Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 05, 1898, Image 3

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Face, Hands and Arma Covarad With
Scrofulous Humors How a Cure
Waa Effected.
"When Ave years old my little boy had
crofala on his face, hands and arms. It
was worst on his chin, although the sores
cn his cheeks and hands were Very bad.
It appeared in the form of red pimples
Which would fester, break open and run
and then scab over. After disappearing
they would break out again. They caused
intense itching and the little sufferer had
to be watched continually to keep him
trom Scratching the sores. We became
greatly alarmed at his condition. My
Wife's mother had had scrofula and the
only medicine which had helpd her was
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wo decided to give
It to ouf boy and we noted an improve
ment in his case very soon. After giving
him four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla
the humor had all been driven out of his
blood and it has never since returned."
William Bartz, 416 South Williams St.,
South Bend, Indiana.
You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all
druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's.
Hnod'fi Pill p"rePVI"-l:eaitotake,
IIUUU B f IMS easy to operate. Sb cents.
l'he Gazette can offer the following
blobbing rates:
The GAZETTE 13.00 and Club Rata
Weekly Oregonlan, 1.50 $8.00
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.25
N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 a. 7 5
' Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle and map $2 00. . . 3 75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75
Wcbfoot Planter, 50c 2.00
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4.25
Rural Spirit, $2.00 3.00
New York Wool Record, $2.00 8.00
McCall's Magazine $1.00 jgo
Yearly subaortbers to the Gazette can
get clubbing rates witn any paper on
Sunday 11 a. m. and ? p. m. Sunday School
10 a. m. Classes Mo. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
fcpwortn League Devotional meeting at 7 p. in.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m.
'The Spirit and the bride bay. Oom."
The master may be found at the painonaife ad
Joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any w' o may drsire to oonsult hiin on
relieioun. sotial. civic, philosophic, educational,
or any other subjuctH.
J. W. 1'LK8HER, Minister.
Sunday, preaching 11 a. m., 7 p. m., class
meeting (ollowing morning service
Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth league, Fri
day, 7 p. m.
"Let us forsake not tho assembling of our
selves together."
Pastor's residence in parsonage, next door to
ehnreu. c. K. HOWAKI),
Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.
and 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday even
ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening
at the church. K. u busily.
Die Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church
will meet at 3 o'clock, p. m., on the first
Wednesday of each month, at the home of Mrs.
T. J. Matlock
Take Notice.
1. l'he sum ot ave cents per line will be
Charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions ol
rospect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
fcud obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news.) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to bo de
rived, shall be charged for at the rato of five
tfents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Wcsall away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not
" fear;
And we'll leave behind the girls we love, cries
the Oregon volunteer.
With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old (ilory in
the iky,
rlut ere we pass we'll drain a glass, of f perry's
Lluwood rye
Sold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. O.
Hperry, proprietor. if
The Gazette is not heralding its 00 ru
ing with a brass band bnt its circulation
oao bo determined at the Heppuer posi
offloe. Advertisers will please note Ibis.
Here and There.
M. Liclitentbsl t Co. for shoes, s
T. J. Ally n, of lone, celebrated in
QeppDer. .
Ed. Day was in from Batter creek on
8 atari ay.
What is Hop (Sold? Beet beer on
Mb. fee art. elsewhere.
Guinnessii's f anion old "Dublin
Btoot," Imported, at Cliria Borobers'
ralnl-st remedy fur e xtrsotiog teeth.
If Dot sliited, no 0 turtles. T' Dr.
Vangbao'a new plan. 604-tf.
If yon need ometbiug for ynnr system
oH t the Tbotie The Telephone sa
loon. City boiel l.uiMii'B. if
Best aoo immolation sod eourteons
treatment at the Imperial Hotel, He venth
nd Wsab. Hts., Portland, Oregon.
Oro. Mnir, ens' f Morrow county's
prosperous fx'tneM, was np from the
Lriinittnn eeirl.txirli A n Ni.ttir.lajr.
Mrs. i'.'rtff, WIN .f the president's
secretary, b'is gone on hospital ship
which dm beo sent t Culm, as nnrse.
Uriott your bll, pells sol furs to
Ben, M f t,, at the LibiT'J Meat
Mark!. Be p)s bli(liet market priee.
IVodleton lUt ol.'icn,: M A.Bntler
lias frcitt1 his C"mni,l. n a tteput)
tlilertial irvuos Collator fur Itiisilis
E.G. N lil A (. ere rnsllors aMur
biir.. T fl it ast lli Hi, 1 r
' psws to t funnil in Urppoer. S- tlx ir
Bew (it io this tsate. If.
Ir. J. I.i W. I.'iwmri. c f lb- "It
llstbt," ef 11 u It.. sUil fnf omlliioa!
ss, ana fornlsli jtn lbs fiurei ruck
fail le Vt Uo I Msnlisltosj, J'frj,
Veruioiilli or (lio -fuU lt ar'ist In
tl bqtia. Drop la arid ta the
last nut of j nor month. If
,4 ti)r'ins.tf,jiiil.. 1
L J r- 1 - .... f m isj
iH-I WjWj,V', l
B ioe McAlieter was from Lex'ogtoo
011 Saturday.
Mrs. Julia Bradley came ny from lone
on Bandar morning.
Lichtentbal A Oo. for shoes. Exclusive
shoe store. Handles the best. 83if
Ed. B. Bishop and wife returned Sun
day mornioK from a visit to Portland
Wesley Brannou and Juke Youig were
visitors from tight Mile on Saturday.
Statements for the Famous 8irnple
Aooouut File printed at the Gazette of
fioe tf.
Frank MoFarlund wag a pussoger on
Sunday's tiain , eoroute home from Ar
lington. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist Tor refrac
tion and defeots of tne eje, will be here
every three months. 648 lyr
"Oo'n juice" i . all right but Low Til
lard has a brand of 14-year-old gnr.de
that is bard to beat. 603-lf.
Elmer Beainao is buildiag a aw burn
and otherwise improviug the property
he reodDtl v bought in North Hei pner.
Mr. Andy Riod has a fl fld of wheat on
bis ration near Hurdmao, whioh will
yield tt,lrty-five or forty bushels to the
Master Seeley Donahoe, of Portland,
is visiting his relatives in Heppner over
the Fourth. He is a grandson of Mrs.
Julius Keltbly.
Tbe fifth annual assembly of tbe Wil
lamette Valley Chautanqria Aesooiation
will meet at Gladstone Park, Oregon
City, July 12 to 2i
Stop thatoouKht Take warning. It
may lead to consumption. A 25c bot
tle of Shiloh's Cure may save your life.
Sold by Conaer & Warren. x
Mosos AnhbvisrbJ wa in from Eight
Mile on Saturday mukin preparaiinus
for harvesting whiob. will begin in that
locality in about ten days.
Hon. W. H. Wilson, who delivered the
oratiou yesterday in such a masterfol
manner, cime up from The Dnlles on
last Sunday morning's train.
Judge Lowell, of Pendleton, is men
tioned for tbe seratorebip. Judge Lowell
is strong in Eastern Orpgon and will no
doubt be h prominent candidate.
G W. Rued was in from Clark's
oanyon on Saturday. He pays crops are
good in hie locality and if a good price
prevails this fall people will be very
The Gazette oarnes a fnl) stock of
mourning note, correspondence style.
with envelopes to match. Those desiring
snoh stationery can havo their wants
supplied at this office. tf.
Miss KatMeen Kiely, of Olex, Gilliam
county, come np from lone 00 Sunday
morning, snd will spend a month or
more isiting Heppner friends. She is
the gnet of Mips Lena It'ien.
Wm. R'sb fcnd wife passed throuab
Heppuer on N'ltnrday on their wny tn
their bora at Hainps id Bkt r county
Tliey hnd been viiMr,(j rel ntiveg over w
Gilliam couuty, near Mayville.
For Constipation take Karl's Clover
Tea, the great Blood Pnrifkr, cures
headaolirs, Nervonecess, Eruptinns on
tbe fane, and make tin head as dear ns
nbell. Sold by Conser A Warren, x
The indiscreet shooting of firecraokers
yeaterdny morning onised Mrs, Eli
Keiiey lo reeot!troI of her horse, while
driving on Mniii street, and but for by
standers a serious runaway would have
Corlies Mfrrftt, pccompnnird by bis
wife and bahy boy, arrived at H"ppner
oo Sunday's train , They will at once
broome residents of Heppner, Mr. Mer
rilt having token full clnrge of the
Heppner Gi-zette.
A cannon crsoker,lbrrwn into crowd
on Main street yesterday rooming, ruined
pair of pantaloons for bystarder.
Cannon ornckers are dangerous snd th
person wbo threw it is guilty of great
Tbe Gszette will club with the Oregon
Senator, the great Pythian paper of Ore.
gon, Washington and Idaho, published
at Portland, for 12.75 for the Uo. Ti e
Seoator is all right. No Koigbt of
Pythias should be without it. If.
Tbe (ditorof the Oftiette will visit tbe
interior lodges of Knights of Pythiss be
fore assuming charge of his Dulles City
offlrs. These lodges list never bad
visit from a grand chancellor since their
institution, but this veer they will be
looked after first of all.
If yon want tbe latest war news, the
freshest local happenings, city or
oonntry, grt the Oazetle, semi weekly,
Tuesday end r'ri lny. Patronage help
make a p'ipr. Compare it with those of
other towos the sis-t of fleppr.er and tbe
0ztt will ool suffer thereby. if
At the Ilept.ner Csndy Fsetory is the
placsi to e-t Ciol, refreshing summer
drinks. Js. fj irt cut furnish yua milk
shakes, sod", ice rnm sods, nrangx
wine, pesyh ei lr, ita. Ice erestn booths
nicely fitted np. Oune sol try the
Dewey flivof dw thing and ter? flue.
Cf.l tf
(lilUboro Indi ndmt : lion. II. V.
G ties dt-liverrd li e respfihse )eterds
tt Forest Grove H ti e mayrr's a t.lrew
of wrleome, lolls Wasl.iij'on Omnty
Vstrrsn A"eiait-rt. Mr. liaUs g.s
tr La Ofstide, ri.ioti C-iiliity, where b
I lo dlier the Fourth i f Jo'y cmtl'io
Dill Mollis
Frank MeFsrlsnd has hs appolniod
special sjfeal of The F'Oillila Life A
sureties ('oH cf N"w Yrk, lb sin i)gt
Id lb worll. Vh surpbis In p'.iy
j holder ( over ."si UiiIIhi .l illara. Diti'l
j tak Insl'soce witViut wn lbs i,w
plans nf the Kl'ii'sb!. Insnrrw t.t
! s.s ftl Man. a tmt T?r
I !
1 I.. II Mi llHSII C .1 !(, I'f M)l!,
(li lisiu firi , .s-l ll,roiii H'ip-I
! DM t o S'stnrdsy. mi'i to Hnsse rlvf.
! ia the Sifielty .f Itnr tiifcl"0 to iil
rU'ls (r. ItlSQ lias ms
rnlri" f (l-r.i evf 1 '-S I h
1 1 - . 1 : t to'li r tit ll from jrtnl
i Jii aliub. I'ii It irosK't, lis ,
Hynd is in Portland for few
county's orops are splaadid
this year.
Cbas. Repass
waa in f on Eight Mile
on last Sunday.
Several big wool tennis pulled iu from
tbe interior on last Sunday.
Sam Wilkenson and wife, of Ibe
D-tlles, epeut tbe 4'h in Heppner.
Geo. Wells returned on last Monday
morning from a visit to Portland.
Mis. Otto Friednck is recovering from
a severe attack of oholera morbus.
Geo Hnff-jrd, a sheepman of McD in
aid otn on. " Fonrtbed" in Heppner.
Miss Eva Bartholomew ia in Portland,
whe-e she is in the care of an orrnllat.
Misses Joe Si sb -e and Mahl LezT
spent Snndny anl yestrdny iu Pnrt!a?id.
D. A TJerren 'md wife w spending a
few days with rf laiivee Ht p .rlland and
Ed. Diy and wife, of Liffa Bntier
ceek, were among those who spent Hie
Fourth in Heppner.
Dr. MoFanl wns ca'led twice lest
week to attend frs. C. A. Pettys, of
lone, wbo is quite ill.
Perry Suyder's child, nbont two years
of age, was very III yesterdav, and suf
fered severely from convulsions.
Lishe Sperry staffs bis header ou his
rye crop tomorrow, and the last of the
week will start in on his wheat orop.
Mrs. Jas. Brown, who hts been seri
ously ill for some time at her home near
the bead of Hinton creek, has recovered.
Jas. Doherty and wife, Jerry Bronsan
and family and Lee Matlock and wife
were anoor-g Heppner'g visitors on July
Jap. Lsmbert wai Rlishtlc burned
while firing an snvil yesterday. Dr. Mc
Fanl is attending him and reports his
injuries as not serious.
Catarrh cured. A clear head and
sweet breath secured with Sbilob'a
Catarrh Remedy; solrt on a guarantee.
Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser &
Warren. x
Lewis Hairison, wbo has been sick
with oa-icer of the etomaoh down at tbe
Hotel Heppner, d'ed early yesterdav.
Tbe remains were taken to Hardman for
Jas. Thompson and Clyde Railing
leave soon for Teel springs to relieve W
L. Siding who is oaring fo 0in". Mor
gan at tbrit resort. Mr. Morgati bus
been ill for some mtnths.
Miss AdJie Jar-kson and Jennie Noble
weut down to The Dalles to spend tbe
Fourth, Miss Jackson returning yester
day. Miss Noble will remain below
few days longer to visit relatives.
enuo'i s uonsnmption Lure oures
where others fail. Tt is the leading
Cough 'lure, and no borne should be
without it. PleHPsnt to take end goes
right to the spot. Sold by Conser &
Warren. x
J. Q. Crafls, who need to live, down
near lone, hm ben digging a ell over
on Jake B r'ZT's plaoe.tienr lone, where
be secured plenty of water. Ibis is en
couraging. Mr. Urates was in Heppner
Juok Oordsn, bettor kuowu ai "Mon
tiina Jack", who ia oharged with mali
ciously destroyig property, last Sunday
nigh', was boirid ov.-r till today, and
tbe matter whs then continue! till
Amo. g the oists dieposed of by Judge
Richardson in tbe police court Ibis
morning tbe GzMte notes the following:
Owen French, dlsoiderly oondunt, fined
S3 ; Bob Wilkins, violating city ordi
nance, fined 821; Violet Johnston snd
Lillin Hvper, ksepiog bnwdy house,
fined $5 eaoh.
Condon Globe: Otis Patterson, Esq.,
of Heppner, grand chancellor Knlgbts of
Ptiias, will mske au official visit tn the
h flno'i of tint order in this place oo July
8th. Mr. Pitiersou will be accompanied
by Mr. MoKibben, editor of the Senator,
tbe Knights' 1 ftlcisl paper. All members
of tbe ord"r shontd be present on this
occasion and meet Ibis brothers,
Ike (Joker, proprietor ot the Great
Northern mine, 0 ime over from Canyon
City 00 Fri lay, having with him large
number of benutj'nl specimens taken
from bis mine. He is en route to tbe
Omaha exposition where be will make
display of the specimen. The samples
were no displsy several days at the First
rtiooal batik snd our citizens bsd an
opportunity of seeing what wonderful
rid nees there is In 1 he Great Northern
mine. Mr. (inker ia certainly very
lucky man.
Is MukiRf a I nslest.
J. T Hinkle is contesting the election
of II. J. liesn, prosecuting attorney
for the sixth jadici.l disirm. Mr.
flmkle alleges that 61 votes In Morrow
sod l.'l vnt ia Umatilla, rait for him,
were mil counted. If Mr. Ilibkla estab
lishes Lis claim ha will tie elected by
mrjirilTiif 27 1 votes. If !,a esse pro
gressra llm liallot will l.uvs to ha ra
0 . tinted. Ihe data of hearing for lha
Cits ia set at 10 o'clock a. m , July 1.1.
eiill (In la UeppiMr.
rtmn Hit V.. O.
P-l muster I-e' fn'lfd no in
irnetliifis to f'lrea-d riit.er loeal or
nvefl.ftl mail to I, pg Creek, via Cklab,
" " " '
aiiil If tl"e le a dl!y atav hat beeo
I staie.l liy a r 1ltfo J sjier, tietweea
I'klsb aii I Ciea-k, ilia aorlrata
.line bii i 1.0 coiitiant wrilb tba
gnvert Oiett t.i rrr ,,, Heyxral fill
; If L i 1'it d el ill a,t ate Ibteretttr la
j Iiif IVeel riFtll t eti eTirsl In
I sri-nre a ilmlr mail s rtr 11 asea I La
;iwornl f.if sma 1 1 in" lint aa yet
, nli' Ol sncc-.s. but II i..iy fiius) later,
II e (11 j ,-t Hi, I lieea ktmiiij.ite.l.
a m r I'jil- .r't n . fmi w
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a t k
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U) .l Wtil , l,S
John Boyse was in the city Saturday.
Wm. E. Biatt Is over today form Ridge.
Cbas. Valentine celebrated yesterday in
Ham Esteb came over from Gooseberry yes
terday to celebrate.
Mat Hughes and family and Jas. Leahey and
family spent yesterday iu Heppner.
N. R. MeVay and family and John Scrivner
and family came over from Gooseberry yes
terday to celebrate.
A train of emigrant teams passed through
town this morning on their way to Washington
(roin Rogue Ulver valley. Southern Oregon.
Mayor Morgan's order that no firecrackers be
exploded yesterday was disregarded most
vigorously. The population went wild over
the big naval victory.
Frank Rlcke't, employed at Frank Richard
ion's bicycle store, had the misfortune of losing
the end nf his thumb yesterday, having it
Caught it tbe sprocket wheel of a bicycle.
Ott Summers succeeded is sustaining his
reputation as an invincible bucking-horse
rider ; esterday. Not less than five hundred
admirers followed him to the vicinity of the
school house, where he gave an exhibition
satisfactory lo those present.
Clare ice Grablll, of lone, while scuftlfng
there last Sunday, had the misfortune to dis
locate his left ankle and fracture the fibula
about three inches above the same ankle. He
was brought to Heppner by Chas. Ingraham,
and Dr. MeSwords attended him.
Mr. F. M. Courier informed the Gazette that
while the weather had been good In the East
where he visited, crops were not in as good
Condition as they sHOuld be. This was es
pecially noticeable iu Kansas where the corn
crop is being badly damaged by chinch bugs
Geo. C. Rome, whose arrest for larceny was
Chronicled a few days ago, made an explana
tion to a Gazette reporter, regarding that
difficulty, which this paper gladly prints. Mr.
Rome held some goods belonging to a roomer
for room rent due. . For this he was arrested
and promptly released.
Harrison Hale came over on Friday from the
cattle ranch of Oscar Minor, suffering terribly
from an ulcerated tooth. After consulting a
physician he was much relieved. He says
everything looks beautiful ou the other Bide
of the mountains, they having had an abun
dance of rain In that Bectlon of the country.
A I Ittle Boy Carelessly Hnn Over in the
Streets of Heppner Serioasly Injured.
Last evening, about 7 o'clock, Bob Wllklns,
while tiding a horse up Main street at a furious
gate, ran over Carl Shelley, the 7-year-old son
of Rev. R. L Shelley, Of the Christian church,
breaking both bones of the left ankle. The
accident occurred opposite the drug store of
Conser & Warren, and was a wanton piece of
carelessness. The writer speaks knowingly, for
he saw It himself. Mr. fc'd. 11. Bishop carried
the little fellow into a store near by and he was
afterwards removed home, where he was at
tended successfully by Dr. E. R. Swinburne.
TheGjzette does not intimate that Sam ran
over the boy 011 purpose. Bam has his faults
and his good qualltlos.like all of us mortals.but
he had no business charging up the street on a
wild horse, so full of "bug Juice" ai not to be
able to see a child playing innocently with fire
crackers. The Gazette will also add that Sam
waa not the only vlolater of town ordinances
yesterday. It is high time these things were
stopped, and the Gasette doos not care who the
perpetrator is, either. Our town marshal will
find, or should know now, that moral suasion
Is not heeded by some, and that It requires
either a shotgun or a four-year-old club to tame
them down, and sometimes both.
This morning Mr. Wilkins was arrested for
fast riding and fined JL0. The rase was taken
up to the circuit court, Messrs, Ellis & Phelps,
appearing by O. W. I'helps, as his attorneys.
The Gazette is informed that Mr. Wllklns is
very sorry for the accident and offered to pay
all expenses Incurred by the boy's Injury. If
this is true it would have beeti much better to
have accepted the proposition, for, If he was
guilty of fast riding, twenty more w ere equally
as guilty,
Appropriate Cloning; Exsre sea Uriel -V Fit
ling Finale tn a Sneeessfal Term nf HHninl.
A very enjoyable tine was had at Hull Ridge
Friday, Juno 21th, the occasion being tho clos
ing of Miss Alice Glasscock's school. About
the most Important featoro of tho day was the
bountiful dinner brought In by the pntronsof
the school, to which all did ample Justice. The
room was tastelully decorated with wild roses
and locust blossoms.
Following Is the program which rcllccled
credit upon the teacher and pupils:
Recitation, "The Teacher's Vision".
By the teacher
Resltatlnn, "Abraham Lincoln and the Poor
Woman,".... l.ydla Hweartngen.
Recitation, "Nell's Famllv," F.Ha Wallace.
Recitation, "A Picture,".. ..Gertrude Davidson.
Recitation, "Fifteen Today,"
Maud Rweariiigen.
Recitation, "Only," Icsals Davidson.
Recitation, "When We Were Girls,"
Nora Wallace.
Recitation, "rttep by Step,". .. Bessie Davidson .
Recltatl "The I'nlon Flag.". ...Mae Warren
Recitation, ' Ix-srnlng the Letters."
Kddle Wallace.
nialoiiie, "Which Is Bi-st?".... Five Utile girls.
Recitation, "Air Castli-s," Annie Wsllacs
Recitation, "The Magical Isle,"
Dollla Rweariiigen.
Recitation, "Trust Your Mother,"
Jrssls fiavldion.
Miss Glasscock's work was very satufs, tort
this being her second term In that district. Hlie
has many warm friends on His Hidg who will
miss her eiy much, lor Iu addldon to her
school duties, she orirsnlred snd successfully
carried on a Holiday schn.il.
Ts tare ('iiimlkiM forever.
Take ('..nra lets I'-.miiiv t utliuri.e 1'ir nf &
If C. C. C. fad 10 cure. Or jct,.u refund bmwi
Rack From Iks Fast.
Mr. and Mrs, F. M. Courier and two daughter
returned on eaturdty morning fmm a two
months' vUll Mb relatives and old lime
friends In Ihe stales nf Kansas, Missouri and
1 1 1 1 . Tti-y tn)nred their vialt very nirub,
but not-. I a great moiy changes In Ihe in year
Ibey hsd been sajf from lbs prairie stain
W hile Ibey nj.-yc t their visit, they le- vary
content tt relnrn snd Mmi la Ih Iroe and
salubrious air of On-fit, where Ibey eiuot
good health and ran stcvp good nights Mr.
Courier was gready peae- return tn MoT
row enmity and find nop prits as g'l
and eteryUxtr In a i'h cuellrnl splrlls ss a
Ikeaaly , lll'iud tteesi.
("null li.e iin.iii a idi sl.ni. N'-
lilt V W It llir'lt ll. I srela, ( slid) t lot
W rli.lU )iur .iiel pint keep It le-in, bj
.'.iriii it up the 1.1 ( liter and dining ail im
Ii-ll it -m llulil ll.e Uelj. luilxf
tn li lul'ilili-, l.i'., Iiluli bra, .Ui khriuU
' -I l!it a.. U'l In n na 101111 let.oo iy lakmi
I ...,- ,,,(r , ,,ri,ta.
'', i.ti!:niii.n gimitnue-l,
Alt ding
3 .
epeflsl ! lee
A (ir"it i".rlet it 'f lhf4.
i-tt Kiiil leave li. pi ar a-wa, lie Is
ilvlrtiiia i.( el lio up Lie affair. U bal
la .l ie I. mo l In'lat ti4 at "Hi', i
ie cull iue all ijerusli'ls. Drop a ll
aeiiie nn aei-niinl, J7 tf
kl if 4 . aiir
MhIT.I.i. N. Y.-U-M --. ai;
lrk k ikiih1. (ias4 In itowrsiag i
M fT-r-t i4 i' ir h hi lull's Cura la !
.( h.-.rr r"fiaailiia, t ata 'ftrl ,
l tf tt i ii.a m'it somarkaM rmi ,
ii,.,i t, .(' tir nia-til ii itijr atu.
It. ii fl I rta nlf fif spssf fmm j
ii''ji,-i: h.! I It t'.iMHf Wittui I
I 1
Heppner Enjoysan Old
Fashioned Celebra
tion and Has Lots
of Fun.
The Program an Excellent One.
-The Orators Well Received.
Yesterday waa oneof Heppner'g bright
est July Fourths. Indeed, the people
bad arranged for a possible present in
the shape of an Amerioan viotory in
Cuba, but were unprepared for so good
a thins as tbe total destruction of Cer
vera's fleet. This pleased them immense
ly, and added zest to the occasion.
Tbe day was ushered in properly and
by 10 o'olock the town was full of people.
The parade passed ott pleasantly under
direction of Sheriff E. L. Matlook and
was muob appreciated. Then followed
tbe proaram with Judge A. Q. Barthol
omew, as master of oeremouies.
The danoe, whioh ounimeaoed' in the
afternoon, was oontinued in the evening,
ending at 2 o'clook this morning.
The orations of Hou. W. U. Wilson, of
The Dalles, and Miss Eva Brians, of
Heppner, were exosllent and welt re
ceived by all. Mr. Wilson is entitled to
the thanks of Ueppner people for thus
favoring tbem on this oooasion. 1
The afternoon exeroises were us f
The athletic sports of tbe day, aa ar
ranged by tbe committee, and carried
out under tbe efficient management ot
Messrs. Phelps and Shutt proved most
interesting to tbe epeotators. Following
are tbe entriea and results:
Foot raae 100 yards, free for all; win
ner, $7.50; second, $1.50. Eotries: Frank
Natter, Osoar T. Neal, Orville Cox and
H. Bleakway. Won by Fruuk Natter;
Oscar N.'al, second.
Pie race 75 yards, free for all; wiuner,
$1; aeoond, 50 oents. Entries: Lee
Slooum, Arabia Matthews and Eugene
Gentry. Won by Eugene Gentry ; Lee
Slooum, seound.
- Stick-horse race 60 yards, for boys
under 10; winner, (1; seooud 50 ot-nts.
Entries: Or.. Shelly, Oarl Rhea. Chas.
Oainmel and Chester Oimmel. Won by
Carl Ubea; Or Shelly second.
Fo3t taoe 50 yards, for girls; winner,
a tine doll, presented by Miss Attliea
Leach. Entries: Mary Ouun, Ethel
Adams, Mildreth Slociim, Buln Ounn,
Mibel Casey and Aim Mallatt. Won
by Mabel Casey.
Footraoe-60 yards, free for all; win
Dera, 85; swond, $1 (,0. Entries: Geo
Barrett, Jobu Von Cadow, Will Ball and
J. M. Durham. Won by Will B ill, Qeo
Barrett, seo nid.
Fat Man's race 50 ) nrdu, ft rxeu over
200 pounds; wiuner, $2; seooud, 81
Lntriee: Otis I'uttersoa, John Foster,
hod Dexter, Wm. Cumberland , Matt
Hughes, John liuamtisand liT-orge .Swag
gert. Won by One Patterson; Uen,
Swagger!, aeoond.
Bicycle raoe-bW yards, free for all;
wtnuer, 82.50. Kulries: Fred Hur, H.
Mlaokmun and IWIph Ueymer, Won by
Fred Hurl.
Bioycle raoe 200 yarda and repeat.
for boa nnder IH, winner. $2 50. Entries:
Kaipu Mwinlmrue, Hilpli iieyninr and
tleppocr BUokmno. Woo by Ralph
Slow biojole raoe Bi) yard, free lor
ail, winner, 82 50 Kntnea: U. Bleakway.
Orville Cox, Kred Hart, Frank N itter,
tieppner niHOkma'i aud i. M. Durham.
Wmi by Kred Hart.
High jii'np Free for all; winner, 82
Ktil lie-: frank Natter, " Did" M ttionk,
John V011 Cailow, Willi II .11 aud J M
Durban). Vun ty Willi'. II il1.
Iligli jtimp fat nieu ; winner, J2.
Ku rees; li,i I). xr, Jnh 1 IU-uin ami
Oeiirge Hwaggart Won by Bub D-s'er
loney race-l.M yard; ptirsa. (2 50.
Won by Waldoo K-a' poti-y, with Johnle
ilorgaa il the sa lJIe.
Vnim Ufaarjr.
"1 wa 1 Itlicted ailh scrofula from In
fancy, A few year ago a bad aora ap
peared tin r rie if rny ankle and I conld
walk only with Ida aid nf a t-rnleh. Tbe
nrt ilirrbarged freely, I liegau taking
IIimmI's Ksisspanlla and it baa entirely
healed lha mi and I Lav been well
ever aicoe". A. F. hl.rrer. Cbrbalia,
Hoo I'a pills cure nausea, sink lirad
arbe, lilliuiiaiKss, indigrstinii. I'th 25
' - - -e
run Mt.fc,
Kaneli, H20 anres, gum! Unit, 4 mi lea of
Heppner, alt fer,r I jil'iily nf water,
boiisa aud btrn, 111 acre 1 if summer
flliw, all ready fur fall crop. Kaay
tertna. Call at Iba llsgetl ( ftloe.
Raeklea'a Araer aalvs.
Tba (test Halve Iu Ih . , for l ot.
llrqkMMi, H-if.. fleer. Halt I'hetlin,
Ksvs rVtre. TrtUr, Ch(l Hand,
CbiiUaitt, ( Virus, am', all rik a I.rqp
tious, and eiviy r ureal Pile nr ro
par required, li g narautred to !
(erlret allafanlin or moiief lnfundMi,
lirU3 enfit (.' hi, t'nt !) tf
M rum lnig (i , K. J. Mcriin. n.ansgrf.
nm H K a M l
ill b'i l li.f'ifraiin I -a.l f f
l.tlli rt.t a r, - aoavhtmn .f a.
.n al.lira a tl'i ,tt M " W II" aoo
Iteetej tm Iba Utl il k Warl-ll na Id
h'. I'ra T llroaaa.
For Infant. &d Cbildrtn.
ni rici Yea Haft Aiwaji Bosgit
-S 2 A ft "
You want we can supply
just received an assortment of Drummer's Samples
from the largest umbrella and parasol house in
America. They were personally selected from a full
line of samples and represent the cream of their
immense stock.
PRICES RflNGE FROM 50c to $8
We have also received a beautiful line of
Fancy Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries,
Patriotic Novelties, Red, White and Blue
Belts, Bows, Ties and Handkerchiefs, espe
cially for the ladies. Beyond doubt the
cnoicest selection ot novelties m Fancy Goods
O Ever brought before your notice. They are all Q
opened up and on the shelves. They are worthy of 1
your most careful attention.
Call and see them early.
Minor & Oo.
S;-.t-UiV ;!! J'S.'
Who has secured the services of
As manager. It will be run in first class shape
in every department. Rates reasonable
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
ax. ivicnoriivoriiviv s CO.
They have anything In this line that you mar desire and you ran depend on It you act a
HhkJ article whun they guarantee it,
Old Stand, Main Str..t' R.palrlng . Specialty
A complete stock of ptno and fresh drugs al
ways in Block. Careful attention paid to filling
of preHcriptioiiri.
E. .G Noble & Co.,
( Successors to Noble & Co., ?
4 Are in till Brlil al Ihe n. staml with HarmiM, Ka.l.lli-. Whl, Hmts, ami an einlUu C
C lol frrrthliia In their line. K. 0. Snl.l suit Mr, li-n. Nuliie cmiirlaa th
li flrin hulll Hr all l-lllaol llieul.l flnnaa aril aa eollw t what la flue.
) is. o. ivonivis .v- co.
I Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't S
? overlook this. Itepalr work a specialty. (
Is that of plain and decorated
China ware & Quccnswarc At
Gilliam & Bisbee's
A it'll.; Hi mtf llmf ri)rlliliif fnn ra rati d,r In th tin nt
Hi'lr. Mutes anl lliiaai.
Lodjlny House
COS 25 an 60 Canta.
C5KO. C ItOMH, I'rop.
Next door to 0nr.i IIimhi.
jTonsorlal Artist.
Hal' Cttir,
f. Mat; a ,.(.,.(
IS Canta
II 1 1 (, li'i a hi,
ti : &i : & .
or Parasol
your every need. We have
The Palace
...Has been leased by...
a a
Mathews & Gentry,
Shaving J CT r .
ttt ih iI.m ..mil i,i f. i..rti. .
Gibson 8c Berger,
Al I ha lint' til. I otaii.t.
Nltnvtiux. - If.
CI .
I lull Cutting. :.T -l.ittlm'J.V.
)vt rytliiti'.trict-
: t " ii .
4 i i i--.fv
iff s.ji-yi m (i ,fy iuij,
i I