yj. n. o in. Dkfast TIME 8CHEDCLK8 ARRivs fob From Heppner. from 8:30 p.m. Salt take, Denver, 4:50 a.m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan Baa City, Ht. Louis, Chicago, Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the EaBt. 8.00 p.m. Ocfas Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dntes subject to change. For Ban Francisco Sail July 5, 9, 13, 17, 81, 2o. 29. 7:00 p. in. To Alaska - 6:00 p. m. v July 19. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Riveb 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Stiambrs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Willamette Kivkr 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday XT Ex.Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and V ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 8:30 p. m Tues.. Tliur, Yamhill Rivebs. Mon., Wed. ami Bat and Frl. Orogon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. 6:00a.m. Willamette Riveb 4:30p.m. Tues Thurs Tues.. lhur. and Sat. Portland to Corval- and Sat. lis & Way Land ings. Lv. Riparia Snake Riveb. Lv.Lewiston 1-45 a m fl m Mon., Wed. Riparia to Lew iston Sun, Tues. and Friday "d Tnur- Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent. Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passunger Agent, Portland, Or, Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD Weekly Excursions to the EAST i In through tourist cars without change MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charf e of experienced oouduotors and porters. M.-J.... To Kansas Cltv. Chicago. Buffalo and JlUIIUdyS, Boston withoutchange viaSalt Lake, Missouri faciucana unicago anu aiwju ivjb. t... -J.... To Omaha. Chicago. Buffalo and I UtjSlldJS, Boston without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, Kock Island ii Pacllic Ky. To St. Joseph. Kansas City and Ht. Louis without change via Salt Lake and Burlington Route. TIiiipqito To Kansas City and St. Louis with. lUUrbUdyS, out change via bait Lake and Mis sourt Paclnc railway. A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. 0,904.900,005,000 Descendant. Every known Want ia occasionally inhabited by its own peculiar aphis or plant louse. These curious insect breed with wonderful rapidity a French naturalist proving that a pair of them will, within six weeks, pro duce five penerations, or a prand total of 5,904,900,000,000 descendants. Sheep Stealing In Scotland. The secretary of Scotland has ap pointed a committee to inquire into the alleged prevalence of sheep stealing in certain parts of Scotland. A Bare Thine for You A transaction in which you cannot loseisa nr Uiiuif. Biliousness, sick headache, fur red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Ca3carets Candy Cathartic, the won derful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or mouev refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thine. Try a box to-day; luc., ifoc., ooc. Hamule and booklet free, bee our to., buc 1 big ad. MAGNIFICENT OFFER. Every new subscriber of the Ga zette, or old one renewing', will Ret an a premium a oopy of "The Great Debate" between Horr and Harvey. This was one of the greatest con tests of the kind in this age. Tbe fiuaDoial question is prominent in politics and you wanttbia book. It is bound neatly in paper and retails fcr 50 cents tbe world over. Gome early before all the premiums are gone. Tbe investment is but $2 oasb. Tub Pattebson Pcb. Co. For rates and all all information, Inquire of O. R, & N. and 8. P. agents, or addresB, R. C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, Gen. Fans. & Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J, (!. Hart, Local Aft.. Heppner, Or. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE HUE YOU GOING ERST ? If bo, be sure and see tbat your tioket reads via Tde Mwestein. Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS 18 THB Great Short LiQC I5ETWEKN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnlflcent Track, Peerless Vestlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains, and Motto: "ALWAYS on time has given this road a national reputation. All ulasae of passengers carried on the vcntlnnlert trains without extra charge. Ship your freight ami travel over this famous line. All agents have ilckets. W. H. MEAD, F.O. SAVAGE. Gen. Agent. Tray, f. A l Agt. iih Washington St., Portland, Or. CHICAGO He & St. Paul R'y .k4v Trade Marks Designs Copyright Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description mar qntrkly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is prohahlr patentable. Communica tion strlctlrconlldentlul. Handbook on Patent sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. I'atotiln taken through Munn & Co. receive tptrUU inOcet without charge, in tbe Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clr filiation of any sclontltlo Journal. Terms, U a year; four months, L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.36,BrMd New York Branch Omen, G2S F St, Washington, D. C. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON ft FORT SHEPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The On); All-Bail Route Without Obange of Cars Between Spokane, Roaslaod and Nelson. Also between Nelnori aod Rossland, daily eioept Sunday: Iieaye. Arrive. Mi) A. M Hpokane 6-.40 P. M. 110) A. M. Kossland :40 P. M. 9:10 A. 11 Nelson 6:49 l M. Close ennnectiona at Nelson with steamers for Kaslo, and all Kootenai Lake points. Passenger for Kettle Itlver and Moon clary reek connect at Marcus with stare daily. A Charitable President. The French president travel free on the railways during bia official tour in France; but when the return journey is concluded, it is said that his secretary calculates what it would have cost if paid for at regular rates, and this sum is banded over to be distributed among the poorest paid of tbe railway men. THE HORSE OF THE CENTURY. Wonderful Career of the Great Trotter Dexter. Mr. Jonas Hawkins, of Orange coun ty, obtained from a strolling' gypsy Vi;d a brown mare. 15.2 hands, with four white foet. He used her, says Scribncr's Magazine, for a family nog. and by Seeley's American otar got a black Ally, foaled in 1848, which was named Clara. The iilly became the protierty of his son, Jonathan Haw kins, and she-grew into a mare of 14.3 hands. She had a star, snip ami three white feet, and was driven pretty hard on the country roads by her young mas ter. In 1857, by Kysdvk's Ilamble- tonian, fche hud the paragon, Dexter. The brown gelding, with blaze and four white feet, was purchased by Mr. George B. Alley, for $400, and he subse quently became the property of Mr. A. F. Fawcett. Dexter, under the tutor ship of Hiram Woodruff, made his first Dublic appearance at Fashion Course, May 4, 18C4. lie met and defeated, dur ing his short but brilliant turf career, such horses as (Jen. Butler, George M. Tatchen, Jr., Lady Thome and Gold smith Maid, and he probably was in the enjoyment of more world-wide fame than any horse foaled on Amer ican soil. He brought Budd Doble into public notice, and the sight of the white-faced geldang coming with tre mendous force down the home-stretch inspired the loftiest dreams. The peo nle swunir their lints and shouted: "Hurrah for Dexter! Long live horse of the cen tury ! " 1100 Beward, $100. Tbe readers of this caper will be I pleased to learn tbat tbere ia at least one dreaded disease tbat soieoee baa been able to care in all its stages and tbat ia catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cnre is tbe only positive care now known to tbe medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall' Catarrb Care is taken internally, aoting dirctly npon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of tbe disease, and giving tbe patient strength by building np tbe constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors bave so much faith in its curative powers, tbat they offer one hundred dollars for any oase that it fails to care. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. tSold by druggists, 75o. A Beautiful Present In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brandy he manufacturers, J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co.. of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are in the form of Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows: the Original Marriage Ceremony. A most original marriage ceremony tolok place in Harwich, England, a few days ago. The curate of the eliurc.i re ceived a visit from the bridegroom, who apologized for asking him to perform the ceremony instead of the vicar of the parish. "The fact is, you are a keen wimiui. I am told." "Yes," said the curate (a muscular Christian), much amused; "I don't know now 1 anoum get on without my bicycle." "Well, that is whv I came to you. 10 ten tnetruiu, . . . r.. f 41wi we want to nave some iuu u wedduig, and we mean to have a cycle one!" Accordingly, on the appointed cl.iv. the wedding party, consisting of bride and bridegroom and about JU cuest, rode down to the church, at tired in regulation cycling costumes the bride in a neat tailor-made gown, the bridegroom and crroomsman in knickerbockers and caps. Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. NORTH l'ACIPIC Rural Spirit . THROUGH TICKETS -TO THE Ea:t and Southeast mmu -v..,- 'SelCTOW. THE TURODGH CAR LINE The Saltan and Oar Missionaries. The Porte bas demanded the reoall of two Amerioan missionaries from tbe province of Aleppo, on tbe pretext tbat their mission is likely to cause distur bances. "Tbe sick man of Europe", is as unreasonable as bis politioal health is feeble. As a bright contrast to bis obstinacy and stupidity, tbe people of America are acknowledging far and wide tbe beneficence of tbe mission of Hos tetter's Stonaob Bitters, namely, to re lieve and prevent malaria, rheumatism and kidney oomplaiot.obrooic dyspepsia, oonstipation and liver trouble. The nervous, tbe weak and tbe infirm derive unspeakable benefit from its use, and it 17 really mitigates tbe weakness and in firmities whioh are speoially incident to advancing years. T&lH INVENT e REQUIRE! NO COOKING m COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF AH) NCt ONI SOUND Of THIS STSROI WIU 60 " Of ANY OTHER ITARCH. " wJ.C.tfUBINGERBR0JfC9 Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. 11. I!. ITALY AND THE VATICAN. Unequal War Is (ESTABLISHED IN 18!.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. PULLMAN PALACE BLKKPEB8. PULLMAN TOUHIST HLEEPEK8. KKKE UECLISINO CHAIR CARS. at Portland to Chicago Without Change DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Quick Timn. I n ion l)i.nt. Pm-Honally Comlnctad Eionrsions. HauKHUH Chocked to Destination. liiiwt lino to Trnns-Missiiwlppi and Inter DHlimml Kxixmitiim hold at Uinulis, Nebraska, June tu November, Write nnilxniimied for rates, time tobies and other informal iin pertaining to Union Pacific It. It. It. W. BAXTK.lt, or (Jen. Art,, lad ad Ht., Portland, Or. J. C. HAHT Art., O. U. .V.N. Co.. Heppner, Or. Worth Its weiubt in gold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon, SUBSCRIPTION: 82. (XI PER YEAR. Ham pie oopies free.) HE OREGON SllORTLlNEKy Riiral Hpirit and Gazette i'1.00, oasb, at this office. This Railway Co. Operates its trains on tbe fsmons blook system; Lights its trains by eleotrioity through oot; Use the oelebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons spawdily eqnippad paaaanger traius tivnrv dar aud Divbt belwoen Ht. Paul and Ohioago, aud Omaha and Uhloago; tha Thicano. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also oparatmi strain-heated vestibuled traint, carrying the latest private eomparlmeut ears, library buffet smok ing tare, and palace drawing room lee per s. Parlor ears, free reclining chair oars, sod tbe very beat diniug obatr oar service. For lowest rates to any point lo tbe United HI ale nr Canada, apply to aueul or address O. J. EDDY, J. W. OAHET, Oeneral Agent, 50 Years.... IN THE Esq; Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition er's both for Ql'ICKEBT AND W0HT EIRECT LINB T0 UTAH, COLORADO, NE BRASKA, KANSAS, MIS SOURI RIVER and all Points EAST, and SOUTH- EAST. LOOK Sto; Dip ! HhTlWM II Trav. Paas. Agent. Portland, Or. Increases Yield of Wool. Enhances Value oi Flock. Cheap, Hale, lian dy, Clean, Wholesome, Odoriees. CHAS. G. ROBEIiTS, CCNCRAL AGENT. '217 Ash Ktrevt, I'ortlsml, Or.f on. Sold by Minor & Co., Hoppnor, Or. The Old Shop! LIBERTY MARKET AT THE TIME. NEW YORK. 4J days CHICAGO. 3J " ST. LOUIS, 3 J -OMAHA, 3 " SALT LAKE, 1 J " Free Reolining Cbsir Cars Upholstered T mriel Bleeping Cars Pollman Pslaos Hleeping Cars For full part ion! are regarding rates, time ot trains, etc., eall on or address J. O. II ART, Agent O. U. k N. Co., Ileppoer, Oregon 0. 0. Tbhbv, W. E. ConAit, Trav. Paae. Agt. Oeo'l Agt. lit Third HI., Portland, Ore. Bow tbe Bloodless and Waged. It is a racred maxim, handed down from age to ape by the mc oeaaors of St. Peter, that, what ever spiritual or temporal pow ers have once bt-en placed within their hands shall be kept intact and unimpaired, says MacmillairB Maga zine. They do not admit defeat. What they do noj possess de facto they at least poaaew! de jure. If they have lost the substance, tbey retain the ahadow, and If their earthly kingdom has been filched that loss, they say, will only be continued for a season, until that brighter day returns when all shall be restored. The holy t.atnonc cnurcn, it is sold, can afford to stand antl .vuit. An all-seeing providence will give her the victory at last. In the belief of all triiB Catholics It is certain that she will eventually triumph as that the aun will rise again. Meanwhile, though she never hastes she never rests and she presses on her clnlms with a persistency which, if often silent, never flags. Tbey are pushed unceasingly from hour to hour, from dny to day, from year to year and If the outside world can forget them or deride them the government of King Humbert never can. It hnsj to face an unsleeping foe whom 110 good will can ever conciliate or ap-jM-aite, whose claims are Incapable of compromise. Roth demand the right to rule In the city of the Caesnrs and the victory of one side me.mr the Inevitable and endurlr-g humiliation of the other. So Is waged the bloodless but unequal war. Yet, though the occupation of Weekly Excursions in Turonnh Can to the East. Another through tourist oar to the East bas been arranged to ran oat of Portland, giving four each week. Here after tbe car lerving Monday will run through without obange to Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. R. & N., Ore gon Short Line, Rio Grande Western, Denver & Rio Grande, Missouri Pacific and Chicago & Alton. Tbat car bas just been arranged for, and tbe one previous ly soueduled for Monday bas been changed to Thursday. It rnns tbrongb to St. Louis, via the Missouri Poifio line. Tbe oar leaving Portland l'aesaay goes tbrongb to Boston, and is promoted by the Chicago, Rock Island Bnd PaoiBo. Wednesday's oar runs to St. Joseph, Kansas City snd St. Louis, over tbe Burlington. All these special through cats are receiving a gratifying patronage. Consult O. R. & N. Agent before buying tickets to the East. These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist, R LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in' his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing f . . ... U n Ar. r.( Mlnr anil artictir mprit. mem in Deauiy, lumras - One of these pictures fm LA M4lm licsf- (Elastic Starch i purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the marKei, ana is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a beautiful picture. e ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TROUBLES AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. An Eminent New York Chemist and scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Headers. Cordray, the pioneer theatreman of Portland in tbe line of "popular prioee," bas refitted tbe Wastiogton St. theatre, formerly .known as the "New Park." Cordray always bas something new, and our people, when below, can spend s pleasant evening at bis plaoe. tf Ask your Druggist for a gonrroo) 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH fuinimns no cocaine. mercury nor any otucr Injurious orug. It Is quickly Absorbed, Utves Kellff at once. It oena ana cicsuscs.. . urtn the fianai rassaires. I .III II vt II L.MU from D18 IBDoraiorv. unerera suuuiu is The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo oum, of New York City, demonstrating bis disoovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, long and ohest troubles, etnbborn coughs, catarrhal affections, general deolioe and weakness, loss ot flesh, and all conditions of wssting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader ot this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" has oured thousands permanently by its timely use, snd he considers It a Bimple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible cure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, bas produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be nlnimed bv anv modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in Bny olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in bis American and Enro- pesn laboratories in thousands from those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy sod certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. C, 98 Pine street. New York, giving post- office and exoress address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop ia now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prices ot any person under tbe sun in tbe line of droggists supplies, black books, bank work county work, or Bny sort ot book bind-. ing work tbat yon bave heretofore seat away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity ooncern but it you will give us a obaooa we will see tbat you are satisfied in every particular. Bavyour goods at home. Remember tbat Abe Lincoln said that when one bongbt goods away from borne the foreigner got the money and we got tha goods. But when tbe goods wera bought at home we bad both money and goods. This is good doctrine. W are willing to abide by it. Wben tha printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call rp 'phone No. 3. 560-tf IIbsIs and Protects the Memhrsna, Hrstorrj. Hi? tKS2srtT..I. and Kmell. K..M Bia. o c. ; Tr.ul HI. 10c : St lrn"tfll r rm - s. . t L Y B ROTH Bit. W Warren Ntwt, U f-w ora WA.R BOOK, by Coniaessman James Kaiiklu ouna All about War with Hiwtn. the Navy, all def-naea. Battleships, ete. l'orttalls and blosrapliles of IVwey and all prominent officers. Nearly imni-s. Massive volume. Marvelously cheap Hpst authorship. Only authentic, ntliclal hook. Kxiierlence not necessary. Anybody can still It. !,allea aa successful as gentlemen. are the i...,.t niirlntloii iMHik Arm In America. Write us Kilty persons are employed In our correspondence department alone, to serve yon. Our book Is Just out. Oct aency now and be first In the field. Urge War Man in colors tree with hook or outfit. Other valuable pretnl- Ulna. Trenieinioiis sener. nisars. nn.ncj Mmi linerai terms instant advan tage of bis generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that yon saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp oer, Oregon. July 9-7-1 jr. Tbe war is on and now you sbonld subsoribe for the Gazette. Tbe latest news, always. NEW NAME I Wm. Gordon has re-named I113 stand the old Jonea livery stable OMio Central. eled hay lor sale. Charge reasonable. Call Bon him and have vour horse well cared (nr. - - . m.i.ravpr luiin I. jiimiiniri.i kiiii. l, (iiili iiuil is securely lmsei on lorre, . . n,,!,!,,. $7 to sat per day. Twent 1 - i I ...ul I . . .1. tnl.hl t..U 1 the vatira , ha. weapon. In her araeual da,1 ere.... s'v.mKrel.lu PMJIJ of a less material Kind wltn wnun sua ,. ,,,,1 in ustru llns tree for nine 2 i well able to haraas and annoy to iHiy Misuiife. newimi inn pwr. MONKOt bOUR CU., uep n. en cago, RRUNGT0N-F05S1L STA6EL1NE !: Sf ESlLTIE i Tk""- FARC FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (HU miles).. t0U Jtoundtrlp l'0C Majrvlllf (Mmt:). 40U Round trip TOO Condon (W miles) . 1 00 Hound trip S 00 Clem ( miles) ... J is) Round trip I W I OlrtllSmllM) IM) Koundirtp S 50 1 n u x ram ih Is the lnco to ro to got your fiuo xrk ami lamb cliopH, atoaka and roast. TUUOUOII t'AKS- TO Hr. PAn. MlNNKPOLlS ll I I! I ll KAItUD ii i rt r if llK.LKN'A TickeU Usuxl to all tMiiiit la ths United Htatee and Caiifcls. QUICK TIME TO aiiasir rmostM ) All other Omah WaaitiiximM fxilnls Kawa City ItALnviiHi in the Hr. Jotr Saw Ytiaa and Mr. Ixn DvrrAbO J Hontheal (IttMToM I'nliio iVtxit rnoaeetione at Ml. Paul. Minnearxil Kansas fily, Omaha, Hi. Unit) au.l other pmml bvut Hmt Uetitfaiis checked through to tieslloalioo ol Ik U. Ttirongb tickets to Japaa anJ Cblua,vie Tanoms and Nnrthera I'ariSe Htesm ship Oompsny't Una, FISH EVERY FRIDAY fine sonar cnret bams and bacon, fure ll U"t, kettle reii.lffe-1. old styie. Mlshesl caan phi paid lr at si-x k. HKSJ. MATIIKWR. BiCH Keep sneep ana Get Till: WOOL UKCOHl) Telle Yett Hewte De It. "The talator lino" r The Meat rreaeh t eosua. The visitor who are living in hired villas on the Riviera are all to be in- rluoVd in tbe next French censua. Among- those who will fill out the sen sua jajpers are th queen of Kiiffland. the emprees dowajrer of Itnaaiii. the ctarowtts aud her two youngest chil dren, the frranl duke and dmhcaa of M"tklenbur(r-Sbwerin, the tluke ami ducbewa of Parma, thedui hivdiwurer of roburjr and Lord and Ijuly Salis bury. The kliifr of the mi(fian. the prince of Wales and other birda of -an ire In hotels or jachta will 1 e y i ' r2-rJ-Jt ,rz cent I 7 .rdUFllr'i : r m itj riii i El I I ID U r a ri l!!i n'i:M r" it SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION State NORMftL SCilOOl MONMOUTH, OREGON. Strong Academic and Professional Courses. Well equipped Training Department of nine grades with rji children. Regular Normal Course of three years, senior year wholly professional. Graduates of accredited With Schools and Colleges admitted directly to professional work. The Dtploma'ol the School Is recognized by law as a L1KK Certitleate to teach, Graduate of the School are in demand as teachers. ' Light Expeiisee - One Year for from X to Beautiful and healthful location. No Saloon. t First terra will open Tuesday, September , lWf. Catalogue, giving full details o( work, cheerfully vol on appiicauru. Auurws, W. A. WANS, Secretary ot Faculty, L. CAMI'BELI, President ! Alitxris WsNTtl) The Pillfi, rurllui I Astor'a Sirigatioi C. Knr full iaformallon, tin oar Is, maps, tickats, loH Sail ' nte W.O. Ai.uwif, A. I. CutaiTo". ' 4rt. K. 1. liy. Aal.O-r.l e. Agl T stia'i f . PcMlanJ,tT t i , . s I'y a speout arr at (finenl we ofler to our redris The Wool Drcord and Hemt Weekly lacti, one year tr II mi. The Wmd ll-oor i i the only eativual ihil pfgso and (Kifef L wool inJualry from Ih railing ot tbe bp te the ell- ing ot the oisoufactorJ artlele. tt I potiltahed aeeklv at New Toil sod lb regular pries k 14 ' e y. I M mark! retiofU are foil and eoitip and He Mliern lie,lera' Talk sln are Wottb 10 i-uiee tba i tl-se fl pr. Hiiiipl "p lleall'B Utfbeettlly reNii!iliii0.1 Bst.i C I i wir nht-riUi$ "OAlltS CITY" AH0 'KIOUUTQ" Comtneocltig MoodsF. May 2nd, tb letner of III Kegnlator mo win leave 1'ortlanJ at o-W a, m. sod Tbe iHtlles at a.m. When yon go to Portland, slop off at Th IHilleeead lakes trip uowo in (s.lnrabta; yoa will eejoy m o4 save W.CAILAWAT. Oeorel Agat QUXOIC TIIVXXJ I TO Sdii lrfitiolftoo 44 all Mutat'aJir.e.kie . " ri oi u Southern Pacific Co ft great ktf theaagk Jifnrla ..!. T aed fMnl Sl pf it. ! .) rll"a I C, 14 to aU JtHae In f train. sS ti mr n.H.B..kiilM t. "l fl fa ''" . rmm. tiraeu. lHtle ( t n tlwM, or tbe life ef Wm. E. (lla.istone. by John Clark Ui lpatb, LL D., the most celebrated orator and statesman ol modera lime. Ilis brilliant enios snd remarkable ehsrseter; bis greed aehieve meols a leader and prime minister; bis magnificent triumphs Id great political straggle ;inclu(ilog tilsfsmoas speeebes, striking Inoldeele, personal aneednlea, eta. Mnjr superb pboMyp engraving. Over KiO pssee. Duly 12 M. WplcoJiJ eaevsMieg oolflt wllb valoable pre- miotn, terms auj fall loslrncttoee sent free for 'M eeots Id stamps to cover (hmI ag. Mnet liberal terms guarantee.). Twenty days credit. Freight paid. Agents making I t to lK) a day. IW firai to lb field. Order t oltit today. Kl- perieece ao aeceawsry ee every tody wsDle It. Meetlna this paper. Monro IWk Co., Pep'l. J., ItearNe Ml, I bieag . Bi M Tbe ilas'iuate liraa.I. ua lrl ta tb Mereuaa baildi eseaJlt&t tneeTMnt sad tb puMie Ul be royally etrtlo4 this wioUr. Sew eompeelee and t fse will ap pear from lime to time at Ibis popular, flr.1 clsa I he I re ol I'ortUn.l, end to l'tUand out debiieo houl 1 al tail tu lake la e-nae e f r drsmeg that Plage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday eieepted) at 0 o'clock; is doe at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at ros- ail at 7 d. m. Comfortabl covered coaches end esre- fol, nperler.ced dvers. -TW0 SPLENDID TRAINS BUILT TO THE EAST -HUT IW ISLAND MOIL 9 ei a leVA 1 vv. liril f You can niLllibe cured If uflsr IVnaa any of I ills ot 9Mn, i to ' eMeM bpeviaiial M tl iaui Luaai, OS MRDAN a CO.. .1011 StarJet H l.lISt Veeag asca a4 wslddtei , atMl SMri ihi .ut g Krkllltr laroln'r I 1S1.MS I iiiit. -r.. .!.! ieralarrhra. rnMawrrkoa, nrrlM, leet, j lrsw' I rine. nr a oh ...I V Ihil.i.4 ri i.,lipn- v. K Iv1, a Mt-tfd h trifri.i'et Hi. I M aiU 4 oo alt 4 in!'.f 1 -i l t , srnunM iwi, "I W K-t ti a." vU.m P ' ii'vn ai,r. tH t. ' .4..a . t a i r j ad q I'St 'n ami 'hc" i'.mut4 uK4..i,tr-llwsar'r lira. , ! II in..--' t,M.N ifuus i f , itw iit-i arrsri list t ,. .. 'l rr- mrm. i in4 W't ai(. Rocky Mountain Limited Uam I'FNVKK, . . , SS0 a. m. Arrieael.lN nJ . . Ilp. m. " t t All . . I ' a. m. im VdlNKK , . S-a. m. " luvrMtmr . . a.m. M tlllCAnO . . S Up. ia. Nil Day Thrnngh HleetMv and ttuur fare Colaeailo to I I, !.. hhi tiiraie UiruttgtHiai. ik tt Umia ia the W Colorado Flyer Um rK?CVKB t out HiiiiNoa Arrive Tt'l'KK M HA.NhaS CITY I W p. m. H-W p. as. lvta. l a. m. At. HT. Hit IH, (Wah.H'y) IJ p. i rrl. a HT J(WKH I.IN il,. in Man) OMAHA (tiHaul Through eln is to a m. S 11 a. m. Mi. a. I ('ulomtu Hrings to t Umia via Wah K y. These arc New Trains in allition to our former service. Pne partiealar aat fulilees giting Urn uf trs'os write C. f. M'LCOO. . A. w. I . A . I'M r a. . M. flwTM, JNO li. taaT It o. I A e m em.i-i4 I atorrieoe I f 1haaaa4 Illar . i . 1 n SMK eg. te oodet I f n4..M t f r t 1 That 14-Ycar Old Stuff. "Kolin's Best." On Tap Down at The hy f MaiTlaa. ittBMI f)l) b JlMCf 4,, k M f "The rails tree. ( tlIT Oat. JMt4- Oreat Mm um of Anatomv iKa uti awl Ur 4 Mihmw.4 Ii. ' f Mli (illnt.f- y . I II I,IK.T .,, f ItM Wa. , vxlwo f.t Telephone Saloon t e IT lea itAitie ooorni e e Nsw SianJ, C,ty U.-tel DatlJiDg, JtOW T!)"titi, rrpp, . f. F. i' r-'ti'S'' y''