I "THE CREAT DEBATE." Election is at hand and you should read it. FREE with the Gazette one year.' v OFFICIAL PAPER "THE CREAT DEBATE." Election is at hand and you should read it. with the Gazette one year. SIXTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, RFI DAY, JUNE 24, 1898. NO. 660 i J SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man; At J.O) per year, $1.00 for m raoothe, BO ota. tor three moocns, strictly in advano . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Entered at the Foatofice at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. THIS PAPEB is kept on Hie at E. C. Dake's Advertising Agency, 84 and 65 Merchants Exohangs, San Franoisoo, California, where oou raoU for advertising can be made for it. LP. F18HEB, NEW8PAPKB ADVERTI8- ing agent, 21 Merohante' Exohang Build ing, Ban Franoisoo, Is onr authorized agent. This pap9r is kept on file at his office. 0. R. & N. --LOCAL CARD. daily except Leaves Heppner Junotioa iM a. m. and ar- Troin Iaatmi HenDner 0:30 P Enndav arriving at Heppner Junction 12:05 a. tu. Wisconsin Ccnthal Lines at HAitnnHr rHHI a. m Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:00 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 7:50 p. m. and Uma ilia 8:60 p. m. - Prtlnnil K.TnreHu No. 8. from Hookane. arrives St Umatilla DUO a. m. and Heppner Junction 7 HO .m. and arrives at Portland l:(x)a. m. Ft Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9:25 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Janotion 8:25 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:3U a- m. Fast Hail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 11:10 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 12:2ft a. m. and at Pnrtlianrl 7?9f. R. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. H a, N., Heppner, Ore. OFFICIAIj DIBEOTOET. United Btates Officials. President . William HcKinley Vice President Garret A. Uobart Mtn nf Mtt W. B. Uav Secretary of Treasury... Lyman J. Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelias N. Bliss Secretary of War BubboII . Alger Secretary of Navy John V. bom Poxtinnatflr-GenarKl CharleB Emery Bmitl Alfirnv- ttnnenil John W. Griggs Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of ttreeon, Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State . H. B. Kinoaid Treasurer Phil. Metaohan Bopt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin ftanral C. M. Idleman ... 1 G. W. MoBride eenacora i I Thoe. H.Tongue tuuHramuicu ... w. K. Kills Printer W. H. Leeds ( B. B. Bean, UnnM.no Jnilmaa ... JF. A. MOOTO. " I C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District i 1 ,i P. oMoutinn Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials, Joint Senator. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Milwaukee, Nov. 5, 1897. PATRONS of the Wisconsin Central Lines in passing through Chicago may require some assist ance in the way of having their hand baeeaee taken form or to train and carriage or bus. or in many other ways, and they will find all that is desired in this re spect in the service of the Ushwrs at the Grand Central Passenger Station, who have recently been uniformed with brown suit and red cap. They will be in waiting at all train b prepared to assist pas sengers, and it is hoped that our patrons will fully avail themselves of this additional provision for their comfort. J AS. C. POND, Gen'l Passr. Agt. H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR ' Of the Old Reliable Gault House, Uepresentative. N:nnty Judge " Commissioners., J. W. Beckett. " Clerk Sheriff ' Treasurer Assessor ' Bnrveyor.. School Bup't... ' Coroner CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A q., c. m. & Bt. p., c. a., r. rt. w. s c, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroad. RATES lS.OO PKH 13 AY I Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bta., . OHIOAO-O. ZXiXu THE DALLES NURSERIES, R. H. WEBER, Prop. TUB SJaXiXiSS. OBS9-OIT, Grower and Dealer in Fruit, Shad and Ornamental Trsts, Grapa Vines and Small Fruita. .Stephen . weu Our Trees are Grown With out Irrigation. SEND FOR CATALOGUE, AVcgelablePrcparationfor As similating thCTood and Regula ting thaStomflchs andBowehof Picrinote3T5istion,Cheerful-: ness and Best.Contains neither Oprum.Morphine norifineral. Not Narcotic. Rtapm ofO&lirSXMVHfflVBLa imrptaM Stti" Alx.Scnnm Jtppermint -JjiCarbanmkStimi flanlud Sogrr imaa-a teran A txafect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrtioca. Worms convulsions ,r everisn pess andLosS or SLEEP. TacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. m casnawi 3i'' ZXACT COPY OF WHAPPEB, For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signati The Kind You ' Have Always Bought. THE FIRST GUN. PRESS COMMENT. Hi TMK OSNTAUN OOMMNV, NtWVORK CITV. .. A. W. Gowan ... J. N. Brown a. Hartholomew I ... J. It. Howard! ...J. W. Morrow ,.E. L. Matlock .. Vrank Uilliam ....A, C. 1'etteys i. t. Hotiee pley ilian WEEKLY The MONTHLY Merchant Tailoring ! Mr. Abrahamsick is the pioneer tailor of Hepp ner. His work is always first class and satisfac tion guaranteed. CALL AND SEE ME. ON MAY STREET- ; .Jay W. 8hipl ...H,jg. Vsutjlm Outlook 1 .... hvwm nvrtnvRH. M .ihoa. monrsn lnoilmen.... E. J. Hlocum. n. Iiiohtenthal. J . ri. Bi moni, 4 . t . nwi, . . . tj . .,.I It. II Uiorn. u i. w. A. iiirnnrniioii www , uf U. -1. .J. T. . IIIIKKO Marshal..;".'.'..'." J""" ae' PrMnetOflleerr. W. E. Binhamson .,.ihl M. B. W netMn United Statea Und Officers. thb oaxlu, on. v a m r. nwwi.im..i.....i..'"" q - A.H. Hiirm iwwn. . . AK.MnB OK. E. W. Bartiett Jr5.! Oatlook givei a oompaot review of the world'! proereM; 11 ruuowa Justice of the Paaoa... Published Every Saturday! I 13 Astor Place New;York The Oatlook will be In 1897, u il bu been daring eaob of its tweoty iereD .. rU-aistmr y ean, a Hiitory of Oar Own Times. Io its various editorial departments The J.H. kobbine.. BXCJtxT aaocxarrzsou KAWUNS POST, NO. L Q. A. B. Vtat Hrppner, Or., the third Saturday of rV. month. AU veterans are uviira w loin. W. W. Smith. Aitiutaot. (loin maniiar. D.J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offioe hours. 8 to 10 a. m., aod 12 to progress; il follows with care all lbs important pbilantbropio sad in dustrial movements of the day; baa a complete department of religious news; I devotes maoh space to tba interests of lbs home; reviews ourrent literalore;! tarnishes cbeeKul table-talk about men and things; and, in short, aims to give treab inlormatloa, original observation,! and reasonable entertainment. Boginniog "itb tbs fifty flifth volome.l the Darter will aaanma the resalar masa ?i'MdKAiJS wb,ob will add greatlytoit. tii a m. t1 ioBd. m.. atoffios in oonvenienoe and attractiveoee.. , The the rear of Borg e jewelry store. i uouooi is paoiioDea ever oaiuruaj i fifty two iaanes a fear. Tba first issue Brown Sc PQfjfjold,jln'Mhl,10D,lliioIllu,,rt'lue'l,iD' i womoer, oooiaiDiof soouiiwiceaa many Alturnvys ai i-av, OSes In tb First National Bank Bnildiog. Ilimii. i t . Oriooh. If Ellis & Phelps, TT0RNEYS AT LAW. All bust fine aMoadad U In a prompt and sit.lrU.r t Biatiuar. NoUrtes Public I Collar tors. When you hear dem bells !" YOD SHOULD KNOW THAT THE HEPPNER TRANSFER GO'S Belled express is coming. Does delivery work on short order, 10 cents and upwards. This wagon is No. 4, and leave your order with it, or at "Central" telephone office. WE MOVE ANYTHING ! BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. namoer, eontainingaooaiiwioaaa msoy i . . . f l 1 pses as tbs ordinary issae. together I or more than titty-six years it has never tailcci wud targs lODDer 01 piciiuwaw I . . . , i i ft in its weekly visits 10 me nomes 01 iarmers and villagers throughout the U. S. Tba prteeof Tba Oatlook is three dollars a year in advenoe, or leas than a ceot a dsy. Bend (or a specimen oopy and illastret- u prospectus to TbS Outlook, 19 Altorl t HAM laUhlullr Ul.red r their r.nisrr1lf and hadiiaa, true womsiiho! Plaoe, New Totk Oltv. aaiLfarlory ananuer. NoUrtes rubll Offka la Natter Balldtas. Heppaer, Or. D. E. GILMAN, GcncralCollcctor Put frrar old bonis and notes In his bands and t yn mony out of thvni. Makrs a specially ol bard eullecUona. Offioe ia J. N. Brown's Raildioz. W. A. RICHARDSON, Justice of the Peace and City Recorder. orriet ar eaara IbllS sad Wnrs rl miUI. nm konw, sava UlM, 4("li'""l "d lll rrr f It ay aay labia Una. alraaHMlleSgures. U First National Bank or ur.rpNEn TOCI BBAftDS. Wbil yoa wa roar aabasriptloa paid as ira aa kaas ymrbfaad la fraaof ebars Br. F. O.. Hmwr. OrHnraaa. P B ca left bnaliiari aattle, bm aa laft hip. Hnchea, Parry. Haf'tinar. fir I '! hrnd4 W. II. rc.naftl m tba Urfl aiSa. W a. Id la as Buaa. kaaaa, Miimrw euaatr. Rook. A. J.Jaa.OT.-ll..SOua rtstitsaoal dan t t U, hlr). rWMkipi ear auuk i aruf) oa left aoa atiut la rte-hl Kir. Rrna. TVmaUa. (r.-Haraaa bnd-d PLl M Uft aaoaidat, aallU aaaw aa laftbip. buiS la naiii aar. Pbwmea, L. a riannaar, Of-'atU, LP aa rlM bipi birsi t witb bar aadar ua riaat boaidar. Jnsaa, Harrr, Hpt. itf Httfaaa hrnM H J oa lbs laft llxail'W: Mills br.idd J aa nh hip. alan aadartMt la laft aar. liana la Burro euaat. J.Apana. Palla. taa. Or. Rnraaa, MrrlmT m laft atiltot aaula. aamana rlM hip, aadat half rati Is rta ea aixil Jl lan aar anay, Mike, Happaar, Ot Hyrm mnM INI am UTt kip aaitia aaa aa4 an e bfl aari aattar abipa aa tba rWil Laaha. J. W. Hai.Mtar Or MraM bvanijol I. aa4 tmUfl alumiaWl eaHIa aa. aa Wt bip, waul avay rtbl aya, Utraa la riM for the Imrimveinrnt nt lhair biialiirai trnme liitorvala, fur ediioailim, lr the elevation 01 Amarx-an niaunou'i ana IT HAS Uililat the nrraida, Interesting and Instrurtlva aUirleaof the dolmcs of ths world, ths aiallntl afalaal IT HAS advlaM ihs larmir as to tbamnst apjimvart metlimla of rtiltlvailns anl hsrveallna: hla rrfi. ani Ina proir lime eonvan inrm inio in larara M I IT HAS M In all snail'-" iwrialiiliK ! the wrlfsraul lariners an4 vllMMtara. ana lor uter as hcM C.A. Rhca. T.A. BMtA. oco. w. conic), S. W. PCMCCR. frwalSsnt Via PrwalSant a Caablar Aee't Caabier Truarti t Gfunl Ixi Imm Bought and Sold, Miao, Oanar, riappaw Of tu. M D aa rtabi btp, biaaa, M ua Ml ahnuMar. Mnreaa. . SJ rt-w". Or.-tfnrsaa, Ml oa laft snoaMai aattle aaata oa ln kip. Omtwnt. I. W., Tuaalas. r. bursas O aa laf aoaUten aattle aaata aa rlabt bip. Parbar OlawMB. Hartmaa.Ov.-HoraallPoa I fl ahoaldar. I V.arana. OMvr. brr bfaMwl bar sa4 ,l -m w r-t -r -r a "rVT f"l "I ablaut aa lli sbu4fi fain. tMcbt !, I baw W Bpar. Of -H rasa. JO Oa all parts tke Wat4 lari eaaMar. i-XU. laa rWM kip. taT It. O. tlfnaar. tit. - PaHle W C aa kip. am V rM a4 .Mal M tm raar, I J a. llmmm, I h M.waaa. I as ColarttHM) aiaeaa all puiaa) ! mvtu. I . Ul - . 1 1vm H Wullt-aar I w tat ! mr r.-w in wmW. Ua., !( Paava ow ln k.'p laryias a4 iblrlfM frotM ijU U tM pars. a century ha their eon Silence ami esteain. IT IB TIID. New York Weekly Tribune, Ana1 furnish It with ths GAZETTE, aits year far $2.76, easnlnadvar.ee. Addra-aU Order, to THE GAZETTE. Writ Tmif imrni fti.4 44tm on a ptm'ml It ifiOn. W. Ht, Triboti (Mlrf, Ktw 1 Wf I V IIJT, ! Mmpif Cty J si ft IVH - awn; i f imiirf wn s- v WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia Kivcr aud PutSoundNaviirafion Go Ston IttU'CDNY, EULET CiTZUiT AND OCUS WAVE. lMilnf Al.lar Htraat Ik. PuHlaad, for Aatoria. llaseo, Umt IVarb, Orea 1'ak aaJ Malicntta. lMrel onboriiuB wtift iiaseo siaamars aaa ran' road; also at Yonos's Hay wlla Kpaatrora Hailroa.1. Uaias ParUand I A. M , lolly. H n't laavaa AfVla I P. at IaJlr. sliapt iwU)a kj tHlIf, trr4t,'ter. aalnHef pl.l. II P Ma. arbwla Pa Oregon Heard From and . the Republican Platform Endorsed- Protection the Slogan Cry. Tbe following is taken from a reoent issue of the American Eoooomiat: C0NGBK8SMAN T0NQU. Discussiug tbe part played by Ibe oanae of proteotion in the Oregon cam paign, Representative Tongue said : ft bad quite an important part. Not so muoh io the eleotiou as in the elec tions of 1896. I think at the June elec tion in 1896, bat for the etroog sentiment in favor of proteotion, both republican candidates for oongresa would have been beaten, and possibly a majurity of the republican candidates for tbe state legis lature. It ia very doubtful whether MoKinley would have carried Oregon but for the desire for the restoration of proteotion. Oregou wag bit very bard by the Wilson bill. A practical removal of all duties upon all olaesea of live stook, wool, fruits, vegetables, barley, dairy producte, lumber and ooal was a severe blow to Oregon industries. 1 "At that time tbe money question bad not been very thoroughly diaouseed ex cept from a free silver standpoint, and upon that question alone I am inoliaed io iqidk ids state would bave gone against tbe republican party. But tbe people had a severe objeot leSBon of. tbe neoessity and beneficial effects of pro taction, and it saved the state to the re' pnblioans. At tba recent eleotiou pro tection was not made prominent as an issue, but I feel quite sure that tbe beneficial effeots of tbe Dingley bill up on Oregon products had a very material ffeot in the eleotion. I think men who otherwise would have been moaned to vote for free silver hesitated, and finally refused to do so, for fear of unsettling the . benefioial . effeots of protection. While this issue was not so prominently disonsaed by politioal speakers and tbe newspapers as tbe tioanolal question, I feel snre it was a prominent issue in the minds of the voters themselves. Pres ent conditions were gwd; they hesi tated to obange. ."Oregon is Interested in the duty up on toe importation of agricultural pro ducts, live stock, lumber and ooal. Ore gon produces Hnd sells largely horses, oattle, sheep, wool, prunes, applus and all ol eases of fruits adapted to that cli mate, and the different classes of vege tables, onions, potatoes and dairy pro. d n ota. .While Ortgon ri-jea not produoe barley nofpt in vary limited quantities, the stale is interested considerably ja duty on barley. With a strong protec tive duty on that grain, California ships its barley to eastern breweries and bujs Orrgon oa's, thus insuriug s good pries When the duty was removed from bar y California not only fed its own bar- loy Lnt shipped and sold it to Oregon In oompptiliou with Oregon oats, aud tbe price of oa's declined very materially Lumber is produoe J in Oregon in great qnaotitiea, aod the duty npno lumber ia having a very benefioial effect There is annmbir of ooal mines In Ore gon also benefited br a duty npon oa I. Tbe duties looreaaed by tbs Dingley bill era not npoa the things that Oregon bny, bot npon tba products that Oregon sells. Too bava probably nntiosd that the lrarioao,'' published a Pbilade phis, and ths Boston "Herald," in their comments opon prices mentioned the faot I bat there has been a material In arenas iu tbs prices of food pr iduott.bnt not a corresponding moreass Io lbs prices of manofHOtnmd goods. These areoonJltlons that miks tor prosperity and goods and sells fool products. "I might be permitted to say," aa Representative Tonga, "that tbs psnpl of Oregon very mnoh appreciate lb work done by ths American Economist I bavs been a regular reader for soma years, ar d on a great many oroealnoa bavs used lbs facts aod figures gleaned (root its pases for campaign i iirpol It has rendered material assistance furnishing Information to the editors of several newspapers. It has placed o their reach facts that were not resdily aoceesibla to them ia other ways." BIPBSaSHTaTfVt BliLIS, "The question of lbs tariff," sal, lUpreaatitative Kills of Oregon, "is si wsys an Important factor ia stats a lac tluns io Oregon. Ia tbat section of onr tals devoted Io tba prodaotion of wool a very largs pareenlageof onr people ars protectionists without regard to Ihs pravione party afftllatloas. They bavs bad Ihs praolioal results of proUolloo demonstrated aloes the lueornltg of Ihs praaeiit sdnlDlatratioo io lbs Increased prioes i f sheep aod wool, aod this has resulted io t&aklog largo Bombers who bavs previously opposed as onras eq tart ly lolo lb ratiks of lbs rapoblinao parly. As far as Oregoa ia ooooerned abs is in lbs ranks of protci.io states to remain Tbs I'srlicular aeetious of Id ImgUv law which have ln.U. to alresglheo Ibis senhmsol, aod whiflh bad aa Impor lent bearing in tba reoaiil electioaa, ars lbs wool sod frnil schedules. " Our fellow townsman, I. L. Patterson will make a very eflfloient oollectorof cus toms. He is a careful and reliable busi ness man, and every detail of the gov ernment's business coming under his barge will have careful and honest attention. Mr. Patterson baa ever been a good citizen, loyal to bis oity, oounty, state aod oountry. Tbe republican party and its candidates have hal bis hearty support and aotive help at all times. We are pleased with Mr. Patter sou's appointment and ws predict for him a successful administration ot the affairs of tbe offloe to be placed in bia keeping. Salem Statesman. POWDER Absolutely Pure ; ; Oregon is in the lead again. All the world is commenting on the trip of the battleship Oregon since her trip of 13.000 miles to join Admiral Sampson and on her arrival in Cuban waters not 5 oents was expended in repairs. Again tbe Oregon exhibit at Omaha is attracting the attention of tbe thousands who el tend as no other state's display. Ore goo prunes ars becoming known the world over as the best, and California, that "garden of Eden," is depending on us for hay to teed her starving herds and potatoes to feed her thousands ot inhab itants. Let Oregon's farmers take cour age. Eagene Journal, , ' "Bryan is at the head of a regiment tbat will soon go to Manila, in tbe Phil ippines, but be has hopes that be will be tbe bead ot a large army io 1900 tbat ill take bim to tbe White House, in Washington, in 1001. The sun ot William Bryan has net as yet done any set iv, says tbe East Uregnnian. No, neither has it done anything else, Bry en's sun is one of tbe lasy, spouhog tilings that does nothing but talk, talk all tbe time, Bryan will never bs presi dent, no matter what bis hopes or what beoomes of bis sun. His grand-stand play at military will avail bim nothing, Milton Eagle. all Isaao L. Patterson, of Salem, has been appointed by tbs president oolleotor ot ostoms for the district of Willamette. This is the position for whioh Governor elect Qeer was a oandidate, and over which snob so nprosr was made io tbe republican party. It seems that notwitb standing ths result of the reoent election in this statsMilohelliem is not nearly so defnnct as some politicians wonld have themselves believe. La Orsnds Chron icle. I internalional development, because il is necessary to break a mighty monopoly standing against tbe canal. Moro Ob server. It is rather difficult to understand how Ibe Oregonlan oan praise Hon. T. J. Blaok as a obampion ot the gol d stand ard and bold bim up as an apostle of all that is good and holy while jt denounces John H. Mitohell as a renegade and an apostate, an object too loatbesomo to bs reoognized by deoent and patriotic be ings because he onoe voted tor the free and unlimited ooinage of silver, Io tbe legislature ot 1885 Mr. Blaok was one ot the so-called demoorats io tbe legisla ture, who helped elect Mitchell to the -United States senate. Had it not been for Mr.' Black and bis associates, Mr. Mitchell would have been shelved 13 years ago. T. M. The Milton Eagle has an "eagle eye." It cruelly remarks: "Tbe Pendleton Tribune will issue Its mammoth Fourth of July edition this full. Its grand holiday edition was issued ia April. Promptness is not in the Tribune's cata logue of virtues." The Eagle is mis taken in one particular. Tbe "special" printed in April was Intended for a har vest number of the fall before. Some people drop into procrastination by forming tbe habit of issuing too many promises, or, using a slang phrase, biting off more than they oan chew. East Oregonlan. The merit ot Hood's Barsaparllla Ia literally written tn blood. It la traced In the vital fluid Of millions of the human race. Its positive medicinal merit And on rati ve power la written Upon the hearts, and graven upon The minds of thousanda Of people whom It haa oured And given good health When there seemed nothing before Them but darknesa and despair. It cures all dlseasee arising From or promoted by Impure Blood by Its Intrinsic merit aa The one true blood purifier, Nothing can temore amusing than the antios of fusion exchanges in their efforts to aooount for ths reoent gold standard landslide in Oregon. Everything from seventeen. cent wool caused by foreign shortage" to a "war viotory" Is tramped np as a primal oanae, to all of which ws graoefnlly oonsent. It this viotory wss due to tbe price of wool, all glory to tbs grand old party; if it wasa"warvio tory," so mach moro lbs triumph, for ws overlooked: aen I out nearly 1000 repahliosn voters to Colcmbch, Ohio, Juns tlgbl for their oonotry's cams. It a "war viotory" aooountsfor it, wbal conld briog a mora glorions triumph? UANNA IN CONTROli. Hla Delegates Seated at tbe Colnaibns Con vention. A Hot Tims. Tba following special was sent ths Oa- elte on Wednesday which was Intended tor onr bulletin on tbat day. bot was 22 Uanna's Contesting delegates to ths republican Convention wers seated by a report ot tbe ootnmittee on credentials this morn- log. Uanna is in cimplete oont rol. Dlaoovsred By Woman. Aootber great dlsoovsry has bean mads aod thai too, by a lady ot this oooo try. "Disesis fastened its olatobes Not oven tbs most boastful repablioao could olaim moro than is admitted by tba fosl.io press in this sasertion. It ar rays tbs republicans oo lbs side ot da- lending their country, aod tbs foslooiits OU ths slds of Lents. Whitehead. Laaan. Cf Oloos. st al.. who defamed or triad to DP r "n " detama their oooolrt'sehief eiaoutiva In ttooi lu Everest tests, but ber vital or- time of -sr. This Is an in.olt which r. "oderminsd Bud death onbliosns are not wHIioir to east nrn " rnmlneut. For three months all foaiooists, bot tbs fusiooisl press is ,n- nDi """wan iiy ami ooiim not hauling II dowo on its own purty bssd. Eogeoa Register. There are many demrerats Io both bonas who bsvs firmly stood by ths so Beielloo poliey, aod should have all dus credit for II. Il is a fitting lime to say Ibat bereMore Ihs damocrstio party has lad In Ihs great achievements ot aooei Ing lbs territories that bsvs broadened lbs ooootry from Ihs original strip of col ntilee along lbs Atlantic ootil wo bavs lbs ooean, gulf sod great laks boundaries II was ohjrta,l to lbs BO'talaltloo of Teis sad California tbat Ihs purpose of Ihs statesmen who were Ibe moat loflee tial adviwslrs o( tbat policy, tbs mjtivs Uhlo I il all was lhaeitansion of slavery There may bara ba something IB that st on llm, bol lbs great eommoo saoas ot Ihs Amerioan people was favorable Ihaa as H is now to getting mors land for osr folks. If there was a wrong ia Ihs war sad Ihs graod retails eonfl-rned Ihelr wisdom. Aatorleo. sleep. Hba finally discovered a way In reoovery by porohasmg of ns a bottls of Dr. King's Nsw disoovery for consump tion, and was so mnoh relieved no tak ing first dose, Ibal she slept all niirht aod with two bottles has beeo ahenlnts- ly eared. Her name is Mrs. Lather Uti." Thus writ W. 0. Menmick k Co., of Hhalby, N. C. Trial bottls fre at K. J, Hlocum'e drag store. Krgalsr site 60o and II 00 every bottle gtiaran lewd. Imtm rortlit a p al SIX iinvl aaariay and Ma4ay. a-i-iar akt. 1 P. M oonyvivr wavtj Uvs Portland snd runs 4lr li.ae Ti"sy sod VlnirMst al S A, M NMaMty al P, M Laaat liea Mviuaals; IM 'H al 1 A. M. Oa -U at 1 1. M, KaU Alajaal Asylkla "I was a sufferer front lodlsealinsi and oold Pat Maroely aojIMog withnnl snffafisg gieal diatraep, J waa aUa Iruotiled Wilb bdabrs. tbsntak tag U'MKi'sHarseparilla and II baa lislpad eooderfally. I sa sow pal alavMet anytlilng I w.ah, witbeal dialreas." Mrs Aooa Plohy, Hylvaa, vTaship(-tnB. Waa Hallroad t'emstlaaloarrTwaTrraia. IIoo. Itiibert Clowe, of Laos oounty, arrived in Ui-ppnar on Tuesday to look after Boms Bus cattle bs baa bars In charge of N, a Maris. Mr. Clows is oos of tba prominent cltlxens of bis pari of tbs stats and was railroad com- miaalnoer for two sunonpaivs terms. Us says erop prospects In Lans oounty ara beltsr tbso they bava to io Ihs last leo years aod S larger acreage than osoal was sown. Mr. Clows is emrausd I- St. l.i. in b : -. 1- . , . , , . - , I ,M mum M''UTIIia lull, UUIUe Bl .UUrilSS Hh Meliavi tbs people emdoned It I . .. .. ... . , . ... . . City, aod lbs OetUi aokoovledges a vary pleasant call from Ihs geotlemae. lino lir.WAItlll M't !'.!U B'B Ihe favorite famllf oat I. sr Ms, t( like, swy lu tjipy Bl . V, Iloa I.L. .'etlere'Kl of Hitera bee beeo sppoiatad tollarlor of eoaloms al Port land by lbs prel 1ol lu la oss of ths strongest supporters of Mitohall and Mc- Itrtde, sod well deeera bis aooe. Tbal Iks will make aa efflnlaal sod pop. alar sdlartor bis so any (rlsn Is will isp ante. Ths Times sitae li Its eoograta- lei:oos -Jacksonville Times, Wa are pleastd to obesrvs thai tbs Nimrsgos oan at projeot is r anal vis g da. served stientloo now front Preei leol Mo- Klaleyasd others af great Infitanoe Dot Bo mtif bow aonk Jaslra-I, Ihare will s eo Misaragoeosls4 long as Ihs popU of Haa Kraaslsoo nlarl a baild thai Mils slrelaH of Ot aiilss ot raitwsy from lUkar.fl'll to M.'Jeve, This may eawos to bs lriQog local Inter poailloo, but 1 It tfwpUU Itoppef Itf I grt Will bs paid for informatloo leading to Ibe arrest and eonvii Hob of any per son stealing SalU brandml "Wll" ooo- osoUd on lha left aide. Waddle oo II. s or.eo, I') I lli oiisn. tVunvd Poll BALK. Itaooh, 3J0 Bflres, good laud, 4 miles of Heppner, all fnc I, plenty of wslsr, bona aod bare, Hi arras of sarotnsr fallow, all ready for fall crop. Easy terms. Call at lbs O.utte offloe. rV-4-tf Tva Mllliaae m tear. When mil Irtiv, try, and I nr esnin.it maie thrvr aalielml. 'I br m,l ( I he t niloil btalra ara lint In, i n ( aaiarrta Ceiiily Cetlisrlu- al l rslr lao nullum li.tr a veer ami It Wiil l llifr nilllli-n l. Jute . Vnir'a, It ti,in m.r I provr l, that ( asiarrta al the rrn ! di l l.lful ,mji fatfiitalrir l'ir pveiylvdv tlie lr round. All fjf I. J", S iwt, imr fUalSlltred.