Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 08, 1898, Image 1

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Election is at hand and you
should read it.
with the Gazette one year.
Election is at hand and you
should read it.
with the Gazette one year.
NO. 664
Tuesdays and Fridays
CORLIES MERRiTT, Editor and Bus. Man,
At 4.0J per year, tlJX) for six mooths, 50 ots.
tor three m on ens, strictly in ad van 0 .
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-claBa matter.
THIS PAPKR ia kept on tile at E. C. Uake's
Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants
Exchange, Ban Franciaoo, California, where oou
racts for advertising can be made for it.
ing agent, 21 Merchants' Exohang i Build
ing, 8an Franciaoo, ia oar authorized agent.
This paper is kept on file at his office.
0. R. & N. LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 9:30 p m. daily except
Snnday arriving at Heppner Junction 12115 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a. m, and ar
rives at Heppner 6S) a m
Bpokane Express No. 1 leaves Portland at 2:00
p. in. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m.
and Oma' ilia 8:50 p. in.
Portland Express No 3. from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 6:00a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00
.m. ard arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m, and
arrives at Heppner Junction 8:25 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:30 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p.m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 12:25 a. m. and at
Portland 7 :2C a. m.
For further information irquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. It & N., Heppner, Ore.
r .
United States Officials.
President William McKinley
Vine President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of Htate W. H. liny
boorotary of Treasury Lyman J, Gane
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. HUsb
Secretary of War Kuseoll v. Alger
Secretary of Navy John I). Long
Postinuster-Qeneral I'harles Emery Smith
Attorney-Oenoral John W. Griggs
Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Uovernor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kincnid
Treasurer Phil. Metschan
Snpt. Publio lnstrnction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
-Senator. jG.W. McBr.de
Congressmen Ki""
Printer W. H. Leeds
11. 8. Bean.
Snprnme Judges V. A. Moore,
( C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
(' "cuit Judge Stephen . Lowell
P.osecuting Attorney H. J. Bear
Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator J. W. Morrow
Representative E. L. Froelaud
ionnty Judge A. G. Bartholomew
" Commissioners J.U.Howard
J. W. Beckett.
" tilerk Vawter Crawford
' Hhoriff E. L. Matlock
' Treasurer . M. Lichtenthal
Assessor , J. Y. Wilhs
' Surveyor Julius Keithly
School Bup't Jay W. Shipley
' Coroner Dr. E. R. Hnnlock
Mayor... Thos. Morgan
C'luucllman E. J. Sloonin, M.
Lichtenthal, J. K. Simons, J. J. Roberts, J. W.
Rasmus and E. U. Sperry.
K coni.tr W. A. Richardson
rreasurer L- W. llriggs
Marshal John Uuger
Precinct Officers.
Justice of the Peace W. E. Itichardnon
(oDttabU G. 8. Oraj
United Htates Lend Officer,
J. F. Moore Register
K. 8. Biggs lUomver
K. W. Baatlett Register
I. H. Kobbins Ueceiver
G. A. R.
"eels at Heppner, Or., the third Saturday of
art. month. All veterans an Invited to loin.
W. W. Smith. W.Ke.
Adintant. tf Commander.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office bnnri, 8 to 10 . m., and 12 to
2 p. m , at residence, W. A. Kirk's prop,
rty, east of M. E cbnrcb, Sontb, and 10
to 12, a. m , to 2 to 5 p. m. , at offloe in
tba rear of Borg's Jewelry atore.
C. E Redfield,
Attorney at Law,
Offloe In tbe First National Bank
lIirpxiB, : : Orboon.
Ellis & Phelps,
All business attended to In prompt and .
attlalactnry manner. Notaries Public and
Office In hatter Bulldlag, Heppner, Or.
Put your n4 books and not- In his
ha ix la and get your money out of
than, Ktk.- a specialty ol bard
Office ia J. N. Hrown's Building.
Justice of the Peace
and City Recorder.
Office AT a
Rells and burs real nUK. rents house, pars
taie. dfie conteyain Ing and will aerv you in
By way ia tola line, at raaaunabt figure. U
Mathews & Gentry,
In two iStulli of l'.t..c)in
Gibson & Bergcr,
At (" IfMw Oi l ataml.
Hhiivinir.' - J." CtH.
llnir Cutting. "
I'.utb 2"c. Kvcr)t!iii,-'.tri( t
ly Kir t Cla,
AVegelablePreparationfor As
similating iheToodandRegula
ling theStomachs andBoweis of
tiess and Rest.Con tains neither
S)ium,Morphine nor Mineral.
ot Narcotic.
l(V7n Seed -flariffd
Sugar .
Valuyna Flarm
ADcrfectRcmcdv for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
tiess arid Loss OF Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
K .U!t fill IL I
Columbia R
Leaving Ahler Street Deck. Portland, for
xra huu naucona. direct oontiPCllon witb llwaoo Kteamers and rail-t-
- road j aleo at Youug'e Bay with Hearhnra Railroad. : -
Leaves 1'ortland 7 A. M. Dally, except Bumlay. Leaves Aitoria 7 P. M. Dally, excel. t Hutidayi
Leaves Portland f P. M. Dally, except Htinday. Raturdsy nlKht, U P M. lnm Astoria Da
at 6:4 A. M., except Hunday and Monday. Uuimay night, 7 P. M
Leaves roniann ann runs nireflt to Ilwaro, Tuesilay and Thursday at 8 A. M. Hnlnrday at 1 P. M
" noiineauai aim rriuajr ai r.M A. ai. uu Banuajr nik'bt at 8 r. M.
Baj$ae Chetked to Railroad Destination Both Rbes Fm of Expense.
Lodging House
BEDS 25 and SO Canta.
GEO. C. ROME, Prop.
Next door to Opera House.
Tonsorial Artist.
Shaving, -Hair
Bhop, Matlock Comer,
15 Canta
25 "
Heppner, Oregon,.
H. W. Fall,
Ol the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half Mori wrat ol the t'nion f pot ot C
It. Jk
O.. I!. M. A Ht. Y . A , r. rt
M A Ht. P . C. A , P rt . 4C.
id Ihe C. Ht. LAP, Kallroade.
( or. W. Maltson and CllnUm Mts.,
R. H. WEBER, Proa.
rowef and I Malar lo
Frwlt, Shad anal Ornamental Traat,
Craaa Vlnaa and Small frulta.
Our Tret H aro Grown With
out Irrigation.
First National Bank
C. A. RhCA, rVaaidant
T. A. Rmi A.
s. w. srtNcm,
Vica Praaidant
Aaa't Casniee
Tr,.,'l a firLH-, R,ii;.. Ph.,.,,
J2C(J lI u N Cl K
all rteo4 li.e wmM-
l S
(I I (I
a n (
CjMa. H.nia at.). a ail xl
maannal le Tra,
ejr i ia ao!i-tlel huS'l
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
Always Bought.
Astoria, Ilwaoo, Lonff Besoh, Ooea
Could anything be finer than tbe oou.
din t of UiiOle Batu'a bo va yesterday T
Cooped op as tbey had been in tba trana
porta, giveu free rbora leave, in a towa
tbat I bey were utrange to, among people
tbey did not know, there was every
temptnlioo to cat loose and ahow tbe
worst aide of thrtr nature. Bat Ibie towa
aw wbat probably no town baa ever
eeeo, and that la a couple of tbooeeod
tneo at liberty and not a ceee wbicb
callrd for police loterferenoe.
Ot course Ibis a' Hire from the peculiar
material of which these troops ii com
posed. Tbey are not riff raff, oi sweep
Ing of tbe purlieus ol aoitr. They are
the pick and tba rholoe of tba growiag
Western stales Ud Dot tba Call ol
duly come, Ibcse youths would one and
all I Oiling honorable positions and lay
ing i lie ronndaunnaoi tlielr owe proe
perily and tbat of tbe oomraaoity ia
which they lived
At a moment like Ibis, wheo all U ro-
Ibnslaem, it is bard to contemplate tbe
future, but one cannot b-lp fevllog sad to
see encb flue vouog men being nasi for
at b a pnrpoee. It I grand, and their
spirit is wbat ell must admire, but it d'M S
seem a terrible price (r a nation to pay
when ska sends tba ? ry I iwer of bar
raea to willingly de f r ber asnsn.
Utlier aallotis have sai'MlitwJ their
deareel ab t best, but it ia vry doubtful
iinW I wltber any at i it would send
forth to the grirot of warsuobraak
ana u.e s are u lay raarouing in our
streets. It is inapirintf. o-i d itiht, but it
ta also tery ilepreaaing. As in all raaee
lo life, tbe brigbt aolore are msle tbe
brighter by tba shad twa, and we moat
enneidrr both. Klill it Isou'iloly to vB
elder tba brU l.l.r side, and try to forget
tbe shadows ri e Hawaiian HI .
Remarkabla Reacwe.
Mm. Micharl Curtain, I'lsn.fl'ld, III
tnasre il,e tllroi,t that she caogbt
ld, wbi'ib avllfed ) br l iiiifaj site
a Ifala I f r a Mntb t.y her lati.lly
pin . I. Ii, l.nl Hrew (niw, lie tol l her
,h l" piee n1irB of cnaauif-
non aoi iusi ao iii.iMine rv.ui.i rure
(,. INr .linae-M engl. Ir. Kii.a'a
' IHwveff f .f t V.t.s.Hbl ll-.a . U
; Im.iiMI, U.itle si., n bar .lalihl (anad
iMm"U "' If .o ti.a br.t d..
I Mie eoetiii'i'tl I'a u au I a'lr taking
' sis l.llli. f ni boiaf if saMibdaad
,'', h.iaw a'.r an I te ae
( ei as al.e ever we r Inal le.ttlee
; f lb (irl i, a. at t'. i H.t-
' ftitn e draelore, Uf47 Ut! J) fftte
A w The
M Kind
Admiral Cervera, Seventy Officers and Sixteen
The Entire Spanish Squadron, Save the
stroyed in One1
One Man Killed
Orr 8antuoo dk Cuha, July a Admiral
Cervera's fleet, consisting of the armored cruis
ers Cristobal Colon, Alinlraute Oqueudo, In
fanta Maria Teresa and Vlzcaya and two torpedo
boat destroyers, the Furor and Pluton, which'
had been held in the harbor of Santiago de
Cuba for six weeks past by the combined squad'
rons of Rear Admiral Sampson and Commodore
Schley, lies today at the bottom of the Carib
bean sea oft' the southern coast of Cuba.
The Spanish admiral is a prisoner of war on
the auxiliary gunboat Gloucester (formerly Mr.
J. Plerpont Morgan's yacht Corsair) and 1,000 to
1,500 other Spanish soldiers and sailors, all who
escaped the frightful carnage caused by the
shells from the American warships, are also
held as prisoners of war by the United States
The American victory is complete, and ac
cording to the best Information obtainable at
this time, the American vessels were practically
untouched, and only one man was killed,
though the ships were subjected to the heavy
Are of tbe Spaniards all tbe time the battle
Admiral Cervera made as gallant a dash for
liberty and the preservation of Ills ships as has
ever occurred In the history of naval warfare.
In the face of overwhelming odds, with nothing
before him but Inevitable destruction If he re
mained any longer la the trap in which the
American fleet held him, he made a bold dash
from the harbor at the time the Americana least
expected him to do so, and lighting every Inch
of his way, even when his ship was ablate and
sinking, he tried to escape the doom which was
written on the in utile of every American gun
trained up in his vessels. i
The Americans saw him the moment he left
and commenced the work tf doefructlou .Im
mediately. ' Por an hour or two they followed
flying Spaniards to the westward along the
shore line, sending shot alter shot Into their
hulls, tearing great holes In their steel sides,
and covering their decks with the blood of the
killed and wounded.
At no time did the Spaniards show any indl
cation that they Intended to do otherwise than
fight to the last. They showed no signals to
surrender, even when tbelr ships commenced
to sink and the great clouds of smoke pouring
from their sides showed that they were on fire.
But they turned their heads toward the shore
less than a mile away, and ran them on the
beach and rocks, where their destruction was
soon completed.
The officers and men on board them eeeaped
to shore as well as they could, with thesaalst
aura of boats sent from the American nieii of
war, and then threw themselves upon the
merry of their captors, who sot only extended
lo them the gracious hand of American
chivalry, but sent them a guard to protect them
from Ihe murderous bauds ol (Julian soldiers,
hiding In the bush on the hill, eager to rush
down suit attack the unarmed, defeated, but
valorous foe.
One after another of the Spanish vessels be
came the victims ol the awful ralu ol shells
which the American battleships, cruisers and
gunboats poured Upon them, and two hours
after the Bret of the Heel had started out of au
Uago harbor, three cruisers and two torpedo
boat deelntyers were lying on the shore 10 or IA
miles west ol Morro castle, pounding to pli
saaoks and flame pouring from every part of
lliein, and covering the entire coast Hue with a
tnlst which could lie seen (or miles.
Uaavr explialiitie of ammunition occurred
every lew nituutne, semllng curls ol dense,
bllesnHika a hundred fart Into the air, and
sending a shower ol broken Iron sad steel to
lall In His water on svery side.
Admiral Cervera escaped to the shore la s boat
sent by Ihe Gloucester lo the aaelauitns of tbs
lufanle Maria Teresa and as soua as he touched
the beach ho surrendered himself and hUroni
mend lo Lieutenant Morton, and asked to be
taken aboard the blouvrater, which was tbe
only Ameriuao vessel near him at the lima,
with several of his ofhrers. Including lh cap
uts ol the flagship. Tbe apanlah admiral, who
was wotiudod la the arm, was taken la the Ulnu
ceater aud was received at her gaugway by ber
enmniaiHter, Lieutenant Commander klrharl
Wal ii Wright, who grasped the hand uf Ihe graf
bearded admiral and aaultahha: 'i congrat
ulate you, sir, um hat ing made as gal sol a
Bghl as was ever wtiueseM) ma Ihe sra."
lieutenant Commander Walnwrlghl then
plaed his cabin at Ihe dlspueal of Ihe dpautsh
At thai lime the Kpatilah tagahlp snd t-nir
other vessels had beeq aground and lure
Ing lor two home, and lbs only uneol the as
replug which eoold BVit ha sawn si this
p. nt was I ha t MiWal Colon Rol half ad'n
cutis ol SflHtke far do a on lite Waaler a boflrnn
ahnwsd the late thai eeaweitlng It. Theme
Ml Colon was the fastest ol the epenl.rt snips,
and she .o uMali.ad a M ovar the others
atbar lew.litg the hartmr, aad erd the effect
ol Ihe shuts ahb h dretrored Ihe other taasrts
at,, staaawl aer al grae! spaed, with Ihe
Son, heaeffc, Rmiklra and several utbarehiae
la pursuit, ail ol thie rs-g el her rcmsuiniiy
and ran-lvlng fire llan.alae rm liarstvr
Ibare saam. aa a-aatMIMy whatavarnl her
ap. end while her tale M daSiiHatf
kenwe al Ihta hur II ra Mi rea-ti.r teaiad
hs lha wntds leptala hut-h r I' Raas
'righting otl o the loas. who returned IriHa
the aaateetd with stIMm tmta lha Vis
caiaioetae IN law ! l 's 4.tb a wl
.ils ass laatiKg ti.a Saeabip, la siMaai le
se laMMi, M ationtMl ll.r-. U. awi huae
- Ml lha I rietotail t ol. MS he Ihe waetaatd
aa h-mr aan. aad li.s wga waglli.g he
hall Ph has 4Mea.t ( e lh the
nhaf, and will have a rinh at l ilt '
hcatl-Hi Inaantiaa-atmaoreow "
r at-tala 'Sa. aha had Wae la lha li.ka rf
lha awea-4 s ha Ihe ti'ne he -.( Ihe
V'xara i.rf sod era fenrn the ah-a, sahl
i r.al m ih taa M tt swt-l,e at .ue
Aaxi.a y eel tee ftiaa
Hundred Men Talen Prisoners.
Hour's Time The
and One Wounded.
At this time there was no means of telling
what the loss was, but it is believed to have
been very heavy, as the prisoners In custody re.
port their decks strewn with the dead and
wounded in great numbers, and besides there it
a statement that many bodies could be seen
fastened to the pieces of wreckage floating In
the sea after the fight was over.
A large number of Spanish wounded wore re
moved to the American ships. There can be
no doubt that Admiral Cervera's plan to escape
from Santiago harbor was entirely unexpected
by Admiral Sampson, and the best evidence of
this Is the fact that when the Spanish vessels
were seen coming out of the harbor the flagship
New York was Beven miles away, steaming to
the eastward toward Juragua, the military base,
nine miles east of Morrow,
The Mew York was out of the fight altogether
at every stage, but she Immediately put about
and followed the other vessels in the race to
the westward, aud overtook them in time to
join in the chase for the Cristobal Colon, after
the other Spanish vessels had been destroyed
by the Brooklyn, the Oregon, Iowa, Massachus
etts, Indiana, Texas, Golucester and other ships
of the fleet.
Commodore Schley's flagship, the Brooklyn,
had her usual 'position at the extreme western
end of the line, 10 miles from the New York
and Texas. It is a peculiar fact that he should
have been In proper position to direct the
movements of his flying squadron against the
Spanish fleet, which he bad bottled up in
Santiago harbor six weeks before.
As a matter of fact the entire American fleet
was much farther off shore than usual when
the Spaniards made their appearance this morn
ing. It was not believed that Cervera would
attempt to escape Irom his perilous position at
thla late day, but It was supposed that he would
keep hit ships In the harbor to shell the ad
vancing American army, and if Santiago fell he
would blow up or sink them rather than per
mit them to be captured by the American squad
ron lying outside.
The Spanish admiral's real plant, however,
were plainly not anticipated. Ho accepted the
ono chance open to him that of running the
gauntlet of the powerful men-of-war lying In
front of the harbor, aud saving his ships for
future service by (lashing out of the trap In
which he lound himself, and going to some
other field of operations.
There seemed to be but one chance In a
hundred that he would he able to make the
move successfully, but he took that chance,
and while great piles ol naval architecture,
now ground to pieces on ths rocks, a few miles
from where he suited, tell ths mournful story
of his failure, there are none who applaud hit
conduct more than the American officers and
seamen who sent his ships to destruction.
Aeeeiatfoa Kemlaiioas Passed caele by
Vote of U to HI.
WasMtauToa.July . Annexation of Hawaii,
Is now accomplished, as far as the legislative
branch of the government Is concerned, tfulte
auexpectfdiy the resolutions providing fo,-the
snnesatlnn of the Islands were brought to a
vote In the senate lata th Is afternoon, and they
were passed by ths decisive vole of U lo XI.
At S 0.1 p. m., the resolutions themselves, In
precisely the form lit which they were received
from the house of repreaeulaUvea, were report
ad to Ihesrnale and the roll call began.
w hen Ihe vice president announced Ihs vole
by which the resolutions were paaaed, a tre
mendous wave of applause swept throughout
the gallerloe. for a while good natured eon
fusion prevslled,
Morrill, republican, sansU.r from Vermont,
was Uis only republican vole against the reso
lution. Mi democrat voted In favor ot the
haw Yiisa, July a.-Psany Davenport, th
famous aclraea. Is dying,
Maeailt. July - Th Hpantsti cabinet Is talk
ing peece, and no doilU prop. is lo thai end
will l made In s lew days.
WsaNIS'.Mg, July 7.-A'lkrS recall ed Ihis
miming Irom Ilea rat hhaflat announce thai a
aumharol high apanlsh officials era desalting
arroae the line al Ratttuge Into the American
ti.o tt l i s. July 7.-iiiral laaton,
In his raport alter the saaault upon and capture
ol RI Itsuev by hi division during the I rat day a
aghilna, says
"II may hot h nut of la to sail sltaiitlon
to Ihl peculiar laalura.1 Ihe battle: II was
fought against ail enemy hrtlda4 and en
I ram had wlthla a romped towa ol etona ai.l
uncial bouaca, some with wall aerate! fart
tales and Supported by a number of stone lorta,
sod lha enemy continued to resist antll nearly
every man we killed or wounded
I aplaln k erhaogh, ed ulanl general, say. '
-Ih actios i, th Amaru troops al RI
lit will always h pia. 1 1 hian.ry aa an
Hli.aiiaiM.n .4 s s-H.eaafnl seas-ill ii.hi a .,rl
aeej tw hy loot fcUdler "
Ws.aiS'.t'.e, J'llyr - Admiral aparii tela,
g'aph th nf d.partmatit aa lotto. Imea U.
aasrship haw tot, bff aanllaa. Th dwaah k
hi 4a led July A loot midnight I sat elht ihe
4tNtltle. ..l.lt rrnl,.. SIW tlrerete was
saaN hy lha Maaaa. htMetie. ahfe h ieel had
r. l.lini.l wi Ihe .t.anael r..wli,( wil -I Ihe
" Hi aaiili.ao 1h MaaaachikMtlea sal
Te.sa ftpeaad tie. so I ll.a Sntah aaa aa
ak epp-all rtrail n.v. I am rw Dresden
thli-k N wasUi Intanteua hi sink har lath
thaanal snd lha Mk lh barbae entiea a. II
. I pia we aelealed hy lh tr of Ui si. I pa,
a)lttW lh edg of l,s sh'a.
Waaia.tos, July f . awratary trt.g t--1af
(a-a . l.cs h tha 4eet.lra .4 lhe..il.
rbilt iif-'i Htr Isiiat Ntll lb
Cristobal Colon, De-
American Fleet Lost
Philadelphia will carry the flag of the United
States to those islands and formally annex
'tern to the Union. Admiral Miller, command
ing the Pacific station, will be oharged with the
function of hoisting the flag hauled down by
Commissioner Blount. The ship will be ready
for sea In a few days.
The president will appoint a commission Im
mediately to frame laws necessary to the
changed conditions of affairs In Hawaii. This
must be done before the adjournment of con
gress, co mmlssloners being subject to oonflr
m; tlo n by the senate.
Educate Your Bowels With Casenreta.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
i?o. If C. C. C. full, druggists refund money.
Ashland is experiencing a lively build
ing boom.
Southeastern Oregon ia promised an
abundance of feed for stock, owing to re.
cent rains.
The State Teachers' assooiatioo con
vention will te held at Newport July
27th, 28th and 29 tb.
Tbe Dalles pronounoe their Fourth of
July oelebratiou the most gnooesaful one
ever held in tbeir oity.
Not lees than 600 carloads of sheep
bave been shipped from Huntington to
Nebraska within tbe past two weeks.
Tbe Astoria News claims that a Clat
top oouoty farmer owns a rooster that
baa killed thirty tnll-growo rats within
tba past month,
David F. Fox, of Ashland, has been
appointed deputy internal revenue ool.
lector ot Southern Oregon under tbe new
collector, I. L. Patterson.
A number ot boys at tbe atata reform
acbool are anxious to enlist for the war,
Tba superintendent reports six aa being
amenable to military duty.
Tba oonnty olerk election oontest of
Swan vs. Oiddxs, of Baker City, baa
bean dismissed at tba inetigatiun of
8 wan, tba republican candidate,
Joseph A. Urebam, a Klamath county
aattler, waa thrown from a load of lum
ber and killed June Win, tba wagon
wheels paaalng over bia bead, ornsblng
bit skull.
H. Marks A Co. 'a warehouse and ele
vator at ltuseburg. Douglas county, witb
.'a eontenta ot wool and wheat waa en
tirely deetroyed by lira on tba afternoon
ot J una 'ill, involving a loss of 115,000.
Tba town of Condon, In Oilllam oonn
ty, baa decided to pot in water worka at
a eoet of tl OUO. It baa H.OOO io ita
treasory, and will burro v 13,000 mora
from local people to oomplete tba worke,
District Attorney llayueo.of Hslem,
npon Investigation ot tba killing ot
young Cbarlea Turney, near Oarrisburg,
by T. M. Mofiratb, reoeolly, expreeeee
tba opinion tbat tba killing waa uninten
tional. Tba Willamette valley sportsman are
looking forward to a phenomena! scaaon
of pbeeeetit, quail and grouaa abooting
this fall. Tba exceptionally Qua weather
baa enabled all birds lo batoh out tbeir
brooda anocresfully.
At meeting of tbe Eastern Oregon
Veterans' eaetmietion, tbe aftornimn of
tba Foortb, r olerpriae was decided npon
aa tba plane fur holding ntnt yeai'a ri
oouio, and elected J. M. Beala, prijet,
and J. .urcber, aenratary aad treasurer,
W. U. Amburo, an engineer, who waa
engage I in the txitialrnolloa of tba Aa
torla k Colombia Kiver rallroa-l, baa die-
eovered a vein of aoal varylog la thiol
neaa from 7 ta 20 teet, and extending
three mile ia length, oo tba south beak
of tba Columbia river, iu Cleteop oouoty.
It. P. iMea, J , filed bie offlrrial oalb
aad rerwived hie eeriifWte of slectioa aa
eirrulljuda of the third Judicial dlalriol
of Oregon tba 2 1 luat. Ilia alrotion baa
been stubbornly cuateeisd by P. 11
I J' A fry, during which enendal baa da-
I iir are no r pee tab eympalbicra al
Klarbuik, Wash. The rwher day
Hparimb Hg waa foiia I In tba town,
when Y. Hetioali, aa O. It. k N. flramao
(d It, and tba eilisos farnialiad real
oil with which to aalnrale it snd it was
iariil in ll.a publia squara. -Tliue
Hua Jay afiernaoa a cloud buret at iro
aueii) pmiMwienae ace u read oo Camp
reea, safe tha lletald, f of a distance
of foar mile rock and buulJnra were
web4 frnra tba aide bill and piled In
tba toad. a iiaptmeible f t wagotts to
pes 6et tba roaW aa tba d,rhi kg l tied
Jap from four to If tits f 4p.
Absolutely Pure
Senator Jones, ot Nevada, who re
oently puro baaed tbe Mount Reuben
mine, in Joaepbinecounty, has a bonanza,
says the Roseburg Review. At a depth
ot 350 feet they cross-out the ledge, and
have 14 feet and 9 inches of solid quartz,
the lowest assay of wbioh goes $25 and
tbe highest $2,700. Jones intends, it tbn
ledge reoently pierced on the side ct Ire
hill is found equally as rich, to bave 500
men at work in the Mount Reuben mines
early in tbe fall.
Last Tuesday afternoon, while trying
to land at tbe ferry witb a load of wheat,
John Madison, who lived near Biokloton,
in some manner wua thrown from his
seat yiolontly to the ground , tbe wagon
passing over the lower part of bis body.
Help was at onoe summoned, but medi
cal Bid was of no avail, and be expired
20 minutes after the aooident. lie leaves
a widow and seven children to mourn
bis losa. Fossil Journal.
A shooting affray ocourred at La Grande
on tbe afternoon of the' Fourth. Charles
Gray, of Cove, shot three times at Al
bert Ohms, of Island Oity. One bullet
took effect in Ohms' thigh, anotherstruck
bis saddle and tbe third killed his horse.
Both are young men. Tbe trouble arose
over money owed Ohms by Gray. They
bad trouble over tbe aoconnt io tbe
morning, but separated, meeting again
later. Both were oo ' horseback, and
after tbe shooting Gray left town hur
riedly , firing bia pistol several times.
OfBoers are pursuing bitn.
Chaa. Cannon, Je Miller aud John
Blaokwell, prominent woolgrowers of
Long Creek, bave brought their season's
clip to Pendleton for storage in the In
dependent warehouse and will load sup
plies at Alexander k Uexter'a tor tbe re
turn trip. They were acoompauied by
ma Kiadar, el Middle I'uik, 4iliu
Mulkey, David Browning, Albert Bal
lanoe, H. Barr aud Frank Dennison, of
Long Creek, wbo will also load supplies
for people in tbat seotion. Mr. Blaok
well waa asked about the reports ot
sheep being killed in the Long Creek
district. Io reply be said the first be
bad heard ot the matter was since be ar
rived in Pendleton. East Oregonlan.
A member ot tba tfalem Statesman
force, says tbat paper, learna from a
private letter that there were fully 2,000
republicana io tbe mountains ot Eastern
Oregon attending In sheep wbo did not
get to vote. There were fourteen al one
poiot in Grant county wbo did uot get
lo tha polling plaoe. Tbia failure of re
publicans lo vote, oo aoooont ot occupa
tion waa general throughout tbat vast
empire. But these men, by staying at
their posts, bave contributed and will
contribute largely lo tbe spread of re
publican doctrine and to republican
snoceaa at tba polls, on aoconnt of help
ing to make more prosperous conditions
throughout the country. The sheep
raising industry was tbe gre.tet subject
ot attack in tbe Wilson bill Bbd tba
moat conspicuous object of benefit iu lha
Dingley bill.
Two Millions trsr,
When (tropin Imv, try, mid buy aguiu, it
nicKiia tlicv'ro siitKllcill 'I In- miii!c of tin
I'mlcd hUlca are now buying I'nmiircU
('iimly Cntliiirtic at the ml of two million
Ixuea a yenr and it w ill he ihrif million In
hue New Vein 's. It mciiiia merit proved,
that t Waii-U are Ihe moat delightful Ixiwcl
regulator fur evcrvhodc the yeiir round. All
ilniggiala llo, 2.V, 6ilc a lox, cine guaranteed.
fader Ike Heroad Call.
Tha La Grande Chronicle says, under
data of July bib:
Capt. II. V. Kendall, .f the United
Wales army, arrived Ibis morn ing Iu
taper vise lbs enlistment of soldiere for
tbe army nndr Ihe sound call for volun
teers. There were .'l.'i names on tha en
rollment, but La Grande's qmte ia only
IX Tba required number waa snlectt d
from tba nature of those first on tba list.
Those wbo passed lbs examination and
bave bran sworo lo are aa follows:
Franklin Htaawood, Alva (I. Iiavi lsoa,
John B Ilrookler, John K. Osifoey, Aa
drew (1. lirirokl', (Uirg W. Icerd,
John L. lUulipg, Geo. SI. Kbermrrhoro,
Wo, Morelock, CChetmler, Medio Jeo
aou and le-onenl Helaou. The volonteeia
will be given a dinner by Ibe women's
emergency crps at tbe Hotel Yoley this
aflsraiMin and will leave on the evening
train for Ken Kranoisu...
- . ..
Ha flaiaed
Tealerday about Boon tba bona iH
Ibe plaoe frmerly owned by J. V, M r
row, at lha kee l of Hand Hollow, wae
entirely d'airoysd by lire, Henry We I
waalmngia Ibe place and .l erry
thing be bad. They were eating dineer
bra tba Ore broke eat end it biral
Doteely thai eveo thr.-e doge lo lha
bona di I not bave time lo escepe. Tba
fire ta anppel lo bave etartv l frmu a
stove pipe. The bouse was welleiu
etrudtI aul Iheowo.i sl'.a is Piui lr.