FROM FOOT TO KNEE Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony From Terrible Sore-Her Story of the Case, and Her Cure. " For many years I was afflicted with a milk leg, and a few years ago it broke out in a aoreand spread from my foot to my knee. I suffered great agony. It would burn and itch all the time and discharge t great deal. My health was good with the exception of this sore. I tried a great many kinds of salve, but aome would irritate the sore so that I could hardly stand the pain. I could not go near the fire without suffering intensely. Some one sent me papers containing testimonials of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I told my husband I would like to try this med icine. He got me a bottle and I found it helped me. I kept on taking It until my limb was completely healed. I cannot praise HootTs Sarsaparilla enough for the great benefit it has been to me. It cleanses the blood of all impurities and leaves it rich and pure." Mks. Anna E. Eaken, Whittlesey, Ohio. You can buy Hood's Sarsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's. Hood's Pills LTI6 'ri,y """"" vw. a a ivg AAii We sail away to Manila bay, the Doiib we do not fear; And we'll leave behind the girl we love, crle. the Oregon volunteer. With Dewey bold to lead ub, and Old Glory In the sky, But ere we pais we'll drain a glass, of Sperry's wuwooa rye. Sold only at the Belvadere Saloon, E. G Bperry, proprietor. lf The Gazette is not heralding its (Join ing with a brass band bat its circulation can be determined at the Heppner post offioe. Advertisers will please note this. Here and There. Joe Banister is in town today. See M. Liclitentbal & Co. for shoes, a Ed. Rood was in from Eight Mile on Saturday. What is Hop Gold? Best beer on earth, bee ad. elsewhere. H. E. Warren and Wright Saliog were in from Eight Mile yesterday. Quinnesee's famous old "Dublin Btoul," imported, at Chris Borchers' tf Jas. Wyland.stook iospeotor.has been down from Hardtnan several days this week. ihe war is on and now you should eubeoribe for the Gazette. The latest news, always. tf Dr. J. W. Vogel, specialist for refrac tion and defeats of the eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr "Oo'n juice" i all right but Low Til- lard has a brand of 14-year-old gonde that is hard to beat. 603-tf. Painless remedy for extraotmir teeth. If not as staled, no obargee. Try Dr. Vaugbao'e new plan. 604-tf . If you need something for yonr system oall at the 'Phone The Telephone sa loon. Oily hotel building. tf Home wool is omnia g in from the in lerlor, but the great rush will not oom menoe for a few weeks vet. Chas, Royse is down from Hardmao today. He has been putting in bis time Ibis summer ridinn after stock. Best aooommodation and oourteous treatment at the Imperial Hotel, Seventh Dd Wash. Sti., Portland, Oregon. Mrs. 0. Gate and daughter, Miss Bertha, will leave on Saturday evening for Walla Walla to spend the Fourth. Bring your bides, pelts and furs to Ben. Matbewa, at tba Liberty Meat Market. He pays highest market prioe. 619-tf. Harry Bartholomew tod wife were over from Pine City on Sunday to at tend the funeral of Mr. F. K. Bartholo mew, Harry'g nncle. E. O. Noble A Co. are rostlere after business. The finest aeddl s and har ness to be found lo Heppner. See their Dew ad in this issue. tr. E. O.: E. H. Clark, Christy fc Wise's representative, retaroed from Ileppner, via Bingham spring, where be spent 'Sunday, on last evening's train. lie porta received from Teel springs annooDoe that Chan. Morgan is resting easy, bat from present iodicatiooe be is paralyieJ in tbe lower part of bia body. Mrs. Cbai. Wallaee, loonmpanied b; Miae Mabel Herren, d'psrta.J on last evening's train for Buffalo, N. Y., on a visit witb relatives In that stats. Tbey will be gone daring tbe summer. Mis Nellie Brown, niton of Mrs. I. L. Vao Winkle, is bere from Caoyon City fr tbe purpose of roiing medical treatment, being a sufferer with weak loogs. Dr. E. It, dwiobarue is Ireatiog ber. Gapt. Prlmoo ami Lfot. Wstpaugb, of tba Salvation army, wealntit to Hani maa on Saturday and remained over Sunday. Tbey report a pleanant viait ami aome interesting meetings while RODS. Sbilob's Connnraptlon Curs oures wbers others fail. It is the lea ling Cough Oars, sod no boms should be without it. !1msdI to tsks sad goes right to tbs spot. Sold by Causer A Warren. g T. M.: 0. A. Cbarlloo, ao attorney of H item, ts lo lbs eity, baviog corns down Ibis morning from Heppoer, wbers bs bas bwa on a bualUMM trip, lis on templet coming lo some point lo East ern Oregna ki loo I'r. John W, Kauai, r.f tb "R. light," ver i he t f.if something , oo fnrnUb ti tbs fitiiwt cock tails Ic Its land Man bat le, Jersey, Veroiootbor Oto mads by aa artist lo lbs bailee. Prop la sod take tbe tea out of yonr month. tf frjrrit, T is. t Ik. e fti-f e I I Pit ... sK32iii waa in from Eight Mils on Saturday. a. u. Gay was a visitor from Rhea creek yesterday. T lAlilnnil,.! L . """"""'w yjo. ror enoes. Exclusive anoe store. Handles tbe best. 83tf J. P. Devin and wife, of Sand Hollow, were visitors to Heppner on Saturday. K. J. Turner and wife were visitors to our city on Saturday, from 8and Hollow oiatemenla for the Famous Simple Aooount File printed at the Gazette of- noe. jf Born In this oity, on Sunday. June 26. 1898. to tbe wife of Robt. L. Beard, a it) pound boy. iDe big posters are out for Heppner's celebration. They were printed at tbe Gazette office. mrs. i. h. tiugbes departed on last evening for an extended visit with rela tives in Missouri and Illinois. J. 0. Kirk is confined to his home in this oity by a severe attack of rheuma tism, tbe first be ever experienced in bis life. C. E. and Pearl Jones, of Eight Mile, were in town on Saturday. They report the orop proepeots for wheat the beet in years. Saturday was a very quiet day in town, most of the farmers and ranobera betas baying. The weather tbe past week has been very fine for bay harvest. Mrs. E. J. Keeney and Miss Dot War motb returned on last Friday morning from a six weeks' visit with friends at and near Eugene, In Lane oounty . Sam Wilkinson and wife are up from Tbe Dalles, having arrived on Sunday morning. Sam will look after tbe pur chase of a few wool dips while here. Catarrh oured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with 8hiloh's Catarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Conser & Warren. x G. W. Phelps and Otis Patterson went down to Tbe Dalles on Friday night's train. Mr. Phelps returned this morn ing, but Mr. Patterson was eompelled to go on to Portland. Wni. Percival, a prominent oitizen of Independence, Polk oouoty, a gentle man largely interested in the stock busi ness, was in Heppaer a few days this week baying cattle. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Tea, the great Blood Purifier, oures beadaohee, Nervousness, Eruptions on tbe faoe, and makes the bead as olear as a bell. Sold by Conser & Warren, x F. P. Vaughan, one of tbe encoesoful formers of Eight Mile, visited Heppner on Saturday. Mr. Vaughau has in over 600 acres of wheat, wbioh from present indications will maie a splendid yield. The town of Condon, in Gilliam ooun ty, 1 as deoided to put in water works at a oost of $40oO. It has $1000 in its treasury and will borrow 83000 more from looal people to complete tbe works. T. W, Morgan, of Gooseberry, was a visitor to Heppner on Monday. Tom will soon be kuowu as Judge Morgan, having been elected jastioe of the peaoe at tbe laet election. He will no doubt make a good justio". Tbe battleships Iowa and Oregon, and the oruisers Tosemite, Yankee and Dixie have been ordered to Spain, under com mand of Commodore Watson. It looks now like the Duns would get a little warming up right at borne. Eagle: Word was received in this oity Tuesday anoouooiug tbe death of Mrs. 8. 1. Preecolt, of Seattle. Mrs. Presoott was a sister e( Mrs. Dr. Miracle, and is known to many in this valley, having spent last year bere on a visit. At tbe Heppner Candy Factory Is tbe place to get oool, refreshing summer drinks. Ja. Hart cao furnish you milk shakes, sodo, ice oream soda, oraog wine, peach eider, eto Ioe oream booths nioely fitted up. Coins and try the Dewey fUvor-e new thing and very floe. 6G1 tf Baker City Epigram: Cbae. Msekrey, ex-reporter of the Republicai, has sued B. F Alley for 36.80, claimed lo be doe for salary. Tbe trial of this action will he beard on June 29 before Jastioe James. Smith ft Heiloer for tbe nlain. tiff, H jbinson & Cols for tbe defendant. It yon want the latest war oews, tbe frexbest looal happenings, city or oonutry, get the Oaiette, semi-weekly, Toeeday and Friday, Patronage helps maks a paper. Compare it witb tboso of other towns tbe sits of Heppner end the Gazette will not suffer thereby. it Frsnk McFsrland ba been appointed special agent of The Eqaitabls Life As snrsnos Co., of New York, the strongeel io tbs world. Cb surplus to policy holders of over So tnillioc dollars. Dou't laks Insurance without seeing tbs Dew plans of tbs Equitable. Insures both exes at asms rates. 77 tf Tbe tire boys are prsotimng op a little witb the b'Me e iris an 1 preparing f r a raoeontha F inrlh. It wool I til In a bad scheme lo keep up the prantioe aid bs prepare I for effectual ervio In es a fire sboald oiins along. Tbr has beso loo much neglect of this matter oo ths pari of oar firs department. Harry rbillips retnroed no Hon lay night from Walls Walla and points lo Umatilla county, lie sold tbs hores bs took op witb him at good price and ex pect to taks another lot op there to bs diepoeed of. Horses ars in demand la that part of Ihscnclrv tble seaaoa aoJ eao be readily sold l good prices, Helem Htstearoeoi Un. and Mrs. J. N. Brow, of HilUWn, Washiogtoa eonnty, era lo tlil cliy, ths gil of lbs UiUr'e i.erei.U, I'r if. snj Mrs. 7. M. I'arvln. Mr. Brown is a sufferer wilb i.irUmmat ry rneqmatiera aoJ will liv fur lloswell spring lo a few day, wbers bs expect o receive sons benefit. ioha VimtPt ba bma elrsoUtlof a fiAlili. . w . k . . .... conril it aroolnt blra as aisbl.aleh. . n iar.ia nnp in. roqaru III do lb i as llrpn' bm1 Ibis klol so mf enlJ.hntSBi d -tihl Ji-l ibsmi. for lb. pine, bi few t'i rviea to Ibis espaoitf i to prwv. , f.. . ..r . E. B. Stanton DEATH OF T. K. BARTHOLOMEW. A Highly Eeteeaed Cltlzea of Heppatr Call ed to His Long Beat. On Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, F. K. Bartholomew, one of Heppner's highly respected citizens, died at bis home in this oity after an illness of aome two weeks' duration. Some two weeks or more ago Mr. Bartholomew was attacked witb erysipe las, tbe result of beinir afflioted at the time with oarbancles on bis neok. At first bis ailment appeared to not be very serious, but it was not long before it de veloped into a very bad oase and the best of medloal treatment and nursing sef med to be of no avail and the painf il news was borne to his many friends that Mr. Bartholomew could not get well and on Saturday eveoiug they were ap prised that the end btd oarns and that another friend and esteemed fellow citi zen had been oalled awav to return na more. The funeral ocourred from the family resideGOe, a short discourse appropriate lo the oooasion being delivered by Rev. R. L. Shelley, of tbe Christi an flhnrnh. wbo was assisted In the services by Rev. O. R. Howard of the M. E. church. South. A very lares catherino of frinnHa and neighbors of tbe bereaved family turned out lo pay their respeots lo the departed and foiled the remains to their last resting plaoe in tbe Heppner ceme tery on the bill. Mr. Bartholomew was a member of tbe Knights of Pythias order at his old home in Illinois, and while he had never put n his membership with the lodge at this plaoe, they turned out in uniform to a man and led the procession to the oem9 tery. Thus another friend and neighbor, one Whom to kuow was to admire and na. teem, for tbe many excelleut and manly qualities whioh he possessed, bas been tagen awBy. To the bereaved wife and daughter, along with tbe other relatives of tbe deceased, the Gazette feels free to express the sympathy of the entire com munity, and in this their sad hour, it would point them to Him whose ways are not our ays, but who in His su. preme wisdom ordereth all things well. He alone can give oomfort and consola tion in sncb trials as these. F. K. Bartholomew wai bom in Elm- wood, in Peoria oounty, Illinoie, on June 21, 1850, and was, at tbe time of hi death, grist 48 years and 4 days oi l. He oame to Morrow county io Dweinber, ihud, and bad been associated witb his brothers, A. G. and H. W. Bartholomew in the sheep industry, He carried in eurance on bis life in tbe sum of 82000,1 Jimmy Dangherty is up from the Lex ington country today. Born In Heppner, on Sunday June lb, 1898, to tbe wife of Jas. Morgan, a 9 pound boy. People of The Dalles are preparing for a grand oelebration of tbe Fourth. Tbe Arlington band will assist in tbe festivi ties of the oocBBion. Brownsville Timae: Miss Cynthia Weatherford, a nieoe of Rev. Sperry, arrived from Arlington last week and is the guest of relatiyes. Wood harvest is in full blast, many wood haulers making their daily trip to town. Wood remains a good prioe, $4 per oord being demanded. btop tbatooaghl Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A 25c bot tle of Sbilob's Onre may save your life. Sold by Conser t Warren. x Mrs. Joe Mason waa io from Rbea oreek today delivering a ohoioe lot of ourraote. Mr, Mason possesses one of the finest froit ranobes io Morrow oounty. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for Constipa tion it's ths best and if after oeing il you don't say so, return package and get your money. Sold by Couser & Warren. j Brownsville Times: Preeideot Fields returned the latter part of lent week from Eastern Oregon, where be bas pat la ths past six weeku looklog after bis large Bock of sheep sad atteudiog lo lbs shearing of ths sams. Eagls: A band of 220 Mexioio burros were driven through Long Creek Wed nesday, and were oo tbe road lo Seattle. Tbey were broogbt from Southern Clab, aod will be sold lu the Sound oity to Klondike outfitting ootnpanies. Broo St Stewart are making soms in ternal improvements to their store. Tbey bavs tskeo out tbe oonoters along one side aod will replace thrm wilb a wide bees shelf, giving tbem more room and adding to tbe oobvenienco of their store room. T. M.: Hon. On I'.nter in. recently appuiuled receiver of Hie land nMos st thia plane is in the city. Mr. Patterson stales Ibat lie will bar Jlv lis able lo go into the office before Aagnet 1st, ss lis oun i arrange to leav s his busiora al Ueppoer permanently before that date. ( kr kalis Hreka a Kecoral. Denvsr, Colo, J. in 25. Chehalis low. red th trsrk reeurl st Overland park by four seooud today sod made lbs faal eat mile paoed in America Ible yea r 2.0.'i io tbs first best of tbs free-for-all. Chehalis also woo the third and fonrtb beat and !! race. The lime of the lat two bU was 21 so I 2 (S'j. Do yon wsnl an silsgrea that won't run like a cowarj when il getsbotT That woo'l gom, lhal wsr well, Ihsl bas oo soid to rum yoor axle, thai is lbs beet male, and warranted li give etir'tionT If yoo rl, yoq wae'l Weelere Hpefllal. 1 1 Is D' . cheap greeae j la-e.1 !, sin, of Sao slid pMti". OQt I one ol lb rliepe.l wliu sv'tnal eervi.e and price are eooaidered. I Wing a graphite greeee there is nnttiins belter f if (riol'Xi o I feeing. Ki.f Is SlOloaively by , C. 1 bnD,, ,n A , fw-r.l Berkles Araiea !,. Tbs Beel Halve lo the world for Cn, Braise. Hnree. risers. Halt Pbsam. 'JrM TalUr, ( bp Ilea. la, j-num, an ni a r.tllr ' lion. an1 tKamivai; rnrmt ril raaj' f.v riiirl. fi I ort.t... lotus' lrlol liUltta or M n. Il i Fflrt. V real pt Iki. rr ! I ' fi,Mi.i... ... .. Hlghwaymea ea Wheel. A wheelman of West 46th street, New York, was attacked, robbed and left senseless by two highwaymen mounted oa bioyclee in Central Park. Repeated euuuums oi roooeries by men mounted on wheels have appeared in tbe papers in various parts of tbe oountry. Those aepredalors of tbe bealtb. diseases of ineamneye and bladder will likewiee eeoape arrest and pursue their atrooious career noonecked, unless they are ar reeiea ny the potent intervention of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, tbe finest dioreotio, as well as tonio, known to moaem times, it is at tbe start that aisease is tbe more easily overcome lhe nse of tbe Bitters is followed by tbe iinpiie8 reauns in ayspepsia, liver oom piaini ana nervousness FOURTH OF JULY RATES. For the Fourth of July tbe O.R. & Co, will sell exonreion tickets from Heppner to any station in Oregon and retnrn, in oluding Wallula and Walla Walla, at a rate of one fare for round trip. Tiokets will be sold on July 2d, 3d,and 4th, good to return on July 6th. For further in formation see O. R. & N. agent at Hepp ner. . 656-tJE Tbe Milton Eagle perpetrates the (ol lowing: An enthusiastio individual of this oity, marriageable, too, by the way, in speaking of the Milton girls recently, Bam: -ineir gjr gjr are tapering and beautifully shaped, ii brilliant as , and tbey are without a in this or any other ; their frowns are like ft their 1234567890 exoite !!!! of pleasure." Young men who want to settle down and be happy should read this J closely, do not ? its reliability but try to em- tbe situation. The Marqnam Grand, on Morrison street in the Marquam building, is under exoelleut management and the publio will be royally entertained this winter. New companies and new faces will ap pear from time to time at this popular, first olass theatre of Portland, and when in Portland our denizens should not fail to take in some of tbe flee dramas that will be presented. tf A Slight Accident. While returniog from tbe funeral on Sunday eveoiug, and when near the old Ayera & Hamilton reservoir, the yoke strap broke and let down tbe tongue of the csrrihge containing Mr. H. W. Bartholomew aod wife and Mrs. F. K. Bartholomew, For a moment it looked as though a terrible aooident would happen, b it it was averted by Charles Bartholomew, who was driving the team, heading the horses for a fenoe, upon reaohlng whiob the team waa stopped. In tbe excitement inoident to the mishap, H. W. Bartholomew jumped from tbe carriage and reoeived some Blight injary by falling on arock.bat aside from this and the breaking of tbe carriage tongue,notbing serious resulted. ' Ileanty Is Ulood Deep. Cleun blood meuim a clean skin. No beauty without it. Caacnrets, Candy Cathar tic ciean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body, iiegin to-day to hamuli pimples, boils, blotches, blacklicad, and that sickly bilioiu complexion by takinn CascaictB, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satiisfaetion guaranteed, 10c, 25c. 50?.. What Dr. A. E. Halter Say. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effeot of your 8biloh'a Cure in oases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is tbe most remarkable remedy that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It has oerlaiuly saved many from oonsumption. Sold by Conser 4 Warren Bpeclal Nutlce. As ths present proprietor of the Ga zette must leave Heppner soon, he is deeirous of settling up bie affairs. What is due bim be mast have at once, so that be can meet all demands. Droo la and settle your account. 67-lf CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children, Trie Kind You Hare Always Bought E. G Noble & Co., I Successors to Noble at Co., ? I Ar ia tlila Arid at tl oll aland with llarnoaa, fixMI. Whip, Kpur. and an cndleM C C lot o! svrrrthltic In thalr Una. K. O. and Mr. l.-o. rm.rlaa the new firm who will pay all l.llla ol the Old Arm aa valla collar! what la due. ) ) J. G. IVOJSTvIS Xj CO. ? ? Are out to do business and plenty of It. Don't s ? overlook this, liepalr work a specialty. ( A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Is that of plain and decorated Chinawarc & Quccnswarc At Gilliam t Bisbee's Aadt;Ui waf ll..r ha.a rihln in; raarall ( U tl. llaanl Uardaara, KWfa and lluaaia. GO WHERE YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT. CONSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A cornph to Mork of way in Hock, (.urtful Come Out and Hear MONDAY, JULY 4th, 1898. The biggest time Heppner ever saw will be ushered in on July 4th by a series of salutes. by the usual doings on these occasions. A grand ball day and night. Outdoor sports and athletic exercises. Uncle Sam will do the thing up brown. Mathews & Gentry BARBERS Shaving Cents. V vv 8hop two doors South of Fostoffict Gibson 8c Berger, At Chai Jone' Old Stand. Shaving. . 15 Cts. Hair Cutting, - 25 M Baths 2oc. Everything Strict ly First Class. The CALIFORNIA Lodging House BEOS 26 and 60 Cants. GEO. C. ROME, Prop. Next door to Opera House. G. B. HATT, Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shop, Matlock Comer, 16 Centa 26 " pilar, Oregon. pur nnl fn drtipi itl- attention paid lo fillin SCREAM! 7 IF IT Umbrella T w Y.ou want we can supply just received an assortment of Drummer's Samples from the largest umhrella and parasol house in America. They were personally selected from a full lino of samples and represent the cream of their immense stock. PRICES FROM 50c to $8 "HHsaaMaaaBBaTaaBa We have also received a beautiful lino of Fancy Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Patriotic Novelties, lied, White and Bluo Helta, Bows, Ties and Handkerchiefs, espe cially for the ladies. Beyond doubt the choices! section ol Miles am Fancy Gaols O J'-ver brought before your notico. They aro all I opened up and on tho shelves. They are worthy of your most careful attention. Call and see t Minor & Co. J fHi The Palace -Jntiily -Has bcen ,cascd by- - 'iiii J. e. j5ojciii$ih ho rtaa awumt iha Mlca- ol AIRS. MARGARET VON CAD0W Ah tiiniinpT. It will bo run in lirnt claxn nhapo in evt ry d partment. ltat-t reanonablc SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNICTION. TII K PALACE HOTEL UAH, .i. o. jJono.r-i3flns.Pfoi. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors ami Cigars. DOOTS AND SHOES D TNI PLACC 1 rT a nrl.h.r In thl. Una ih.l fm, mt ra ,n,t fn dtt4 II toll trl S (,! ai. la wN.M ll. itatau It. SHOES IN Al l TIIF I ATPQT QTVI PC 22 years old the Eagle me. vv-v .SW ft r.' 'if -iK 'ii 'a ia AN or Parasol T o your every need. We have I them early. t THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, ta . TO OCT THCM It 0' uf pri-ccript ions'. ......... m mmm a .w a ak.. iOis) Cani, Mam tire RMirlt Sasslallf