Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 01, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Friday, July 1, 1898.
CHICAGO, Jane 29. A News special says Sampson has definitely
ascertained Cervera's position to be near a high hill at the entrance of
The Gazette is not heralding its the harbor and safe from American shells, but Cervera cannot damage
coming with a brass band but its the American boats nor train his guns against Shaf ter'a men.
circulation can be determined at MADRID, June 29.-The queen today authorized the formation of
the Heppner postoffice. Adver- f '
will nlB note this. aD axillary squadron of warships at Cadiz.
..... r
BAIQUARI, June 27. News received from the Cuban headquart-
DUE TO PROTECTION. er8 Bav8 the Spaniards are strongly entrenched at St. Ursula and
I t t. i u : i l cs l: i i i -.1 i
The influence of j epublican poli- "H5uu,tuuiiiuiiuieUiruwb u nuiuw u uibWNUiu
cies upon the good times which be- batteries supported by 6,000 men.
gan to prevail when the Gorman- Shafter gave rigid orders for troops not to have an engagement
Wilson tariff was supplanted by w;th tbe Spaniards until absolutely necessary. He wants to keep the
the Dingley measure is Bhown in t & rea(J or & decigive attack and expecta the Spaniards will make
bold relief by the manufacturing . ,
..... . c , . a strong resistance.
statistics of the fiscal year now
drawing to a close. When the LONDON, June 30. The News says that the government will
new period of prosperity began, its ' ' .
moving cause was challenged by shortly commence a great ship building program, involving the use of
the democracy with the statement every English ship yard.
that the advance of prices and the CAPE HAYTIEN, June 30. Furious cannonading was heard
release of capital were due to the thifJ orerjoon in tne Winward Passage off Mole St. Nicholas which
famine in India, whicn naa maae .. ..
,. , , . still continues.
on oTtrn.nrriinn.ri7 flfimftna lor
' . . FTVflQTnM Tuna tll Tf i'a nmxrls tkoe fV,r .QronJQli Viott
American breadstuffs. Undoubt- uu . v yu.
edly thb famine did much, but a evacuated Coney, near Santiago.
good foreign market for wheat did MONTREAL, June 30. The Spanish consul has been instructed
not quadruple the output of iron tQ enter & tea against Canada alowing the United gtates r6venue
and steel mills, revive the textile , ... , , , T ,
. , , . , ,, .... cutter Gresham to paBS through the canals from the Great Lakes to
industries and recall the millions r a
which went into hiding when a he 0eai1 a9 il wil1 be UBed for war Ppones.
free-trade democracy trod Ameri- LONDON, June 30. The Chinese legation here denies the re-
can manufactures under fot. One portl tnat spain has bought two vessels from their home government.
had to look elsewhere , than to
Are gaming favor rapidly. fjaa
Business nien and travel- CM II
lers carry them in vest III
pocket, ladies carry them a"
in purses, honiekeepers keep them in medicine
eloteta, friends recommend them to friend, ft
tag them with tampering with the elec
tion returns in the county olerk'a office
before the vote waa canvassed.
Samuel Roberta, night watchman at the
conrt Louse, at the preliminary examina
tion baa testified that be saw the three
defendants and L. V. Eblen, county
clerk, now absent from the oily, enter
the oonrt bonse about midnight, June
11. He afterwards saw County Olerk
Eblen leave the building with a roll un
der bia arm.
Union Church Services.
The ministers representing the differ
ent ohurohes of Heppner met one da;
this week and completed arrangements
for anion servioes to be conducted on
Sunday evenings during the month of
July. The program arranged is as fol
lows: July 3d, Christian church, Rev.
J. W. Flesher; July 10th, M. E. churoh,
Bishop Morris ; July 17th, M. E. ohurch,
South, Rev. Henry Barnbart; July 24th,
Baptist oburob, Rev. O. R. Howard;
July 31st, M. E. oburcb, Rev. R. L
Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for
this issue which speaks volumes for
them, but the goods are there, all first
class, and prices to match. Call in and
Mr. Rhea will see that you get what
you want.
India and the wheat for the cause
TAMPA, June 30. Three more transports left this forenoon for
lr t Tl H 1 s ; "1 1 . ll 11. . A.
of that. The tariff and the tariff oantiago. it is expected mat oppmger win go wuu me next ex-
alone, unless we except the general pedition, which leaveB in a day or two.
confidence in republican policies
of whatever nature, was and is pointmeut to the Oregon City land
visible as the inspiring source of office, there was a mighty howl
the new industrial prosperity. that Mr. Geer had been abused,
How great that prosperity has and a great demand was made for
become, to what height it has his appointment at once. The
mounted in a twelvemonth, the great Oregonian seemed to have
annual report of the bureau of forgotten the good work of the
statistics attests. From that com- gold democrats . lie was loud
prehensive and impartial record in his denunciation of the treat
we learn that the exports of manu- ment of Mr. Geer but there was no
faotured articles for the fiscal year solicitation for Mr. Black, repre
exceed those of any previous year, senting the gold democracy,
and for the first time in the history It might be proper to interject a
of the country they exceed the im- word here. This "horse play" was
ports of manufactures. In ten not intended to help Mr. Geer, but
months the excess over imports was a direct stab at the delegation.
has been $10,000,000, with $10,000,- It was not expected that Mr. Geer
000 more in sight for the two re- would grow into timber suitable
maining months. Last year the for governor, to ursurp the place
difference waB the othor way by prepared by Simon for Governor
over $27,000,000. Lord, who was scheduled as his
The items of expansion in the own successor. But Mr. Geer grew
volume of domestic product cover in favor, and even Mr. Simon was
a wide range. The exports in compelled to give him a left-band
agricultural implements, for in- ed endorcement.
Btance, have risen to $0,000,000. The inconsistency of the Ore
Locoraotive enginos, bar iron, gonian is so apparent, it
hard warn, nails, iron rildtos and is so manifestly uufair, that
sheets, all forms of iron and steel, no one can be blinded to this,
leathers, oils, pnraffine, soap, glass- If Mr. Black's coutiuuauce iu oilice
ware, rubber, cottou and woolt'u is so neceHary uow, it was just as
goods, chemicals, brass and copper needful when Harvey was howling
are among the articles of com-Ugit the delegation for their
morce which are selling as they action last fall which took Mr. Geer
never sold beforo, both at home out of the list of candidates for
and abroad. The total exportation oollector of customs. It all shows
of manufactures in the fiscal year just as plain as day that thero is
ending in 1898 amount to $1.50,- not tho least consistency in
300,087, ami for the following year Harvey, and that principles and
the estimatoa rauge up to '2'.K),- mon must wait while he veuts his
OOO.MO. splonotio instincts.
Such n showing as this, coupled
with a healthful exhibit of cus.
i.. : i... The lanl man on earth who
inc measure the republican CRm. ould talk about any person's dis-
tmiun nroi.liociesof 1H1ML It ia not bonOHty ' 11 Hl!l,tt- TLe Ua
the least of the benefits acquired zetto lmH duraotitary evidences
that no party for long years to ,n ,U P"""". which shows that
come will be rash enough to attack Lw connection with the Portland
the nroteetive t)oIirv. Ttat tx.liev custom, cilice only ceamul who
ha .o Wifiml it!! 1, r,,,,..!., forced to reigu by lleueral (Jraut,
that it presents a stone wall to R,ul t,,Rt hrt WM the
every form of political opposition. ,u,a ,,f R,)out nm) tbat a.
It has come to stay; it can hold Its ma ira auer uus ren.g.
own. To endeavor to supplant it nal,OD thcro ,t,U r,,UR'u,Hl Ki,",t
bonfl. bv .olimlulM lmt.ril(i him, owiug the governni.ut, a sum
mioi. the discarded Gorman- Wil. H nwn'y. OVtr rttortiti i.
a --- - - -
a prince among men; he is a god
compared with Harvey Scott
The Portland Chronicle, a very
small sheet, edited by a very small
man wno got very mad at ex
Senator Mitchell because he
couldn't bulldoze Mr. Mitchell into
giving him a place at the "public
teat", is having a few spasms.
They are not hurting anyone.
Tbe Salem Sentinel's "exposi
tion number" is at hand and is well
worth the perusal of the people of
our great state. Mr. Irvine has
shown commendable enercv in
getting out this issue.
A Clever Trick.
It cerlaioly looks like it, but there is
really no trick about it. Anybody can
try it wbo bas lame baok and weak kid
neys, malaria or nervoos troubles. We
mean be can cure himself right away by
taking Eleolrio Bitters. This medicine
tones np tbe whole system, acts as a
stimolent to the liver and kidneys, is a
blood purifier Bnd nerve tonic. It cures
ooDstipation beadacbe, fainting spells,
sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and
restores tbe system to its natural vigor.
Try Eleotrio Bitters and be oonvinced
that they are a miraoie worker. Every
bottle gnaranteed. Only 50 cents a
bottle at Sloonm Drug Co's, E. J Slo
oum, manager.
Toe Oregonian never had a good
word for General Grant. It even
revils his memory. The reason is
plain. It is Harvey's personal
hatred coming out.
son law will be one of the
eaHii'Ht ways to political suicide, -S.
F. Chronicle.
r-i i i. t '
remaps you nave mauc
Harvey Noott linn often beeu the
atihjoi't of diHcuHKiou in the new
pnpts of Oregon. Mont of them
agree that he it always unfair, if
hi ow n ptrotial uplecn nn( apit
enters iuto the matter to bo con
sidered at ln hand.
Tor inatnnce, tnlft Hie npfHiint.
ment of r&tteraou to sutveivl
Black. t)no would bi forcl ti
bolii've, if they aro coimtmt read
ers of thi Oreouiaii, that Mr.
BUt'k'it enfrcel lOHitiatiixi, after
letting aTel luorothau live years
M colhvtor of custoiua, pnrt of it
uuder a republicau reident. was
wrenchiig great gobs of tears
froin the rye of Harvey. That
Lit son I mas full of nioital agony
I a u" this creat democrat was I
not ta riH'eivs further recognition.
It it worth w hilt to l'k Into this,
however, lfie jutuping at c b-chii"n.
Wl.en Mr. (leer's apj Kch'.i u fir
tho place was ut ai l y Lit ap-l
up your mind to take
this summer.
Then look for
this picture on ,
the wrapper, a
man with a bit;
fish on his back.,
Do not let anyone talk to S
I i... .11
S C'Hd."
NX hen you uint coJ
liver oil and the hypo
phosphites vou nam the
very hcM. Vou will tin J
thcni in only one place,
hcott I niulsion.
There is no other emul
sion like it; nunc other
docs the tame work ; and
no other ha I'c Mine
record of cures.
Kroin the I'dulli'ton Rcpiiblirau.
A I'eudleton paper that apes tbe Ore
gonian lu its abuse of tbe Oregou dele
gation in congress, deplores the removal
of Tom Dlack from tbe offlae of oolleotor
of ouHtoms of Portland, and heaps abuse
npon bia nooesimr, I. N. Patterson. Mr,
Hlack is a roan wholly devoid of moral
character, ha neglected bit wife and
family for years who are forced to rattle
for tbenteelvea, while be spends hit
money In rlbalJmu carousing. Hn
oharaoter is well known to tbe Oregon
ian who baa no nae for him, but be
turves at a meant to an end, namely, tbe
bnae of Henator Mitohell. U lack's de
fense by the looal parwr is due to its de
tire to echo tbe opinion! of tbe Oregon.
Ian, whioh occasionally quotes it as Its
Tbe obarge against l'attertnn.ot whiab
to mnoh hus been made, Is the sale of
impure food to tbe iomatea of the insane
anylnm. It tbe food were diseased a
i'ortland bonne waa in every way re
tt onsihle for it. Tbe goodt were con
tracted for by l'l tor tou with a I'ort
land wholetsle Brra wbo thiprxnl the
good direet from rortland to Falrm,
and tbe goods were never teen by Pat
terson. This was ten years ago. Dr.
Lane wbo at Ibis late date prefers tbe
obarge continued for years alter tbe date
now ri-fcrred lo, to accept lbs goods for
ate at tbe atylnm witbont protest from
the Mm Portland firm. Tbe Oreot.lao
nnnbl not to ratallib tbe prreedeot of
going tack far to dig up a man's
rroord One of lhe days it will be
tbowo why I Ue fry He. ilt wat fired nnt
of the offio of r"llfH- r of rnatoma Id
Portland, ami fr whirh he Md Konalor
Mitrbrll iMpon.iliU and nvr forgave
him. II la an old tlorr and rtntrt buck
lo l;n. when Mr. Ke.lt time and
aain vioUld Ibeiustrnctioni tif the d
partment by t.!l-ctig to ninke Ibt
pror rerrotUnere He mitd In
keeping on band in violation of the rnlre
Irora lt.ViM lo H (Xof Uncle Ham's
money, and tbe combined Inlltience of
rvnaior Mitchell and lleorge II. Wil
lUms eonM ii"l hit brad. He was
removed and from that day In tliit h
baa iritrntlT f.mght Henalof Mitchtl .
Ihe-e a'e fc'e ll knoaa lo the lend
in re poblicaiiS l thlt eleU, but, r
baw, iievtr ltfore utliett,l.
McClare't Hagszine for July.
Tbe opening article of McClure's
Magazine for July portrays the private
and official lite of President MoKinler
from tbe first dawn of the war crisis
down almofet to tbe present moment
Only four of our presidents have had to
oonduot a war; and bow President Mc
Kinley oonduots one is here related with
a most interesting wealth of detail. Tbe
illustrations of the article consist of
typioal war-time scenes in the White
House and departments, drawn from life,
and a number of excellent portraits from
recent speoial photographs.
Stephen Brorjuul, who was himself a
participant in it, tells of "Tbe First
Fight on Cuban Boil" in our war witb
Spain, and his artiole is interestingly
illustrated from photographs taken by
himself. Cleveland Moffett's aooount of
"The Fastest Vessttl Afloat" the "Tor-
binia", which easily makes forty miles
an hour is the narrative of a thrilling
and unique ezpurienoe as well as the
description of a most remarkuble in
ventioo. General Miles, in au nooount
of bis personal experiences as nno of the
guests of honor at tae Queen's J ubile
gives a most impressive exhibition of
"The Military aud Naval Olory of Ejg
land''. Anthony Hope's uovel, "IVipert
of lleutzuu", is concluded in this num
ber in a cosittently flue and heroic way,
l ie interest never pansing to the IuhI
word. W. A. Fraser aud Octave Tliftnel
oontributegood abort atones, and lleury
Newbolt and Husaell contribute notable
war pomes. Perhaps tbe most striking
contribution, however, is Mr. Henry
Norman's paper of impressions of Amer
ica as be Audi it on revisiting it in war
timet. As one of the editors of the Lin
don Chronicle, making tours of special
observation Into all parts of the world,
an Englishman by birth, bnt by educa
tion in part an American, Mr. Norman's
views have an exceptional valne. His
admiration of tbe United Hlatet it very
hearty, and be believe that a future
alliance between tbe Uuited HUtea and
Great Britain it inevitable.
Tn8. tt. MfCi,CKi Co.,
New York City.
141 lr5 East 2otb Street.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at The Dalles, Okf.gon,
May. 31. 1K98.
following-named settler has tiled notice oi
his intention to make Anal proof in support of
his claim, ana that said proof win be made
before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, July 9th,
iH'Jtt, viz:
of Heppner, Oregon, H. E. No. 4392 for the SEJ
bee li 1 i K as B w ra.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Barney P. Doherty, of Hepp
ner, Oregon, jerry Brosnan, ot Heppner, Ore
gon, Vi illiam B. Finley, of Heppner, Oregon,
. jgC: ST P 3? SP ff:
Harry Bartholomew, of Heppner, Oregon
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Mav 81. 18!
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
Dciore A. aiauory, u. B. commissioner, amepp
ner, Oregon, on Saturday, July ?, 1f8 viz:
of Alpine, homestead application No. 3925, for
tne ana fc'.i su,1 see a t i u n a i
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Barney McDevitt, of Ixing-
ton, uregon, jonn KUKenuy, oi uauoway, ore-
ion, cnas. van winme, or uanoway, Oregon,
Sdwara uonerty, oi Lexington, Oregon.
654-65 JAS. F. MOORE,
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Grande. Oreoon,
May 2:1. 1S98.
1 following-named settler has tiled notice
of her intention to make final proof in support
of her cIhIui. and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk ol Morrow county
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on July
1H9H. viz:
KLIZA J. WHETSTONE, formerly Eliza 1,
Fid No737, for'the scH nw.sW ne.nw
se1 and no' swfi sec 27, tp 2 8. r 27 E W M.
Hlie HAinet the following wttnessci to prove
hpr continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John N. Elder, 'I nomas Mat
lock, Frank Kliler and Emma Kilcup, all oi
ueppner, or ego u.
c vv. DABiur. i ,
6.M-62 Register.
The Leader
Of Course!
J; A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures,
'Xl I. i "!.. 4 TL.. ...L.l
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
Is a joy forever." That's what
you'll find at
Heppner, Oregon-
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at LaGrandk, Orkuok,
June IH, iHtm.
i follciwIiiK-uamed settler has riled notice
ol her Intention to make final proof in support
of her claim, ami that said proof will he mad
before the County t'ler of Morrow County. Or
egon, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 30, lwn.vli:
ci.r.n&riiiis. yjn i a.
Administratrix of the estate of Sarah A. Water
man, deceased. T. C. No. iVsj, for the se4 sec. 1,
tp. 2 8 , r. 27 It.
one names tne iouowing wiinenaei to prove
her continuous residenee upon and cultivation
of wild laud, viz: Kolwrt H. Morgan. Ed E.
Kallug, M. J. Devin and A. H. hUmp, all of
lleppuer, uregou.
E. W. Bat1.itt,
W-71 Register,
. , i I ( ... v v.
l.tVDdltll I AT LaUBAKM. OkS.iOM.
Jtltlt- fi, w.
lullowliig.iiainett aettler has llle.1 noil, e
of hta Inlrnllott l ttiak final prMi hi
iipiort if his claim, and that atd ( r. .C will
Im. tnade tl.re the t'outiljr t'lerlt ol M.trriiw
CiMiMly. itikoii, at lleppurr, Oregon, no August
I. !.. l
WtlllAM (irnRliK IIYNP.
U 1 So .'. ..r the new aw. H. t J H , r. K
H natiii'S the l"ll..ln KItiiesu i.nt
Laud Office at LaUahp. Orkuon,
June i:l. IS'.ih
a followlua named settler has filled notice
of his Intention to make llnal pnxil In aupMrt
of hi. claim, and that said proof will be made
before A. Mallory, I tilted htatel commUslnner
for Oregon at Hvpucr, Oregon, on July 2, lxtw,
IM. No nil for the N' Nf and NK'4 N'WI
Her 17. 1 wp INK a.
Ha names the lollowing witneaaM to prove
hi. rontinuniia reaidetira upon and cultivation
ol Mid land, vis: foater Adams. Jsy levins,
John Edwards. A. II. Mama, all ol llrppuar,
....p, ... ..r'.
K. W. Baitlstt.
Laxd orru i at L0srt . oatuoit,
June I.I. wl.
1 f..ltlii( named settler has flleil imiIIi ol
his Intention in mat final trMl In siiiirt ol
hi.iiiiillnnoiii teal.lenrc tip.ui and euliltatl.m ' his claim, and thai Id pn. wilt lw mult b.
H MM land. J..-tdi l.tii hniati. John M
Waddle, M llllain Marrrtt and Arthur Xmltli, all
ul lleppiirr, Otegoii.
K. W. Iltaatrr.
hi 71 Kcjl.tef.
Notice of Intention.
l.D (rrn a at ljnaps. (tan.
one 3'. I
vptut H iirttraY nivri inr ihk
oilo ifitf-iiamr.! aettier has fltrt tiotlc ol
J,l.itfrtillon I ' tnahe final priM f In snl-rt of
hi. claim, ami thai Mid prl III h made tw.
Lira the ixmty i l.-U u( Morrow c. ii.lt lira.
vu, at llci .i.. r, nrrj.m on A i'i. I, u
T. '. Mi J.M. lor lha ', net,, nai, ne and
ira lia are I.' la p a , r .' K
II. ihio.i. Iha i.ni.ialng wtitieM i f.r..a
ll. e.hllmioii. rt-ltettr itpm and enllliattoti
'( Ml.! land, v.i ;4r,h ,nikmtn, J.ilm
TrKtP with mi r.rriKx
awverl a -a la Tr-w la Mlsai h a sWrt.
as t
f f. Ihr O
I. II. !' Vf,-ua)or nf Haletn aa I
H.M.e. Ai Ham U lipid.
mI It. pi-ner, loeaon.
A i. l; J ti- . a
K. W, Wi.ti.rt,
Is thi t im tit mi Mf or tmk tT
t.l iit.-..n. ,,f the County il Mori-ua.
la .otl, I'laliitilT,
Harttt e- vt ndatit,
Moil. I !. f .1.1. .. i. .it
In tttp iiitn. ill the ftti i Oeeirria t.mi ara
IVe.l.t i.imiI I.. at-t a'.t an.e. the r.m
ali.t I l.-l '..) tj,, I., (, almi .iilllVI
t-M ft an.l ..ol on .f 1.. I, -re tKe firl d.t ot I'.e
I- ti r. .il.f I. fm t an ro.iit to all ntc of
I Mora lh alt, l.r ! a- 4 , m an I II fall
U l'lft lof llef.- ..Hill l au
lor a tlx t mi n ty I'lera ol Morrow nullity, lira-
hi, at Heppner. nr.-troii. on July a, law, vis
nr. i r haiku.
IM No SKA for the HWl N KSa. HFV, NWI,
NflaKW'.SWi. fie'.her.ii. Tpsaar. E. Ha
nami-a Ilia lollowltii wltneaa.-a to prove Ms
iNoitliiuoiii rrt.li-nr upon and cultliatlnn nl
Mid laud, vis M irlkll. T A. I'rl.Selt
i.eoraa wrry.Wl Mikawell. allot Heppner,
im (on.
S. W. Bati.stt,
Notice of Intention.
I Al orrirK AT 14 ORANDK, ORfilOX
I 4 Junail. a. Kntie la here). f Ivan that
I IS following named aetller has filed tiollraol
hi Intention Ui make final proof In support ol
hla claim, and that Mid proof will ! made
liora A waliory, I . a. rommtaaloner Mr r-
fui al lleppuer. nrron. nn Aoauat li, 1,
v 1 1 sr. nil Hr hi,
Heppner, Or , Md. No ". t"f tha W, 5'i
- r ia t aim sa se. lap f
a t K
Ha name lha following wttneaatw in fMt
Ida eoiititiiioiia reai-iema iipttn and cultivation
ot aal.l laud. !' I la Itftwhena Slrelof
w ri.o.il Wuiiara Hutu, Ivier H'tng. all ol
Ueppwr. in. a. w, PAHI 1 sir.
j tirrn a at Tat DLts OMnnu,
M,T ti w
Nt'Tti It la MFKFaV tilVFI lfTIIII
totioa Inff naf wl wlllrl iaa ft iew fv.rtt.-e c
hi Intention tai f..a final pr. In ftopfwrt nf
hu laiffl, ami thai Mid prt.f will M .! M
lr tna i outiiy I Ink at lleppMf. Oregon, ua
. . .... . . . k . , I I ! " 'I ee mi nig p.ainiilf Iha tine In k Al I H L ri. F.
laU caadl lata OO tea Iilaloa Iwlsl In I . ,.( th wtat m, M h, i W .4 s ttnn ! nt tjl(to aoRte, ar, ir.i. X.i 4
Marl... rnlf f. j iJ.a o lb- .If IrZJiZWU i TSSSW M
f ml tvmfl, as I Al ofuaya H. T. Khibsij 1 " m" swa 1 m mm th following tti.w o pro
i.,.'i w ,-.-. . I nil e..inniioiia reanienrw upna a f tintatl.w
aaiil J"hB A i'arsa, era arralri'
al Mili-m Tus1ay tthi tin a war rat. I
ta a.s i--t-a--m
saota to In Ju II 1'. n. ibm sui- 1 a 1
raatlaaj.lalal"f rirmul Jn.lga.ctaf I
I'J h f I f 1
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I ,'UvJ lit; A u tl U. ,mi,vii n 1 tal
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ol . 1 ii. t. U .-'t an.oa.
t,,t,, lo.g..i, J,,.t. I f it ol
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Jaa fiiuau. id Laainitiw
nf let 1 g
.!. t
, Mfft.lt,
Jaa. r MiMiat
If you have not yet realized that the
"pood old times" are with us, your
blood is out of order. Get rid of that
"tired feeling" and awake to the fact
that the
Wool Growers'
Is the place to store your wool this season. Whv? Re-
cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not beine in
ll . CI I I ! ... I 1 . r!
me iiem uuyiiiK wuoi ourselves, we encourage competition
amongst the buyers and secure you the highest price.
Head In your order
Wg art selling wool sacks and twine at coat, parahla whan wool 1.
at once.
W s pay the hlgheat rah price (or sheep pelts and hides.
We areagenta for Llttla'a Din aud Klark 11.1 T.k.r.. r.i .t .,.t.i .
dltva nn the market. " . .... pre-ra
Wg pay Irelsht to team.ters whan riieaied toiioaobv owners of wool
We have a lull supply n Heed Barlt-y and Wheal, alao Htewm Holle.1 Harl'ey (or teamiler.
Wreit your teamsters lo the lower war.hoae.. Ma guarantea yoU a square deal
R. F. HYND, Aanaflcr.
Our Rapidly
W are rerelvliig a 8w nnr M (d. almost every da. Oil
InerM.Ing trade demands It, ronaentigntly fiy. ru.t.J,.
Ottr JStcitloiiory
In Completo
XVttgaaa la llawg gkar ulve aita
a ostli
Slocum Drug Co.
Was Perfected by the
Production ol....
Jnd noti the entire mrU1
Knnivn this icrfect vnttluct
.1.1 the Mar Drctccry beer
4 I On draught at
I all popular saloons
B03 Wi.sis.im , ,y,rt..M,o