"THE GREAT DEBATE." OFF ITT Al W --JX, D . - Jj Election is at hand and you . "THEIGREAT DEBATE." I should read it. lYtYs7 'KL Election is at hand and you r ' ; vjal- SIXTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rUBUBHIU Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY, CORLIES MERRiTT, Editor and Bus. Man, Ai S3.0) par year, tl.00 for six months, 50 ots. for three mouciu, strictly in advano . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the PostofBce at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THI8 PAPJfiH is kept on tile at E. C. JJake's Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 (Aeronauts CCxchangs, San Francisco, California, where oou raats for advertisinK can he made for it. LP. FISBEH, NEW8PAPEB ADVKBTX8 , ing aarent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Build ing, Ban Francisco, Is our authorized agent. This papar is kept on file at his office. 0. ft. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 9;30 p . m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1205 a. m. Leaves Heppner Junction 8:30 a, m. and ar rives at Heppner BrOc) a m Spokane Express Nu. 1 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnctioa 7:50 p. m. and Uma ilia 8:50 p. m. Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla X)a. m. and Heppner Junction 7:00 .ra. and arrives at Portland 12:50 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 3:i,5 a. m. and at umoxuia i:au a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at H eppner J unction 12:25 a, m. and at roruana v:a.a. m. For further information inquire of J. 0, Hart, Agent U. 11 & N., Heppner, Ore. OrPIOIAJj UIBEOTOHT. United States Officials. Piesuient... William McKinley Vice President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State W. B. Day ouumlaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War Kussell . Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long rosunusiar-ueuerai tnanen Emery smith Attorney-General John W. Hrium Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. B. Kincnld Treasurer , Phil. Jletoohan Biipt. Public Instruction G, M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senator. IG.W.McBride (G. W.J jThos.'H. ( W. K. Ell W. H Con,,,..,. i fhos. H. Tongue ( w. K. KU18 Printer W. H. Leeds ( B. S. Bean, Supreme Judges i F. A. Moore. ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. (1 rrnlit .InHtpM RtanhAn ' . T.fnso11 P oswat.ing Attorney H. J, liean Morrow Couutj Officials. joint Senator A, W. Gowan lipresntative. J. N. Brown itontity Judge .....A. G. Bartholomew '' Commissioners J. B. Howard J. W. Beckett. " Olerk J.W.Morrow '' Sheriff E. L. Matlock ' Treasurer.......... Frank Gilliam . ." Assessor t... ..'..A, C, I'etteyS ' onrreyor... J. J. MoHee Aohoo) Sup't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner H. V. Vsognan BEFFMIB TOWS OFFICERS. Mtyor Thos. Morgan Uouwulmen E. J. Hlooum, M. liiohtenthal. J. It. Simons, J. J. Roberts, J. W. Humus ana E. G. Sparry. K murder W. A. llichardson Treasurer L. W. Brings Marshal Johu linger Preempt OI!le re, Jnstioaof ths Peso W. E. Hichardson Constable N. 8. Whetstone United States Land Officer. TBI DALLES, OB. J. t. Moore Kegister A. 8. Biggs lieoeiver LA OUAHD1, OB. K. W. Bartlett Register J. H. Bobbins Receiver BXOBZI1 BOCIETIEa. KAWLIN8 POST, NO. II. G. A. H. Most at Heppner, Or., the third Saturday of e-h month. All veterans are invited ti loin. W. W. Smith. 14 W. Koe, Adintiuit. If Commander. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., noil 12 lo 3 p. m., at resilience, W. A. Kirk's prop, erty, east of M. 15 chnrr b. Sooth, nod 10 lo 12, a. m , to 2 to 5 p. m., at offlo lo tbe rear of Borg't jewelry atore. Brown & Redfield, Attorneys at Law, Offloe Id tbe First National Bank Building. Hirr-sia, : : On soon. If Ellis & Phelps, TT0RNEYS AT LAW. All btisliiMW attended to In a prompt and SKtUiwUiry manner. Kotarte Public and Collectors, Oftlee la Halter Bulldla. Heppner, Or. D. E. GILMAN, General Collector Put your old books and itotv In his hands an4 set ynnr money nut nl Wim. Make strlalty of hard rullvrtlona. Office ia J. N. Brown's BaUJiDg. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. Office tt commcil CMAMiiet lis and burs reel . fonts anna, pars tesea, dnm ronTawliif and III mm you In ef way In hi line, at rnsonaola Nun. U First National Bank Of HEPfSEll C.A.ffMCa, Prwtlsleftt T. A. RetCA, View Preeleent GtO. W. CONttN, CatNltf . W. ftPIftCtft. At Crtier Tntvti i Gfftenl Eukis hmm MXOHANOE 0m all prsl &t rl4 Bought and Sold. Cu!wt.' nift.1 mm ail pi.t, l uns'.ls Tt GENERAL Wisconsin Central PASSENGER L'M" DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require Bome assist ance in the way of having their haud baggage takeD form or to train and carriage or bus, or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushers at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all trains prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. JAS. C. POND, Gen'l Passr. Agfc H W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & c.i vy. in. ot nu r., at a., r. n. w. dc u.. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. HATES a.oo PKH 13 AY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., eazoAso. iiiZj. TH1C IJAIvJUl NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. THE DALLES, Grower and Dealer In Fruit, Shad and Ornamental Traea, Grapa Vine and Small Fruits. Our Trees are Grown With out Irrigation. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every SaturdayH 13 Astor Place NewlYork The Outlook will be lo 1897, m il has been during ttaob of its twenty. seven years, a History of Oar Own Times. In its various editorial departments Tbe Outlook fives a oompnot review of tbe world's progress; il Follows with care all tbe important philanthropic sod in dustrial movements of tba day; bas a complete department of religious news; devotes muoh space to tbe interests ol tbe borne; reviews onrreot literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk about met and things: and, in short, aims to giv frenb information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment, Begioniog with tbe fifty flifth volume, tbe paper will assume tbe regular maga cine site, wbiob will add greatly to it convenience and attractiveness. Tb Outlook la published every Saturday fifty two issues a year. Tba first issue In eaob montu is so Illustrated Msgsiioe Number, containing about twice as maoy pages as tbe ordinary ieeuef, togetber witb a large number of pictures, Tba price of The Outlook is tbree dollars a year in advanoe, or less tbao cent a day. Seod for a speeimeo copy aod illnstrat a4 prospeotns to Tbe Outlook, 13 Astor Place, New Totk Oltv. rlOI'l BKAN1M. WKila ros a p roar rabaoriptl'ia paid ftp prs saa kttt jonrbmuj Is fraaof ehars. Bors. P. O.. Hiwr. (r -ll,-a, P B ci U't hm.tir; raitUt. amma on Uft hip. Hnstiw. PrT, M"f'l'iw. Of f'attla hranilad W. H. ro n-. i rm ihw fc-ft Mil. Waddl on tumm. Iiaaa". Morrow aiantr. C'nk. J..Lcoa.(lr.-lllrMa.nni rfM shoal tar. ssmiKiri(tithipi aar mark tnar nip off lft and avlit la nht. m. Rm. tvl.,(r.M.wi hwulad KLf rm tmt ahnnMw, catlU aama aw iaftbip. Ms iv nht aw. rionmra, L kn f1ptfir Or. tattla. LP o i htpi porwa 1 wiUi hw aaitar oa riM shonkUr. 1 ., narrr, Htipiww. Iir-Horw Snndad H 1 tm h Utt sH.ial.tar; r"l tt idr i nht hip. alau amtarint in Wt t. iUnaa la M'imi sMiBtr. inifa.4i, Polli. IUa. !. MmM. WeelaT toft Mh; Wlk mm l flirh! kip, swht aajl wip la rtah ami sbtti a Uft m Rsar. Wika, HtfMr, C. Hnraaa hnnAt tSI Ml Urt aip aaHtaaaioaaad eru off tafi awi futmr Um am Us rlM Uht . I. W, H!wf tlr - HnnMi tMant4 l,m4 K rm rt alwmkWi !! mnmrn nm It1 atp, waiU hw rmUt mf. Uirw atita la ribl a. mtlnr, Oww, ni .( rtt,-4 m, M D n riffet hiy, aia II mi imti ifMMibW. Mnfwaa. M. Jl,. M..fuw, H -n,m M ) o yX s'.- mill mmo brt kip. M. r. S. W , tt.lMi if i IwmsO a Uf SfomMMt MlllSMMas fllt hn. Parkas m WaM, Malnan lr. H'inaa 1 P u Ml attoakla. Pann, ! hnn hniMxt Mr sM hind m tfi shdfll.ln. ratif. Ms 111 Mil. ti- i. W . Rtr, ilr.-H.Nwi, to , tmh sftMitkfla, I SIU, Ml Ha-M kttfc m.M a t ti - . it. ' V mm kl hip. f r.M mn4 iWSI Is Ml paw, I nmim . 4 a . flM Iir-I14 La -- . i la . 1 a . TarMW H. W. is nm tu apH t tn mtm,n.,, i.ii( aau asms wa kmf HEPPNER, MORROW AN OPEN LETtER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARIC-1 , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear . yf i on every the facsimile signature oj UaiffcJ&ti wrapper. This is the original "CASTO Rl A" which'has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and seel that it is the kind you have always bought Jf j - m fjie and has the signature of C&yffffl&fc wrap. per. No one has authority from me to use my name excent The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher id President. March 24,1898.7 w( Do Not Be Deceived I Do not endanger the life of your child by Accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may Mer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. ' . "The Kind You Have, Always Bbudit" otHno HIC Insist on The Kind That Never Failed You. THl CCNTAUN OOHMNT, TT MURMV STUKKT. NCVV YOUR OITV. WMM""M'--aawaawaTwaaTwMsMIMM A- ABBAHAMSICKl Merchant Tailoring! Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. His work is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. OAL.L AND SEE ME. ON MAY STREET- 'When you hear dem bells IV YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER CO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! For more than fifty-six in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the U. S. tT HAS fslthlullf lalxmxl (or thrtr pnKjH-ritr and hspplnrM, lor tha lmprtiomiit of thrlr hiiilnrss ami home IntvrmU, fur kIik biIuii, lor the elevation ol American manhood and triis womanhood IT HA loldst lha Amide, lntemtln( and liistrwllvs stories of thcdoliiKSol Ilia world, ths nation and statra, IT HAI aovlaiwl Ih Isnni-r as lo lha must approved w!thls of riilllvatlnf and harvsatlns tilt rrofa. and ths ror lime to ronvert them Inio the larvm poniMii ainoiinl of moiief . IT HA led In all mailers i-raliiliu lo the welfare ol farmers and villsgrrs, and lor ovsr shall sceulurx bas held tlii'lr coiiRilenca and rslrrm. it ih Txria. New York Weekly Tribune, Ana mi furnish It with tha GAZETTE, ana yaap far f 2.78, cash In advanea. Addree. all Order. U. THE GAZETTE. Writ your nam ind -.1rr tn pnnUt rm M WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and PugQt Sound Navigation Go .Wn innnnNV, rum' gitzixt and ems wavf. Iin AMr Hlreel la rk. I'nrtlsul, fnf Asl-ria, II l'ark and Nabcotta. lire ciiii'lioB wilb llwaoo steamars and rail filj Im st Yottnt's Hay witb Haarhnra Hailrol. TBiiHrixoNn Uatea inland JAM. ttailf, rfd iundav. Leaves A'buria I V. il. Dsllr. eief Saa4st UAiiiBr OATajiariT Unl Anlsd P. M fNilif. i,.t Nmtif, eaiNMsf lr.i. II F H. mm AsVifU p alt fci m, M., eiMpt inndaf and Mimdar. Kviwaf a chl. t P. M oci3A.Tc xrjsrm lnmrm MM end rt.s rtlr.rl in I mmm. Tuwlsf snl T hifUf al 1 A, W KusHir s I f M ' lae l,ar edbaSar a4 frvlsf al I A, M. Oa mmmiUm tiMill t. m. ' ' ti$ Cl-IH to FjN Delink M COUNTY, OREGON, OIUINAIUHt OF Having BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. years it has never failed , n4 It Utami, W. H4(, Trihtin frfflr), K TUESDAY, JULY 5. 1 . GKANl' I'ODNTY MEWS. From the Long Creek Eagle. Ves Hinton and Dao Morrow returned Monday from Heppner heavily loaded with freight for Long Creek merobants. Wm. Ambrose returned from Heppner TLnrsday of last week, where he had been with his wool. He reports the market for wool not yet opened op. vet an advance of 11 cents per pound was offered him on his olip. P. W. MoRoberta, who formerly was in the mercantile business in Long Creek, but late en attorney of Moscow, Idaho, has joined the United States army iu tbe war against Spain. He holds the posi tion of first lieutenant of ti.e Moaoow company. J. P. Williams, a brother of T. D. and 0. L. Williams, of this oity, has disposed of his business at Salmon City, Idaho, and joined the cavalry known as Shoup's rough riders. His wife bas eiooe been appointed matron of the same regiment. Mrs. J. P. Williams received the intel ligence (uoofflciul) yeaterlay that she had beeu appointed matron of Torrey's regiment. This is quite an bouor in view of the fact that bat two matrons are appointed to eaoh regiment. Mrs. Williams will await tbe official notifies tion of her appointment before taking any aotioo in tbe matter. Lemhi Re public. Mrs. Williams is tbe wife of a brother of T. D. aod C. L. Williams, of this city. B. F. Miller Brrived in the oity Tues day from Tbe Dalles, bringing witb him fine oovered coaches and sufficient horses to operate tbe Heppner-Canyon City stage line, ot which he takes obarge to day. He is stocking tbe line witb the best vehicles and teams and will give the people the very best servioe tbat the trade aod busiuess will warrant. Tbe new sobedale gives the interior people a better mail tervioe, being a 24 hour schedule between Heppuer and Canyon Citj? , and in connection with the railroad, is tbe cheapest line and quickest time to Portland of any interior line. The Eagle wishes Mr. Miller success. From the News. Tbe Blue Mountain telephone con struction gang left this oity last Sutur dBy on a wire rretching eipedition, and are now well over toward Burns. With the beginning of the month tbe mail liues from Heppner and Sutnpter will be inoieased from sit to seven trips a week, and tba Heppuer route will be expedited, giving us mail uuder tbe new schedule thirty-six hours from Portlund. IllS EXPERIENCE. Low Kates Taking People to the K.t-A Oood Konte. The days of fast traveling, both rail and stesuier, are upon us. Time was when it took two weeks to go by rail from San Francisoo to New York, bat that is long sinoe a thing ot tha past. Recently tba editor of IbU pajnr was called East and be oonld not help draw ing some comparisons wilb trip of former times, in the pioneer days of transi-nn. tinenUl railroading. Leaving Heppner ou tbeetenlnaof Tuesday, Feb. g, mm, via tha O.lUN, lo Huntington, the Oregun Sh rt Una In Ugdeo, ths Hm Grande VVtrn and ths UtnVBf A Rio OrHlidd to Usnv.r. and "The Uurliugtou" loChii was landed in tbe latter pltoe si 3 o'olook, p. m., on Hslurday, Feb. I a, lu8, or about three and one-half days out of Heppner. This is speedy travel ing. From Chicago tba writer went east v. a Indianapolis, Clooinnali and Richmond, Va.,tskiug in Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York aod maoy other prominent cities of ths Eat. And .i,:i. ho travel.! many miles over splendid roaas, Done of them exse! "The Rurlinn. ton". Epeoilly does It rival ail West era roads. The track is well ballasts.!, ths ears are laxarioue and olnan, tbe at- laobee pleasant and var i,l,lu;n Tbe "Q" people ("Ibe Burll ogton" la koown generally as tbe t-Q" ha.- r...t on special Iraius between Denver and Ubioego, and something like 27' biurs is an ins time iMinsarnsd heiiMMi theaa poiota. This ie very rspid traveling, fur the distance is tnnoti over J.OdO miles. One (rah. re of the ' Q' is the admira ble dining servioe. This eiimui.1 H not depend upon any other company to ran aioiog ears, it bus Its own service and charge reasonable prio-e ht really flrst-olass meals. All meals are served en tbe Earopeaq plan. Every -y train bas a prtrter for lbs Pbair and olberoara, not alee oars, whose doty it is to keep everything clean and oral, ir ton roalemnlate trulmr K.i yoq will make bo mistake tt lake lbs line by lbs wey of J len. Hell Lke abd liravet, aaJ tbe over the "Q ' to Ubl ego, Tbe wnlef ie Inf iroi. l ILat lu ralee etill ooiitioae Kael. II w I mg ibis will last it Is aot known, but eerUliily not wag. Any perfMi wieUug In viait Ih r ( j vie "lie Hurling W slumlil tail on J , 0. liar, agent at lleppoef.or write A. 0 Hbeldon, tbe obliging Q' repreaenla , live, Wesbiat't'ia ere4. near Thifil I'oftlasd, Ore. Karl's Clover H.,t Tea, f.t (Vnwiipa tion it's the brsl and if after Dsn. il Jon don't say m relarn perk age ted get your ft-rier. H-.IJ by (;.VMr A Wiri?; 1898. OCR BOYS IN HONOLCliU. Aa Interesting Letter From H. L. McAllstor of Lexington. The following letter was kindly ten dered tbe Gazette for publication by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McAIister, received un der date of Jane 2d, from their son, who was oonspicuous as tbe champion foot ball blayer of tbe Ojrvallis college team, now a member of Oregon's volunteers at Manila: Dear Father and Mother: To'hauin with I will state that I am enjoying the best of health. Leaving San Franoisco hurriedly, I had eorcely time to write you. I am now with mv oomnanv ami have more time for letter-writing. Rs garding army life, I oan say thai I h not experienced tbe hardships I antici pated; but there is no tellinu what is vet in store for us before we return to our native land. Anticipating being blown up by Spanish bombs in tbe near futnr is by no means a pleasant feeling. We arrived here last night, without a stop, just seven days from San Fran cisco. Like all Others. I eiDerinnnerl a sieire of three-days' seasickness, followed by a desire for an increase of rations. Honolulu, tbe OSDltsl of Hawaii, dis tant 2,100 miles from Han Franoisoo, has a DODUlutlon of fiO.nOO inhahitanto m- braoing representatives of everv nation. alily, tbe English language prevailing wnue ibe majority speak the native tongue. The island of Hiwaii, e nbraoea more territory than the eleven additional islands of the group. The soil and mnk formations are very similar to those of Uregon. The olimate varies but little tbe year 'round, ranging in temperature from Bo to 90 degrees F. Its fruit sea son is perpetual. An American mast be come aoolimated in order lo work oon tinnonsly. It there is an ideal place on earth it is here. The luxuriant growth of tronionl fruits and plants imprusBUs witb tbe idea of a vast greenhouse. Long before we arrived in sight of tbe city, strange as it mlebt seem. "Old Glory" oould be seen waving hiah on tha mountain side. The maioritv of n. failed to reoognige the Hawaiian flag on sight, but now are all familiar with it. aa it floats from oar main mast. Bach a demonstration aocorded ns. All Hawaii turned oat to greet us. Tbe dooks were lined with people, who veiled themanl vna hoarse, and in response I oan assure yon tbat our voices were beard aboue tha Mdio Of a mighty roar", as we oame in sight of the Charleston and Bennington. AH whistlrs were turned loose, and such scene of enthusiasm I never witnessed before. Men, women aod children be. sieged us wilb tbe query: "When are you going to annex ns?" Being compelled to remain on board. we ipent a sleepless night, owing lo tbe heat. Today we were given "shore leave" from 0 till 2 o'clook. I had the Bond fortune to be one ot Ibe first to set foot on foreign toil, the Amerioan Hug to be seen on every band. Freedom of tha oity aud itlacda was accorded tbe "tbe biya in blue". Eight thousand dollars bad ben subscribed for our entertain ment, wbiob was a royal one. Tomorrow we look forward to as tbe "banner day''. We have beeo granted shore leave for the day, aod atsared of an abundance to eat Over eating, bow ever, we are oaationel tgsiost la tbie ellmet. A grand parade is the order of Ibe day. 1 anfortuoaiely sprained my ankle while on duty aa corooral of tha gourd, which prevents me participating. II possible, I mast attend ths barl.sane promised for tomorrow, and until then shall nurss my ankle very carefully. Manila is 500 miles forlhsr tooth. and almost S,0iN) miles west. Oar re. eeption there will In ell probsbilily differ very materially from this. fit DAT, CSt 8ll. I was compelled to remain alNiard all day, missing Ibe entertain men I given tbe boys. Tbs eity plsoed et Ibe die poetl of tbe boil 2.00U oonnds of ihiUIo salad, 16..VMJ bottles of tods pop, 20,000 pineapples, N.IXXJ tsndwiobet and tone of other fruit. Tbe mail steamer is eioecied ia to night, when rs will know whether we prnoeed on oor J tarney or reraaio here awaiting further orders. We are all anx ious to reaoh nor J niriiev's end. Man? of the boys are uomieiok. Aoroee tbe bay, almost two miles dis tent, tbe "pen" loom op, and eepeolelly at tight itb its ioanmerahle electric lights. A little further east can t teen an array of battleships. Lying near ns Is to old schooner, said to have been former king's battleship, no ae,l m peet bnnse fur nnfortaoafe lener. Tw bnodrel yard. In another direction, Ie lb fee mast, trim looking Hueiilsh freia-bt er, wbinb baa been loaded and wailing a ebanoe In depart tut t month. Hue wil prove t rir-b piii fur Uoele Hsio should the vent or to tea. Viewing (be barb al il n'cUmk lest sight, In til lis grand enr, I will ronfeee that t feeling of h me eiekoes for my native land retne over ma. Tbe natives bars, s t rnle, teem more Intelligent ibao our ItJisje. I btve been watebieg Ibera tt work tsar Lv during the dsy. They are slow ttd Isrf in Ibejr moveoietts, resembling the negro la Ibeee rbaraeterialie. They twatm about tbeebipe evenings, with tbeir gal tare aod bai j te, tingleg tweet mlmlw, SMl'in for oar dimes, Ibejottig tnu are iiii good I'Kiklog. Ws have kept the Ksi.sk -kids" ia Ibe water all day, wblb tetoit their element, diving f" pnmUi gj iUs!(, NO. 663 POWDER Absolutely Pure As yet we have not reoeived our pay, and no sssaranoe of when we will get it, whioh is very annoying to us, as there are many little thincs w nnad tnr CI - Bua. w tort. We haye been furnished with an abundance of olothing by the govern men t, at the following ooat: Navy on,.Va at 23 oents per pair; woolen undershirts 36cents; blue overshirts. 81.80; nhnu' $1.85; drawers, 32 cents, hats, 80 cents. ine outai rurnished by tbe state we were not taxed muoh for, as il was of little vaiue. My salary as corporal ia $16.80 per month. When at BOB W6 Wre nntnnnllArl nsnh day to take a salt water bath, nhinh in this hot olimate, is very refreshing. All mail matter should h to Co. A, 2d regiment, Oregon U. S. Vol unteers, Presidio, California, from wbeie it will be forwarded to us. Hoping to hear from von snnn. T mill aay good bye, Your son, H. L. McAlister. Remarkabla Rescue. Mrs. Miobael Curtain. Plainfleld. Ill- makes tbe statement tbat she caught oold, whioh settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her familv physfoian, bul grew worse. He told ber she was a hopeless victim of consump tion bou mac no medicine oould cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King'e New Disoovery for Consumption; she bouebt a bottle unit in ha rioi;i, i...i herself benefitted from the first dose. She oontinued its use and after taking six bottles, found herself sonud and well, now aoes ner own Housework and is at well aa she vnr wan P... .;! knu. - - -. " ,iiai ui'.lioa Of this Greal Disnnvnrv at P. T Uln J - - . i.. uiw- Clira n drnurstnrn. larun Vinll.laa &n oan. and $1.00 Kohbery ef a Drug dlore. On last Tborsdsy night tome cerion or persons broke into the lone druir atore, taking several bottles ot whisky, bat, so far at known, not disturbing any thing else. Up to date no arrests btva been made. Tbe Osteite is not aware where suspicion rests. M'COY CONVICTED. Best Frasdalent Matter Tlinmitli the Malls -Aa Old ('olprlt. George W. McCoy, obamed with u sin a Ibe United States mails for the of promoting a fraudulent enterprise, was irieii in lbs United Stales court yes terday, before Judge Bellinger and Jnry. Tbe ease was prosecuted by United States Ailoroev Hall. CironUre issued by McCoy, lovitinit nennle in seoare t passage to Alaskt, on bit alleged transportation oomnanv. Iiv sending hlra fliiiO, aud letters endorsing bts scheme, were introduced in svidenoe. and Otis Ptltersoo, of Heppner; Mayor Msson. Polioe Commlaeioner Jama I). Hunt, Deputy Doited Slates Marshal Roberts tod Wortbinirton. l'neial In- tpector Clements and Postal Clerks Lee and Miller appeared as witnesses for tha government. Tbe defense set np was Ibal no una was Injured l, M. Co' tobeinee, wbiob did not mature, and oonseiineotly no orime was n.mmill.,1. The closing argnuieul of Uuited Hlatee Attorney Uall was a Powerful arralun. menl of tbe method employed by Mo- Coy in promoting his srhetne. The cane went to the jury about 4;.'W p. m., and after being out a short time the ra. turned t verdict of not gnilty.-Ore- gonlan. AIkiuI a year ago Mi'Coy whs In jail tt The Dallee charged with defrauding em ployees on a little tnbeme which MoOy Wi s fathering. He etMiH.d bauuiiiit Iiv t snreloh, and had a rlnee phII frmii be- ing Ooovieled nil eiieiitji , Tes Millions War. When pr,i ,nv, try, and buy agnin, it nieana tlo-v'ie Ml i.i, ,, ' l,r ol the llnlml Mnti- aie now but inn km ,tr-l a t'emly CntlmrlM- at the rale id two imllloi, lm a r.ir and H Mill I ,rw million be fore Sew mr'i. It mrnti mi-rit inm-.l, llinl I -arris aie llo. i.,.t ,,.,g,il ,, HKHlslot lor r.rllv ll, iir lonnd. All lit Wis Ilk, rx.h a l,ulrgtMlaliln-d. A Kiikh of I, r. A furious eUir y a rrlnil In f.w I'ltil i.,lin n Tin l n I'nttn; r lunjealy' fili'p Kiiihkiii u.,h Inn i'n(( i, it fmin t ( I! i r, In . Uiill ;i(lt. li, fllirh .i. p..l,il,.. t ,,. , , rr nt li-r. In I U r'-iti t u :i.iI,ii..ii sets: 'lt Mas nnl n uiill ilall.l.nl aalioMertif IrffiMiliirlj Il im--c rrf aiilifl ii-fiif ilifTi riiil il inf h- Uma, siii of Ihriu as lari-e .is a i h,,, hi u l." Isieraalleaal Mlalag ragreaa. An intertattonal Biolng enogrtae will be be!4 tt Halt Lake Uily, July oib tj 9lb, Ineloaive, for Una orreiloa the O. It k N. O , ei l ai n"iirhiuli. ks . I City aa t relara at rate ef one tare for Iht Mnnd tup, 1Vkt aiUU CO tele July 31, 1'U an I 3th, g U U i. IllffJ J! I'ltj. fH(