Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 28, 1898, Image 2

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    The Gazette.
Tuesday, June 27, 1893.
The Gazette is not heralding its
coming with a brass band but its
circulation can be determined at
the Heppner postoffice. Adver
tisers will please note this.
The cheap author of the Pendle
ton Tribune's editorial staff gels
bis cue from "ancle rufe".
"We heab about political deaths,
but a few resurrections will be in
order just at the time when least
CHICAGO, Jane 24 The Daily Newi Washington special says: Information
received lodsj states thai the Spaniards have been driven from tbs woodi at
Daiquiri, and tbe remainder of tbe American artillery is ashore. The maroh to
Santiago will begin this evening. Twenty-five dead and wounded Spaniards were
fonnd in tbe positions oarried by Shatter. Cabana are driving Spaniards into
Santiago after severe guerilla fighting.
WASHINGTON, Jane 24. It is stated here that it it becomes neoessary to pro
tect foreigners at Manilla, the powers will be allowed to land marines, to be
ltbdrawn as soon as their presence becomes unnecessary.
WASHINGTON, Jane 24. Tbe navy department received tbe following this
morning: Flaya del Este, Jane 23. Coder a flag of Iraoe it was learned that
Hobson and men were confined in the city of Santiago, four miles from Morro-
Sampson is now free to bombard Morro without injaring the Americans. Navy
officers believe he will bombard today.
That fellow that runs a nonde
script sheet down at Portland, call
ed the Chronicle, thinks he sees a
chance ahead to get a little dough,
and is beginning to boost old man
Corbett for United States senator
again. Go it, young man. If Cor
bett thinks he stands a ghost of a
show, he will shove out the stuff,
and this is all the interest you
have in the matter.
If one took the Oregonian's
statements to be full facts, he
would be compelled to believe that
the opposition to Simon was strong
only in the Whitechapel districts
of Portland. It will be interesting
to note that Hume lost most of
these but carried the so-called re
Bpectable precincts where Harvey
Scott and Henry Failing and other
reputable (?) gentry cast their
ballots. Truth will prevail in the
OFF SANTIAGO, June 24 Late this evening the American c&-
alrymen and rough riders repulsed the Bpanish near Santiago. The
engagement was very hot while it lasted, but the superiority of the
American forces soon overcame the Spanish. American loss 13 killed
and 50 wounded. Spanish loss very heavy.
WASHINGTON, June 25. General Miles believes that the final
concerted attack upon Santiago began this morning to be coutinued
till Santiago surrenders. Admiral Sampson cabled Secretary Long
last evening of an intended bombardment at daybreak, the fleet main
taming cannonading until the harbor batteries are permanently
silenced, when the fleet would force the entrance, while the troops are
engaging the rear. The plans of the assault are fully agreed upon by
Sampson and Shafter, who are determined not to allow the Spaniards
urther time to make preparations, but force the fighting as energetic
ally as possible.
It would be a great blunder if
Spain allows any harm to come to
Hobson and his men. The shock
which followed the disaster to the
Maine in Havana harbor would be
nothing to the fierce and just in
dignation such a barbarous act
could arouse the world over. The
cry for vengeance would go out
from the throats of millions and
millions of men, who have been
thrilled by Hobson's daring act.
E. 0.
Republicans of Oregon have
closed Mitchell out. Next, they
will close out nis pinchbeck urn
tation and cheap understudy, Mc
Bride. Republicans of Orecon
want aud will have men who stand
for principles, not for expedients
to get otnee; men who stand for th
legitimate purposes of party, not
tor tne little selfish schemes o
faction. Oregonian.
Whon McDride first registerei
his vote in favor of the gold stan
ard he was a bully fellow. Now
he is a very bad fellow. Perhaps
the Oregonian will be satisfied
with Simon in place of Mc Bride,
Simon never stood for faction
against the legitimate purposes of
party. Oh, no!
WASHINGTON, June 27. The government is not alarmed at the
movements of Camara.
Should be In every family ngw
medicine chest and every Ifa3 ill
traveller"! grip. They are I I I 2ft
Invaluable when the stomach SI
la out of order; cure headache. biliousness and
ail Uver trouble. Mild and efficient. cents.
from the presidency of the Weston
state normal school because of
"offensive partisanship". The case
made out against Prof. Royal was
that he went to Astoria in April
and helped to overthrow the
Mitchell "push". If he had aided
in tne perpetuation of the abomin
able push, it is likely that, as the
Leader says, "his partisanship
would have been of the commend
able kind," adds the Pendleton
Tribune. Weston has lost a good
educator. - The reflection for the
loss of Prof. Boyal is on those who
removed him. It does not touch
Prof. Boyal. It is in order for the
legislature to kick the mercenary
political regents out of the Weston
school, says the Portland Oregon
ian, and put educators in their
The regents of this school say
that there is no truth in the above
statement, but that Mr. Boyal is
using it to help him in getting a
position in Portland. This is sym
pathy play.
Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for
this issue which speaks volumes for
them, but the goods are there, all first
class, and prices to match. Call in and
Mr. Rhea will see that you get what
you want.
Everybody Says Bo.
Cascarets Candv Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas
ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently
ana positively on Kidneys, liver ana Doweis,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
irUill OA1U, June 2b. Upon application Of the United States and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
i a. ri l: i . ., . oi u. v. u. toaay; iu, a, no cents, ouiuanu
ii 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 i 1 1 1. I'.iri.'iii in ri rriwarnmanr mill vrr 'nmnMn'n . , i , . . - - , - 1 1 i i
VwUU.t " -"fi f iLiuunui itui uuii iciiuu vauim a a iieoi iu cuui guaranteed to cure Dy an aruggisiA.
at Suez canal ports.
Notice Of Intention.
Land Office at Thk Dalles, Oregon,
Mav. 81. 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
nis ciaim, ana mat saia prooi win De maae
Received Clear Maturities.
T TrrT T rt T -r i . , . I
JjUItlJUH, June ZO. Vienna dispatches Say that Madrid ad- The Candidates on the reDllblioaD state before County Clerk, Morrow Countv. Oreeon.
vices foreshadow that Campos will issue a pronunciamento and attempt ticket at the recent election reoeived ?898fvfzrer' 0regon' n 8aturday' July 9th'
"I..... ..... -.1 TArtVT TTTTrnvititF
dictatorship. 01eflr majorities over all the otber cands
I nniAA. ThA mnlnritifln vnrA aa fnllnwa
NEW YORK, June 27.-The Evening Journal's Rome special Governor, 6491 ; secrsUry of
says: The papal nuncio at Madrid has wired the pope nuncio that the treasurer, 3332; sohool superintendent. ""oreSnV Jirry Bmsnln. ii KwnVr o?t
queen desires him to mediate tt the opportune moment. 1783: Btate Pr,nter "upremejudge, nbJan'
nh4l nrfnrnav nan am I illvll "ha ro. I .ti- ' "fn wXi-;
LiUxNUUJN, June Jb. it is reported that Camara s fleet is passing publioan majority for congressman in
through the Suez canal. this district was 3146, but in tbs First
nnv pnxri nn . -a ... . distriot tbe republican nominee reoeived
xxv iwv, ..una v. . uispmcu says uiai me Americans 189o iBga voiea than wara 0ftHl forthB
had not arrived at Manila on June z6. According to last advices there combined oDDosition.
had been no change in affairs there.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at Thi Dalles, Obeoon,
May HI. 1898.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof In support of
A Clever Trick.
BOME, June 2G.-Aguzia says: Italy is privately informed that It cerlainly looks like it, bat there is LXSSLXZ!&
Camara's fleet cannot coal at ports on the Bed sea. feaI!f n? l',ck, abon A"bodJ.0"D ner' Sernar'dohIrTy '
, j o" 7, of Alpine, homestead application No. 3925, for
WASHINGTON, June 27. A navy department bulletin this Dey,', ?B,ana or nervons troubles. We the bNEandEHSEsecsT i n r 26 e
I maan na Ann jtnsa himaa r -K - man hn I V M
morning announced that Commodore Watson sails today on the New- taking Eleoino Bitters. This medicine h "2o""!?i
ark to join Sampson, when he will take command of an armored saua- toDeB,nP 'be whole system, sots as s of said land, viz: Barney McDevttt, of uxing-
, ... . ' , . Stimnlent to the liver and kidneys, IS a ton, Oregon, John Kilkenny, of Galloway, Ore-
dron with cruisers and proceed immediately off Spanish coast. blood purifier and nerve tonio. It oares ijSi!'1'
LONDON, June 28.
I nnnatinafinn Viaa anVi a foinlinn arvalla
-ine iewB Manila correspondent cables, under sleeplessness and melancboly. It i
651 5
rI riAoiaanpH a nrnnUmalinn n mn purely Vegetable. mild laxative, Bod
. ... i . - ., . restores the system to its natural vigor,
effect that the Uerman commander there will surely restrain the Amer- Try Eleotrio Bitters and be oonvinced
icans from bombarding the city. With the Spanish fleet coming he tbat tbey are a miraoie worker. Every
rlflf! aifis that, with thn (JfirmAn'n nirl. thnv vill Ariva fha Amarinana Dottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents
f, tl,Q t,ot,, Ti, e..;la ,1 ..u, r :i oouie at oiooum jjrug m. J
- -
CHICAGO, June 28. A Nowb' special from Key West says
Commodore Watson has sailed on the Newark for Santiago, where he
will gather the balance of his squadron and Bail for Spain.
I1UNU hO-SU, June 2a. It is stated that United States Consul tbe north. He took with bim a nnmr
oum, mansger.
A Touch of High Life.
J. W. lvey, collector of cutnon
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Grakde. Okf.oon,
Mav St. lb'.18.
following-named settler has filed notice
of her Intention to make final proof In support
of her claim, and that said proof will be made
liefore the County Clerk ot Morrow county,
Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 2,
ixvn, vii :
KLUA 1. WHETSTONE, formerly Eliza 1.
The Leader
Of Course!
The man that Leads is the one from whom
people like to buy. The slow, plodders all
stand aside for him. That suggests a good
reason why so many customers are being
added to the list at
The Beginning of this
New Year 1898.
A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, jj
m is a "joy forever." That's what !v
Alaska, ba. jt sailed from rWttle (or Mj0,' WkW
rne iikmcine louowinir witnesses w prove
Wildman has chartered a Bteamor to send Dewey news of the move- of IDen whom be 8Syi 09 wil1 ea)P!o in "."''Vrani' Vr1idcr,aiIdN
ments of Camara's fleet. tr,,n8 to pnl BD eBl ,ba "nl ,fnl ip'pnerr?noregoi.?r "
iraiuc in wiitsRy in tbe territory, lit f i'e
Manila diHpatches of 21th Buy that a big battle by combined land le"iog Seattle CMixctor lvey ant J M.
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
Elder, '1 homas Vat-
Emma Kilcup, all of
you'll find at ,
Heppner, Oregon-
and soa forces is expected soon, as it is reported the Spanish will not HKer'V Portland man, met in a ho-
surrender as they believe Germany will prevent the Americans from L, J'bfe'r' n0' 'VT' "W'w"
Post-InteliKenoer. Collector lvey thinks
going to extremes.
MADRID, Juno 28,
that the Alaska smuggling ring his era-
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrics at LaOramdk, Ok(i;ok,
June 1h. 1KM.
1 followliis-named settler has filed notice
It was an insult to tbe congressman-elect
from the second district
to have Otis Patterson appoiotod
an receiver of The Dalles land
oftioe. It was placing a political
enemyin Mr. Moody's own town.
Portland Dispatch.
Thauks. Hut for the informa
tion of this Simouite, the Gazotto
wishes to say that Mr. Patterson is
not a political euomy of Mr.
Moody's, but on tho othor hand
supported him iu every way he
could at the last election and help
ed to carry Morrow county for
biro. And this service Mr. Moody
has very gratefully acknowledged.
Tony, you have trouble enough of
your own, no don't lot these little
republican appointments worry
that addled brain of yours.
Manila advices of the 22ud give a gloomy P'0 Uaggerty to work against him f henntemi.m to m.k "p'1
aud hopelfHS outlook for the Spaniards. Twenty thousand ref ucees P D . 1 ! " . "T lf m ' . VV5:! 5 07:;" i?""-'JI:
..... ... ... . " some oo worn, ana soon were excusoa- "t,i""-.:"r""'""
Are in the walled OltV. anil the aohlinra urn ntarvinrr anil onrrnr in mr. . .. . ' i-r-jnaniisii tAii,
is- ing mows, lierore any aermi
render. The insurgents are gaining in stiength and hold the governors was done tbey wers separated.
of four provinces as prisoners, as well as many dignitaries and officers
with their families.
A imoron the sulmcriptioiis for
tho war bonds to bo ImhuihI are al
ready largely in exci'MS of the
amount of the first iHHun$2.KV
OOO.OtK) one bauk offering to take
half of thorn at n premium of 1 per
cent there it no reason for any
mail investor to withhold his sub
scription for f.'iir that he will not
gi-t the lMnd. Those who desire
$.(X)or ls will get them first,
aud it will take lots of Uiin small
subscribers to absorb tin entire
litm. K any of our readers who
desire niiim.11 ntuoiuils of tliesit
btii U at par may forward tlieir
ubscriptious, ou blanks to b ol-
taiutnl at any express or mono
order nstoll'u', with coiifidence
that tliey will ge tho Un U.
MANILA, Juno 2d. An attack by the Amei icans is expected by
the 27th. Tho governor of I'amnavuas province was killed in a battle
with insurgents last week, when 1000 Spaniards were captured.
Before any aerions dsmtge I Admlnlttrstrii of theestateof Sarah A. Water
man, uereawHi, i. ro. jjk, lor in set sec. s
tp. 1 4 . t. I K.
She names the following wltneesea to prove
ner enmiuunus mnaenre upon ana cultivation
of said land, vis: Hubert 8. Morgan. Ed K.
felling, M. J. Uevln aud A. H. Stamp, all of
E. W. Bastlitt,
on the Pacific. It is believed that
the first Philippine expedition has
arrived at Manila. As soon as
oflicinl news of its arrival is re
ceived President McKiuley intends
to iHHue a proclamation declaring
tbe establishment of a military
government over the Philippine
islands. Not the slightest appre
hension exists in Washington con
cerning the attitude of Germany
towards our occupation of the
Philippines, notwithstanding per
sistent reiteratiou iu cabin news of
hostile ltiteutiou ou tho part of
Aa Eiplaaatio.
m. . . i . lleppiier, Oregou
The ressoo for tbs greet popularity rf "
Hood's Harsapar'.lla lis lo the fsct that
this medicine positively onres. it is
Amerioa's greatest medioine, and the
Amerinan people bavs so abiding eon
animously supported and (praised fiJeooe io its merits. Tbey buy and take v-oTirg is n
as an excellent man aud good citi- " fo',in,v'- M " wrl9l Ah,.t"u.n.n
.... . , . . I oouuiieui mat u win no insru gooa
u j u" uiuua mt-iB, nut unug
T w T
Tuk third i-xpmlitiou mil b are
San Francis) for Manila this
wwk, and will 1 accompanied by
(It u. Mrrntt It it not probable
that another iiditioo will I
The terrific scoring which Dr.
llatry Lane, of Portland, adminis
ters to lie Patterson through the
Oregoninii may Ut justifntble by
the farts, but tin censure and
abus of President McKinly are
unealli'd for and tintituly. The
president houtd int be held re
H)iisiMo for I'attt'rstin's apHiut
inent S.h)ii after inauguration
Prosident McKiuley inf.irimvl the
pivipln that bis apoit.tti)ints
would be goveriitxl by the revoin.
tneiidatioti of state coiigreimiotial
di-legatioiis, and he has adhered
strictly to that plan. Mitchell,
Mcltri b, Klli A Cv are responai.
U for tin lVo lli'toa Tri.
Home of thes little pspefs oxer
the state ate) tuakiug a great bowl,
in their spring of th Oregonian,
and are trrtng to ntakw Senator
Patterson out au awful character.
Rut si far as (be GaMt can learn
bis only crime cnisis'a In the fact
sent until sotna of th ships tht
carrie tho Crst triH.ps return, as that h has beretofom Ihcu a sup-
there are no more Li to be l al I porter cf Mr. Mitchell. He is uu.
Lahd Orrics at UaUsasds, Osioon,
June in, 1S'.
anted settler has filled notice
to make final proof In support
of till claim, and that aald pronf will he made
before A. Mallory, t utted Stales roinmluliiner
. 4 . ..f i:i-1..1l L! ITon.f. Pill. .... .11 li... III. m-rpr,, v,,,,, n
B SUl'lHIIICI Ul tflltvllCll is ills UEJ- I " - iu:
. M.iu.i i... v.. n t ii...i a'.. HF.NKY WADE.
paraouaUle sin in tne eyes of the ' ' ' " " " " nt. No am. fnhe n4 ne and vr.i kwja
, . . t unwell, .11 ass. ii, i mpia k n. a.
Uregoman, aud of course liallock, He n following wim.
haviiig no mind of his own, simply
echoes the sentiments of tbe bis
1-1 I 1.AWD tJF r H B IT HUii.PBi I'ait'lnw.
lauy. June jo. iw.
X'win T in HiKrni iinn iiisi imk
1 follniiig.naiiied srttler baa flinl notice
tn Drove
hi. continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol aald land, vl: Foster Adams, Jar llevliis,
John Edwards. A. U. Stamp, all of Heppner,
Oregon. I. W, Bastlitt.
67 us Keg liter.
Did You Taho
I.akd orrn s at LaOsasps, Oasoon,
June II. I-H
.Tryflti'S la utitisv fiivt h tuattuv
WII.IJAM UKOHOK H VSI. lN i. . 1 1 " i . ' . .,!.: ... 7'.,"Z
H I So lA fr the nei, see. It. Ip 1 S . r. J K I hU nt-nUoo u make Snai ftrwif In iii,n.rt ol
He liamce the lolli.wing ltn I" prove his claim, and that Mi l prr.il will be ma.1 b
bUi-oiillniioiis rral.lin ;.-n and culUl..n , u,n fount, rier ol Morrow e..nnly, Or-
TllE Weston leader aava that il l"'" ' .l claim, and that said prt win
Allt t"lOIl IA Bllr SnjS lUai i, , uior the loiinly t ins ut Morrow
Irof. M. G. I loyal WS- removed 'inly. Oregon. SI Heppner. regon. on August
U lJ, U
ol Mi l land. l J. ph I. II, k mull. John M
W ad.tle. H 1 1 1 1 . in Sartrtt and Arthur Smith, all
ol Hrppuer, Oregon.
r.. ti . BAsastT.
sn?l rugistrr.
Notict of Intention.
Orru s at l.i.4u. I'iiw".
I,,,.- IM
through the u inter? If so, wc ort hkhi-v nvr nur thi
re uc ii quictcu your COUgn, I hi. iiMrii.,ii t n.i pr.i m ..,n-.rt .i
hf.1 eil thp ranpii In loop "' '" '" P"':'
a ... wv'mb I ra I lias a tililW I iKtl i.F H.HM.sl rnitnlt lira
throat, increased your weight. """""' ".r",,,,u,iVU
K3c you more coior, ina mauc r r. k. ?ui. ir the ., e,. i.r'tmd
inn r.-.l K.lfe In rvuru u ... .rirr II I. I , f. . r.
.vv. mm v.vij "wi.1 h.lntb. I li. lli. In fhn.
iut pcniaps your coucn nas b "" r,ii imi.iruiiiiion
, . t . . . I "i il Mi"'i. i j,pn t.ui.o.att, j. .tiu i,
vomc paca ocaui.or you arc get wain. Mmi.mu Mud. Anor j ., ail
ting a bttlc thin nJ pale wi-iM-rr,. w ,
i ntn. nv not con inuc tne P"7' i...'er.
same helpful remedy richt
through the summer? It will do
you as much good as u hen (he
wciincr Is cold.
Its persistent use u III certainly
five you a better appetite and a
stronger digestion.
It will cure your
weak throat and heal
your inflamed lungs.
It will cure every case
of consumption, when
a cure Is possible.
Don't be persuaded
to take something they say is just
as good.
All ltg .. I ft
'ii a bv.w a. i ..., X V.
Is i ilk i ih t it rot sr ot
ol llr, ,,f the I ."luH i.l
Matlol aMt, I Uliillll,
IMS. t Al t
S.lflrlrf.1 TVIrlafrt.
t ll.rtlrt ,lt,,,l.t,t
In II.. n.foc ..f O,. .(.I 11... ,n i,, al
brn.l t r.,.., t .WI S"l .... tl.e
I 'ami S .-I ft!'! . In It-. a4 iitr
,.,n ao.t .'til o Wlf-fe the Sl .let of tl.e
gou, al Heppner, iirntmt, on Juie u. In. is:
H t tn sprt. h.r the Wa .. Sr4 NWI
Miliia'.sa1, ee1, iter.. lpj.r,i. H
MiM Ihe liillnwliig wtlnewe tn ln.t his
ciutlniioita rrat.tenee tipun aiil enltlvailnn ol
miI land, tit r.l. rl.kell. T. A. 1'rl.k.ll
t,eir(e ii-errjr, W lit Mikeaell, allot Heppner,
E. W. BTl.gTT,
Notict of Intention.
f An orrn i at i.a oraspk. orf.oo
14 June li. 1. Notice la beret, art vtt that
the lollnwtng named Srttler has Sled noticepf
bia tntentum Ut make Sual prmif In support of
hi. claim, and that aald pn4 will be mad
ivli't a Maihirf, I . . rimmiaii,nr fr ore-
gu al Heppner. Orcextn, on Aogiiat 12, In. t(
Vllhk II hKl.
Il-i.pnrr. Or . Md. S. 'i. .-f IhaWiaSWU
M- Mt', and NK Sk e. S 1 p S
n a..
Ilenami the following w llni n in pro
b e.ntttiiMHis rvaldenr upnn and rulttatloa
I aald land, l l.l. (ir.ho, i,mu,f
W (,.., ti William Muih. I'.i't Hm.g.aiiol
itri pu.i.or. a. w. sash y it.
l,aMMnt aTTms tuns, mtwi
11. .1 t.M
A lolloa log l,M-d Pll.rr b Sled nrtu ut
bis Inieiittoa bi , Soa I Itfi4 la .'iti-,rt nl
ii.ii ini.i i, tm h aaui ,...,ti town .., ... i si. r.aim, ami thai i, ir,.. a 1,1 I ,. 1
t t ti,. Mb ol a.i . ti ad it mi tail I lute tb ivuntf t leig. at Heppuel. OT-goO, e
p-atn -i i i HaiuMar. J! . I. 1
, t a i f- iit , i j .ii, ii.. tn, ia I ktl l N L. aiSiiF
j it w a nwiuig la piainns II.. In,, la btllHL.br'
1. , . th. s w fc,il. mi V ol ae.il.Hi o Ltltt. b.,1 d ..t II. ill-a II
iat.iww.Mp I a.,1, a.(li lwl...l,lM,M,t,,. Jt.L,,
. ,4 avtbotWK g . ai ll in rmn, Ul a tn j J- j g m g'g,
ih.a..ak.,wa.. a d - .4b.f Utt'tmrn (be bowleg wttaeaaas tn pen a
,H et t M ei,4 f p., obbibkm) rai4nn nm and ew;itilm
.... - o i.i i i.-. w M.i,a or let I g
... . 1 '-.o Jn 1 1 t ol ,f-gi,,n. iw-
a I .,..! j it.. Ma i,..i.. i.i i,.,,i i i. . V . . ' "''". "".
, . . u - . ' wrwwa,wi Letlttawtn. ir.,w
If you have not yet realized that the
"good old times" are with us, your
blood is out of order. Get rid of that
"tired feeling" and awake to the fact
that the
Wool Growers' jl
Warehouse T
Is the place to store your wool this season. Whv?
cause we do a strictly warehouse business, and not being in
the field buying wool ourselves, we encourage competition
amongst tho buyers and secure you the highest price.
at o." ,"",f W001 ":1" "", tW'" " co, ,JrbU when W001 u 1(J- " Tour order
W par th highest eah price for sheep rtelts and hides
dips. n,th,mk,e0r L,M"'' 6I ""1 Bl4C" ""' tobacco Dip. th. onl, reliabl. brerM
" PT ,n,," w wmV' TS,n. 'wll",,"-1 tndo so br owners of wool.
R. F. HYND, Atanarjer.
W sre rer.lvlng N nolr of (loods almost eer da One P.r,i.n.
Inrreaalttg trstle demands It, r..n,,i,.nu, ou Cu7 JrP i '
th.lr Druga Purs art rrwsh. Uf c-'""' rolw
Our tStntlotiory
I Oompleto
itijnwp iiivo ss
Wltn Ism
a oatlt
Slocum Drug Co.
Was Perfected by the
Production of....
,tnd now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
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