The Gazette. Tuesday, July o, 1898. WAR NEWS! The Gazette is not heralding its coming with a brass band but its circulation can be determined at the Ileppner postoffice. Adver tisers will please note this. NEW MANAGEMENT. With this issue the Gazette chaDges management. Mr. Corlies Merritt, of Portland, assumes full charge of the paper and will here after conduct the same in every department. This change is necessitied by the appointment of the former editor to the position of of receiver of The Dalles land office, the duties of which he will enter upon in the very near future. The old editor does not sever his relationship with the paper with out feelings of regret that such must be his course. For more than ten years be has conducted the paper, with a fair degree of suc cess. His residence here and con nection with the paper has brought WASHINGTON, July 1. The war department has received the following dispatch from Gen. Shafter: "In camp near Seville. An action is now progressing, although the firing is only light and desultory, which began on the right Dear Caney by Gen. Lawton's division. Ue will move upon the northeast ern part of Santiago. Shafteb." SIBBONEY, June 30, via Playa del Este, July 1. All the troops, except 6mall forces which are left at Sibboney and Baiquari, aie at the front. There has been no bombardment and no fierce fighting by the troops, although there is plenty of picket firing on both sides. In the afternoon the Americans sent up balloons, manned by signal men. The transport Louisiana arrived this afternoon with troops. The transport Mobile was chased by the Vixen, because she was painted unlikejother American vessels. QUANTANAMO, via Plaja del Este, July 2. El Cauey has been captured and Aguadores has also fallen and Santiago is now being at tacked. The last courier to arrive from over the hills says that the A'mericans are advancing into the city, the right and left flanks filing in platoons, while the rear are firing continuously, An earlier courier from El Taso, near Cauey, reported early details of a battle in which the second division attacked El Cauey. The cavalry, under General Sumner, Wheeler being ill, took the center valleys. Grimes' battery, with their heavy siege guns was stationed on a hill within 2,G00 yards of the outer defense of Santiago. It is him some enemies, but best of all uphill work fighting against blockhouses which are sheltering the a host of true friends. But all in SDanish batteries. The enemy's answered shells went hissing over all, his residence here has been L. Americans, mostlv bursting in the air. L Ul ' lur. in emu, uiu utjw euuui, brines with him years of experi- damage is uunnown. ence as a newspaper man. For The Americana lost 1,000 in killed and wounded nearly twenty years he has been a resident of Oregon, aud it is the Santiago dk Cuba, July 4th. Sampson has destroyed Mood' Restore full, regular action Nav of the bowels, do not irrt- 19 all tote or inflame, but leave III S 11 the delicate dlKestlre or- ganism in perfect condition. Try them. 39 cent. Prepared only-by C. I. Hood At Co., Lowell. Masa, the president, Gen. Miles is per fectly satisfied with Sb after' s work, He is close upon Santiago now. Mk. Glass, democrat, sends the Gazette word that it tells an un truth when it says he is a demo crat. He will not tell its editor that, and hold his job telling it very long. The files of the Ore gonian show that he was a candi date before the democratic state convention of 1894 for state print er. He told the editor of the Ga zette in 1895, during the contest for the election of a senator to succeed Hon. J. N. Dolph, that he was a democrat and had no inter est in the Sght, one way or the other. He may have renounced his democratic ideas since, but isn't he a little green in the ranks to be the guiding star of Oregon re publicanism? The Gazette thinks so. opinion of the writer that the the Spanish fleet and has demanded the surrender of San paper will be more prosperous tiag0 de Cuba 0ur force9 expect to take the town today, than ever under Mr. Merritt'- W(ml hag ,)een rocoiycd at Washington that the first management. But in any event, i the community will gain, through expedition to Manila 1ms arrived. him and his family, residents of A gpecjai from Pendleton says: Cervera ran outside whom they will be proud. We q ganti harbor yesterday in an endeavor to escape. come Sampson with his lleet at once pursued them and destroyed every ship except the flagship, which was beached, and MlTCHELUSM and oiiEaoN- Cervera and his entire crew were captured. ianism. The first expedition to Manila captured the Ladrone Under the above headline the islands and took the governor-general and his staff prisoners Prineville Review, one of the 0f wort The company of Oregon volunteers, made up from strongest supporters c, me smg.e 1Vndletou inomlers of the Oregon National Guard, were , . i . ' lett in possession of the islands, cent liisue makes the following i statements which the Gazette is pleased to publish for the good New Yokk, July 5. The daily Herald of Cadiz special contained therein: Says that if the news of the destruction of Cervera's fleet he "lhe Uregoman is a groat news- connrmwi t -M believed that it will terminate the war, as it paper; the Debt newHpaper pernaps .g run(jre(1 that 8erioug trQuble j8 alrea(j brewing in Madrid in the entire West. Among its J many good qualities as a newsya- London, July 5. The annihilation of Cervera's lleet is per might be mentioned the fact in well received here, and peace talk is already heard in semi particular, that it is entirely free 0jcial circles, from that degrading nmliuly so common among newspapers of the Madrid, July o. The official dispatches speak highly present day yellow journalism, of Cervera's dash from the harbor at Santiago, but they fail And while the San Vraucisco Ex- to ptate that the entire lleet has been annihilated. nmiiinr uml nllim-anf ituutrinn im p, I us plenty of imaginary stuff that SntoNEY, July 4. The men at the front are manning never Iirs nor never will happen, the batteries and are cannonading Santiago from the heights and calls it news, the Oregouian around the city,and are eagerly awaiting the signal to begin giveB us the news as soon as it Imp- the bombardment. It is rumored that reinforcements have pens and just as it happens. cached Santiago. "Valuable as the Oiegouiau has become to every well regulated The London newspapers, in commenting on the de houHehold in the Noithwest as a struction of Cervera's lleet, advise Spain to accept tho in newspaper, iu its editorial work it ovitalle before tho worst happens, surely stmipH too much at times iu , . order to conquer. As a cane iu KiNtisToN, July .. 1 he British cruiser rolhw has taken poiut we refer to that cantankerous from Santiago the British consul and 1A0 British subjects, uiouomauia 'Mitchellistu', with 2E3. 'WWm 2EL33T3E3jSl. qSz, CO Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for this issue which speaks volumes for them, but the goods are there, all first class, and prices to match. Call in and Mr. Rhea will see that you get what you want. Toe next legislature should en act a primary election law. This is much needed in Oregon. It is possible for one man, or a few men, under existing conditions, to thwart the will of any political party. The spirit and intention of the Australian ballot system would be further carried out by the passage of a strong and safe aw under which the voters of the various parties could register their choice as to the candidates for whom they desire to vote. If Buch a law is not passed it will be be cause the bosses oppose it. The people are crying out against bossism, and the day of retribution is near at hand. THE TKUK CAUSE. NOTICE OF INTENTION. L4NO Office at LaGbande, Oreoon, June 20, 18'.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof tn support of his claim, and that said proof will tie made Deiore me uoumy i;iera 01 jiorrow County, Oregon, at Ileppner, Oregon, on August l, lsus, viz: WILLIAM GEORGE HYND, Hd. No. BIH2, for the neH sec. 14, tp. 2 8., r. 28 E He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Joseph Lucknmn, John M. Waddle, William Barrett and Arthur Smith, all of Heppner, Oregon. P., H . BAHKKIT, 60-71 Register. Notice Of Intention. which the editor is hauuted. Ko question is concerned, events have a I II ' I- loonsu.y uniair is 1.111 raving ou n .MUcbl.mBIa. AIlJ Oregon- this subject, that, at times, it is iRt)iHm to l0 ono Bluj the gttIU0 dillicult to d.Hcoyer which of I)lM9 th(, or,g(,niHU f0ow the case he is really ou-wl.ether tbe dicUto-of frtir,1PHs aud candor no lie is irjing 10 nw-H-c. tf oim ... Rn, linv of :ta l,rp.(P,ioll - j - i Mitchell t the United States sen ate by creating nyuipathy for him, or whether it is proving his little in'MH of soul by tttriking nn enemy after he is down. Hy its comse, the Oregouian is eitluT intention ally aiming to consummate the former evil, or demount rating it innate cupsediMV iu the latter. Take ita editorial utteiHiici-n upon Unit DtibjiH't Ix'foro and after the cli'ctioi) jtiftt piift We were bbuul- ly iufoiiiii'd before the election, from two to four time iu each daily i-Min of the Oiegnninn, that 'MiteliclliHin' whh but nnother term for ,Ytiiio)trii'tif, that they Imth itWHtit fr Kilvcr ami free riot. That '.Mitelu lliHiii' would votn fi r M't iiuoyciiniu' Hint 'I'l inioyrriHnii would vote for '.Mitt'lit'llmm'. That they i-re imt only jom. d in the lmly bond of iiiattiiuoD), but that tiny wtti) 1 Kit It h)drnlnn led and arttudly looked alike, or word to tlnitfl. t. I'ntt of thin r-t lec. tioti rAiit wn t.i the lT. rt that '.Mitclicllimu' a t t kiilfn Mthxly. "Tlii election over, an 1 hrt who to tit tuny fi ii 1 iu tint return from Muttiioumh county that Mixnly re ccivisl the entire piity trri th. The fnlaity of tint utati-mi'Ut i ( roveu beyond q'lculiou by r l I figure, 'Mitchell inm' vot"d for th go. tandard tint utito over. 'Mitchi'lIUm' did not vt for Ten. nojei Uni, neither at they married ( not d they l'i r tlm Unt r"''iii. ; Jihtiee Kn fir a tlt monetary! rant? Not at all. Common cour. teny, not to ay cominoii deceucy, demands a retraetiou of tliene grave aud iniHtnUen allegations agaiuHt no mauy lojal republtcaua. lUies the Orogoniau do it? Not once in a thommtid. It follows it up with morn editorial rant about 'Miteh- i i i t 1 1 1 r m ti i: 'OME persons say it is natural for them to lose flesh durine umlner. Hut losing flesh is losinj ground. Can yu allord to approach another win ter in this weakened con dition? Couths and colJs.wcak throats and luns, come Z oulekest to those who arc thin In flesh, to those cas- ( ily chilled, to tliose vho ! have poor circulation and feeble digestion. Scoii's j: iEnsuJsion tf coJ licr c '.l fi'.VA hypih" pSoiphiUt docs iu.t B1 ! much cMd In summer as J In Inter. It makes fU-sh in August as well ns April, t You cettaitily mid as j utrong nerves In July us In January. And our weak throat and lungs should J be healed and urcngth ell ism', to the utter disgust of all fair-minded people. "Are such ravings intended to injure Mitchellirim? Or is the Or egonian undertaking to convert ua all to Johu ll. Mitchell by plain unblushing persecution.? tor it is one of the trait of humau nature to ympathizM with a fellow man when ho is down, especially if oue of his brutal enemies continue to kick him after he in clearly down, and the editor of the Oregouian must uudei stand th trait of hu mau nature. Petty personal spite cannot always bidtf behind a great (xilitieal iitiiue, and further drivel at the pretii'ut time aUmt some thing that doe tiot exint, cau but demouhtrate a p ritoiml inaliguity aud tittleueti of oul that i cou- temptible. It i rove that the Ore- goiiiau do iiot seek peace, but eeks, iuot'-ad, coi ttuued war aud friCtlonnl diet 111 Imlice." The Hpanish are Opprrssora A Few Com parisons for the Edification of Our People. It is a well known fnot thut nearly every part of the colonial poRseBniniiR of Bpaiu in in revolt BtfRiust tbe mother country. It one will take tbe time to tndy tbe eitaation be will nod tbat Hpain bag been a badly managed country tor centuries, having been raviebed by plundering officers, yeir in and year on deoade after decade. Tbis has produoed exborbitant luxation wlthont correspond ing benefit or representation tn tbe affairs of tbe respective colonies. No wonder tbeo that tbe inhabitants of tbe i'bilippities end of Cuba huve revolted Beainst a neb tyrsun) . The only gtnttipe thing manifest is (bat the rebellious did not occur years ago. Cnba, overtaxed hi d misrepresent en", is fitf btinic ber oppiefsor, lis are nlm the native pnpuUtlon of the Fhtlnpiiir a. This conutry very wisely and himmi.ely bus cousfuted to assiel tbe brethren in the CotiUit for freedom, and the context is bring bitterly waved, ua one will learn if be Hill but consult the columns cf the pre-. lint there sre other enemies of liberty jiiHt vicious and determined as tbe Spanish. Tbe buman family cannot be free from rtetrsint when tortured by disease. At this season of the year chronic complaints are very easily eg- gravated, tod new troubles are readily contracted. Flow neoessary then to be on guard! In all physical troubles to wbiob bumao tlesb are heir Dr. Margarite (Isrusey is most snooeseful in trealiog. l)r. Oarosey nses none but herb reme dies. Tbry do not injure while trying to Hire, tthe oharges for nothing but Ids medicines. Calls from the country stletded to promptly. Ottioe two doors south ol the l'slsce tiotel. Land Office at The, Oregon Mav. 8 1. V OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followinir naraed settler haB his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oretron, at ileppner, Oregon, on Saturday, Juiy um viz: 1898. JOHN KII.KKNNY of Heppner, Oretron, H. E. No. 43U2 for the SEJ Sec HT2N K 2l! E W M. Ho namei the followinn witnee to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Barney P. Doherty, of Hepp ner. orezou. jerry Hrosnan, ot nenpner, iire- Kon, Williom B. Finley. of Heppner, Oregon !!rrv Rurtholoincw. of HeiiDner. Oregon. j A3, r. wuimft, Register. The Leader Of Course! Notice of Intention. Lano Offic e at The Dalles, Obf.hon, Mav HI. lH'.w Vf OTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IN followlng named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make final proof In suppoi t of hisi'lalin, and that said proof will be made twlore A Jlallory, u. . comninsimier, at ilepp ner, uregon, on aturuay, juiy v. iw v : BKKSAK1) f. DOHEKTY. of Alpine, homestead ai'pllcatloii No. Wi'i, for the t.i Mi'i ana fc',4 Bf-t sec :i 1 in km He names the following witnesses to prove I his continuous resilience upon and cultivation i of said land, viz: Barney McDerttt, of Lexing ton, Oregon, John Kilkenny, ot Galloway, Ore gon, C'hiis. Van Winkle, of Galloway, Oregon, Edvinrd Doherty, of Lexington, nrenon .-! ti JAS. E. MOORE, Register. Notice of Intention. Land Office at LaGhande, Okbmon, June IH, s'M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIAT I E followlng iinmuil settler has Died notice I her Intention to make tlual proof In umort ol her claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County. Or egon, at Heppucr. Oregon, on July an, lwjn, vU: ( I.EMKM IsK CA I K. Adminislrstrix o( therstateof Sarah A. Water nan, dereaM-d, T. C. No. ZlfiA, for the ae4 sec. H, tp. i H , r. 11 K. Hhe names the following witnesses tn prove her ioutliiunuB residence niton and eultivatlou of unlit land, viz: Roliert H. Morgan, Kd K. Sallug, M.J. Deviu and A. H. riUuip, all ol lleppuur, Oregon. , . E. W. Bakti.ett, TiO-TI Register. Js it VI vi vi vl to to A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, 1 S) 1) W is a joyiorever. mat s what ' you'll find at The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of thi3 New Year 1898. to to to to to w 0 R. HOWARD'S Ileppner, Oregon- l to Vi Vi vi vi vl vi vi vi vi vl vi vi vV vi vi Yellow Jaundice Cured. HulTerioK tuuiHDily sbouhl hr suiiplirj with riry means poseile for Its relief, II is wttti plensnre ve pobhab lb following: This is to certify tlial I was a terrible snQVrcr from lellow JauDdita for over sn moulds ami tretiil by soni f tl. best I'bvslPians in our city and all tn no avail. Ir. 11.11. onr druggist, rrpntn ruomle.l IClMtno Hitters anil afir Using tan bolllea I was rntirrly riirrd. I i.ow tuk great liaiir In reOonimeu.liiig tbrm lit any wrnn s off. ring tn.tu Ibis irrritil sru gratrfully yours, M. A. Ilogsrty, Inogton, Ky." Sold b. K. J MofOiro, ilriiggxt. NOTICE OF INTENTION Lkn OlTllS at LaOsakp b, Obshom, June :i, iw.m, NOTICK IS HKRKBY filVKN THAT THE following named settler has tilled notice ol his Intention to make Dual Moulin support ol his claim, and that said proof will Iw made lieforc A. Mallory, I lilted Wales roinml-sloner for Uregou at He)nir, uregou. on July i, i Us: HENRY WAHK, lid. No Ml I. for the N', NK and NK NWH (.v 17, Twp-JK R J7. K. He nanus the lullowlng wltnessea lu prove Ills eiiiillniioua residence uhiii aud ruhlvatloii ot said laud. ls: Knaler Adams, Jay IH-vius, John Kdoards, A. II. KUinp, all of Ileppner, tir.-Kon. a. W. Hastlktt. y,t Kegtslvr. OOL GROWERS If you have not yet realized that the "good old times" are with us, your blood is out of order. Get rid of that "tired feeling" and awake to tho fact ' that the Wool Growers' Warehouse ill Notice of Intention. La a D l ii a at Lilian in, oannow. lot' V. Notick i iirKfnv tuvrx nur 1 nit folloaloi named setllrf haa Sl1 Moll. of his tiitpikttiiii I . itiahe Dual prtMif In of hisi laim, and thai Mid prod III I made ! tore lhe I'miiity lerfe ol Ilnrhm lotintv if e. foil, at Ileppner, Oi, ..n on Ane'l't I, !", u AI'AM II AI M, r C. Sit ;:i. for lhe v n, lif'4an. ! tia i) sr- i.', p a , r . r. II. !,.,. Ih Mllti Tllflr I I j trillll III tltlS fltlwirt til r.oUitiloua rrt.lucw UIMiti an. I f-iiltUalt.ta i I1KK lllll-IKt a,.,..,. .. i ., ..,, .. j.J,.h I ,.iCn,mn I llei.hnrr (if . HI No :-l. for the'. N. !lMit fmill WnallillLTtotl tbl (let), i H H lm. M)i.., J t .-4. all ( K'n M.'aifl N a., s lp S ! Mili-i wm i!iint! tn tub", til take I rw. n.atiitt , , an :t I ol.i.r, rt nf tint l alntiaii'll ai'alhat i NOTICE OF INTENTION. I.AKB Orni s AT Laiikakps, Ossonw, JlillF I I. I'll NOIICK IU HfRKBY ;VRa 1MAT1IIE fMllowIng named settler has Sled notice of his Inii'iilloii to make final prmd In aupHir1 of his rlalin, and that a .Id proof will lie made lie lore the t ouiity I lerk of Morrow eooiity, Ore gon, at Ileppner, iin-gon, nil Jnli W, I.., t U: HKNKV r. lUlKli, ltd No spiv lor the nwju Nf.",, fu S la NK r', Her.s, TpjuK::, K. lie tianii the follow log wltiies.' lo .me his riMiiliiuoita resilience uritr ami cuHtvaftori of aid laud l Id. Irl.sp. f A. I'riski II. Iieoree ti), VI III Mlkew ll, all ol Ileppner, tircgoti. K. W. BAStl kTT. Keglsler. Notice of Intention. I AND timcR AT I K liRANnK, HRFHOM. 4 June 11. Iv Nolle Is hervt, giren lhat lhe follow lug iime. s- Mo r haa hied noli. eol his liilriillnii In make flnsl pnaif In so irl ol his claim, and thai Mid proof will Imi ma le I. I., re A Mallory, I' w. cummlaalonet for (ire- iwlng wiinewo M prme ou al llrppurf. tic..o. on A trust IJ, !, l; Is the place to store your wool this wagon. Why? lto cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not Wing in the field buying wool ourselves, we encourage competition amongst uio nuyers and secure you the highest price. Kcnd In your order We arc selling wool sacks and twine at cut. navahlo when wool l. a-.i.i at once. We pay the highest cash price for sheep pelts and hide. We are audita lor Llttla'a Din and aiark Isil Tohaa, nia, ...i. ...n.n. . a dips on the market. ' ' ' '" we MT ireiKin to leamsiera wnen re.iicstcd to do so hr owners of wool We have a full supply of Heed li.rlcjr and Wheat, aisonteam Rolleil Barliy for teamsters Mrca-t your Ivamak-rs to the lower wan hoH.e. We guarauU-e fou a sonars deal. W e guaraiiU-e you a square deal. R. F. HYND, Manager. NEW DRUGS We are rei eltlns a New Invoice of (i.1. .Imiwl everr .1st. Our Itai.i.ll lncrea.log tra.le demands It,,.1ei,t. 0u Cuttsm.e. L I Ihtlr Drwga Pur and Frtsh. 1 uf ' r.oTs Our JStf itlonory Depfirtnient Is Completed lls-r give ti When Ita s oetll li.istrr. ' 'I "t wis a i i .l! r 4 I M l wa StntiHjju. I lou. Mili't fpct t n t,i NatitUgo in n fow ilt)s, lut In rt poets to fiiul it it I ho xesi's. ion of (ion. Hliaftor Lod Lo R"t tlioro. Hisol'joot in KtDg is, tiot to urroHl ttou. Hliaftor, but ti lualo Santinii tbe) baso from wbicli th oMiatiiia nuxiust Potto Uieo which t? t follow ii c'tur, tuny Ih rot.luctoil, JTOtiilinl tbt ourtx')i tnit tli olimatfl fairly til. Hnntim: ,r1 in aror 1 tt. lliiN limn th noarost nit ou tl t1! ?i'h iHl Sl'lVd.VX. IN TM I IHCt IT I ot MT Of THtr. t At K iM o?egnii, lot (he mini) ol Morrow, Matilda ..U, I , an. Hit, fc .' t. lie namea lhe followlus wltneaicett pmire hi. ciiitluiiiiiis real'lioii e upon and rti!tt atlon nl Mid land. 0 I Is liriwlieti. :ptetir W ru.n-.iil. Wl.llain M'llh. Iviar II. me. ad ol III i pnet. Of K V. H A k I I r I I , ! tr. Slocum Drug Co. THE ART OF BREWING Was Perfected by the Production of.... NOTICE OF iSTt.NTlOS. Harriet airg-f IMc'1a"t. n Harriet airgaf d.-n.lant In the name of lhe Mate ot OrfHt are hrrr. r...irl to arier end a'..a ef the ..on S i ' I a.alii.f ton lo the iu..r ri.l.ilp I . . .. ... . . t r. ... .. ... .. ft... I.. ...ah I t.aj t,l...l It, a-tl..lf ....I .....l.l l.i.H ol aail rl low it ..i .1 h. claim and lr.l aall pn. will l tw J f'fH,ll'H lIllH IW'I'tt'l'l IlKlnl III I l-....r, n,r .lar ol . .t ! so.l ll ). , line il.e t oiint t Ink. al . ncr, m.g.n. on , . . ... I i urro itTasI'ois. faa.... Mat ll was V'ntli f I H t K I H V i.IVSN IMAT 1 M V 4 HOP OOIv2D loiloa I. f i -.1 aattlvr has fi Ii-I ImiIm id .hut ntur Ihr entire inn hi t--v t H st I II I. RKNi.s. o In ma. rf, lot want ti.atv.i4 1'lao.liif a I 1 at. : aaltifdaf, iul .f l.rf .tare ueelli.g la plal'tll the ti.le ft the waat ta u4 a.mlh at V la) Ma 1 1 iW I e 1 1 . i,e h..n ai II. allow . II -m . I low e.lilp I iiotlH ranse T I aat fl lint m.ln , (,., , t , " .u, ad ' sSSaj. iH ! an. enlh.Ml'l. f plaliiliaT l.i 11.1 lll at.. , a, (t f, W M I ll. a.., in rt ew a name. a. d lot N j He bawaa the foii.iwlne Wlti m tn pr-.i. l.lel M Wai he)nat and l..(er , h. r.... ! real lanra, a,., en ill , attain j Wf MS I I.' sai l i...t. . lie,.... W i, m I AH lor I'D t., .,-, J. ..h . f I., i... j t'.lt siioiii. I pn).H.K.t It or l.f id J.i If a g. , , .....a.,,, M Ui fl.ii, fif 1 : 4 . ..( the Mk !-.. la .ll.lrlt ., n, .. ,.' r , II.,, m ' ,t lil V,, f, ; S i' PI""' 'i in . , I iiiltl 1 ' ' . . . i .Is the Star Jlretvery beer. 4 I On drauoht at I all popular saloons STAR. BREWERY C0A1PANY. e