WAR NEWS'! The Gazette. (rUood' Friday, July 8, 1898. The Gazette is not heralding ita coming with a brass band but its circulation can be determined at the Heppner postoffice. Adver tisers will please note this. The new county servants took ou their official robeB last Tuesday. Success to them. All, regardless of politics, have the Gazette's sincere wishes for success. Best to take after dinner; ntfe B I prevent distress, aid digcs- IQp II tion, cure constipation. RJ III Purely vegetable ; do not gripe " ev or cause pain. Bold by all drupirl.ta. cent. Prepared only by O. I. Hood to.. Lowell. Maaa, Tbe proposition to hold an ex tra session in the near future is entirely unnecessary, now that this has been delayed so long. The hand of yimon is seen in this. WASHINGTON, July C Shafter telegraphed to the war depart ment as follows: "I have received a letter from General Soul agree ing to exchange Ilobson and men here. I will exchange tomorrow -w v . a i . i morning, lesterday tney rerusea my propositions w exenange. WASHINGTON, July 6. The auxiliary cruiser St Louis left Santiago this morning for Portsmouth, N. H., with Cervera and other Lp PATTERSON SHOWS UP DR. LANE ANSWERED. prisoners. WASHINGTON, July G. It is officially understood here that Shafter will resume operations against Santiago tomorrow. Reinforce ments should reach him then, justifying an immediate resumption of hostilities. SUEZ, July 6. The Spanish fleet, with the exception of the Pelayo, has reached here, having passed through the canal. THE INCONSISTENCIES Of the Ex-Superintendent of the Asylum-Matter of Bids Is Explained- From Salem Statesman, Oct 12, 1897. Dr. Harry Lace's vioioas attack The "Harvest Number" of the Commercial Review, Leo Peterson, editor, is on the Gazette's table. It is a credit to its publisher and the extensive patronage it received was well bestowed. Judge S. A. Lowell, the know ing ones predict, will be out for the United States senate. Should it happen so, the Judge will have the support of those who are opposed to political trickery and bossism. He is well thought of in Eastern Oregon. If one will read tbe explanation of II. W. Scott, how he robbed the government and then got out of it without being prosecuted, after, wards persecuting his acknowl edged friend, he will have to learn that Harvey admits himself to be the prince of ingrates. The Oregonian and some of its mouthpieces say that Mitchell and his friends are dead. Why then continue to fight a being that now exists in imagination? If the ex senator is politically dead, let his dnnnrted BDirit rest in Deace. Do i . they fear that his ghoot will take on Hash and life? x n l i OFF SANTIAGO, July 7. Some correspondents returning from Dr. Harry Laoe's vioioas attaok on visit to the wreck of the Vizcaya report that a frightful destruction Hon. L L. Patterson were ably answered kt (hnt nnnHnmnn m a nimmn n in nr. inn . .. a 1 fl-tl . 1 I 1 J J 1 I "J IUD HUUUUIUIIU IU wVa-a-- was visible every wnere. ine upper aecu was entirely reuioveu, ueau gund8y,B 0regoniBDi M foii0ws: . gunners lay by the guns, and scores of dead sailors lay amid the debris 8aiem, Or., Oct. 3 (To the Editor.) of the wreckage. Noticing two oominanioations in your ,. ,. . , ., . paper from a former superintendent oi NEW YORK, July 7. The Herald's Kingston dispatch says that . 0 . . retieotin before the dash of Cervera's fleet out of the harbor, the French consul opon the business metnods of oar firm, I asked the Spanish admiral what would be the course of the fleet if lake this opportunity to make a pluin Gen. Shafter succeeded in capturing the town from the land side. Cer- statement as to oar business with that , 1.. H,o T .;.,,- 1,1 rtnlt-iKfarllw Ullrn tllQ nit XT anA llO HlStitUilOt.. VO.oo icpijr wao tiuco mww.j a wj, conversant with the rulings of the board as regards contraots, I will state that twice a year, in January and July, the board of trus tees asks, by advertisement in the news papers, tor bids on supplies. We submit tbe advertisement to the wholesale grooer in Portland and get his prices on tbe goods, to be delivered at tbe asylum; if suooesstul in getting tbe oontraot, we order tbe goods, and they are shipped direct from Portland to tbe asylum, in the asylum mark, diamond "A". As a matter of fact, we never see tbe goods. It tbe goods areaooepted by tbe super intendent, be issues a voucher tor pay ment, stating as follows: "I hereby cer tify that I have examined tbe bill here unto affixed, and find the same correct." would turn the guns of the fleet on the town itself, regardless of friends or foes, and reduce Santiago to ashes. Hobson and his men have been exchanged. Are. too busy to suggest a new ad. for this issue which speaks volumes for them, but the goods are there, al first class, and prices to match. Call in and Mr. Rhea will see that you get what you want. It transpires that the troops des-1 tined to Manila will be delayed at San Francisco indefioitely, owing to the inability of the government to procure transports. The reasou why the transports are not availa ble at this important time is that protection has been afforded most other industries and allowed Amer ican shipping to be driven from the sea, as regards the foreign trade. Now is the time to strengthen the nation afloat the only place where in she is weak. Thirst for Knowledge. The people of the present day are be coming more and more interested in de velopments of science. There are signs f life in everv department of work. usiness people want to know the best means of increasing tbeir returns, ferret ing out every bidden secret pertaining to tbe class of commodities in which they traffic. The world demands tbe best of everything. Before her death Miss Franois E. Willard penned the fol lowing: "Remember, tbe world wants I'RKSS COMMENT. Not NecrMHHi'ily What the Gazette: ThinkH hut the Opinion of Others. The democrat, who sold tbeir birth right in their party for c.ftice, are rttoeiv ing considerable sympathy from gold standard papers because they are now being driven from nffioe to make room for deserving republicans. T. J. Black who baa been succeeded as oolleotor at Portland by Ike Patterson, is one of the fellows who for a mess of pottage estab lished the fact that be was anything and everything tor office. It is gratifying to be able to obroniale that bis insincerity has Dot been fruitful and that he is now in search of aoy kind of an old job E. O. T. J. Blaok, tbe collector of cnatoroH in Portland is credited with being an elfioient, honest and coDsoinntious officer, lie was well thought of an well spoken of by all parties. He is sound money democrat ft representative of a cIhhs of patrotio men who voted with tho republican pHrty to keep in violate our country's good name nnd gauntlet of mines, lead his fleet credit. Ilia removal from offioe at this into Sautiago harbor and silence time would not have baeu justifiable tho guns of Oervont just at this -vento make r-.om for repr.i .ut alive i: . i .:.. i 1.1 republican; but to relieve Mr. Blank in cruicii iuu-, i.u uu. . v,u.D oflBf , ,., most i, Moral come tho hero of tho hour, says i(j)m in ,bB ,0 ,(lob ,,,,,, tho romlli'tou 1 nlmuo. bampnon i.e Patterson is an insult to tbe re pub TnE Gazntto is in receipt of Mrs. Amelia de F. Smith's "Oregon Official Roster" of the volunteers. Tho mice for same is only 50 cents, and it is really wonderful how such an excellent volume can be sold at such a low figure. Every Oregonian should have one as a book of references and as a keep sake. i' SamtsoN could but pass by tho Buukt'u Morriuiao run the the best thing it wants your best. It needs everyone of you to designate as an . . th Q on ,he bil, Bnd B example, to serve up as a eulogy, per- .. ia h. thB Bfi0rBtarv of ohanoe to shine in tbe galaxy by whose BUte for the BmoUQt, if lbe K00ds are light alone its oenturies maintain their nnl B.tjBt(,nto-v . the snoerintendent of pmoes in tbe nrmnment or nisiory. 0f tbe asylum, be reports the faot to us; Buttering numanity, witn ita mnumera- in tnrn olif thB wholesale erocer at Die ailments, are eagerly ana constantly portlBn1. who reolaoee the goods with crying out for relief, seeHiDgtno8ewnose ober8 o gB,j8f, tbe gupBrintendent. mission it is to administer. Old, young, Duria tbe administration of Dr. Harry Lane, we received two oootraots, one on and middle-aged now recognize Dr. Margurite Qarnsey as their administer ing angel. Her dispensary is aongbt by tbe multitudes; ber remedies promptly relieve tbe ailments for which they are intended. Dr. OarDsny obarges nothing for diag nosing cases. Tbe charges are lor med icine only. Calls are promptly attended to. Her office is two doors south of tbe Palace hotel. If you are ailing call on NOTICE OF INTENTION. N( Land Office at LaGbakde, Oregon, June 20, 1W. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler naa tueci notice nf his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, uregon, on augusi 1, 18J, viz: WILLIAM GEORGE HYND, Hd. No. B482, for the ne!4 sec. 14, tp. 2 8., r. 28 E He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Luckman, John M. Waddle, William Barrett ana Artnur smun, an of Heppner, Oregon. 60-71 Register. A Narrow Lane. From Corvallia Gazette. Dr. Harry Lane, of Portlend, an nounces through tbe Oregonian that be jndgne I'reoidonl MeKioloy to bo weak man. "I always sue peo ted that be was not a strong man. Now I know it." Thus speaks Dr. Harry Laoe, of Port-bind. Dr. Harry Lime, of Portland, perhaps believes with the editor of a certain Hpnnish paper that "President MoKin- ley is a naturalized Chinaman." How ever be doesn't say rxuotly that. But be is not reticent In disolosiog the oausn ot bis auimoHity toward the president of the American people. "I wrote Mc- Kioley very plainly adviMug bim against Jan. 3, 1888, and tbe other on July 31 ot tbe same year. Tbe first was paid in April, and one to September, some time after the goods were delivered, giving ample time for tbe superintendent to ex amine them. However, if our attention had been called to any defect In tbe quality ot tbe goods, although they had been paid for, we would bave been glad to bave notified the wholesale bouse, who wou'd have corrected tbe matter at once. Tbe char acter of tbe wholesale firm furnishing tbe goods is suoh as to warrant this. If tbere waa any defect in the goods, tbe imposition, was practiced on tbe wholesale firm in Portlaud, and timely notioe would have enabled them to cor rect it without loss to tbemHelves; but Notice of Intention. Land Office at Thi Dalles, Oregon, May. 81.1898. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followine-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, July 9th : Viz: no w ikt ) vl The Leader Of Course! 1898, JOHN KILKENNY, of Heppner, Oregon, H. E. No. 92 for the SE bee 14T2NR26EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Barney P. Doherty, of Hepp ner, Oregon. Jerry Brosnan, oi Heppner, Ore gon, William B. Fiuley, of Heppner, Oregon, Hurry Bartholomew, of Hennner. Oregon. j AO. r. mviiiHC, tw4-(w Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dali.es, Obkoon, Mav Ml, 1898 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of Ids Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Lx iore a oiauory, u. n. (jommimioner, amepp' uer, Oregon, on Saturday, July il, 1898 viz: UtrliAKlJ r. UUMlKlt. of Alpine, homestead apiilirnlloii No. for the r.' ch:4 and t(i Sr.1 Sec 3 1 1 K K 2li E n m. He names the following wltnesaei to prove his continuous! residence upon and cultivation McDuvltt, of Lexlng- I ualioway, ore- Galloway. Oregon. Kdward Doherty, of lxlngton, Oregon. um bo jas. r. jiiiur.r., Register. it) i) vl vl vl The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. M vl vl vl vl v vl vl vi vl vl A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, V! now, nine years after tbe transaction, is t said land, viz: Harney McDu ton, Oregon, John Kilkenny, ol a late day to remedy the miatrtke, oh- alln, omn. Van Winkle, of Gh pciBlly so since the only notice comes throutib tbe public pree?. The records ot tbe board, wtiiob I buve cart fully ex amined, and the reports of superintend' ent, do not show that any complaint whs made regarding t'ie goods in ques tion. After 1H8H, we were not sncoessful in our bids fur supplies during Dr, Land's superintendence. Note this how Is a Joy forever." That's what you'll find at R. HOWARD'S Heppner, Oregon- vl vl vl vl vi J' diil that vnrv thine ami has eartiotl llcan party and a slap iu tbe faoe U f, . every ilemoorat who assisteii in tne ue ie title. . . :1 ,.. . , leal 1 1 ilia tree silver oamuuaie tor preii dent in lH'.Ki, in the eleotlnn of sound money congressmen and a state legis 0, appointing Iks Patterson as oolleotor of eyer. We did sel'. bim goods io tho open Hamihon'h Fourth of July ptftv out tho ilt'Htruotion of Ocrveras . , .... , . , of TortlandT . . I awniwj I . . m ta& ...,- ! i.Pt t bat cnu UI be .1 i-... .m..i..,4.ti. . I . aoooi mr. i auerwrn. iivnn at this li:no. Tho I0M8 of the polls the fit h of June. Oold stand- onn man killeil ud two democrats did not vole with repnb .. . I l: . ilh it,. ..nnl.li.u, II.. I lliaO 1.1 I.... ......... l,,. n. ,1, " "-!" iu naval warfare, unlornt wo nbouUI hair ..fj,,,,,.. ni W1)I 0l,ntiln,e to do compare with Dowoyu Krt',lt vlc 1 ; but they do feel k-ei.ly thiaanel lory. Yankoo Kotiiuil il lirvo IH peeled anJ nodeservod eibibition of i i i l I ounterupt lor ineir services, iney win mill iiinit enfiHilliiin. iiiiwivr. Iu in know M. that tlm r.-publican party of oouny aA lo our owo Institu- T..u ll..llA I. i,,f.. i-i.w l IihI iu.un'. ,..i,t. i...n I an.l ll.at l h '""" !"" - " , nr, v.tw.-.; ..... - . , ..... ... . ,, . i. c T.l..r I,.- ...ll respooaibillty for Mr. lllaok's removal ' '- ' Notice of Intention. Land Orrici at LaGrandf, Oreoom, June 18, lMia. 'OTirK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 HK followlng-iiained leliler has flleii notlre if her intention to make tiual proof in siinport of her claim, and thai salil proof will I mmlc before the County Clork of Morrow County, Or egon, at Heppner. Oregon, on July 30, lhU8, vli: ci,r.naMi.H i ai a. .. . i c.t k.'. .l n,l ... . . .. ... I Administratrix of the estate of Harah A. niter oiim.Mii. - - marltet, trom ume to time, onin nis suo- n, deeeam-d, T. c.No.m'i, for the set ec. . 0im an,! ilnna it." Hail rresiilent MO- . .l..t..l !.,. K.ll in tl. 1 1) . r. 27 K. " " " I UCWfl .M VICUKU, Will " UK, uviwk .Ml . : ... ,..,1 1 muiey no irinnn nmi iu 4iui mu ugga lNlJI. Vt. LtOB SUOoesSor WS ner rontlniioiii reamenee upon ano; cultivation .i - i . .. i. T . . .. . ...... lot laid land, via: Kobert . Morgan, fcd K. wnu iu iiuiiriaueo ui i-r. .....j eleotea to July, mn. Malliig, M.J. Devlu and A. H. HUmp, all of If tbe floods furnished on the oontract nepp. uregou. ur-1 were not what the state should bavs had I fio-Tl Register. Harry Lane.of Portlaud, writes of "Ike" ,ue rei,,onsibility rests with Dr. Lane, Patterson. The Oregoniao maitee , j not with us. and if any merchant is NOTICE OF INTENTION. mention of "Iks" Patterson. This ito blame in tbe matter it is one of lb done beiause "Ike" baa a villainous look l.raast wholesale bouses in Portland. It l - - in print and a disreputable sound wbeu ,,, stranger to tbe writer that if tbe i W Lakd Orru k at LaUbahdi. Obkoon June l:l. lwl, 'OTICK H HKKEHY GIVES THAT THE S follow ln nanipd aetller haa filled notice spoken. Neither Dr. U.rry Lane, of ,,, W,M iUoh M pr. L.o. rlaimt. be H JTTiii'lEWX l'ortiauii, nor tne trregnniau is sn an- i l0uld bave contioued to buy ifoods of I ufote A. Maiiory, i uitt HtatoaromiuiMtonrr mi I Mi 1'.ii-.n L. i. i .... '." "fgon at Heppmr, Oregon, on July IMH, Mtsv vi i nm iU fintiu niirKtll. Ulll Ut"W Utl I vl! Mr. Pattetaon wae bora iu llenlon re0Ords of tbe asylum board show. I. I. I'ATTaKMON. to btMHimo a camlulatfl lor jiroHiilout of the HfMinte. The aonator la from ..nine re.!, solely with our mo- respectable and even patnaroh- irrMni.u.al dvleualion. a tnai ntv of ' appoiiaiMiB. h. ... . .n.n.i... ,,.t nnlt .,f tf.l,l WM tor l loveu noorer a Yellow Jaundice Cured, Hufferiog Lomaoity ebould b supplied with every means pnstibe tor its relief. It Is wiin pleasure we publish tbe following: "Ibis h to HENRY WAPK. lid. No Mil. fortheN'k Na and SK1; NWV err 17, TpJM K il. K. He nanira the following wiineanet to prove hi. continuous reIMeiie uihiii and cultivation ol aald land, vl : rotter Adam. Jay im-viik, John Kdwardi, A. H. Stamp, all of Heppner, Orrgnn. a. w. UASTLBTT. y,t rugmer. thoroughly qnalifuxl for the poM- iUo,,.rd d.niorraW, but alao of gold Cnias.M.Kire might eipreas It) dbl ,ify ,U( , Wj , tmib( m(rmr NOTICE OF INTENTION. I tion of .roai.linR oflieer, ami Iwiog alanJard republicans and of all other re- i'i-nni. recyro, o, D ......n ,fom Yl j,0l,,ce for over sli uoaaana o.goo . i' .V.. ' ...:Ll.liean. -.. flr.l nam. I. .n " Tnram.al mo.ths and wa.Ue.ted by .. Of the UM omra at UOaaana oayoow a man Ofyuim ui" iiiuurmrw - n.... -r.... i.t . ,.m. beat tihvs oiaos to our eitv aod a 1 o do vrnm i t iirRKnv (iivrw that thi lltlnnl .,.,..t.or ill r0PIiv the M''','P rr.l.n l. "' fW, j,,, B,. pnr ,rOgiet, r.oom- A l"H"lS l.a.ne.1 ctller h.. filed nollceof lltiral n-lii'inora win rwino ur mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm plimenlary sen for rororueal is are. J'j Yleeti no Bit'ers and after taking hw ,u,"", lo " ""' P""'' 'W'rt of Plim.urapMBfiit of hi ataunch aaaaaaa1 .actable oon.modiiy, tti for the fact two bottle I was entirely cured. I to. u!r.riCcm.nVieVY fri.Mi.ls throughout Kaatoro Or PKon. Irit iiii h rel'xxl that John II Mittlii ll boHeta that h will liiui- Mlf U tn in't 1'uitttl Statfa Hfimtor fr-in Ori''iu, or that thirt eliall be to fliH'lloii. One of Ilia atiMa in thia city ht attMi)ite.l to aUtt I In' ball lolling Hi llial ilirt't't- ioii, but the xt'lu ine la ton trana- .aritit ati'l ailly ti tni'iit rvin as inn notice. IVn.llrbm Triluue. Aiiother eiJ"'noe of aoftoninR of the brain. lUlliK-k ace Koolt'e ,;lmt of Mitclu'll. Tilt; IViiilh t-Mi Tribune aya that thit He.'Mr U.ntle an. I thtr .rt.. r ate throw in tun I at it ! raiise it t. ii-d approve of T. J. I'.lmk'a r.-iii'tal atil Ike I'atbr a-iu'a ai 'itit'ii'-iit t.i the ruatonis ollue of lh 'it f roruao.i Wtouii aiu. IUHhI baan't IA- ai.vthilif. Uut Il'l po tni - 0 Aro You Palo o is lute auylhlf I foiiWwpt f"' tutu whormisl IxUhaU-oltif atwa-j 1 .1 "A a i L . r hollow and" your lips white? Is yotir appetite poor anJ yoor di gestion tvcaIc? I your fltsh to it and hivt you trot Th$ are lymptomi of j? anrmi- or poor blood, j! They art jut at Irrquent in the summer at in the ! winter. And you can he L cured at one time (utt a if well ai another. if that If. Harry Lane, of Portland, lusisla take treat pleasure in reeomineoding n, at --at-- rj'". n J'iv lt: that tbe oori,mal tbat gave origin ami 'ueroro mnj p-rac.n aou.r.nir -r.. in.a ,, No Bav hw. i irrrilii- naiaiiy. "iu inirnmr venr", i t. aw '4 KK'i riec.u, 1 p a a K n, ft. n nanira lha loiiuwina aim m 10 rmva nn cottttutmiia rraldenc upon and cnlllvattnn ot aid land. vl M. Irl.kll, T. A. I'rl.kell eor e-rry, will Mik-ll. all nf Heppner oregim. a. W. BAati itt, RraUlrr. point lo the niekoatne waa not respect able corn meal. At any rale the Ore goiiian ba rieen to lh tligttlly of Cloven Moofxr jitnrnaliam sod devotes mnch pdilorul spam lo the txirrnwed eipreaa Ion "t'omrBea" Ike", Mr. Patterson is a pnvperous Halem buamrae man, an nprighl citueo aot a Hood tietiflilior, e -ur.tr ,ave lr,lr.l bim M honorable ' ri " f""M" .A'f 'i1 ' " ixwitliitis tif Irnst. He baa ever been a T lf the v na m and M. A. Itogarly, Itiegton, Ky." Hold br K. I Sloenra, drnggiat. Notice 0 Intention. l.kn orrn s at LAUatana. o.,.,,. Mine .11 ! Noth k i urarav uivitx ihat ihk ttilln named M-lllr hu Meal riotlr l til. iMtriiUiin t mak Soal ptirf In ." rt nf ! . . ! nill lain., am, in.i 11 I " . 1 w,i, nmi.v i it-'jii-- v -.-.11 1 th, itn.niy 1 lera 01 worrow rtxnov in eonaiatrtil rrpnoiicao ami a woraer lor ; M, n, o,, na it, Notice of Intention. I AM) omt'K AT I. A iiRANPr. ORKllOK 4 June li. I "a Soil. I. hvreh iii.ii Iha th Mlnw Ins namvd aeillvr baa Sled nolle of hi. Intention m mala Snal prn In auppurl nl til claim, and that aald pnmf will be madi ll.,r A. X.llnfT. I'. a. enmmiaalniivr for ore Scott's Emulsion 1 . . ....... - . I . tuw.lt. ni.Cfiti.ltli.oit. reatitenrv NKViniitteniled for a position tbat was to j Wa-l.ti. mum li. Mind. Audi J t i- . all , ! 11 I.e.-pttPT, itreiiitt, M F. W. aaTiTT, hel.lrr, " " "a . ' I .... .( .1. , tfMn nn A,ial IJ !- ,t. ttr-M. and ruin. allot. ' " " '"i-,".. r.I' .v. I.i.lpnian. John M I nrrf'"-'."' ..n't ".'", ."p; et - I., nit. I k. ... .. I IK. ..,..1 l.l I ' ' l '"ea... appointed bim. This ia, ol eoorse, soffl n'' cipfcl 'rnvieatiin lor a flood trf epithets dirn-t-.l at him and at tbe preal.leot who I aptp.inlrd bim. Iiliini SCMMOHH. cf rci thtr oil n-:th Avr phosphtttt will cerUmly help you. Alnut evrryone cin tike it, and it v. ill not disturb the weakest itom (h, ll ikiajpt t- .pM t -I." r4 prw H"t to a tw althy amt nth rtti. il nraiiavbra ttac kvatw I Ctvia powvf to lit rwrvfw U tf ,np Kaik youf old n;M An plrtrgih. AU rw.r in- a. t . . . . 1 .. ...... ... . r,h ! ! Brief, I fi r.'4lld NKw rtVw.ll.tl .fit, llanantpa Iha follnwlnf wltneapea la hm. I,ia r..tititiin,it. real.lette n,ti and rnlu.atli.n ol paid land, VII lla t,r,l,en. MitMlf riorpon. wiliiata Mtilh, I'eter It una all llefpnrr. or. K. . HARII r rt. Kl.tef aN4 inn itioi ar or imv eim Prraideltt MfKlolpf will l .iff .i i .; ... ...... iuiii hear II, at lf. Il.rrv l-o-, of Poftlaod. ! ... .w,,..,,, IlUt I.IS rlir- j ,i Il.tl.el ..eel .Ulel. l.ttl meiit ial now niitfht ti.lrlr Willi lt, ,, rt.t.r rp.i,t,p. It. gMpr at! lh rtitn .,., , t iha ear. and moth aa b re-' aa.iwi . m mp pii.iiip.i r.'frp 1 mw war, ant mat o aa dp rp ,.,,,,, M ,.,,. Ih. ,,.t , tl.e rata rauain 4 r. Ilariy l.ana, of Prt- ' riar ..i I ...n 1.. it .. .. ; ... . . 1 i-t.ie .rth la l nl . I a"d II t tt , laaJ any l a of !rp, lbe pr"l lal aril) . ,., ., , (, p.,,. tl ,. . ..t,-t 1 1 .,. . , 1 1 (' -i'ei In T a et 0- l'ip t I net ba l la Ms raaioaia-o j , . M ,v ,. M , - ' -t.: t I t'.rf.b t.t t a, w in.t e l'' !' Uta f - a ta tr, 4 ,.,lli,t, r, I at' tS m t"t Ull I. . IF (, i' I w f.u. I... t'. If ...at - in. hwi (M be ,. Mn.p. and . la ulhpl Ha t,"Wln , t , 1 aa .p, t a'-t M"i' .... ... . OOL GROWERS If you have not yet realized (hat the "good old times" are with ih, your blood ia out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awake to the fact that the Wool Growers' Warehouse ill Is the place to store your wool this season. Whv? Be cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not beine in . , r 1 1 1 1 . n me neiu ouying wool ourselves, we encourage competition amongst the buyers and secure you the highest price. W artclltn wool aarkt and twlnt at ctait. oarabla when wool iaanM. u.,t 1,, .. ,..a.. atonec. ' We pay tha Mgheat ra.h prle for iheep lt and hide. We are urettu for Llttle'a Dip and alack Leaf Tobacce Dip, the only reliable prepared dipt nn tnr market. "pay neurit in leam.teri wnen retieatei Uidoan br owner, of wool V. hare a full inpplr nf rW.1 Barley and Wheal, a'ao MU'am Rolled Barley for teamilira. Mreel your tranialvra to tht lower warehae. We luarantee you a square deal. R. F. HYND. Manager. NEW DRUGS Wa are Wfl'lni a New Invoice of OnirAi almnal every day. Our Kapldlf lnrrealn trade demandi It. . miee.ltlentlj 0ur Cultm.e. pTw-IwI their Drugs Pur and fresh. uatewera reoelve Ottr JStfitlonory lopnrtiiient In Oomploto Wl.eta Ira II wiI3tir Ulve i.aa t on Slocum Drug Co. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production ot.... SOTICK VF ISTF.NTION. lttllIHtftHtDtll -' Mai i ! itllt It) Mtalhl ..l ihiI 111 ft't'oa.tte lati,p, alttel haa StPd nftlfcp ILa lrlpnlu.n t aaa Snal pemt In at,rtwtt1 Ita claim, and that aald prt will h. mi.l. 1 htftll f IhiiipI. I It t a at Ht 1'i't.pr trgt.H. n ppittrdai. J i'y a lw, 11 llMMl. a V. tf,4trn ltftret.,4 trt'a',p I! 1 " a . liiipie an f-. tmiitJwJ aitli rt.atttalkta. sallow akin. n w 1.(1 i 1 1, . . . . ,. ot-p.a ! "? wtn. J nl ainwa m w-iw.'r-tl l-ini p- . p . m fnltltlllal M et t! In t 9.1 h .ian. nt (, t ( Tia It ka i.lraaaut tl lake HttlJ t. a A ! ' t. ia I'h I il at .tiait.. I i wte- C" a laitet' HOP 00133 ,-lmi note the entire utnUi h'nnint this vertcct urottuct Js the iS7ff Hrciirr'i lrcr a . On cJrauqht at I all popular saloons STAU BHtWERY COAPANY, 103 Weshlaetea t(., Piniae., Q ,.r lit Ul'itlle ' I i tt Ji. Ttvla!. , . , IS- I Co seal A Waitta. , - r , - - . . , . w a . aa ta at Ua. t.af li..p v v v V V '' vvvv'v taw) I a- aer-tttr