Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 12, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, July 12, 1898.
The Gazette is not heralding its
coming with a brass band bat its
circulation can be determined at
the Heppner postoffice. Adver
tisers will please cote this.
Newspapers, like other lines of
business, fail from a lack of patron
age. The people of Heppner recog
oize the fact that the Gazette has
been an important factor in the
upbuilding of the town. DuriDg
the stringent times it has straggled
along sharing the fortuues of the
community, and now, that a bright
future seems in store for us, we
shall expect the business men of
the town to appreciate our efforts
in their behalf. The management
will try to conduct the paper on
strict business principles. Its
columns will be replete with local,
telegraph and general news, fur
nishing a medium through which
the business men of the town can
be brought iD close touch with the
farmers and stock men of the
county. Directing the distribu
tion of the county's products.IIepp
ner should be entitled to the entire
volume of business tributary to it.
Just as the county court recognizes
the necessity of its local paper
for disseminating among its people
the news of its proceedings should
the local advertisers see the
practical and far-reaching results
to be obtained from a well dis
played advertisement iu its
columns. The trading season is
not far distant. Now is the time
announcement of your preparation
should be made.
peans of victory are with rare er
ceptions, such as the victory of
Dewey in Manila bay, always min
gled with mourning cries for the
gallant dead and sympathetic tears
for the brave men wounded. Shaf
ter's victories were won by assaults
upon an enemy strongly fortified,
and could not have been otherwise
than bloody.
Until we are familiar with this
territory and better acquainted
with its people the Gazette may
seem a trifle short of local news.
We will make up the deficiency
with telegraphic news from the
seat of war which is probably of
most interest to its leaders.
A ror statesman was roaring
around town yesterday, because.
binding twine was too high. lie
said the republican tariff was the
cause of it. Finally he ran up
against a man who told him tL'at
binding twine was on the free list
then he shut up and went home
disgusted. Plaindealer.
Thkue is the usual difference of
opinion as to the quality of this
season's clip of Eastern Oregon
wool. A reasonable conclusion
from the various statements is that
the wool is decidedly dirty and
heavy, but the quality of the fiber
better than usual. The sheepmen
of Kastern Oregon have been im
proving their methods of taking
care of sheep in the winter and
there are fewer occasions for com
plaint of weak places iu the fiber
than was the case when sheep were
often subjected to ppells of starv
ing. Orogon Agriculturist.
From the Long Creek Eagle.
C. II. Lee has disposed ot bis black
smith property and outfit on East Main
street to T. E. Hiotoo, the consideration
being $350.
jfrairie sobooperg by the eoore pass
through Lone Creek daily enroate from
Hoatbera California to the wheat fields
of Eastern Washington.
The huckleberry Bind will soon bs en
joying high life. The orop will ba a
large one in seotions of tbe lower ranges
of the Greenhorn mountains.
John Shrier and Martin Dunlap, of
Fox, were in Long Creek on business
Wednesday. Tbey eaob inform ns of
heavy froBts in Fox valley of Ute.
Ira Bemington and Newt. Livingston
have sold their entire band of cattle, Mat
Jjnes buying the steers and W. E. Frank
tbe cows and calves. Good figures were
realized on the baud.
Bear are oommittiog depredatiooa
among many sheep oamps in the mount
ains. Una certain oamp in tbe mount
ains has been visited almost every Digbt
by tbe maruuder tor tbe past three
Wm. Butter returned last week from
Montaoa and took tbe band of 1,000 head
ot yearling steers beloDgiog to J. M.
Boardman from Fox valley to the South
Fork country where he will rauge herd
t lem until fall.
Malheur lake, a body ot w-tter about
20 miles long aud 10 mile wid?, io Har
ney oounty, is ti be tapped and a large
seotion ot saye brash land is to be irri
gated with tbe water through a oanal 45
miles long. Work is to onmrnenoe at
onoe, Tbe project has been under con
ideration a year or more.
W. E. Fnnk, who recently came to
tbia ceotioa from Sionx City, I wn, sag
ceeded in purchasing a band nf 300 head
of cattle principally yearling steers.
fhese be started for Pendleton thit week
in charge ot O L. Williams, from whicb
point be will ship about July I5;h. Mr
Frank informs the Eagle that be is well
pleased with the cattle of this country,
and will likely return again this fall and
purchase another band.
Quite a large crowd gathered at Ham
ilton last Friday to witness tbe quarter
mile matoh race between Rnd Jacket
owned by W. H. Jenks, of Monument,
Rat owned by Walt Davis, of Cotton
wood, and Tip, owned bv Monron Hong
gios, ot Long Creek. Tbe hones were
in exoellent condition, and bad staunch
supporters in the pool box. After scor
ing for some time tbe horses were let g
Tip winning, with Rid Jaokot a olose
second. It was pretty race aiil all
were satisfied with tbe result.
Billy Welch returned from Pendleton
Sunday evening, where he went only a
abort lime ago with a band ot 20 head o
good horses. He found quite a Dumber
ot good horses on the market at Peudle
ton, but he auooeeded in disposing ot bia
band to a man name! Gayidale, at Wal-
ula, to whioh point be assisted in dri?.
log tbe baud bufore returning home.
While tbe Eagle did not learn the con
sideration of the sale, it learoi that tb
same was at very satisfactory prices. Mr.
Welch informs the Eugls that horsemen
are generally rxperieoolng stow sales,
whioh is largdr due to the bigb figure
tor wbiob tbey sell their stock.
The county eourt held its regular ses
sion, bginoing Wednesday, July 6, and
ending Saturday, July 9, Jadge Barthlo
mew and Commissioners Beckett and
Howard, present. The proceeding! of
tbe session oomplete are as follows :
The following bills were read, consid
ered and allowed, viz:
Luther Hamilton, judge of election 00
Fhiiio Blahm. ume 6 00
I f in
K. F. Bartholomew, clerk of election 6 00
8. P. Floreuce. same 6 00
Wm. Barrett, judge of election 6 00
J. ft. felmons, lame 6 00
M.J. Devln, tarn 6 00
W. O. McCarty, clerk of election 00
N. C. Marls, same 6 00
Frank Rogers, judge of election S 00
. W, Smith, same 6 00
W. W. Smead, same 6 00
8. J. Leezer, clerk of election 6 00
r. u. nan, same e uu
Kd Day, judge of election 6 00
W. i. Brown, name 6 00
J. A McLauglin, same 6 00
J. K. Waddell, clerk of election 6 00
James Johnson, same 9 00
James Johnson, ret ballot boxes to CO clerk 3 80
M. K. McVay, judge of election ( 00
A. H Shadduck, same (00
W. j. Fleming, same 6 00
T. W. Morgan, clerk of election 6 00
A. L. Akers, same 6 00
N. R. McVay, ret ballot boxes to CO clerk. . . 6 00
1. H. Fllklna, judge of election 6(0
Robert layers, same 6 00
Alfred Troedson, same 600
Frank Dillingham, clerk of election 6 00
W. A. Thomas, same 6 00
J. H. FilkiDS. ret ballot toco clerk 5 00
George V incent, judge of election 6 00
W, J. Wattenburger, same 6 U0
George Pierson, same 8 00
J. (i. Hoskins, clerk of election 6 00
A. Hod son, name 6 00
W.J. Wattenberger, ret ballots to co clerk.. 5 00
W. B. McAllister, judge of election 6 00
James Leach, same 6 00
fc. u. Palmer, same 6 00
W. O. Hill, clerk of election 6 00
E. D. McMillan, same 6 00
E. v. palmer, ret ballots to co clerk 1 80
John Handy, judge of election 6 00
N. O. 8 in end. tame 6 00
John Troedson, same 6 00
W B Parsons, clerk of election 6 00
Geo a Crane, same 6 00
N O Smead. ret ballots to co clerk 5 00
T P Brenner, judge of election 6 00
B LHWiit, same 6 t
W V Brannon, same ,. 6 00
M C Fug us. clerk of election 6 00
8 Wright, same S 00
T P Brenner, ret ballots to co clerk 4 00
A Andrews, judge of election 6 00
D P Doherty, same 6 00
H C ThomDson 6 00
O 8 Andrews, clerk of election 6 00
O 8 Modsdon, same 6 00
Same ret ballots to co clerk 4 00
R Allen, judge of election 6 00
Are much In little; always fajav
ready, efficient, satisf ac- lgfj I I
(ory;preTentaeoldor fever, III 2)
cur aU Hrae Ills, sick head-
che, jaundice, constipation, etc. Price 2S cent..
The only Pill to tax with Hoorf't 8rapartlla.
examine records of tbe county tbe court
ordered tbat petition be continued for
term; tbat tbe judge estimates possible
coet, and tbat members ot tbe court
asoertain wishes of tbe tsxpayers in re
gard to the matter.
Bill of cost ot resurvey ot road No. 91
ordered paid.
J H Felkins, chainbearer .- . $2 20
m Palmauer same a)
H Sayer. marker 2 20
J J McGee, surveyor 10 50
Provision was made for fund of $120
for incidental expense and wood.
Examination of Oounty Clerk Morrow's
book and register of script was made
and found correct.
Road superrisors were appointed as
follows: Distriot No. 14, A. B. Ferry;
district No. 18, John W. Waddell.
Bids for hauling timber for construct
ion of Rock Creek bridge were rejected,
and oounty jndge instructed to oontraot
for same at 86 per thousand.
The financial statement of Frank Gil
liam, oounty treasurer, was upon exami
nation approved.
Second Americas Expedition Enjoys Hoxpi
- - tality ot Honolulu.
Associated Press
Sax Fbah'cisco, July 7. The steam.
ship China, of tbeManila transport fleet,
reached Honolulu from Ban Francisoo
on the morning of tbe 23d nit., twelve
bours ahead of the other vessels ot tbe
fleet. Tbe steamship received a warm
welcome. A large orowd of people were
on tbe wbarf. Brigadier-General Greene
1 ' . - I - ft .1 L . . L.
Hiram Taah. same g 0J immeuiawiy sens an bujuibui iu iuo
a I Robimon. same 6 oo WDart with compliments to United States
I IT Hnvu . I . r L. (if at Hnn a nn I
John Adams, same .. 6 m CoDSuI-General Hey wood and Tresldent
n lasn.rei Dauoie io co cierx . . w
Dole, who were on tbe wbarf, and con
veyed them on board.
At 9 o'clock all tbe soldiers were al
lowed to go ashore. Tbey marched t
Waiki, where the men took a sea batb
and then marched to town, and at
1 H0 I n'nlnnlr mara nrailrlArl it ith a f AARfc nn the
exeoutive building grounds, ibis luno
tioo waa carried out precisely on the
lines ot.tbe first expedition. Ladies
aited on tbe tables. Tbe offloers were
entertained at army headquarters. There
was an abuudanoe ot refreshments to
At 6:30 tbe same day tbe-Zsulandia,
Colon and Senator were sighted. It whs
quite late when tbe vessels reuohed tbe
harbor. At midnight all anohored for
the night. Tbe men landed next day
and were entertained by tbe oitia?ua of
Tbe expedition started tor Manila on
the 24th.
Tbe Monterey and collier Brutus ar-
Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for
this issue which speaks volumes for
them, but the goods are there, all first
class, and prices to match. Call in and
Mr. Rhea will see that you get what
you want.
8 A Wright, judge of election 6 00
John T Kirk, same 6 00
H echerllnger. same 6 00
E P Greene, clerk of election 6 00
H F Baird, same 8 00
J C Kirk, ret ballots to co clerk 2 30
Patterson Publishing Co. election ex 172
j b l eager, county ex
j r n imams, stationery
J W Hornor, school sup 12 00
Wm Barton, pauper acct , 67 16
Conner & Brock, stationery 2 76
Hoys ami i.iris Ala rjoclety, donation. 10 uu
w Matlock, deputy sherllTs salary 106 66
J H YVyland, stock inspector's salary 46 00
A G Bartholomew, co judge's salary 150 00
C H Hams, pauper sect 40 00
I1 rank Gilliam, treasurer s salary B3 ss
K R Hunlock. county Dbvsician 06 66
J W Matlock, boarding Drisouers. etc M 90
E M bhutt, printing 1 50
8locum Drug Co, county ex... 11 85
ringers 4 Roberts, county ex 6 00
M l v n uo. court nouse ana an . . a w
J W Morrow, county clerk's salary 425 00
oeo ens. deputy co clerk s salary... .li vi
fc I, Matlock, merit! s aalary u ou
J W Hhipley, school supt's salary 12M 6ft
n uasney, roaa ana uriage id w
Louis Urashens. same .... 6 00
T J Carle, county ex 4 ft"
J R blmons fc Son, same 18 00
1 eleiiiione Co, same v Mil
Hold Heppner, pauper 4S 00
SF tills, county assessor's salary 1W 00
Win F Burnet, county ex... 4 00
W A Richardson, election 1 00
h 1 up-rry;i!"Vn?, ,S 21 nvei from San Diego on the 24th, having
Mary Dexter, pauper 14 oo left tbe latter port on the Iltb. Tbe
Jamei'MmeV experienced a heavy northwest
aJ5rt:& MAX K S .well nearly .11 tbe way. She ran under
J L Howar-l, salary cocom 24 oo her own steam until the 19th, aud thtn
E V Orcene, road and bridge ' t . . . . . . i
J w Beckett, salary co com 19 oo the Brutus took her in tow for several
LuriMdiuns .election... S 5! days. The Monterey re ooaled and was
Conner Jk Warren, stationery 8 061 '
a c ivtivs, nsscMor's aaiary loo oo 1 ready for lea yesterday morning, but
V L Colfey. same 1 60
H Pllarrlgus, election 1 60
Hung Vow, pauper 2 to
Tne court ordered tbe following bills
continued over tbe next term:
Land Office at LaQrande, Obkuon,
June 20, 18W.
following.named settler has tiled notice
of his intention to make final Droof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Morrow
County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on August
1, 1898, viz:
Hd. No. 6482, for the ne sec. 14, tp. 2 8., r. 28 E
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence nponand cultivation
of said land, viz: Joseph Luckman, John M.
Waddle, William Barrett and Arthur Smith, all
of Heppner, Oregon.
E. W. Barrett,
60-71 Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oseoon,
July 11, 18H8.
il following-named settler has filed notice of
her intention to make final proof in support of
her claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore A. Mallory, U. 8 Commissioner, at Hepp
ner, uregon, on luesnay, August a, ism viz:
formerly Martha C. Hoskins, of Heppner,
Homestead Application No. K999 for the 8 '4
n ana a ec l, id en. k 2b js w u.
oue names tne loiiowing witnesses to prove
ner continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Benjamin Parker, Frank
Ward, Robert Knlghten and Emry Bperry, all
oi narnman, uregon.
0-70 JA?. r. MOORE,
Noiiodv iu WttBuiogtou U did
turbtH. to fttiy noticeable extent on
account of the story from Berlin
that (Jermany, Fmuce and Russia
lmj formed a combination for tbe
purpoao of opiMinliig cither the
United 8tatea or Kugland taking
permanent poHHenttioQ of the Tbil
ilippine islands), after the war is
over. In the first place, nobody
believe that audi a combination
haa been formed, but even if it
were oll'ii-iaHy known to be iu rz
intonce. it mould not influence this
guveruun'iit iu the slightest degree.
The tiual dioitiou of the l'hil
ippiuea will be a ttlivl by thia gov.
ernment alone, wtien the proper
time cornea, at.d it w ill bo settle
in accotdauro with whatweiab
and not what any Kuropean power
nr jKiwera may wih.
I'u KHii'fcST Mi Km T.Y probably
all thing considered, never paaH:
a more aatUfactory Fourth of July
thau thia one. (leneral Hhafter
baa jiiflified all the confidence re
poed iu him by int.ing a aeriet
.f fcloiiotia vntoriea at rabtiago,
viitoritHi io which Admiral Samp
ftD ""d hi RilUiit sailor won Dew
honor f'r th American ny, and
whifha.ll !) bMt t- the reflet
fill by the wuild f.-r the lighting
iunliti of American.. There i
oiily one diawback to the general
iij .iiiiig and that i the large
liutuU t of killed and wuutded OD j
our i l. The vit-trie hate I een
gl .riwu. but they have allenj
.vd Hot inch i war, TU.
I uthcr Hamilton, road and bridge tl6 81
E P Oreenv, same 6 00
Ultm I'r.iilliynune, stationery 12 00
Same, same 31 79
A C Pettyt, surveyor 60 00
Dills of oost were ordored paid in cases
a follows:
D A Jenkins, Justice's fee
C M Hpeucer, special cumULIe
W A Rlrhardson. tutllre's fees
John Hager, swlal constable
f 60
ID 60
was delayed by tbe Bratns, wh jsb eu
dines reqalred overbaulmK, Both ves
sels left tor Manila today.
Eosino T. R. Wall, ot Portland. Or
now on tbe Bratoa, foaod oo bis arrival
here that orders bad been fjrwardud
which raised bim to tbe rank of beaten
El Qieeo Liliookalaui is expected to
return to tlonolalu July 2Utb. tier r
tara ba oo politics! significance.
Notice of Intention.
Land Offici at LaOramdr, Orriion,
June 20. 188.
followliiK-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention 1 1 mako final proof in support of
nis claim, ana inai saia prooi win oe made be
fore the County Clerk of Morrow county, Ore
gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on AugUKt 1, 1898, vti
T. C. No 2:134, for the t'i nei. nw, ne and
ne liw-A sec. u. iwd. a .. r. a t.
He names the following witnetaes to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Joseph Lulkman, John M
Waddle, William G. Hynd, Andy J. Cook, all
of Heppner, Oregon,
E. W, Barti.rtt,
60-71 Register.
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Sallasj as Oar Mlwhtsanri.
The l'orte ba demanded tbs rt o ill of
two American missionaries from tbs
provioo of Aleppo, oo the pretext tbat
their mission i likely to caus distnr
baoor. "the sick mao of Europe", is
as unreasonable as hi political health
I feeble. A a tiriuht eootrait to bis
obstinacy aud stupidity, lb people of
America ar aakDowMnitiK Irr and wide
I ha tenrfioeoe of the mission of Hos
teller's Hton aoh Hitlers, namely, to re
lieve and prevent malaria, rhenmatistn
and kidney complaint, chronic dyspepsia,
oooatipatioo aud liver trouble. Tb
nervous, tbe weak sod tb infirm derive
nnspeakabl benefit Irom its use, and it
greatly mitigates th weakness and In-
lit iui lies whioh ar specially incident to
a.lvanriog years.
II 1
I n I
POW ire the chil
dren this summer?
Are they doing
lWcll? Do they
Cet ill the benefit ihcv
khould from their food?
Are their checks and lips
of cood color? And re
they hearty tnd robust in
every my?
If not, then give them
Scott's Emulsion
of coJ Itvtr oil ivilh hypo
photphltes. It never fails to build
up delicate boys and girU.
It gives them more flesh
and better blood.
It is just so with the
baby also. A little Scott's
I mulsion, three or four
times a day, will make
the thin baby plump and
j prosperous. It
SC'urnlthca the
'youna body uiih
lust the material
necessary for
Crowing bones
and nerves.
AU rrrrita. sn.l i
19 M
1 TO
C WalMin, Itiu-M
ohn Kasuuia, sain
W A Kli harilxin, (ustlee feel 112 J&
liri K i Hunt, wltueaa l"n
A 8 Hunt, same 1 70
stats Vs c a H. .
b II Jenkins. Iiutlce fee 17 It,
i H liiwklna. spirlal ninatabl W !
V Kwms, wltnraa tee ami mileage II Mi
1 Kliea, same S su
Tb oonrt ordered that warrant be is
sued (or collection ot delioqaeot tsie
desoril).! in th tax roll for tb year
m to 1.)7 iDi'lusive.
In the matter ot petition of Northern
Kirl's Clover Root Tea, f ir Constipa
tion it' th beat and if after uaum ii
. l m yoa don't ,ay so, return packau and
1 M ' U..I.I v.. l,n... t
Warren. x
Notice of Intention.
Laud Omcs at LaQrandr. Okkuon,
June IM, lH'M.
i' fnllim limiiai.ie.1 settler has fllet notice
of her Intention to make final proof in support
ol her elalm, and that salil proof will tie nude
before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Or
egon, at Heppner. Oregon, on July 30, ism, vU:
Administratrix of the estate of Bara) A. Water
man, deceased, T. C, No. for the so1, sec. S,
tp. i H , r. 27 K.
Bhe names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence nponand cultivation
of said land, vis: Robert H. Morgan, Ed K.
HnllliK, M.J. Devln and A. H. HUuip, all of
Heppner, Oregon.
E. W. Bati.itt,
BU-71 Keglater.
The Beginning of this ,
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
is a "joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
Last Might's rsrroraiaae Proaouaeert a
After a very wearisome day' travel of
45 mile, lb Homer fatuilj gave an en
tertainment at th opera house last night
The audienoe, wbioh was small, was au
appreciative oo, encoring each Dumber
ive, f,.e .mii..i.u. i s..- th- program. Tod.T cao bs heard eo-
. . -!.. . . . a .. . . I
loustasiic commenaation oi sue troip,;
verifying tb flattering pre notioes
which hat appeared at tb conclusion
ot tbelr entertainments. Tbeir program
prior to KJ7 the court deuie petition
until such time a tb sum ot f'217.75 I
recovered by tb county for lb year
Iu matter of dispositioa of valuable
and iiiouer found on lb person ot W. 9.
Ortgory killetl by railroad Dear Cast!
H ck, th court ordered 1.10.73 b paid
to oounty oleik io consideration of
funeral eiinses, th balano of $21 Jk)
with watch, pin, etc , to b delivered to
U. (t. Fiah, brilber-io law ol deceased.
Itnd of tb rnnnty vffloial ware ap
proved a follows:
J. t'. Willie, county assessor, with 0.
A. Uhea and Oria K. Faruswortb, sur-ties.
Julius Reithly, ooooty surveyor, with
C. lilies, surety.
J. II. WyleD.I, slock li)stctor, with
John L. Ayera, surety.
Vtr Crawford, county clerk, O. A
Laud Orrica at LaUbakdb, OaRoof,
June U, IS'ih.
following named settler haa filled notice
ol his Intention to make llnal proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before A. Mallory, United Mtatve comtntMinuer
for Oregon at Ueppncr, Oregon, on July , imst,
Hd.Nn Mil, for the N, UK1 and NE'i NWU
See 17,TwpH R J7. E.
He name the following wltnemea to tmivs
his ctintlnuona residenra Un and ruiilvatlon
ol said land, vli: Koeter Adama, Jay Ivln,
John Ed war. is, a. u. etamp, all ni Heppner,
Oregon. S. VY. Hasthtt.
tor tonight's antertaiomefit is a moat in
teresting oo. Prominent ones io at-
tandanc laat night tipres tbeir in tea
tion of going again tonight, pronouncing
tb show tar superior to any entertain-
men I riven in this town tor a long wbil.
Mis Nelli Homer, in her patriotic song,
found such favor with last night' audi-
Mcatbst tbeir (Torts will insure a full
bona tonight. Tb younger member
ot tb ocrapaoy ar delightful tutertaln
era, wbil Mr. and Mr. Homer are so
koowledged a decided socoeaa. Ton
should not mis Ihl eotertalnroaut.
A Narrow f
Thankful word written by air. Ad
E.IIart.of Orolon, H. IT, "Waa taken
wasalla k Kak.l aWn.I.I whiak altl I lam. I tlM fJ
Kb.a, John Hughe sod J. P. lthea, apgt, o-ugb t in and flually terml-
Sureties, I . annaiimntmn. Fuae iliielnra
E. L. Matl.Mik, riff, with O. A. ..... I ooold liv. hut a
lib an I Wm. Hughe, sureties. I short tlui. 1 gav myself ap to my
K. U. Hnnlock, oroor, with . It gavior, determined if I could not stay
Hainbiitn and C A. Minor, urtls. wiib my friend oa earth. I would roel
Mat Licbenlbal, eounty treasurer, any abeetit one abov. My buslun l w.a
with Oenfg (inr, Orln E. Fre
oilb and Wm. Pealand, suretM.
lb pHtiatmenl of J, W. Morrow,
deputy eletk, asd J.W. Mallock, deputy
sheriff, were appmve by lb court.
a.1 vised to get IV. king' Nw Discovery
(or (HiusuttiptioM, cough aad cl la. 1
gave it a trial took la all eight bottl.
It bM eared me, ! tbank UhI ' I am
saved and now a well and healthy wo-
I.ad omt a at LaUrarm. Orkiok,
June 1.1. 1-1,
following. named settler has Hied notice of
his Intention to stake Bnai proof In support ol
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
lore the County rlerk of Morrow eounty, Ore
gon, al itepsmrr, Oregon, nn jniv a. ikjh, tic
Hd Nn. Sio't. for the Nk. SE h'V,
ir.ie''f", "'A S".. IPKSfl, t. II
liain-a Ihe lollnwltig wltntwa U Pme his
rontlniioiia nnil.lence tipin and eullltatlon of
aid land. Mi Kd. Iirl.krll. T. A. Urukell,
(enrge Hperry, "He Mlkrarll, all nf Heppner,
E. W. BaSTlstt,
Notlct of Intention.
I ANn orricK at i RAsnK,oRt.io
Is June It, lM, Notice la berel.v given that
the following named sottlrr baa Sled notl.e of
hi. Inteiilkoii to make St.al prttnf In suptMirt ol
his claim, and that aald pr.f w! be made
brtore A Mallory, I . , ctmintaalonef for Ore
gon al Heppner. Krgnn. nn Angtiat li, 1. U
VITKK ull.bt.HT.
Iteppar, Or. Md. No 7-ait. I..r lh,miU
kKI NC.and Nt KkW tme. s 1 wp s
a t a.
Me name tbe following llnwn to prove
hi. ramllniioue midMea upnti aud eollltatloa
i.l nl. land, ! L la Uriwhena, lyvwuf
w riorron, wiuiain Muth, rir Hung.ailel
iirvpoer. ur a. m. nakii arr.
nt I ...i. ,if the r,.,inly ol M.frow,
t.tiioa nr.. 1 1, riaiatin,
Rarrtet mrrrt. tVfcttdanl.
t'lpenae Inciitred la riaanlsallo il n in" Trial bottle lr al F. J
Kluabeth Hloan,
follow a:
ir asn, waa allnweJ as cum's diug t..ie. Ilcgula' .V ae l
II UU gnaranlevd or pKw ifandl.
p. .nt ft r-l aainM y.t
.in aad ...it m ,.f Mtt.tw the Sret
If you have not yet realized that the
"good old times" are with us, your
blood is out of order. Get rid of that
"tired feeling" and awake to the fact
that the
Wool Growers'
Is the place to store your wool this season. Whv?
cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not beine in
mo item uuymg wooi ourselves, we encourage competition
amongst the buyers and secure you the highest price.
at nw!" """" "o1 ",d c,,tl tfl hen wool It told. Bend in your order
We pay the hlgheat ca.h price for sheep pells and hldea.
dlpa'the TarW!" Ll""' D'P ",a t,M l"' rellabl. rrr,.rwl
we nay ireight to teamstera when r.ii.-.t1 to do sn by owner of wool
R. F. HYND. Manatjcr.
We are m-elting a New Intone .. 1,,.. alm.- . n,
ntrrwung trade demands It. eimenmil To!.. cZlill' T'
thlf Ortigs Pur antj rrwah. CyeUmtr, reelo
Oitr iStntlonory
In Oompleto
l IItlir ulvo us) sa o..u
Slocum Drug Co.
Perfected by the
Production of....
i T" H.'HH Mgr d.Kn.Unl
Hlo- ,n "' "f I'1 "tmf tA tlregoa ton ar
rvii.iirr-., ii'mr ei.-i an. ..r me e,w.
,.l .in.t ...! in .u.ie entlllnt J... I It. . , . i . f )
lay uf the inr entire Uilfltl
IRII ii l.. t m..ll. alt...l...lloa . . B
1. 1 HiH-a and KIMll ... A to 1
M' it J I t.llt mum ........ W '
V.iamiriatbtn tf ( ('eeperwo, e. ,
sanr :
r M tl'tttt.a k. atedu al etaini'tatinn .. . t an
t t M. v.i.u, hum ami atiiMtg ... to
i I . (,.H. MM, .
W altrt awiit, elv.ltle ee .. ... .. ., I
In l'i maiti at lb pelidia ot E.
triui am
KW leluttletl. , rg.,le U-rnt ol a.1 I ..trt a 11 m hllOIVg I IllH IMTfrct tlllkllll t
,. Ih. Mb day al !. I' a4 If m, .l J, I. flt '"f f l( t
"" aotaaMaet. ftw want ttierettt plalnll will ap . Hit lfr hftU'tfll rVfP...
aMOTU't , ply a nw tasting la piaiun the till in I ' "
v 1 I im at tbe mmi s aut. M t. W w-u,,
1 llwn.hlp I tmrtfe Ni.,. n , wlt m.lu . j
Utl I
RKIV VlV thr Alt. Mth.HI iM.ttA to rtiir ftl. u i
at hum n MioinhatM aii its i.r.
i,?fy rHiif H tm
bauH mi in om h '
Wl.l I ll.t UtMt. I'M
the trrf a.1 runt, latereat ween
SIf of ll.lt p.ll'W
hl .1 M'i roer. Or , ) 't '
M I ttat.
rt tut
Allr (,,, lit
this etimnHii.t la ....'i.h. .t .,1.1 nf ),,.it.
lse. im Ih Mh I'mIh ) d.tlri, I 1,1 In.
t , die4 ,Hf r, (, at rl' ( . Ut
I On drauaht at
I all popular saloon
107 WyMfi ?t..Ptri:i, Q