Oil, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening and Hope Mad Been Abandoned -Wonderful Results of Purifying the Blood. - A very severe pain came ia my left knee, which grew worse and worse, and finally sore broke out above the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain from my thigh down was maddening, large, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered In this way for years, and gave up all hope of ever being cured. My wife was reading of a case like mine cured by Hood's Barsaparilla, and she advised me to try it. I began taking it aa4 when I had used a few bottles I found relief from my suffering. Oh, iow thankful I am for this relief I I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. I am In the best of health, have a good appetite and am a new man altogether." J. P. Mooes, Lisbon Falls, Maine. Hood's sPaS Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents. k GOOD CLUBBING LIST. The Gazette can offer the following dabbing rates: The GAZETTE M.00 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlau, $1.50 13.00 " 8. F. Examiner, 11.60 8.25 N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 2.75 ' Inter-Ocean, $1.00 2.50 " 8. P. Chronicle, $1.50 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle and map $2.00. . . 8.75 Thrlee-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 2.75 Webfoot Planter,50c 2.00 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00.. -......"!!!! 425 Rural Spirit, $2.00 800 New York Wool Record, $1,00 ." a.oo McOaU's Magazine $1,00 1,30 Yemrly subscribers to the Gazette can Set clubbing rates with any paper on erth. Llobtentbtl k Oo. for shoes. Eiolusive ihoe store. Handles the beet. 83tf "Wool;" Clarke ia in today looking after the interests of Christy k Wise. E. O : Mrs. Annie Gilliam and son of Heppner, are registered at the Pendleton. HETH. EPISC. CHURCH. BEBVIOIS. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school flO a. m. Claasei No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m. 'Epworth Leturae Devotional meeting at 7 p. m. 'Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 p. m. 'The Hpibit and the bnae say. Oome." . The pastor may be found at the parsonage ad. fining the church, where he will be glad to n eet any wv o may desire to consult nim on religious, social, oivio, philosophic, educational, or any other subjects. J. W. FLK8HKR, Minister. M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. SERVICES. Sunday, preaching 11 a. m.,7 p. m., class meeting following morning service. Sunday school, 8 p. m. Epworth league, Fri day, 7 p. m. "Let us forsake not the assembling of our selves together." Pastor's residence In parsonage, next door to ofaurofc. c. K. Howard, Pastor, CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Services each Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday even lng at 7:00. Choir practice Haturday evening at the church. R. L. Bhsi.ly. Pastor. The Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at o'clock, p. 111., on the Brst Wednesday of sach month, at the home of Mrs. T. J. Matlock Take Notice. 1. The sum ot five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of Taapoct," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter ol news,) and .notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other isntertainmeuts from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known (upon application. We sail away to Manila bay, tbe Doni we do not fear; And we'll twave behind the girls we love, cries the Oregon volunteer. With Oewey bold to lead us, and Old Glory In the sky, But ere ws pass we'll drain a glass, of 8 perry's Linwood rye. Bold only at the Belvedere saloon, E. O. Bperry, proprietor. if ' The Gazette is not heralding its 00m iog with a brssa band bat ita circulation can be determined at tbe Heppoer post offioe. Advertisers will please note tbit. Here and There. Ben Stevens it op from Arlington. 8m If. LicMettbil k Co. tor aboaa. 1 R. 0. Willi ie visiting to Portland tbil week. Isaac Large was ia from Ilerdmea 7 tarda? , What ia Bop Gold? Best beer on earth. Bee ad. alaawba. Jea. Johnson was op from Little Bat ter creak 00 last Wadoeed-J. Dr. Miracle of iag Creek, departed for borne on YYedoeeJay morning. Gaiotjeass's fatcoae eld "Dublin Bloat," InipotiMi, at Cbrla liorcbere' If Beat afloommoJaliim and oonrlaoa treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel. Seventh and Wash. Hie., rortland, Oregon. Bring your bldea, palta and fnra to Ba. ftfatbewe, at the Litany Meat Market. Ua pais bigbeel market rloe, 619-If. John Arabrnee ia over from Loeg Oierk on baalaeaa. Lit health baa bean rather bad Ibis spriog, bot at preesnt be IS teat, leg tnnrb better. Baa Liftoa and W.J. Bruate,ol Foi Valley, Wll f r their boaca Wednea daf.leiiac back with tnaa a large quae. Ut? ol Barahaadia, J. 8. Weekly and aoo Neelhem,ol Dtnglee eoanty, with lb raw aagoba, pa. Ibrnnab tlf""' aeteflay on iMr way U IVoJu ton, CinatilUoii ty. t.ale retmrte from P.tlsoJ atata that Oxidant or Wa, Dtnn, who baa ben very ill with typhoid fevet, la rapidly Improving. Tbia will be weloome news to all the 0-ettee re.lr. H. Jnt.o W. fiwmus. if lU 'I'.'.l light," aver aa tta alrl f. ..tu.-ibifg Ht, aaa ftitaUb jo tba flueel c k taila ic He lead MauUlWa, Jereer, Varmeatbef Oia-ma-la by aa art! la law bnaiaeaa. Ip la and take tba teste rxit of J oar aatb. If Hon. Henry Blackman returned from a brief business trip to Portland this morning. J. D. Brown made final proof 00 bis homestead before Clerk Morrow on Wednesday, The war is on and now you should Bubeoribefor the Gazette. The latest news, always. ' tf Dr. J. W. Vogel, epeoiahst for refrac tion and defeote ot tbe eye, will be here every three months. 648-lyr "Co'n juioe" is'all right but Low Til lard has a brand of 14-year-old goods that is bard lo beat. 603 -If. Painless remedy for extracting teeth. If not aa b luted, no oharges. Try Dr. Yaughan's new plan. 604-tf. It yon need something tor your system 011 at the 'Phone Tbe Telephone sa loon, City hotel building. tt F. K. Bartholomew ia repotted as not quite so well today, but the cbanoes for his recovery are better than at last reports. j. Q. Noble s Co. are metiers after business. Tbe fiaest eaddlaa and har ness to be found in Heppner. See their new ad in this issue. tf. Tbe Gazette oarriee a tail stock ot mourning note, correspondence style, with envelopes to mat oh. Those desiring suoh stationery oan have their wants supplied Bt this offioe. tf. Cbas. Jones writes his wife that on June Qth he and Abe Jones, well known in Heppner, departed from Lake Linder mann for Dawson City by boat. Both were copying good health. Arlington Record: Jay Luoaa and wife Btart tomorrow for Baker City, where they will spend a month, going then to The Dalles, where Mr. Luobs will assume tbe duties of register of tbe land offioe. R. J. Carsner, of tbe firm ot Carsoer & Hayden, Haystaok merchants, has been in Heppner this week on business connected with his firm. He says Wag ner will eelebrate tbo doming 4lh in grand style, The Gaaette will olnb with tbe Oregon Senator, the great Pythian paper of Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, published at Portland, for $2.75 for the two. Tbe Senator ia all right. No Knieht of Pythias ebould be without it. tf. T.-M.: At 9 o'olook last night, Wm H. Mansfield, foreman in the Times- Mountaineer offioe, was presented with a bounoing little boy by his better half. The young man is a born printer, and bis first oall on earth was for oopy. C. W. Lawrence, of Portland, was In Heppner yesterday in tbe interest ot the Remington Standard Typewriter. He is tbe resident agent for WyckofT, Ses mnns & Benediot, the manufacturers and reports large s ires of this excellent typewriter. Now that OMpa are an assured fact you cannot affurl lo wear your wife and daugbter out over a wash board or a common washing machine. P.C. Thomp son & Oo. sell tba Boss washer the best made, and bave a good aupply on band Don't be a olsm. 59-60 It yon waal the latest war news, tbe fret-best looal bappeainga, city or oountry, get the Gazette, semi-weekly, Tuesday and Friday. Patronage help make a paper. Compare it with tbose of otber towos tba aiza of Heppoer and tb Gazette will not soffer thereby. It A ipeoial train bearing Iba railroad commissioners, Hon. J. B. Eddy, E. Macrnm and Gen. II. B, Compaon, ac oompaoied by the well taowu O. R, A N officials, Messrs. O'Brleo and Wood worth, oama op 00 a special lata raster day afternoon, leaviog tba same aveoin for tba main Una. Frank McFarland baa been appointed special agent of The Equitable Life As earanoe Co., of New York, tbe atrongeal in tba .world. Ceab snrplua to policy holders of over 00 millioc dollare. Don't lake insurance without aaeing tba new plana of the Equitable, lnaurea both sexes at same ratea. 77tf At the Opera Bomee. The Jossey-Msrvio Oo. of players opened a four nights engagement at tba Heppoer opera house on Wednesday evening in "Braying tha World." The initial performance waa good and was well received by a large and apprecia tive audience. "The Volunteer." a play wbioh presents many of tbe thrilling in dents of the present war, was presented Thuraday evening. Many of tba plays this company put on tbe stage are hampered by tbe lack of stage room neaeeaary for them to display their soenery to a good advantage and this waa notioeable in tbe performance on last evening. Otherwise the piny waa good. Tonight tbe company will pre sent to our theatre goers an up to date oomedy entitled "All a Mistake.'.' Tomorrow afternoon a grand family matinee will be given at which tbe play, "Child ot the Regiment" will be giveu. Children 10 oente, adults 25 cents. On Saturday evening tbe great oomedy, "A Married Baobelor" will be given. Curtain rieea promptly at 8 o'olook. Committee Meets and Appoints Other O.im- mlttes. Hard at Work. At a meeting in the store ot E. W. Rhea & Co., on last Wednesday even ing, the following oommitteea were appointed: On grounds, Lee Canlwell, who will take entire charge ot that part of tbe work. Geo. Thornton and J as. Hart were se lected to do the wotk of deooratiog. Tbe program committee consists of E. Sbutt, E E. Hewitt, I. N. Hughes, Art Minor, Jas. Hart and Otis Patter son, J. D. B'own, E. M. Sbntt and Otis Patterson were chosen to look after tbe printing. All oommitteea are at work and the suocess of tbeoslebration seems assured. Everjbody leud a helping hand and there will be no doubts as to tbe remit. M Bart ia a Bans' vsy. Yesterday morning Joa LaConna, who reeidee in tba Haystaok oountry, but wbo baa bean apending a few days in Heppner, met with a runaway acci dent While driving but of town with bis team, the horse . beoama frightened at aomething in tbe road and started to run, throwing Joe out of the vebiole, Iba bind wbeela of wbioh passed over bis body and head. He received a bad scalp wound and waa bruised np to some extent, but fortunately reoeiyed no injunea ot a serious nature. FOUBTB OF JULY RATES. VOUhTH OF JULY MEETING. Be not deoeived! A cough, boarsncta or croup are not to be triiied with. A dose in time of Million's Cure wtll save you much trouble. Sold by Connor k Warren. ". e v For the Fourth of July tbe O.R. k Co. will eell excursion tickets from Heppner to auy station in Oregon and return, in cluding Wallula and Walla Walla, at a rate of one fare for round trip. Tickets will be sold on July 21, 3 l.and 4tb, good o return on July 6th. For further in formation see O. R. k N. agent at Hepp ner. 656-tf The Marquam Grand, on - Morrison street in the Marquam building, is nnder exoellenl management and tbe pubho will be royally entertained this winter. New companies and new faoea will ap pear from time to time at this popular. first-class theatre of Portland, and when in Portland our denizens should not fail to take in Borne of the fine dramas that will be presented. tf Beauty 1 Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. C'ascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the bodv. Begin to-day to Danish pimpies, boils, blotches, blackheads, and tlint sickly bilious complexion by taking Lascarets, beauty lor ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. . Q'V. a. M rfw M . .u. -x- " t . . -W 22 years old Come Out and Hear the Eaele SCREAM! 'ft 30 Special Notice. Aa the present proprietor ihe Ga zette must leave Heppner sooii, be i deeiroua of settling up his fTirs Wtut 1b due bim be must have at once, so that he oan meet all demands. Drop in and settle your aocount. 67-tf Aacldental Shooting. Rooeotly Tom Babannon, who has oharge of Fame worth k Bishop's sheep near Desolation lake, aooidentally shot himself in tbe right thigh just about tour inches above tne knee. He bad been oleaniug bis 38 calibre pistol, and when he returned the cylinder, snapped the wtopou without taking into con sideration that there were loads in it. The weapon was discharged as slated above., Babannon arrived, here Satur day nml Dr. MoSwords cut oat the bul let, cr part ct it, it having split into three pieoin. One quarter of it could ut be found, but Bahaunon is getting long first rate, out at Mr. Farnsworth'a place on Rhea oreek. Ladies, take the best. It you are troubled with constipation, sallow Bkin. Bod a tired feeling, take Earl's Clover Tea, it ia pleasaot to take. Sold by Oooser k Warren. v I 1 aa 1 -t t " J f L , .."Aa.l a'liiiat 'ia. Baaldes keeping tha largeat aaaort- meat ot eeodiaa, fruits, cigara and notions to be foand anywhere lo tbe city, Jaa. Hart ia now able to aopply you with tba Irtland dailieo and all tba megezlnee and period Irals, both for eign eod domestic. It yon want read- log matter, give Jim a call at tba Depp aar Caody Factory. 39 tf. E.O.i Tom Ay era' an 1 wi'a are at Hooter Hot Spring, Moataoa, and will remain there abont lo waaka. Tbaaa spriog era convenient lo tba Tallow- stooe park and from Ibsra many points of loUrael ia the park eao ba vieited. Mr. aod Mra. Ayara will b abeent abnnl Iwo moo lbs, moat of which time tbey will speoJ ia Iba Yellowalooa. Mark T. Kady, rpraeoUog aa Ihalr Portland manager tha Mutual Reserve Food Life of Nw York, i to Happaer oobusineaa, Mr. Kaly ia wall np ia Iba Inaqranoa world, aa I baa bawo rcog ale 1 by blaflompany with a mag nlfloeol walrb eharm, a bada vpreaaliag a part ut lis appmciall'Miof bia ra nark able rarnrd io Iba insnraoe Una, for Iba inoatb of Apnl of Ibia year. Mr. Kady will ramaia aevral daya. Onidoo Oluba: Yesterday afUrauo aa II. F. Iaiwtiar and lart.il weraoa their way frtitu their raiieb oa Maine; I'UI. lo Iba ft. nidi ua- plaoalbair liMl girl, tbrea )rar i l l. f. ll Irom tba aagi aadbrra Iba team wiulJ Ij slopped Iba abael paaw avsr Iba fbild'l thigh, breakluglba lra. Tba liltla s 0 flare aa Uubt to Iowa wbe Ik. Ungaa radoMhl Iba traotura and aba a aow rvaliag aa well aa anal I be tpmU4. M tix f f k4 ef Mwk la Tt. la It. pf a4 aite mmtmf ml m rtlim ltl ! an, at lit (ra HU amllUa, r blaf IM MMft ! Ib va e ia FtrtA VUval Was THE AGE OF B GABON. Tbia la tha age of reason, sod is bo oalled by the literery onlt ot the day The term is well applied. In all tha arts, ecienoee, mechanl, and in taot in every line ot business, trade ana Industry, this is amply demonstrated, and in tbe medical profession it may be aaid that tbe term applies with great foroe. . Wbile great discoveries bava been made in the use and applianos ot electricity and other elements of natnra to the cure of dise ise, no less progress baa been made in thesoUooeot mediolne aud tha present ag, aa pertain to this partioolar profession, is many leagues in advance ot any former period. Tbara are tbose who are progressiva and keep abreast of tba tim, and it ia not naoeiaary to go outside ot Heppner to find them. Among suoh tha Gazette deaireo to mention Mrs. Margaerite Gsrosey,a lady who baa atoJied and practioed melioioe from the al aod point of reaaon aod common aaose, aod who ba given op mtoy yeara ot her life to tba work ot healing th ie afli oted with diseaaea of whatever nature. Her wide experiauoe boa ooly addad to bar ability aud aba ia now able to rainufiotore from oat ore' a vast storehouse rnmndiea almost unfailing in tbelr piwer over die- ease. Mra. (larnaey baa established a splen did boeioee iu Heppner, aod aaa atill ba fouod willing ail raaly to wait oa all wbo may call. 8ha obrga for bar aaedioinea, only, aod not for visile or a treatmeol. Consultation abeolnlely fra Office Iwo ilcors smith of Talaca hotel. Heppner. Dyaoenala cured, hbilob'a Vital iaer ImmeJialely reliavaa a.ur atomacb, com log op of food dialraaa, aod ia Iba great kidoay aod liver remedy. Hold by Con es r A Warreu. v Do you want an ailagraaia tbat woa't ran like a coward wneo 11 geiabotT Tbat wou't goat, that wear well, that baa do acid to rata yoar ailee, that ia Iba boat made, and warranted to give satief action? If loa do, 10Q waa'l Weetera HpaolaL II la not a cheap grease judged by me of aaa aad pnoe, boliaonaof lbacbapi whan aotoal aarvica and prioa are onoeiJered. tMog a grapbito graaaa Ibara la nothing baiter for piolont aad aug treaalog. For aala iclusivaly by P. UTbompaoa A Co. ra4fslly Merveas. (ieate: I wu draadfolly navvooa, and f.ir relief i"k tour Cat I a Clover Boot Tea. It qnlrled asy vea aad atreaglb. sued any whole nervosa ayaUm. I waa troubled with tnttslipetma, kidney aod bo w I Iroahla. Toor Tea si eleaaad my ayaUm so tbofoqgbly t l I rapidly regaiuad bealili aad atranglb. Mra. H. A KimI, ilslf.rfd, laa. Hld by 1'ui.Mt A Warrea. f Well Known la Heppner. Mr. Godfrey Blumenthal, son of L. Blumentbal, of Heppner, and who epeol tbe summer here a few years ago, was the winner in a 440 yard toot race down at Portland reoently and got bis pioture in tbe Oregonian, whiob baa tbe follow ing to say ot tbe young man: "Godfrey Blumentbal, wbo is one of the best-known members ot tbe Multno mah team, entered tbe athletlo field two yeara ago. He first ran nnder the ool ore ot tbe High school, where bia work was ao good that he soon attraoted the attention of the Moltnomab managers, and Bbortly afterward entered that olnb. He baa taken narl in a g'eut many meets. and baa never failed lo distinguish him self. He now holds tba Paoiflo Nortb west record tor the 440 yard run 63 seconds. Blumenthal is 19 years old feet 64 inches tall, and weighs 133 pounds." 1 Albert Foster is over from Wagner laying in some supplies for the summer. Mr. Foster Is the goDtleman wbo received a badly smashed up arm, the result of monkeying with a traction engine In this neighborhood last summer. The Injured member has healed up in good shape, but as yet Mr. Foster has but little use of It. The arm may eventually gain lu usefulness, however. The new watch la to have a uhono graph cylinder bidden away, and at the hour and at each quarter of an hour a tny voice will be heard iffvlug vou the exact lime, ion will simnlv touch spring, bold the watch to your ear. and the little fairy on tbe inaide will whla- per the hour. MONDAY, JULY 4th, 1898. The biggest time Heppner ever saw will be ushered in on July 4th by a series of salutes, by the usual doings on these occasions. A grand ball day and night. Outdoor sports and athletic exercises. Uncle Sam will do the thing up brown. One of the many congratulatory let ters sent to her majesty npropoa of the length of her reigii was from a little in valid pirl of nine, Catherine, dnuphtpr of Dr. Smith, of Dumfries. The child was so Interested to hour of the (jueen's longf reign that nothing would witifsy her but she muat Bend a message to the liege ludy, und bo hcT parents allowed hertta forward a simple little note. Three days lutcr Catherine was delight ed to receive a note from Miss 1'htpps thanking her for her "nice little let ter." Her majesty also sent her photo graph, thinking the child might like to have it in her room. NEW 600DS That have come in just lately. Thousands are frying It. Tu order to prove tha great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, tha most affective cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, wa bava pre pared a gmieroua trial size for 10 cents. Oct it of your druggist or send 10 ceuta to ELY BROS., CO Warren St., N. T. City. 1 suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever eiuce a boy, and I never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seeius to do even thut Many acquatutunoea have used it with excellent results. Oscar Ostruui, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111, Ely' Cream Balm ia tha acknowledged enre for catarrh and contains no oocuina, mercury nor ariv lnnriou dmg. l'rico. C0neitM. A' -tiff nr v mill. Some exquisite patterns in summer wash goods Percales, Zephyrs, Ginghams. A nice line of Ladies' Shirt Waists, Collars, Cuffs and Ties. In the Shoe Department There has been some new arrivals O 0 Eczema ! The Only Cure. Eciema ia more than a skin diseaae, and no skin remedies can cure it. Tha doctors are unable to effect a cure, and their rnlneral mixturca ara damaging to tha moat powerful constitution. J n whole trouble is in tba blood, and Swift's rJpeciflo is tha only remedy which can reach luoh deaa-aeated blood dleeaeea. Ixhbi kroks eatoa aiy daughter, sad eoo- tiaaed So spread antll ker head waa eallraly eoverad. the waa treated by several f wd doctors, bat grew worse, aad the dreadful disease spread lo her feae. (ha waa lakea to two aalabrawd A health spr!n, bat ra ' reived no twnrflL Bm X..-ia.' alat mediolne ware tab mi. hat wtihoat ra sa It. antll we iWrtilw! lo try a a. a .aatf bf the una tne nrai tntiia mm flnlah4. nr be4 " fan to haal. A 4aa bMll art br aom bUtl an1 Ivfi bar akin perfm-ilt aatonth Bit M an alslen year nM. ant ha s mMnllliil rta of hair. Not e al(a ol tbe deaa4(ttl otseaea aaa ever rrnaa. ft T annsa, rot Leeee Ava St. boats. Ma. Don't eipt local applications of aoapa and aalvaa to cure basema. Tba reach only tba surfaoo, while tha di aeaaw cornea from within. Hwift'i ripoclfio S.S.S.r,Blood la tha mil curt and will reach tha ml itwtinat raaa. It ta far ahead of all similar remedies, t-aiia it auras raeea which ara Deynnd thalr rraeh. H 8 M la purvl aegaubla, and ia tha only btoa1 rernMly guaranteed to contain no pot ash, mercury orothsr mineral a kiea'a Areata BaJta. Tba Bewt Halve w tba world for Cot. Brahsaa, Horaa. Cleare, all Hbeota, rf H-ieea, Tettaf, Chapped llaada, CbaUatoa, Oxn. aat. all Ht Iap Uuua. a I Lvaluvay (area Tltea or aa pay ra4ired. It ia f aaratel to gia imwI eeliafaeUua o Bftaef rWoaJed. ' Hwa ij ceate p' twi. F-r aala by KWsua Urttg Cw t. J. tlca, BBttBf rr. CASTOR I A For Xofa&ti and Children. The Kind Yon Have Alwajs Bought Bears tha Gibson & Berger, At ('has Jones' Ol.l Rtant. Hhuvinix. - 15 Cti. Hair Cut! iiiir. - 115 " latIis'J."c. Kvervtliinu Strict ly First ('luHH. Mathews &i Gentry BAHRERS 15 Shaving Cents. Bhnp loo .i.fS Hiilllh Ol V'mU.mit, G. B. HATT, Tonsorial Artist. Shaving, Half Cwttlni, boa, Matlivk Corner, 18 Canta 28 " Hi piior, Uraon. rWa.ka mail-4 fra by hwlfl Pt-wlflc . Cwmpaxir, AUaau, Oworxia. 'Jl tlour lo tM.T;t The CALIFORNIA Lodolng House iCDS 28 aaa 60 Canta (JKO. HOMK, Pro I lOllHf C0NSER & WARREN, LEADING DRUGGISTS. A CoinpI t! Stork of J'tlff Htl'l ways in "totk. f'ftffultaM iill"fi of ,'rcuij tioh. fr'li tlrtiK l j'.ii'l to filling VERY STYLISH FOOTWEAR Ono lino to sell at $2.50 Another sella at f3.50 Still another sella at $1.00 lero h Those broken lots of pointed shoes at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 are going fast. They origin ally sold tor i.i.w, ;s.ou ana jj-i.uu. i"(,y . ... II I I .1 i 'VI ".. aro aciuaiiv away uowu oeiow cum, ii nothing wrong with them. Os l-V'i'.ewl " w rTS Wa .ayTaT,. ,a aa aja'TTryW THE BIG BRICK HOTEL, The Palace ...Has been teased by... JaCISOKCHUKS Wba has secured tha scrvkea of AIRS. A1ARGARET VON CAD0W ft I. ut i a . a An iiianap r. it win In) run m lirnt ciaxt shapo t vt rv tH piirtinent. Hales rt ii.xoiiithh' SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION. III TIIK PALACE HOTEL JJAK, .J. O.IJOROI-nORS.lrop. Kcc)s tlic Irincst Wines, Liquors and Cigars. HOOTS AND SHOEStn.. D THC rtCC TO OIT TMIM It Of ai. iickixK.N'rii.Aiav V CO. ks eatlklBf la Mil Maa tl..t t" ! aMa ah I ym ca dptl ca It ) a attw m mttm lhf S'a'aute It, SHOCS IN ALL Tim LATLST STYLES. Ol Z aaf, Matai leaa4 Maaalrlaf f alalu' a4