbsvs Is as taitbar danger frosa aay tA tha flpanisb flasts, baa atdwed tbs aloes Uk.a ap from all tbs nvsrs tai harbor la the UelM Stales " Sswwale SHI rsarsrata. ilWf.t' M'l eu!'' , r II U M V r'l ( ... 1.. 'l,;4.. NO. 666 PAGtJE'S CHOP BULLETIN. The Hay Crop Thronghont the State Cnt- , Harvesting Well Under Way. ' Tbe following was the report bf B. 8. Pague, Oregon director of the United States meteorologioal bureau , for the week ending July II: ' Haying has been in progress' during tne week in ail sections of the state. The weather has been ideal and the greater portion of the hsy bos been out: bv the close of the ourrent week , praotioally ail me nay win be secured. Considerably more hay is being baled for shipment than in former years. The hav omn i. larger and better than usual. Harvesting bf fall sown wheat bus oommenoed, and the coming week will find tbe fall sown grain harvest well ad vanced, exoept over the plateau region. Harvesting of oats, barley and rye is in progress in some seotions, and will be come general tbe oomiog week. Spring sown wbeat is making a good and rapid growth. Many oorresDondant. ara nf the opinion that spring sown wheat will make as good a orop as tbe fall sown. The wbeat already harveatad ha. a plump berry, the beads are larse and well ; fllled. Wheat aphis is reported from many sections west of tbeOaso,1fiB. but damage from it is not expected. lhernea continue to ba Dleotifnl. Early peaohes are ripening raoidlv and are being shipped in large quantities. . Tbe first ripe peaches this year came from about Blalock, Gilliam connly, in the Columbia river vll Th. .nu . -j uo aat.iv prospects continue to be excellent; all reports Indioats that the trees are filled to overbearing, and more hand pruning will have to be done. The summer weather conditions have set in. From now until autumn, when tha first winter type appears, the Weather will be more likely fair than rainy; sbowsrs prodneed by lhe great mass of moisture-ladeo air, unving from the ocean on tba sontbweet Bnd oooliog Ibe air over lbs land, may occasionally 00 our. These maaea of air, called areas of baromatrio pressure, move at Irregular Intervals, usually, however,' at Intervals of lix days. Bain is also probable from thnnder storms; suoh ooour moreover tha plateau region than elsewhere. Rain from storm areas will not ooour uotil autumn. IA.TIHN Oil BOON. Tbe mean temperature for lbs week averaged 71 degrees, wbioh la sight higher than the preoediug week snd even higher than for tbs corresponding week of last year. Tba highest temper atnrafor lbs week was 102, Hunday, in tba Columbia river valley ; io this valley tbe maximum temperature for lha week averaged 90, while over tha plateau re region it averaged 83, Hatnrday thnn der storms occurred, giving from .02 to .10 of aa Innb of rain. The harvest of (all sown wheat baa eommenoed, with yield fully op to tbs moat taogolos expectations; the berry is unusually large and plump. , Tba warm weatber bas caused the fall sown grain to ripen rapldly. Tbs bot; dry wsatbsr liss not besa favorable to lbs spring own and volanteer wheat, though no Injury baa so far re.ulled. Oats and barlsy ars ' ripening rapidly. Tba Lay harvest bss been solivs snd sxoellont crops obtained. Tbs (all aowo grain is bow heyoud Injury; tbs spring sows can bs only stigbtly Injured, and tbat from bot northerly winds. Fruit notilioute to promiVe large ie!le. Karlv pesobe are ripening, and ara being shipped. Apples, prunes, pears, sic, continue lo promise largs yields. Tbers srs no sdveraai reports concern ing any prod sets, bnt all aa moat favor able, and a saoneaslal harvest appetra to bsaasored. In Mllliaae a seas, Urn buy, try, and buy agiin, it rnrana the al..i.. ' ho m,pla of the I to! -d M.ln are now l.ii) mg ( aarrta tart'ly Catharltr at lha rale of Iwo nullum J"11"1 er and It will I ll,r.-a million la hit N.w Yrar'e. It meana tortil provnl. that ( a atria .re the tml klilitful la J rvu!ai..r for evrrUxlv tl. var round. All drupels liar, i, Jm a bus, t nte guarmuleed. ttabbvg Ike lira v.. A sUrlllng iix-ideat of whieb Mr, John (tlivarof i'biladslpbia, was th siiIiJm! t. Is aarraM by bim as follows; "I waa ia ni'iet drsadfnl ruadilioa. My skin waa almost yellow, eyes enakea, tongiia aoatsd, paa aoaUaoaJly ia bark and uleS, aa sppelits-gradoelly (ruslog weaker day by day, Ibres phykiat.i bad givsa laa ap. Fortunately, a friend a-lvlss. trying 'Mectr IlilUis,' aad t ay great oy and sarrww, tbs Ural bottle iaa.U a derided Improvemaal, 1 Stisttased tb4r oss for threw weeks, aad aw I am well mart. I know they saved my tits so l fobhe-l tbs gfavs of efcrthe aioi " Ma oss about I Uil .i Iff lhu). Oalr per b tii at K i M f'lm'l df'if 1 ora, - - POWDER Absolutely Pure