Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 12, 1898, Image 3

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A Grateful Mother Write thlt Letter
Telli all about Her Troubles when
Baby Broke out with Scrofula Sores.
MAt the age of two months, my baby
began to have sores break out on his right
cheek. We used all the external ap
plications that we could think or hear of,
to no avail. The sores spread ail over one
aide of his face. We consulted a physi
cian and tried his medicine, and in a week
the sore was gone. But to my surprise in
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when he was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I also took Hood's
Sareaparilla, and before the first bottle
was finished, the sores were well and have
never returned. He is now four years old,
but he has never had anv sisn of t.hn.a
scrofulous sores since he was cured by
noon's sarsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mrs. S. S. Wboten, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood s.
Hnnri'e Dillc are PfomP'. efficient and
I1UOU S flUS easy in eflect. 25 cents.
in . y i"' m' ' P- m- Sunday school
Kntn-h tCilR98M "d a at 12:10 p. m
ftpworth League Devotional meeting at 7 t. m
Prayer meeting, Thursday. 7 p. m. P
- .x ..ii v urme any, (iomfc"
i,.r...:- Vu T ' i 1"U v " parsonage ad.
joining the ohurch. whern ho will v, ,a
SfTii "y w. m?y- to ?nnlt Tiiin on
or any oTheT aubj: "i"oropnl0- acational,
J. W. JfTiEBHEH, Minister.
day" "dpy h001, 3 p- m- EPwrth league, Frl-
"Let us forsake not the assembling of our
selves toother." 8
raster's residence in parsonage, next door to
chureh- ' C. K. Howard,
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
i , Vn,uPr,ftyer meeU'Hf Thursday even
lug at 7:00. Choir practloe Saturday evening
at the church. . K. L. Shelly.
The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at o'clock, p. m., on tho first
eduesday o! each month, at the home oi Mrs.
T. i. Matlock
We sail away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not
And we'll leave behind the girls we love, cries
the Oregon volunteer.
With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old Glory in
the sky,
But ere we pass we'll drain a glass, of Sperry's
Mn wood rye.
Bold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. Q.
Sperry, proprietor. jf
Local Notes.
See M. Liclitentbal & Co. for shoes, a
Ge . Wills it eojonrninjr in Portland.
Bob Dexter is down from the reserva
T. n.n...n.n r i
Jrry lirossinan, of Lena preomot, was
i i town Saturday.
I'd Bartholomew and Cbet Paroell
have returned from Mootaua.
QuinDrsse't famous old "Dublin
Stool," imported, at Chris Borohers,
Geo. C.Rone is fitting np a fruit and
o mfeotiooery stand a few doors north of
the postnfflos.
Pallets remedy for extraction teetb.
If not si slated, no charges. Try Dr.
Vaugbao's new plan. 604-if.
If you nl something for your system
oall at the 'Pbooe Tbe Telephone sa
loon, City hotel building. tf
Miss lirowo, daughter of Walter
Brosrn, of Canyon City, has returned
home much improved in health.
Best aooommodatioD and courteous
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. Sti., Portland, Oregoo.
Bring your bides, pelts and furs to
Bo. Uetbewe, at lbs Liberty Meat
Market. Be pays highest market prioe.
Roowltoo't Big Four it do mora. la
Ltxiogtoo they met their "Waterloo".
Tba majority of tbe eompaov are strand
ed in our town.
Cba. Baroetl, of Lexioaloo, starts
Monday morning for an extended trip
throughout the ooooly io tba interest of
bis piotars boaionea.
E. O. Noble A Co, are rustlers after
bntioeie. The fliaat tadillt and bar.
dmi to be found in Happoer. Km tbrir
oaw ad io this (tana. If.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Coorter, of Eight
Mils, made at a pleneot call 8tardiy
afteroooo. Tbey txpreat tbtmtelvet aa
being thoroughly tat is fled with Oregon
aa tblr horn.
Cliot Moors, an old-lime friend aod
well koowo aa a Helen hotel into, paaaed
through tow a Hat or Jay at bniineae man
agar of tba Himtrt Family Musical and
Comedy company.
Dr. John W. Kaaroiia, or the "Hed
light," am on tba ekrl for tomntbing
saw, eao fartilsb yon tba fineal rirk-
Varmoothor Gin made by aa artist Io
ids D nil east. Drop in
bat! ease.
and take the
taata out of yoor month.
AMaro, Orrgon.
Joly 1, m.
Mr. Frank Merar'and, Agtot for tba
E'juitibls Ufa InaaraneaCo.
Dear Hir.
I laka tbla tnstbod of eicrataiof my
ainevra Ihaakt li iba Fqaltabla Life
Inaareore Co , N.w Tork. f. Ha v.ry
... . . .u.w.,u
prompt pat meat no twiHry Nn. 4JfH
vTwHilfl piinm nu lJ'ii-. fin, " I . i
amoqotlng la fait to li'sin, on tl a lil
rf my ls dd bbnd. Marry M.
Clay. Tt i fw.f of dalh firanld
from Arllr.ft.ie, (Jrgnu, about Jane li b
and the draft rturrd by Baail ro
N.w Y-rk dated Jm,m 21, . H. rh
ptltplr is Poii,inn,.llilr. a t I f
rxtr(i. iba r tiUMt l.ifs aa tiaf a
asiMfMMy .uiiH f l.i 4mI ailb
Vas kvofvotfelly,
(hita Cut
- -t
rifl f f JfT-I ' ' 1 laOga r l-.fit. LeOrau W, Iaks-
rr.1 K.- m. .4 f , ......... ......
r mTTn FTX JY' ' N f ! IL Ctf-'fllar as L K tt la t
Pres Thompson hss regained bis usual
Prof. A. Hodson has gune to the me
tropolis. For a flrsl-olast Sunday dinner try tbe
Cafe Royal.
The thermometer registered 100 deg.
in tbe sbade yesterday.
Ed. Hunt, of Clark's oaoyon, oame to
town with wool Sunday.
Tbe little child of Mr. and Mrs. Sny
der is reported as improving.
Liohtenlbal & Co. for shoes. Exolnsive
shoe store. Handles the best. 83tf
Harry Bartholomew, the Butter Creek
sheepman, was on our streets SitiKdny.
Statements for the Famous Simple
Acoount File printed at the Gazette of
fioe. tf.
W. W. Peroivnl, the Independence
sbeepbuyer, is Btill in this oommuuity
ouying sheep.
Emmet Coobran, of Monument, and
W. O. Royal, of Hardman, are registered
at tbe Palaoe.
Dr. J. W. Vogel, gppoialist for refrac
tion and depots of tbe eyp, will be here
every three months. 648-lyr
"Co'n juice" is all right but Low Til
lard has a brand of 14-year old (roods
that is bard to beat. 603 -If.
Ralph Binge made AdbI proof on his
homestead Satnrday bufnre Clerk Craw
ford, with Eph Eskelson aqd Jaoob
Earnut ns witnesses.
An Oregon boy on board the hattln-
sbip Oregon writes bnme that tbe boys
have named the vessel the "Irish battle
ship, the O'Ragnn '. .
The Gazette oarrips a fall stock of
mourning note, correspondence style,
with envelopes to match. Those desirino
such stationery oan have their wants
supplied at this office. tf.
James Hart oan be resolied bv corr-
pondenoe if addressed Dayton, Wash.,
where he will be detaind several davs
on important business (?) .
Od Satnrday, before Clerk Crawford.
John Kilkenny mad i flmil proof on his
Homestead. Barney P. Dohertv and
Jerry BrBnson were his witnesses.
Cattle thieves are reported to be
operating In vioinity of Douglas, in the
nortbern part or the county. Messrs
Travadson and R .bert Sayer lost several
George Thornton has been makina ex
tensive preparation f'r a proton go 1 stay
in tbe mountains in the vim'uitv of "tv
taddle." He leaves tomorrow night with
his f imily.
Did jou Sfe the footrace between Geo.
8waggart and Tom Davidson ? " Tom
" took a tumble," a few jumps from the
soratob. George "run it out," settling a
difference of opinion.
For Constipation take Karl't Clover
Tea, the great Blood Purifier, enret
A"B ,n8 "rea oiooa runtler, cures
u iu .
beadaohes, Nervousness, Eruplions on
tbe faoe, and maket tbo bead as clear as
a bell. Sold by ConserA Warren, x
8. P. Hlmtt, recent manager of tbe
Condon Globe, and a brother of Editor
E. M. Sbutt, of the Timet, bis purchas
ed the Surapter News. Mr. Shutt it a
wideawak newspaperman and we predict
tor him a prosperous future.
Oat Mutlook and wife left on Satnr
day night's traiu tor Pendleton, where
tbey were summoned to the bedtideof
their too "Da" who it seriously ill. The
many friendt of "Da" anxiously await
favorable report of hit condition.
Tba war bnlletin issued from tbs
Quelle ollije from day to day bat been
discontinued for tbe present, owing to
lack of advertising ptrooge. Tba
oolumua of tbt Gazette ou j b depended
on for all importaut newt of Iba war, op
to tba hour of going press.
If you want tba latest war newt, tba
frettbett local bappeaingt, city or
oouDtry, get tbe Gazette, semi-weekly,
Tuesday and Friday. Patronage balDt
make a paper. Compare it with tboae of
other to wot tba aica of Heppt.tr aod the
Gazetia a ill not euffar thereby. if
W. O. McOarty it baring a painful
experience with eorneal ulcer of tba left
aye. Dr. McBwordt ta treatiair ila euna.
wblcb ba prouodouea a terioot tllliotioo.
Tba dootor informs at that La it also
treating Jubn Short, a reoent arrival
bera, for tba aatne tftliolloDof both eyaa.
At tba Ueppoer Caorty Faotory la she
placa to get cool, refreshing aumraer
driokt. Jat. Usrt eao furnish you milk
ausket, todo, tea cream aod a, orabge
lot, peach eidar, etc lot aream boot lit
nicely fitted op. Cum a aod try tba
Deaey flavor a new thing aod very floe,
6G1 tf
OUi Paib-rsoD, gnod chancellor of
Kninbtt of Pytbiaa, together with Mr.
McKibboo, rditur of Tba Hntor, art
Dow makibg tbsrir cfTioial viiU Ibroagh
vat tba atato. From Gobdoo Mr. I'at
teraD wnlta iba Uritilta that ltu are
good Ihera, and avartbody aatioipak-a
axcalUni erupt.
Mr W. J. Cibioer, of Spokaoa.br. tbr
1' r;" HUine ,o( HrJaju. witbaboiu ba
bat baa visiting f ir two wt, pl
ihroagb town Imi Fri ay oa bit rtoro
b'Hita A sisir, abo arrival fr..m Io
Vr. wbrt tbrsida, baa been wiib br
bro'bar dirlug Iba r.otot lllneat of bit
ifa al liar I nst, hal Dot aa a tbit
bMlarfor Iweuty-alabi ytara.
Mr. V. T. Firt.cli, foimatly a eiito
ofosrtuaa, asm ep froot Tbs Dalles
"'Jr- " "'' b'f
arrangement for aa i ouvdiste rtaoval
Hit tnmioo bera la It make
of bit bnnseb'ild elicit an I fsmily to
Hppar. Mr. Freneb will bt dalaiotd
la lot Ptilee tiniil I h first f Iba
month, uwingtu fBa uaAalsb J wo't.
We Wei tha rttiiro of Mr. Yrrtirh
il l In f .lutly 1 1 i"ir 1 1
tb I uiieil Httr ritil tnr ta
uii ii aaatniuae I list r itoniisii lis
j uy Im tskea Julr .'iIi aad tot
sxiitiit m lb i. ft; i si. ( IU su)e)ur
Igensial. rrleler nl fi-lref, al tarknia
i At mm lm l.rirtH. T).m M.lie .,.!
laUg a r l-.fit. ldrau U, Laka
Uncle Jack Morrow aod Governor
Rea started for Mo Duffy springs last
night, wbere tbey will spend a few days.
Connections are now made with tbe
Ukiah stage, whioh enables you to reach
the springs without delay. Tbe sta e
line from here tells round-trip tickets to
the springs for $11.50.
The First National bank is the looal
depository for the distribution of tbe
new documentary stamps. However)
Mr, Oonser informs us, it is an impossi
bility to kep an adequate supply on
hand. Tbe internal revenue offioe al
Portland is to besieged with orders for
stamps tbe t they seem noable to find
time for acknowledgment of orders. Mr.
Oonser has succeeded io obtaining a lim
ited supply for Bcucm-nodalion of bis
Mre. B F. Swaggert.fr rmerly of Hepp.
ner, who uow resides at Weston with her
family, bus partially finished a painting
of ths locally famous Willow Springs
fight The piolure was" exhibited in
Slate's drnir store window at Pendleton
during tbe Fourth, aod attraoted the at
tention of many people. esDedinllv old
settlers. Those who were in tbe fight
siry that it is a fairly acoarate representa
tion of thij bitter struggle with the In
dians. The historio ourral in tbe can -
on, surrounded on adjwent hill, by
hundreds of redskins, is tffdotively pic
tured. ,
We have, at last, assnranoe of a Arst-
olass mail aod passenger servioe on the
Heppner-Canyon Oity stage line. Mr.
B. F. Miller, the new proprietor, Is an
experienced and thorough stage-line man.
He bas alreidy eanipped the route with
new covered oonobes and good horses,
insuring passengers a comfortable and
quick trip to and from the railroad. A
new tinn schedule, with distaooea and
fares, bas already been issued from the
job printing department of tbe Gazette
offloe. Ihe trip bat ween .Canyon City
and Heppner will be made io 24 hours,
oonneotiog with Ihe trains.
A Conversation That Was Overheard
the Krporter.
"Well, deiit me, I'll tell you just ex
actly bow it happened. We bad, O, the
lovelif st day imaginable, and euub a de
lightful camping spot, where we ate our
dinner. Thii.k of it! I cooked two of
the largest chickens, and when we bad
finished their poor little skeletons were
all that remained. Besides, randwicbes
by tbe dwsn were 4V voured. Tbe wbat
do yoa call it runaway, kiokup, or
wbat? We bad just started down a little
knoll. Mr. 0. waa tinging "Only One
Girl in tbe Wide World for Me". We
were all soreacbiog just having a jolly
time, when that mean old horse kicked
right up in onr faces. I was so soared
bow ridioulout. Mr. C. called Mr. P. to
'catch them', and, why, I thought he
would be killed; be just caught them by
the beads, and, tbe mean things, tbey
jumped right at bim. Of course, I am
so awkward, in trying to get out of tbe
buggy wbat should I do but go sprawl
ing, right in the middle of the road.
Wbeo those miserable borset taw at
girls they came jumping right after at,
but Mr. O. got between us, aud I was
sure be would be killed. However, be
was not, and tbe horses got away. Then
we began to realize that weweieten
miles from home. Mr. then began to
tremblo. We just laughed and began
onr weary homeward m-rch. I bad been
over tbe route tbreo timet, and as the
boy i bad p iid do atten ioo to tbe faucet
goiog ont tbey declared tbey did not
know wbiob way to go. Wa floally
reaohed two ooraert that looked just
alike, one goiog np and tha otber going
down. We look tba oua going down aod
kept going till wa oame to a bouse wa
never laid eyet on before, when we knew
wa were four milea on the wrong road.
Dear me, that made at tired. Wt tnrned
'round, aod by that lima onr laughing
bad ceased, and wa ,'utt kept tba dutt
flying till wa came io aigbt of those eleo
Iriollghtt. Mr. P. waa too tired to tay
a word. Mr. 0. remarked, wbao be
found Iba aidawalk, thai eornebody 'mast
have left tbote boardt oat over eight'.
I doo'l mind It a bit. Suppose wa bad
not been able to tat oot of tba ctrrirge,
aod tbs boraet bad run awav with at.
perbtpt wa would bava all been killed.
Mima Iboogbt wa bad been earelett
enough to let tba boraet gat away la the
mouottint. Tbat'a all."
ATritlPTa AT AKrtON.
Uterata Wark of a Vlrloas t'eavlel at
stale ss.
At 2 o'clock Wtdoeaday aveniog, Joly
6, tba authorities at tba Oregoo ttaU
peoittnilaotiary vera inibil tlartUd
by aa alarm of Ora la Iba abopt of Iba
Norlbwetl Fouedry C apaoy.
loveattgatiootbowdl Ida abopatobava
baeo firad in three d.fTereot plaoea, bat
the Incipient blasts were rxtiiignlthad
initially by tba prompt reepoDseof tha
oonviet firaaquad aod Ibt uta of Iba
primo apparalut.
There waa ont tba shghteit breaeb of
diteiplioa, ao I iba wbola a!Tir wis bol
Iba work of a very few eoonianla.
Superiniendetit A.N. Oilb rl aod War
den U. II. Bropby knaw pretty wl who
Iba lootodiary eonvict It that atartxd tba
daogt root ripadieal for gsitiog out ol
work, but bava do drfioiu proof at yl,
tbong b atepa Lsrt teea lakaa to falaa
I Iba gaill t-tsetly bera it beloogs.
I Tbit la M)t of tba pbasaa i l prisoa lilt
'tlisl Hiss to Ibt m U la dur0, e, a id
' thai oo druie i r sti'ous raealifiluwd
lilt r.fslees 1.1 IOl, Slk ( luul) fill
tba riul aysUia of wakrhdilnaas aid
irsa liuews Li iiiel tana 4 Huxrat ai
i frimiea, oa the ( art "I the tris in iftl r,
' Hileiu Ms'eeiulll
W eel Or A ft Kwwr
li.iflel i, N. V, tU:-F rom lay
per mil kt(owlfl, gin4 u uWiOug
1 th ilfeel i f yrtf Mini il.'t Cora ta Mea
i if aiUi'M rJ eiifomstKia, I aw prepared
l iy it m il.a axwl remartabi reuady
! that ba aver teH trfiMigtd In my lle.
linn. II bat aeftimly aavsd mtey front
CprauitiOO i J ty Out! A Warr-..
Gcoeral Shafter Refuses to Con
tinue His Hornble Destmctioo
of Life and Property.
Still the Spaniards Will Not Yield, and
Fight Like Demons-No Avenue of Es
cape Left Them.
Special Bnlletin to the Gazette.
Playa del Este, July 11. Santiago is now completely surrounded
by the American and Cuban forces. The last gap was filled today by
the Illinois and Ohio troops. No avenue of escape is now left, and the
Spaniards must surrender.
The bombardment was stopped about noon when Shafter communi
cated with the Spanish commander asking for a surrender. No reply
was received. Shafter will force a surrender bv both bomhardmAnf
and starvation. .
Siboney has been burned for sanitary reasons. Tatar ronrrtB tv
the front say there have been 106 discharges from the ships, and many
of the finest buildings reduced to dust. Slaughter and devastation has
become so great and sickening that General Shafter sent word advising
a surrender before the city is entirely destroyed. The Spaniards
fought like demons, but were driven back, not over 300 yards being be
tween the rifle pits of our men and the Spanish soldiers.
Brief War News, Tele
graphic News Notes,
Etc., Etc,
Pibont, Jnly 10. Shafter held a con
ference with tbe Amerioan general! at
tbe front today concerning tbe offer
made by the Spaniah commander to ear
reoder Santiago if tbe garrieon wat al
lowed to march out with aide arms aod
have 20 miles start without molestation.
General Toral agreed thai if this wa
accepted he would not destroy tbe ships
in Ihe harbor , ammunition in tbe fortt.
or buildings in tbe oity. A majority of
tha generals, General Wbeeler leading.
ore in favor of Ibe aoceptanoe of tbeae
terms, on the ground that the Spaniards
oan march out to westward anyhow, aod
burn tbe city and destroy, all vestelti
guns aod ammunition before leaving.
Food and water are very aoaroe in San
tiago. .
Gknkbal Simftbb'b HsADquABrana
July 11. At 11:30 o'olook tbit morning
General Hbafter notified Geoeral Toral,
tba SpaDiab oommander, that by Presi
dent McEiuley'a direction, tbe Spanish
proposition to surrender, it the garrison
were to leave Santiago with ita aide arma,
waa rej soled, and that the United States
would acoept no terms bat those of im
mediate and nooooditional aarreoder.
General Toral, at 2:45 p m.,' replied in a
brief note thai he rejected President Mo
Kioley'a proposal, aud would consent Io
no otber terma tbao tboae proposed by
himself. At 3:35 p. m., Geoeral Shatter
ootified General Toral that tha arm it t ice
would ba terminated and boatilitirt ra
ta med at 4 o'olook. At tha tame lima ba
iataed Instruction! to each ot tha divis
ion oommaodert to prepare tor a frttb
attack on Iba Spaoitb workt.
Al El Oaoey there are 10,000 miserable
rafageea from Santiago, old men and old
woraeu. whom Ibe Speoiih bava permit
ted to go to onr host to get food. Tba
plight ot these belpleea people la baarl-
reodlog. Tbe Amerioaoa are doing all
tbey cau for them.
itrrls Voir trA:
When yoo feel lired, laoguid, narv.
ooa, aod are troubled with pimplet and
aruptiooa, yoa will find Hood'a Hirta
parilla enotly mteta your oeeda. It
porifieo aod enrich tbe blood and im
parl to II Iba qaahtiea Deeded to tone
tba oervra and Boorish Iba whole tya
tore. It oa ret all bbiod boruort,
Hood'a 1'il la aurt aick beedacba.n anaa,
bilioutneaa aod all liver ills. Prloa 25c.
lattraatloaal Mls( Coactvsa.
An iotaroational mining coagrme ill
twhsld el Halt Like tlity, Joly otbto
9:li, loaliiHive. Kur Ihia m-caaioa Iba O.
IL A N. Go., will tII rX'iursioo Ui ittt to
Hall l.slit City aad ret ora at rale of ona
far- fur Ida mud it trip. Tirktita will ba
oo Jnly 31, lib aud Btli, good to re
lurn Joly l.Vb. Ci .'It
Hn-kUi'1 Araira Halve.
Tbe llt-t Halve Io Ibe world for CuU,
Hrula, Hurea, Ulaara, Salt Fbcaaa,
v H-irei, Tiir, Chapped liaoda,
Cbllblaina, Onroa, aoU all Kt 'a F.rap
tioua, aod poaiitvaiy rnree Pi 1st or do
pay nqnirrd. Ii it f oaraolK Io give
parfwt taiisfaaltoa or money rtfoodwl.
Pure 23 ranla iar boi. For eele by
Hlonom Drng Co., K. 3. HCnm, ninnr.
For InlanU ted CMldito,
Tbi Kind Yea Han Alwajs Bssgbt
lUara tbe
TMt riaci TO OCT THIat or
Tly at layout ia ibli IIm fhn m, mi. n fnm) Ma M u tvv aA .
(-out Ktlowsh.a lli giMrauiMtl.
I O a ati, Mile Strict
To Her Belong the Credit of Cervera't
Off Gcatanamo. Julv o.rar.tain
Olark, of tbe battleship Oregoo, whioh
did tuoh remarkable work at the naval
battle that resulted in tbe destruction of
Admiral Cervera's tanadron. savs In his
official repoit of tbe engagement to Rear-
Aamtral Hampton:
"Tbe Spaninb fleet turned to the wot.
ward and opened fire, to wbicb our tbipt
replied vigorously. For a ahort lime
there wag an almost oontinual fliirht
of projectiles over the abip, but wbere
our line was fairly engaged, tbe enemy's
ships were trying Io break through and
escape Io the westward, we went ahead
at rail speed, with tbe determination of
carrying out to the utmost your instruc
tions ;
" If tbe enemy triet to esoape the ships
yoa musl olote and engage him aa toon
as possible, and endeavor to sink bis ves
sels or force them to ran ashore."
" We sood passed all of oar vessels ex
cept tbe Brooklya. At first we used only
the main battery, but when it was dis
covered Ibat the enemy's torpedo-boats
were following tbe ships, we used our
rapid-fire guns, as well as the tix iooh
guns, npon them, with telling effect.
"As we ranged np near tbe aternmost
of their ahipt, tbe headed for tbe betob,
evidently oo fire. Wa rakad ber at wa
passed, rushing on for the next ahead,
using our starboard gum aa tbey were
brought to bear, aod before we had her
farily abeam, the, too waa making for
tbe beaob. Tbe two remaining vessels
were now some distacoe ahead, bat oar
tpeed bad inoreaaed to 16 knott, aod tbe
Vizoaya wat toon teat to the abore in
"Only tbe Orittobal Oiloo wat left,
and for a tim it aeemad at if aba might
eeoape. Bol wbeo we opened with oar
forward turret guns, aod tbe Brooklyo
followed, tbe Colon begau to edge io Io
ward the coast, and ber destrootioo was
assured. At aba ttruck iba biaabber
flag went down.
"Tbe Brooklyn leol a boat to ber. and
when Ibe admiral oangbt op with tba
New York.Texaa aod Vixen, the Oritto
bal Colao wat lakeo potietiiou of.
MI oanoot tpesk io too high terms of
tba beariog aod oonduct i f all on board
this abip. Wbeo tbey found tha Oregon
bad Mibed to the front, and waa hurry
Ing to e tuocenlon of oouuiote witb Iba
eoemy'a tetania, It tbay eoald be hove In
woald engage, Ihe enthusiasm waa lo-
leote. Aa tbeae Hpaoiab vteaele were
mooh more heavily armored tbao tbt
Brookly, they mlgbl have oonoentratsd
Ibeir fire opon and overpowered ber.
"Cooeeqaeolly, 1 em pertuaded lint
bat for Iba ofllcera and mto of Ibe Ore
goo, wbo etanmed and tteared Ibe thip
aod fought and anppllad bar batteriee,
Iba Colon aod perhapt the Vlxcayi would
have aaesped."
Itaaeli, .'Ml acres, good laud, 4 milee of
llappoar, all fenrej. tilenlf uf watar
bonaa aod barn, 1H a.: rea of aumraer
all rsa.lr fw fall emn
Call at Ibe Osteite offloe.
Kbilob'e Cooiomplloo Cure earee
wbere otbert fail. It ia Ibe laadiua?
Oongb Core, aod no borne eboald be
witboat it. lleeaant to take and giae
right to Ibe tput Bold by Corner
Warren. g
fprll Kee.
Aa the present proprietor f the Ot.
ftfe must ave lleppaor axio, da la
daalrous of settling np bkt tffilra. Wbal
is due tilrat be most ba at uara, ao that
b eao Dt"l all demaadt, lrp In m
enia yoor terouni, 57 f
- . -
('a'arrb ante.!. A nlear heal aad
ar Umlb eiire1 wilb Hbiloh't
Calarrb Itomady; euld oa gnaraoUe.
N ai ir jr. t.,r lrp. ,y (),., a
Werree. t
Pfllrl"f tf tf laity I
Is that of plain and decorated
Chinaware & Queensware At
Gilliam iBisbees
And by the way they have anything you can call for in the Una of
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware.
O You want we can supply
just received an assortment of Drummer's Samplos
from the largest umbrella and parasol house in
America. They were personally selected from a full
line of samples and represent the cream of their
immense stock.
We have also received a beautiful line of
Fancy Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries,
Patriotic Novelties, lied, WThite and Blue
Belts, Bows, Ties and Handkerchiefs, espe
cially for " the ladies. Beyond doubt the
CfioK! Selection ot novelties t Fancy Goons
O Ever brought before your notice. They are all O
opened up and on the shelves. They are worthy of J
your most careful attention. ' t
Call and see
Minor & Co. X
Who has socured the services o(
As manager. It will bo run in first class shape
in every department. Bates reasonable
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
E. .G Noble & Co.,
Successors to Noble & Co..
art in this fluid at tin old sUiid with ilirnsa, asddlnt. Whips, Hiiira, md in vndlesi
lof ot tTsryihliif In thslr Una. K. O. Nnl.ls tud Mrs. Oo. Nntils cm.rliia tin
new Arm wbo will y ill bills of Oil old firm is will si collect whitu due.
Are out to do business and plenty of it. Don't
overlook this. Ucpalr work a specialty.
A complete! block of pure and fn-fh drug ul
way8 in utock. Careful attention paid to filling
of prescriptions.
Merchant Tailoring!
Mr. Abrnliainxick U tint pioneer tailor of Ileir
ncr. Hinwork in alwayn Mrt clang ami Hatitae-
tion guaranteed.
When you hear dem bells P
iVIIed cxprt-Hg ig crniii. Wg delivery wmk
on aliort order, 10 cent and upwards. Tin
wagon U No. 4, and leave yur order with it,
or at "Central" telephone ofliee.
IS AN j.
or Parasol I
your every need. We have O
FROM 50c to $8
them early.
The Palace
...Has been leased by...