O. R. & N. Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD DbpaM fob TIME 8CHEDDLE8 From Heppner. 9:30 p. m. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. worm, uraam, Kansas City, Ht. Txinls. ChicaKO, Portland. Walla Walla. Spokane, Minneapolis, 8t. vni Dulnth. Mil waukee, and the East. Arbivi FBOM 4:50 a. m. 8.00 p. m. iOcean Steamships From roruaua. All salllnij dates subiectto change. For San Francisco- Sail July 3,e, , ia 15, 18, 21, 24. 27, 30. 7:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday To Alaska-- juiy in. Columbia Riveb Stkamebs. To Astoria and Way Landings. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p. m. Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, la through tourist cars without change, MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced couduotors and porters. Mondays. To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and s via aan in Alton Rys. Boston without change via Salt Lake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago ana 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday WlLLAMETTB KlVEB Oocrnn CltV. New berg, Salem and way lanaingn. 7:00 a. m. Tues., Thur, and Sat. 6:00 a. m. Tues. Thurs. and Sat, Willamette and Yamhill Kivebs. Oregon City, Da' ton nay ings. 4:80 p. m. Ex, Sunday 8:30 p. m. Mon Wed. and Fri. tf. Nellie, Bur Strawberry BhinmenU. lAJtAii bvh-ids- 1 t t nuiann MnraiAntmii Pnrtland me crop was DSer man ina - - , Pri- . fM l.m. haea been re- business houses is in Heppner today. ceieed, are satisfactory, tays the Hood Statements for the Famous Simple River Glacier. At no time during the Aooouot File printed ai imuiw - them Dickers enough to pick floe iu un and the week of hot Clarence Johnson and sister, wrhr. followed br a week of rain, are over irom jodowj iUr..wu.,. broach t the shipments to a close with visit ihnnsandg of dates of over-ripe berries W. S. Brown, of Izee, Grant county, on the vines. The first part of the oame over on Wednesday to visit rela- season was all that could be wished for, tives here. and the fruit was floe. The shipments T B Montgomery, a knight of the more than doubled those of any previous grjp f rom porjianit jg registered at the year, and would hBve easily reaoneu uu,- 0day, 000 orates had the weather oontinuea favorable two weeks longer. Shipments for the season were 36,591 crates. Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defects of the eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr Co'n juioe" is all right but Low Til lard has a brand of 14-year-old goods 603 -tf. m 1 Trt Hmthft. i:ninftffo. isunaio au I QeSHayS, Boston without change via Salt Lake and Chicago, kock isiauu os rouui, n.,. WJn.n,rci To St. Joseph, Kansas City and Wednesdays, st. Louts without change via Salt Lake ana Burlington nouve. TWrlovg To Kansas City and St. Louis with 1 QUrSuayS, out change via Salt Lake and Mis souri Pacific railway. A Bnre Thine for Yon. A transaction In which you cannot lose is a .1.1. .... DilUnanM. oil'll" Vlfttjl iU'VlK. THIS red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other that is hard to beat iH'r 8. P. Garrigus went down to Portland rinrfiii new liver Btimulant and intestinal 0 Wednesday evening to be absent a tonic are by all druggists guurauwjeu to tun. refunded. C. O. C. are a sure Tr A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. Willamette Riveb 4:30 p.m. Tues., Thur. Pnrtiund to Corval. and Sat. lis & way Land ings. Lv. Rlparia 1:4! a m. Mon., Wed. and Friday Snake Riveb. Rlparia to Lewiston Lv. Lewiston 5:45 a. m. Sun., Tues. and Thur. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery, For rates and all all information, inquire of O. R. & N. and 8. V. agents, or address, R C. NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent. Gnu. Pass. & Tkt. Agt, 251 Washington St., Denver, Col, Portland, Oregon. J. 0. Habt, Local Agt.. Hcppner.Or. Ramu'le and booklet free. Bee our big ad. CHRISTMAS LI KB THB FOURTH. New MAGNIFICENT OFFER. Every new subscriber of the Ga zette, or old one renewing, will get as a premium a copy of "The Great Debate" between Horr and Harvey. This was one of the greatest con tests of the kind in this age. The financial question is prominent in noliticB and you want this book. It , w is bound neatly in paper and retails fcr 50 cents the world over. Come early before all the premiums are cash. The Patterson Ptjb, Co. few days on business. Arthur Hodson, one of Morrow ooun tv's excellent sobool teaohers, was id Heppner from Alpine yesterday. Arlington Beoord : Mr. C. E. Hioks has accepted a position with the Arling ton National bank for the remainder o t 1898. Be not deoeived! or croup are noi to do trmeu witn. a. dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save sou much trouble. Sold by Oonser & Warren. The Gazette oarnes a full stock of i i mourning note, correspondence niyie, with envelopes to match. Those desiring Hiinh stationery oan have their wants Orleans Is Ablaie With Fireworks at Christmas Time. Boys and eirls parade up and down the streets of New Orleans on Christmas eve, making a discordant din with tin trumpets and various other instruments of torture; pausing oooe in a while to join some group around a bonfire and help shoot more fireo rack era," writes Julia Truitt Bishop in describing Christ mas at New Orleans in the July Ladies' Home Journal. "The older people take part more recklessly, and there is great exoitement oyer the shooting of fire- oraokers, which explode before one is ready for tbem, and scatter the laughing crowd. Standing in the upper galleries, one may see the entire city orossed and reorossed by a shining network of flrr. It is like a scene from fairyland, this midnight sky of Christmas eve. The rockets shoot up through broad, tropical palm leaves, and part the gloesy foliage of the magnolia in their swift flight, while the splendid branches of the un changing live oak throw the earth be neath into deeper shadows beoause of the fiery trails in the sky above. The fun begins again betimes the next morning, with greater enthusiasm than ever. Now, indeed, the j avenues grow reckless, and whole packages of A cough, hoarsness greoraokers go off at one blow, and the boys who were fireoraoker boys yester day are skyrocket boys today. As night oomes on the frolic has risen to a de lirium of fun. Stacks of brilliant fire works and boisterous firecrackers go off at once. An extravagance of joy takes possession of the younger population, and the streets are ablaze with explos M 0 m n i IL ! IlI MM aw bibh iMBr-BWBrs mm aw m m w I U I I 1 I 1 k A m V t 1 I .l DON'T men because your wool has not brought the best returns in the past It may have bean hmwked about thm market In the usual comm slon house way. We have a better plan. Wo moll your wool HI' root totho manufacturer. We are big enough to attract his trade and command his respect. Try our plan and see you don t like it better. Sacks furnished free to shippers. We make liberal Advances on Consignments and only charge 5 per cent. Interest per annum on money advanced. Our Circular Letter keeps you posted on market conditions. Don't sell until you hear from us. Better write to-day. SILBERMAN BROS., Chicago, Ills. iff MICHIGAN STREET, if . ... .-. a l Pngeri booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE DUE YOU GOP ERST ? If bo, be sure and see that your tioket reads via ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short LiQe . BETWEEN DULUTH, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. H NEW NAME! supplied at this office. tf, Karl's Clover Boot Tea is a pleasant laxative. Begulates the bowels, Dunnes the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make atid pleasant to take, id cts Sold by Conser & Warren. H. W. B. Smith, of Seattle, is in Hepp. ner today, talking up the oracker trade ives and the air is heavy with powder." Trade Marks a.- .4V Designs "f J1" Copyrights 4c. Anyone sondlng a sketch and description may nulnkly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly connnenuai. hwjuu,p"uii e. oil Irtest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn Oo. receive sent free, PatcntE iptcUU notice, without chRrge, In the Scientific Hmerican A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clr- MUNN & Co.361BroadwayNew York Branch Office, 625 F St, Washington, D. C. Their Magnificent Track, Peerloss Voatlbuled Dining and Hleeping Car Trains, and Motto: at "always on time classes of passengers carried on has given this road a national reputation. Alt trains without cutra cnarge. nnip " and travel over mis iamum m. have tlckuts. , MEAD, ""V'a- j rnv. r. w. If. A..l,t ii Washington Bt., Portland, Or, NORTH PACIPIO Rural Spirit (E8TABLI8HED IN 169.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. $100 Reward, $100. The raaderB of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that soienae has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only nnmtiira nnra now known to the medioal Wm. UOrdOnnaS re-namea for the American Jdi8cuiiuo.,oeatiieBDu ftaternity 0atarrh being a constito his Stand the Old Jones HBn Jtranciseo, along wn some oilier tional dieeagtJi squires a constitutional siae lines wnion ne carne8. iHOtmBnt. Hall's Catarrh (Jure Is taken The ladies' band has been practicing internally, BOting dirctly upon the blood bard the past few weoks getting up Bn(j mucous surfaces of the system musio for the Fourth. Tbey are pro- thereby destroying the foundation of the greasing nicely and have some good disease, and giving the patient strength musio ready for this oooasion. by building np the constitution and The Gazette will olub with the Oregon assisting nature in doing its work. The Rflrmlnr. the oreat Pythian paper of Ore- proprietor have so muoh faith in its H7l,;l anA T,lulr nnhlinhnrl I curative Doners, that they offer One 'JU, . , HUIU(UU kuuuu, 1 . j . at Portland, for 82.75 for the two. The hundred dollars ror any case mm . . . 4 vr ir:,.va i to oure. 8end for list of testimonials. Senator is all right. No Knight of on-. w t cnhv & Co.. Pythias should be without it. tf. ' Toledo, O Andrew Neel has been over from Lone lt"8old by druggists, 75o. Rook a few days this week looking after rope wa Not offended. business interests here. He is greatly T, London Morning Post telis 1 1 lvery staoie The Central. -ion v,uir for sain. Chartres reasonable. Call Bon him and have vour horses well eared for. TURODGH TICKETS TO THE Eat and Southeast THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TKOTJBLES AND CONSDMlTION CAN BE CUBED. An Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Headers. The distinguished ohemist, T. A. Slo- oum, or JNew iors uxty, uoiuuuoubhuk hia discovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis), bronohial, lung and oheBt troubles, stubborn ooughs, catarrhal affeotions, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FEEE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any afflicted reader of this paper writing for them. His "New Scibntiflo Treatment" has , cured thousands permanently by us timely use, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible oure. Soienoe daily develops new wonders, end this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produoed results as beneficial to humanity as can be nlaimed bv anv modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and oon sumption are curable in any olimate is proven by "heartfelt letters of grati tude," filed in his American and Euro nean laboratories in thousands FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates VIA THE t WCTOW 1TAT THE THROUGH OAR LINE. IFIC li R. from those oured in all parts of the world. The dread Consumption, uninter rupted, mean? speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. Q, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post office and express address, and the free medioine will be promptly sent direct from his laboratory. 8ufferers should take instant advan tage of his generous proposition. Please tell the Dootor that you saw this in the Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. J uly 9-7-1 yr. Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other than plain printing. However, this shop i now prepared to tackle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under the sun in the line of druggista supplies, blank books, bank work oounty work, or any sort of book bind ing work that you have heretofore Bent away to get done. The Gazette shop is not a obanty concern but if you will give us a ohanoo we will see that you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Linooln said that when one bought goods away from home tha foreigner got the money and we got tba goods. But when the goods were bought at borne we had both, money and goods. This is good doctrine. Wa are williDg to abide by it. When tha printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No. 3. 560-tf PULLMAN PALACE BLEEPERB. I'OLLMAN TOURIST BLEEPERB. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. Portland to Chicago Without Change Oniok Time. I n Ion Depot. Personally Conducted Exonrsions. HaKKHne CheckeU to Jjesunation. l((iw hates. . iii... tins tn Trana-MiKsiaHirjm and Inter national Exposition hold at Ouiuha, Nebraska, line to November, Write unlnininHi for rates, time tables and HBturday evening, to whioh all tho child- llitr uiiuiutnuuu ...n ll! W. BAXTER, or J. C. HART Airt i (leu. Ant., las Bd St., O. R. ft N. C, Portland, ur. xmpiiiiei, ur, CHICAGO Worth Hs weight in gold to every farmer and breeder in Uregon. muwauKBB & St. Paul B'g SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER YEAR, Hiiuiple eopies free. Rural Spirit and Gazette both for 13.00, cash, at this offloe. This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous block system ; Lights its trains by eleotrlolly through oat: XJitx the oelebrated elaotrio berth read ina lamp: Rons ipedily quipped passenger trains ,u and niirht between Ht. Paul and Chioago, and Omaha and Chicago tho '.50 Years.... Undisputed Supremacy THI .... World's Competition : Ccf r's Sheop Sip Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Alao operates atoam-heated vestibnled trains, carrying the latest private compartment cars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. r 1 . - Alinlni Altai ABM. rariuc omb, ............ , , ii f t and the mi bat dioiof chair ou hold tV Minor tfc LO rvice. For lnwMt rates to any point in the Untied Wale or Canada, apply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, Osneral Agent, Trav. Pass. Ageut. Portland, Or. Increases Yitld of Wool. Enhances Value oi Flock. Chwap, Safe, Han dy, Clean, Wholnsomn, Odorlwie. CHAS. G. ROBEHTS. OtNCRAL AGENT, 247 Ash Klreet, i'ortlaud, Or ((nn rinind over the biff rain and says it inanr,t. storv of Pope Leo's kindliness, will help the grain orop in bis seotion of it seems that not long ago an English .;.,ii loi- .. Prntpstant. with her little son, U1I11BU1 UUUU TOi; uiniciio.i. J , , v,t. v,. . , 11 years old, and her daughter, 00 Louis Harrison, a gentleman who lives J fl audience of tbe pope, through in the Eight Mile seotion, is very sioa , offlce9 Qf Cardinal Rampoiia, with stomach trouble at the Hotel Hepp- . , nn of state. The latter . , ner in this oity. He is under the oare of nvitea the boy to kiss the pope 8 mipper, Dr. E. R. Swinburne, who has hopes of "Ye don't kiss peoples leet in ing mm straightening him out in a short time The Salvation Army ladies will give a Children's Jubilee at the barracks on REGON SUOLlTLlf ren of tha town will be admitted tree. A lunch of toe oream and oake will be erved, for which 10 cents will be charged, Wm. Pierce, of Gooseberry, has beeo in town a few days this week. He has recovered quite folly from the effects of bis long tussle with rheumatism the post QtHCKEHT AND MOBT DIRECT LINE TO I winter and spring and is enjoying good health again, all of whioh tbe Gazslte is UTAH, COLORADO, NE- pleased to ChroDicle. B RASKA, KANSAS, MIS- Heppner Times: Tbe report that Vaw- ter Crawford, tbe oounty olerk-eieot, una already selected bis deputy, is erroneous Mr. Crawford informs us tbat while sev eral applications for the position have been presented already be bat made no election as yet and will not probably maka any for some little time yet. !! will take charge of tbe ciffioe next Tues day morning. IIMWElt 11 HcjipiH-r, Or. fificiii s The Old Shop! LIBERTY MflRK&T SOURI RIVER ami all Points EASI and SOUTH- LOOK AT THE TIME. I NEW YORK, 1J days CHICAGO, " 1ST. LOUIS. 3J " OMAHA, 3 iSALT LAKE.1J Free Reclining Chair Cart Upholstered T.mrist Bleeping Cart rollmaa Palaot Sleeping Cart For full particulars regarding rates, time oi trains, itc, eall on or address J. a HART, Agent O. R. 4 N. Co., Heppner, Oregon O. O. Teiiby, W. E. Coi, Trat. Pass. Agt. Qol Agt. 124 Third Ht., Portland, Ore. land," said the little fellow, "but ne a nice old gentleman, and I'll kiss his v a t4 1, lilfP!. " The none was de- litrWrl with the litUe fellow's nnswer, nnd paid bim several compliments in Ttfilian. London Meat Inspection. All meat that is declared unfit for food by the oillcinl inspectors in London 1st immediately removed to the, con demned meat shotl In the Central mar ket at Smithfk'ld. Here is a series of ntiks made of thk-k slate, and each with a capacity of 600 gallons. The meat is first nlahed anl disfigured, ami then subji-rled to a chemical bath which has the effect not only of discoloring and deodorizing it, but also of stopping de- conipowition. ADVERTISE l LETTERS. ADVEIU'lHED AT HEI'fNER I ETTERU Ij Dr., June 27, lnwi. BomleeMtit, C H Brown. J N lmyle, Frank P When railing advertised Berkman. Jno iierrluirer, John lllce, M rs Jeau lur these li tlers please say I. r. WILLIAMS. I , M. tlio flaco to yo to get your fiuo pork awl lmb chop, KtoaU uritl roiuit. "Tlic llceolator Lino"1 t)rad rally Nerroas. Gents: I was dreadfully nervoos, and for relief tok your Carl's Clover Root Tea. It qoieled my nerves and ttrenglb- ened nur whole nervous eystem. I was troubled with eonstipatioo, kidney and bowel troqble. Your Tea toon cleansed my system to thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mit. 8. A. bweet, Hartford, Conn. Bold by Conser A Warreo. TUUOUOII CARS TO Hr. PACI. MlNNKAl"OLIrt Dl'l.Uril rAli(U) lUTl'K UKLKSA Tirkels Issued M all txnt.ls In the United HUtet and Oaueda. FISH EVERY FRIDAY Fine" SUBr eurwl nms and lron. Tnr ,'l lard, iHlle ronderwl, old iti. Ilixhrat rasa rue wid lur at His k. iu:nj. mathkws. QUICK TlMETt), Cltll'SlKI Wisiiia.iM Nw Yuki All other MlllllS In the KmI and Houtlitait OM4RA KNBAt ClTt Hr, JiMtm Uoawa Talon IVlHit coDoeotiime at HI. 1'aiil, atieaeepiilia, Kansas fit jr. Omaha, Ht. Louie and other promt' Bent liuU Ilatfssie ehrtkei thruugh to tleeliuatiua (I li. U. Tl.nmshllikrla la Japae auJ ( LlbS. i iauim and irtliftn 1 a. iflo rtee u ship Com pan ' line. Keep stieep ana Get Bid. TIIK WOOL HKCOIU) Tell Yen Hevslo D It. For full lof'wniatl-m, time ParJe. Biape, lirkete, el'S e!l W. C. Auw4f, A. U.CMtT., At N. I. liy. A tel. Oen. 1'm. At. llit 1 !!, Or. rortlaod, Or Hi eiHiil artaogetiiwit we offer to our readers The Wool Itecord and Hatui-Weetly Uasette, ont year for II (U. The VimA IUifd ie the ni.ly cationa wool orgBB auJ txivrrt the wool InJustry from tbe raising of tbe tbeep t lb tell lot of Hit BtaeufMHured artfele. It it BtaUlehed weekly at New Y"k and the regular plloe la J!I a year. He Market r(-rU era fall end mp t Bud Me HHi-i-p IMee.li.ft" Tali ti me art wrlb 10 Hun the I life l tl e par. Hutle (N'pMHi on si plteUoB. U t tiettlily reHiiutuend Ihtt meaW Batioa o omt tut Mnbert. AtiltNT WAJiTKD Weekly Excorsloaa la Througn tars w ma East. Another through tourist oar to tbe East hat been arranged to run out of Portland, giving four each week. Here after tbe oar lerving Monday will run tbroogh without ohange to Kansas City and Cbicago.over 'theO. fl. Ore gon Short Line, Rio Grande Western, Denver & Rio Grande, Missouri I'aoiuc and Chicago Alton. That car bat just been arranged for, and the one previous ly toheduled for alunuay UBt ueeu changed to Tburedey. It runt throngh to St. Louis, via tht Missouri I'tolQo line. Tht oar leaving Portland Tuesday goes tbroagh to Boston, and is promoted k. th ni.urL ILick Island and I'aoitlo. U'rfria(ta'a oar rant to HI. Joseph, Kansas City nd 81. Louie, over the HorlinBton. All these tpeoial through phis art reoeiviog a gratifying patronage. I Consult O. K. A N. Agent beiore Duyiug tickets to the East. Cordray. tbe pioneer theatrtman of rortlenJ in tht line of "popular prloee," aa rtfltted the Waetingtoo 81. theatre, Innas aa the "new ran. Cordray alwayt has tometbing new, and our Deo pie, when oeiow, can epeou pleasant evening ai uie piace. can cured If von suffer from anv of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN A CO., ,1051 Market St Est'd 1852. You nit men and middle aeetl men who are suffering I from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Ibllly,Irapoiency ,. mi.....". in all its complications; HpemintorrlKPa, rroBtsmrrsffS, im.rniw., -ITrqurucy of Ilrlnnllua;, ee. By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow- th llnrtnr has ui arranceu nis ireatmeni that it will not only afford immediate relief but nrmann r,,r. llio DoT.tnr does not claim tO pertorm miracles, dui u weu-Known 10 uo and snuare Physician and Surceon, pre-eminent i.k;. .n.n,i,.-lllu,ius nftlpn N.rplillla tnoronginy ernnmiueu iiuu, m '.'vs-'uv 11 iv unttivhiir to na 111 re- , oeive our himmt opinion o his pomplalnt. 1 H' will Uuarantet a POSITI VE CVKK in trfry cant vie undertake, or Jorjeil ne Tltsusana jFonnrs. Consultation KKKK ana stnniy pnvaie, CffAMIVli VER Y REASONABLE. Treat ment personally or oy letter, nena iot oook. mUd ,,..vnv,F..j ,i.,M... free. (A valuable book for men.) TIMIT DR. JORDAN'S Great Muxeum of Anatomy 1 ,h Ant anil laroest Museum of Its kind In t.i world. Come and learn how wonderfully you i re made: how to avoid sickness and dne-i-e. We are eontimiallv adduur new specimens. VATAWUUB ritSB. I'allorwrtta. 1051 Marks! Street. San Francisco, Cel. ARLINGTON-FOSSIL STAGELINE !: a ooitviE iw-"- FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (tW miles) . . . 5 00 Round trip $9 00 Mayvllle (53 miles). 4 00 Round trip 700 Cnndon (39 miles).. 8 00 Round trip 600 Clem (28 miles).... 200 Kound trip 8 60 Olex (19 miles) 1 60 Round trip 8 BO Staee leaves Arlington every morning' (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'olockj is due at Condon at 6 p. m. ana arrives at cos sil at 7 p. m. Comfortable covered coaches ana care ful, experienced drivers. SPOKANE FALLS k NORTHERN NELSON 4 FORT SREPPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Cars Between Hpokane Rossland and Nelson. Also between Nelson and Rossland, daily except Sunday: Loava. Arrive. HOI A. M Rpokane (I:i0 P. M- 11 nl A. M ltoMland 1:40 H. M. ;10 A.M Nelson 8:45 P. M. Close onnnwtinnsat Nrlsnn with steamers for Kaslo, and all Kootenai Lake points. t'HMenirxrs for'Kitttls lllver and Bonndary reek oonueot at Uareus with stajte daily. Hr!;l'M.ijy j'; . i;.r. i' SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SESSION State NORMAL school MOSMOt'Tn, OKEOON. Ktrnnx Academic and Professional Courses. Well eiiil)ted Training Department of nine grades Willi rilchllilren. Regular Normal Course of three yean, senior year wholly professional. Graduates ol srorwlitrd Hlith Srhools and Colleges admitted directly to professional work. The Dlplnma'nf the ftrhool Is recognized by law aa B L1FK Certificate to teach, Graduates of the Kebool are In demand as teachers. Light Eipensee- One Year lor (rota JO to lftt). Beauttlul and healthful location. No Kaloons, rirtl term will open Tueeday, September 30, lfOf, Catalogues, giving full details nl work, cheerfully sent on appltcatlrn. Addreas, W. A. WANS, t. L. CAMPBF.I.L, Secretary of Faculty. President. xmA.Macmtj DALLH ClTt" H0 "MOULATOti' For the life f Wm. E. Gladstone, by Jobs Clark Ilidpttb, LL U , the most celebrat d orator and statesman of TtlC Pi!H Muil I a.4r'l NlligstiOl Ca modert timet. Uit brilliant genlot and reoiarBauiv ouarsoiri , un s'su'i vtn.v meott aa leader and prime minister; bla magnificent triumph! in great political straggles ;lnrlodlng hU famous tpeechrt ttrikleg inoideste, pereooal aneedotet. etc. Many tnperb phototype eagravlngt Over oV0 pagat. Only tl W. Hpleodid oeavaeatng ooltll Willi valoahle pre ulam, tenut and fall Intlronlwei tent free for 36 ceale in ttampt to cover poet . . . .. .. age. Moet liberal lerme gtiaraoieeti, Twealy dayt eredil. Freight pid Aeeote making fj to I B a day. lie rtrat in the Bel l. Order en 111 today. Kl perieoct Bot oecxuNiary at terybdy waata it. Meotloo this paper. Monro lhsok Co.. len'l. J.. IeefU.n Ht. CbieagJ. B? M lion ia 2nd, Lloe , and the will Tbe rummenrltig Monday, May aleainera of tht Itegnianir leava l'ttrlland at oJW a, B lallee at H jW a. m. a a Whea yoo go to foriiaBa, etop nn m The IHillet BBI Ue a irip uown ms tk.lombia; yoo will eajoy it, and tavt ,mmf' W. a At.UWAT. tleoeral AgeBt. quioic Tiivtia t Hfiii lrniioIoo AM all pee to rlif.l. viatfce Mi aee rM lew Southern Pacific Co ki.l e.l tawwaH "ahle H .. .. Vu ...I k.,li. U W IVsw "t 0 is. IvitW I lillt" Hinw IU.MUae IU-t-e ,m,M-.lf. It s-r.. l t ue rwiM, tbwtm net tsesse Tft?"- r. H HAttRM AM, im. f, r. Ait.. reua4.ile The MaiHttaa lira a. I, oa ttrwvl ttt the Uertiuam baildiog, It onder eieelleot Bianaaiemeut aud tht pablit 111 l royally eetertelued thlt win tor, Sw torn paatee) sa l new faro ill ap pear from time to tun at this pepa'ar. Bret rites theatre ol Foftland, and whea , still be teeelte4. tf vTWO SPLEHD1D TBB1HS DAILY TO TIIK EAST cum us island route. 3r mW Coxcnlvl Rocky Mountain m Limited n n";v t in. Arriv ri".Ji - ' -U I ' "SVIi I I L ,cad n r's c rtrAM iui.m i a r-Mttiwi" Apt-ly mm th e'l'l '. H el-""-'!- ' .,' .1 lim.txx nf h, te. l I mi 1". r W T Bl'l H' t . I' " ht " ' ...... ufhlVi.il MS U.N itMAlia ' (iM Mill NTH , HImm and Chalf at f alr,ii o ( I, will 'ii.ie uirunanunh 1 1, feawt train la the Waal. m a. m. V s a, aa. It 4S p. m. I a. m. ft va a. m. 4 a. m. 1 M p. in. Colorado Flyer Lean WSVr'K I nui hi'HlNUM Ar-UeehllKA - HANNAH C1TI l . a. 1-ta p. an. 1 ' a. m. U a. as. Ar.hT. LOI IH. (Wab. K )) It p. am. ArrivaaMT iFPtt . Ml a, Ml. I IV i.S irt Vu) e ll a. aa. " OMAUA itsKai,) . a. as. Thtimih Hltn- C "few.!.. Hprieca to Bt LtMie Via W aWh ll . These arc New Trains in addition to our former service. for peHieabwe and fo!.r arltleg tlrne nf 0e ire'na write . -WW?,.. W. M. ntlTM, Urta. at . 4'r .- r it NO 44 IBAtTIAN. I A . lid Al.O orarxctX' AVAU l'M,.,dmu IlXlH S, u .. -hi. atn. the Na y. all d'l'ia. Ui!iMh!ie, t, i',.HraM ari.l l,l.rf(iia nt l,a,. ,n. el prnmltwril . rerlf tmt le t..lH. Mrel"lr rt'p. )t. .1 .ilh.ialilp. 4nlt ttiHti'. pth. 11 t ,,.rlm h.I dwattf Anllre ! I.iirtasinwil a. ftitlm, are the lareeei e,lrrlpll"B ' Btln III At WrlWM rtlty .. fa elnplnva-l l not ,, W.w,ltlir 1.p'll"" !" " " (H,r I.. I la )it ei.U ! at-aafj "o anl ha st la 1', aM la-cv V.i-ta t,M miiH m mint 4Hrt '"-Ie pwml. ... anna l.4 III rl 4f)S fHafa . i ...... ..&(, I; l,i . ile? 1 ! I in ri.HUtid out Oefalfettt Shold Out tail , , Mmiil m e ti " ! I . . . . a .,..,,1.1.,. I tiil .Mr.. Ufa ' Irt late 111 nu oi turn use uraiueB n,,, .mi.m i. ft-' It I MOkHOk nuoal CO.. Do I H.Lhtsje .u. 9Sic.! That 14-Ycar Old Stuff. "Kolin's Best." On Tap Down al The Telephone Saloon IX lew iami noon a New M.eaJ, City IUil littiidiBst, L(1W TILT.AWI.. 1