The Gazette. WAR NEWS! Friday, Jusk 24, 1898. NEW YORK, Jane 22. It i8 reported that Germany baa made ' 77- 77 Spain two very startling propositions. One is that Germany will give The Gazette is not neraiaing hb coming with a brass band but its a protectorate to the Philippines for twenty years for $125,000,000, and circulation can be determined at tte otjjer js tnat Germany gives Alsace Loraine back to France and in the Heppner postoffice. Adver- . to German in interveution in behalf of Spain, :nn.Q nrill nlonan Tint A this. wclo ..... . , J e : IU-TTUJ Ev.tao , uermany 10 noia me rnuippines ana crauce pajuug mo umwu uwwo THE PRESIDENT WAS NOTIFIED indemnit KloodR Stimulate the stomach. rous the Brer, cur bilious- I 9 ill Den, headache, dUxioeu, I- III 3 lour etotaaeh, eomtipatioo. ev etc Trie B MMi. Ho 14 by all dnunrltta. Tha emir Kil te take with Hood's Sareepanlla, ... . ft x The following aispaicn was sem WASHINGTON, J one 23.-Count CassinL, the Bosnian ambassador, u pre od June 16 to ' "Sldent JJcKinley prMideD fcy Becretftry Day ,bi8 morDiDg. Cassioi's address referred saltation with prominent repob- to the oordial relations of the two governmenta. MoKinley's reply waa in the aame licans, says the Oregoman. it rain. shows very clearly good faith with MADRID, Jane 23.-The Hersldo violently attacks the aovernment and de Oreeon i waa carried for the gold ol"" that tbey ba-e not an pplied the necessary amonnt of ammnnHion, coal and standard, and anxiety to secure the etorea for their fleets, and are also blamable for sending uervera to bantiago, retention in othce or tne only WASBINUTON, Jaoe 23 8haftr telegraphs the department that all troopa prominenigoia uemauwu- , Bj itbool bibbed. No resistance waa offered. They are ine office in the state, it wouia a have been a graceful recognition now landing siege guns, horses and supplies. He reports 5,000 Cubans around of the services of the gold demo- Santiago, crats if the president had con . -1 V f T i - IUa nnnifmn JTT" lU did not appropriate to his own use A telegram was also' sent to the about $18,000, which he was forced president by Chairman Steel, of to make good or go to the peni- the republican state central com- tentiary, the government agreeing mittee, acknowledging the (material not to pr0Becute if full restitution K-oS'r rn who tion. Chairman Steel's dispatch was assisted out of an ugly scrape was sent June 8. Mr. Corbett's by John B. Mitchell who was re- dispatch was as follows: warded by being bitterly fought Unless tne nomination oi x at- pbce fc thig friend in Deed a liaV.i na thA Hiorvinr At I iijit.- withdrawn, and U Harvey Scott was half a man Black retained, it will be regarded he would never tnlk about any by all as a very ungrateful return other person "grafting for the hearty support given us uy gold democrats at the late election. The administration is making H. W. Cobbett. haste verv slowly in the Var with The Gazette, and every republi- Spain. There ate mauy who h.ive can whodoes not wear the Simon become slightly suspicious that j j u u more or less politics is mixed up couar auu w.u. av .q .. The rnBe blind, will wonder why on earth L. ... bh i tead o the "old man" Corbett was allowed to public were conducting operations make this bad "break". against our foreign foe having This shows to the administra- proved so successful in Oregon, it which the Oregoman is pleased to uext fftii.Jftck8onville Times, call "gold" republican. Why there The above talk is all nonsense, should be republicans in existence Anyone pOB8es8ing ordinary intel other than the sort that follow the ilgence ijnow8 tat the adminis St Louis platform in all its details tration ig progressing as rapidly just republicans-no one but with the war with gpain a8 ia those precious fellows seem BjBtent with all the circumstances know, but they are very handy at BUrroun(iing the case. The idea present "protesting". McKinley that party gain j8 the BOie object seems to nave as mue use ior one . ftnvtnin tuat mav ftDDear dila sort of mock republicanism as the L toUB at thia diBtanCe, is pre- ther. posterous, and to one, except he What should give Corbett any b(J hylDiQ& by party prejudices, right to send to Washington a wij ffiake guch a 8tatement threatening telegram? Has the 11.11 l. - n ih n V Z k i i if tTi What better evidence is needed senatorsh.p that he feels it his to e tl)at the 8eectiou of such uouuutn uuiy juiuy uuv ui luo men as t'uttorson, or lieupner The Spokane Chronicle has changed bands, T. EL Snodgrasa now being editor. With a changs of management comeB also change in the political complexion of the paper. It is now a full fledged republican paper and wi prove to be a strong support for that party in the state of Washing' ton at the coming election. Here's THIS COM POLITIC CAYCBE. Or What Happne4 at a riaalaf Factory Wkea the Kagiaer Beverwd. From the New York World. "No, I can't tell you how old this horse is," said the man from Oreeon, nor can I give you bis pedigree. I got him of Rippen k Snort after their fail are op in Malheur county. It waa most distressing and, I might say, em- barrasaing oirenmetance that brought it about. The firm bad established a worthy industrial enterprise in the shape of a beef-oanning and boneless ham faotory, and were doing a rushing business; but sncoess induoed greedi ness, and when cattle were not to be had they ohuoked in horse for look. The horse habit grew on them, and tbey were soon running at a 2:40 gait on the new material. Finally the thing got noised abroad, and tbePnre Food Com mission oame down to look into the matter. Snort was indignant and gae them the horse laugh. 'Your obargca are an insult an out rage f he blustered. 'Oar factory is the pride of the state and is regarded as soon. From a modest beginning we have in one year reached a oapacity of forty bead of hor oattle per day; and, by thunder, I ought to fire the whole outfit of youT Wben he had oooled down a little he fold them to innneot the plant, which Buccess to the Chronicle and its waa then running at full blast, with a new management obargeofgood horses in its bowels. It was a big bluff, and might have worked. thought tbey OCB old now "on tne uregonian, Are too busy to suggest a new ad. for this issue which speaks volumes for them, but the goods are there, all first class, and prices to match. Call in and Mr. Rhea will see that you get what you want. Notice of Intention. Lakd Ofhc at Thi DW-lkb, Obsoom, Mav. 31,1898. OTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fnllnwinir.nRiTiiHl settler h&a filed notice of bil Intention to make final proof In support of Vint the onmmissioners friend Redineton IS u, An .mrr.ina In nam their fees his claim, and that Raid proof will be made - I ""B". w Wnr. (Viimtv rierk. Morrow Countv. OreKon. and re- and began to noBeabont the plant. Iat Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, July 9th. centlygavea vigorous account of "The latest improved maohwery was JOhn Kilkenny. how th WRRhinpton volunteers mpioyea. ana wnue . i.t. w. , f T " , . , , . driven in at one door, at the other came He name! the foiiowin witnee to prove were Deing aousea over bi an- - , ,8bele(J ..a hjaeonHnjs COUVer, RedlUgton knOWS what IS I6ady (or marke. I, was the presence ner. Orn. ry Brojn, oHeppner. . .1 9 I 3 1 U kHl m . V iUat a. ... i it " expeciea Ol a eoiUItJr. no uuo of tne COmmiPBlouere, i kucbs, Harry Bartholomew, oi neY iyjjjrgjj had experience. chi the engineer, ror ne goi rauieu, Eegiiter. louonea ine reverse lever, wu im wuu.o nrocess was reveraed. In two minutes THI8 sheet will dig up some horses began to trot oat of the plant miehtv interestin' readin' in the dark horses, gray horees, and yellow next few months. The people borse-.nd the poor crazed ?ain?r Vcrnc b -.Ml K iB wbM b Ma OOM, neu in bil lntentlon u, mak. final proof in a. w... imC,uu " 6 1, h.i.ftrino i he went some aocumentary eviaence re garding H. W. Scott's thievery while collector of customs at Fort- land. Notice of Intention. Laud Omca at Th Dau-is. Obrgow, MRT At. IBW. 1 a at i am a notice of auDDort of hif claim, and that aald proof will be made before A Mallory. 0. 8. Commiwioner. at Hepp ner. Oregon, on Saturday, July , iw v;x: of Alpine, homeatead application No. 3925, for theKUNE!-iandEK8E4Sec3T 1 N K K mi iiiij,.. r.iu.n Avifv . " ' . thek'K Tt i. ...I.mlii nratifvinir t.l the DUD- I Vk .. , J! j .i, . He name the following wltneatea to prove llO to know Of one concern in ine lano ht, cotinUoui reaidence upon and cultivation i t .r,.M Va uenrrnna tn the of said land, vis: Barney McDevitt, of Lexlug. ,. ""''""-"- '""- ton, Oregon, John Kilkenny, of lialioway, tre- 1 HIS nnnnr flORB not neea lO QIC I nciriv and aonennB. ine pronnmore gon, cnaa. van niniie. ui uauow.j, " . . -rv- n Edward Boherty, of Lexington, Oregon, up Johnny Redington and J. P. of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- ja3.f.moc McManus to establish a "charao- aomption. Cough, and Colds have g,v- . . TT , . r i en away over ten milllion trial bottles ter" for Hallock, of the Pendleton q th.g greRt medjcine Bnd bRVe tbe Ml. Tribune. There are people in iaftt0tion of knowing it has absolutely Heppner who can testify as well as cured thonsanda of hopeless cases, these gentlemen. MOORE, Begiater. May 23, 1898. J THAT TH Astma. Bronohitis. Hoarseness and all 11 following-named settler hi a ed nonce Notice of Intention. Laud Orricf At La Orakdi, Orgoh Mav 23. 1 k.TOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TH dUeftsec of the Throat, Cheat ana La of her cltim, and that Mid proof will be mad a u- i pji n P J bf(re the County uiem ot Morrow couuij, a 1 - - t I ' 'I fRtMi, m Aivjuvt, v vawt - OCOTT apuses tne memory oi r ocum. Drnesist. and get trial Dome lwt, vu: Oen. GraDt because Giarjt, true to fice, regular size 50o and $1 Every ranks of civil life to send a menac- h'attei son, of Salem; Suodgras, of j principle, fired Scott out of the bottle guaranteed or money rerouted. iDgdiBpatch? LaGiande, andfiucas, of Arliog- portland custom house for dis- The Leader Of Course! This is but auother chapter in on, to till land-office and custom- the play that began with the hold- witL thelpeo)le thau the fact that up of the legislature, almost two tue BpI)0iijtmeutB were not made years ago. Corbett was the man or,til after electiou? It was a who supplied the money to do the scheme to make "Mitchell repub- wnrk ,. tl,A nmnlft have now icnu", but it did not work. Theie " -I " I i , a i a i,fc4 were o uuiuuvi rtwuiaouto been notified by implication that tbe8e offico8 but they were not all he is still in the senatorial arena, hypocrites. Pendleton Tribune. His attempt to blotk appoint- KnojcraB8. Qf La Grande! To ments by trying to bluff the presi- WDat position was he appointed? dent on 'his assumption of future And when did you get an idea in honors,fell by the wayside, lie to that chimpanzee pate? If Ore should remember tint he is yet a Bon nad a few more oracles like private citizen, and that he is not nai)ock God Almighty woulJ bo . ... .... ir in a position to dictate. " out of a job. Bliuuld also cousuer that his am bition to wear the senatorial toga The Times-Mountaineer has got might meet the fate of ono II. W. to be a sort of a "me too" organ, Corbett, who in the 70's while with the Oregonian as its oracle, trying to be re-olocted to the Jt can draw inspiration from very Uoitod States sooate, was expimod contaminating sources for a paper iu Lis attempt to buy a legislator, that has talked so much for purity and iu order to avoid ugly com- KDl reform plications withdrew from the field. This happeuod just a few years Tni editor of the Pendloton before Harvey W. 8oott was Sred Tribuue gets bis bunch" from out ot the Portland cuntora office superannuated uucle who directs as collector, for Wiug a defaulter his every thought, His chin is too io the sum of something near iuaiguifkant to ever give barking l(KX), Isu't it a poculinr coinci- to a siugU idea of Lis own. dence tLfit two central figures of that time, who were forced to ob scurity tLrough their own actions, should again come to the front with the idea Mint the people Lave no memories? Notice of Intention. t ASH OKriCE AT I.A GUANDB. UKKIiU.H, I. lJ June 21, Insm. Notice ta hervbT given that honesty. T V,.. Ik. JIUUE rtUllinir wi w.c-r,--"-r--m hM tir, of gouian'8 pet but he had to gO down. Ms Inuntton to m.J.1 proof m wortot v il t t.:. Ananria I )-.(,. r a Malinrr. I'. B. cominiuioiier lor Ore- ormuF Koi urn UoDD. ou Au.t 12, 1, vli: VITKK UlLhtKT, :.)!, for the w, rwi KUZA i. WHETSTONE, formerly Ellia i Boyer, Hd No737, tor'the aeH nw.tW neVnwfc ae and ne1 t aec 27, tp 2 8, r 27 K W M. bhe nAmeathe following wltnwae to prove her eontlnuoui reaidence upon and cultivation of aald land, viz: John N. Elder, Thomaa Mat lock, Frank Elder and Emma Kilcup, all of Uuppuer, tiregon. vi vi vi vi vi vi ! IS m tmr-r a ar The man that Leads is the one from whom people like to buy. The slow, plodders all stand aside for him. That suggests a good reason why so many customers are being added to the list at T. R. HOWARD'S The Beginning of this New Year 1898. 651- E. W. BaETLETT, Regiiter. A good, clean stock, bought at reasonable figures, Is a "joy forever." That's what you'll find at Heppner, Oregon- tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt vi vi vi vi vi vi vi it) tt tt tt tt tt tt m W-k II a Tl I luEreuuieion irioune is wor- hk. ing itself in echo Oregonia iicpnnr, or . mh. .o ,;n, im m nn- Kw trtV Nt'.and SIW bKW Bee. S 1P ( S Notice of Intention. Lakd Orrics at LaObakdi. Oboo, June 18. 1K9. XTOT1CK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE il following-named settler baa filed notice of her Intention to maka nnai prooi in luppon . i- . . . ; I nv iimw . ." - v. I ol her claim, ana tnat aaia prooi win ujb.iv rymg itself into fits in trying to Lis .i.tiiiuouarwidiK-eupon .nd laniBDJ. W.riorwn. William Muth. Peter Hung ,allof pn'" "'TLeMISIINB CATS. w Morbow county will have the biggest crop of its history this season. Or course Heppner will cele brate. The Oregouiao is so very clever in its attacks apnu lion. I. L Tat. teraon w ho Las j tint Ix-rn aj'ioiutd collector c f customs for the oil f I'ortlaud. It 'uMihes an alw surdiitory, though on iU fncti it is btort fatsehoikL Mr. ratteraoti bou'Lt suiiilies for the asjlutu thiouh a l'oitlntid firm aiid never saw theiii, but a I'r. Harry I, an did and it lk Liiu sit to eiLt years to get Lis jaw loo so that LecouM lell thi vj.rt of (regon Low Mr. I'attersou and Lis partner furnished bad coruuieal to the Mt lum. TliesS tateuietils are ao tliu that tLey ars gauiy and Lad ootfTert with either tLa Oreguti delegation i t McKinley. And IL reiteration f such cauIalous at taeks would Latt torr weight with Ih pioi! of Oregon if it mind from a rjHr ivhtej ly nai rc the chil dren this summer? Are they doing well? Do ihcy fct ill the benefit ihcv should from their rood? Are their cheeks tnd lips of good color? And re they hearty and robust In every way? If not, then give them Scott's Emulsion of c&J Itvtf oil nvith hypo phoiphitts. It never fails to build up delicate boys and girls. It gives them more flesh and better blood. Il It ust so with the baby aUo. A little Scott's limuMon, three cr four limes i day, will make the thin baby plump and jftrrospcrous. Il ifurnlshei the 'young body with just the material necessary for U l tropins bones A Jvi and nerves. y a; fii-i - . . 1 f. ( 4 hi "i r j- . .. t i '' k V AaMaAaAaAaAfAat Heppner, Or. E. Vi. BAR Tl K fT, Kegiiter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. N BfarrtMMly Bajs so. CaaonreU Csn.1v CaUmrtie, tbs most won derful hi-xJi.!'over of Uie are, piea- aul ana rofivahm lo tne taair, m t ...I nn.,llill nn kl.lnnva. livff BDU DOWAlS, clanain tbs entir ayalm, dl1 cohla, I ul Ucppurr, Urrfou, cur h.laohe, fr'r, na-iiiuni rcinu"" an.l bi.louanms. l'lia Dtiy ana in - wo of C. C. C. lo day ; 10, M n. B"'t uaranui-d Vo curs lJ an aragfiaw. Lakd Oirua at LAOsAHbs. Oai.ion, June , IK. 0T1('I IH HEREBY flIVEf. THAT THE followlng.nameil aemrr dmbiw mun- ..f h. liitonUiin to maka Dual proof In tipportof bla claim, and that all pr.)l will b mada brlors lh County Clerk of Morrow Countr. Orgou, at Heppuar, Oregon, on Auguat I, 1,.t,,w,MJaM nKoR(iK HYSP. H.l No sel, f-r lh ne a. 14. tp. 1 8., f. . Ha natnea tha Inllowlng witneaa al. mniin.ioua realilenr npon and of Ml.l land, vU: J.eph Lurk man Wa.i.lle, William Barrett ana Artnur Admlnlatratrli of theeateteof Karah A. Water man, deceaned, T. C. So. taA, for ths ae see. I, Hhe namea tha following wltneaaea proea her continuous reaidence upon and cultivation ni uui i.n.l li: Rnbert B. Morgan. Ed E. Haling, U. 1. Derln and A. B. SUmp, all of Heppner. Oregon X, W, BaBTLBTT, 60.71 BegUter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud Orru a at LaUbahdb, Obbjo, June 11. !. VOTirK H HEREBY GIVES THAT THE i following named aettler haa filled notice OOL GROWERS If you have not yet realized that the. "cood old times" are with us, your blood is out of order. Get rid of thai, "tired feeling" and awake to the hc that the Wool Growers' Warehouse ii SO 71 E. W. BABaiTT. Krtiater, tJ'n ;!: t?ttLtrluE& Is the place to store your wool this season. Why? Be teMi t2uJ7MFww c?m? we do a strictly warehouse business, and not being in menem ouymg wool . ourselves, we encourage competition Notice of Intention. GRANT AS A VOUNQ DEBATER. Te lias Orrua at LaUbahos, Oaaoon. " lunejl, l NOTICE !H 1IEREBT IIMM imi mi i..n...,,..n.m-.l aetLler haa Bled notlreol hlilntei.Uon ti maka final P In supp"rt ol htactalm. and that aald prool will be made he- fore the County Cletl el orro, Hd. Ko s;ilt. for the N4 NEW and SE'i WB'lt omntifst til A hnvprfl anrl aorum 'nn tlm ttirrV.ct Bee 17,Twpla7. E. 1 O J w.v ;v ...v iiimok hie continuous reatdenre upon and cultivation I We are Mlllng wool sacka and twins at cost, payable when wool Is sold. Bend la your order aaama, 7 ,111-, 1 , , t , we pay e nignen ean pnrw ior aneeppeiie and hide. We are acenta for Utile's Din and Slack Laaf Tiimi m IK. Ani. .4 kdama. Jay Devlna. I at onre. John Edearda. A. H. Bump, all ol Heppner, lot Mid land, U: F.wter Oregon 1. W. Bartltt. Keg later. r county, twe- rreaalnent l art la Kewiackf tlab. Ainareiitlv (iraut entered tbe I'UiUi- luat heart IH-lmling liuo, jiajaTinr, rj - ,,,,,.',,,,, Sn Auguat 1. 1ML Tta f.. ....'.:.... .1 It. IKIrit'.lt.lnl li.t. I " .U II hI'UWaLM. " .. .". -"-7 .u .A 1.,.. l-. ev I 117 Ilet.K.k'Btirotn T r. ne 104, i.-ru r. ...p. v..- -, - - I lirlit Mirt at uti-e. aoya Mrt lure a. liy a NOTICE OF INTENTION. Laud Orrua at LaObarpi. Obb.iok, June IS. l" X'OTICE IS HEREBY C.1VE tHAT THE We pay freight to tea miter when re)Ueted In do ao ht owners nl wool We ha e a lull aupply of Heed Barley and htat. alao biesm Rolled Barley for teanuters iHrwt your leam.lera to th lower waneboiM. We guarantee yon a fuare deal. R. F. HYND. Manaaer. 1..:.. :....i.i .1.. . ..r hlaeof.llnunua reawenre own ami run, hi. and that ald P ror.-.u- ":,:,:. ol aald land. l: J.-eph Luikman 1. John ,h. 1 0unty Clerk ol H.row eoonty. Ore- tola nmt ceiuiir iir.,,., 1 wa.iiiie. iiiiib m. !'.. " 1 g,,n, at He he Trkans wrr not Juat ilWbl In rlln ol Heppner, Oregon. Anna hia HUrlT. In the nnrnea t0.n of the tlelmirrs tliia tiljrht there a- ne nwaee . IJ, twp t S.. r . t E. I 11 following name.1 aettler haa Sled notlre ol He namea ine imiowiug ...i"--. """- hit Intention to make Bnai pnnH in auppon w and that prtH win ne ne- Heppner, (irrgon, on July 23, 1mm, ill; MlSkV g BAIHI). n.t Mn l!V lor the fWW M, TV ll virv avi'i. NW' P1- Her . Tp X. E. Ha MmM the following wltnewee to prove bial continuous reeldenee none aim cuiuvanon 01 Id land. M. prl.kell, T. A. Drl.kell. t,e..rve limn, Will Mikeaell. all ol Heppner, Oregon. X. W. Babtiitt. tUg later. a;. W. Btart tt, keaitier, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Una Orrn s atTbs pALisa mm 31, l inrirf ta UBBtHY C.IVI" THAT 1 H i follow log named aeltler baa Ble.1 Bol-e f perel on the rwor.l J. I'. (Irani, lie u on the nfTlnii.itlve lie on the aft rnmllve ai.le at the thirty- fourth inertiinf, with thlB qtiratlon: "KrawUtsl. TUt frnmira wlel.l rreaier It.flurrne iu B. iry than the liiaJea. I h lllmtl u, Be Bnal pr...l In support ot t- i ...1 ... In il, i. o.. I hi. rlalm. ami thai aald pr.l will lie made ,r ......,-.. : h,,h.i.,.y liefk, at Heppner, Oregon, oa n.taelln-iheoihrr. At the thirty -Hfth r ,, ,,.,, iaf). . ' . ' .... .11.1 ... I nl Letloalon homeatead ai p!i.all.. So. 41 ' of the o,iniy ol Morrow. "Ue ol ie ' V , ' . V. . I..r the t er nee. Si. at that time): "lirilel. That it would I tp , t; g a g SHERIFFS SALE. OTI I 1 HEREBY OIVEM THAT BY virtue ot an eteruiion au i omrrm i- I axle, duly leaned fey the clerk ot ine trruii 1 lud W a S. IW. ...n AmlmA the rtk dar i4 May. IM, In B rwr- tain ej'itoa in toe irr.iii v ou r mum,, iN . t-. ....I i..l 1,.. in literal the Me aamee the loiiowine mwi r"" and Haw. bto ..... IK. I I Ju.t and liti- W hlrB' tne hloiili,ll,111 .,,. miilvalloa M admli.iatrauw of the eeute ot he.aon ale at Ihla time. ,gn he aa on , u, ,. i,.,r, ta led g j., 4.1W.1, .iintiir. reroiered Judgment the whiniiiir ai.le t the llnrlt -aixfh ton. tuii, Jar. '" lu.". aealnel ..eot.e V M.n BttLired J eeag the llinilif "I ' , h , U,g.i,, tngon. t., g H Btahop of te-ee W ll.e.lilit the name a'el I . tiratit ftmm yjru n, ol Utlngtun. Iitr-g-n (srt, luanlveal dei-bw. J W,, the Ore- th- .mr.ive ao.e ,.f .he ,ea..l,.H. M tXXTV'ZZ a a rreaK-r e 1 1 i 1 ia nl T T' J ' ' Handled Moety. 1 a a Ijoiiara. w Ith luieeeet Ihifwa at the rate NEW DRUGS We are reeelvlng a Kew Ineolee ol Unnda almoet every day. Our Bepldlf Otir iStcitloiiory JLopcirt 1110 ut Is Completo Vltetk Ira llvppiicr viva tia s orill Slocum Drug Co. Iriire tlan war. At the Ihlrty-wetenln meelihf he wm rtrir1. tofellier with hia frien.1, A. II. Urkl ih.l. avli'l W. .. l.e n. B" mem. M r .f ll.e ii lt.uillUe; he a!ut'l '.r id the llte t',. noialu u. "lie ...I.r.l. v . t.l- a risXl in t"' eM ani; when the . i.m Wra wer i-teucl .i him lie t.h Ihe tiflirti.e. Sl'MMONS. I Jt THE ClklTIT mt'BT Or THE BTA1 B 1 ol ir..n. 4 ihe Co.iuly id MorrvW, Matilda "' I, ItaiiitiS. va Harriet Meeef . tM-fv1M. tl.rrvrl "lege li-ir" lr In ihe n. m. ,M the etaN. e4 teeo ynai are keel)V eroired tn ai t and . tt.e mm . ..hit 1-l.uM la Ihe ahnve eutilied da erf the tte ami II wee agtn Uie imttiui sine. h..i,Mi.r u- at ei. r iti town or . 1 , .11 .1. I n mrellhrn. ! the aih day ol rt4 , t Bn4 II ywaj tail Ahil la sll tlie wHi1Bf rnretinr. to.M..t ik.r-. ri.inii win ap- doB la Marrlt 8?. !-?. the fwt' toy 1. a deveea veatlog la pieJ.mfl the Mt In . ,. . -t - .... i.i.rt.r Ui4 IM awtk l k M avtM at... a mm i n' - i-.m. i ik . ft ! rda . THE m OF BREWING. ol IB net eee-t per In. re Ihe 1MB day ol r-rt't'iery, to, and lha fi.rihe anaa el Te II, 1 Enriy liollere aitomey a Nee. and r. .'.! diieTet.ia tavi-t el Teeoiy P. h.i .r oa the 1MB dar ret merv I'm. V,rti. . hemy etvea thai I will mt Mini Amm Ihe l(l dat ol Julie. Ia. M I 'Ww k. p m 4aatd day, at tie I ror. I none at the court kmrae ta U.( .o.r. M wrow rmwety. nvegoa. aeu Was Perfected by tht Production of.. HOP GOLD al aitMi to ie M.i iei mm la aa.lhe.dioali.g .Wnaed proe-ely wv I J ml tlOW Ut ell tbe art mmm uane. w. - '-i JL, thim Iwe Ui nk eaage iveaiy v I A flOli S 11 J 1, M iiiaie Bwrbllan, ail la H.rtrww Jg it. f ... (lw.,n l.k.a and levied Ka aa t'15 AjlUr tliat ilale h.a psine 1.a ht The irv'llo;i'iB me th4t he ret.trtir.! h,.t,e la I'M in I'" ' ',' v ts.e IWM WMb . . 1 w, g'.ee pillow tme 1 g m, e-w -ay k a. . rw. 11.. u.rtv ml ihe aai.1 U.m. W Be at art Mildred J. peeenrt a al. an ieerv-4 aa a.ay he) .'! In eeUeJr the aaxl Iwria . ... - . . ... ui. im r ml ' - .1 . inrw ' . 1 . - IT . .. TT . 1 .1 and aaalnel ree t ae.riarl re.iei-ie, w,.wr"T- U, 1 ..,.,. el .1 Ww-th-e -.a ail Aitv hrfl '. e- and dietiiaeiete I. at have aay a. Thte or". h) tv .r.'M d J Ira trv. MT1'K .eri . a ..- - - . . B1.,,4 l...iv .4A ' 1m4 at Begrwer. Bay r. t J t e entire world ittrtect product V JSreicerj brrr..... W On draught at all popular saloons STAR BOEWERY COMPANY, 103 WashUii n., eHHlani, 0 tB- I krtlr, iee tw.l 1W aJaCi.leU.ritlvsrMla4l BJM'i who, wLil ia tUaatu0 bCTi,