OFFICIAL sisiAi-wjahuc THE GREAT DEBATE." PAPER Election is at hand and you should read it. FREE with the Gazette one year. "THE GREAT DEBATE." Election is at hand and you should read it. FREE with the Gazette one year. r" 'au . V jajT SIXTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays Jthe Patterson publishing company. 'COR'JES MERRlTT, Editor and Bus. Man, Ac $0 I per year. (1.00 for biz mootha, 50 ota. ' .or three moauvi, strictly in advano . Advertising Rates Made' Known on Application. Entered at the Pogtoffice .at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. 'PHIS PAPKB is kept on file at E. C. Date's L Advertising Agency, 64 Mid SB Merchants Kxohangs, San Francisco, California, where oou raote for advertiain oan be made for it. LP. FISHER. NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS . lng agent, 21 Merchants' Exchangi Build jag. Ban i'ranoisoo. Is onr am homed agent. I his papar is kept on file at his office. - 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p. m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 12:0 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m, and ar rives at Heppner 6 :! I a m Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m . and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Uma' ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No 8. from Spokane, arrives t Umatilla BilOa. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .in. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m, Fast Mail No. 2 leavos Portland B:25 p. m. and (arrives at Heppner Junction 8:i5 a. m. and at 'Umatilla 4:90 a. m. fast Mail No. 1 leavos Umatilla 11:10 n. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a, m. and at ' roruana i : a.m. ( For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, - ahvui i. act n., neppner, ure. OPriOIL BIEEOTOET. United States Official. -P.esd!ent . Willi M,.v:..l.. "Vic Vresldent Garret A. Hobart KXtary ol State W. B. Uuy 4srtaryof Treasury Lyman J, Gage ' Si'oretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss secretary of War Russell v. Alger ' Snretry of Navy John D. Long o unaM)r-uenerai naries tmery Smith Aiiorey-iioneral Jolin W. (iriggs 3 otebtry f Agriculture James WiUon State of Oregon. Go ernor W. P, Lord Bwetaryof State II. K. Kincald Trenuror Phil. Jletachan S ipt. Public Instruction H. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Be, store j G. W. McBride Congressmen.. Printer IThos. H.Tongue W. K. Ellis .W. H. Leeds ( R. 8. : . 1 F. A. ( C. E. Roan, Supreme Judges. IVloore. . Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. C -rmit Judge .'.... ..Btephen . Lowell P.orwating Attorney II. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. fitnt Renator J, W. Morrow iflnrvrnntative. E. L. Freeland nentrJndge A. O. Bartholomew ? Commissioners J.K.Howard J. W. Heokett. J Clerk Vawter Crawford Sheriff E. L. Matlock Tmasarer ,...... Lichterlhal Assessor.... J. K. Willis ' Barveyor.n .....Julius Koithly 8uioo. Hap't r....Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner.. Dt, . K. Honlock hxppkkr tows ornom. Mayor Thos. Morgan CounctlrnMi P.. J. Klocnm, M. Ijiohtenthal, J. ii. Himons, J. J. Roberta, J. W. Rasmus and K. (1. bperry. t . 1T 1 I , .uuruttr. . .... ....fT.A. iMi'nnriiiwin l'roMnrei L. W. Kriggs Yiarslial Johu Hager Precinct Officer. Justine of the Peaoe W. E. Richardson t n.table U. B. Ural United State Laod OtHrera. THK DALLES. O. J. . Moore A. 8. Ihggs LA OBAHOB, OB. K. W. BartMt, J. H. Kobbina Hxtrislev lleosiver Register Receiver OEOBET OCI-TIX RAWLINS POST, NO. IL O.A. B. VeeUat Hrppner, Or the third Saturday of !. month. All veteran are invited to loin. "W. W.Hmith. W.Hea, Adjutant, tf Commander, D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OBEQON. Office boars, 8 to 10 . m., and 12 lo 2 p. m , at reeidenoe, W. A. Kirk's prop erty, tail of M. K cbnrt-b, Soatb, and 10 to IS, . m , to 2 tc 5 p. m. , at ofllos to tbe rear of Borg's jewelry atora. C. E. Redfield, Attorney at Law, Offloe Id tbe Kirsl Natiooal Book Building. HarpxiB, ; ; Obiook. tf Ellis & Phelps, Xttorneys at law. All bnslnuM i attended to In a prompt and torjr manner. Notaries Public and Collector. ortke la Natter lldlna. Heppaer, Or. "aTETlAN7 6cncralGoIlcctor Put yrMir old bnoss and tme In his hands anil tt your money out ol lhm Mulct a 4 lHy ol lianl collertloiia. Of!lciQ J, N. DrowD'a'noiKiioB- W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. orncf T council CMAetae IU and b'H, ral nta'e. rents hnn, kava Um rt. ronvatwn and will ( rixi Is y way la his line. X nsnalle ngur-a, U Mathews 8c Gentry, BARBERS Shaving tit 15 Cents. Hkoa lw .! .' i..iin i4 riw.'llin Gibson 8c Berger, Miawil;.'. I. Cli". iiaii-Cittiintt. " Ibtlti Hkj. KuTvthinj; Strict- IvFir-li'lr-. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear -0 on every the fae-simile signature ofC wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LQOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought Cn the, and has the signature of &L&ffffl&&4 wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived ' Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on , it), -the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. : VMS CINTAUH eOMMNV, TV SIUBSAY STniCT, HtWTORK OITV, WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River an J Paget Sound Navigation Co Steamers TELEPHONE BAILEY 6ATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. "p-ffc'iB8 lre!.DcClfi Por',8n for A"l0. Long Beaob, Ooeaa lark and Nobcotta. Direot oonneotion witb Ilwaoo Rtearaera and rail road; also at YonnR'a Bay wkb Seephore Railroad. T 13 Hi 33 " H O IT 33 -Leave. Portland T A. M, Dally, except Sumlay. Uares Artoria 7 P. iLttallyVcxccpt Hunrlayt 33 .! ID 5T Leavci Portland I P. M. Dally, except Sunday. Saturday nlKl,t, 11 p M. Lmvmi Astoria Da at 6:15 A. M except nunday and Monday, buimay nilbt. VpTm Leavea Portland and run. direct to Ilwaoo, Tuesday and Thursday at A. M. Katnrdav at I P M Leaves llnaco Wednmriav nt Kri.i.. . : u t tLT. ' : .Ba?V . 1 M j Baggage Checked lo Railroad Destinafioo Buth RAches Free of Expense. The CALIFORNIA Lodging House BEDS 25 and 60 Cants. GEO. C. ROME, Prop. Next door to Opera House. G. B. HATT, Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, - 15 Canta Hair Cutting, 25 " Bliop, Matlock Corner, Heppner, Oretron, H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Rcllabla Gault House, chicaoo, Halfblori wmI ol lh I'nloii rVtK of C.t.t fl,C. M. -Ht. P.,c. A A .P. t. f.sC, au ui v. ni. r. iMtliro IS. MATICsJ sU. I1CM HAY for. W. Maitlson and Clinton His., cxzzcw9o. zr NURSE HIES, R. M. WCBCR, Pre a. TxtJB ij,s. euasir, -Uraworand IWaler In Fruit, SHada and Ornamental Traes, -raaa vinaa ana small trvlte. Our TreoM are CJrown With- . out Irrigation. UNO ton CATALOCUt. First National Bank or iir.ri NKu C. A. Ant A, . . Praaldant T. A.RHCA, . Via Praaldant OtO. W. CONtCN, Caahlat . W. SfCNCtN, Aaa tCathiar Tnaorli I Grttril foAin? Um. 10XCI IA NG JO Ht sH tmnm Hi ti mttft4 .. Bought and Sold. Cillrttnna ns.t sn all pntitt r o..i Tmm. HEPPNER., MORROW .....,nt, vn oonuay Diantatflr.M. PENllbKTON VOLUNTEERS. Beveateea More of Our Brave Boys Leaye for Iba War. Peoilleton baa again aent volunteers to tbe kont. Seventeen of Umatilla oonnlj's beat men lft on last nigbt'i train lo join tbe first volunteers st Ma nils. Tbey expeol to go directly to Han FraneUco and sail soon after arriving tbers for tbe Philippines where thirteen of them will be nse.1 to complete tbe ranks of company D Tbe remainder will enter oorapanj H, of Portland. Tbe siamining pbyiioiaot mat tbe volanteers at the armory )eeterday mnrainir, and but two of tbe number examined failed; tbe rest were accepted and told to prepare f ur Immediate de sartore. At 8 e'clock io tbe evenlo.? tbey nut again st Iba armory and from tbers pro ceeded lo tbe train, aceompanied by tbe Pendleton band sod a large eooconree of citizens. While waiting for tbe train lbs band played martial minus snd Ibe friends said goodbye Tbe volunteers bad lie eti anonti t h Iba Peodltun Emergeney corps aaeb with a nox or lanoh, and bunqitte were nomeroiia. In Hso Franclaro thev will be alveo nniforma ant man's railroaj fere was paid b Cool. Ham and they were furnished f-'l aplwe for living etpeneee o the- way to Camp Merrill, at Ibe Pfesidl x W Cmxier waa mle Unre corporal, and will have rhar f the n,o aohl they reach Hso Fraooisou. K. O UM Juwert. Iiimi. Tbe rea.lers of Ibis pater will ha pleaeed to l-ara that ibere la at leaal one a ... umoeq oiaeaae I bal arieoee bas lumn able In enre In all Ms stages snd that Is catarrh. Bali's Catarrh Core la Iba only pueitivs core lot aooea to Ibe mediae! fraternity. Catarrh Udpg a entente tiooal dtMeM, requires a aooatitniloaal lreat-nt. Hall', Catarrh Cara la lakes loteraallv, eeuug 4 t.:Uy up-m lbs ! J ant nsAiiu anrfaoee of the system, Iherrtiy deatrtiytng the lonadatioa of the dl.ea. aol imk the palieat strength by building ibe const its Una am isting na ara la doing iu wor. The pr.ipri.toie bav an nninh faith la lit eoraiiva Ibarra, thai they .nr e t nodred rfllara'r any ess that fail In earn. rWo 1 fr In nf iM.le. t Idle-., P. J. (',, c,, . . I al. .!..,( I. IrT !i l i In diorf.- (. t.Ve, H't na sWIM Wt;l Is ei4 ir it.rtsima lead ng t Ihs srreet ai I tv.sve I a nf aey er swa aUalmg stl branded "W -sos-hoW4 uq Iba lefj aide. Waddle pa ll,e COUNTY, OREGON, SANTIAGO GeQeral Shafter Begun tre Bom bardment of Santiago With Light Guns Yesterday. GF.N, TORAL REFUSED TO SURRENDER With Henry's Reinforcements Shafter Will Surround the Town and Completely Annihilate It. Washington, July 11. The bombardment of Santiago bas be gan. ' That was the verbal infor mation obtained ' last evening, shortly before 9 o'clock, at the war department. Almost immediately three bulletins were posted, tbe most important of which whs from General Shafter. iTbis; dispatch announced that General Toral, who succeed General Linares in command of the Spanish forces in Santiago, when the latter was wounded, had declined to surren der, aud that the bombardment of the town would be begun by the army and navy about i o'clock in the afternoon. The fact that the bombardment was scheduled to begin bo late in the day created some comment, but no explanation of it was offered. In answer to questions bearing upon the move ment, General Gorbm said: "I have not the slightest infor mation as to the reasons General Shafter had. for beginning tbe bombardment at tbe hour he named, but it was probably because be was ready just at that time. You can speculate about that as well as I can." Information received by the war department daring the few days of truce indicates tbat Shafter has materially strengthened his posi tion. Daring the past week he has received reinforcements of both Mrtillery and infantry. Randolph's battery of 24 guns, which left Key West last Tuesday at tniduight, is now in operation before Santiago, and, as a war department official expressed it, "when these long toois of Randolph's begin talking, something will happen iu Santi ago." General Shafter bag nearly 50 siege gout and a large number of 6-inch mortars, besides light artillery at bis disposal. These guns, taken in connection witb the work that wil! be done by tbe fleet, will, it is expected, carry terror and destruction to Santiago. Anxiety bas been expressed by tbe war department officials as to whether General Shafter had a sufficient f rce to prevent tbe eva cuation of Santiago by the enemy. This anxiety whs allajed about IiJ:.H)laHl merit by the receipt of tbe following dispatch from Gen. Shafter, which contained confir mation, too, of tbe earlier reuorts of tbe beginning of the bombard ment' "Playa del Ehte, July 10. To Adjutant-General, Washington: Headquarters of Fifth Corns, .Inlv 10. The enemy opened fire a few mioutes past i witb light guns, which were anon ailecceat by oars. There was very little musketry ring, ami inn enemy waa kept en tirely in tbe entrenchments. Three men were slightly wounded. I will have OunHidernble force to morrow, Pnouh to eomnletely block ail the roaiU on tho north west 1 am quite well. The belief is held by tho ImsU informed ollioeri that Gen. Toral, the Hpanish eommaiidnr, will sur render when ha finds it will be im ponaible for hi i to tvaeaahf the city. Unoo what trrounds this b. lief la baseifl could l.ot be) safer taioed, but that information is in the hands r.f the fliciala, there is bo doubt General Shaffer's dis patch, thsjr sat, shows ha ia how engaged in tingthting his poal. tioti, and that tomorrow hn will follow up his ertioii witb a final aaaault on the city. i b news of tlm bombardment cam at tharlonnof a buay Sunday In tna war department rreviiMis in tbn receipt of this diapatrh th "reUry f war hail beard tains from General Shafter. In the early morning minn a telegram aayin that ha bad ridden over the) Auieri. can tinea and waa gratified at their n D lit .otj. ais otd dispatch rea I that Jhn linen were itiiprr unable, thus removing any fear of a sne renefol aoHh ly th Hpahiah Irof js shotilj the mbuvers r.f MMp.t.ttfij!i4 JMlit;' TUESDAY, JULY 12. DOOMED. grams, which also emphasized the fact that General Shatter's condi tion ; had; greatly improved, were shown to the president, and occas ioned him considerable gratifica tion. ! When questioned as to whether he believed that there had been a bombardment of . the city, General Corbin replied: j "You know as much about it as X do; I have kept nothing back. I should say, however, that the firing was but the preliminary to tbe more serious business tomorrow." This being the case, the attempt to take the city will probably be made today. j Tbe war department posted these bulletin dispatches: , ! "Sibonet, Cuba, via Hayti, 5:55 p. m., July 10. Adjutant-General, Washington: Headquarters Fifth Army Corps, July 10. I have just received a letter from General Toral declining unconditional sur-render,-. Bombardment by the aJrmy and navy will begin at or near i p. m. today, if possible. ; Shafter, i "Major-General." HOBSON KXCHANUED. Tn --erhiaa Here Again Free -Htar Kipnr- j . . lenee aa a Prisoner. Associated Press. Ofp Johaqca, July 6. -Naval Con strootor Richmond P. Uobaon, of tbe flagabip New York, and tbe seven (tea men who iniled tbe collier Merrimao into tbe channel of tbe barborof Santiago de Cobs, Jnne 31. snd sank ber, wers sur rendered today by tbe Spanish military authorities io exobango for prisoners osptnred by tbe American forces. Uobaon snd bis men wera eeoorted through tbe lines by Captain Chadwiok. of tbe New York. Every step of tbe jonroey was marked by the wildest de monstration. Tbe Atnerioan soldiers, who threw aside all semblance of order, or era bled oot of the sntreoobments and koooked over tents and gnys snd other camp paraphernalia in Ibelr eagerness to see the retnrning heroes and sent ch-er after obeer alter the mso who sailed ioto tbe Jtasof death lo serve tbeir country. Ths asms soeoes of ntbnsiaaea wers repeated oo tbe arrival si tbe hospital Station snd Jorsgas. Itobeor, wb'i reathed there in ad veno of liia comrade, waa taken on board the N w York iinmediately. Tbe nagahlp's deok was lixl with tfllcer. snd men as hselimbed np Ihs side sod alepped oo board lbs vessel. With ahoots and obe-re bs and his o ruradoe wera redognissj by the trewa in the lranep)fta lying near the New York Uol-soa bad bills la say regarding his sxperienee, excepting that be was well treated by tbe Hpaniarda. A I bis men are la eioelletit bsallh. Tbe Hpanish authorities cmsealed Ihia morning li eiobang HoUon and bie rneo, and a troce waa eslah'lshed for that pnrpoae. The plae seleetml lor ths sxahanga waa ander a Iras between ths Hpsnisb and American lines and Iwo tbirdsof a mile beyood ths entrench ment oconpled by the roogb riders, aesr Oeoeral Wbseler's btsdOsrtrs. Ibe center of Ihs Atnertrea line. Tbs Amerioan primness left lbs Iteina oeds boepital sia .l') Ibis afternoon la ot srgs of MaJr trie, the Hoaeieb staff oftlner. Ths prleoner wers oondoeted Wtha meetitif plaea afiml, i blind rolded. Colonel John Jacob Aatof and Ller. leaanl Milloy were i sharge . the Hpsotah prhv.bS. ThSM Consisted of Lien ten ant Attialii Volrs and Aorelios, s rieimaa, Iwbnging M the Twetiir Olntn tegular icrselry. who was asnlured Sl Kl tianey rn4f last, Meiilensal ai'ilpa Ariea. of the Hrl pro..aal regisnenl at fUreeloea, f .nrleea aon OorotuiMloD I erTlners sod oas brtvale. The Hpanish prUooere were taken mronga ll,a Awerieaa line, mounted and Mia If d 11. The ttieellug we rllniudy ttrlawe and y rroal, and ni attempt wa wiade on either sid lo Jiee ,a aeythlng but th ssstter Is bsod. fries wa gives lholM . sf three heuteasals ll. baoga for lid-on, led Ui ..,,icusd ttsl be eonld bate all Bfteeo) aa . 4 f 4 H-f liilori 1 h 1898. : i r . Spaojh officers seleoted Lieateoant Ariea. The other Spanish officers were conducted baok to Jarsgna, and then not later than 4 o'olook Irlea courteously enough, but In a tone whiob indicated considerable defiance, said : . "Onr uaderetanding is, gentlemen, that this truoe comes to an end at 5 o'clock." Oolonel Aator looked at bis watch, bowed to the Spaniah offioer without making aoy reply and started slowly baok to tbe Amerioan lines with Bobson and bis companions. Tbe meeting and exchange of prison ers bad taken plaoe io full view of both tbe American snd Spanish soldiers en trenched near tbe meeting plaoe. The keenest interest was taken in the oooasion. The escort from the flagship bad bronght a ohange of olothlng and new onirorma for Hobson Bod all of bis men, and thev were given a short respite to change their apparel. Before leaving for tbe ooasl. Lioaten. Bui Hobson bad an interview with General Shafter. To tbe correspondent of the An- oiated Press Hobson deolined to talk of bia adventure on the Merrimao. atatino thai he mast first' make bis report to Admiral Sampson, bat as lo bis experi ence in Santiago be said : "Daring the first four days wa wero prisoners of war, and were confined in Morrow auntie, I ass are yoa these were extremely anaomforlable and disagree able days. The Spaniards did not exsotly ill-ireat as, bat it took them some time to reo3ver from ths shook, oaused by what most of ioem considered our Yankee iniDudenoe in tryiog to blooksde their harbor. As a rale tbe offioers end man, who onme into ojotaoi witb as. were graft in speeob and sullen in manner. For Admiral Oervera I hive nothing bat ths highest admiration. Hie action, in informing Admiral Sampson ot oar safety, I regard as that of a kind hearted, generous man, and a chivalrous officer. Ha repeatedly spoke to me of his slmiratioo for what be oalled oue of the moBt dsring acts in navsl history, though l am sore we were not entitled to tbe oommendation .wa reoelved, for tbers were hundreds of other men to oar ships who wonld have been glad to un dertake to do Ibe sams thing. "While we wsre in Morro oastle, we were naval prisoners, bat at tbs end of four days ws were trsnsfered to the jurisdiction of the army, and wero re moved lo the Reina Mercedes hospital oo tho outskirts of Santiago, where ws remained notil today. Ws knew but little of what was going on in tbs oity, tbongb, nf course, ws conld always tell when onr fleet was bombarding ths shors butteries, and ws conld easily dis tinguish the terriUo explosions by Ihs Vesuvius throwing dynamite shells. "Severs! times at night we were also tally aware that land batteries wers fighting ontsids ths oity. Tbs liltls In formation ths Spaniards would givs us eonld not bs rslied upon. "One thing Ibst I found out io lbs hospital was that a larga nnmber ol Spanish offi iers were wounded io Fri day's fight, for many wsre brought to tbs bospilsi to be treated. Numbers of badly aimed ballets cam IntD Iba hospi tal windows Friday, bat I da not be lieve soy ons wss injured by tbeni. Our quarters there were very clean and Oom tortable, aod lbs food was fairly good. "lo fact, I bass no reason to complain ot oar treatment as prisnosrs of war. Tbs prejudice whiob tbs Spaniards showed sgaiosl us during the first few dsys soon wore sway. Wa oond noted oarselves properly, and sinmly foroed Abem to treat na well." orr roR Tin wak. thjhtees of Oar Hrav Hoys Utt frlday Horsing te Happen las riag. Thursday, July Ctb. Captain II. K. Kendall and D .olors D. W lker and It C. Johastoo, examining surgeon tor lb i UoitsJriiales army, wars In Ihs city aod sxstniosd 21 oluulaers. Of Ihs vol unteers 1H wera accepted and leavs on Iba morning train today for Ho Fran Oiaoo and Manila. Tba fallowing are the names of tboea seeepled : Heoiea F. Fouls, Wn.K Charles lldtoogeil, Fred IVelerd. A. K DeAtly.IUIph Cobbs, (leo. II. Dufor, Tboa. Foliar, Daniel J. Kretxer.Clarsnes E Tternso, Cbarlea F. Wagser, Charles llobeii, Harry A. Fred dsn. all for Co. L, and Jack Williams, Frank Pierce, Loda nar Crary, Kenneth E Waraer, aaj leaao Torney, fur Co. II. Tbs rejected sr John E. Itrogaa , mar rW j Edward II, Hargeol, dsfeotivs vis ion, James E. Hall, deaf in right ear; Chsa. 1 McOaff-rly.dsaf ; Oss F.Htraa abao. right baud d-forme-I. The Dalle spp Mlionuael was 13 p3 snd ILsrs wers firs mora oll, snd, ss our brs wr soxiou l gi.tbey ao cepud Ihs stitirs igla who pastml Ihs eismiualio, Tba will go la charge of M. F. FoiHt. bt will act a Isor s.rp..rl. Th Chrotoels wtehas the boy a sue Mfat Irip.sad hopes Ibal wbn tbswsr I pi.aed Ibey will retiirq aod frelvoor BHifiaraiiiisiems ft Ibe la'irrl Hisy will ceriaialy wlo.Chr4aiee. - . , 1a Mllliaaa a teas. I,i,v, Iry, i,d .t e4in. H e..,.. ii, im.1,,,1 - i, ,,,,i ( ,w I M.lre ere riow lu"t la-ei4a t e'..K I slhiil, mt ll. tmlm iA I... .l...... I,f.. a -r ... , ,irw ,niiH,n . i (srs, It itiMins mtit rivnt tint ( -snte are tbe at d. I ghlf, I-,.. f.g i'.i. f ,rei l.M,li (l rcr ,niM,t ''" " '", l , glUi'lH, NO. 665 - Mm POWDER Absolutely Pure 8TATE NEWS. The Dalles held its city election last Friday. A large fruit crop Is assured iu Eastorn Orn. gon. N.J. Slnnott of The Dalles, delivered tho Fourth of July oration at Antelope. Be pro nounces the celebration a grand success, and claims that the hospitality of the people could not be surpassed. W. E. fteed and Clarence Beroggin met with quite a misfortune at Thirty-mile last week while hauling for L. O. Ralston's store. The ' former lost three of his horses, and the latter -broke one of the front wheels to his wagon all to pieces. Condon Globe. A young love-sick swain attempted suicide ' by the morphia route at the Hmn I1B FT .Ml flu last Saturday afternoon, because he was re fused a license by the clerk to wed his 15 year- ' old sweetheart. Dr. Daly used the pump ert'ect- iveiy ana tue lover is once more troading the thoroughfares of Lakoview. Examiner. Ellas Hutchinson, of Hubbard. nrtvatA In company M, Oregon volunteers, whoBe death and burial at sea while en route to the Philip pines with his regiment was recently an- nouueeu, was engaged to be married to Miss Maud Ramaee. of Woodhurn. who whan in formed of his death, became completely pros- irtueu. The Statesman says: Sheriff M. C. Gaines, of Linn county, without the service of a single guard, brought a quintette of prisoners to the penitentiary. Tho men were all securely hand cuffed. Sheriff Gaines evidently does not under stand how to "work" the taxpayers of his county, or he would have been accompanied by at least one guard for each prisoner on this trip. Someone remarkod that company A, Hootf River's millltary brigade of young ladles, sur passed anything for a lot of good looking girls ever seen. That of course went without .uui,t but did you notice the grace and precision with wuicn tne gins executed the Intricate military maneuvers? A company of blue-coated regu lars would have stood no show with npm in competitive drill. olaclor. M. W. Wristen, formerly proprietor of tho Arlington and Bickleton Htage line, now of Contra Costa county, California, Is among old timers aud acquaintances shaking hands once again. Be reports California as rsther dry and crops light, but plenty to carry the state over until orops com again. Mr. Wristen Is looking well aud is well pleased with his now location. Mrs. Wristen, b -ecnorla. Is also tl, ..,..! with California. Arlington Record. A man named Courtland (irnnn bas tory of murder to the olllcers of Eugene. II ays that he and Claud flranton were crossing the Cascade by the McKeniie route with Johu Lynn of (illllam county, who wa bringing in a band of horse Wtha valley to sell. AccorJIng toOreenon the nluhtof JnnihM. ,...,! at a corral SO miles from this city, Hraiiton muroerel l.yim and hid his txidy. Hranton and Omen brought the horses ou to the valley. The affair la being Investigated. Four prisoner serving khIhihii in th. county Jail at AsUirla, lor petit larceny were released by Justice o th Peace Aburcromble, aud were rearrested by th police. Tho affair naa crraioo) axMieinuiil III certain quarters, wher It Is claimed that Oil If tllft ti.ri.Oll 111 thai governor could llbersUi the men before their lime wa up. Tn Jostle aUtvs that he thought Uiey hail been Dimlsheil aiionnh. n.i that ii.xi. sentence had been too sever In the flrsl place. lie maintains that he Is right, and that the state Is liable lor damages for fals Imprlso eut. Th CaplUI Journal of Kl in uti- n if nooney and t. W. Dnrtilu, ot the state board of agriculture hsv returned from Portland, wher they had a satlalacUirv Plitlfftrmn. Mrllli the horsemen, end the rare for our slate fair are assured. President liaminlr says no (Hurt was made to hold the race of their speed asso ciation on the sain dates as th stale fair, and lurthermor that he and all th hnr-meii ex. pert lo enter Ihelr animal for th Meletn raers. This Is gratifying news to th horse people of ths northwest, and especially nlxulne to in. stst fair Inanageineut, thanks to Messr. Uioney ami lliirhln. Hon. J. T. Bridie took 1,1s IKMlllllll teroflh fnlled tt.-s land bltlc Inthlsrlty rn.isy.jiiiy I. lion. K. M. VeaU h rtlrln. Mi. Brldgns Is so well known t iha i,i.i. ..ihi. county, hating twlr ri-prtiiiet them Iu the irgisiainre, mat no words ol Intr-.turticn are ut.r.ry Mr. Vrat.ti has srve.I sreral months mor than the four years for hli h he was appointed, and upon his rutlrement It Is th universal senllmenl that the position ha never lews fllliwt by a more homt, l,la and bilging ortl. lei. Us rnfu.r make his home st Collage lli.nt, ehrrc he in rnlly com. .lelr. a Hue r. !,.,,.. Mr The. krah III re tain his 1--HI101 as rlurk In lh land oltn a lor the pre-iil. Mr. J. II. II,. , w mr, ,, will mil Uhft hU i.IIiii until sliout the loth Inst . his Imi.,,p at.lra rvi'ilrlng Ins rMial all. nil. m ,,r sstrral ilajS H.- I'lslu. dalr. r-l,ie timr Itowels UIIN r.rrta. ' aiwlf ( alharlU-. lir r.i,.ai,a forvirr. e HI- CC fall. Urugsiai p fund Umw $. fin v a r Mi.r.. I will aell at private sale from reel, denes in Heppner, all household g.mds, socb as parlor suit, table, chairs, bed room suite, earpels, sl its, etc , s S. Call sflero'Hins from I lo 4 o'rl ck. 56 Ma. Khk M Fakuno. Kbb.4 is lirste. A startling Im idenl of which Ht. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the sutijx t, I Barreled by bim a f allow: e WM , a mod dreadful coudlll m. Uy skin was almost yellow, eyi suskea, tuogna oale-l, pa'ii eonlit sally ta bark and sils, no rt-el I -gradually grualug weaker Jay ty day Ibres pbj.l, !at h-l gUsn asa tip, Foiluastely, a friend sltl. trying 'Kleetrh' litllero.' sad to my great j..y and aorpnee, the first bottle ksle a oWlde.1 Iriil foveiiieel I rnftlinuit lleir nee n,re w..ks, ami new I aia well man. I know tl..y saved my life and rttw. lb grata vf amtllier M hm ." Ns fits tboql I Uil in try lbta. Call Kino! pr bttl M 1 f k',- rt-1 llvle,