KJ. n. QL In. Pkpaet TIME SCHEDULES Armvs ro From Heppner. fbom 9:30 p.m. Salt Ikc, Denver, 4:50 a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, at. louia, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00 p.m. Ockak Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Sail July 6. 9, 13, 17, 81, . 29. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska 5:00 p.m. July 19. 8:00 p.m. Columbia River 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Stkamebs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Willametts Riveb 4:80p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, Ncw berg, Salem and V ay Landings. 7:00a.m. Willamette and 3:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Riveks. Mon.. Wed. and Sat. md Fri. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. :00a.m. Willamette Riveh 4:30p.m. Tues. Thurs. Tues.. Thur. and Sat. Portland to Corval. and Sat. lis At Way Land ings. Lv. Riparla Snake Riveb. Lv.Lewlston 1:45 a m. 5:45 a.m. Mon., Wed. Riparia to Lcwlaton Sun , Tues. and Friday "1 Thur. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J, 0. HART, A(enl, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. HUE TOO GO! ERST? If bo, be sure and see that your ticket reads via Tie Honnv;esierR Line ....THE.... CHIOAOO, 8T. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IB TBB Denver & Rio Grande! RAILROAD -SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, Id through tourist cars without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotors and porters. Pans ntrcct Hallways. The htrect railways of Parts art under the fovcrrmcnt control, and th rules for their guidance arc very strict. Only four passengers are allowed to stand on the back platform, and they must pay the same fare as the first class passengers inside, viz., six cents, while those on the roof of the car ride at half rates. A Bora Thins; for Too. A transaction in which you cannot loselsa mi ! thiutf. Biliousness, slclc lieauacne, I ur- red tongue, lever, piles and a thousand other ills are causea uy cousuuiuiuu tsuu biukkibu livrer Ciirareta Candr Cathartic, the won- derful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are br all druegists guaranteed to cure or moncv refunded. C. O. C. are a sure thing, try a box to-day; 10c.. 25c.. 50c. Biuiiiile aud booklet free, bee our big ad. MAGNIFICENT OFFER. Mnnilavo To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and illUIIUays, Boston without change via Salt Lake, Missouri Paclncand Chicago and Alton Kys. T...J To Omaha. Chicago. Buffalo and lUlMlttjs, BoBton without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, hock isiana a. r acme By. To St. Joseph, Kansas City and Ht. Louis without change via Salt Lake ana Burlington Koute. Tt.nJ.. To Kansas City and St. Louis with- IllUOUajS, out change via Salt Lake aud Mis souri racinc railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. Every new subscriber of the Ga zette, or old one renewing, will get a a premium a copy of "The Great Debate" between Horr and Harvey. This was one of the greatest con tests of the kind in tbia age. The financial question is prominent in politics and yon want this book. It is bound neatly in paper and retails for 5Q cents the world over. Come early before all the premiums are gone. The investment is but $2 cash. The Patterson Pcb. Co. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, Inquire of O. R. fc N. and B. P. agents, or address, R, C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Pass. St Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. C. Hakt, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. Wisconsin Central Lines A BULLET-PROOF BREASTPLATt rh Invention of s German Tailor to Protect Soldiers. Projectile makers in recent years have expended much money, time and ingenuity in increasing the efficiency of the various missiles that come with in scope of their endeavors, and they have undoubtedly achieved some won derful results. But of what use is it all? No sooner is the projectile im proved to the extent of demolishing the likeliest object of its attack than some counter improvement is made to defeat the improved projectile. Armor plate is made too strong to be pene trated by missiles of the greatest known penetration, and then missiles are made to penetrate the armor, ana stronger armor has to be made. So the inventors in the two lines keep playing seesaw with one another, now one up and now the other, until it seems as if their rival efforts must produce about the same result as if neither had ever begun, and as if the best way to end it all was to mutually agree to do noth ing- Here is a German tailor m Mann heim, for instance, says the London News, who had apparently defeated the lately gained and much lauded in creased Denetratinir power of the Ger man rifle ball. He has invented or dis covered some substance which resists bullets in a way that greatly astonishes military men, and the army magnates are after his secret. Military commis sions have made numerous tests and declared the results most satisfactory. The inventor has made the material into a sort of cuirass or breastplate in tended to be fastened to the uniform at the shoulders and the thighs and weighing only six pounds. The sur face of the breastplate is of ordinary military cloth, and the resisting sub stance is put underneath. Of course it leaves the head, arms and legs ex posed. At one of the tests a life size dummy figure of a soldier was dressed up with one of the shields and set up GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897, PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist- to be fired at. Not one of the tullcts YEARS' j SO T- EXPERIENCE . mi a i I ance in me way 01 caving tneir hand baggage taken form or to train and carriage or bus, or in manv other ways, and they "will find all that is desired in this re- the material.' Thev were found im bedded in the coat, all of them flat tened by the resistance offered. In or der to find the probable effect of the bullets upon a human body the dummy was covered with soft material under Boa. H. V. Gate at Peadletoa. Hon. H. V. Gates, the promoter sod prinoipal stockholder in the eleotrio libt plant and water works of Ueppner, accompanied by bit wife, registered at the Falaoe on the morning of the 7th, for a few daya'sojonrn in the interests of his business. As orator of the da; at La Grande on the Fourth the Cbroniole says: "Just before the introduction of the orator of the day, Hod. H. V. Gates, a message was read annonnomg Samp son's viotory at Santiago. Of coarse, that was a signal for an outburst of ap plause, and for s few moments pandemonium reigned in the aadience. When quiet was restored Mr. Gates commenced bis oration, and tor three quarters of an hoar be held bis bearers as though spell bound. Occasionally be was mterruted by applause, and during his address he held the olosest attention of the entire assemblage. He paid glow ing tributes to Washington, Linooln and Grant, the army and navy, and his whole address was of the most patriotic nature and made the breasts of the many old veterans present heavy with honest pride." 1100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to care in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aoting dirctly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so muoh faith in its curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to oure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O. JtlTSold by druggists, 75o. 'aWDO! r i Hold on to Your Vooi until you correspond with (is. We ore In i position to both make and save you money. Listen to these facts. We are by far the largest wool commis sion house in the wwt. We handled last year 15,000,000 POUNDS OF WOOL. The large manufacturer huy front urn diree. Our stocks are always extensive enough to supply their wants. We Make Liberal Advances on Consignments at 5 per cent per annum for money thus loaned. We supply our patrons with sacks free. We send you our regular market letter which keeps you informed at all times upon the exact condition of the market. Write um at tunc a.boat, 7UT wool, sending sample. k SILVERMAN BH0S. SKt, Chicago tl r THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG THOC BLISS AND CONSOMiTION CAN BE CURED. An Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Onr Headers. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights 4c. Anvrma snndlnff a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably piitontahle. Communica tions strict lycnnarientlitl. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest apency for securing patents. Patents taken tlirouuh Munn A Co. receive tprriiU motics, without chariie, in the Scientific American. Boect in the service of the Ushers the breastplate, and the effect upon it r . , . was but a slight depression, less than at the Grand Central Passenger tfinth of an inch beneath where the A handsomely illustrated weekly. oniail.in nf un .cimiMfle Journal. Tour ninnius, su ouiu uy an newflueaierH. I.srsest dr- Terms, t I C0 361Br..dw.,.NpWY0rf Ilranch Office, U2S F flt, Washington, D. C. Great Short Lire BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHI0A.Q0 AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vcstibuled UiuliiK and Sleeping Car Trains, and Motto: "always on time" lias given this road ft national reputation. All iilasses ol passengers carried on the vestlbtiied trains without extra charge. Whip yourlreluht and travel over this famous Hue. All agents have tickets. W. II. MEAD, F. C SAVAGE, Oen. Agent. Trav. V. A I'. Agt. 2lh Washington St., Portland, Or. Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. JAS. C. TOND, Gen'l Fassr. Agt a tenth bullet struck. It seems likely, there fore, that a soldier wearing the armor would suffer some pain on being struck by a bullet, and at a short distance might even be rendered insensible, but it is thought he could not be seriously injured. . SHE GAVE HIM THE GRIP. BUILDS Attempt at MANY NESTS. NOKTH HACIPIO Rural Spirit r (KKTABUHIIED IN 1669.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO CHICAGO llwaies & St. Fail R'y Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf J Worth ita weiulit in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SHEITARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS at I The Only All-Rail Boute Without Change of Oars Botween Spokane, Ronalaod and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Koeslood, daily ezoept Sunday: Leave. Hit) A. M... II Ml A. M... W:I0 A.M.... . .Hpolcann... . Itomland .. . .Nelson Arrive. ...;40 P. M. .. :0 P. M. ...M5 P. M. Close connections at Nelson with steamers (or Ralo, and all KKttnBt lke points. I'araonKera (or 'Kettle hiver and Boundary reek oonuect at Marcus with stave dailv. r HUItHCRIITION: $2.00 FEU YEAR. Sample oopiea free.) Itiiral Spirit and Gazette both for il.UO, oaab, at thii ofiloe. r LINE Ry This Railway Co. Operate! iti traiua on the famoni blook yatem; LitfhU ita trains by eleotriolly through out; Usea the celebrated eleotrio berth read tug lamp; Knin ipeedily equipped paasenger trains ever day and niifht between Ml. l ani and (Uiioago, aud Omaha and Chicago; the Chicaao. Milwaukee St. Paul AUo operate! steam-heated ventibuled trains, carrying the latest private eotnpartmaot oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and pal axe drawing room sleepers. Parlor ears, free reclining chair oars, sod the very best dintug obair oar service. Fur lowest rates to any point in the United Mates or Canada, apply to seiil or sJJreas C. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY. General Agent, Trav. Pass. Ageut. Portland, Or. 50 Years.... IN THC nu 1 11 n u x s JUL THUOUUll CAKS. TO MIMNK.APOL18 PUI.Ulll KAHOO I, f ITI'lf . I ' I I If. UKLKNA Tickets issil to all points Id ths Coiled HUtrs and Canada. I w ui; ! Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition 1 mi ni srs Increases Yield nf Wool. Enhance! Value oi Flock. Cheap, Hale, Han dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odorless. CHAS. G. ROBEHTS, GENERAL AGENT, 717 Ash Mrect, I'ortland, Oregon. Sold 1v Minor it Co., Hoplm'r, Or. QUICKEST AND MOHT DIRECT LINE TO UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and nil Points EAST and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. And Thereby Caused a Commotion In tbb Theater. At the theater one night two gentle men sat in the front row, next to the orchestra. Directly behind them sat a gentleman and hia wife. A few mo menta before the curtain went up one of the gentlemen in the front row put his arm on the bacK of his companion's aeat. While talking to hia friend he felt a slight pinch 011 the arm. On looking around he saw that the lady behind him had turned to look up to the bal cony, and in so doing had placed her hand on his arm. Realizing that she had done so unconsciously, he did not move his arm, says the Rochester Union-Advertiser. Soon, however, ho felt a hard pinch. Thinking that the best way to call the lady's attention to what she was doing would be to ask if anything was wanted, the gentleman turned and asked: "What Is it, madam?" "Sir?" said the lady, and immediate ly the husband blitzed up. "What do you mean by speaking to my wife?" he demanded. "Don't mean anything," was the re ply, "but I would like to know what your wife means by pinching my arm?" Then both men looked at the lady's hand, which atill rested on the arm. Roth smiled, liecame a little nervous and apologized. During the rest of the performance the lady kept her hn " in her muff. AGENTS WANTED KzplHinlna; an Old Habit of Male Wrens. ' The London Field tells of many cases where wrens have built several nests, only one of which has been occupied, and casts about for un explanation. It appears from what T. M. Ward, of Sib ton, Yoxford, Suffolk, anya," that it is the male bird that builds these unused nests. He also observed that the builder of a nest which was never used paused after each bit of nest material was put in place to sing in a loud voice. The odd nests are completely finished to all outward appearance. Sundry ex planations of this remarkable habit have been offered, one being that the odd nests are put up for the purpose of fooling the parasitical cuckoo, which depends on other birds to raise ita young', but there is a poetical idea that it is the mule bird's lonesonieness that urges him to build. A few American birds build duplicate nests, but the mat ter has not been so thoroughly studied by field ornithologists yet to admit of uu accurate explanation of the cause. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo onm, of New York City, demonstrating his discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronobial, lnng and oheet troubles, stubborn oougha, oatarrbal affeotions, general deoline and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis- ooveries to .any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" b as oured thousands permanently by ita timely use, and be considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of hia infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and tbia great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, baa produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be claimed by anv modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and oon sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in his American and Euro pean laboratories in thousands from those onred in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter runted, means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0., 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Doctor that yon saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr. FOR YOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment bas tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices ot any person nnder the sun in the line ot druggists supplies, blank books, bank work county work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that yon have heretofore sent away to get done. The Gazette shop is not a obarity concern bat if you will give us a obanoe we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Bay your goods at home. Remember that Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from home 'the foreigner got the money and we got the goods. But when the goods wera bought at home we bad both moDey and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. When ti e printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call op 'phone No. 3. 560-tf k A IIKITNER TO For the lit nf Wm. E. Gladstone, by John Clark Ridpstb, LL. D. , the most NEW YORK, 4 J days lebrald orator and statesman ot nuutus llmM Hia brilliant oenlna and CHICAGO. 3J - remarkable obaraoter;bis grand achieve. Curious t'ulmn Cave. There is a series of small and large caverns in the marble rocks of the j Cuban mountains which are beinggrud uaJly filled up, and that, too, in a most remarkable maimer. The common land Kiiuils, of which there arc so many !- eiwi und varieties in Culm, make these eaves a resort during the dry season. They congregate on the floors of tlw caverns in immense numbnrs and mil lions of them never leave. The reason is this: The water which drops from the roofs or ceiling of the different cav erns contuins a large ht cent, of cir Uuute of lime. When the water evapo rates the lime is left behind, nnd, acting i u cement, it irlues great layers of the snail shells together every year. This procem going on wuson after sea son la gradually tilling up the Cuban eaves, and it is only a quention of time when there will not I a single cavern left on the. island. "" can cured 1 if von suffer from anv of tlis I ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I DR. JORDAN & CO., ,1081 Market St Est'd 1852. 1 Yon no; men and middle ( aaed men who are miltering I fmm the eflVrts of vmtthfitl indiscretions or cx- i cee in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Debility ,lmpoienry.a.oa nannmni in all its complications; MerntRtorrlMa, PHMlalnrrlipn. Hnilftrruws. aif. rreanrurr or llrluallai, vie. Ky a cumhination of remedies, of ureal curative now- , er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment 1 that it will not only afford immediate reliel out , tiermanent cure. The Doctor docs not claim to perform miracles, but It well-known to be a fair i NEW NAME! Wm. Gordon has re-named his stand the old Jones livery stable Tlio Central. aled hay for sale. Charges reasonable. Call Bou aim aud have vour horses well eared for. THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE , Eat and Southeast VI THK and square Physician and Surgeon, nre-tnuiieut n his uneciaiiy isisteanr vi , Nr nlil I Is thoroughly eriirilrfttedlrum the a.'...,... ut, limit iimIiii M . Vwi'.uv m m nitnii'iiiir tn ns will re-1 ..ui hrataml nt.ttiiim nf llii (ifimi lltll tl t- We vim uimraiKco 1111 ii vri iiji m i evrry eate we undertake, or Jorjeu vile TlionHana jronnru. Conu talion tRLri and strictly private. CIIAKUES VEKY REASON A ULE. Treat- I melt personally or oy letter. Send for book, M 'VI.. IH.ll.um.hu lLmUf. ! free. 'The 1'hlUsophy of Marriage, (A valuable book lor men.; Vlttlf UB. JOKDlsl Great Museum of Anntomy the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Corns and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to soid sicknew and oi enje. We are eoniimnlly adlmt. new tnaciruens. v (trIMJi(Sifir. ta.iorwruf f 1081 Harkrt Street. Sin F.-ieiseo, Crt HON PACIFIC R. B. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE 8LKEPEBS. PULLMAN TOUK1ST BLEEPEH8. FltEE RECLINING C'HAIB CA1W. Portland to Eautem Cities Change. Without Quick Time. I nion Di n(s. I'nrMHiitlly Contlnrted Eionrstuns, BaKHKK Checked to Destination. Low Itiitxa. Direct lint) to Trnns-MtMianirtpl am! lntr. national Kxpositiun held at Omaha, Neliraaka, June to loTriibor, WrlU onilorsinned fur nta, tima tallies an d other information pertaining to Union I'aciCe J.H.LOTHltOP, or J. C, HAHT Atrt, (leu. Art.. I ts ad HU, O. K A N. Co., Portland, Ur. Heppner, Or. ST. LOUIS, 3J OMAHA. 3 SALT LAKE, 1 i The Old Shon! a. LIBERTY MARKET i 4": In tlm jilaco to go to got your t'uio Mik fttitl limit' clun, aleaka ami roaata. Yti ReolinlnB Hi sir Cart UpboUlered Tuoritl HUepiog Car rollman I'alaot Hlerplnit Can Kur full iiartteoUra regarding ratet, tima ol train, olo., call on or addrNs J. a HART, Agent O. R. A N. Co., Hsppner. Drgon 0. 0. Thbv, W. E. Comas, Trav. Taat. Agt. '"'! Agt. 124 Third HI., rortlan.1, Or. FISH EVEHY FRIDAY Ftiw suss' ciirl bsms and h,on. I'm, leal lant, Si-l(l wii.liT.si ,.l, Illiihiil taan prue paid lor I SUN 1 ltKNJ. MATHKWS. (Jl'ICKC TIME TO. Cm iciki Wiaiuxiinm Ht.TlwiM Ni VnhK Alt olhf r xilnU in Ilia F.mI and Houlbvaat OsJH Ktaaaa C'lTY Hr. JiMim ht. Ijm-ii KT)SJ I'nino IVpot rooaaotiona IHt. I'anl. MiBuvtpol a, Kansas I'ltr, Omaha, Inula tstiil ilbr pniuu rant naU llaa'agH rli.ikaj ILikU.Ii la deatiuatioo ol Ih taU. Tiirtngli ti. it to Japan aud I'Llua, via laflnro and Noiltitn l'salflrt Htram uip I'ouipaor'a lliisv Keep Sleep and Get Bleu. TI1K WOOL KKCOKO Tallt Yom Haw t Da It. for full tefirmaUnn, tima Mr da, map, ickcU, tlan call no ur ritt W. O. AwswsT. A. I. Cwti", Aa-tN T. Aaf,U lM. aiallM Of, I'Pftland, (l l'llial rrargxiuoitt vtlt X our rftvUra The Wool Hccord aitd Homl Wwsly (taavllo, nno ar tr Tl HmI IUf.! ta It.t t'tilr a at um a ihI uigan aiid riifa ilia mki Iudualry Iriiia Iba raising of lb Ui lo Hit ll lug ot Itia ttaaufaptorad arllol. tt ta pull!lied orelly at Nw Yo'k tad tb ffgutar pnoa t fi(K) year. It Mark rHirU tall oirnp and ! Hi.rrp lt.lrs' Talk aloaa art worth 111 lime tha prica ol Ida pa par. hain la (Vipiat) applicali". Ubttil)r r.ii.tua ftiit fimh f to0 lo C0 inlfcribw 1, h v a v (Fl o1 i i mm ,1 I 1 w Li Tht Haiku, Porllmi I Astoria Ntvigatiw C. OTaLA.VKJ oaliis cm" AS0 "RIQUUTO' 2nd, l4na i od th will Tb Commencing Monday, May iMiufi or iti nifni"r rsva 1'orltand Ml UJMJ n lallr otHikleVtU. Whan fan g to I oriiaud, np on Tlio Imllri n.l la Uip uown ins. Olnnit-ia; oo Biy J n",tt"' W. a A! LAW AT. (trtiaral Agil. menu aa leader tnd prime minister; Die mngnifloent triumph! lo great political trnggle;invlading hie famoae apeeebee, striking inoideola, pertnnnl needolee, to Many inperb phototype eogratingi. Orer C0 pigee. Ooly tibO. Hplendid oaovaaaiog oatdt with laible pre miain, ternn end tall inetmotinne eeol tree tor 36 oeote in etampf to cover poet ge. Moat hberel term gnaraoteed. Twenty dare eredit. treigbl pid. Ageote mekiog 15 to t-'W day. Be flrel la the field. Order tntflt today. El periene not oeoeeeery m everybody waote It. Mention this peper. Monroe Rook Co.. Dep't. J., Peerborn HI., Chicago. 67 64 Mssra'l MmUL In tbf owin f th Ib'd JarVft tub of ('anamlaiifti i a nmlal vsttli'h. Iln iiitinlwrt. i f tin- rlnl ll-'. v. tjispii tl..- fitnoil Sriiri'is sliirt I'.V linrcr ...h..nirl.m. thrr folks be fniiirnlt iiwaltonnl thr iithfntl'lt.V of rrli. iuim'Ii th lnlifiuttln of the (ananliir'ina. "aim awrt lhnt i' rl.tlnie to rrspol art Isryond tlotibt. M-.liila aJtiioat rxsn-t lln trHi of lt.-l JsuVrl's. t'li-V admit, rrr prrarntrd to other Indian of noi aWit the time Hhrn l!l .las krt rv.wivr-1 hbt. bittthla one l dlilnriilahl from nil the rrt taose -n t rrwrw 1 tie ret are 14 start) Instead of IS. and rrmaltieil In the hand of a alngle family from the time of the chiefa drain until It breame the ririijr wf !' r tit otsners. Cordray, the pioneer tbeatreman of Portland in the line of -popular prioee," bas refitted the Waatiogton St. theatre, formerly known as the "New Park." Cordray alwaya has eometbing new, and nnr rjeoole. wben below, can spend a I pleanaul evening at bis plaoe. tf m ft U V 1 L C p af . 1 I" i. I mil xskA w f.V. m I r -m m tJ . ill i , m as H t va rnrlM ltAl.ftf laarMsalllveewre. i...i.t.iAik. .irll. Ii isoalrklT alnrhd. " eents at ltirlis f M t I : amp'a lr. hr rn" t Y HWitTU1 ;. aa m m AViVll BOOK, t.v fmieteasman Jamrs Kan km T.un ail w.. .iikiiki. the Natv. all drlrnara. s,.ii.i.. .t. I'.iflialia and l.l.wrai.hla. ..I bw ..M all tntninnl olrtrwra. NtrH sin MSMl Maaalia tnlnma. Xarlonaljr rhit. W.i uihioaliln. Otilv aullientle, prtv-lal hn,.. k . ni nrwui Any loir i an aril It. I a. I Ira aa nr-r.lMl as ntlnin. the Lr.-t su'rlpllna arm In Amerlra. Mrltrua riltr tTniis arw rmplntc.1 In nur ! .........1.,.. itrnartmanl aiona. 10 .";, inn. iMir ! IS )"! tint. '' atir now and tw sr., in i i.o eM. Hte fcar Map lu cilora Im ath hnk ..r oullit tnhef al.iarl prvml. uma. Tremrii.lmia arltrr hlrf-at money ...k.,,,.! atKiwn. V l llt-etal l-r,s tuaran. A-'ita maklm :!' ' Pr dar li .( rrlit ln, mht paid full l'S ...i ..,.,1.1 ta a-nta tl l ri.ih.ll. saii.. r ...itr l ar. l lull n.tri. Ii .iis lr lor Hint I rnl to par t-lr Mvtitl.HI this pavr. MQhHUt BOO. CO.. Oep t N. Ch cago.Ul. SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION State NORMAL SGliool MOSMOl'TH, OKEOON. KtroiiK Academic and Professional Courses. Well eilpKl Training Department of nine grades with -J children. Regular Normal Course ot three years. Senior Tear wholly profrsalnnal. n i Gradtisles ot accredited lllirh Schools and Col lcgra 1 , JKx Y Emitted directly to professional work. --f T t V Tha Oltilnma'nf the chool Is racognUvl by law as A -I a LIKE Certillcate to teach, ' 'J A VAk Oraduateiollha f, hoot ara In demand as teachers. ' i I .1 tight Kipensea-One Year tor from X to 1M. H.autllul and healthful location. No Halimns. l1r'. Hft term will open Tuesday. Hetitcmber . 1NM. r-J f Calalinea, ilvlne full details nf work, cheerlullr jfa-lf seiilon appll.atlrn. Aildreaa, . W. A. WANS. p. U CAMPBKLI.. Kerreterr of r'ai iilly. rrsaldent -3-TW0 SPLEHDID TRAINS DAILY c TO THE EAST -am ROCK ISLAND II i All uy Rocky Mountain Limited Usaa liFNVI'H, . . . )a.m. I "Ml M'HIViS . , Vi a. ArH.-I IN 'IJ . . Ilp. m. " (IM4IU . I so a. m. " 1)1 M MntNrrJ . . . a, cn. " IUVtMitKI' . . l a, . M,lllHAtlO . tlJp.. Ntt Day TlimMak HlaMwea and Oiaif I'aes Ciea.lo ta hiram. e-iilmta lliMoabowt. The tineas tma la til Wat. Colorado Flyer Uaasa trNVH " iWi Mill sou ArrUealnl IhA " kA.NanriTY 1H p m. 1 p. m. . ) so a. m. It a, as. Ar. HT. I Ot IH. iWal, H't) ArrlfaaHT JOrtVPH - I.IN' l M irtMna) " UMAIIA ttiHaa) ln a. sa. ft a. as. s .-u a. as. ThruBgh rtaees C'olwa,lu Hrtns la Ht Lals U W alMak H j. QUZOIC TX2WXX3 I TO t4im l4rftioloo Aa4aUtaaailal,sair.wla..Mlte Mt Haae Southern Pacific Co n ra Kiir i-e.s r.iift.m JI a- aed "sils. t,eae.d UnaaW. althalVltslasvt fall Hate illacSiat tr. as trm train. aS'iediaS mpU armswatatlMM w4la '"f y. mam. swkaaa, auaH4H satt raaaSMa . rail m tar a.s4ai ul,.aiU Well la lis CosstrtSatloai Ha. AlU e Mor l orle teli In the Ailantle vt one fhnri-b where the rontrihuiion ttx ,i.,. . (Hitaineil a ainail tll eeri er, '.c. I in Its tilth u. rlM only when pontribuimn malr. Th eolle lion was usually tan sliirina? th ser mon. ! n. almif) rltirvh ifer shimM fail tleltt lion Tbs ftlaiqasss liraaJ. ou slMfia atrswt is the llar(uaas tildis, la nUr iosdtl maoatfanietit aaJ tbs poh illl-s royslly WHaln4 this win. Mw cowpaftl ssJ ftw laoas will ap pear Irons tlw to Wti'S a4 Ibis ppalar. Orat clas theatre ol IVfllan.l, t,J whsa la I'ottlsnJ out dr Ub abottUl sol tail to Uks la sums t U fict ttriQw bst tUltr'w4. " .flRUNGTON-FOSSILl STAGELINE A. tl. tMIII.VIE rr"p,",0, These are New Trains in aiJition to our former service, for particular aad fot.Wr fl'iti tin of llwa trs'oa writ t. C. M'LtOO. a. r. a . h.i-tKt. iti ? f 5ViUia7,J. f ARE f ROM AIHINQTON TO r.aail i mmmi lw ftasiadinp Matftll i J eilleal P.i. lri . Cotxlos (Iillea , n..i4 trip n.a in sallaal 10 .irvl Ills, i itwet (ISMlleal l .... ftonnd Irip 81 sw ! ArttNito) ry niorpio (Mta.lar Iptd) sl Vlos s; is t at Gm.lna at I p. as. soj srilfts sl K-s-all at 7 P. ('vtuforlabl r.e(cj eosch'f Sioj fat, fifitrs(4 4'Tft. That 14-Ycar Old Stuff. . "Kolm's Best." On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon l r lea MAMIC UISS Ssw 8;a.J, City 1 1. del Btji l,t