Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Spite ot Treatment tout Now They are Mealed A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great sufferer with varicose veins on ons of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread Itaiy swollen. When I stood up I could feel the bloed rushing down the veins ot this limbi One day I accidentally hit my toot against some object and a sore broke oot which continued to spread and was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me so much suffering, began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and In a short time my limb wan completely healed and the sores gave ma no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, has dono for me." Mes. A. E. Qimo Hartland, Vermont. Hood's parilla lytlit best in fact the One True Blood Purified flood's Pllln cure all liver Ills. 2l cents. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gasette can offer the following clubbing rates: Ike GAZETTE t'i.00 anil Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50... . Club Rate .... $3.00 .... 8.25 ... 2.75 .... 2.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 ' N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 ' Inter-Ocean, $1,00 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50..!!!! .. " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2 00 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. Wnrlrt. Ji nn 8.25 3.75 Wobfoot Planter, 50c ..'.,!! ! j!oO 2.75 wjsue weekly, $4.00. . . . 4 jj5 Rural Spirit, $2.00 ' g 00 New York Wool Record, $2.00 ....!!!!!! ! 3.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 , ..' jq Yearly subscriber to the Gazette can get clubbing rates witti any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CHUHCH. u , . 8KBVI0E8. 111 . m' m' I?1 I m- Sunday school lwJ2h t(2la,,ee' No- nd 2 at 12:10 p. m. fcpworth League Devotional meeting at 7 v. in. PW?r !?eetl"e. Thursday, 7 p. m. V The Hpihit and the bnda say. Come. " Ihe pastor may be found at the parsonage ad joining the church, whore he will be glad to meet any wo may desire to consult Tain on religious bombI civio. philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. ' J. W. FLESUER, Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. ra.,7 p, m., class meeting following morning service. Bunrtay school, 3 p. m. Epworth league. Fri day, 7 p. m. ' 'Let us forsake not the assembling of onr selvei together." Pastor"! residence In parsonage, next door to church. C. R. Howard, Pastor, CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Service! each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. a.nrt7:0Up. 111. Prayer meeting Thnnday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. K. U bniuv. Pastor. Tho LudUi' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 3 o'clock, p. in., on the first w ednciday of each mouth, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock Take Notice. . I he mm ot live oenU per line will be Charged for "cards of thank!," "resolution! of nwpect," ltiti of wedding presents and donors, fcud obituary notices, (other than thoie the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices ol special meetings for whatever purpose. Notice of church and society and all other eutertatnraenti from which revenue Is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rale of five cent a line. These rulei will be itrictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertiilng rate reasonable and made known upon application. Weaall away to Manila bay, tho Dons wo do not tear; And we'll leave behind theglrli we love, criei the Oregon volunteer. With Dewey bold to lead 111, and Old Glory in the iky, But ere we pass we'll drain a glass, of Bperry'i l.inwooj rye. Hold only at the Bclvadcro Haloon, E. O. Kpcrry, proprietor. j Tbe Gazette ia on! heralding its 00m tng with a brass band boi its circulation can be determined at tbe lleppaer posl oflioe. Advertisers will please Dole tbis. Here and There. Km M. Liclitsutbal k Co. for shoe, a Willis Jeoki wag in from Hamilton yesterday. Wbat is Hop Gold? lies! boer 00 artb. We ad. elsswbere. Oacar Tbompvon s in from Hatter creek Wednesday 00 bnsiues. flaioDssse'a famous old "Dublin Btool," Imported, at Cliria Borohera' If MiM Mand Itosli closed a saoceosfnl term of school down at Vang as last Fri day. Tainless remedy for eitraoting tenth. If not as slktari, on oLargr-. Try Dr. Yanghao'a new plan. 0ij tf. D. A. Paltnllns, rr prsarnlifig Ualf.iur, Oalbrit k Co.,of Portland, was lo Urpp nrr yesterday. If yon need something fur yoor system call at lbs Tbons-Ths Telephone sa loon. City Iml c I building, if Best aooimmrvlatmn and ronrtoons Irealroeol at tbe Imperial Hotel, Haveritb. ad Wash. Hts., Portland, Oren. firing yonr bides, pelts and furs to Hen. Msltisws, at tbe LHwrty Meat Market , Ua pays bighwl market price. f.lIMf. K. O. Nilils A Co. are matters after batta. Tbsfl iest sad.ll -s and bar Bess to bs found lo fjepi oar. H tbeir sew ad in tbts lesns. tf, Tbs firm of lawyers, Drown k Hdflll. bars dissolved parlr trsbip, Mr. C. K. lied field eonlitinlDg the tmsitieea at this I'larte. Ir. John W. Kaamni. nf tbe "rUd liglit," ever n lbs aVil fur enmetbics; sn feruUb yu lbs Cue I rt k tails tc V s ln t MsnLalla, Jersey, Vermoothor (ho mal by so siti in j tbs business. If"p in and lake II, e title rnt ( ynr nmnlb. If h 1 mt fr. lmU-.M. Fa 1 -l-. Tress Cresswell is op from Ella. Isaac Koigblen was over from Eight Mile yesterday. John Hayeaoame over from Lone Rock to spend tbe Fonrth. E. B. Stanton was in from bia Eight Mile borne on. last Wednesday. Liobtenlbal & Co. forsboea. Exclusive shoe etore. Handles tbe best. 83tf J as. Curran writes from Dale, Or., for tbe Gazette. He shall bave it. W. M. Haguewood and C. T. Walker were up from lone on last Tuesday. Mrs. Boy Wilson and J C. Perry, of Monument, are registered at tbe Palace. Will Spenoer and wife leave today for Teul Springs, to be absent several weeks Statements for tbe Famous Simple Account File printed at tbe Guzette of fice, tf. Geo. Lutrell.stationkeeper at Parker's Mill, ia. enjoy ing a few days in town with old friends. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion aud defeats of tbe eye, will be bere every three months. 6-18-lvr (J. A. Minor, manager of tbe firm of Minor & Co,, is buying goo 8 down in tbe metropolis. "Co'n juice" ia all right but Low Til- lard has a brand of 14-year-old goods that is bard to beat. 603 -tf. We are under obligation to Dr. Vaugh au for the finest specimen of salmon trout we bave seen tbis season. Staoey Roberts nays his Eigbt Mile crop is "the best on earth." If prices are but fair splendid returns will be had. County court is in session this week, with a full attendance of eour offioers. Commissioners Bsckett and Howard are both present. Tom Marriott, of Hinton oreek, reports the preeenoe of grasshoppers, but they are of recent batching and too small to do damage. The little ion of Rev. Shelley, who suf fered a broken leg 00 last Monday, is getting along nioely, but will be confined to bis bed fur some weeks. Jas. MoCumber bas returned from North Ponder, where he sheared tbis season, and is at present Bi.journing on his ranch near the mouth of Big Batter oreek. John Carmiohael and fumily, of the Lexington seotioo, spent tbsir Fourth in Heppner this year. The graeHhopper pests have not bothered Mr. Carmiohael's orop this season. The Guzette oarries a full Btock of mourning note, correspondence style, with envelopes to match. Those desiring suoh stationery oan have their wants supplied at this office. tf. Will Allison is over from his Grant oouDly mine, which be bas been working with Mr. Lovegreen, with only fair sue OBn. Tbs season is over, water beiug siarce at present. Hiok Matbewj has added au extension to his house, aad tbis week J. W, Cowins is having made some needed improve ments on the premises lately purchased from Sam Kinsman. Jas. Anderson, a soo-in law of Mrs. Pry Wilson, was in from Drewsy, Har ney county, yesterday, buying a lot of supplies. Tliis shows that it pays to come a good distance lo trade at Hepp ner. J. W. Morrow will sot as deputy to Oierk Crawford for some time, as the new clerk feels that be is iu need of instruc tions. Mr. Morrow, baving bwl eigbt years' experience, is splendidly fitted for that task. The Onz-itte will club with Hie Oregon Setintor, the great Pythian paper of Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, published at Portland, for 82.75 for lbs two. Tbe Seuator is all right. No Knight of Pythias should be without it. tf. E. E. Hewitt, with the drug firm of Conser k Warren, is making ttilecdid reputation in the preparation ot flavor ing extracts. As a matter of faol, it pays to buy pore txtrsots, from one whom you know would not deceive you. Bob Beard bas vsosted tbe Kediogton property, aud 011 last Wednesday John Mills, foreman of tbe Gz 'tie, and wife moved into tbs plc. Mr. Mills bas lived for some time in tbe Hallock bunsn, one of Ihe old landmarks of Heppubr. II. Tippelta, of Little Butter creek, stopped our local man long enough 00 July 4ib to say that bis hay crop is the finest Ibis year that be has bad lo long time. Little Butler creek farmers are rigbl io His midst of baying at preseol. Ifynn want Ihe latest wsroews, tbe freebeit luoul happenings, city or oouutry, g-t tbe Oixotte, semi weekly, Tuesday and Friday. Patronage helps make, a paper. Compare it lib those of other towns tbe size of Ileppter and tbs Gazette will not suffer thereby. if lr. E. R ilnnlock is back from Ihe Interior, whets be spent few weeks hunting and flshiog. He La wt en jnyable lime, and report the remainder of tbe crowd on Ibw way borue, with lb exeepti in of F. J. 8tcaa, wbo ba sloe arrived. At lbs Ilrrpner Cindy Factory ia the place lo g't P 'ol. refreshing ftioitner drink. J. Hart can furnisb you milk shakes, soilo, ice areata sods, wloe, pescb cider, ele. Icseream booths nicely fitted tip. Come sod try Ibe Dewey (Uvor a new thing and t fine. 6V,l-tf Ytaierdar Frank RiUrte, J. Fiti, Mr. Ilarrn, A. M. and Elmer Hlorom re. turned from a trip II, moitnUin eo l.on. Tbs boys v.iiled Humpier, where Ihey met many td.I friend. On their relura trip Ihey nailed I Vedatloa lake Fraiik lUyata it4 sol return with Ihe rr.jwj, remaining at Mdiftl eifig, Fraiik McKarlmi I h In en epHinted J-elal sgenl rif thm rdilsl'l I 'fe A swranes I ' f Se Vrk, it timiigeat la ll wofll. I b turphie In tmh. y j liller ul titer BBillen .1 llr. ISiti I take loanras' withoal etelng Ihe new (ilset iA tit t-4Tisl''. Ie'ire4 Udhj Mill l urn fstse. TTil ( Milt Maxwell was down from Paiker's mill on last Wednesday. Berl Courier was down from the mountains yesterday laying in needed supplies. Frank Lee, Ihe veteran woolbuyer, re turned from Tbe Dalles tbis morning and reports the market quiet there. Di. D. J. McFdul wss oalled to Wag ner yesterday lo attend Mrs. A. N.Foster. The dootor was aooompanied by I. N. Hughes. Rev. G. R. Howard, with bis family, took tbair departure on Wednesday mnrniDg for a two week's outing in the viciuity of Bisbee's mill. Be not deouived! A cough, hoar sn ess or croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save you much trouble Sold by Conser & V'arren. v Dyspepsia cured. Shiloh's Vitalizer immediately relieves sour stomaoh, 00m iog up ot food distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold bv Con ser & Warren. v Willie Cowins bas lost two puns, three months old, bnll and greyhound. He will pay for their return. Auy person knowing anything of tbem should send word to Willie. Cure that cough with Shilob's Cure. The best oough onre. Relieves oroup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25ots. Snl A hv Pnn. ser & Warren, v Mcsdames Joe Haves and John Turlev bave been oallcrl to the vaiiav " I I Eugene, to attend the bedside of tbeir sick father. Mrs. Hayes was accom panied by ber obildrec. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold by Ootiser & Warren. v All day yesterday tbe "long distanoe" from Arlington was mixed up with the barbed wire line betweeu Heppner and Rhea oreek, and the looal exchange was used as a means of commuuicatina with outside points. The trouble will be remedied soon. Mr. Wm. Hyud and wife, aooompanied by Miss Bessie E wing, a Canadian friend snjourniog at present in Portland, oame up from a brief though pleasunt stay in the metropolis, on Wedoesday. The party was aooompanied by Mr. HyndV nephew R. F. Hyndj of tbis plaoe. The now county clerk, Vater Craw ford, is now thoroughly installed, aud assumes tbe responsibilities of the office with tbe grace of an experienced offijial. His clerical ability especially fits bim for the office, insuring the onmmunity a 0 ireful and systematic management of tbe county's hffairs. A report was circulated tbis morning to the effect that a oollision bad occur red on tbe lower river. Upon inquiry it was found that Ihe Willamette had run into Ibe Columbia, says a rroenl Ishos of tbe T.-M."Eddie,"yoU are tempting fate. Some day the old man will stand it no longer, there'll be but a greasy spot left. , Hon. E. L. Freeland, representative elect, returned from a visit to Portlaud on Wednesday mowing. He says poli tics is beginningtto get lively again, and that there is some likelihood of an extra session in September. A great many will wonder why tbis wa not beld last summer, for it is oot long till the regular session or 1899. T. G. Nicklin, tbs gentlemanly repre sentative of tbe Amerioan Type Found ers oompany, favored ua with a cill Wednesday, and informs us that be baa recently sold sn extensive plant, inolud lug a power press, to Norman Jackson. just from Crete. Nebraska, who will start a republican paper at Weiser, Idaho, about August 1st. Bisbop Morris, of Pendleton, will oc oupy Ihe pnlpit of the M. E. cbureb Sunday, Rev. Fleeher being in attend ance al camp maetiop, held at Hardmao. Rev. Spauldiog, of Waco. Rev. Johns. of Fossil, aod Rjv. Clark, of Lone Rook, are io attendance, and report lbs Fourth as an exceptional day ot iuterest. Dpoo hi return Rev. Flenher will join Rev. Evaus, of Goldeudale, Ihenon to Ibe mountains for an outing. Tbe Rare! 8plrlt says: The time has oome and gone, never to return, wheo Ibe market will l over stocked. Cattle will never beoom a drug 00 tbe market. II will take r Dumber ot years lo Oil out ranges with stock lo take tbe plaoe ot those which hsvs been shipped East dor ing Ihe lasl few tears. The demanl f.. beef ia yearly foorenslng and Cannot" poeaihly catch no wild the rlem.n.l pas it, so e to oanae an overstocked insriei. Aaanaar mrat. Service will not be held al II o'olock in the M. E. church, Hun lb, Ihe eeonnd and I bird Sunday this month. Tbe oongrei ation will io the noinn ser vice as anuouored. C. It Hownr. lelereslloaal Mlelaa Cnagreaa. An international coining e ingrees will be belJ at Halt Lake City. July (lib lo 9tb, inaluaiv. Kor this orpum lbs O. It k S.'C., will fell excursion lU ket lo Hall Lake City an t return al rat of one fare for Ihe round trin .ill k. on sale Jnlv 31,4 b ari l 5'.h, g.Kid ti re . 1 ... lr4faiy fcrrveaa. (rent: I Wat dreadfully nervnn. and for relief look your Cl'a Clover Roof Tea. It qnlele.l my oerves and strength ened my whole nervnna yilem, troubled with e-falipalfn, I11 Iney and tmwel Ironhie. V'liir Ira eHn nlerid my )ilrro i lh..r'.nhly thai fiidly regained health a I strength. Mrs. m. A. Mweel. Ilartfur.l, Hnd hy iUiUft It Warren. I elt M-ll Al a lu'elisg i,f lite cm tc 1 1 lal inkl, tbe idi I tunable elemenl i f t,. ww prelly li.nroiighl.v lirieeH. req ing in Itie oiarahsl llr.f metrneied I., keen Ihein ailhiu Ihe limit til rrt.p(,. 1 be emn t f eTreU nl pnhllf lnleriji Were linlrudUj lu lIuu a tain. iw a pieee ret pmperly fi r miliars i a r.ii Ha r4lartl Irjurlun Irmsettd. KIND or MEN NEEDED. Qualifications for Recruit for New National Gaard. Acoompaoyitg lbs orders for Ibe reor ganizatioo of tbe Oregon National Guard, issued by Adjutant-General Tuttle Thursday morning, was tbe following circular: Adjutant-General's . bflSce, Salem, Or., June 15, 1898. . . Tbe following instructions will govern reoruting tor tbe Oregon National Guard: Applicants for enlistment must be be tween tbe ageaof 18 and 45 years, of good character and habits, able-bodied, free from disease, and must be able to speak tbe English language. Married men will be enlisted only up on the approval of tbe regimental com mander. Minors must nol be enlisted only upon the written consent of father, only sur viving parent, or . legally appointed guardian. Minors are those who bave not attained tbe age of 21 years. For infantry and artillery tbe heicht should be nol less than 5 feet 4 inobes, and tbe weight not less than 120 pounds and the height not more than 6 feet 2 inobes, and tbe weight not more than 190 pounds. For navnlrv tha hoioht ihn,M ni t.- less than 5 fe t 4 inches, and the weight not to etoeed 165 Donnda. nor m. th.n 5 feet 10 inobes in height. No miuimum weight is prescribed for cavalry, but tbe obest measures must be satisfactory. Desirable applicants wbo are 10 pounds or less overweight or underweight, if they meet all other requirements, may be accepted. The following table shows the physi cal proportions for height, weight and chest measurements: Chest At ex Weight, plration, Mobility, pounds, inches, inches. Heieht 6 inches m . 65 inches 130 82 66 inches 132 82 $4 67 inches 134 fia 2 2 2 2 B8 inches 141 88U 69 Inches lift 70 inches iss su 71 Inches i2 '141 1'i inches iaq ui 73, inches 16 3 By order of Ihe oommander-in chief. B. B. Tcttlb, Adjutant GenerBl. Io speaking of tbe plan of reoraanisa tion, General Tuttle said it Was probable that Portland would be made the bead- quarters of the field offioers. 80 far two oompBnies bave been mustered io by the military board one at Baker City and one at Ashland. In the opinion of General Tuttle no difficulty will be ex perienced in forming four companies in eaoh of military districts one in East- em Oregon, one in the Willamette valley end one at Portland. In the Heppner HIIIh. Morrow county is rioh in natural re sources, and oan warm the world with Its wool, mount Ihe osyairy of tbe world with its horses, furnish roast beff and mutton ohops for all England, and feed whole armies with its wheat. Henrv Blackmao la just down from there, and says Ibe recent rains made the whole region smile, freshening Ihe grass for tbe stook and assuring a wheat orop in Morrow of 1,200,000 bushels double that of last year. The beads are filling out, and tbe quality oan'l be beat, and Harvesting will begin In a few weeks. Heppner warehouses are filled with wool, and more is ooming in. Such growers bs Judge Dntton and Williiim Hughes are storing tbeir dips on tbeir ranches. There are no symptoms of the marks! opening up at Heppner. but tbe growers are firm and independent, and say tbey will not sell until thev irt ready, and tbey oan affird to bold. Up towards tbe monnt ains in Ueppoer bills are a mas ot wild flowers, and make a sight btculiful to behold. Oregooiao. 1TKMM OF INlKttrXST. The Pullman Car company announces lhatil wil. flbt tbe war lax. That is Ibe oompany that appealed lo Ibe United Htate for militarv protection against striking employes nol long since. "Soul less corporations" i not sn unmeaning term. A yonng roan In Portland went to en list last week. He was given a news paper to read but could not, and as just as anotsestul when aaksd to write iu English, aod when reminded ot bis d' fioieoer . be said : Well. I ean'l read nor wrid in Kcglieb, pud 1 can fighdt lo auy langwicb, and tongbl id vas Ogbdtftr yon vanted, not professors." ue wss enthusiastically aooeplsd. Ex. When a Hpanlab soldier encounters ao adversary bis flrtt move is to lake lo lb brnah-endil is uiually Lis last move, too, Tbs wheat orop for lb eomiog Lar va t In the Drilled Hiatee t estimated al 77(1 (m UNI bushels, over lftO.000,1100 bushel Id eicea of the largest rrop ever barvealrd in the D (led Htalew. Ileeair I Mloal Urea. 1'-an IiIimmI nimna a rlrmi skin. Sn I mi 1. 1 y willi'iul it. ( axarvta, ( and) ( atlut tie f ltan )iir blood and ! it, I,) stirring 11 i the Uty hvrr and ilrivuig all no tiiril-i from the body. t-in ludsy to 1 . 1 ri 1 . 1 r-sa. U.iU, I, ,,t, hi s, blai klii ols, id I list u kly bilious mmiilri ion by taking I awarrts, liraulv lor tm iii. All dm iU, sjti.laition giuranln-'l, lor, 2j; fi"-. AIIVritTlar.ll LKTfKtta. r.rrr.RJt anvrHTiNr.o i uti-iii 1 IJ nr., July 1. ism rVindmanl, C B f riwiii, a I li.ihr. I'ha(er 1 Mi linfli- i w I'nf 01 lamaaiii Jlaismi, lis) iiilhun, i I IUI J H rnHarsai. Ilssil Mrs Hill A Sill arrnais Srf.i.a Wteaa ralllBf lor ltiia l-lar( plaasa u -Urrila J, p. Mi 1.4,1 a a . C. M. ' aarlal hmtlr As Ids pree.-nt pr ipn, .,f i f h ! TMi mnt leave llipiir awMin, h is laalf'.lis i4 sellling qp bat sffsll W bal I d.i hiq h n.el hs al nine, ao thai he ran iiuiel all il.-tnaa U. I '( im sn l til- u'ir se iinl. ,, if T (in I aa.liallua rmiiii, Tfcij -a. IwulLdUt t r w ftv Hut C ft l te4,iiri'iekrfttasi,My After the Fourth. Dave MoAtee and Geo. Conser cele brated tbe Fourth like good Americans shooting eannon crackers, and Tuesday through otder of Mayor Morgan they were apprehended. Judge Riobardson said "25 apiece," but after the boys bad gotten up their oasb, the judge remark ed that he would remit the same on ac count of tbe ocoasion being the Fourth aod a day ot general celebration on ao count of tbe big victory down at Santi ago. Jimmie Thompson tried his hand at shooting a Roman candle on Tuesday evening and tbis not being the Fourth Jimmie wss assessed $7.50. Tbe author ities did as they were told, but isn't our mayor friend getting a little too particu lar. There are other flagrant abuses of laws that are not so closely observed. ETervbody Says So. Cascarets Caudv Cathartic, the most won derful moilieal discovery of the age, pleas ant ana reircaning 10 ine tasie, act. gently an.l : n l 1.11 1: 1 v. : 1 ouu iiuaiiiivijr vu aiuueya, liver nuu uuweis, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, euro heailaolio, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of O. C. C. to day ; 1 0, 23, 50 cents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. An Oldtimer. J. K. Crabb, who at present handles tbe reins on the Heppner-Lone Rook route, is one of the oldest, it not the oldest, aotiva living stagedriver. Mr. Urabb was a brother of Joe Crabb, well known as one of Ihe gamest raoe horse and sporting men of tbs West, during his lifetime, Joe died in Walla Walla a few years' ago leaving considerable property. The subject of artiole is hale end hearty at 72 years. His life, If publiabed, would read like a novel. Over fifty years ago be was driv ing a band wagon in circus parades. He was with all tbe pioneers of tbe early days, Dan Rice, "Yankee" Robinson, and even four years ago was with Sells Bros. Tbe Gazette hopes that tbe old gentle man will enjoy many years al bis pro fession, of which he is as painetaking and proud as a dootor or lawyer is of his oalling. Frcru Infancy. "I wbs efflicted with scrofula from in fancy. A few years ago a bad sore ap peared on one of my ankles and I could walk only with tbe aid of a cmloh. Tbe sore discharged treely. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and it has entirely healed tbe sore and I bave been well ever sinoe". A. F. Sberer, Cbehalis, Wash. Hood's pills oure nausea, stok bead scbe, biliouaueee, indigestion. Price 25 oents. KOlt HALE. Raooh, 820 Bores, good laud, 4 miles ot Heppner, all fenced, plenty of water, bouse and barn, 140 acres of summer tallow, all ready for fall crop. Easy terms. Call at Ibe Gazotte office. Rankleu'a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world tor Cuts, Bruises, Mores, Uloers, Salt Rbeum, Fever Sorps, Tettor, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, Bnc, all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or do pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Sloonm Drug Co., E. J. Bloonm, manager. 1100 iiKWAKI) I Will be paid for information leading to Ihe arrest aud conviction of any per son stoaliug outllrt branded " WH" con nected on tbe left side. Waddle on tbe nose. Pkkot Uronan. 45-uov3 Thousand aie Trying It. !! order tn prove the great merit of fvy'a Cream Balm, tho most eli'octlve cura for f'ularrh and ('old in Head, we have pre pirrd n gmieroiM trial size for 10 cent. O-1 it of your dmrjiht oraend 10 conta to PLY 1I110H., r,(J Varreu St., N. V. City. f enferel from cntinh of the wort kind ever sin. 0 11 boy, ant 1 tievur h;ipid for cure, but Ely's Cream Halm teems to d even that Many n(Miiaiiitiiiio n have used it with etOelluiit reanlta. Oacar Oalruui, 45 Wurren Ave., Chicago, 111, Kly's Cream Balm is the acknowledged euro for cat in h and contain no oomitie, mercury nor n'iv in'iirimis drug. Trice, GO .1 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Copper Colored Splotches. Thr-re is only one cure fur Contagious BIixkI Polaoii the diaeaafl which has completidy liaftlfd the dmitors. They are UjtaUj unable to cure It, and direct tbolr efforts toward bottling th jKilson up in the tilmid and eonci-aling it frtim view. 8. 8. H. curs th diiwaiu pnsi tlvelj and permanently by forcing out very trac of the taint. I M affllnlavl Ul a trrrlhla illaaaaa Whk'b a In apola at Aral, but a(iaraarla IirM an or mr IIf. Tliaaaf.a.a hrokanul In in aura, and It I aaav In Imaaiina I ha auffi-rtiif anilurait. Mrfnra I ha aaniariiairirirail thai th ft'kiraa,,uii1 !., n I had a ti t a hmiilrH (tllan, a hl.1i aa rall) llifiva r. I that, Wlrd varina un BiattKnaa. tl Ihaa lllil nl rarh Ida itiwaaa Whaa I had filial, 4 mi fir. I a,llla i.t H S. a I a raili miriari anil aaa i1.ll-hu-.l ailik tha raauli. Tha I try aa nn hai hairan tn fir iM amallar and fcafura rm tiaarira-an atillralr. I ralait t l'iai walyhi. lawma airirftgar, and thf an aaili. naiir Impinaad I tn amiai nllra'l Wall, and mt aaln aa aa a ara nf II. t. Mriaa, imMaiivrrr i , Nawark, M.J. Im't datr7 all jai,n rhanr of a cur by Ukir.g thai durtir' trvatrnenl of merrury arid putaah. Theaa rnirierala raua Him hair l fall out, arid will wr'k thu fntirw )aii-m. S.S.S.rfncBlood la rniif vaottaaiB, and I the only hl'l remay g.riill tn "ml am rv jH taah, roorrury, m ntaar mineral. h'k nn ilia l,a ne ami it treaU rtit mailaai fr hy Kwifl epaciSaCvrsa fxy, AtUou, Ofri, Editorial Aaaoelatloas Meet Tbe editorial assooiationa of Oreaon and Washington will meet jointly at Spokane, August 25tb, 26th and 27th. Idaho, Montana and British Columbia associations have been invited, and will probably attend. Small, ot the Baker Oily Democrat is president ot the Oregon association," and Albert Tosier, of Port land, secretary. Spokane is making great preparation for tbeir entertain ment. Cbanoey Akin, who has been farming on an extensive scale in tbe vicinity of Winlook, Grant oounty , passed through town Wednesday with bis family, en route to Pendleton, where he will re main temporarily. His final destination being Marcus, Stevens oounty, Wash., where be has some valuable mining interests. Mr. Akin bas reached the ripe Old age of 87 years, yet retains tbe vigor ous energy of the majority of men at 50. His son is Winlook' s postmaster. 'ft IF IT IS AN jfiV. f Umbrella or Parasol I O You want we can supply your every need. We have O just received an assortment of Drummer's Samples from the largest umhrella and parasol house in America. They were personally selected from a full line of samples and represent the cream of their immense stock. PRICES R0NGE FROM 50c to $8 We have also received a beautiful line of Fancy Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Patriotic Novelties, Red, White and Blue Belts, Bows, Ties and Handkerchiefs, espe cially for the ladies. Beyond doubt tho cuoicesl selection of Novelties M Fancy 60015 O Ever brought before your notice. They are all O . opened up and on tho shelves. They are worthy of j your most careful attention. V till ClrJlVi, ow A X Minor & Co. J mm Who hai acnircd tho aervleeiof MRS. MARGARET VON CADOW As manager. It will be run in first class shape in every department. Rates reasonable SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. THE PALACE HOTEL BAlt, J. C. BOROI-rjflRS.Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. BOOTS AND SHOES' TM C PLACC TO OCT THCM l OP r. iicii'risiv'niiYr, co. They hav anything In thla Una thai you mar 1rlr and ynn ran depend on It you ai t a Sk article whrn tliej giiaranlr It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. 011 Stsmel, Main Street Repairing Seelally CONSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A complete hlock of pure and froli drug al ways in Ktock. Careful at ti-nt if n paid to tilling of prescriptions. -A.. ABRAIIAMSICK, Merchant Tailoring! Mr. Abraliatnaick in tint pioneer tailor of lleij ner. Hiiwork U alwayn lirct HaM and natitfac lion gtiaranUcd. CALL AND HKI0 M IJ. ON MAY H'VltlWV- When yon hear dem hells f Tot' sum ,f IIEPPNKR TRANSFKR CO'S I'm 1 1 I i;tpre. i ritmiii" Ik , 1 1 1 1 itml '-11 lint 1 iif.l, 1 Pldiii- and iipwanl Itu wfiMii i No. I, .1 1 1 I 1-ji v' ymir order iriih it, or Ut "Central" telepholM! ollietj. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! The Summer Girl. Phi'adelpbia Times: "Lovely girl b'Jove," exclaimed be of tbe low shoes aod loud hosiery as tbe tripping summer girl boarded the car. "Sweet creature," murmured his insipid comrade, as be sucked tbe bead of his bamboo cane. "Delightfully refreshing," remarked an elderly gentleman lo his wife bs tbe tiniest bit of delioate lingerie oaugbt his eye. "That fluffy hair," enviously ex claimed tbe girl with tbe ooarse black looks. "Small bands," wae the con ductor's thought, as be look tbe far e from the one extended in bis directum, "Lord," ejaoulated the mortorman, as be looked baok to see if everything was all right, "wbat a bat." And thus every body on the car passed tbeir judgment upon ber; but she oared not a mouthful ot sum claimed all her attention and thought. - T.-M. : Miss Addie Jackson, who has been to Heppner for some time, spent the Fourth in tbe oity. tiiuiu Veil 1 V V THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace .Has been leased by... BORCHEKS RKOW TRaTTIIR