Ubratf i i r Poor and Weak Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble Had no Appetite-Now Better In Every Way-A Delicate Child. "Some time since I took a sudden cold Und could not get rid of It. Being subject toostarrhand bronchial trouble I coughed terribly. I lost my appetite and grew poor and weak and I did not feel liko work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa rilla. In a short time the cough disap peared, I slept well, had a good appetite and I was better in every way. Last spring I was not feeling well, I had no ap petite and no strength. I resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more like work. My little nephew was a deli cate child and had a humor whicli trou bled him so he could not rest at night. He has taken a few bottles of Hood's Sar eapariila and now he has a good appetite - and is able to sleep." Miss Abbib J. Fekemak, South Duxbury, Mass Hood's sSa Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Hood's Pill are best after-dinner aiwu s f HIS pins, aid digestion. 25c: A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. l'he Gazette can offer the following clubbing rates: The GAZETTE 12.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 t3.00 " 8. F. Examiner, $1,50 '. ..... a jjj N. Y. Tribune, U.00 a.7 5 " Inter-Ocean, 1.00 a 50 " S. F. Chronicle, $1.60 .' 85 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . 3 75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 a.75 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 OO Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 4 25 Sural Spirit, $2.00 a oo -New York Wool Record, $2.00 "... 3.00 McCall's Magazine $1.00 jg0 Yearly subscribers to the Gazette can get clubbing rates witri any paper on earth. METH. EPISC. CHUKCH. SERVICES, in .Dmy U,a- m Vd I m- Sunday school K.'VJK: .clM" No- and 2 at 12:10 p. m. KPwortn League Devotional meeting atT o. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. rheBpiKiTand the bride say. Come." lhe pastor may be found at the parsonage ad Joining the church, where he will be glad to meet any mo may dwire to oonBnlt him on reliuious, souial ciio. philosophic, educational, or any other subjoots. ' J. W. FLESaEU, Slinister. M. K CHUKCH, SOUTH. SERVICES, Sunday preaching 11 a. m., 1 p. m., class meeting following morning service. aa8yU"'lay ho1, 3 p- n- EPworth league, Fri- "Let us forsake not the assembling of our lelves together." s Pastor's residence la parsonage, next door to ofcurch. C. K. Howard, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Borvlccs each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7:00. Choir practice Saturday evening at the church. . K. L. Bhri.ly. Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at 8 o'clock, p. m., on the first Wednesday pf each month, at the home of Mrs. T. 1. Matlock Take Notice. 1. The sum of Bye conts per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of rospect," lists of wedding present and donors, fcud obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notlcof el special meetings for whatever purpose. Notices of church and society and all other entertainment from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five Cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Wesall away to Manila bay, the Dons we do not fear; And we'll leave behind the girls we love, cries the Oregon volunteer. With Dewey bold to lead us, and Old Olory in the sky, But ere we pass we'll drain a glass, of Hpcrry's Llnwood rye. Bold only at the Belvadere Saloon, K. O. Bperry, proprietor. if The Uszette is not heralding its com ing with a brass band bnt its circulation oan be determined at the Heppner post office. Advertisers will please note this. Here and There. Bee M. Llchteutbal A Co. for shoes, a Sam Donaldson is in the city from Fossil. What is Hop Gold? Heel bwr rn arlb. Use ad. elsewhere. 1 A. Asbbangh visited Ileppnrr from Eigbt Mile on Wednesday. Mrs. Chss. Hperryis quite ill at the Miideoos of K. C. Wills, in Heppner. OninDSsae's (anions old "Dublin Stoul," lmp0rlJ, at Cbrls Horober' If Lee Kilbonro and Tom Ifevidsoo were in from lbs Oooeeberry section on Wed Bslsf. Ths war is on and bow you ahonld alwcrit for tbs isiflle. Tl.s latest nsws, slwsjs. tf I'siuliM remedy fr itraoting Issth. If Dot as slated, no eliargra. Try Dr. Vaagbao'e new plao. fx)4-tf, Mrs. Nwt Jones, lire Miss J' libra, I down from Hnmpfer eo a visit to brr relatives si this plsae. If yon need something for year sjtUm II at lbs Thine Tl.s Telephone Iood, Oily boiel boil.ln g. tf Iksl erxornmo1t(m sod ootirlon treatment at tbs Imp-rlsl tfntoL.Hevtntb ed Wash. His., Tortiand, Oregon. liring lour M.Irs, t 'a i. I furs I1 Iio. Msttsws, at lb Lilwny Most Mark!. II psre bigbeot markrt price. na-tf. E. O. Nolle A Co. sr. rollre after basil s(, T'sflil salill ant hr. lo be f mid-I la tlp( Her. N 1 1. if 4 ia Ibis las ia. If, Dr. John W. ftemi. c.f th ltl llgbt," tr ni tt f.if tnrorlbtog , fnftil.li "1 lh f,nrt ck tails Ir V Ian I-MsnhalUtj, Jerarf, Vsnuoulli r (1m - tusxls by an artt la lb bu.s. Dr-'p ia su j li It s lasts out of onr (noatb. tf J. . . . htUi'l'- 4'4i- l.i 4,.., ., , a t I 4 . I LJ SmS 1 ' fj ... 1. tf L e Paine is OTer from Hamilton. Cbas. Bej mer is Id from Eight Mile today. J. B. Nanamaker was in Heppner Weduesday. Mr. and Mr. E. R. Bishop are visiting mends in Portland this week. Licbtentbal & Co. for shoes. Exclusive shoe store.. Handles the best. 83tf A lively baseball game is one of the features promised for the Fonrth John Crismao was over from Long creea- tbe first of the week for freight. Cbas., W. J. and Albert Emery Were aown from Parker's mill Wednesday lust. Heppner will oelebrate the Fonrth and the fall of Santiago de Cuba at the same time. Miss Martha Neville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neyille, near Heppner. Joe Bannister took down a oar load of cattle on last FriJav. for th TTninn Meat company, of Portland. Geo. Thornton is just recovering from severe burns on the hand oanaed by an aooident with oarbolio said. Mr, William Wbelan. reDresentinar the Union Meat company, of Portland, was in Heppner on Wednesday last. Ohaunoey O. MoDmald. representing Uorbett, Failing & Robinson, of Port land, was in Heppner Wednesday. Miss Minnie Her, aooompanied by her little consin, left on last Friday for a Visit with relatives at Oregon City, and elsewhere in the valley. Judge Stephen A Lowell came over from Pendleton ou Thursday to attend to Borne oirouit oourt matters. He returned home ou the nigbt train. Wm. Hughes on last Saturday pur chased at sheriff's sale the Geo. Swag gart plaoe, situated near Tub springs. Tbe prioe paid was $1,800. Wm. Ellery, representing Hollowell, Donald & Co., of Boston, wool oommig- sin merchants, was in Honnnnr loot week in the interest of his firm. Mrs. Jasper Griffith, who bad been visiting her mother, Mrs. Cbas. Jones, of Heppner, for the past month, departed on last Friday for her home at Weiser. Morrow county's newly elected officers will be sworn in on next Tuesday. Mon day is a )egnl holiday, henoe no legal business oan be performed on that day. Lidies, take tbe best, If you are troubled w ith constipation, sallow skin. and a tired feeling, tske Ksrl's Clover Tea, it is ploasaot to take. Sold by Conser & Warren. v W. E. Gentry was in town the first of the week aaoompnnit'd by bis wife. He expects to leave in a few dsys for Oakes dale, Wash., where be will spend the summer in ths harvest fluids. Editor Patterson returned on Wedne.s day morning from a short business trip to Portland. He was called back to Portland on tbe same evening to appear as a witness in a oase before tbe United States oourt. Mifs Eva Brians hns boen seleoted as the Goddess of Liberty on the Fourth and is busily engaged getting ths forty-six little girls ready for the part tbey will have la the performance oa this Impor tant occasion. A subscription is being raised for tbe purpose of preparing for a barbaqne ou tbe Fourth. The Gcz.-tte hopes the parties having this matter in charge may luecaed, as a barbaqne would be a great dri ving card. J. VV. Vaughan, for a nomber of years engaged in the mercantile business in Heppoer, took bis departure tbe first of the week for Newberg, Oiegoo , where be expects to go into business, lie was ac companied by bis family. Hon. W. H. Wilson, of Tbe Dalles. bas (men chosen as t!ie orator of tbs day at Heppner on the Fourth. He issiij to be one of the best orators in the state and our oitiEens are promised treat in this line on Ibis oocasion. Tbe Orttetta is In receipt of a letter from Oeo. French, dated at Weiser, Ida- bo, June 21 Us reports the weather very but aud dry, but the aline? drive is progressing nicely. His adlress fore time will be Belleview, Idaho. Married. At tbe parsonage of tbs M. E. church, Hntiib, at 8 o'clock 00 Wednesday evening, Jons ?J, 1HJS. iiev. C. IL Howard officiating, Mr. W.T. Uatteo lo Mrs. Fsnnia Brown, both of this city. Tbe Uaeetle extends congratulations. Percy C. Holland, representing the Pacific Paper eompsny, of Portland, was in Heppner on M e-lues.Uy doing basi. nms for bis firm. Mr. Holland is an old riiinlDlRoe of Mr. (Vie, of lhe 0rtie furre, bating bu school bojs together in lhe East. Oeo. Rome and wife ware arrested and tskrn brfore Judge Kirhar'laon no Wi-duM l.y, on roiiipUlnl of J. O. Wat sod, wbo rbargsd the II'iidm with stal- log sores of bis o1otb. NotfJjJingeny vidrnre of guilt sgaiusl tbe parties, tbs juda's dltmiitaoj tbe cas. A) tbe Hoppnar Candy Factory is lbs place to get eol, rrfresLiog summer drink. Ja. INrt ro furnish too milk ehkket, sod'i, tr erearn smla, ri,g ios, p.tj cl Iff, rla. InsOroam booths rioely filt1 np. Cims sol try the Dr flifot e tiw Ihiiif end 'v floe. OU tf Fratk MrKarUud bs lre apixilotod s mI Bgil of The Ieilable ljf As sarauee t'o, of NVw York, tb strotigMl 10 tb winlL ( ash surplus In p'lllry holders ol over ful roillk.t dollars. Uxi't take insiirane wilboul swing lhe DS .ns rf lbs f' j vUl.U. i.nr-e tx-lb arte at rati. 7Tlf I'ul.in iiur wi:i i-m It'll by I be cbafil,ts of ippnr sxh Hoe Jsv tvu leg d .rog lb cioe lb ol July, leg inning ! Kunilsy st lie ( bristise rborab. lis . I ;bf. f tbs M. E. ebereb, will ilbf ( 'h t t'tstt tin ir supply tbe toJpit, T the ' b ii)g pahlif f tbe ! f'su(l t'i rtibW ll.i so- HOUStre tt.t. Dyspepsia cuied. Sbilob's Vitalizer immediately relieves sour stomach, 00m icg up of food distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Con ser & Warren. T It you want the latest war news, the freshest local happenings, city or oountry, get the Gazette, semi-weekly, Tuesday and Friday. Patronage belDS make a paper. Compare it with those of other towns the size of Heppner and the UoZjtie will not sutler thereby. if Pendleton Tribune: Mrs. F. J. Van Winkle and ohildren left 00 today's train lor Waitaburg. From there she will travel with her invalid sister to different places. They intend to spend tbe sum mer guing from plaoe to placa ia bops that her sister may be benefited. While the volunteers andothar troops. on their way to Manila, were at Hono lulu over 7,000 letters were written by them. The nostaee. amounting to 8-141 was paid by tbe Hawaiian government. Most of the waiting was done in the iegieiauve nans, rue stationery was furnished free of charge. East Oregonian: N. W. Potwine and Miss Ida E. Potwine, father aud sister of Rev. W.E. Potwine, will leave Thursday evening for , New Haven, Conn. They will be joined at Walla Walla by Miss Cannon, of St. Helen's Hall, Portland. and several others, and the journey mode together as far as Chicago. Geo. Thornton reports that he is im proving from the burns wbioh he re ceived while wa ting on Fred Bartholo mew. He was usiug oarbolio acid on bis hands as a disinteotaut, and the solution being loo strong, burned both bis arms very badly and it us feared for a while that tbe result might be serious. Through tbe kindness of Mrs. Amelia de F. Smith, publisher, (be Gazette has received a copy of the "Oregon Ofli iUl Roster". It is indeod a baudsome nub- lioation, containing the signatures of nil tbe Oregon volunteers, also cuts of the field and line officers, oamp scenes, etc It is something every one should have. Judge Bartholomew reoeived word yes terday moroiog thnt Jesse Berkley. whom he tools to tbe Good Samaritan hospital at Portlund a short time sinoe to be treated for white swelling, wis much worse, and that bis parents ought to oome aud see bim at once. Word whs eeut to his parents to this effect aud they departed on Inst night's train to be at the bedside of their sou. This neok o' the woods w is visited hv a splendid rain on Wednesday night aud Thursday whioh assures Morrow county an abundant harvest this season. The rain no donbt injured the hay oron to some extent, but the damage is not great as tbe weather has turnel off bright and warm and what hay is down oan be dried iu good shape. We bear little complaint from the owners of hay orops, at any rate. J. E. Hosmer, editor of the Toroh of Reusnn, a "freethoughl" taper publish ed at Rilverton, Or., was in Heppner a few days this week, aooompanied by his wife. While soliciting subscriptions for his paper, he was also wurking in the interests of a school at Silverton, under the control of the Oregon State Seoular Dn ion. Mr. and Mrs. Hosmer left yef lerdnv for Wagner, where Ihey will at tend a convention of tbe Oregon State Seoular Union, and also tbe exercises to be held at that place in honor of tbs late Katie Retain Smith, a disoiple of Ibis very peculiar fuitb. Kd. Cox was down from Hardman today. A. and J. Palmcter. residents of John Dav. were in Heppner one day this week. Johnny Crismsu. of Lone Creek, nulled out this morning with a big load of freight for mer chants of his town. Lee Kllbourue was called iidoii Iiv Recorder Richardson to pay a fins Wednesday for uslim obscene language on the streets. Carpenters are busy lettini the rand stand ready for the Fourth The exercises will b held near the McFarlaud brtrk on Main street. and all necessary arrangements lor the comfort of visitors will be provided. A hsi storm in Garfield county. Wash., de. stroyed40 acres of wheat for George Rtollcap, and D. U. Knlttle and Mr, Rohlnett each lost a 100 or more acres. All vegetation In Hie vicinity Whs destroyed by the hall storms. Ths O. R. A K. Co. are putting up a neat and commodious depot at lone. This has been needed for some time and the Gartt congratu lates the clllrens of our thriving young neigh bor that at last her demands are being recog nised. Dell K no 1 Urn's Comedy Company render.! th well known comedy "I'nrle Josh" to a liberal audience last night. Tonight the troop 111 glv"(.'ulia"an up lo date tilav which will prov attractive to all our opla who will at tend. Mr. K sow Hon Is one of ths bnt known and most sorniaftil comedians on th road. Arllnston Ktrord. This cnnoaiiv la LHImI in show In Heppner for a few evenings, beginning tomorrow night. Harklea's Arsira halv. The lkt Salve iu the world for Cute, Uralmm, Sore, Ulcers, Halt Hbeum, Fever Hores, Tetter, Chapped Uaods, Chilblains, Corns, am, all Hk'o Krop tions, and positively enres PiUs or do pay required. It Is guaranteed to give lrlfct atifotlon or money refunded. Price 25 rente par box. For sale by K locum Drug Co., K. J, hl'XMini, maosgrr. FCl'KTM OF JIXV KATKli For lbs F.mrtli i.f J ul IU O. It A Co. ill Sell eiAuri-in llcsvls from Uepposr lo any sts'l'io la Oragie end r-tiro, lo cln ling WslluU bti l Wall Wall, at a rate of ons fr f ir roiind trip. Tiaks ill lis ild oa July 21, 3 l.iu 1 4th, good Ut fsturo on July 6th. Fur further In formation - o O. II A N. Sgel.l at lli-i p Mr. iVdi if llraaiy H !.: I. p, (n M'l tic '.n a iir.ii t'. u. So lii r itiioiil it. I a- ik t I .mdy i ilit' t !-n inr I ! ainl j. it 1 ,1 jii I.) stirring op tli i if nvr and luting sil 1111 I.iiiiIm- li'im I-h). ludif tl,!ti ,iiii.1 U,,l., ,l,,f I,., litir aodlti-'l a . V I v ImImmi fiititr it,,n I.f l4lhiis C mm jrrl, Iwtiity .,r lflils. Allilmg liU, slU tn.n giiriiim. In, , , U . ?flaJ As the pral proprietor fthe()e. stt ! I'' llpper ikio, diwirnq i4 rilling Up Lm sflalr. b. i. Vib.l i d i bits e nieal tia ! n-, mt thai 1 (. ran o.mI all diue la. Drop to id a III ef astonl. IT tf assault and Battery Case. Jndge Richardson was called Boon to preside in case last Tuesday tbat was very much out of lhe ordinary. It was a assault aud battery oase preferred against Mrs. Robinson by Miss Mabel Munkers, both of Eight Mile. Mrs. Robinson was accused of assaulting Miss Munkers on the 25d inst., using bolts, king pins and other ornde implements of warfare. Mrs. Robinson plead guilty to tbe charge aud was fined by the oourt (18. Everybody Bays 80. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of tbe age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently ami positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, clcanslnsr the entire system, dispel colds, cure hondaolie, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buv and trv a box of O. C. C. to 3ny; 10, 25, 50 cents. Boldand guaranteed, to cure by all druggists. FOU HALE. Ranch, 320 aores, good land, 4 miles of Heppner, all fenced, plenty of water. bouse and barn, 140 acres of summer- fallow, all ready for fall crop. Easy terms. Call at tbe Gazette offioe. 654-tf To Core Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 25c If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. $100 KEWARD ! Will be paid for information leading to lhe arrest and conviction of any per son stealing oattle branded "WH" con nected on the left side. Waddle on the nose. Percy Hcqhhs. 45-novS Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets. riiin.lw rinthnn.ln ,1 ,1 . 100. If C C. C. fail. drueeisiB refund nnn. THE EMPRESS OF JAPAN. Judged by Japanese Standards She Is a Patrician Beauty. "Considerably taller than the aver age woman of Japan, her majesty (the empress of Japan) presents to the gaze nil those attributes which her people hold to be most exoressive of na.trini.in beauty," writes Mrs. Robert P. Porter in ine muiea' riome journal. "Of slight figure, straight in outline, 6he has the delicate waist, sloping shoulders, slender neok and lone, nale fane to lie Ren only among the nobility of Japan. Her features, i-speciall v the nose, btf rr,oro decided than one is accustomed lo find. She bas the lone eves and brows and the jet black hair, growing in that ftrch upon the forehead, which, suggestive of the beloved Mount Fugi yama, is considered a crowning beauty in Dai-Xippon. The empress has also the exquisite hands of the .TananeKn gentlewoman, and her tiny feet lose notiung in beauty bv beine- incased in shnrply-tiointed Euronean shoes. Her majesty wore," continues Mrs. Porter in describing the cherry-blossom gar den party, "a rich, very soft brocade of native manufacture and the nurest, silk. It was of a delicate golden-brown, with figures in the same color, repre senting roses and chrvsamthemnms nnd made in the prevailing nuropean style, with large sleeves ni:d full skir. Her bonnet was ajittle French ofTnir in delicate colors, and she carried In her nanu a large parasol which harmonized wun ner gown. A Legend of Lombardy. An old Lombard legend tells the story of a chieftain wbo asked the hand of a neighbor's daughter. . Upon its being refused him he declared war, killed the chief who hnl declined the honor of be ing his father-in-law, and married the girl after all. Not satisfied with this much, he hud the skull of his wife's fa ther mounted in gold as a drinkingcup, and one day, while under the inlluence of wine, ordered bis ajxiuHe to uppenr before the assembled guests at his house and drink to his henlth out of the horrible bowl. Rhe did so, but ever after was her husband's seeret butmoKt deadly enemy. She joined in a con Bpirooy which eventually resulted in the king her husband's annas! nation. Care that conb with Nbilob'i Care. The best cnaRb oare. Relieves oroap promptly. One million bottles told last year. 40 doses for 25cls. Bold by Con ser & Warren. v Crippled by Rheumatism. . Those who have Rheumatism find themselves growing su-adlly worse all the while. One rvason of this is that the remedies prescribed by the doctors contain mercurr and potash, which ul timately inU-nsify thediw-ase by caus ing the Joints to swell and stiffen. Broduclpg a severe aching of the (Mines. . 8. 8. has been ouring Rheumatism for twenty years even the worst cases which seemed almost Incurable. 0P. O. I. Hach. ths popalar railroad andurUir, ol (..lumlrta, H. li., Um an tri no with Hhsumatism which eunvinwd him I b . I tlira ! r. I v ... mrafor Uial painful rtls s. II My; "I was a f rl aurltrr from mus aolar KliomaUm lay two ysar. 1 eonld r Bo ormaaans rrll.l tmm any marllnlna prv I v Biiifiymyi.hyslrlaB. fp'A I Un.k st.njl a lMn Ikv Wi' Um ol y.mr . a. and r Bow I am as a 1 i. ' 'f ura that your ntSlatn V v A "M mm, ant I woolj '' ,, ' T. 1 r"tnmnd It to anvona"" ' B"Wl. ttfl.rlm (roBi any hluo4 dlsa." KvnrybixJy knows (hat Rheumatism Is a dii'sl ttate of the bhxid, and only a blood remedy la the only proper treatment, but a remedy eonulning potash and meroury only aggravates the trouble. S.S.S&Blood bln Purlf Vf frA dlrwrt to vauw wie-nMsi IM m Wr manant cure alwsys rulis. It is the wily I.U4 rsmi, r-iarsnisl lo cm- Uln no potash, mercury or other dan fvni mlnareJe. Iionks mailed fr by Hwifi Sieifh 0in party, Atlanta, Ueorgie. CONSER & WARREN. LEADING DRUGGISTS. A rufiiplftc bto k of wa in flock. Canful of itt e t iitions. C2IEEH Come Out and Hear " ilsii t& '. www rts ft w i MONDAY, JULY 4th, 1898. The biffffest time Hennner ever saw will m ushered in on by the usual grand ball day i. 1. 1 i. ? uuueiic exercises. uncle Sam will do the thing up brown. Mummirylna; the Dead. A method of inunimif vine the ilond hv ubsorption of humidity and gases after uie uoiiy is jilaced in the coflin has been devised by 1111 Italian named Vereelloni. The body seems to lie preserved as if in life, excepting that the color is the yel lowish copper tint peculiar to Erypl tian mummies. Hello Isle. Detroit's celebrated park, llelle Isle, was purchased by the city in 1879 for $200,000. Since then over $1,000,000 has been spent In Ixautifying the spot. Thousand liyhiij It. Iu order to prove the great merit of F.ly's Cream llnhn, the most eil'ootlve ours for Catarrh and Cold in Hand, we have pre pared a generous trial sizo for 10 cents. Out it of your druggist or send 10 rents to ELY 1)1103., 53 Warrou St., N. V. City. I sulTored from catarrh of the worst kind evor siuno a boy, aud I never hoped for cure, but tlv's Creiun llalm aiiia In A.. even that. Many acquaintances have used it with excellent reHiilts. Oscar Ostruiu, 4S Warren Ave.. Chioaim. Ill ' D I ' Ely's Cream Balm is the aoknowledKd euro for catarrh and contains no cocAins, mercury nor any inlurious drug. l'rice, 60 "N. ' I il i nr vtil. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear" ot &&tfffizfa Mathews & Gentry BARBERS Sh'a'vvn9 5 Cents. V f V Hhop two iliMirs Hnutli of 1'natiirncL. Gibson & Berger, AtCliBsJiiiii'(), HtaiKl. Hhuviii. - - 15 CIh. Hair Cutting, H.r IiatliH 2.M-. Kvt'ry tiling Strict ly Tirt CIiimh. The CALIFORNIA Lodging House BEDS 28 ana 60 Cente. (JKO. C. K0.MK, I'rop. Next door to Opera IIouhc. G. B, HATT, "TV f l A . lOIiSOflcll ArtlSl. Shevlea, Hair CHttief, simp, Mstik iiiriwr. 15 Ceeia 25 M ll'l l'lor, llrrymi. ptir' an! fr h ilru a atNntiun .i. I., f U 1 i i SCREAM! July 4th by a series of salutes, doings on these occasions. A and night. Outdoor sports and w"v i a - . IP IT Umbrella IV T You want wo can supply just received an assortment of Drummer's Samples from the largest umbrella and parasol house in America. They were personally selected from a full line of samples and represent the cream of their immense stock. PRICES R0NGE ... , . . . , ,. , VYO IlllVO &m reCt'lVCti a beautiful llllO Ol . Fancy Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Patriotic Novelties, I ted , White and IJluo Helts, Bows, Ties and Handkerchiefs, espe cially for the ladies. Beyond doubt the li Selection of Ever brought before your notice. They are nil opened up and on the shelves. They are worthy of your most careful attention. Call nnd see them early. Minor & Co. t,il V. ;p The Palace a-S&sK WJi 1 " Utn - v i sm Who has amir! ths s. rTli sol MRS. A1AR6ARET VON CAD0W Ah iiianapT. It will burun in firt chiHS nhapo in cvrry dt partment. Itatcs n aHonablu SAMPLE R00M3 IN CONNECTION. T1IK PALACE IIOTKli HAH, J. C. JiOltCIIKItS. Prop. Ktrps the Finest Wines, Liquors nnd Cifjars. DOOTS AND SHOES'j. tmc pt,acc le-iciriwriiAi iv 1hr b.'si.ytni.,, inlhulm. ih.l nu Mtr s , ,,n a.imu4 an It iu t. t a '! aitl. ia ah. li,., (.,.,,..u, h, SHOES IN ALL Till! LATLST STYLOS. Ola tie... Main tr.. HealrM Ss.leit, 1 22 years old the Eagle 18 AN or Parasol 't T your every need. We have o FROM 50c to $8 Novelties and Fancu ' sf o 1 w t THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, J.C. JJ01CIIl$It to cir tmim it or CO.