O. R. & N. DlFABT TIME S0HEDULE8 AitRIVS ro From Heppner. fbom 9:80 p.m. Salt Lake Denver" 4:50a n. Ft. Worth, Om aha' Kansas City Bf Louis, Chicago' Portland, Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, and the East. 8.00p.m, Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland, All ialling dates subject to change. For Ban Francisco Sail June 8, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24. 27, 30. 7:00 p.m. To Alaska- 5:00 p.m. June 7, 25. 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivee 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To ABtoria and Way LandingB. 6:00 a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and VI ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 3:30 p.m. Tuee., Thur, Yamaill Uivbus. Mon Wed. and Sat. and Oregon City, Day ton & Way Landings. 6:00 a. m. Tuea. Thurs. and Sat. Lv. Riparla 1:45 a in. Mon., Wed. and Friday Denver & Rio Grande RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD- Weekly Excursions TO THE EAST, Id through tourist car without change. MODERN UPHOLSTERED TOURIST SLEEPERS In charge of experienced oouduotors and porters. Yfnnikiro To Kansas City, Chicago, Buffalo and JlullUtt) a, Boston without change via Salt Lake, Missouri Pacific and Chicago and Alton Uys. TiiPCfl'iua To 0mina' Chicago, Buffalo and lUrauup, Boston without change via Suit Lake and Chicago, Kock Island & Pacinc Ky. Willamette River Portland to Corval. lis & Way Landings. 4:30 D. m. Tues., Thur. and Sat. Snake River. Riparla to Lewiston Lv. Lewiston 5:45 a m. Sun., Tues. and Thur. To St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis without change via Salt Wednesdays, Lake and Burlington Route. Thnncilaira To Kansas City and St. Louis with lliursuavs, 0ut change via Salt Lake and Mis souri Paclilc railway. The Thirteen Superstition. It is said this fctrane superstition extends away back to the time of King Arthur. When the good Uritish king founded the famous Round Table, he requested Merlin, the enchanter, to ar range the seats. Merlin arranged one set to represent the apostles; twelve were for the faithful adherents of Jesus Christ and the thirteenth for the traitor Judas. The first were never occupied save by the knights distinguished for their achievements, and when a death occurred among them the seat remained vacant until a knight, surpassing him in heroic and war-like attainments, should be considered worthy to fill the place. If an unworthy knight sought the vacant chair he was repelled by some magic power. the thirteenth seat was never occupied but once. Th story goes that a haughty and insolent Saracen knight sat down upon it and was immediately swallowed up by the earth. Ever after it was known as the "perilous seat," and, brave as the cele brated knights of the Hound Table are said to have been, not one ever had the courage to sit on the thirteenth chair. and the superstition against it still sur- VI MEN ! bee: A day stop-over arranged at Salt Lake and Denver. A ride through the Famous Colorado Scenery. For rates and all all information, Inquire of O. R. & N. and S. P. agonts, or address, R. C, NICHOL, 8. K. HOOPER, General Agent, (Jen. Pass. Si Tkt. Agt. 251 Washington St., Denver, Col. Portland, Oregon. J. (!. Hakt, Local Agt., Heppner, Or. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. 0. HART, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or, HUE YOU GOING ERST? If so, be sure and see that your tioket reads via tug Norinwesiern Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS is inn Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTfT, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Poerless Vestlbuled Dining and HWmjiiug Car Trains, and Motto: 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone snndlnir a sketch and dflsnrtDtlon mav qnlr.kly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is prohnhlr pntfintahle. Communica tions strictly conttdnnttHl. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken throuuh Munn A Co. receive Iprruit wilKn, wit hout clinrife, In the can cured 1 If yon suffer from any of the i ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I DR. JORDAN A CO.. ,1051 Market St Eit'd 1852. YonnK men and middle ( Rirea 111 P 11 who are sulterinff 1 from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical Debility .Impoiency.liOftt Itlanltuoil in all its complications; Hperinatorrlioea, roatatorrhwn, 4i!oiiorrttpa, tjlleet, Vrvqurney of Urinating-, ele. By a combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent in hit specialty Iklsjeasea of Men. at .r phi Ma thoroughly eradicated from the system wlthou t using Merur y. KVKBV MAN applying to ns will re ceive our ftonejt opinirm or his complaint. We will Guarantee a POSITIVECURE in every tote we undertake, or Jorjcit One Thonnand Dollars. Consultation FREE and strictly private. A CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. Treat-f inent personally or Dy letter. Send for book, "The I'hilOBODhv of M arrlarf.'' free. (A valuable book for men.) VISIT DR. JOBDARI Grea t Museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are maae; now to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens. VA TA LOUUk iHEO: Call or write. 1 1)51 Market Street. San Francisco. Cal. Scientific American. A hundnomnly IllnntrRted wneklr T.firiroit dr. dilation of any rvleiitttto Journal, Terms, 'A a pur: rourmonihB.su euia Dr all newinnaieriL MUNN & Co.381Brotdw,!'' New York Branca orace, KB ir wasnington, u. u. NOKTII l'ACIKIO Rural Spirit ONION F THROCGH TICKETS -TO THE- A WANDERING CK0WN. Wonderful Vicissitudes of the Sil ver Coronet of Hungary. Tragic Incident in the History of tht) Various K alert Who Have Worn the Famous Emblem of a Doable , Monarchy. "More precious to the loyal Magyar neart than all the cmbarras de richesses, whether of barbaric rudeness or me dieval splendor, is the ancient silver crown of Hungary battered, dinted and black as old iron. We gaze on it," says a writer in the Argosy, "with rev erential awe; for surely no crown in the world has undergone such wonder ful vicissitudes. When the royal line of Orfad became extinct Hungary was filled with confusion. The pope crowned one candidate; the diet elected another, who immediately donned the coronation robes and the silver crown. His pretensions were speedily sup pressed by the king of Bohemia, whe surrounded the walls of Buda with his troops, and carried off both king and crown to an impregnable Bohemian fortress. "Otto of Bavaria was then chosen by the Hungarians as their future ruler, on condition that he should first re' cover the famous crown, with which the fortunes of Hungary have ever been so closely connected. The Ba varian prince agreed to the conditions, and, disguising himself in the garb of a merchant, he set forth on his quest and reached Bohemia in safety. He speedily learned that the country was on .the verge of ruin; war had deci mated the population and exhausted the national finances. The land was untitled and the resources of the king dom at the lowest ebb. Under these circumstances the value of the Hun garian crown as a trophy of victory was at a discount. The misfortunes of the impoverished state and the dire necessities to which it was reduced de stroyed chivalrous sentiment and na tional pride. The supposed merchant profited by the situation, and soon en tered into such successful negotiations with the harassed and pauperized government that he was enabled to se cure the possession of the silver crown. "Elizabeth, the widowed queen of King Albert of Hungary, was the next to disturb the safety of the silver crown. The death of the king had plunged the country into a vortex of strife and confusion. In the midst of the contest she resolved to escape from the dangers which threatened her, taking with her the ancient croflrn. After taking refuge in Ger Harried at Corvallla. A very delightful wedding occurred at the residence of Mr. William Collins on Wednesday morning, the loth. It was the oeoasion of the mflrriage of Mr. atd Mrs. Collins' youngest daughter, Laura, to Mr. W. B. Laoy, of this city. It was a pleasBLt, quiet home afair. After the ceremony, which was performed by Dr. Thompson, D. D., a delicious wedding dinner was served and then the happy oonple took the west side train for Port- 1 od. Mr. and Mrs. Lacy are very highly esteemed and will receive the ooogratu Ittions of a host of friends. Corvallis Gazette. Mr. Laoy is a Morrow county boy, being a son of W. C. Laoy, of Black Horse. He hes resided at Corvallis fur a number of years, attending school at that place and finally going into bast nees there. The Gazette extends its con gratulations to the young oonple end wishes for them many long years of tin alloyed happiness. There is more catarrh in thisseotion of the country than all other diseases put logetner, ana until me last tew years was supposed to be incurable. For great mauy years doctors prononnoed it a local disease, and preacibed looal rem edies, and by constantly failing to cure with looal treatment pronounced it in curable. Hoienoe has proven outsrrh to be s constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care, msuufaotared by F. J Cbeney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional care on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a ttwnoonful. It acts directiv on tbe Diooa sua m neons surface of tbe system iuey oner one nnuaiea aoiiais for anv ca. e it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Andres?. F. J. CHEEKY & CO.. Toledo. O. sold by Druggists, 7oo. ADVICHTISING TALK. A Beautiful Present In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co.. of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package ot starch sold. These presents are in the form of Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows: jxm m 1 si' ' ' !'" "-ws-sss Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. fflllS ' V r nfoMlDH un COOKING ' fl MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF AND MICE ONI POUND Or THIS STARCH WILL 00 AS FAR As A fUUNU .nu M nnur OT ANY OTHER STARCH. -.WWlMTUMOO,,,. ICHllBINfirB BH0?C9 Wiid American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. These rare pictures, four in number, by the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing tnem in beauty, nenness oicoior ana artistic merit. One ot these pictures will be given away with arn narlrncrf nf purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a beautitul picture. ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIO STARCH. ACCEPT HO SUBSTITUTE s of color and artistic merit. J Elastic Starch I VIA THK II II (ESTABLISHED IN lsfi9.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. THE THROUGH OAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACK SLKKPER8. PULLMAN TOUKIST HLKEPEUS. KltKE KKCLININd CHAM CAK8 ALWAYS ON TIME Iim given this rowl nntlnnitl nniiUtliin. All ttlnssi'S nf peiiKrs twrltxl on tiia viMtllmlwl trains without eitrn churn. Hhlp your frvixht ml travul over this famous lino. All hkuiiLs have ilcknts. W. H. MEAD, K. 0. BAVAOR, (Jon. A iftin t. Trnv. t. V I'. Agt, 2IH Washington St., Portland, Or. OIIIOAQO miivvaukes & SI. Paul This Railway Co. Operate! ill traiui on the famous blook yatem; Light Its trains by eleotrioity tbrmiiib oot; Ua the olbratod elrotrio berth read ing lump; Rnni ipnodily fqaippoi pawMitr train evxrv day and mi; lit Iwlweon Ml. 1 tail I and riiiosgi, aud Omaha ami Cliioago; the Chicaao. Milw&ukco & St. Paul AIo oppratr WHin-hiatnl vmtilmlil train, Parry Inn Ilia latitat private oo:niarlDinu( cara, library burTfl rook I nil rara, aud palacn drawing room UriHtrt. l'arlor earn, fr rwclinlng chair oars, ml I ha ry tout ditiint ohair oar erne. for IowmI raUt to any tMiiot in lh Unild hlaln or Canada, apply to (iil or addrvM 0. J. EDDY, Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its wpiitht in sold to every farmer and breeder in Oregon. 8URHCIUPTION: 82 00 PEU YEAR. Mumple oupiea free.) Hdral Hpirit ami Onzet"o both (or t.i.00, cash, at this olHoe. J. W. CAHET, Trv. I'm. Agnnl. Ornrral Agont, l'ortlaod, Or. TOIl'l' n u x s ) li N Tiiuorim rAH. Tt) I IrkrM lssna.1 lo all tm1 Hlalra n. t nr. run. MINNKAPOMM KAIUIO IH'TIK HKl.KNA it.l la IUVoiM na-U. DEVOTED TO marlv sh was rpdnnnd to nhiRnt, nnvnr. Ea?t EDI SOUtheaSt I ty, and in her distress she pawned the historic crown of Hungary to Em peror Frederick for three thousand j ducats. Indignation fired every patri otic Magyar heart; war was declared, and, after much bloodshed, the bat tered crown was recovered by the Hun garian army and taken back in triumph to liuda, where it was locked up in a fortress and guarded night and day by two state dignitaries chosen from the Magyar nobility. The strife and tu mult which for so many centuries sur rounded the silver crown only in creased its moral value and heightened its significance, finally winning the due recognition of Hungarian needs and requirements. The brave Magyar race stoutly refused to denationalize itself by incorporation with Austria, and at last the necessity of self-government for Hungary was admitted. Francis Joseph of Hupsburg was sol emnly crowned king of Hungary as well as emperor of Austria, and ac cepted with the silver crown the double responsibility of the double monarchy." The AtnerioBu Mttobicist., of New York, sends oat a card wbioh reads : ome men won't sdvertise when the are busy think it will last forever. Some men won't adyertise when timet are dull think the crook ot doom is jus about to the city line. There are others who advertise all th time. Tbe latter attract icquiries and orders, and in good times osn piok what they want. In dull times ibcy get oil there is go ing tbe other fellow is out ot the busi ness. One is an optimist in prosperity, a pes simist in ud versify, atid a uairow-guage weakling all the time. The other is just a plain, oommoL sense business man. What kind are yoc? THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE LUNG TROUBLES AND CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. An Fminmt New York Chemist and sciential Makes a Free Offer to Our headers. q Portland to Chicago Without Change (Jnirk Time. I nion Daunts. IWHoniilty Condnrted KxonrHions. Mkkk'ik" heckwl to Domination. L HlllHH. I h reot 1 i us to Tran-MiMimiiii anil Inter. national Kxixmition held at Uionlia, Nebraxka, June U November, Wrlta nndemitmed for rnta. timetahlna and other information partaiuinw to Union Pacific n. It. It. W. IIAXTF.Il. or J. C. HAKT Airt.. (Ion. Airt.. l;ir. 8d HI., O. It. A N. Co., 1'ortlund, Or. Hujipner, Or. OREGON SHORT LINE Bj. 50 Years.... A Hiiro Thins for Ton. A tranHactioit in which yoiirumiot losoisa line in 111 if. iiUiousnuBS. lrk lii.udiu.'liu. n.r i'lhI tongue, lever, iiilua uud a Uiouauuu oilier ins are t ausoo oy coiisliiiutioii and aluKiHh liver. tu'sreu umidv Uitliartic. tlio won dci'ful new liver stimulant aud intts inal to nlo are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure BRASKA, KANSAS, m8-aimMiU booklet free. ' bue'our big ad. QVICKEHT AND MOST DIRECT USE TO I UTAH, COLORADO, NE- IN TMC Undisputed Supremacy World's Competition Cooper's Sheep Dip ! Increases Yield of Woo), Enhances Valnaot r mok. Cheap, Hale, Han dy, Clean, holesomis OdorieM. CIIAS. G. nOBEUTS. CCNCHAL AOCNT, in A.h Hlri-ct, Portland, Oregon. Siilil lv Minor Si Co.. HfiHT, Or. KIT.NM Tl SOURI RIVER and all Points EAST, and SOUTH- I I LOOK AT THE TIME. ! NEW YORK, 4 days CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, 3J OMAHA, 3 SALT LAKE, 1 Kr lWclioing Chair Cars l'(ibolalred Tnurist HWpiog Cart rullruan l'alaoe Hleeping Cars For full particulars regardiog rates, tiin o trains, etc., call on or address J. C. HAltT, Free Pills. Send your address to H . E. Buckler & Co., Chioago, and Qet a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, A trial will oonyinoe you of their merits. These pills are easy in sotion and are particu larly effective in the cure of constipa tion and sick headache. For malaria ucii liver troubles they have been proved invslunblo. They are guaranteed to be perfeolly tree frum every delettrious Riibstniioe and to be pnrely vegetable. They do not wenken by their notion, bnl by Hiving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate tbe system, Iiegnlar size 25o per box, Bold by Ulouum Drug (Jo., E. J. tslooum, mannger. Long Creek Eagle: Tbe Eagle is in receipt of a letter from Wm, Itudio, who is in the Alaskan ooontry with a band ol beef cattle. He was at Pyramid harbor, where he arrived May 23d. lie departed for Dan sou City on Jane 5th. Hhell Mound of Florida. A ship's oflicer who has spent muct time on the St. John's river, Florida, thinks that he has solved the problem to the origin of the shell moundr that occur along that strenm. The river ttvihU about in an extraordinary way, so that in many places, a view along the water extcmla for only a few rMla, but he finds thut a full objivt or the aiiioke of a tire hlioivu from the top of one of these niounila could lie m-cn from tlioxe next Wlow and alnive, and he U'llcvea that these cmiiieni ea wert Indian algnal at at lima, by ini'ans ol which the natives were able to an niiuuce the approach of a lntilc fore along the river, as the Creeks aitftutW the newa of the full tif Tmy t theli home eitlen by liglits on the iiiountair U, that were re peutcd from peak W nwsvk. fl)0 KKAKtt fP 1 1 Slldli ' enl 0. 1L A N. Heppner, Oregon Will be psid fn O. O. Ttkav, W. K. Oo.Ait, to the errest and LIBERTY MARKET Trav. I'sas. Agt. Otn'l Agl. Vli Third 81., ronland, Ore. 1 i Is IliA lacrt to ro to get . . I your nun iMirx nuti ismni t'lmi'S, steak and roasts. r iDiormaiinD leading oonvli lino of any per eoo stealing esttl branded "Wll" eon neetoil on the lrf I side. W addle on the oose. Paix t Ilronns 43DUV3 To fura t'un.tlpat loo Forix-rr. TaUe Ciscaiols Cuiulv I'utlinrtlc. luoor2Se. If C. C C. full to cure, urui!Kula refund roouey. Weekly ExinraloBi iu Throaick Can to tb Eakt. Another tbrongh tourist ear to tbe East l as been arranged to tun ont of Portland, giving fonr each week. Here after the car lerving Monday will run through witbont obange to Kansas City and Cblcst'o, over the O. ft. A N., Ore gon Short Line, Rio Ursnde Western, Drover k lllo Grande, Missouri Pacific and Chicago k Alton. That car has jost been arranged tor, and tbe one previous ly scheduled for Monday has been changed to Thursday. It runs tbrongh to bt. Loom, via the Missouri Piolflo line. The oar leaving Portland T need ay goes tbrnagb to Huston, and is promoted by tbe Chicago, ltock Island and I'scino Wednesday's oar runs to Hi. Joseph, Kanaas City snJ Ht. Louis, over tbe Uorlington. Ail tbeae special Ibrongb eats ers receiving a gratifying patronage Consult O. K. k N. Agcbt ttefore baying tickets to the bast. The distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo- onm, or Mew xotk City, (lemonstratine his disoovery of a reliable oure for Con sumption (Pulmonary' Tuberculosis), bronohial, long and. chest troubles, stubborn oongbs, oatarrbal affuotions, general deoline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, will send THREE FREE BOT TLES (all different) of his New Dis coveries to any atnicted reader or this paper writing for tbem. Bis "New Scibntifio Treatment" hss oared thousands permanently by its timely nse, and he considers it a simple professional doty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible on re. Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently experi menting for years, has produced results as beneficial to humanity as con be ol aimed by any modern genius. His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are cnrnble in any olimste is proven by "heartfelt letters ot grati tude," tiled in his American and Euro- peso laboratories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world. Tbe dread Consumption, uninter rupted, means speedy sod certain death. Simply write to T. A. Hlocnro, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, giving post- otllce and express address, and the free medicine will be promptly sent direct from bis laboratory. Sufferers should take innlnut advan tage of bis generons proposition. Please tell tbe Doctor that you saw this in tbe Gazette, published at Hepp ner, Oregon. J uly U-7-I r. FORYOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates Heretofore the Gazette's job depart ment has tried to do no work other then plain printing. However, this shop is now prepared to taokle anything in any line and will meet prices of any person under the sun in the line of drnggisfa supplies, blank books, batik work oonnty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork that you have heretofore sent away to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a obarity concern but if yon will give us a ohuuoe we will see tbut you are satisfied in every particular. Buy your goods at home. Remember that Abe Lincoln said that when one bought goods away from home tbe foreigner got the money aud we gnt the goods. But when the goods were bought at home we had both money and goods. This is good doctrine. We are willing to abide by it. Wben the printing drummer comes to town, re member it and call up 'phone No, 8, 560-tf "Tire lldlalor Line" FISH EVEHY FRIDAY Tin I'Kit mifl ham sti l twn I'ltr IM. a-ltl ri,l(r. oM lil.hr! wt. . ,, I) I. Ill at ! a It KM. MATIIKWS. Pit Mi, IVIuJ i jUori. Nivlp'iioi Co TXLA.vcxn.ej omts cm" 4o 'Rtounror yriCKTlMKTO. f Ntfaoo WaalllliiMR l'ALT1ikl Sm toss IWrrtM) All oilier Mlels la the It! at.. I feitithaMl Ow.n Kakata OlTt H. Jnaira t. lot ia llrs) t'eki IWfot roae(Ui4i at Ht. I'aul, Minarapiilia, Kansas 1'itr, Omahs Ht. Umle and oilier nnii eaot MNate ttste eLn kel lhrou.li lo tUetmslioti ol IkkaU. Tlieoegb tk ka lo Jaias and t 'bins, via eblp Uoitipeay'e Una. Kof full Isfortnallnn, lime eat la, maps, liekeia, t, tall i of wrtle W. 0. ALtaasT, A. I CMtkLto. Agt M. f. (r. Asst. (Is. I sm. At. Tbtl!!M,0r, rtlsoJ, Of Keep Sleep m Eel m. 1 nn: vtoi. itr.coiu) Telle Vest Hete De ll. Ily sprettl arrar gmtt we tffr lt fea-lrlS The Wool llccord nJ Mti.t W.sty (UlMtis ntie year l. I t t. The W.hiI lUe 1 1 is the t.ly eaiiunal i. orgaa an I tV't.rs the ul In Juatry lril Ibe taisit.g of the ttwwp e the erll leg ot lle fcaaiifwtar. wtlel. ll la sI.IUIh. vssv.tv ai Nrw Y.wk and ih. regular .ti ! fjlil y.r. Ilaauaikrl rHrt fan ai,4 p,Hr,p at,,) n Hisi Itivtslvtn Talks aluce ere Ik Hi ! iim ,4 it .. H.I1M ! n tat) S I lt.rtl . Ue battiy rv.t,n1a, ,is nmtU- V'O I J if intenribere. lh oe will The tmtre si ,'VI a. m When yon go lo Portland, sip off Tl.e IHU and laks a trip down th Coliiiulna; )oa will enj y it, eni noxor. W. C. At LA WAT. Oenerel AgBl QUIOIC TXivxn I thrmtl ok of maMra. The dicmfrt of xo-u.ive vlbra tlun on lxanl tint fa-t aaillng ocean learner ha inrrcaM-d an much wit! the lucrea In the wv of travel thai InveMlgallon hive Im-co made tnt the aublevt with view nf nualifyinj the InisiiivrniriM e raie.l t pawn grra. An epparatua Ima tt-rn 4lel for nu-auring nd n-uiHlrrlng the vt bratlotia. Apart fni lh- e-ricn gained with wnrdiiim ami t.rped UMita. lbratUtt t(B Ut-n nbarnrrd It re-rnt t intra n all the lanre fat tner chant alcamrra. 'I he WMial litre ia th thla vibration la due to the action o the tuiwirfiil i-nsriitr. Hit, hieer larmmriMia, for It I lw fnund th the caitM- rotiklata .li ly tn the unlaot brlwrrn the tiumbrr tit rrimlulliina o the englnea and Ihe numlrr f vibre li.iiia of the atilp Him KriinolHOo 44allMMlaJif.la,tail Southern Huciflc Co rv S'v iavr ttnMi I - W all y...,-1. w4 , l.rao.1 hoi. K.ll ol ih Tank '. fU-m HaflaS SarB4 taMai tr.. anttM a., ..Mtii aw4 lmm ft a 1 1 lot li,lw. -.wainaa I a s.. Kit as, h. UtKH4M t f rrtso'l. t'raxf? A I'M rilsaiwin, A eltlrrn f Albany, i . own (alaniiNint. It h rapluml rintng, ami hm Wrn nslui-rd ti pH litis Statements for the Famous Simple Acoount File printed al the Gaztto of floe. If. SPOKANE FALLS 4 NORTHERN NELSON t FORT SHErPARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS The Only All-Rail Route Without Change of Cars Between Spokane, Rossland and Nelson. Also bet wet n Nelson sol Rossland, daily except Sunday: Imti hiii A. M ... Hut A. M ... W A.H fRLlN6T0N-P05SIL STA6ELINE H. REED !c r, A. G. OGILVIE f Pne'on. FARE FROM ARLINGTON TO Fossil (0) miles). ..fSUO Hound trip I'JOO ayvuie(.Miniie). 400 Round trip 700 Condon (: milt).. Soo Round trio 600 Clem (2H lnllns).... UK) Round trip 850 Olex (l miles) 1 50 Round trip 3 50 Stage leaves Arlington every morning (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock; is dne at Condon at 3 p. m. and arrives at Fos sil nt 7 p. m. Comfortable covered cosohes and esre f al, experienced drivers. . Hpukan . It. inl . Malaua... A trim. S;40 P. M. . M 4S P. M. annnart,ima at Nalwm with laaiiims tr Kaalo, and all k.H.twml ka pointa. i-aiwaawa ir - riniti iti.ar an. I ennnoarf wk cuuosct at Mamas witli aUur tUilv. NEW NAME! Win. (Jordon has re-named his Htaml tlie oM Jones livery stable Olio Contrnl. BalinJ hay for sal, ('har, rwisonahla Tall on blta and bava vour borm u rtt4 lor. Cord ray, tbe pioneer tbeatreman of 1'oitlaod in Ike line o( "popular prioee," has rt fitted the Wastington Ht. theatre, r,.rn,..l anB Iha Park I Cordray aleaya hss something Dew, and onr people, wben below, ran spend s pleaaat.1 evpiilng at hie place. II -TWD SPLEH1ID TBB1HS D!ILT TO THK EAST VIA Jim nni h LA roq r or i 01 jn i) Mil 1 1 UU11 m CATARRH 1 .Jr,??iiT Ask your Druggist f. mis 10 CENT TRIAL Size. Elj'iCreanBaliii iwiitui r m"-Kf r'r any wt"f In, ir.itfrtt2. It It J i-r 7 AHant t,t l:.-fsioiK. ft .., sn rt4iiw N (Ml I im,'. Au.ra lnttwmII.Ml II.. i. art hm-'i H'Wi'-rana. .f a-4 ru. r ii k i-i r t m i r COLD "i HEAD Rocky Mountain Limited rm tirSVUt, . . 'a.m. i "U. hl-HINna- , , i a.a,. TlTa.IN liN . . 1I 4. m " OMAHA . I i a. m. iMV1iirn . . l.Ha.m. " I'WrMtHtl . . a. m. " IHUAtiO . Iliw. N-st Iay TtimH Marfwra an4 t hai? Cam rlar, la I M' M ll tiliaM UinxMItluaU Tb ftaol Irala la lb t. Colorado Flyer iit M'UiNtJU ArrlvasluP'tkA . " A.SAS CITt t p. m. J P sa. 1 a. m. is a. as. Ar. T. U)l IH, (Wab K ) I! p m. . , arnwKi JKfirn iim, s ll a. m! U) a. m. tlmmih Hlwra r.ilom.1,, a,,Hh to Hi. L4 via VI altaak Uf. ht xm vn I.IV l N in Han) UXAIIA tlstta These are New Trains in allition to our fi rmer ervire for lrlirUfi and foUbm (tio tiavs of thM tr.'tis srrita gneif il.i llity Mhk h rnatlia ita iwi r In fi'tt-lli- eml play ith it. tfl Itir out. iMtMcvrr, m iU if -iui,U ratia aa Ui wliUh ar he stt.'k.a llir rats fur, f-ir Hie tialaril fi-riB-MuMwaa of hie ftalnr la. rrti after femr linpt iami- Birhl and training. raily miwl. aM fliaanarla an.t IM rnTtith r'.tlcr t4 liia etra al at h nvtm'ttta mUra him anjlliiiii tut an t)'--l ,f lTi tUmaK prui.l- rn'i-'n fr i; t n' ms r titters. He la r f I ta ijnartrrs ot WAIt IJOOK, hff I'nnvtrwman Jam kacsla Ymiiitf Al .i.... I Mar ithai'ain the ail l-trx HaMMhlt rt l ,.ttiii ai. l.lrah) l"r a" all f.hnltrnt ii,m Mt it MuaKa ..iiiin vr...ii.ir rat I authmatiih tM,i autliriiti-. nttw lal ! I rtiM rM win-. wry AnftMitti ran at it. Ia-Ii as s(Hr.(,ii as c1,!!!. S. ii th i.-rM ri,i.H I-S arm la rrt ISiiiwna V'.lit rft,a ml.f ! tn i,ir rf,..t).UiK i1.frtmt aii t,i, lh,f M ) ll ai l Stl In l ha Sf'l l'r .f l.. in .i..f trr alt K mill l mh.f 1mI.i pi.nl. 1 fmlMl,, fII.. t' r f -l l.np mmkt i bnoaa M1 Hfai l..tnt fnara, lt !!. l"ll lnl .! r'.tl rirht l-.lt Fnll twS M trtt4 t" l .itMl 4 nl a-l liit I ii', tl ! i.f bine ! ! . K,. u,i IM Mvvt uoos. cy.. c t (i c i ', W. M. riSITM. t,.a A.i.. lil vi ll f. A. M'LCOO. u. r. a . rortKA. HAtTIAN. I A., i till AiO That 14-Ycar Old Stuff. "Kolm's Best." . . . . On Tap Down at The Telephone Saloon e e e e ir is MAHlt Otiiiiiai New fist,-!, C,tf Jia.iiieg